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http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/bat man_v_superman_dawn_of_j

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 646
Thread images: 112

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Other thread is autosaging.

Tomatometer is at 41% for me.
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43%, BUDDY

Where were you when DC died?
It's autosaging when a mod says so and it stops getting bumped before bump limit, newfag.
Reminder that RT gave age of ultron a 75%
how does the scoring work?
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Trying my brand new fleshlight with some Korra porn.
On /tv/. I'm sorry /co/, I'm so sorry. I wanted to see their reaction but it sucked so I'm here.
>a movie that goes for seriousness is ridiculed by Marvel-addled GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN casual critics

The Death Of Sincerity continues...
>In other words, Batman v Superman is a sleek, stylish commercial by a studio desperate to birth a new cash cow post-Harry Potter. Almost every aspect of the film — from the shoehorning of Diana Prince (a beautifully blank Gal Gadot), aka Amazonian warrior Wonder Woman, into the plot to pointless cameos by several other fan-favorite DC characters — feels like it was decided in a boardroom instead of a writers’ pen. Moving away from the golden, airy feel of Man of Steel, Snyder apes the dark, brooding aura director Christopher Nolan brought to his Dark Knight trilogy. But he doesn’t have the breadth or vision to match the style: A lot of the movie feels like a retread, right down to the 956th retelling of the night in which a young Bruce Wayne saw his parents gunned down in front of him. Is there anyone left on the planet who still doesn’t know how Batman came to be?
It went from 41 to 42 then to 41 and now 43
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I just wanted this movie to be good guys. I was so excited.

What do I do now? I feel so deflated.
Age of Ultron was competently made and entertaining for families, as much as DCfriends want to deny it.
if nolan was in charge of the movie it would be at 100% right now

S-shut up!
which time? seems like we go through this every 5 years.
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>"DC B-B-BTFO...!"
I'm so sorry, anon. I really am.
i remembered seeing a review for AoU that had "Terrible movie, but A+ dialogue. Fresh Score!"
Sounds like a damn good time anon.
Find a less disappointing passion.

They're out there. You just got to keep an open mind.
>Lex Luther pisses in a cup
>piss cup
I feel like BvS should've been atleast the 4th movie in DCEU
Then JL A being 5th or 6th
It's updating slowly
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>Age of Ultron was competently made and entertaining
Watch it yourself and see how it is bruv

Best non spoiler review
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It was, came buckets.
> What do I do now?
Watch shitty japanese cartoons with me.

Dont go watch it. Take the word of some hipster critic who judges cape movies like shakespeare plays.
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Its over brothers. At least we still have the CW
Get hype for Civil War?
Fuck you, I want Blue and Gold on the big screen and the garbage tone of Snyder's films won't allow for that.
Are Tengas any good? I paid market price for fleshlights of Stoya's ass and Asa Akira's pussy and I need a mouth to complete the collection

Tengas are cheaper, right?
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Will they FINALLY take Snyder's toys away after this?
Will they send him to the unemployment line?
Will he direct episodes of The Flash after talking about it so patronizingly?

That would be very sweet.
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Post YFW not a DCfriend
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>literally 2 hours since the embargo was lifted & only 37 out hundreds posted their reviews.
>/co/ goes into a /tv/ shitposting frenzy
Someone please explain why Superrobot Returns has a 75% on RT
How can a review explicitly state BvS is not a good movie but still be counted as fresh?
45% on top critics
You go see the movie and make your own opinion about it.
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>Once a colony of bats literally lifts Bruce Wayne up in the air as a Christ-like figure, you’re probably watching a movie that takes itself pretty seriously.
>a movie that goes for seriousness
>a capeshit movie
Choose one
You sound so fucking stupid holy christ.
Dammit, /co/, you told me this would be good. What went happened? To think I had faith in you, /co/...
i read part of the movie , this seems worse.
I'm not that hyped for Civil War because Civil War the comic fucking sucks

but TWS was top notch so it's pretty much the exact opposite of the situation BvS was in
I'll try.

I'm so worried about Suicide Squad now.
Is this how people feel about sports?
>/tv/ goes into a /tv/ shitposting frenzy

>top critics
What's that?
I wouldn't know, this is my first one that isn't just some 1 use thing.
Never had one of those $60 ones, so I can't compare.
Feels good though, and it's definatly $20 well spent.
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come May, Marvel will dominate with their gay romance super hero flick
Competently made is a stretch but it was entertaining. From the descriptions of BvS it just sounds boring.
This. You guys were really on the edge of your seats for this shit.
Welp, I guess Avengers 4 villain is Darkseid. WB is going bankrupt and Disney will buy its rights before FOX's.
>Be MCUfag
>Don't shit on DCEU because I also want it to be good
>It's bombing harder than Belgium
>Kinda saw it coming
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You sound so fucking salty holy christ.
*What happened? What went wrong
Christ, I shouldn't be drinking.
Don't be, Ayer is directing it.

Hack Snyder needs to be fired.
I realy don't want to sit through a two and a half hour movie if I'm not going to like it.
Yes. I used to be an Arsenal fan but all the heartbreak turned me off football forever. I don't even watch anymore.

I don't want to watch a movie that turns me off Batman forever, /co/. What do?
I don't think I was even born yet
Fortunately the movie completely ignores the comic aside from the concept of hero infighting over registration.
Stay off /co/ for 2 weeks it can only get worse
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>and piss in a cup. No, seriously. Lex, being the vindictive-and-unhinged replacement for the Joker that he is, leaves his own personal cup of “peach tea” for a character
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>What went happened?
Hack Snyder.
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>a colony of bats literally lifts Bruce Wayne up in the air as a Christ-like figure
...Give me 10 tickets.

>but it was entertaining
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I'm still seeing it. Twice. And buying the blu-ray. Most of you will do the same.
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Wait, do you guys here actually take Rotten Tomato scores seriously?

Are you all autistic?
>labeling yourself as a companyfag

Critics are invited to Singer's twink parties.
That was a complaint people had with MoS, too. I didn't agree, but I am also very easy to entertain.
Solemnity isn't synonymous with sincerity. Least of all when that solemnity is imparted chiefly through color filters and the score rather than characterization.
pretty much my reaction. I don't really understand people ITT that wanted the movie to be bad. Why would you ever want a movie to be bad? I expected it to be bad but I was hoping I was wrong; a Batman vs Superman movie should be awesome.
It's not fair, Batman and Superman should've had the romance superhero flick.

World's Finest and all.
Rotten tomatoes lets you just look at the scores and review from the "top" critics. Instead of all of them.
>counter memeing

holy shit I'm dying. This damage control is even better then the consistently bad reviews of BvS
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>your first love dies
>inmediatly not only jump to someone else, but to your best friend
>Cap was the slut all along
Is this the biggest plot twist since the reveal of Palpatine being the Senate?
Angry reminder that every one of you started this stupid ass "KEKEKEK DC IS FINISHED WE WERE RIGHT KILL YOURSELVES" with your smug Chris Evans reaction images as soon as the VERY FIRST review came out. How can anyone take you seriously. How do you take yourself seriously, and how do you sleep at night knowing you're so stupid?
Everyone in this thread are firing on all cylinders of stupidity. This board is dead.
Yeah, but the DC writers will have to look for a new place to work real soon.
When no one was looking Lex Luthor peed in forty cups. He peed in 40 cups. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible.
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>YFW they let Synder keep directing JL
reminder for as whedontastic as AoU is, this is worse.
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Thank you bruv

I have loads of passions, but I was just excited about this ya know?

I'd rather not waste that time if I don't like it.

>new 52 is good
Only watch Marvel™ movies from your friends at Disney™!

Don't bother actually seeing DC movies, or ever give them a chance.
Why the hell are people even hyped for cape movies? They almost never stay anywhere true to the comics.
>Why would you ever want a movie to be bad?
Because Marvel hates DC's guts.

So the top critics are RT's sponsors?
>34 different reviewers all from LA

Why is LA filled with such a cesspool of NEET shits that can only review shit?

