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Steven Universe

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Thread replies: 523
Thread images: 176

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Well guys i just finished the last 4 episodes of the show and i am now officially caught up.

And i must say, those last 4 were really nice to watch.

Steven's Birthday was a nice look at how steven has grown both gem wise and Human wise and in the end was a very charming episode with lots of connie interaction.

What it Should've been was a very interesting Peridot episode and more look into how the Diamonds planned on using Earth for resources, kindergardens, and warps and also how Peridot still believes in Yellow Diamond.

Message Received was a nice turn for Peridot as we see her grow over her Yellow Diamond and accept the crystal gems and Earth and also how much she has grown over the past episodes and made me smile a bit.

Log Date was also very charming on how Peridot interacts with the other gems and other people and how she learns about our planet and grows to wonder and ask questions building more into her character. The shipping joke in the episode was pretty funny as well as the bonding with Garnet was touching.

Overall Peridot is a pretty good gem and has got to be one of my favorite gems all around.

Now that i am done, what do you guys think of the show as a whole?

I know were gonna get episodes sooner or later so its not officially over but overall i loved the show with it characters and interactions and lovable moments as well as sad ones all mixed up.

Overall i had fun and i will wait with you guys for more episodes in the future.
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>Steven Universe thread
Haven't seen one of these in a while
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Bump a dump la rump
Finished the last episode yesterday, i was hesitant to start watching because of the fandom but i really enjoyed it.
I enjoy that it has a focus on the slice of life element a lot of the time.
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Oh yea i agree, i love the slice of life feeling of the show and how it shows the progress of a special boy with special powers as he grows stronger and bonds better with his crystal guardians.

The show has great character

I also hesitated to watch it because of what people said on how it was a tumbler show and they were all lesbians and nothing else and im glad to prove that wrong.

This is a great show
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How much did you pick up from ''THE SUBTEXT STEVEN''
I liked peridot being an adorable little dork.
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Oh wow, i didn't even notice that, that's a pretty cool thing to hide. even though i more Amedot than i am Lapis/Peridot

Peridot is a cute Clod with many feelings and complexes and it was nice to see her again today grow more and more in character.

Also i made these today because i was bored.
She is lemon flavored and tasty
This image doesn't take into account that the objectively best pair is Percie and Pierre, with which Garnet, the embodiment of perfect, working relationship agrees. So it may seem like these Lapis and Peridot would come together, but that is just what the creators wat you to think, the actual OTP is clearly Amedot.
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swell. Altho i think amedot would be qt but I cant delude myself when i saw that bday when steven became 14. Dat amethist and greg ''playing their own games behind the barn while everyone else doing other things.''
Amy has not given up on murdercock.
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Also I might be wrong and your otp might or might not become true.
To be honest i cant figure out what shape was on the yelow ribon it might be jasper oh god help us
yea its true that she used to have some relationship with greg in the past and still likes him, but i also see Amedot as i good ship because of how opposite the two are and how even then they can get together as shown in the multiple Peridot episodes, they really do interact really well.

But yea Her and greg has some personal time behind the barn probably more than once.
Meh, i don't really care about shipping and hope they don't make it to big an issue. >>80989704
They look crappy and lemon is a mongrel flavor, but if you like them thats fine i guess.
Anyway need to sleep, work is already piled up for tomorrow.
Party on dudes and dudettes.
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I like almost all the characters in the show and Jasper has to be the most least likable gem there is.

Demanding, Brash, Violent, Forced Lapis into a forced fusion, even downright bloodthirsty, she has got to be the least good gem of the show.

Also Onion is a shit as well.
Yea i know, i'm not the best decorator and i ran out of mint flavoring but i think there alright.

Anyway, night man, hope to see ya tomorrow.
Okay. Onward to Jasperidemption.
Now that you know all the Deepest Lore there is to know, how different did it turn out to be from your own theories? What did you think the plot/backstory would be before it was revealed, and which turned out to be right or wrong? What theories do you have now?
I want to point out that if yous low down the dialgue in Log Date when Peridot explains shipping, you can hear this: "not to mention Percy is adept at aquatic sports. He would have won the canoe race if he weren’t so busy drooling over paulette– and the other part, where percy goes to the bottom of the lake to get paulette’s friendship bracelet PROVED that he has to have the largest lung capacity in the ENTIRE CAMP! and pierre is a force to be reckoned with on land... <the rest "not to mention Percy is adept at aquatic sports. He would have won the canoe race if he weren’t so busy drooling over paulette– and the other part, where percy goes to the bottom of the lake to get paulette’s friendship bracelet PROVED that he has to have the largest lung capacity in the ENTIRE CAMP! and pierre is a force to be reckoned with on land... <the rest is ineligible>"

So as we can see the similarities to Connie and Steven's relationships continue.

I have no idea what any of that means. But it's fun to conspire.
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Also I can just say fuck the fucking otp n shit but just END THE HIATUS.

Anon.. Go to sleep.
At best he will be stevens love rival.
God knows that Gem needs one stat.
Lets ask the real question
The really real question
Who would the gems and steven support?
Superman or Batman?
Sorry i just don't really like him.
He steals, he breaks the law, he even took a GEM device from steven and caused a hug mess and fought the crystal gems.
Yeah I always thought that was about getting Malachite from the botom of the ocean but who can tell, when the hiatus ends we will have our answers.
I guess they would be more leaning towards superman since he is a alien that protects earth.
>Amethyst's strap is loose
Given Mirror Gem Steven would probably support Batman against the other Gems' will only to later discover that he was a good guy all along and then they all join forces to stop an intergallactic threat.
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Soooo now that im caught up.

How long is this Hiatus suppose to last and does anyone know when we will be getting new episodes?
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Confirms what?
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The conclusion is false! Wasn't the whole subtext about the characters NOT being made for each other since the Percy guy was perfect for Pierre? Let me just roll out the big guns and read this subtext like a real delusional subtext shithead

Calling Piere either stands for Jasper or Pearl. Peridot will form one of the most hyper competent Gem fusion in this whole goddamn show with them (My guess is more on Pearl since it sound similar to Pierre, but since it literally means "Rock" in French, maybe it's Jasper afer all). The audio also shows that Peridot will kinda crush on Lapis and will try to impress her by retrieving something important to her from the ocean (maybe even Jasper's gem or her enhancers).
The camp setting is a metaphor for Gems being sent to Earth to acquire stupid skills that are mostly not needed for real life and like a camp the whole place is kinda backwater and isolated from any meaningful technology.
There's one everyday. They're just super slow.
As they should be.
The whole "friendship bracelet" thing makes it pretty blatant what it's supposed to hint at.

However, important to note, when Peridot explains shipping she is animated in the way that is strangely reminiscant of how the ending to Mirror Gem went, with Peridot laughting, then grabbing an object, pulling something from it and throwing it on the ground.

I am aware that that is the definition of a gainax ending and that they are literally just screwing with our minds without having an actual concrete idea of where to go and how that relates to shipping or any future events, but fuck me if it's not working.
Why do you still have that trip on? Do you think this this is a forum?
Well. Wlecome to our personal hell anon. We've been here for the past three months. Strap yourself on, because this is gonna get rough. You can comfort yourself knowing that it will be be shorter for you than for any of us.
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ill just leave this here
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>tfw you check four times a day if the hiatus has ended
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What are your thoughts on Yellow Diamond (aka triggered giraffe).
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I hope to make it be worthwhile with you guys, i will talk about the show with you guys for a while so theres comfort in that

When this thread is dead ill take it off as this is my last ketchup thread for the show.

yes i made a pun
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There is no need to be upset anon. I could be as wrong as anyone including (you).

