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how long until /co/ turns on Grant Morrison?

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how long until /co/ turns on Grant Morrison?
Implying it hasn't already.
What he did
>/co/ is a hive-mind
He's been writing comics longer than a population of the board has been alive, he's not a new, fresher face in the industry that is starting to show signs of a bad trend or whatever, he's pretty much established as who he is. And /co/ (obviously made up of multiple people, mind) hold him in high regard still. I don't think it's gonna happen.

'Sides, he's about to get total control over Heavy Metal, something /co/ doesn't have any pre-existent attachment to or major conception of that he could fuck up. I'm very excited to see that, and can't wait to buy my subscription with his first issue.
>turns on Grant Morrison
Does he have a thing for fat bald neets?
it's pretty fucking close when it comes to Morrison
Wonder Woman Year One
Honestly he's untouchable. At worst you get plebs who claim he's too hard to understand. Even shitty stories like Happy don't cause much drama.
I would have agreed with you in the past but /co/ turned on Mark Waid, I think it could happen to Morrison too depending on how WW: Year One is.
most likely never desu senpai
>you don't like it because you don't understand it
Morrisonfags are the worst fans
Reminds me of Chris Ware, except that the writing is less interesting.
found the pleb
You forgot or they just haven't read enough. I actually love that some of his stories, the Bat Epic for instance, are not new reader friendly and actually make prior knowledge relevant.
Earth One you mean, but I don't think it really matter enough to anyone to start too much shit. And she has the classic costume in it too.
All it takes is one significant story that isn't an original story or multiverse stuff that he completely fucks up, so people get the chance to whine that he "ruined [x] forever," which is really only one step away from "and all of his older stuff was crap as well!"
/co/ started turning on Waid when his Daredevil run began to heavily misstep, and being chosen to write ANAD didn't do him any favors.

So, Grant would have to do a long run on a Big-2 character/team /co/ cares a lot about, eventually start stinking and/or stay on longer than he has ideas for, and then get picked for an editorially mandated title with the good ol' "SJW controversy" stigma attached to it.

I don't think any of that is going to happen. Grant's pretty much doing OGNs, his occasional creator-owned mini, and Heavy Metal for the indefinite future. Shit, Heavy Metal will probably take the place of the minis he's been doing.

He means in regards to petty bullshit spamming like we get about "Marvel's Latest Controversy™!", there are legitimate criticisms of his stuff by all means, but that's not what you're going to see when /co/ 'turns' on a writer.
Morrison is like a James Cameron or Christopher Nolan of comics. All hype, no depth. But Facebookers like yourself think that he's "deep" and that anyone who doesn't like him is a "pleb", just because he pats you on the back and tells you that you're a unique special snowflake for liking superheroes.

It's cute... at first.
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But he doesn't do that, he literally says the opposite...
His "Bat-Epic" ignores much of the previous 20 years of canon and characterization on the bat books, but it's pretty sweet if you're well versed in the shitty 1950s batman stories
The thing with Morrison isn't that he's bad. He's not. In fact he's really good. The thing is that he's far too much of a one-trick pony, and if you've read enough it's way too easy to see through that one trick.

It's great at first because he likes to drop lots of references, and if there's one thing I know all comic fans love it's to go "hey, I got that reference!" But it gets a bit tiresome when every major story he does becomes just a big bunch of meta-references and arbitrary callbacks.
>/co/ started turning on Waid when his Daredevil run began to heavily misstep, and being chosen to write ANAD didn't do him any favors.