Seriously, I'd expect 34 high quality critic reviews for the total of the West Coast. How many fucking reviewers think their opinions need to be heard?
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Just a quick summary of what this movie has got:

>Young Bruce Wayne being lifted by bats in a god-like fashion
>Lex Luthor pissing in a cup
>Lex Luthor taking pictures of Martha and labeling them "Witch"
>Newscasters making jokes about how a fight scene took place after work hours. Then mentioning how the fight moves to an un-populated island.
>Superman killing some terrorist. Again
>Batman killing people left and right.
>Lois throwing a Kryptonite spear to the ocean for the lulz, only for her and supers to fish it out later

I don't know guys, sounds like the chances of it going from 40 RT to 90 is pretty high!!!!
preorder tickets for civil war
still Rotten by 20% then
When the sales go up I can guarantee you these threads will transform into /v/ style sales threads
I'm not saying Batman v Superman is bad; I personally find it entertaining and charming in a "so cheap and silly it's good" sort of way. It also makes me appreciate how far the DCEU has come from Man of Steel. But you're lying to yourself if you can't see that the movie is pretty shit overall. That doesn't mean it's unlikable, though. You can like whatever you want, that's how opinions work and I don't look down on anyone who enjoys it. But some people need to grow out of their deniability and realize how objectively poor the quality of the material is instead of pretending their tastes are wildly superior to anyone who doesn't indulge in dated media.
delicious salty pasta
N52 pulled itself together tho

Then dont go see it you whiny little piss baby.
Maybe not /co/, but every other casual in existence takes Rotten Tomatoes as gospel.
Fuck. Are they going to cancel the rest of the DCCU? Their first two films got mixed to negative reviews.
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>awkward as fuck
>piss bottles
So, Lex is the average /a/ lurker?
We did not but Normie did and guess what? This time literally everyone shit on it not just RT.
Nah, just the critics that are most famous or work for big magazines/newspapers
>*mic drop*
Hi Bendis.
if only there were more than 150 people who regularly visit /co/
Because Southern California is basically Mexico
And this is why Marvel is better than DC. Gwenpool will get a good movie before Wonder Woman ever will
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Cause and effect anon all the MCU shitposting just stirs of DCU shitposting you're saying this board is dead but it's actually never changed
Not even accurate, since a lot of the reviewers giving it bad reviews are saying how it has too much of a focus on philosophy.
Oh no. Don't turn my spur-of-the-moment rant into a pasta. Please.
>>CBR review
>>Too gritty and dark
>>Wonder Woman was best part

It's almost like a parody.

The movie hasn't even come out yet and you're already stitching together different reviews together to try and talk down to it.
>>Superman killing some terrorist. Again
No, it's Superman being framed for killing a terrorist whose cause of death is gunshot wounds.
As a DC fan, I'm not bothered. These guys have millions to produce a film and can't even write a decent script. Fuck them, I won't defend this disaster. Back to comics, I guess.
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>/TV/ and /co/ being this retarded for less then 52 reviews
>big magazines/newspapers
>which need the support of film companies
>therefore a critic must write what the film company wants to read
That's gotta be the worst job ever.
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Does it have to be over 65% to be fresh?
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>B L U N D E R

>O F

>T H E

>C E N T U R Y

Alright, /co/...

Who want's to take bets that even the upcoming Power Rangers movie will perform better than this?

Man, I miss RPM...
god i fucking KNEW you were all shilling. never trust 4chan
Over 60%
I'm sorry anon, I've already started.
I'm so sorry. Forgive me.
It's too late. You've failed this city.
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Only after it cancelled half of it's books, yeah, and even then only half of what's left now is any good.
Hi Zack.
I honestly don't like Snyder, I'm not going to see this film... But man, hopefully it IS good for the people who were excited for this.

Having said that, hopefully Snyder gets the boot and recast Wonder Woman. DC characters are great, they deserve great movies and to be admired by everyone.
>they changed the SW RT page for TFA to have Duracell batteries because apparently Duracell bought ad space on the SW RT page
Can't make this up
>As a DC fan
Heh, sure.
Yeah Marvel can definitely handle Superman, look at how good a job they did with the Sentry.
Will the candidates address this tragedy tonight
So by some stance we can expect WB to bite the bullet and get paid reviews to push this movie over the top to a get a fresh rating.

All these bad movies are gonna push quality directors away from the universe

I just read a review of someone complaining about Batman training in a cave and saying it tries too hard to appeal to male machismo...yeah no kidding
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Fuck off.

They need to ditch the new Wonder Woman flick and make a new Batman movie and try to reset things. I'm sorry but Wonder Jew has stinker written all over it.
It's just extracting bits that people didn't like. Confirmed by many sources.

It's like if Spider-man 3 came out today and people were complaining about the dancing emo scenes. It's not like I am bashing the overall plot.
Reminder for everyone that even if BSM is just mediocre, some reviewers are going to come out of the woodwork to say its shit before the bulk of reviewers can put up their thoughts.
>reading comics you dislike
But why?
How reliable is RT anyway?
Wonder Jew is more popular than Batfleck it seems.
Also Wondys finished filming
>hasn't even seen it for yourself
Okay senpai
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>it's obvious they don't know how to write a character

>implying Marvel has relied on its character writing at any point and not just flashy action and one-liners

Do we actually have any comic book artist/writers in these shitposting threads at all or maybe comic book artist/writers?

That'd be really hilarious if they're in here shitposting with us.
Happy I'm not spending a ticket on this like I did for MoS and Green Lantern. Sad that WB probably still won't get a clue to kick Snyder out. Also Marvel Studios needs healthy competition.
What DC SHOULD do is just hand over film rights to their characters over to Marvel Studios. They would do so much better it's not even funny.
Not much; it's used for shitposting here.
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Just wait 2 more hours. It'll be at least 70% by then.
>all from LA

>Irish Times
>Nick De Semlyen, London-based journalist at UK mag Empire
>Daily Telegraph (UK)
>New York Post
>Matt Maytum, Total Film, UK
>Hugh Armitage, Digitalspy, UK
>Carolina Ruiz, En Filme, Mexico
>Blog de cine, Mexico

I could go on but that's 25% of the total already
Go look up your favorite movie on it.
>comic books
>not DRAMA books

>so mentally deficient he can't comprehend writing deeper than "I MUST DEFEAT YOU FOR GOOD!"

Christ, /tv/ wasn't joking about this place.

Here, this may suit your level of intelligence.
He doesn't want to be back. Just look at the exchange between him and Snyder about using Batman.


>“You tell me if you don’t want me to do it,” Snyder told Nolan. After a silence, Nolan said, “Well, we don’t own these characters. When you’re done making Batman movies, someone else will [make them].

He wised up about these superhero flicks, while Snyder still lives in a dream work.
Look up your favorite movies and see for yourself.
Over 50%, but 10% of 50 is 5 and my fingers are too fat to dial.
>checking IP count
>not moving
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>trusting Rottentomatoes
Ugh! Like Ugh! Don't you all know that RT is literally Adolf Hitler? This is the same hack website that have Max Landis's movies (yes, THE Max Landis) rotten scores. This is of course absurd since Max Landis's movies are better than air. In short, Rotten Tomatoes is evil and you should never trust them senpai
Are you that retarded that you can't form an opinion on your own? Jesus, stop using 4chan for a week or two and get some perspective on life. Goddamn, it's your life. Go live it and form your own opinion on things. Don't give up on something just because another perspective enjoyed it or didn't enjoy it.

Christ almighty, leave this shit on /r9k/.
ITT: People who haven't seen the movie
It's like I really am on /tv/. Gonna watch it maybe tomorrow, the day after or monday at the latest. I'll have fun.
How will I know I don't like them if I don't read them?
I only buy what I know I'm most likely going to enjoy anyways. Everything else goes on my tablet.
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Can someone shoop Terrio's face on the false god statue?

>Overlong, underdeveloped and almost entirely humorless, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice may please die-hard fans by pitting two DC icons against each other. Everyone else may want to wait for the next Marvel movie.
No, over 60%

MoS is 55% and has a rotten rating
Been saying this since it was announced.
All this movie has going for it is the fucking name.
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Can't have 2 bombs in one day I guess.
Is that the model you got? Where from?
Can't wait for May when this board truly explodes:
>James Gunn promised Civil War is awesome, one of the best
>actors all said that it's the perfect blend between smart suspense and character drama but that it doesn't forget fun and humor and it has the best jokes in the MCU
>reportedly has the absolute best test screenings of any Marvel movie

90%+ RT here we go.
Haha what a faggot.
It's pretty much done at this point. They'll try and salvage it, but Affleck and Cavill may be done.
lol what a fucking faggot
Shit. Meant to quote
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Thank you guys.