Yeah but we still dont know what is inside The gift that peridot gives to lapis, considering that steven is in the picture he will ,probably, encourage peridot do the first step and give a bracelet of friendship I dont even know what is what my perception of hiatus is being warped by absence of new episodes.
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>yes i made a pun
I thought she was pretty interesting being really fucking huge for a gem, having a big focus on wanting the cluster and wanting earth to just be gone gives a real good idea on maybe she wants it destroyed for more than just a cluster.

Also love her voice and her sassy Pearl

I'd watch the show for the music alone.

I like bad puns,

Cant wait for more shitty puns from steven during the next bomb.
No offense mate, but you think you're the first to do that? You think you're some kind of special snowflake, a last ray of the sun we desperately need that will save us from unbreable frustration and icnessant shitposting?

You're just a one more newfag to break the boredom. A momenarilly relief in the suffering. And with each new one we're just growing more and more jaded. And you will join our ranks. You to will come to understand the pain and suffering that is hiatus. You will see your older self and weep tears of shame when you realize that you're just one more body on the top a mountain formed by anons, restless and broken.

Cherrish those moments New Fag. For you the show has just ended and the hiatus us just starting. It is the end of the world as you know it. For us? For us it's tuesday.
No we do know, quite certainly so.
Either step up your leak game or work on them perception skills, senpai.
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What song did you like the most?
I know and i accept it, thats why im removing my trip once this thread is done and will fall back into the void that is /co/ waiting for more episodes and might even sneak some leaks.

I know im not special or important, but i like to share some moments with you survivors of the hiatus and just talk about what i think about the show and you can understand that right?

I'm not special or important but i like talking to you guys and thats all that matters.
Whatever Peridot gives Lapis is irrelevant, what is important is what Lapis will take from her with force.

Proably her recorder diary

You thought this was going to be sexual didn't you? Well too bad, it's nothing. Clod
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Yeah, nah mate.
R00D go back to /trash/ and be bitter there.
>The whole "friendship bracelet" thing makes it pretty blatant what it's supposed to hint at.
I am a special kind of dense motherfucker please enlighten me
are we talking about Peridot's present? Or does it stand for fusion since a friendship bracelet literally connects gems but also figuratively connects Gems with a capital G
T-pain has taste.
I'm talking about Connie's bracelet? You know? The one she lost during the parade? The one that Steven wanted to give Connie back? The one he had on him when the two got submerged in the buble? At the bottom of the ocean? That one.

It's like Dilbert's tie.
Are you a wizard?
It still might be considered sexual
While you were watching the show, you must have made your own guesses as to the lore and history of the setting. What did you guess, and how far off was it from what was eventually revealed?
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Didn't they hide a message in Peridot's shipping rant, about some character diving to the bottom of the lake and saving something?

I think Pink Diamond died on Earth and that is why she hates that planet - not simply because she is a cruel tyrant.
I've worked at jobs where you have to dole out a lot of "just trust us, we know what we're doing" to people who really want what you're working towards delivering while those were generally not huge international corporations like CN, we only get into ruts like 3+ month long "hiatus" when some real shit is happening and we literally have nothing to deliver - even social media blips to make sure people remember us, those go out once or twice a week.

It seems pretty ludicrous that they believe that SU could steal any hype away from PPG, as their excuse for this hiatus.
hmm.. lack of power over her environment.
I think it was pretty obvious that she has very little to no controll over her self and thnigs around her.
Yeah they did the foreshadowing thing but who the fuck knows what it realy means atleast I will keep an open mind and open ass untill the hiatus is over.
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Seriously dude are you messing with me since I am way to high for this shit. The contents of the present is literally one of the first things you see in the leaked Barn Mates clip. It's right there on the floor for all of us to see.
You're still cool though homie, since your taste in comics is swella nice. I am making a lil fist bumping with our middle fingers. Now let's be positive up in this thread.
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Earth took PD from her. Now she wants it gone.
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Well i was kinda dense around the relationship thing, Pearl had the hots for Rose as well as Garnet being a fusion.

I also made guesses that Steven could possibly fuse and i was actually surprised when i was right about that.

When i first saw lion i knew that lion had to relate to rose because of its Pink color and shit so that wasn't that big of a suprise.

I was kinda shocked about Mirror Gem because i heard about Lapis but didn't know she was actually stuck in a mirror so that kinda shocked me a bit as well as Lapis being a very powerful gem was also very surprising.

I had no idea about the Cluster and junk so that also kinda surprised me because i always thought that the crystal gems would fight off more and more homeworld gems or something like that.
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Thank you, anon. My overanalysation skills know no bounds. Sometimes things are just as simple as they seem.
Well they've advertised 12 new episodes coming to France in may. which means they'll probably air in the us some time in April. or maybe they'll be released in France first and we'll just watch it online
Are those gills?
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Do you realy think it's this? pic related.
It seems too big for that palm sized gift peridot gave to lapis or did i look in a different direction, because i looked trough all the leak should i watch somewhere else? Did I miss something?
Probably not. Only way it could be is if Lapis blackmailed her with it in exchange for lewd favors. But I don't see that happening as Lapis is a bottom, a reluctant bottom.
You're finally caught up! Except not completely...there are a bunch of SU shorts on youtube. Some about some really random stuff but also a mini series called 'The Classroom Gems'. In these series the gems teach Steven and go deeper into gem physiology etc. Also have you seen the deleted scene from Log Date already? I mentioned it yesterday briefly before going to sleep. I'm going to miss you once you merge into the void like the rest of us. Hopefully I could recognize you by your polite writing style to get some good show discussion later on.

Also that's some cute Peri food you got there. She's such an...*egghead*
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So since anon's are talking about it, what Peridot ship are you on?

For me i like Amedot because its cute and it would fit well with "opposites attract"

Sounds neato, hope to hear about something in April
Oh hey its you again. Yea once im done ill crawl back into the void, maybe show my face around sometimes and what not.

Also i will check out the shorts and still need to see the deleated scene but thanks man your very fun to talk to about the show.

Also thanks on the compliment, its not much and the shape is ok, but i try and that's all that matters in the end
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yeah Megg Mogg and owl is a nice comic.
My favorite picture.
Also your alegory has been lost on me I sometimes during hiatus forget how to even.
Eh. Peridot and Amethyst aren't THAT opposite. They both have deep personal issues, they both have trouble understanding the feelings of others, they both have the capacity to really hurt other people by sheer accident and they both have a kind side to them.
Stevidot because it will be one sided as fuck, and I want to see if a gem cracks when their heart is broken.
You are an evil, evil man. I like that.
excellent taste from the GOAT
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Eh, true, they both differences and similarities which also fuels the ship a bit like how both can be silly but Peridot is from homeworld and knows nothing about earth while Amethyst is from Earth and knows nothing about Homeworld

Plus its a cute ship for me personally
I still need to finish the series. Currently watching Historical Friction. Current fav gem is Lapis.
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Amedot is the ship I'm going with too

Anyway here's the link for the deleted scene:

It's always fun talking to you as well
Nah man you're fine, this is the only leaks there are but for simple, direct story telling this seems the most logical conclusion, paired with a little size inconsistency. The present also fits in Peridot trying to make Lapis feel safe and less confused with giving her the thing she considers most precious and comforting: Information. The other possibility is that Lapis rejected the first present and as Peridot wanted to make a Log entry about her emotional turmoil Lapis would smash the recorder. She'd be a coldblooded motherfucker and I'd fucking laugh for millenia.
Okay but which one is handmaiden and which is the feudal Lord?
>Peridot being bullied
SU Drinking game:
Take a shot everytime somebody says "Steven"
Take a shot everytime a gem says "Clod"
Take a shot everytime Steven is cute
Help me finish this anons
Same here man, i will watch it right away, thanks dude.
Peridot will be maiden and Amethyst will be lord, and then maybe some days they will switch it up for fun
I can't decide if at the end Peridot is nauseated or aroused. I'll go wiiiiith... Yes.