It wasn't because of Daredevil. It was mainly because a persistent bunch of people got upset over him comparing Gamergate to the KKK or deriding Man of Steel and then it spilled from there. Him staying a little longer on Daredevil probably didn't help as much either.
Waid does not have a single work of the same caliber of a top tier Morrison work like Animal Man, The Invisibles or Flex Mentallo. In fact he has nothing close.
He also is a petulant bitch outside of writing while Morrison is a chill dude who pretty much anyone on /co/ would have a drink and jaw about comics with.
You're right. I was mainly looking at his comics, I forgot the key reasons /co/ would turn on a person probably have little to nothing to do with comics at all.
/co/ completely turned on his DD story with the Bullseye reveal, but I agree it was the out of comics stuff that truly made him vilified.
So you like Batman as an emotionally irreparable brooding faggot? Because that's the main difference in characterization change. It's literally a story about how having a child changes you...
Morrison comes off as really negative to me, to be honest.
>Grrr, I want to kill Millar, ha ha just kidding, but really.
>Grrr, why can't Moore just get over me harassing him? It was just a prank, bro, it was just a social experiment for attention!
>Grrr, the TCJ people are idiots, people who went to college are elitist and ignorant!
How much Batman did you read before Morrison's run?
>the TCJ people are idiots, people who went to college are elitist and ignorant!

I would've disagreed with this four years ago. Nowadays I think he's partly right. And it's not just limited to the TCJ crowd either.
I've read a good chunk of O'Neil's and the entirety of Legends of the Dark Knight. If those stories tell anything about Batman's emotional core it's that he will literally never accept anyone into his life as true family.
Not him but I did read a lot of Batman stuff, Bronze Age, 90's, 00's. I'd actually rather read Morrison's Batman over the Infinite Crisis era Batman, and I didn't really care for the Brubaker/Rucka stuff people kept praising, except for Gotham Central.
He seems cynical about the industry yes but the other hand is
>It's really fun to go out with your friends and have a good time, don't just get caught up in bullshit
>Travel the world if you have the means, it's a wonderful experience, make sure you do it outside your comfort zone so you get more out of the experience
>practice magic because it's fucking awesome
>if you have the means
This reminds me, I always find it weird when he tries to pass himself off as working class.

His family was well-off enough that he's never held a real job or worked a day in his life, and he's been ridiculously wealthy for about a quarter century now.
>I've read a good chunk of O'Neil's and the entirety of Legends of the Dark Knight.
So you haven't read any of the previous 20 years of ongoing bat books
>If those stories tell anything about Batman's emotional core it's that he will literally never accept anyone into his life as true family.
you literally don't know shit about Batman then.
I argue that Waid first ruined Wally and then Johns just destroyed him. Fuck Waid

Morrison wrote a great JLA
I gotta ask, why do you think so?
My fellow free-thinker of melanin abundance, do you also reject "higher" "learning" because you are enlightened by your own intelligence?

Speed Force bs, way too many speedsters which made DC overwhelmed and kill all but their precious Barry

Messner-Loebs wrote a character I identified with growing up
he had ups and downs and felts more human than any other hero at the time, even to this day

Flash #54 is probably the best issue DC ever published
As far as I remember, Waid's only addition was Impulse and he was around for a long time before they started killing off speedsters.
beginning of the end
Didn't he get the means to travel the world only because his Arkham Asylum sold great?
that's like ten years, man. If anything, I'd argue that Johns was to blame for everything that happened to Impulse after PAD left Young Justice.
Please post some pages from the 2000s era Batman that show him being loving and caring to anyone actually in his life. By all means.
He got rich from Arkham Asylum in the nineties, but before that he was still well-off.

I think he's been rich for so long that he's forgotten what it was like to not be rich, so he just automatically assumes that he was poor working class (despite never needing to work).
>not from <20 years before Morrison
It ran throughout the 90's retard.
Someone's getting defensive.
I liked the WML run but I can't agree with you at all that Waid or Johns did Wally wrong. Felt like progression to me.
I mean I've never seen his house or anything nor lived with him growing up but in the documentary I watched on him it said he worked when he was like 18-20, he just got into comics so fucking early and AA came out when he was like 21, he's just been rich ever since.
It was a book about his early years not set in the current timeline (aside from issues that were part of crossovers)it also had no bearing on Bruce's relationship with the rest of th bat-family
>and AA came out when he was like 21

He was 29 when AA was out.
>Half assed 1 handed hug, no expression of love, just duty
Literally exactly what I'm talking about
By "worked" do you mean "goofed off with his band"?

Arkharm Asylum came out in 1989 when he was 29. He's been rich for less than half his life, but still a huge amount of time.
Yes, and it was a title they gave a lot of their big gun writers arcs on, it was a popular book. Definitely a good way to gain insight into his character.
Can you get a trip, please?
>Adopting Tim as his son
>not caring
pick one faggot
Half of /co/ thinks he's the best writer ever.