NOW I finally want to see the movie to be able to properly shitpost. If it had been decent I wouldn't have bothered.

Don't want to miss all the new memes.
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Dcucks literally the same level as Tripfags and Max Landis.

are any of you seriously not considering suicide ?
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I still gonna go and watch it cause I liked man of steel, watchmen and 300.
>Fresh - 16
>Rotten - 22
I thought you guys said it'd score 90%
At least DC's comics are still better than marvel.
Is it better than Sucker Punch?
I don't have one
Amazon, it was on sale a few days ago.
Be sure to read the descriptions though, that one can be opened and you can clean the thing inside, others are one use only.
I'm serious when I say I support this.
Fuck DC they are over. The best thing they can do is fold and let Disney buy them out. Think of all the good they can do to actually invigorate the brand. Not only could they handle the movies better, but could actually make the comics actually interesting and not the giant snore fests that they are now.
>implying you need to watch a movie to hate it

So you like to read comics you dislike. Your problem, I guess.
MCU Captain America is the modern Superman for mainstream audiences.
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this desu
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>ITT: People who haven't seen the movie and the opinions of people who have

Well, the Russos handled humor better than Whedon, so I'm looking forward to Civil War.
It will eventually, just watch
Sucker Punch at least has hot girls.
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Same. I even enjoyed TDKR and Tom Hardy as Bane.
They'll judge it as a Shakespeare play if Snyder tries too fucking hard with Gods and Men and Demons imagery.
well I think we are past the point of it getting into the 80s now
>people will pay shekels just to shitpost about DC
BRAVO WB, the planned for this all along
Who /hidinginrebirththreads/ from now on?
The comic side can't fuck up worse than this
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yeah im with you there, i like both but i enjoy dc more because i actually like drama and plot and character development thats not gender bent or one liners but i dont give a shit about any of the movies, as long as they make good comics they could put batman on the silver screen and get cpt america to ass fuck him for 2 and a half hours then release an uncut version thats 3 hours of raw ass fucking.
XD you do realize the only reason Wonder Woman's in this movie is to pander to SJWs right?
Can't have more bombing and tragedy in europe

Hhe, captcha was actually selecting all the tea
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Perhaps I can be of assistance.
>wonder woman's erotic skeleton dance isn't hot
16 positive
22 negative

it's like one step forward, two steps backward
>Everyone else may want to wait for the next Marvel movie
>fold and let Disney buy them out

DC is owned by Warner Bros. you fucking retard.
Stop trying to fuel company wars. They're doing fine already.
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Superman ruined the movie again
cast him and zack into the abyss
embrace Batman and Wonder Woman
I love this image. Sadly, this is really how DC sees it.
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They're not even infighting over registration. They're in-fighting over Bucky. Registration is just a backdrop to establish the teams and explain why they would be fighting over Bucky.
how will this board take it if BvS has a bad RT score but have a high box office gross?
Yeah we're looking at something close to final on scores.
>every attack on DC is Marvel propaganda
I love to be right.
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Marvel are you even trying?
Bucky is the last straw that makes Cap go rogue.
He initially goes along, although he doesn't want to.
He finally just leaves when they order him to kill Bucky.

>*mic drop*

Stay the fuck away from Superman, Bendis you fat fuck.
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I'm a bit of a masochist
Honestly, they just need to hire a competent director. Like it or not, Snyder is one of the worst mainstream directors in history. He floats by on mediocre action movies that do really well at the box office and somehow, everyone gets hyped every time one of his movies comes out.

Uh oh, it's going viral!
Dude, recharge your battery.

Hence your love for Marvel.
It will end up like Sony shitposting on /v/
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>Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a treat for the eyes, but it will hurt your brain and break your heart.
Pretty much what I expected, really. Just hope Batman is the only good thing about the movie and that Snyder isn't involved in the solo movie.
>And if you thought that Superman didn't act like Superman in Man of Steel, you will probably disapprove of Zack Snyder’s version of Batman. Affleck looks the part and the new costume is the best one ever, but this new Batman mutilates his criminals and kills without pause. Batman spends most of Batman v Superman acting like the film’s villain, and when you ultimately find out why - that is, the REAL reason why - it doesn’t speak very highly of Bruce Wayne. At all.
>going from 40
>to 90

I bet you also think Jeb Bush will win the presidency.
fanboys are about to happening again
Not for much longer. After this bombs worse than Pluto Nash I can only dream that WB will be doing everything they can to get rid of DC.
Exactly. Bucky is what causes the Civil War. Registration just puts the pieces into place. In the comic, Cap went rogue because he was against the very idea of registration. Here he's reluctantly agreeing, and doesn't go rogue until Bucky enters the picture.
I'm writing a novel so I'm just gonna work on that. This movie, the recent MCU shit, coupled with the Hobbit, is proof that 'geek-culture' is at an all-time low.

Fuck that, I'm writing words and they're great.
Shitty flicks make hundreds of millions of dollars all the time, anon.
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I'm actually reading these reviews and they sound like me when I was trying to get to the 300 word limit back in high school.

Man...people get paid to write paragraphs where they're shoe-horning as many "SAT" words as they possibly can to talk down to something?
>That audience score

Poor DC
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Overlong, underdeveloped and almost entirely humorless, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice may please die-hard fans by pitting two DC icons against each other. Everyone else may want to wait for the next Marvel movie.

>that Snyder isn't involved in the solo movie.
Affleck is gonna direct it himself.
Woah, hey now. I still have standards.
I haven't picked up a Marvel book in years.
It started at like 9% like an hour ago and was a bunch of people complaining it was too philosophical and or tried to be smart for a superhero movie. This was the same issue with MoS that it wasn't typical marvel stuff. Obviously this would be in the same vein.

Almost everyone at pre screenings seemed to like it. Critics are immensely harsher on this type of movie since it can't perfectly excel at being a drama and a high tier action movie so they grade it against that. But the score is on the rise. I still believe come after the weekend it will be much higher. But still polarized. People need to watch the movie and decide for themselves.
>Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a treat for the eyes, but it will hurt your brain and break your heart.
Is there even a better way to describe Snyder than this?
What a poet.
Yes, but I mean that Bucky isn't the only reason he has to fight Iron Man, it's obvious he won't trust the government after what happened in TWS.
>being this delusionally

Boy you're dumber than I thought, and have absolutely zero business sense.
>this new Batman mutilates his criminals and kills without pause
>kills without pause

Its funny seeing all these people who haven't read TDKR
Yeah, but what if it makes more millions of dollars than the most certified fresh movie? Quite the conundrum.
How long until Aquaman provokes a tsunami to destroyed all of Japan just to beat some guy in JL?
Where were you when furries wiped the floor with Batman?
>this new Batman mutilates his criminals and kills without pause


So sorry DCfriends, I only hated on this movie because hack Snyder is involved. This franchise deserved better.
>intial reaction was nothing but praise
>professional critics claiming it's terrible
This is what I don't get. The sheer hypocrisy of this defense.
>Snyder's movies are modern art masterpieces! They're deep and thought provoking and serious! Not like those shitty fun baby movies!
>Why are critics treating this like it's Shakespeare?! It's not fair!

Do you guys even know what you want anymore?
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>Burton Batman 2.0
He doesn't kill in TDKR except the mutant boss, and that was an duel to the death.
Initial reaction is always praise.
They're making it so that Bucky as the Winter Solider killed Stark's parents, right? That coupled with the whole thing in Ultron properly justifies Stark's position. Meanwhile, Captain America has the events in WS and the fact that he knows Bucky may deserve a chance pitting him against Stark. It's more personal than the whole registration thing, but it makes sense for the movies.
How many people does he willingly kill in TDKR, again? I don't remember any, unless he killed the mutant leader.
It's funny seeing all these people who don't get that this isn't an adaptation of TDKR
>implying literally anyone hasn't read TDKR
It's the very definition of casual bait, anon. I bet you think TDKR's portrayal of Superman is how Superman should be potrayed too, amirite?
He sent a dude's head through the floor in the third trailer
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All in favor of just destroying the DC movie universe and sticking to tv?
>He doesn't kill in TDKR except the mutant boss

He killed the mutant girl who was holding a kid hostage.

With a headshot.

From an M60.
>He doesn't kill in TDKR except the mutant boss
He doesn't kill the mutant boss.
He only kills the baby kidnapper.
This is why DC films have been shit since TDKR, they let the director do too much of their own thing.