Either way it's cute and I love how she's genuinely trying to show Amethyst she's cool and Amethyst is taking complete fucking adventage of her.

Best ship.
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Sounds reasonable.
I guess we will see. I think i will smoke a blunt and read some MMaO comics You cool man.
gots to go sleep soon.
>Take a shot everytime Steven is cute
There are easier ways to die
Well that was adorable and i loved how willing Peridot ate the food to show off.

Also that face as the end is perfect for when someone makes a nice good hole in the trunk, fits perfectly.

Also best ship

That's such a hard question, I go phases on what song/music I enjoy most.
Recently its been this.

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26 clods over the whole series tho.
>Saying ''Steven''
Jesus give me new liver and another few.
better drink when a character says someones name
E.G. Amethis says steven
or just drink over weird pearl noises
SU Drinking game:
Take a shot everytime somebody says "Steven"
Take a shot everytime Pearl makes a weird noise
Take a shot everytime Steven is cute
Take a shot everytime a gem says "Clod"
What now?
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Sleep tight, homie and see you around.
May the hiatus be a swift one for you.
True and I can't help but giggle like some immature idiot the fact that they wanted to put in a 'taking a dump' joke in the show

>Make a whole in your...
>Pearl choosing beefy cheeto as her new hotness

I like this.
but that's not fair, steven is always cute
Take a shot everytime someone cry's
Take a shot when ever Pearl acts thirsty
>Also Onion is a shit as well.

>TFW Pink Diamond was the binding factor of Gem Culture

>Blue is Spirituality, Yellow is Practicality, White is Leadership, Pink is Love

Without Pink, there was no way they could go except down.
Not as bad as take a drink every time Rick says "Morty."
SU Drinking game:
Take a shot everytime somebody says "Steven"
Take a shot everytime Pearl makes a weird noise
Take a shot everytime Steven is cute
Take a shot everytime a gem says "Clod"
Take a shot everytime someone cries
Take a shot when ever Pearl acts thirsty
Take a shot everytime onion is creepy
Got more?
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Steven Universe is easily my second favorite cartoon of all time, the first is Avatar: The Last Airbender, since Avatar that something hasn't fascinated me so much and generated so much interest.

I do not feel that many people understand Steven Universe, actually, many times the fandom of Steven Universe is nothing but cancer (not all, but most) and i cant stand it, i don't like at all its fans and i don't share many times what they think.

But I really love Steven Universe, I don't always look like a well-made series, which always develop things well (i even think it has bad episodes and subplots, the way it was implemented and how it was though), but it doesn't matter much, when Steven Universe excites me more than all the episodes of Adventure Time, with all and its flaws.

Steven Universe resonated with me at its best moments, when Steven looks Pearl uncapable of knowing what to say in Rose's Scabbard, when Amethyst looks furiously the crude reality Rose is not there anymore watching Greg's face in Maximum Capacity, when all Crystal Gems look at themselves unable to know if they are the mother that Steven needs in The Test, when Greg tells to Rose her feelings in We Need to Talk, when Pearl cry for Rose and what never was in Sworn to the Sword, when Peridot suffers a brain stroke and emotional collapse while she is speaking in front of Yellow Diamond result of experience new emotions that she never feel in Message Received.

I can hardly describe it, but I feel that Steven Universe deep down, has something profound to say, and I love it

Pearl, Peridot and Stevn will be part of my favorite characters forever

Was a journey see you watch he entire series on the thread from the last weeks, and revive some of the feelings of when I watch the series for the first time, thanks for make these thread.

I remember when all I wanted was see you watch episodes 43 , 45 and 51


long live Steven Universe, fuck his hatters and shitty fandom
TFW you realize it wasn't a rebellion, it was a civil war.
Every time Pearl is salty.
Every time Garnet says anything.
gems going down on each other

Pink was the soul of gemkind, the laughter and joy.

And Rose murdered her. Murdered her, started a war that took thousands of gem lives, prevented thousands more from being born, and caused her former society to collapse into a totalitarian nightmare.

All for the sake of hot monkey dick.
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I know its adorible, like maybe amethyst could also teach peridot how to transform as good as her or something else cute
True, alot of moments stuck with me and the show just grew on me. I loved the characters, i love the gem lore and how flawed yet relatable the characters are.

I love the subtexts and how steven grows and most importantly i love the story and how a little boy with a special power grows stronger to understand himself more and more.

Also you were right, 43, 45, and 51 were pretty good

Yeah, but I mean, it's kind of /co/'s job to hate on things that are good. I don't take anything seriously here, especially the hatred for Steven Universe.
Fuck I meant 'hole'...

Also New Fag is was wondering what your thoughts are on Peace & Love
>Every time Pearl is salty.
it's been nice knowing you, /co/mrade


"Isn't it remarkable, Steven? This world is full of so many possibilities. Each living thing has an entirely unique experience. The sights they see, the sounds they hear. The lives they live are so complicated... a-and so simple. I can't wait for you to join them. Steven, we can't both exist. I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you. Because you're going to be something extraordinary. You're going to be a human being."

this was in the middle of my post, but I exceed the limit of 2000 characters, lol

Pink? What Pink? There is no Pink. There never was!
OMG that speech...the feels
Was a nice charming song, that had a really nice tempo to it as well as nice to hear the singing voices of all the gems (especially pearls who has one of the best singing voices) as well as stevens to make a nice comfy song about our planet
Rose killed PD so she could fuck humans. Because they have men. Men with dicks.
I finished Catch and Release and Peridot is the cutest fucking thing in this universe
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

If there isn't some fucking Orwellian Nazi Broadway Revue come the second half of the season while they show more of Homeworld, then they fail.
Bullied peridot is best.

Yeah, and I can't wait for the show to finally start back so we truly get more Peridot cuteness. Also, hopefully soon she'll start dressing like a crystal gem.
Official SU Drinking game: whoever wins gets a free Peridot
Take a shot everytime somebody says "Steven"
Take a shot everytime Pearl makes a weird noise
Take a shot everytime Steven is cute
Take a shot everytime a gem says "Clod"
Take a shot everytime someone cries
Take a shot when ever Pearl acts thirsty
Take a shot everytime onion is creepy
Every time Pearl is salty.
Every time Garnet says anything
Nothing stops the gems from having dicks though.
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I know right?!

The moment she sheds her suit she grows some nice character with complexes and emotions and motives outside of a team rocket villain.

You will love the following episodes, trust me.
Pretty touching speech, almost made me cry a little.
I always wonder if she is gonna put a star on herself
Almost a little?
ok it made me cry a bit because im also really close to my mother so it kinda reminded me of her
I was feeling what sadie and Steven were feeling. It was so beautiful
I am a big, tattooed, bearded, musclebound Afghanistan vet and my wife and I held each other and bawled like Crying Breakfast Friends for an hour over it. No shame.
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Peridot has betrayed YD to her face. It is clear the Cluster won't be formed. YD sends the fleet.

