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What does /co/ think of gigi?

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What does /co/ think of gigi?
Literally who.
hiimdaisy, newfag
Literally what.
I kind of liked CQ when it started, but it feels like it's been getting blander and doing nothing for quite a while now.

Art is still alright IMO though, just lackluster characters and story.
Batshit, sadly deluded and foxy.

Her antics > CQ
Most of /co/ doesn't like her, if these threads are any indication. A lot of that has to do with her not doing videogame parody comics anymore.

I like Cucumber Quest. The writing reminds me a lot of Paper Mario, and the artwork is good. Overall I like gigi's work a lot.
Agree, I think gigi is more focused on making pretty princess drawings than advancing her story
I unironically like the parts that focus on Nightmare Knight and the disaster masters.

I don't care much for the parts where it's just Cucumber's group bumbling around.
She's alright
Metal gear was funnier, cucumber quest is fine but I don't see why she completely dropped something so popular.
Better making parody comics and not as Megalovaniaman's dicksleeve
Game parody comics are still better than anything she's done lately, no matter how much she wants otherwise.
I miss her game parody stuff, she had a knack for that sort of comedy.

Too bad she got up her own ass and started trying to be super serial artist with Cucumber Quest.

Is she trying to get attention again?
>What does /co/ think of gigi?

She's a bit of a cunt, but her webcomic is pretty good and it's visible that she puts time and effort into it.

That's about it.
I dont care for her comic, but her art has a unique attractiveness. Just wish she stuck to parody, but I can definitely understand the desire to branch out from that
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Is this confirmed, or just /co/ making shit up
So she's somewhat like Themrock? Minus the timing.
liked her more when she made funny vidya comics.

cucumber quest sucks.
Ruined Zack. Fuck that uppity bitch
Hiimdaisy was a cool fun loving person, nothing like Gigi. There is no hiimdaisy.
>this obsession with 4chan
>protesting too much
>that dig at tumblr
Well that's some interesting little bits of context
She doesn't like tumblr since they got pissed at her for publicly trying to cheer herself up with cute pictures during the stuff at Ferguson.
She has an ego too? Or was that just out of vent?
Gigi is Hiimdaisy's phantom
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liked her old stuff better
>Ruined Zack.
How so?
Heard shes dating the guy that created Undermeme now
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Hiimdaisy was better
>criticizing tumblr/callout culture is rough bc then all the touchy "art is offensive!" 4chan dudes chime in and its like nope, no, not you
>"art is offensive!" 4chan dudes

...Has she ever really been here?
>>I don't see why she completely dropped something so popular

Cry about it anon, let her make whatever the fuck she wants
She seems really insecure about opinions that don't actually matter
Why can't you just make a Cucumber Quest thread. It will be the same thing in the end but fuck off with this bait garbage.
I think the opposite. It's getting better and was pretty boring and nothing in the end.
Do you really expect her to make comics about one game forever? She didn't want to do parody anymore.
I think she actually comes here with how much she complains and talks about stuff we say. That or people link her to threads which is also very possible.
Gigi isn't it time you tweeted about here again?
It wasn't one game it was an entire fucking series. And she gave that up to make an unfunny parody of Legend of Zelda.
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Kind of a washed up hack, to be honest. I'm not even trying to shit on her for giving up her hiimdaisy days, but she seemingly traded in her personality in an attempt to be "that" cartoonist who pleases all the "good" people in the world without realizing she's a shitty person herself.

She may have talent as a painter, but if CQ is what she considers to be her magnum opus, something she's been working on since she was a child, her lifelong journey come to fruition.. The future doesn't look bright for her.
Yes because she didn't want to do it anymore. Why should she keep doing parody comics for you when she doesn't want to?
Because she was good at it and she wasn't finished.
Made up bullshit and lies
She drew a cute picture of Kirby and then tumblr jumped on her for being an ignorant white person when she's black.
That shit is hilarious.

>waaah 4chan is mean I'm going to go to tumblr where it's safe.