Call the MCU bland or safe but they are proven and reliable.
>yfw Zootopia wins the Box Office this week too
>Excited fanboys that get to see it before anyone else, some for free, are more lenient than actual professionals.

Whoa, there must be something amiss here.
or apparently haven't seen a batman movie before
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>professional critics claiming it's terrible
This movie's going to end up like Man of Steel.
There's a difference between brutality and Bat of Murder.
Reminder to all true comic book fans: This is only the beginning.

Do your part and go out and do anything to trash BvS. If you know someone who supports or has a positive view of the movie find any way to humiliate them. If you know anyone supporting DC comics, do what you can to shut them down.
>Everyone else may want to wait for the next Marvel movie.

Uh so the rumors are true, Disney employees are the ones writing reviews for this.
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Pic related and "Rubber Bullets. Promise."
Also they've said several times that they pretty much took Bruce from TDKR and stuck him in a different universe.
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I bet this guy feels like a huge retard... oof

Are you suggesting that we're going to be shitposting about this movie for the next four years?

I mean. Yeah, but still.
I don't think he even killed him. I think he just beat the fuck out of him.
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>literally posts the most mainstream criticism of TDKR, one that Miller himself acknowledged, in an attempt to look like some hardcore fan
Hi ComicBookMovie.com
I just wanted to see Superman doing Superman things. I was willing to put up with Batman doing Batman things, but mostly I just wanted to give a shit about the characters. Why is this so fucking hard?
Is that your new meme /TV/?
>They're making it so that Bucky as the Winter Solider killed Stark's parents, right?
That was already confirmed in TWS. Dunno if Tony knows that though
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>it was Warner Bros fault guys I swear.
Great poster, too bad the movie it was for made me return my imax tickets
>but muh kino

Fucking Warner Bros trying to emulate Nolan, man.
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Why are people incapable of separating DC from Marvel? Always the same brain dead people taking the sides of billion dollar corporations and defending them with their lives although they dont even get a penny from them.

Just watch the damn movie as its own entity.
>implying wallowing in self-doubt and insecurity isn't the most Superman thing around

Unless all those dumb shits who keep on telling us that "Superman is about the inner conflict, not the powers" are wrong
I'm so hyped for THE BATTLE IS BIGGER IN IMAX®: Select footage filmed with IMAX® cameras.
Reviewing films is their job, so yes, they're professionals.
>if I take the guy who directed Fantastic Four's tweet, and make it Zack Snyder's, I'll play an epic prank on /co/! Hahahah!
Don't worry, I'm sure this movie will give plenty of better meme-fodder than bat of Murder.
Why you mad the superior company is going to blow your movie out of the water? I honestly feel sorry for you DC fans. No one gives a shit about you even your own publisher.

How do you dumb fucks not see that DC being taken away and put into better hands is not a good thing?
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Get a life.
I've never wished someone had a trip more than with this guy. I NEED to know how his brain works.

You mean with zealots declaring any criticism as not counting because reasons?
...No shit man. They're doing that NOW.
top kek
750m box office confirmed
Or he is feeling great because he just bough himself a nice new dragon dildo with the shill money.
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Seriously dude this is fucking stupid these people need to be fired.

"Its not fun." "Its humorless, wait for Marvel movies."
As terrible as it sounds, they probably got paid for their opinions.
I think he dose after all the hydra secrets got exposed.
That josh trunk tweet always makes me smile
>Alas, as Snyder can be visually all-powerful, his movies cannot be all good. They probably never will be. And if we crave his stylings, we're just going to have to take the bad with the good.

>Because Batman v Superman is an atomized mess of a story, with loopy shortcuts, confounding red herrings and overblown dialogue at every turn. Each characters' motivation is hanging by a thread: Why is Lex Luthor doing this? Why is Batman doing that? There's a big "Why?" dragging down decisions and grudges and just about everything else, but — holy concussive jolt Batman, did that explosion rattle our skulls or what?

>They almost never stay anywhere true to the comics.
Why would anyone want that anyway? I don't watch movies to have the same story repeated for me, I want something new.
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How can you take that critic seriously?
I'm wondering what happens if you filter by removing critics biased towards Marvel.
Can't find it now... maybe you got the last!
From the tone of that I think that OP has ~50% chance of just being a troll/false flagger. Not really sure though.
Because humans are drawn to competitions
damage control from a fanboy.

They're giving it poor scores because it's more of the same grim muted garbage as MoS.

The review I read said that anything intelligent it had to say came in tiny bites, and was buried under endless Michael bay style CGI landmark destruction.
Everything points to this being a long slog of explosions and grimacing.
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no the RT score of your latest movie is zack.

>40% and dropping.
yet your post implies it should be taken more serious than the opinion of your average movie goer.
Nah I'm sure it will still break a cool bill.
>I've never wished someone had a trip more than with this guy. I NEED to know how his brain works.

He was shitposting.


I wish Civil War hadn't been pushed back. I'd have given anything for BvS and Civil War to come out on the same month.

It would have been the shitpostpocalypse.











>"I don't know how to feel, I gotta see it again"


>Not enough quips
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>when your movie reaches 20%...then I'll let you reboot
why is being humorless a bad thing?
Yea... I think it's gonna settle at 40%...
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Why are Marvel drones writing the RT reviews?
I bet it's not that it isn't funny, it's that it tries to be grimdark and fails
Furries have tons of disposable income & a dedicated following
>Civil War on its way to 90%+ RT
>Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther both have proven directors with a top notch RT ranking
Marvel won.
Hey not my fault there is a opportunity to put down a dead diseased animal while we can. DC is actively dragging the entire industry down the shitter and if we can get rid of it then all fans can profit.
Because getting paid by Disney qualifies you a as a professional critic
...jesus take a chill pill. The tweet is infamous, especially on this board. I doubt his intention was to genuinely fool anyone.
That wasn't my post tho.
If they ditch Snyder, who do you want to direct the Justice League movie?
Heard from different reviews it is.
>the superior company
>your movie
>feel sorry for

How does it feel to be the literal caricature of a human being in fanboy form?
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Post yfw Ben Affleck became Ryan Reynolds.
You got it wrong, BvS was pushed forward.
If the only authoritatively good body of work you you can summon from the western canon to work your rhetoric is Shakespeare, then you've all but confirmed that you have no goddamn clue what you're talking about.

I doubt you've read or seen any Shakespeare in your life.

>almost entirely humorless

>This is a valid criticism somehow

It's like going to a horror film and being surprised at all the gore and mutilation
The problem with your argument is that far fewer people complained about Nolan's movies (well, the first two) and they were also extremely philosophically inclined and also tried to be smart.

You know what the difference was? They succeeded,. They are *actually smart* instead of just trying to be.
>not liking fury road
>even with the mask
>even with the taking off the mask scene



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>they sank $250 million into it
>supposed to be the tentpole movie that would bounce WB back from a lackluster year of flops
>they're already getting ready to film JL (also it might get canned again like George Miller one)
>once again WB/DC is the laughing stock of capeshit movies
>the mouse wins again

I found this clip to be very appropriate
>I wasn't paying attention to the movie
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head looks fine to me.
How about Warner just ask Marvel for some pointers?

I bet it would turn out all right.

That's the one, thing is I bought it from the Spanish Amazon, which has different stock.
Actually though, Miller.
Rotten Tomatoes is owned by WB.
Clooney and West were the only ones that didn't kill
"Captain Marvel" will be its first flop.
And if it isn't, then it's proof that either Disney/Marvel is bribing critics, or critics are as much in denial of things they like being awful as fans can be.
says the Tripfag whos been shilling for this shit movie since day 1.
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>Batman kills
great, now they can never do this moment.
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We could have had this instead years ago. Look where that got you, WB.
23 rotten now

This, Batman didn't shoot the mutant girl with a bullet.

He fired a ketchup packet at her, the force stunning her for long enough to rescue the babby.
All these reviews asking for more jokes, jesus. If this were any other movie, even another action one, no one would ever think of saying something so stupid
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Me too, buddy, me too. I always feel like I'm on the wrong side of history with what I enjoy, it's driving me nuts.