She sings something like this:


Damn how did "Well, I think you're pretty great" make you feel then? That's the first time Steven Universe really got to me.
Stars, I hope so! I need to see jackbooted quartzes goose stepping and saluting YD to a showstopper musical number to be complete.
This positivity thread for Steven Universe is so refreshing to see. So much hate for such a fantastic show all the time on here. Definitely wish I had clicked these threads when I saw them but I figured it'd just be more hate.
thanks man, ur da best
i would like that
i always say, treat anons the way you want to be treated.

Plus this show has alot of positive vibes and has sadly usually stuffed down by shitposting and tumbler posting.

So these threads are usually nice.

Good to see ya
For a single Peridot? I don't think so. She's just gonna wait till the Cluster emerges and kills everybody and only when that fails, send in the big guns.

Although I do want to hear her sing. A villain song is always the best song.




/co/ actually has nice, slow SU threads for the most part when the general isn't around. Generals are terrible as a rule though, worst thing to happen to this site if you ask me.
Any episode about Steven's mom kills me with feels.
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It's probably one of the comfiest if not the most comfy song in the show. When it comes to the lyrics and and all around quality it's Do it for Her, but I can't help to return to Love & Peach more often just for it's simple but happy message

Also did you notice how fast Peridot was able to pick up our musical notation system? She's definitely perfect pitch like Steven is, but it also fits her abilty of finding and understanding patterns/structures in a matter of minutes to seconds.

Smoll angry slice of pie is hard to resist
lol you should have embedded it
For a single Peridot that dared call her "Clod" to her face.
Strong in the Real Way
Eh. Yellow Diamond is above something like that. She wants to see the Earth destroyed for some reason, but she doesn't seem particularily vengefull or malicious. It actually seems like she might have genuinely good reasons for hating Earth. Rmember- ain't no such thing as a good war kiddo
Yeah. Her pattern-recognition is awesome. And it's all she does, which is why she obsesses over shipping constellations without knowing how humans work, kicking Greg off a roof to find out if all Earth organisms fly etc.
She is a scientific mind confronted with a complete world to explore. Somebody get her biology books before she takes apart every animal in sight for data.
When you have the resources of an expansionistic, intergalactic, colonial empire, you don't have to be above anything.
No beast is more savage than Gem when possessed with power answerable to her own rage.
A handship and its crew get lost on a planet known for its devastating rebellion and its terrifying rebels. The weakest 'survivor' of that 'crash', under obvious distress, directly calls a diamond and tries to convince her to let the planet live.

You don't get to be the leader of an intergalactic, lesbian empire, if you can't put two and two together. YD will come for the CGs and she will end it personally.
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aw /sug/

I'm never alone when you're around
Peace and Love on Planet Earth is my favourite song of the whole series. It's just so...optimistic and uplifting. Plus Peridot's singing is adorable.
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Welcome to sufering New Fag.

I suggest reading the comics in mean time. Nothing is really cannon but they don't contradict anything either.

"hi again anon" forget about it (?)


I start:












in no particular order

Best Steven Universe's Music ? GO !
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post yfw the real world finds out your dirty secret

that you enjoy SU
Does anyone else think of Super Mario Galaxy?
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Not like they found my porn, piss bottles or sex toys.

I agree with you on a lot of things, except I'd add in this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTzCe8wKIA

and this song

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>yfw this is the Cluster
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Connie's Diamond agent, you know. It's in her eyes.
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I agree, she has a decent singing voice as well as being part of one of the most comfiest songs in the show.
Sounds good, i will give them a shot
I agree
Sorry man, also those are some pretty nice songs
that feel when you got a slight waifuness towards Peridot that it manifested into a single dream i had a day or two ago

That's retarded.


That's retarded!


How do you win, by not dying?


Hmmm... if only she had a fusion cannon strapped to her arm...


...Maybe it's Earth itself. The planet seems to do something to Gems.

What could be more threatening than a planet that produces corrupted Gems? And by 'corrupt' I mean 'disobedient'.

I bet Amethyst is the only remaining member of her batch. For a supposed 'specialist', Peridot knew fuck-all about Earth.
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That smile when she thought she had pleased YD... so sad
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Did you watch the shorts? (Classroom Gems, extended intro, Hotdog duffel bag, lion things?)
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWtkofUmGiw [Embed]
>I'm Still Here

all that shit was beautiful as fuck
How do I design oc gem
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>lion things
Now that's what I call
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Oh noes, you've discovered my horrible secret.
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step 1) Don't.
I just want DeeDee to sing me to sleep every night so I don't have to thing about the horrible, horrible memories.
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How would you guys feel if you woke up and found smol Peridot in your closet?

No not yet but i will later on

Only draw canon characters. Only draw them on model. It's good practice.
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>Pearl will never sing this to you

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I would feel like "Why are you in there, smol Peridot? This is not a bathroom. It is a closet. Silly smol Peridot."
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Oh Deedee...
what is your damage m8?
Actually it kinda makes sense for her to chase after our Peridot. In the leaks Peridot mentions to Steven "I told you, I'm public enemy number one!". It made me laugh and roll my eyes thinking that Peridot might be a little too overdramatic but then I though about it a little longer.
You see Peridot is the first gem to rebel against the Diamond Authority in 5000 years. Her slowly starting to protest against Yellow Diamond happend right in front of that giant, also on that very planet she hates so much because of bad memories. Bad memories about losing a war against rebelling gems. This probably tore open old but very sensitive wounds. She doesn't care much about the puny Peridot, but a whole lot more about the implications of this Peridot's actions. It's outraging to her. Soon she will find out about the cluster being taken care of as well. That geo-weapon was suppose to get rid of that miserable planet at last, but it didn't. And that traitorous Peridot must have something to do with it.

Tl;dr Peridot is fucking kryptonite to Yellow Diamond and she needs to die as fast as possible
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>How would you guys feel if you woke up and found smol Peridot in your closet?
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Yea in the closet

for amethyst
Not recognizing stale pasta.
I'd call the exterminator or something.
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zuke amethyst so fine
Smooth moves from amethysts are nice

Always wondered what lewd thoughts live in her head
What if I want to make a fan fusion of official characters?
The short they do to explain fusion is the best. You even get to see Opal and Alexandrite in chibi.

Well, fuck you too, kids.

Speaking of OC gems, Dragon's Breath Opal is almost done, I managed to find the pens I needed. Cost me two hundred dollars for a set of forty-eight, but it's well worth it. Just a little bit longer, and I'll have her scanned up.

Then do so. It's what I'm doing right now.
co is really tsundere for SU. When an episode is airing, the talkback thread can reach over 300 posters.
Thanks man, that sounds adorable, i will watch them tonight or tomorrow.