>tumblr then proceeds to lynch her a new one
this response right here is why I'm afraid of doing a webcomic after having found a sustainable income through graphic design. There's a story i been making up since i was 7. I still think its hot, but I don't honestly think I could deliver it the way i want and then there's these people with the negativity because she opts for something serious. which is the tone i want to make mine. I know I should disregard that and just do me, but actually too sensitive for it. lul which is funny because i love harsh criticism in graphic design.
Fucking pussy.
The reason a lot of people here hate Gigi has nothing to do with her comic. It has to do with her personality. There are people who hate her because she quit Hiimdaisy, those people are idiots, but they're not many. There are more fans of CQ than haters. Just do whatever. If you don't badmouth 4chan the babies won't get upset and start harassing you as well.
Go read the "Let's Destroy Metal Gear!" series, you're in for a treat.
>then there's these people with the negativity because she opts for something serious.

LET'S ALL MAKE SILLY FACES AND SWEAT PROFUSELY WHILE EATING LOTS OF SNACKS: The Comic sure is a serious emotional roller coaster, anon.

If you think CQ has a "serious tone," you might want to reconsider doing comics altogether, because you don't see to understand what tone is.
Just go for it, man. It's more important to do what you want. Just don't close yourself off to criticism, don't be an ass, and you'll be fine.

I love how Cucumber Quest looks, at least. haven't really read through a lot of it, but damn is it gorgeous.


This also made me laugh.
>blog shitting
>wah wah no one likes serious themed comics
You're not only wrong but also an attention whore fuck off.
I don't know anything about your capabilities as a designer or storyteller anon, but please try to type at least somewhat normally and fucking use punctuation.

Simply don't put much of your own personal self/opinions publicly on social media and you'll likely avoid ever being a target, if you ever gain enough traction where that's a possibility.
>You're not only wrong but also an attention whore fuck off.

I need to make up for my lack of social media accounts.
Make up your mind, tumblrina.
Pretty sure she's latina. Not that latinas can't be black, but she's hispanic latina.
Who the fuck harasses her, unless you call this thread harassing.
I don't think they've ever eaten snacks so I have no idea what you're talking about.
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every artist wants a story where they completely own the characters, settings and everything.
if they have popular parodies, then they are only as a fraction as popular as the thing they are parodying.

her hiimdaisy comic were only good since the games she based them on were absolutely crazy to some degree.

now when she writes her own story, all the characters and plot seems completely stupid and inept because she still writes it like a hiimdaisy comic, but without a well known videogame to back it up
I can think of the time on the train right off the top of my head, but I have no idea how long ago that was to go dig up the page.
What ethnicity is she, anyway? And is Gigi a real name or just a nom de plume?
Yeah, it's a pseudonym you fucking FROG.

And she's a latina or something. There were pictures at some point and I've seen them but she probably caught wind of that + I'm not going to looking for them. She's not that cute
No one seems to know for sure. Either hispanic, southeast asian, black or a combination of some of those.
Oh yeah, I've seen them too. She's got a big schnozz.
Even if you wanted to find them again, good luck. Her photos and videos tab on twitter is filled to the brim because she spams so many screenshots and youtube videos. It'd take you a month of scrolling to go back that far.
hi gigi

cute artstyle, boring comic. she also seems unreasonably mad people still enjoy her older work rather than moving on and ignoring it
Which ironically has made her even less popular.
It was on a blogspot blog maybe. It was her trying out various clothes or something.

Gigi if you're reading this, I'm not trying to insult you. You look fine. Cancel that tweet.
She used to have this blog
But I guess she deleted all the posts
( cucumber quest is a parody of the Paper Mario series and other similar games and stories. )
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Well there you go.


Turns out I'm not retarded.
>why I'm afraid of doing a webcomic
You and half of the internet, anon. This board is filled with people posting excuses of why they haven't drawn a single page. Stop whining about what will happen when you become popular. It will not happen.
Looks black to me
People were complaining to her about not doing the old comics for a while so she announced that she was deleting them and did it.
I guess. I mis-remembered. Black and latina are absolutely interchangeable in a lot of cases though I don't know if this is one of them.
>Stop whining about what will happen when you become popular. It will not happen.