Maybe this "geek culture" wave will enjoy Suicide Squad much better. I feel like way too many people wanted BvS to suck, and here we are.
It's real, also Batman is brutal as fuck and basically destroys the shit out of Lexcorps guards when he breaks into their facility

Those guys aren't even criminals!
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>this guy is still supposed to be our hero
Well there we go. We are at the point where fanboys are so obsessed that they are preaching violence against other comic fans.

Fuck eh.
It's Snyder's fault and you know it.
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It's obvious this movie was going to blow when they tried to fit too much into it, it's a sign of lacking confidence in a script.
The casting for Gadot screamed nepotism above integrity.
DC cinema movies have been poor so far, other than Batman, why would anyone think this was going to be different?
As long as they keep making money they'll keep producing the same underwhelming content.
>there are too many oscar winners involved 2/4
or that you have shit taste
>who's been shilling for this movie since day 1

>he says, as he continues to make shit up by projecting in his own mind that's rabidly filled with marvel quips, Disney FROZEN songs, and Deadpool slapstick

What reality are you from?
God that would've been so much fucking worse.
Can someone count how many reviews complain about the lack of quips?
James Camron
Doesn't Tarantino hate the cape gerne ?
Or Golden Age Batman or Burton Batman
>"Ant-man" will be its first flop. And if it isn't, then it's proof that either Disney/Marvel is bribing critics, or critics are as much in denial of things they like being awful as fans can be.

I hear this every new Marvel movie. And it's always good.
What in the fuck is wrong with all these faggots

And Goyer.
What about whiny Lex and "I though she was with you"?
>Batman is literally a villain in this version of TDKR



Snyder managed to have Batman beat Superman in a fight and STILL wreck Batman's rep.

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My apologies good sir, I am sure you are well learned in the western canonical arts, perhaps recommend me a fine play to go see with my lady in the morrow.
I will only believe it when I see the movie...

I really doubt is worth 40% when movies like Ant-Man is 80%...

Is this really a trend in Hollywood? MoS was worth 67-ish% yet it got poor reviews.

Do reviewers hate DC?

thanks senpai, but this is probably the last straw.

tying the noose now
There was no way this movie was ever going to do that well. It's the sequel to MoS ffs.
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choose 1
I feel like they are trying to say this movie is Oscarbait.
But still how is this a valid criticism?
>It's like going to a horror film and being surprised at all the gore and mutilation
You know you don't NEED gore and mutilation to qualify as a horror movie, right?

Have you seen Huff? It's pretty good.

It's deffo not canonical though, because it's about a minority.
They're MARVEL fans, ignore them, like everyone else does.

They also hated Man of Steel not because of it's frantic editing and poor pacing, but because it was too serious.

Literally dumbasses.
DC/WB shill, please
goyer is out bambino

even then, we still feel his presence
Dude its just someone trolling, no one is going to get their fat neckbeared asses into real life fights over a fucking movie or comics.

Although if they did, Jesus I can't think of anyone sadder.
Nolan and Singer are objectively better than Snyder, and Bale is wearing the Begins suit so this could've been made instead of TDK. Nolan's head never swells and Ledger is still alive.

>Do reviewers hate DC?
No, just Snyder.
That was the entire point from day one. I knew he'd been trying to do that ever since Empire posted that article with a giant scan saying "BATMAN BECAME THE BAD GUY." Always thought it would be a clever way of getting the GA to side with Superman. Never factored in that it could end up with this much blowback.
I can't wait for the Midnight Edge videos that investigates how it all went wrong.
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holy fuck is every tripfag a deluded DCuck
Both :^)
antman good. no, it was ok but it was just iron man one with two or three different story beats
Snyder managed to wreck DC's whole rep, congratulations.
>make a movie where lex luthor pisses in someone's drink
>expect audiences to take it seriously
Based on this review
the movie starts with Superman killing a terrorist

this is gonna be salty
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What review am I looking forward to the most... I just can't decide.

Because that means a superhero movie took itself seriously and critics don't like that. Has to be quips 24/7 we ain't got time to actually think about what these characters mean.
Fucking Watchmen had moments of levity. This shit is just pain inducing.
You know the movie is going to be a shitfest when even people in reddit are freaking about the reviews.

Mentions of suicide watches are in the comments.

Man of Steel was shit though.
It's bad when it doesn't suit the source material or the characters.

Marvel movies are full of quips because marvel comics are full of quips.

Superman has always been humours, albiet in a more surreal almost sitcom-ish way (think Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor, or Mr Myxlplyx, or Jimmy Olsen)

Batman on the other hand, is grim, but interacts with complete loonies on a regular basis, many of whom are practically built on dark humour.
Snyder is incapable of shit like this. He's tone deaf. He's so intent on shooting for grim gritty realistic etc, that he completely misses that he's making a fucking superhero movie.
>Snyder managed to wreck DC's whole rep

What? DC's rep has been tanking for literally 50 years.

They didn't need help from Snyder.
>brings up a legitimate point
>obviously a fan of DC

Clearly, seeing as he's intelligent and uses common sense.
>Doesn't Tarantino hate the cape gerne ?
no, he actually said he enjoys it a lot, from a podcast (was it the nerdist?). Doubt he'd direct one, but he's a comic book nerd, so he gives comic book movies a pass.

Fast And Furious needed more humor 2bh
Fuck it, I'll write a Justice League script and send it to George Miller.

If Terrio can't save DC maybe I can
The question is will this hurt Civil War and X-Men
I really hope they let Snyder go. I can't fathom the thought of him being involved in every upcoming DC film.
Aint that Tranks tweet though?
>Even the good reviews aren't that 'good'
>Average Rating: 5.4/10
And Snyder is in charge of the entire DC Cinematic Universe? JUST
When will WB pull a Marvel and get rid of Snyder and bring in someone to save it all? Just like Marvel got rid of Whedon and gave the keys to based Russos?
w2c black Hunter Thompson's shirt
Tarantino's a big fan of comics and has been since he was a kid, and he even wanted to direct a Luke Cage movie at some point. Only problem is he's more of a marvel guy, but I doubt even the most diehard of marvel shills would refuse a chance to direct Justice League. It was a joke suggestion, but It'd almost certainly turn out better than this.
He said from day one Batman was the villain of the movie
Joss Whedon
>Make movie with built in fan base of millions of people
>Project your own vision onto it despite proving twice before that people didn't like it
>Only retort defenders of this movie can come up with is: NOQUIPS XD
This movie didn't do the source material justice. Snyder didn't try to meet the fans eye to eye and now it is critically bombing. This isn't because there "aren't enough jokes" this is because it is a bad movie made by a bad director that has continually let the fans down.

You ever read a Batman and Superman comic friend?
Harold Bloom thinks you're a tosser.
Oh boy, are we going to have BAT OF MURDER shitposting from now on?
But would you complain about it?
>not because of it's frantic editing and poor pacing,
Half the negative reviews for BvS so far mention those exact flaws. I'm pretty sure plenty of MoS's reviews did as well.
>I must say that I love being on this sub most of the time. There's some grind insight at times and I really enjoy reading a lot of opinions. But a huge problem on this sub, and on the internet in general, is the lack of confidence in your own opinions and beliefs.

>I haven't seen BvS yet, but it's something that's been annoying me for a very long time.

>All over this sub and Twitter I see abuse towards critics, abuse towards other fans and people who didn't like something you did. What is the purpose of this attitude? Will it change anything? No it won't. If you love something, that love should be enough.

>Now I'm gonna do something I'd never thought I'd do, I'm gonna make an analogy to this situation to the cinematic masterpiece 2001 called Shallow Hal. That film was about a very insecure and overall unlikeable guy. But then he finally learned to see what real beauty was and fell in love with Gwyneth Paltrow in a fat suit. Even though she wasn't attractive in the movie, he still loved her, even when he saw her true looks.

>That's how we all, not as DC fans, but as film fans in general should strive to be. Be more like Hal. Learn to be secure in what you love. Everyone is different and love different things. And because everyone is different people shouldn't be abused for being different. Even though you may find people shit on your opinion, do as Hal and not care. The hate and abuse shouldn't change your love.