Also nice to hear on progress of cool dragon breath Opal, i bet she is looking fucking sick man.
>tfw you are on your phone and don't have any SU pics to show your fellow annons
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go for it, just don't be upset if they make an official fusion that doesn't match your fan one.
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I got you senpai

Wow, that's an awesome picture. Short hair Amethyst is adorable.
But the problem is I really don't get gem design. Like, I could draw some random ass hair and face and that's fine, but I absolutely fail at giving them clothing that seems to fit stylistically with the rest of the show.
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So copy the originals till you get a feeling for it.
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Jesus Christ, that looks exactly like the student teacher from my 12th grade AP English class . . .
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>I absolutely fail at giving them clothing that seems to fit stylistically with the rest of the show.

you and everyone else who creates OC gem shit

don't do it, anon
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She looks nice with short hair
Well give us a pic of your drawings anon, it doesn't hurt to try
Nice bad pearl, love the bad Pearl pics
pic related
Take your feet off the screen, anon.
What the fuck?
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she must have been hot then
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>bad gem shit starts to spread to other gems

I can dig it
>Quartz with short hair
Heresy! Bushy manes are inherent to them!
She was, but she was a MASSIVE bitch. Like, stick-the-size-of-the-Empire-State-Building-up-the-ass bitch.
Damn sorry to hear
I can imagine Yellow diamond spending her vacation days like pic related

Also Yellow pearl is a cute
Dunno, most who let me stick it up the ass are pretty chill.
But everything is so arbitrary and nonsensical.
Hairstyles alone - some gems have geometric shapes (garnet, peridot) while others have more natural looking.
The clothing is...I don't know what style. It doesn't help that they say it's part of the gems themselves so you can't go for material references. You've got random darker parts and random lighter parts and arghhh
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delicious pearls
I think you may have an inflated understanding of your -- impressiveness -- . . .
She was about 24 at the time, getting her masters in education, I think.
That really depends upon the Gems involved in the fusion. Like for Dragon's Breath, I'm mixing Opal's fashion sense with Ruby's, which involves things like turning Opal's capris into what look like tight jogging shorts. Blending Ruby's headband with Opal's hairband gives her something that looks almost like a tiara that keeps her bangs pushed up instead of having it in a ponytail (as does Opal) or in a hanging afro (like Ruby). Basically, for homebrew fusions like that, just take two particular traits and find a median between them.
adorably lewd. I like to imagine each color of pearl is a different version of her perfectionist personality like Yellow being a snob or Blue being a calm kind of pearl who is quiet
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I like to imagine them smiling
What if YD is normal sized an YP is just really tiny?
Someone hasn't got to S4S yet...
These...aren't the gems I was thinking of.
Tiny little pocket pearl?

I like that method of mixing fashion with fusions.
TFW you realize IGQ is probably a mod on /co/
That's still noncanon. How are you going to draw a character you made up ON MODEL?
It's why Peri's own defiance of YD is so great. Rose and the CGs protected Earth for the sake of love, P-dot wants to protect it for the sake of logic. It's a total script-flip but it works perfectly. Major kudos to the crew for that bit of writing.
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I really hope we get a scene later on where Peridot and Greg get over their rocky introduction and bond over music. Maybe Peridot can compose a song for that "Water Witch" album he's been working on for nearly a year in-universe.
Nah, Pink vs. the rest of the GDA is why the war. They were enemies. If she was a fallen friend, they wouldn't have got rid of it from their symbol.
Need more pearls ITT

(technically OCs but idgaf some of these look great)
That would be very cool
I thought it was a great moment to lead up how she developed as a character and has grown to like Earth and the best part is we can see her progress in Log Date 7 15 4 on how she grew to love it.

Great writing as always
Nothing makes me rage like the stupid "make the nose a different color" thing people do in their art for some reason.
I think her logic might be a self-deception.
She obviously finds Earth and its inhabitants fascinating.
Any projected use for them is probably illusory, though. She wants to learn and explore. Everything else is an excuse.
If she really cared about Homeworld, she would just bow to YD.
I like it.

Every kind of pearl for every kind of job/service

My favorites are Red, Fuchsia, Sapphire, Forest Green, and Black
Also i agree, they look kinda dumb with those tumblr noses.

But otherwise i like it
Does anybody got any wage idea when the next episode is coming out?

I was thinking maybe in Easter or is that too optimistic
I almost quit reading Penny Arcade when Mike started drawing them.
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On or before May 16th.
You just outed yourself as speaking Frog. Loser.
A good thing my third language is French
So did you.
I think it would be cool to have a episode were Pearl is accidentally replaced by a standard pearl model via warp malfunction/finding a old pearl and being reactivated.

And the whole episode is a way to give details on how Pearl broke her master/pearl bond/coding.

What do you guys think?
That might be the French sub? April would make it the same time frame as the last hiatus, which was October-January
It broke when PD died. Pearl was PD's pearl. That's why she latched onto Rose, who was PD's right hand Gem.
So what does everyone think of White Diamond being a fusion?

>Forced Lapis into a forced fusion
Dude, it was Lapis doing the forcing in that shitshow
Jasper forced her to fuse, but once Lapis agreed the tables turned and she was forcing them to stay together
Makes sense. I think the headcanonnon that rose is Pink Diamonds right hand maiden fits pretty good for me.
Regardless it was forced
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any specific criticism? I care about getting to the correct answer more than winning an argument
It says something about the episodes in February being released on May 16 19:55. And I guess that it's the dub. So no new episode for us :(
That would also be a pretty good way for Lapis to turn towards a redemption arc. Her and Greg write up a duet or something, and she ends up forming a bond with two humans (Steven sort-of counts, I suppose) better than with the Crystal Gems, if only for at first.
Adorably hot, would cuddle and snuggle and maybe hold hands

Its a good theory and kinda makes sense
Complete lack of the supposed "evidence" having anything to do with supporting the theory?

Which is a shame because some of the theories on that site are well done like "PD was already gone"
I would imagine lapis would feel hurt about the cover at first but then talk to greg about how she was just upset at the time and the two bond really well.

I bet she could sing pretty good and maybe play piano really well as well.
I finished message recieved and now Peridot is my favorite character in the show.
I told you bro
I told you bout best gem
She definitely cares about both: if you watch "Mesage Received" again, you can pick her real intentions from her dialogue:
"I'm of use to Yellow Diamond; this planet can be of use to Yellow Diamond!"
"The most perfect, the most reasonable, rational, efficient decider ever to exist in the universe!"
"She'll sort this out!"

Before she realized her god-queen was a huge bitch with a millenia-old grudge, she really hoped to strike a compromise: probably bringing Earth under Gem control with minimal geological disturbance, negating any apparent reason to destroy it via the Cluster.
I'm curious what you mean by lack of "complete lack of evidence."

Do you mean a lack of evidence that that gem specifically is a white diamond? I omitted that explanation because it's a commonly accepted fan theory but I could add more evidence if need be.
Of course there's also dumb stuff like "Contrary to popular belief, hydrokinesis is not Lapis’s weapon." on there, and that post is after the Word of God confirmed Hydrokinesis is, in fact, Lapis' weapon.
It's also a commonly accepted fan theory that Rose is PD.

NOTHING in that post makes ANY sense whatsoever when taken as evidence. Non sequitur, does not follow.
Pretty sure there's a version around without the shaded noses, but yeah, it's a bit silly. Makes everyone look like they have a cold, or just got drunk.

>a bunch of drunk Pearls in a single space
the Dead Sea couldn't be so salty
Meaning it isn't a lack of evidence in that no "evidence" was presented. It's that the evidence does not logically support the thesis. It's all spurious.
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>the Dead Sea couldn't be so salty

Peridot grew to love Earth and overall tried to strike a deal with YD to keep the planet rather than let the Cluster destroy it from the inside and was really conflicted afterwords because her desire to keep earth stable while preventing YD to continue the cluster project was thrown into the trash the moment she realized that the deal couldn't work.
Smol Peridot is on the same level for Garnet with me.