This this this
You absolutely cannot go into it expecting success
Content creation is about what you want of it, not what others will think of it.
Check out the How's Your Webcomic thread. If you truly believe in your story, then carry it out.
I have a friend who looks more black than Latina but she is both so she calls herself Latina sometimes. Could be the same with Gigi.
Race is a lie, friend. Words like black and white have no meaning. We're all just molecules swirling around infinity, like tears in the rain.

I think terms like creole or something are far more specific and thus useful than just say "black", you know?
I know I'm just saying.
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Only the spoilered part was serious
Well race is a lie. If someone is a combination of white and black what are they? Plus there's no actual definition for races and there are way way more "races" than we even talk about. Some people consider Italians to be non-white but if they're not what are they?
That's exactly what I am saying, anon. Also, to answer your question... Mediterranean?
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holy fuck how
I'm like 90% sure people send her threads exactly like this one, so it comes across as if the 4chan hivemind is actively going out to upset her.

Which isn't true, but there are literally shitposters everywhere who ruin things for the majority. Like that time /lit/ got a crush on an amateur book reviewer and then someone sent her the thread, which predictably was lightly peppered with posts about how they wanted to savagely fuck all of her holes.
I don't know man, the guy who does Endtown seems to have a small hugely dedicated fanbase here, and he's telling a "serious" ongoing story.

Maybe that's because he's old and doesn't into social media. That's probably the ticket. 99.9% of threads where /co/ shits on creators is just out of context twitter posts.
Its funny. She stopped them because she didn't that to be her legacy.

Now her game parodies are far more remembered while Cucumber Quest only seems attract a niche fanbase.
You say that because you see people complaining about them on 4chan. Cucumber Quest is very popular.
That's more of a 4chan meme than anything.
for me it's the opposite
i dont give a shit about NK anymore now that he's a confirmed pussy
Good artist

used to be cool, now isn't

I hate these threads, why can't we have an actual Cucumber quest thread instead

I already know the answer, don't bother
What is there to talk about? Instead, you can just go read my comic Cucumber Quest!
Remember when we had Cucumber Quest threads that didn't get many posts but we were enjoying them and they were civil?
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She's just constantly buttmad that her "magnum opus" isn't nearly as well received as her old parody comics.

Didn't she get into some sort of row with the guy who dubbed the Persona comics because he said he didn't like CQ? And of course there was that temper tantrum when she deleted them all. She's just been having a temper tantrum for like four years.
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Gigi, stop reading this thread already.
You're both assholes, and what the anon was sarcastic about was accurate.

But it wasn't edgy, so it's not cool to agree with.

You think the asteroid belt gives a fuck about your melanin content?
I remember. Then they stopped getting replies because nobody gave a shit about the comic. Hell I dropped it a while back.

Then she said she doesn't like 4chan so people make threads about Gigi herself instead of the comic but those get 300+ replies because both sides start talking mad shit since we get to talk about a person rather than a comic.

It's the same thing that happened with Paranatural. Creator says they don't like 4chan so now every thread is filled with "you just don't like a comic because the creator doesn't like 4chan" or "how can you like this comic the creator doesn't like 4chan they're clearly an SJW". It's hard to divorce a creator from their work when they're a crazy asshole douche like B^U but if the worst things you can say is they don't like my weeb image board big deal.

With that said even Paranatural (despite my opinion it's going to shit) gets threads every update because there's something there to talk about. For good or bad and no matter how polarizing there is shit to talk about.

Cucumber Quest just got boring. So boring that you can't have threads last more than twenty replies unless you get the shitposters fighting about gigi herself.
>You think the asteroid belt gives a fuck about your melanin content?

No, but it doesn't have to live down here with us either. Race exists, and humans are going to care about it regardless of whatever else goes on the cosmos. "Race is a social construct" and "I don't even see race" are the biggest lies that could ever come out of someone's mouth.
The Persona comic dub guys also set up a Kickstarter to get her to make more Hiimdaisy. They're just as shitty as she is.
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>Like that time /lit/ got a crush on an amateur book reviewer and then someone sent her the thread, which predictably was lightly peppered with posts about how they wanted to savagely fuck all of her holes.