Jesus. It's so bad the damage control feel good unit has already deployed.
one of the few characters and moments where "I must go now my planet needs me" would not only be apropriate but desirable

all star superman/superman for all seasons netflix show when
Uwe Boll

Brad and them hated Man of Steel, so theirs will be hilarious.
Tarantino isn't happy with Disney right now, so it's plausible.
DC will be save if they kick Snyder out.
....it's so crazy it could work.
Snyder is literally trying too hard. We have DC movies that successfully became something better than average capeshit with Nolan than came Hack Snyder. Trying too hard to be profound and edgy without a self awareness that these are in the end comic book characters. It's the same situation that was in comics. You have initial success with Vertigo tier stuff of Sandman, Watchmen, TDKR and Animal Man and then comes the 90s and 2000s where they're trying to be so profound and we get Identity Crisis, Avengers Disassembled, Civil War and other shit tier stuff. Hack Snyder shouldn't have been brought along to ape Nolan or be discount Nolan. Someone with self awareness would have been nice. At least Wheadin knows he's making capeshit, not profound piece of cinema.
WB should have retired Superman from live action ever since Christopher Reeve died. No respect.

I hope Snyder gets paralyzed in real life as well as professionally.
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>legitimate point
>thinks oscar bait is the throwing of oscar winners into a cast.
>doesn't realize "Oscar Bait" means that a movie has a pretentious and overly preachy plot.
>they hired Goyer again

Say what you will about Snyder, but Goyer is the real problem.
Or maybe it's because they stuffed quality actors into a shit script and it comes off fucking stupid and silly.
>Man of Steel bombed
>BatVSupes bombed
>yfw they hire Josh Whedon to direct Justice League
anyone, really.
I'm hoping it will be their longest review yet.

Harold Bloom thinks a lot of people are tossers, anon.

I'm just saying, canonicity hinges a lot on what a bunch of grumpy faculty members of varying ethnicities think is worth teaching.
I wonder how many reddit golds that comment got
You mean the movie or the comics?

I don't remember The Dark Knight Rises at all, only that I was bored at the end and it was stupid.

In The Dark Knight Returns, Batman doesn't kill anyone.
No i can assure MoS reviews talked nothing about technical aspects.
Who are the guys on the bottom?
>overly preachy plot

Not Oscar bait, learn what the word means kiddo.
>Hack Snyder shouldn't have been brought along to ape Nolan or be discount Nolan. Someone with self awareness would have been nice.

This most important single point in your post, right here.
A Tarantino Justice League would at the very least be different as fuck.
Fucking Martin is gonna have a field day.
Fucking who? they have no one as of now. Still, they must kick Snyder out if they want to survive.
How though? Affleck killed it, bitch.
>The actors are fine, with one glaring exception. Cavill's mopey Superman is more than acceptable on the iconic level, though he's never called on to demonstrate anything like the gentle goofiness which Christopher Reeve brought to the role in the 1970s and '80s
>As for Affleck, the agitation over his casting seems unwarranted given that practically any muscular deep-voiced hunk would do to fill out the Batsuit.
>Eisenberg is the gamble that doesn't pay off, although you can see what the filmmakers had in mind: he doesn't directly imitate Ledger's Joker, but his manic gestures and agitated, squeaky delivery are in the same general vein.
>With a fraction of the screen time, Gal Gadot's knowing, Israeli-accented Wonder Woman has much more success at stealing the show: well before the two big guys have settled their differences, she's already converted the film into a trailer for her own star vehicle coming soon.
Yet another critic that didn't like the movie, didn't particularly like any of the actors performances EXCEPT Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.
What do I believe? Critics that liked/loved the movie have said the exact opposite. That everyone except Gal is great.

Will BvS reviews be pointed to in future as irrefutable evidence of SJW shit in film reviews?
IMDB has 9.3
RT has 41

Who should I trust?
Should I watch it or nah?
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>oscar bait
I will be all in on Thor despite him having the weakest MCU movies if the leaked summary is right and the movie is a Thor/Hulk bro-movie/coliseum epic/road moive.
>I hope Snyder gets paralyzed in real life as well as professionally.
Jesus Christ, DCucks, calm your shits.
I'm questioning how having Oscar winners is a bad thing.
He worded it like it was wrong to have ppl considered good at their job was a bad thing.
>implying RT decides what I like

The most important review for me is what I think of it.
Two failed movies in a row and WB will still rely on Snyder to bring their characters to life. They never learn.
So from what I understand the major complaints are.

A. Its not lighthearted like Marvel

B. It's a drama movie with superheroes

I don't know how these are negatives. None of the reviews that are rotten are saying things that are bad.
Shut the fuck up you fucking no life loser. Stop trying to start shit.
Christopher Reeve would spin in his grave if he could.
Affleck, Miller
IMDB is just full of fucks giving it a 10. I can guarantee you that majority of IMDB voters haven't even seen the movie
>Uh, Bane now might be the time for you to get big
>That's my secret Clark, I'm always a big guy
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Double Toasted

Martin's going to be in full I-told-you-so mode.
Look. I'm with you on much of this. My point in bringing this up isn't to start a serious discussion on the merits of Boccaccio or Rigoberta Menchu, or whoever the fuck.

The point was to out that other guy as an ignorant fuckwit referencing things he didn't know shit-all about.
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Four failed movies in a row.
Brad Jones aka the Cinema Snob.

He usually drags his friends to see Midnight premieres of movies and film a short review in his car afterwards.

It's very entertaining because it's the people's immediate reactions without giving them much time to digest what they saw.
Especially when it's something bad that can be great.
Thanks anon.
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>trying to start shit

Son look around Its over
>IMDB has 9.3
You realize that's just 12 year olds and nerds like you and me that haven't seen the movie yet voting it up, right?
You aren't really retarded are you?
I just don't get how a chris nolan batman movie can get a good score but a movie done by snyder is getting shit on for having the same tone.

Maybe its the characters involved or something

In any case movie will surely earn a 70% rating
most glib facsilime reviews are done

>The only positive thing people have to say is about Wonder Woman's inclusion when obese fan boys were too busy obsessing over how she looked.

That's my girl. Knew she'd do it.
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Ryan was arguably the best part about Origins too. Twice now he has portrayed superheroes and the movie has bombed. One Marvel and one DC.
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>Let's get another shit director! That'll salvage this!
nope, read the reviews
>No major blockbuster in years has been this incoherently structured, this seemingly uninterested in telling a story with clarity and purpose.
All RT does is average critics, arbitrarily putting each of them either 0% or 100%, without any weighting.

It's more "what is some critic consensus" than "is it good". For example, Birdman is a shit movie about horrible people and it has 91%.
Depends on the context. Does the movie need it or is it gratuitous? Is it well executed, or would it work without it.
Like for example the Saw movies put so much effort into being gorey that after a certain point they stopped being actually horrifying and started being more like semi-comedic self parodies.

The problem is that you guys think that people are saying that serious superhero movies are a bad idea and will never work and should never be done. You look and see a word like humorless and you check out mentally and everything else becomes white noise.

The problem is EXECUTION. It always has been. Snyder doesn't do serious well because he's all about style over substance. He does great, maybe even immaculate imagery, but he's not a writer. He's not good at drawing great performances out of his actors. He's not good at stringing together a complete and nuanced narrative.

A serious movie can be great. A serious superhero movie even moreso. Batman Begins wasn't a quipfest. It was serious. People by and large loved it. But Snyder isn't Nolan.
Meta critic 48
Can you explain why? I've heard this many times but what's the issue with him and reviewers/hollywood or whatever? I hated watchmen when I saw it but have since gone back and enjoyed it enough. 300 is a pretty sick movie, Dawn of the Dead is awesome. Man of Steel is polarized and I get that but I personally love the movie. Sucker Punch was stylish as fuck but overall bad. Why do reviewers hate him?
Terrio rewrote the script, m8.
>>The actors are fine, with one glaring exception. Cavill's mopey Superman is more than acceptable on the iconic level, though he's never called on to demonstrate anything like the gentle goofiness which Christopher Reeve brought to the role in the 1970s and '80s

Snyder has repeatedly said that he doesn't like the Reeve version of superman, and blames audiences for being too attached to it.

Basically, Snyder is a fucking moron.
They really don't have anyone beyond Affleck, David Ayer, James Wan, and maybe George Miller. Charles Roven is an exec producer, Geoff Johns is the token comic book guy (and writer for Wonder Woman), and the Snyders were producers/director and production company.
No the major complains are

>same tone as MoS
>religious imagery out the ass
>murdering people left and right
>Luthor is just the Joker and pisses into peoples cups (literally)
>Plot is convoluted (Batman can see the future and superman gets framed for shooting somebody)
>Wonder Women out of nowhere
>Doomsday looks like shit
Sounds like DC to me.