Both are best gems for me
Stars, I have a hankering for Doritos.
Best Stevenface is best.
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>a bunch of drunk Pearls in a single space

Your giving me some lewd thoughts anon
I made some of these earlier >>80989704
they were pretty tasty (lemon flavor)
If you made Pearl cookies, they would be salty flavored?
I said that specifically to make a distinction between her hydrokinesis and her water wings which appear to be two separate abilities. Lapis could use her hydrokinesis with her gem broken but could not create her water wings. The water wings are also not the same as the water she was manipulating, thew were generated from her gem

Okay. let me break this down
>the gem was found in a pyramid, which are most well known for containing buried royalty
>the shape of the gem has a diamond-shaped facet just like every other diamond
>the gemstone is enormous and must belong to a likewise inhumaly giant gem, like the diamonds we've seen
>the gem is white just like the expected color of a known diamond who has never appeared on screen except in murals
>based on the detailed historical murals, intricate traps, and the floor which bears the three-diamond symbol, this must be the property of homeworld
This indicates that the temple contains a diamond

>the moon base belongs to the diamond authority and contains murals of all four diamonds
>the mural of white diamond looks very similar to the one we saw in the pyramid temple and has an identical gem but at the wrong location
>gemstones don;t move around with regeneration or transformation so this cannot be the same gem as the one in the pyramid
>therefore there are at least two white diamonds
I would imagine her cookies to taste like Vanilla with almonds and i hint of salt
I have now watched every single Steven Universe episode (except for Say Uncle and the shorts). I am now caught up. I did it SUfags! I lost my social life! And I could not be happier about it!
Kill yourself
Multiple diamonds of the same type? Not the issue. WD is a fusion? Nothing to support it.
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Were these a Panty & Stocking ED reference?
Say Uncle isn't as bad as you are afraid it is, and I am no UG fan, to say the least.
I'll start explaining that in 15-20 minutes, right now I'm walking somewhere
Pearl is already a cracker.
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>Not watching Say Uncle and the shorts
>Unironically watched Sadie's Song
Say uncle was actually pretty good.

They make fun of a few things about the show and the fanbase a bit.

Also Uncle grandpa isn't that cringy in the episode so he is tolerable.
the bees looks like Beedrills from pokemon
I actually suggest you watch the shorts, they clear up somethings not explicitly stated in the show, or clears up what happens to characters during down time.
hahaha nice meme
Not saying she isn't a fusion, but you have not presented an evidence-supported argument for it in the post you linked.
I know the bees are beedrills, I'm talking about the string of chibi deaths.
Pearl is waifu. Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't.

Pearl, my waifu
Watchin' em right now
Death is always kawaii.
Even if his voice is mild wind over a burial mound.
Watched all the shorts + Malachite vs Alexandrite Clip.
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Amedot is cute ship

Post some Amedot cute stuff
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I'm curious.

Who do you think took responsibility over taking care of Steven's well-far after Greg handed him over to the Gems?

Personally I think It would be Garnet because its evident that Pearl is disgusted by humans and Amethyst is generally irresponsibility.

What do you guys think?
No Pearl was probably all like MAH BABBEH right away. Garnet is best mom tho.
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>Pearl is disgusted by humans

That's fine. Steven is only half-human after all.
Steven takes mostly care of himself.
Pearl does most of the housework.
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Posting some Adorable Chibi's from the shorts

I like to think both Pearl and Garnet took turns watching steven
So, scale of 1 to 10, how badly do you think YD abuses her pearl?

Using the Shit Rolls Downhill theory, we can infer that the abuse Yellow Pearl heaps on to anyone trying to contact her master is in some way proportional to that which she receives herself. Plus, you say how terrified se was when YD spoke, and how happy she was to see that *someone else* was the target of her ire.
The Classroom Gems stuff was even better for me because I've watched Gunbuster so many times.
Fixed it, check again. The evidence is still weakish but better explained
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*cough* peridot*cough*
They all did.

Garnet protects Steven from possible dangers, Pearl keeps him and the house clean, Amethyst is his playmate.
Together Breakfast is still one of my favourite early episodes. It gives a nice solid introduction of almost every character, has some nice "wtf was that" moments and some of the funniest deliveries of the whole series. The music change when he drops the strawberry always gets me.
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I find them really cute like this
Eh, we not certain its abuse but rather fear of Wrath upon other gems.

I mean if you think about it, Yellow pearl must have seen some wrathful shit in her time being by YD's side
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>Lapis singing
I didn't realize how much I wanted this until now
Damnable hiatus!!!
What would 1 and 10 be exactly?

Like, is 1 insulting her sometimes and 10 crushing her gem and getting a new one?
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I fucking love and adore this show, I wish I could discuss it with you all... but I heard the leaks are pretty serious and I'd like to avoid them at all costs. Have fun guys, and here's a treat on me.
If you could spend a whole day with your favorite gem, what would you do and why?

Also how would you feel if your favorite gem hit on you and asked you out?

I imagine she would sing like a soft Siren, with a nice heavenly voice with dark undertones
You can speak here friend, just avoid anything that looks like a leak.

Glad you like the show man

mmmmmm dat amethyst and garnet
>Lapis sings a Lapis Lazuli reprise
But Steven eats, shits, and bathes. Those are all
things that she finds disgusting
I understand where this whole mom-pearl thing is coming from but I think this behaviour came from Pearl attachment with Rose. It might of been that the realization that Steven is the only thing left of Rose and that taking a caring of him would be fulfilling Rose's last wish. This later turn into a relationship with Steven.
I like this answer the best. But do they even know what to feed Steven. I don't think the Gems have a grasp of human nutrition.
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1 is passive-aggressive bullshit, 10 is "the Stockholm Syndrome should be kicking in any minute now".
Look at this face. This is the face of someone who knows EXACTLY what's coming, and who's only source of pleasure is seeing it happen to OTHER PEOPLE, AND NOT HER.

Fixed the white diamond theory in case anybody cares
well first I would have to decide on a favorite gem. (peridot or garnet) if peridot just show her the world and reach her about the things around us. If Garner just stand in pure awe of her.
2. Considering that i'm gay it would make for a very awkward experience.
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ok ok, ill give her a 7 on the "my master abuses me" chart

Now im getting a silly image of Yellow pearl being squeezed comically by Yellow Diamond like a stress toy
Pearl, I'd have her fix my van and then maybe go to an art museum or something.

Be confused and afraid of what her thirst will become.
But what if she reshapes into a boy model?
Um guys, Pearl is white, which means she would most likely belong to the white diamond right, not pink diamond, then she would be pinkish.
You better request this in the draw thread, stat.
if Garent tell him I am truly touched that they would do that for me but i know their hearts belong to each other and i don't want that ever to be weakened. If peridot, be shocked due to her logical nature, then realize its b/c she finds us a perfect fit and go for it.
You can relay my request if you want

Pearl would never get this thirsty to kiss steven and pretend its rose

This disgusting
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Her spacesuit just straight up has a pink diamond on it, so, make of that what you will.
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What about you?
our Pearl is actually mix of all four diamonds' colors, though: white body, pink hair, blue and yellow clothing. I think it signifies that she doesn't belong to any one gem.
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>find this fan fusion
>everything's so elegant, simple and makes sense
>remember my own try from yesterday
>bite my own ass for being so bad
...in fact, THEORY TIME: I think Pearl's real "defect" is that she NEVER actually belonged to anyone. Her creation was an accident, and because she wasn't tailor-made for another Gem, she was forgotten by all until Rose gave her a purpose.
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may we take a moment just to mention how great of a character Connie is?
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You're welcome.
Her VA is actually a really good singer.
connie sucks and is most boring of characters
Hey guys i gotta get to bed, gotta get some sleep for tomorrow. I hope to talk to you guys tomorrow.

Have a great night!!

I would generally just hangout with peridot, play vidya, talk about hem stuff, that kind of stuff.