In case, anyone is wondering how that turned out.
Her output is 99% shit.
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That part with the pissbottles, every damn time.
Could you just stop making these threads?
Paranatural threads are still sorta okay.
You're going to shit
Cucumber Quest is more interesting than it's ever been.
No. Please read my webcomic, Cucumber Quest!
>Paranatural threads are still sorta okay.

Didn't say they weren't

>You're going to shit

Thanks I deserved that

>Cucumber Quest is more interesting than it's ever been.

Tell that to literally anyone else since apparently nobody gives a remote fuck about it anymore.
>Tell that to literally anyone else since apparently nobody gives a remote fuck about it anymore.
Nobody even makes threads and the three people on /co/ that read it probably dropped it before it got interesting or won't enter a thread they know will be about shitposting.
Real talk? Cucumber Quest's whole "oh we're a videogame plot but it's actually super meta and shit and the programming is part of the lore and all these archetypical rpg characters are being forced to do their role because it's meta, you guys" thing?

Undertale did it better. Cucumber Quest kind of has no reason to exist when Undertale stole its thunder so fucking hard and really got to the point way faster cause, hey, turns out plots with videogame mechanics as a central point? way better in an actual videogame.
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>This channel does not exist
Wow. This is us.
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>really got to the point way faster cause, hey, turns out plots with videogame mechanics as a central point? way better in an actual videogame.

While that's true, it's also a matter of one being a complete 8 hour experience while the other is a trail of bread crumbs that has been going for years. Webcomics never had a chance.
So THAT'S what gator rolls are for. Jesus.
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>piss bottles
I am literally crying right now...
i like how the other gator needs a few seconds to process what happened and then is like "are you fucking kidding me dude?"
nah, she's a pussy man, jsut look at katie from awkward zombie, some people just don't understand how vulnerable they are when they post shit online
Pretty much this.
Cucumber Quest a shit, but his older parody work was bretty gud.
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Oh Jesus, this is too perfect.
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It's a shame how they all go batshit eventually.
Real shame.
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Just DO IT
So what if a bunch of 4chan autists don't like it
This is the board that spawned /mlp/, disregard them.
>katie from awkward zombie
What happened?
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>Cucumber Quest
This is the comic where the protagonists were saved from certain death by a pizza delivery man.

It's not serious.

Also these threads are passive aggressive as fuck. Someone asks /co/ about Gigi, /co/ gives its opinions about Gigi, and then that someone says "harassment" while shitposting all over the place.

Seeing as CQ threads usually die at five posts, I wouldn't be surprised if Gigi was posting these threads and stirring up shit herself.
Even negative attention is still attention...
True, but Gigi's popularity is correlated to her strengths. She gets hired to make art by Toby and Wayforward, because she can draw pretty.

She doesn't get hired to write cause lord knows she can't fucking write.
I know a hateboner when I see one
Like the parody stuff
CQ is painfully bland
gig is delusional and indignant
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>it's now hitting you that the hiimdaisy stuff is over half a decade old
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I like the Nightmare Knight storyline.
O don't care about the person who makes the comic.
It's the only way to stay a fan of something these days.
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Oh god, I'm retarded.
I was reading hiimdaisy as two words...
Like a drawn out hiiiiiim.

gonna go kill myself now
>Why should she keep doing parody comics for you when she doesn't want to?
>Because she was good at it and she wasn't finished.

I love these Gigi hate threads for the QC bashing because I hate that comic, but i also love them for the wonderful displays of utter entitlement of /v.fags.

Come on man, some of the strips were pretty funny but it's not like she left a classic piece of masterwork literature that'll forever haunt humankind unfinished. Quite the opposite.
>Come on man, some of the strips were pretty funny but it's not like she left a classic piece of masterwork literature that'll forever haunt humankind unfinished. Quite the opposite.
This is true. On the other hand, a Big Mac is still better than plain rice.
You'll be remembered for none of the work you do and nobody cares that it exists. .
>What does /co/ think of gigi?
Gigi as a human? I try to not to associate with her, I don't read her tweets or what she feel like she has to voice and opine on whatever topic is. Having to dissociate Gigi artist from Gigi actual public persona make reading CQ all the more tolerable.