Get a life kid
Since when was bombing in the hands of critics and not the box office
>The movie pulls dialogues straight from classic DC comics, like The Killing Joke and Frank Miller's "Dark Knight" series. Usually it would be chalked up to fanservice, but when Batman goes on a rant from "The Dark Knight Returns"on a completely different and non fitting context than the one on the comic, then you have a problem.

They have seen the movie and you haven't.
>same tone as MoS
There was nothing wrong woth the tone of MoS.
>implying DC won't get George Miller.
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I'm sorry DCfriends. I really am.
I kinda wonder why this thread has almost 500 posts. How much is there to say about a movie almost none of us have watched? Some critics think it's bad; we'll decide for ourselves when it comes out.
>Luke Cage

This is literally the least surprising thing I've read today.
>The problem is EXECUTION.

Bullshit, Zod was executed and all it caused was shitposting.
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>Son of the Mask

Goyer has a co-credit for writing, comrade.
>Implying Hollywood executives listen to fans
They get literally all of their information from spreadsheets and graphs created by marketing graduates who in turn get all of their information from spread sheets and graphs. They will see the money and that will be that. They'll try and attribute things to the financial success but they won't actually ask anybody.
But I don't want to see Reeve's version, you fuck.

Then again, he was way too mopey.

I was just here to have a literary discussion with that other anon though

They hate him cause he's like Michael Bay in that he relies too much on a particular facet of cinematography ie. too many slow motion sequences, filters, fighting in the rain scenes...it's all so cliche.
This movie could literally give me aids but I still have to see it
I kek'd breathily
I respect people who like Snyder's approach to superheroes, I just can't really understand it. I feel like Frank Miller had a toxic impact on superheroes because he didn't like superheroes - didn't want them to be kid stuff. A lot of people like that but it just doesn't work for me.

With Miller at least he had the justification that in the '80s, superheroes was practically all there was to work on in comics. He would have preferred to be doing something more mature than Daredevil or Batman, but no one would pay him for that, so he made superheroes more like the comics he wanted to see.

Maybe Snyder is an equivalent, trying to do "mature" movies within the world of blockbuster movies. No one will give a director a big budget to make grown-up stories, it's either make popcorn movies or make low-budget movies. Snyder's trying to do the most grown-up work he can within the popcorn movie form, but I don't personally get it.
I don't think Affleck want to wirk with them after this, and Miller, will he accept it though?
Whedon had the easiest job of all & still blew it.
>We've been at 41% for almost an hour now

Everything was wrong with the tone of MoS

>not a bad thing

>again, not a bad thing

>just like the comics


>plot spoilers

wew lad

>WW out of nowhere

Isn't she demonstrated earlier in the movie

>DD looks like poopy

IMO he always has.
>same tone
but the content doesnt match the tone. tone is more than binary lighthearted/dark

dark and poorly handled is juvenile and cringier than good and lighthearted

He makes movies about deep themes without being able to understand them or give them a fitting tone. He's like a highschooler with 1 philosophy class that thinnks he's socrates. He's insuferably childish and juvenile in his work, which only makes the good visuals feel pretentious.
Face it anon, film critics today don't know shit about technical aspects of film. Birdmam got it right when it said that critics hide behind prose.
RT is just a ratio of good/mostly good reviews to bad/mostly bad reviews
But critics ARE too attached to Reeveman. No, I'm not saying that the gritty Superman of this universe is good, but Superman Returns showed that nobody actually wants to watch him anymore.
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>those 2 tripfags will defend this.
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>superman gets framed for shooting somebody
wut. why would he need to shoot someone
Does Doomsday get the spikes?
No, you really can't. I'm sure you'll screenshot the opening (and extremely out of context) summations of one or two reviews that compare it to the Donner movies or to Avengers and act like that's the entirety of not only the review, but the general consensus of criticism. Because that's what you guys always do. Hell, even here on /co/ there's been plenty of (shockingly) nuanced and in depth criticism and all it gest in response is memes and ravings. My personal favorite being "Okay they SAID this but what they REALLY meant was that it wasn't like Donner. Trust me I know."
It was literally the Superman Cartoon + Real life politics and theology.
I've watched a few Man of Steel clips just to remind me how incompetent it was, and not just the Man of Murder/stop my invincible son shit.

Remember this gem of a scene:.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZvsLhj5hd4
>Lois goes in the plane so she can actually do something useful to save the Earth
>lol nevermind I'm too stupid to help
>brave military dudes all get murdered by Kryptonians
>science guy is the one who figures out how to use the MacGuffin and save everyone
>Lois is still the only one to get saved by Superman because of her dumb luck

They could have written that scene any way they wanted to, and they chose to make it complete shit. BvS s being shit should surprise no one.
Mathematically that's the same thing as taking all good reviews as 100% and all bad reviews as 0% and averaging it.

OK I wrote it in a stupid way, I admit
Yeah sorry I spoiled Lex Luthor pissing in somebodies coffee for you

The CGI used on DD looks like shit, that's the complaint
There actually wasn't anything wrong with the tone of MoS.
>He's insuferably childish and juvenile in his work, which only makes the good visuals feel pretentious.

This can apply to any director
Are moviegoers too conditioned by Marvel or did this Movie just, idk, 'missed' its target?
>The movie pulls dialogues straight from classic DC comics, like The Killing Joke and Frank Miller's "Dark Knight" series. Usually it would be chalked up to fanservice, but when Batman goes on a rant from "The Dark Knight Returns"on a completely different and non fitting context than the one on the comic, then you have a problem.

If the context makes Bats look like an ABSOLUTE CUNT, whereas he was in the right in TDKR, I'm all for it
Who are the guys on the top?
Sounds like Sucker Punch
Reminder that the WB execs will see this post and hire Snyder to direct Justice League.
Frank Miller's interpretation of Batman and Daredevil work.... when they stay restricted to Batman and Daredevil that is.
Gal is hot shit in this movie anyone saying otherwise and you can throw the review into the fucking trash.
>Just like Marvel got rid of Whedon and gave the keys to based Russos?

Marvel offered Whedon another Avengers film and he said no.
>Birdmam got it right when it said that critics hide behind prose.
is there a clip of that i can see?
At least he held his breath until they gave him Vision and Scarlet Witch.
He roars and gets them, literally 5 seconds later WW stabs him in the face.
American Alien is one of the best portrayals of Supes in years YOU STUPID FAG
If you liked Snyder movies you'll probably like this one.

Ignore critics, their opinion doesn't matter more than every other person's.
Zootopia was this shit wasn't it?
I fucking loved it.
Snyder fanboys BTFO
He's a gun
and that film is shit

and that theater is for people and stories nobody gives a shit about repeated ad infinitum for the same damn audience every year

and that everybody is garbage

and that Michael Keaton can fly
>this thing isn't the same as the other thing I like
You're the fucking moron
I really think it's the former, or at least the critics. There was way to much positive buzz on twitter from the early screenings and reviews for the movie. I don't think the 41% will persist that long.
still the best episode of We Hate Movies though
That's what they want us to think
And then Korey will get mad at him for giving it a better rating then he did despite all that.

It'll be fun.
Last time I checked moviegoers liked it. It's the critics who hate it.
This will be the best Superman movie of 2000s.

With the best Superman and best Lex Luthor.

(...and a Super-baby. OK that was odd.)
Go watch the movie you fucking philistine, Jesus Fucking Christ.
on the bright side

at least we'll live in a world where a Captain America movie sells more than a Superman movie
Which review was this? Cause it sounds like one of the same problems I had with MoS.
>I just don't get how a chris nolan batman movie can get a good score but a movie done by snyder is getting shit on for having the same tone.
You honestly can't entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, one is a better director and storyteller than the other?

Two cooks can have the same ingredients and identical kitchens but if one is a bad cook you're never going to get a good meal from him.
This is the SpiderOct of 2016, and also podcasts are for degenerates. Especially Sleppy Cabin
Ppl are too attached to his Superman when he only had two good films. And they tried to do it again with Returns ppl still complained it wasn't like him.

Its no different than ppl saying Baleman is best.
You have to be open to new things or else you fall into stagnation. you don't have to love them at least to understanding of them. Cavill is a good superman for what we have been given so far. You can't tell me Reeves would fit anywhere in today's comics/films.
No. Tarantino is a childish prick, but his movies aren't childish, they have style to compliment and elevate the writing.