If date then i would cuddle her at the movies
Thanks man saved!
I hope sge sings in a future episode
She is down to earth, I see one of my closest friends in her.
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>that amv

jesus fucking christ, I didn't realize this was still a thing

decent song though

I like that sucrose populated her show with singers

seems like only amethyst, yellow diamond, jasper, and peridot are the only VAs that aren't confirmed singers
Don't mention her, you'll draw the attention of the MishaLover Monster.

Also, for New Fag, here's something else I drew. I think I've shared it before on here, but I just like it a lot. Also, I finished Dragon's Breath, I just need to scan her up.

Here's the song mentioned in the picture (hope you like Japanese hip-hop): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0a03Kg8ohR4
cool story bro
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>Pearl's real "defect"
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MishLover Monster?
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Yeah, but I think that realization happened right away. MAH BABBEH ROSE
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Goodnight, New Fag no more. Hope I recognize you in future SU threads!
Gems aren't necessarily the same color as their Diamond. Remember that Blue Diamond had several Rubies working for her, and Peridot is greenish, not completely yellow.

The other Pearls appear to match their Diamond in color, but we've only seen them in heavily shaded scenes where ~everything~ matched the Diamond in color. Even then, we don't know that our Pearl was made specifically for a Diamond; she could have been made for another Gem.
pink hair? Colorblind much?
MishaLover is an asshole on /u/ who occasionally ventures to /co/ or /sug/ on /trash/ to spam a bunch of Ponnie at the mere mention of their "delicious brown loli".
You're best friends with Steven?
Pearl's hair is peach, not pink.
I'm pretty sure "peach" is just a pink.
Yeah but the rubies probably originally belonged to PD. That's why BD got so salty over her precious sapphire fusing with a mongrel red gem.
It's an orange.

The biggest flaw here is that the theory assumes that the triangular shape White Diamond is holding her hands over is her gem.

Blue and Yellow are ALSO in the Pyramid Mural, and NEITHER of them have visible, diamond-shaped gems.
oh god, im sorry
Your face is an orange.

TFW the distinction between orange and red is not only a recent development in Anglo culture, but is absent from many others?
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Okkkaaay i guess i can't really sleep

fuck it, i guess im already back

False alarm, sorry
in a combo of pink and orange
Opal's voice gives me the HNNNGH.
S.U too good for sleep
Its pretty good man, also cannot wait to see dragon breath opal, i bet she is worth the weight
Derped, false alarm can't really sleep.

I guess im gonna be here for a bit longer talking to you lovely people
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Is it an impression of mine or you guys don't hang out in /sug/?
Anons being this polite with a newbie?

What an improvement guys, very good
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let's eat hallucinogens and rewatch the series

Yellow Diamond's voiced by Patti LuPone, who's actually a really famous Broadway singer, and Peridot's voice actress has done a fair amount of voice work in the past, for what it's worth.
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>Now that i am done, what do you guys think of the show as a whole?
Would you play it?
Steven's not even allowed IN Funland.
I don't own any even if i wanted to

but it sounds fun
Yes if has its own art as well as a nice flow and good writing then yea
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I'm from /sug/ and I always thought the talkback threads were pretty decent

/trash/sug works as a great containment thread for the chuckleheads who shit up the usual /sug/ threads with garbage

normal /sug/ usually loves newbies

fresh blood

weeble wobble one of us one of us
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so on a scale of Lars to Lion, how cool are you guys to hang out with

I'd say I'm a solid Sour Cream level
That's Aimee Mann for you.

Thoughts on the Suck On My Dub pic?
I would also say sour cream with a hint of Steven goofiness and Amethyst's dirty mind if im that close
Shit, I guess I need to stop taking so long to comment.
Not with me though... I was just like OP and guys here were pretty awful... takes sometime to get used. I'm glad it has changed

Trash/sug is pretty chill imo
Also i guess im gonna spend some more time here because i can't sleep.

Since you got some good music taste mah man, know any good slow but relaxing tracks for me to listen to?
is there not more?
Isn't it obvious what happens next?

YD presses a button and pearls falls into a room full of Yellow pearls who are all standing around ready to replace the current one
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>Trash/sug is pretty chill imo

Yes. Especially if you can fuck'em.
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I'm a regular there dude
It is chill
>just completely ignore the shitposting and you'll be fine
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I went to trash /sug/ yesterday and literally the first thing I saw was several pictures of Steven fucking Peridot.

I can't handle porn of Steven, Steven is pure and not for sexual
what is /sug/
This is good advice

Peridot on the other hand....................
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it is lovely
>Steven's first fap will be to Pearl fucking his mother in one of her dreams
and then she goes

I am a riptide queen, and I am super mean

and destroys beach city with a tidal wave
ctrl+f "vocaroo"

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try again
How did /co/ react when Garnet was confirmed as a fusion?
Well it would literally be the only way to end the scene, so yeah.
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the show is bad and if you like it you should feel bad.
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like this

the theory was around for a while so we weren't very surprised
It was a great thread, everyone lost their shit in the most entertaining way
but what was it?
They were too distracted by the sickest of burns to care, especially since plenty of people had called it.
Oh yeah, there's a lot of porn... since I don't mind it one bit, I just ignore or hide what I don't wanna see
trash/sug is a good mix of /aco/ and /co/ SU with a lot of autism - that I also tend to ignore and there's some new fan content and discussions, best of both boards... well, things went down though due the hiatus though...
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steven universe general

they're banned until a new ep airs because they attract so many posters

plus once things get stale the shit hawks start to circle and it turns into garbage, which is why they fled to /trash/
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I know that feel Anon.
>plus once things get stale the shit hawks start to circle and it turns into garbage, which is why they fled to /trash/
see >>81004624
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His first fap has already been to Connie in a wedding dress and eyepatch
You two listened to the S1 finale vocaroo, right?
Ws SU even that popular on co before jailbreak?
Alright for real im gonna go to sleep, i can barely concentrate anymore and im feeling tired as shit.

Good night you guys, i hope i dream some cool shit tonight.

Hope this thread is still up tomorrow.

Anyway night guys, your all so great!
Steven Universe General, but it's cute because it also looks like a shorthand for Rebecca Sugar's last name.

Those'll come back to /co/ when the show starts airing again.
Yep, he was so excited, it was great. I love Britanon's enthusiasm.
>when the show starts airing again.
It'll happen someday anon. It'll happen someday.
So will the Heat Death of the universe.
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Yeah, sure
for about a week or two, at most
>and back into /trash/
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fuck YOU
night my faggy friend ;)
damn you Rebecca gives us more SU
Pretty much anything by Nujabes, DJ Okawari, and a lot of Shing02's stuff as well, although my favorites of his are usually a bit more powerful.

And here's Dragon's Breath for you. Tell me what you think!
The colors are a little muted, by the way. It's actually a good bit more vibrant in-person, but scanners do that to your pics if they aren't the kind that cost you an arm and a leg.
Don't blame her, blame CN, because we all already know CN has a stock of about 20-30 episodes that the execs are trying to catch up on before they release it to the public and are subject to spoilers.
>Jasper has to be the most least likable gem there is
I missed some past threads so what was your opinion on Sadie's Song New Fag?
>CN has a stock of about 20-30 episodes
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If Yellow Pearl fuses with Amethyst would it make the same Opal?
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What's the basketball team called?
Beach city Giants
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>all the lewdness of Amy and Smugpearl combined
>super bitchy smug
>all that leg
Anon, I will never be the same.
It'd probably be one of these (Fire Flash Opal), at least in color scheme.
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When Yellow Diamond arrives on Earth, I want Lapis to force-fuse with Yellow Pearl as a way of taking her prisoner. A weak gem like YP would be completely dominated by Lapis' will, and it would be great but messed up if Lapis used the fusion to fight YD.