Gigi as a webcomic artist? I liked earlier Cucumber Quest, now it feel like it is at a standstill of some sort. I love Peridot, however.
>this response right here is why I'm afraid of doing a webcomic
You were never meant to make a webcomic or the story you thought up when you was young.

Artists in any media have their fair share of hatred as much as they are liked.

You need to have dragon skin and accept criticism rather it is negative or positive, hell, it's like walking through life, anon. I am sure you had those who hated you and vocalize their opinion toward you, right? What did you did wangst and sit in a corner and isolated yourself or continue to trudge through the heat of those who hated you with your head held high showing no sign of resignation? Unfortunately for you, you likely selected the former and you choose the safest path - graphic designer.

Basically, you're a whimsical, pansy, lilliputian faggot of a human.

Take risks.
hes a pretty cool guy

he plays a good game of ttt
>This channel does not exist
Katie was too pure for the internet.

I do hope she would have stayed, I wanted to see a purely, optimistic, wide eye Katie turn into a churlish, cynical, and a jaded colour person and Booktuber.
Damn. Gigi really fell into her own hubris, huh? She has unresolved issues up the wazoo.
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>you likely selected the former and you choose the safest path - graphic designer.

Not him, but hey man, why you gotta be like that, I'm just trying to make ends meet. I WISH I had a graphic design job, at least then I'd be doing something remotely illustrative instead of packing shit into boxes and working on art on the side.

Why you gotta do me like that, bruv, for real, you're saying my aspirations in life aren't even aspirations, but lowest of the low shit only losers pick.

Fuck you, man, why you gotta be a hater.
>over 100 tweets
Gigi confirmed to be the one behind these threads
Aww, she's so tsun tsun!
The guy was trying to do a tough love thing, don't worry about it, especially with how amazingly gay it sounded.

>dragon skin man!!!
I know you're joking but it wouldn't surprise me if Gigi or one of her fans wad the one making these threads.
>instead of packing shit into boxes and working on art on the side.
M8. That is how all artists - webcomic/professional, animators, illustrators, etc cetera., start off.

They accept part time jobs or questionably odd jobs to meet ends meet while they work on their art on the side. If you have the determination to not resign and not give up, continue to work on your art until you feel the need it is time to make yourself known to publicize what you've made over that duration you were working. Afterall, one career doesn't peek until their thirties, or so the saying goes.

>especially with how amazingly gay it sounded.
Thanks, anon. I couldn't stop getting a hardon from reading Tolkien and wanted my words to sound poetic as the master.
But he is though. Both of those things. He's allowed to question the actions of a person. He's not stopping her from doing what she's doing.
>Creator says they don't like 4chan so now every thread is filled with "you just don't like a comic because the creator doesn't like 4chan" or "how can you like this comic the creator doesn't like 4chan they're clearly an SJW".
This is incorrect. What Zack said was
>People who browse 4chan like my comic?
>Man, I need to fix that it means I'm not inserting my agenda hard enough

As somebody who hasn't yet read Paranatural but was ( and still am ) very much interested in reading it this turned me off. I'd be worried that I'd get half way through reading it only for it's focus to shift from making a good story first and other elements second to adding DIVERSITY first and other elements second. Because 4chan totally hates black people rather than tokenism, rite guise? And it's obvious that 4chan also hates gay people! I'll make two girls kiss! That'll sure piss them off!

I get what you're saying about the "I don't like 4chan" dogpiling. But the situation with Zack isn't really the same.
What's wrong with Katie?
This is how the average woman will react if she sees a thread from a bunch of neckbeards talking about raping her and stuff.
I thought that until I read the comic it came from
>Because 4chan totally hates black people rather than tokenism, rite guise? And it's obvious that 4chan also hates gay people!
I mean.
Yeah. It sort of does. /pol/ ain't exactly anything new, and it's not like /pol/ wasn't just /b/ 2.0. Nothing said there is wrong.
But if /pol/ makes 4chan as a whole hate gay people then, by the same logic, /lgbt/, /y/, /u/ and a fucktonne of assorted threads elsewhere will then, by extension make 4chan as a whole love the homo-ies.