Snyder has like, 14 kids, so I'm guessing he is a mature fellow, but his artistic output, namely his writing, is juvenile, and his visuals only seem to be trying to distract you from it, which only makes it worse.

I don't even like Tarantino all that much, but this is a good example for explaining it.
>Two cooks can have the same ingredients and identical kitchens but if one is a bad cook you're never going to get a good meal from him.

Shut the fuck up Mr. Dubois

History and Moral Philosophy is a joke class and I don't even have to pass it to get citizenship
You should really watch the movie, but basically that's something told by the washed-up actor that keeps fucking up his chances to be taken seriously, it's not the movie's stance on critics

Every point you listed have an explanation. I don't want to call you dumb, but goddamn, man.
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I'm not even going to engage with that one until you explain to me what you mean by "real life politics and theology"

Hamfisted references to stale imagery or name dropping an "issue" doesn't mean you've said anything worthwhile on a subject.

You strike me as the sort to be impressed by pic related.
I'll fucking take it. Anyone but Snyder with his 'le gods, le men, le different for the sake of being different, le being controversial for the sake of being controversial' vision.
Someone make a new thread already, this one is autosaging
The last one is true.
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OK, let's for a second take that you are right about what you just typed. Can you seriously look at your words and not see what's wrong with that tone?

That's not to say you can't take the superhero genre in a more serious direction, but no one is going to say that TDK had "real life politics" tones mixed with "theology" and cartoons.
DC selling it's IP to Marvel when
Under Snyder watch...
Of course he would. Clarks essential innocent good nature is what makes him a foil to batman.

Instead we get two emo wankers being emo and hitting each other. Oh joy.
I'm predicting that he'll mention how Clark read Plato's republic once, how the movie was some secret hidden environmentalist message, and how Clark is against government surveillance.
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Watch Zootopia?
guillermo del toro
If you replace all of the words in your post with ZACK SNYDER it answers your question perfectly. Look:

>mfw if Marvel put out this exact movie critics would be praising the shit out of it

No see, one is a former no-killfag who's turned to a life of murder while the other is a former murderer who's decided that killing is bad, and wrong

They are perfect foils
>his movies aren't childish

Yes they can and they have been. People criticize how much he loves to use shock factor as a crutch for his movies.
>Avengers fight Darkseid and the Anti-monitor before Kang and Galactus
fucking FOX.
modern DC comics has always been about the politics of characters coming together into conflict and the internal conflict of their personalities and the ideology of right and wrong.

the movies having this is a good thing.
now 24 rotten
did they wank each other at least? tell me that I get something from this movie that is worth waiting in line.
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Zootopia is the hero we deserve.

New bread.
>movie will still make big bucks
>DC will keep Snyder

how do we stop this cycle of suffering
Does Snyder really deserve all the hate he gets? He makes literal action porn.
Because Nolan wasn't overly preachy with his hollow Christ imagery.

Based DISNEY with the best reviews
Breaking news, DC signs Snyder to new five movie deal
the cartoons and politics and ideology in it.

the Justice Lords eps were a great example of this.

same with the amazo episode.
I can't even get mad at you. I'm just so tired and sad now.
Yes, because he's a director and not a cinematographer. The man can make some fantastic visual set-pieces, but that doesn't mean much when the rest of the movie is hot fucking garbage.
>I hope Snyder gets paralyzed in real life as well as professionally.
I have thought to myself I take these things especially my love of MOS too seriously, it's sad but reassuring to see pure evil sadism spouted by self centered selfish waste of humanity like this fucker to know I could be a billion times worse.

Double Toasted
A streaming show/Podcast with two wiseass niggas from Austin.
WE HATE MOVIES SHOUTOUT FTW. My favorite bad movie podcast.
He makes literal action porn while also claiming high art status and shit, that's the problem

>Sucker Punch? Oh yes, my movie featuring samurai strippers is about feminism and mental health
>MoS? Truly only real Superman fans could appreciate my canonical take on the mythos
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If BvS is a 41% on RT then I'm gonna go see it for sure.
I can't wait for Brad Jones' review. It's gonna be fun
Okay, bad example then. Pick someone else. I just wanted to give a famous example, but his older stuff work better for the explanation.
>Does Snyder really deserve all the hate he gets?
This board is full of people that will\have and ARE defending him.

Dumb people are a-plenty. Philistines don't know one director from another, any better than some niggas I know that have been reading comics for a dozen years and are shocked that I can tell who the artist is without looking.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I used the cooks metaphor because I have a /ck/ tab open.
I think Superman Returns showed that people don't want a wallow in Reeve nostalgia, not necessarily that people want an edgier approach to Superman.

Superman fans are purists, they're obsessive about preferring him to be like the Curt Swan version of the character, but they're not exactly wrong.
>Miller cacels his Mad Max saying he'll take a break
>was brought on to be a producer
Do you guys think WB prepped up a contingency plan. If this wasn't a success, they throw out Snyder and bump Miller to director. Is there a hope?
Why won't they just bring in Bruce Timm and Paul Dini to salvage this shit?
You didn't mention anything from any movie at all in that response. You said the source material has it, but the movies are not the source material.
>Sucker Punch? Oh yes, my movie featuring samurai strippers is about feminism
Yes it absolutely could, their visual beauty being shown off has nothing to do with their writing, characterization and ability to stand up to oppression.
I kinda saw this coming, but I'm starting to really question why Marvel movies are all successful, Deadpool is the only one for along time with an identity of its own.
I would just suggest everybody watch Zootopia anyway cause it was enjoyable
Remember when people were saying the Hitflix guy and Feraci were bullshitting?



>Fresh: 16
>Rotten: 24

40% now
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I wonder how Zootopia's going to do against BvS.

BvS is going to be the king of the box office this weekend, that's for certain, but I wonder how Zootopia's going to do in the long run. There aren't any animated movies or even family movies coming out for a while, so it might just continue on its path instead of taking a huge percentage drop.
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The problem is less that it was going by the Reeve films and more like Singer was lifting from the Reeve films without getting what made them work. It was pretty morose which wasn't what the Reeve films were in the first place.

In fact that's a similar problem to how Snyder lifted things from Superman comics that could work in certain contexts (biblical allegory, Pa Kent telling Clark to keep a secret, Superman having to kill someone) but makes no sense together or because of Snyder's take on it (Pa Kent implying that Clark should've let the kids die, then years later Clark is compared to Jesus! But wait, Jesus snaps the neck of his foe!).
Apparently the mods deleted that thread. Don't ask me why.
It's true and he isn't supposed to be the hero.
There is only so many BvS threads /co/ can handle at a given time.
>MoS tone
>not a bad thing
I wonder if Affleck is gonna be traumatized again
It just keeps happening every time he does a capeshit movie

He still has his oscars though
He isn't a bad director.

...I am told. I haven't seen any of his movies.
It's not like he can even move on from it, he's always going to be batman now and will forever be a part of this gloomy and edgy franchise of superhero movies that take themselves too seriously.

I feel bad for Ben.
Gone Baby Gone is fantastic.
The Town is quite good.
Argo is good but severely overhyped.

In all honestly, they need someone like Affleck behind the camera more than they need him in front of it.
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Bravo Snyder!
>It's not like he can even move on from it, he's always going to be batman now
George Clooney would like to have a word with you
I meant in the sense that he's going to continue to batman in the DC movies for a while - valid point though.
39% now. Who's betting it'll hit the same rating as Green Lantern (26%) or lower?
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Just went down
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I have OC baked up just for this
So batman is now the Punisher?

Cool maybe now he'll be fucking interesting
>average rating is 5.3
>pooled percentage is 39%

how does this work
You think everytime he shoots someone he's like THIS IS FOR MY PARENTS REEEEEEEE
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It bases it on how many critics rated it as "Fresh" and how many rated it as "Rotten".

So 39% of all the critics (so far) rated it as "Fresh".

Honestly, as a person who prefers Marvel but is hyped for this movie, I hope these are just the workings of Marvel shills and would do better later when the actual critics chime in.
Oh thanks alright, so they're separate metrics with one being a median score and the other a median overall impression
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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh how I wish I could drink the tears of every DC fan that thought this movie would herald the end of The MCU. Go on DC fans enjoy the shit sandwich brought to you by Snyder. Take s nice big bite and swallow it.
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