I really want Smugpearl to get bullied.
Peridot is going to learn the true meaning of "electronic entertainment" as we go 1v1 and co-op through too many games to count. This includes Custom Robo and MtG

I would probably be thoroughly embarrassed about the date and flirting, but hell if I'd object.

Next question: How would your/my family react?
My nose does that

Is my nose tumblr? Why did tumblr have to ruin my face.
Every SU thread haha.
what is it?
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explain THIS!
Depends on what she looks like. Do you think Peridot looks like a dwarf or a well-endowed 12-year-old
shortstack, motherfucker
>Raped in Translation

Every time.
Era 2 construction. All the Era 1 construction included the full Diamond Authority which was White, Yellow, Blue, and Pink. After the fall of Pink Diamond (which starts Era 2), new construction includes the new Diamond Authority insignia with only 3 diamonds: White, Yellow, Blue.
Visual Novel (VN) like a choose your own adventure book in game form. I'm migrating from Renpy to Tyranobuilder because it has much better export/publishing options and am using art taken from the SU wiki to practice with. Just posted that pic here cuz it made me laugh.
I feel like I need to apologize every time someone posts this because I literally cut out the nose and filled it back in with the bucket tool for half of them.

but surely nobody else would notice that...
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Pink Diamond was stricken from the logo after during or after Rose's Rebellion.
I only notice the lovely lack of Tumblr Nose.
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this image would be 10/10 but the faces totally kill it. At least the Blue Pearl one is perfect because only the mouth is showing
she isn't near that hot on the show anon
I'm sticking by my guns that the main point is a red herring, and only the small details actually relate to the show.
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We can dream.
Neither is Lapis or Pearl, but that doesn't stop the fans.
Shut the hell up you dirty tripfag
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She looks like she could really use some coffee.

Besides, it's not like what I said is a bad thing. All the Gems look better to their fans than they actually are.

Except Opal.
Guys, I'm doing some speculation. Tell me what you think of this

>Desert Glass is basically YD's version of Rose
>IRL DG is an amorphous quartz
>in the show, DG is extremely strong, possibly moreso than lapis
>Gems are close in color to their diamond, and DG is greenish yellow
Oh, also? Rose left Lion to guard DG, something she didn't do for any other imprisoned gem
Not too terrible of a theory. Desert Glass could be a necessary component for unlocking the entirety of the Cluster, not necessarily as a sacrifice, but something of a key.
I can see Lion protecting Desert Glass, but barely since Lion seems too important to protect a single gem, and it's hard to see it as a quartz, if anything, DG would be Yellow Diamond's Lapis, I hope to see more of it since it's the only gem we've seen outside the burning room not to have a form (and telekinetic to boot)
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yo, Spergy Sam

It may be hard to see as a quartz, but it literally IS a quartz, so that's all it can be.

Quartzes aren't all made equal, Jasper and Amethyst are more or less identical in terms of powers, though non-deformed amethysts seem to be bigger (see the one in sworn to the sword), but Rose and DG are much more powerful and break the mold

Corundums are also have a lot of variation, such as Ruby and Sapphire serving two entirely different purposes
Oh yeah, you are probably right.
You are still a shitty tripfag and should stop using the tripcode asap though
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Didn't know it was a quartz. It'd be cool if quartz have as much range in powers as corundums do, since Rose's a paladins and Jaspers are warriors.
To add to the speculation, what if Sapphires are very rare special versions of Rubies akin to blue lobsters, and Amethysts are defective in nature
No, we've seen a normal-sized amethyst before, or rather Pearl has. Her hologram in Sworn To The Sword shows her defending Rose from a quartz voiced by Amethyst's voice actress.

Sapphire is confirmed to be extremely rare in The Answer, even though in real life Sapphires are much more common due to the fact that any corundum that isn't red is a sapphire, and that sapphires can be made artificially cheaply enough that every modern iphone screen is made of it
I meant sapphires are super rare, special versions of Rubies. keep in mind it's entirely headcanon because we don't know if gem creation is either super precise or a total crapshoot. We just know goo goes in the ground and Gems come out.
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Hey hey, fuck you buddy those are her good qualities
>Raped by the bell
>Austin Powers: The Spy Who raped me

Every time
>Robin Williams
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I'd fuck that peri if she didn't remind me so much of huey freeman
Man I wanna shove my face between her legs and go wild till the sun comes up.
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Jasperfags are so delusional about how "hot" their waifu is. Only the fanart makes her "hot".
not that the fanart of Lapis/Pearl/Peridot/literally every other gem does the same thing
It's all fanart at the end of the day
yeah, it's been big since the original pilot came out
Found this somewhere.
it is a bit patchy on a lot of those beaks but whatever, now I have TWO of this picture!
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Working on Black Lightning Opal (my visualization of Amethyst + Pearl + Sapphire), and I got the pencil lines more or less done. Just need to get some of the finer details on her weaponry, and then I can start inking.

Pic is the stone I'm using for the general color palette.
Why do they always make Lapis into Rei
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Gonna be heading out, just got up this morning to see if this thread is still up and good thing it is.

I gotta get to work soon so this will probably be my last post

Hey man as always you did a WONDERFUL job on dragon breath and im gonna save the pic for just how good it is.

I bet Black lightning is gonna be just as cool
Tasty doreto, yum yum
Sounds good
That sounds kinda hot for some reason
it could be fun! I'd play
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damnable New Fag, this is an anonomouse Mongolian basket weaving board, I supported you before, but now you've caught up. Fall in line with the anonomouseness of 4chan.
nice peri, bee tee dubs
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Alright New Fag see you later in the void of anonymous. It was fun following you through your journey of discovering this show for the first time
Has there ever been hypnotism/brainwashing in the show? If so, when?
Nope, never.
Garnet got hypnotized by the meat beat mania machine
damn that's some moe shit if I've ever seen any
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how will you feel when they're getting ready to kill garnet because they cant keep getting Estelle to come in?
Easy, Ruby and Sapphire get separated.
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>Lapis not hot in the show
I'd say she is pretty hot
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Lapis fans confirmed for pedophiles.
Young? The gems are thousands of years old, or are you visually speaking.
Characters pretty good on model, decent-good linework, even remembered the tapered line ends in skin creases. Good composition, good expressions. 3/10 on the color though.
Again your linework is great and your coloring REALLY needs help. Also, noncanon character so final score -infinity/10.
No, rosacea ruined your face.
Nah, those are Connie fans. Lazurites are healthy, well-adjusted men. Lapis is clearly a grown woman, just not overgrown.

Visually, though Lapis is stunted from being stuck in a mirror for so long.
Estelle is a fucking nobody in the music world. VA's make way more than REAL musicians post-Spotify. Cartoon Network is the only one keeping Estelle from being homeless and starving.
Also I bet Dee Bradley Baker makes more for Lion Noises than Estelle gets paid to be a main character.
Keeping alive
Never gonna happen, Estelle and Sugar are really good friends and VA schedules are pretty flexible
also >>81016559

It's actually Deedee's music career that interferes with the schedule the most.
Broadway singers of her calibur are in demand.
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You know Rose wanted to raise Steven into a murdercock machine ready to fuck the everloving shit out of each and every one of these Gems.
he did say he was gonna drop the name when this thread is ded
So, is SU more popular than AT?
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