Any sort of logic where you have to go "but /pol" or "but /b/" when talking about the 4chan community is inherently flawed. Not only that but then it fails to account for the tongue-in-cheek stuff. I'd put good money on the amount of genuine gay and racial hate on 4chan being rather low comparatively.

But obviously everyone on 4chan loves my little pony. Hell, /mlp/ exists. Sterling logic.
Black people don't have a board dedicated to black culture thought. /int/ doesn't even have a black general up. 4chan is racist to blacks by default.
>This is how the average woman will react if she sees a thread from a bunch of neckbeards talking about raping her and stuff.
Maybe the average woman should just stay off the internet then. Seriously, grow a skin and take it as a joke or compliment.
>Race is a lie
everything is a lie, it's just some lies are more realistic than others.
She still has her tumblr page
/pol/ is just an extreme version of the rest of 4chan, and considering how often it leaks out with no consequences, cannot be considered separate from the rest of us.
> /int/ doesn't even have a black general up.
>Black people don't have a board dedicated to black culture thought.
Because they can talk with the rest of us and the culture isn't really much different? I don't see how segregating the discussion into black stuff and white stuff would make it 'less racist'. What would there be to talk about?

> 4chan is racist to blacks by default.
Sick dank memes aside and outside of /pol/, /b/ and /r9k/? Not really. You don't really see black people torn down or apart on 4chan simply because they're black people.

Unless you want to start trivialising racial hate by asserting that joking and facetious statements are the same as genuine hate. In which case: No.

>Leaks without consequence
What do you even mean by this? What do you propose the consequences of this are? Send the cops to their house? Or ban them, like that will do anything. Not to mention that, user side, you don't see the vast majority of action being taken.

But you're right. Sometimes people bring /pol/ stuff outside of /pol/. This is usually followed by a strong 'fuck off back to /pol/' reaction.
...This is bait, right? You don't actually think woman should take "I want to rape you!" as a compliment?
No one shits on Gigi because she wants to do a "serious" webcomic. People shit on her because she removed all traces of her earlier stuff, lambasted anyone who preferred that to her current work, and all around takes criticism like a petulant child

plenty of people run webcomics and aren't gigantic cunts about it, nobody really shits on them
Nobody really talks about them, either.

Maybe THAT is the secret to success on the internet.
I'm >>78849319 AND not an asshole. Race doesn't exist, man. There's no breeds of humans. Do you honestly believe the shape of your nose or the fullness of your lips has more to do with our behavior than our environment? Race matters no more than we believe it to, and sadly we believe it matters A LOT.

And hey, I'm not an asshole in any way. Fuck you, and your asteroid belt comment makes no sense. You think jupiter gives a fuck about your homework? Doesn't mean you don't have to do it.
>his is usually followed by a strong 'fuck off back to /pol/' reaction.

The real problem is that grouping all of us together with /pol/ is quite reasonable, since every board on this website is exactly one click away from any other board. So you either define the average 4chan poster by the shit you see most often, which is unfortunately a bunch of /pol/ and /b/, as a bunch of schizophrenics or the most sensible choice, you don't.
Paranatural is fine. Zack hasn't changed the comic at all despite saying that he would.

If you come in from outside a place, and you see that most threads has someone use the word nigger at least once, it's pretty reasonable to assume that place is racist.
Some women prolly have a rape-fantasy, ya never know anon.
Most of THIS EXACT THREAD is not like /b/ or /pol/ at all. The word nigger has appeared ZERO times before this post, do you know what kind of fucking achievement that would be on /pol/? 166 posts without the word nigger? And if it were /b/ people would be either posting gore or their girlfriend's nudes, so no. This isn't like /pol/ at all. Most of 4chan just doesn't give a fuck about racism because it has NOTHING to do with the topic at hand. Why would /m/ give a shit about racism? It's not about racism it's about ROBOTS and shit.

