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The more I think about it, the more I wonder what went wrong

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The more I think about it, the more I wonder what went wrong here. I mean, a movie about Jonah Hex, directed and written by the guys who did Cranked 2? How the hell did this movie come out to be as bad as it was? What the hell were they thinking? I mean, on paper, this movie really should've been incredible.
>megan fox
No, it really didn't.
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It may just be because of her turn as Furiosa, but I can't help but think that Charlize Theron would've been a perfect Tallulah Black.
Its because they tried to make a "superhero" western movie, rather than a western that just happened to be based on a comic book character.
The human tumor that is Megan Fox.

They should've made a Weird Western, rather than a superhero western. The Vertigo books would be perfect for the team that brought us the Cranked movies.
just watch bone tomahawk, it's better than most every hex comic and any adaption could be
That was a pretty awesome movie, but /co/ loves hex, and saying it's better than any hex comic is saying a lot.

Those cave people were ripped directly from a Jonah Hex story. What makes that especially weird is that, to the best of my knowledge, Hex was never involved in anything like that.
From an interview a few weeks back, Brolin said executive meddling was at play, twisting around everything he'd signed on for once they got a larger budget than needed. He initially signed on for what was to be a Clint Eastwood-style western in the vein of High Plains Drifter. He even said he'd be glad to return to the role if someone wants to make that sort of movie and thinks they could do it for a few million altogether, should any backers be interested.
Absolutely this. They shoved in stupid CGI effects and Megan Fox and Mastodon for wider appeal and destroyed it.

Everything has to be ruined for mass appeal now.
Have we seen who's playing Hex in Legends of Tomorrow yet?

I still dream of an AMC/HBO/Netflix series that adapts stories from the originals and from the Palmiotti and Gray run, I'd even be fine with all the dumb Gotham City tie-in stuff they did if it helps it get made.

The irony is that none of them want shows that are episodic anymore so mature shows pretty much HAVE to be serials now.
What the fuck makes you think the guy that wrote Crank 2 would make a good western?
Ugly cowboy has adventures. Such a simple premise but they fucked it up.
>"Let's shoehorn modern politics into a western setting and drown it in bad hollywood cliches! What could possibly go wrong?"

When they called the big bad "la terroriste" I somehow already knew I was in for a total shit show.
Hollywood Westerns are dead on arrival unless they're very subversive which Jonah Hex is not.
Crank is awful
>I mean, on paper, this movie really should've been incredible.
>Hex has superpowers
>shitty steam punk gadgetry thrown in, just for the sake of having brief, horribly executed action scenes
>the plot is basically a shitty a modern 'stop a terrorist from blowing up D.C' thriller retrofitted to take place in the 19th century west, hence the retarded plot device super weapon with nuke type glowing orbs as its ammo
>Megan Fox is a whore with a heart of gold, who gets dragged along for no reason and then is revealed to be Talluah Black near the end
>Hex's origin is simplified to a point where it's just "muh dead family"
>movie ends with the President offering a giant Sheriff pin to Hex and asking him to be the Sheriff of the entire country.

Yeah, no. Aside from few redeeming qualities like Fassbender and few scenes where Hex actually felt like Hex, it was awful all the way through. They even managed to turn all that gorgeous Hex comic art into looking like garbage in the opening of the movie. I swear, it couldn't have been more than two minutes in before I was already fighting the urge to just turn off the TV.
If this greentext is true, I'm glad I skipped this one.

Is that even confirmed? I thought it was just a rumor. Granted, it's a rumor that I really hope is true, but still.
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Because they're batshit insane, love spectacle violence and have an incredibly frenetic style that would make an old west shootout into a thing of horrific beauty.

>the plot is basically a shitty a modern 'stop a terrorist from blowing up D.C' thriller retrofitted to take place in the 19th century west, hence the retarded plot device super weapon with nuke type glowing orbs as its ammo

...didn't they already do that once?
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Forgot my image
>I mean, on paper, this movie really should've been incredible.
See >>80284496.
>He initially signed on for what was to be a Clint Eastwood-style western in the vein of High Plains Drifter.
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Finally got a chance to watch this after hearing how bad it was.
It's not often that I tap out in the first 10 minutes of a movie, but this was one of those times. See webm.
Brolin was excellent as Hex. I would love to see him in the role again if the story was right.
I could deal with the "talk to the dead" bit. It lends that Weird Western vibe to the mix. But the whole Wild Wild West rehash was just awful.
If someone asked me what I DON'T want to see in a Jonah Hex movie, "dual wielding machine guns" would probably one of the top things.

They could take the script for Bone Tomahawk and, after a few alterations, it could be made into a Jonah Hex story.
Jesus Christ, this looks absolutely terrible.
Ah, gotcha

Wild Wild West is a way better film then Jonah Hex. It was still retarded but at least it had Kenneth Branagh chewing all the scenery and a couple of decent action moments.


At least Wild Wild West had the grace to be insanely bad instead of just dully bad.


Is Hex known for hanging around with a large posse like the one Russell had in BT?

>Is Hex known for hanging around with a large posse like the one Russell had in BT?

When the job requires it, and he's very rarely happy about it. It's usually for cases like in Bone Tomahawk, where someone's gone missing, and the people that want the person back are insistent on accompanying him.
>How the hell did this movie come out to be as bad as it was?
>directed and written by the guys who did Cranked 2?

one of life's great mysteries I guess
thats really the long and short of it.
for some inexplicable reason.. they made Wild wild West 2.
And instead of a shitty pretentious score by fucking Mastodon it had a giant mechanical spider.
This thread made me go ahead and give Bone Tomahawk a watch.

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