4chan, fortunately, isn't racist by default. It's just very, very diverse. And a lot of those "diverse" people are racist, but they're not the whole 4chan and never will be.
Nigger/nigga. Same thing, tired of this double standard shit. If you get easily offended by a measly word, then kill yourself.
>Paranatural is fine. Zack hasn't changed the comic at all despite saying that he would.
This is good. I'm glad.
>This isn't like /pol/ at all.
You're right. /co/ is Tumblr 2.0, /co/mblr.
She deleted where the comics were stored after telling everyone she would do it so she could save them. You can still find them.

>You don't really see black people torn down or apart on 4chan simply because they're black people.
You do a lot. At least I do. It's usually not totally serious but there's really not much difference. Unless you want to say that casual jokes about monkeys and stuff like that is not racism. Joking racism is still racism. There's a reason 4chan is called the butthole of the internet. That doesn't look good to a normal person who believes you shouldn't make those jokes.
Fuck off, dipshit. So we actually discuss /co/ shit and don't call each other nigger the whole time OH ITS TUMBLR AAAA

You're the kind of retard that ruined /v/ with your "get back to reddit shit". Eat a dick
basically, /co/ acts like gigi's bitter ex-husband.
And this is the mentality people like Zack and Gigi don't want to associate with. They are absolutely not the same thing. Society has separated the words for a reason.
>Joking racism is still racism.
>Unless you want to start trivialising racial hate by asserting that joking and facetious statements are the same as genuine hate. In which case: No.
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I bet that sounded very zingy in your head.
I saw what you said and it was still wrong.
>Zack hasn't changed the comic at all despite saying that he would.
The pacing went to even more shit. Does that count?
No. It was already like that before Zack said anything.
Nah, that sucks but it's unrelated to what he said.
>>>/suck my dick/

Go home, fuccboi
welp, time to lurk lit
Nah, that's just disliking her and having fun at her I TOTALLY DON'T CARE WHAT 4CHAN THINKS OF ME GUYS antics.
Genuine hatred is these days reserved for David Willis.
>expunged all traces of Hiimdaisy and her old psuedonym as Peachifruit
>There was that Kirby incident where Tumblr made her leave for good
>Hate 4chan like a bitter old divorcee
Gigi, in my eyes, is a great humourist.
Fuck off Gigi aplogist.
Gigi did nothing wrong.
Gigi "Gas all the kikes" D.G.
Gigi "Don't worry about the pace, just draw the face" D.G
Gigi "Let's destroy Let's Destroy the metal gear" D.G.
Gigi has the mentality of a child and need to grow thick skin. You're waifu a fucking shit. Gig did everything wrong.
>doesn't get the joke
That's because he's a falseflagger who doesn't post on 4chan but only appears to bump Gigi threads because he knows his Twitter waifu's comic won't get any attention otherwise.
I hope someone makes Ben Garrison-style edits to her comics.
Fuck off.
I'm only a third of those.

pls someone
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Nice self projection, samefag-kun. Quit bumping your waifu thread.
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>self projection

You're cute, wanna make out?
Woah, woah, woah. What Kirby incident?
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S-sure. Be gentle, I'm a delicate maiden.
she drew kirby while those ferguson incidents happened and posted it on her blog saying "trying to keep lightheard thoughts!!" or something and tumblr bullied her away.

Not sure if I'm remembering it all properly
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>hikoma hiroyuki

Sorry I can't, now if you'll excuse me there's a van outside my house and hard knocks at my door.
Why would Tumblr get offended by Kirby? Is Gigi black? Did Gigi draw Kirby black?
I don't know how tumblr works man! Don't look at me. Just giving you the story. ANd you can see what she looks like by scrolling up
>Did Gigi draw Kirby black?
If anything that would make them happy.
It was more of a "No you priveledged shitlord, you don't understand; don't tell me how to feel"

Also Blorb is the best nigga this side of Dreamland.
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Gigi is a cutie and look like a mulatto.
Seriously, anon?
How do you tell if someone's cute from their eyeballs and bangs
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Anon leave before you embarrass yourself.
I got 4 pages into her comic until I threw up
So is she fucking the Undertale guy or not
She looks jaundiced
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