The other half thinks Alan Moore's the best.

The first half mostly likes Moore's old stuff.

The second half HATES Morrison.
>Having a specific argument in a thread with someone
>tell them to get a trip when they continue arguing with you instead of just accepting your truly enlightened superior genius wisdom immediately
How fucking mad are you right now?
I think that the British Invasion is pretty overrated in general.
You're not the one who keeps comparing writers to writer/artists, are you?
No, of course not, that would be silly.

Harvey Pekar couldn't draw for shit, and I still prefer him to the BI.
That was true in the early 90s from mid 90s to cancellation it was just a batman book that was in the past with pretty low key writers

But you're pretty Morrison biased. You might not be the best person to ask.
There was someone who kept saying that Ware and Eisner and Miller were better writers than Morrison or whoever and I thought it was ridiculous because Ware and Eisner and Miller's strengths were in their storytelling, a whole different thing than writing.
Ennis is the best BI writer
I said it
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You're both right.

I also prefer Ware/Eisner/Miller to Morrison, but I prefer other non-artists to him too.
If you think he didn't love or care about Jason Todd then you don't know Batman, Jason's death fucked Bruce up
Morrison's probably one of my favorite comics writers, although even I'll admit he's made a couple stinkers(his X-Men run, a fair amount of his post New 52 Batman stuff, although the latter mostly has to do with the Nu52 transition screwing things over for him, and him projecting too much of his bitterness about it into the comic leading to Batman Inc's horrid ending), on the other hand even some of his really odd early stuff is surprisingly good(still think those Marvel UK Zoids comics of his are really damn good, kinda weird that he pretends they never existed)
The only way /co/ will turn on him is if he brings a past version of a character to the present, turns him gay, has the younger version tell the older one they are gay, then has the older one act stereotypical within 1 page.

You know what, I bet Morrison would have made it work somehow, so forget it.
>but before that he was still well-off.
was he? Where'd you hear that?
The question should be, why /co/ didn't turn on GM already
He hasn't had an original idea since The Invisibles.
He loves his family, you are a fag if you don't believe that's an act of love.
So I'm the guy you responded too, I guess I gotta reply to this since other people did.

I've read pretty much everything. From the Golden Age until now, probably close to 500-800 comics and Morrison in no way throws out the 20 years before. While he goes back to the classic camp style, he still retained the Bat family and their history, he also reverted Jason back to a hero as he should be and forced Tim to leave the nest. If by ignored you mean the realistic grounded tone prior, that's simply a tonal shift and in no way represents him ignoring those stories. Hell he even incorporates Steph into it.
>batman inc's horrid ending

I just ordered GM's entire bat-epic, including Absolute editions of B&R and Batman Inc.

Did I goof?
How much did it cost?
the whole run? Or the absolute batman inc?

The whole run was about $250, counting my absolute Final Crisis that I already had.

The absolute batman inc was about 65$
The ending's fine, it's an appropriately more pessimistic look at the cyclical nature of comics compared to optimistic look at it in his New 52 Action Comics run.
>his New 52 Action Comics run

they need to collect this shit in one hardcover
How many is it now? 2 or 3?
You could have just thrown the $315 in trash.
>i cant read
The 65$ was part of the 250$
Don't listen to that faggot. Only MUH REALISM bitch boys that only know Batman from the movies hate it cause they don't want him to be a superhero.
>I also prefer Ware/Eisner/Miller to Morrison

Miller's even more limited writing-wise. But his storytelling methods makes up for it.
Morrison is generally pretty chill but yeah, he does have his sore spots.
i think that sums up morrison pretty well. a lot of comic writers are the opposite.
Do you think Will Brooker is smarter than Alan Moore?
Are his comics hard to follow? I've read some Invisibles and the pacing seemed way off. I enjoyed the setting, characters and all the esoteric shit thought. Was the pacing a deliberate decision to give the book a somewhat dreamlike quality?
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>Waid ruined Wally

If you want to read The Invisibles, I highly recommend the companion book "Our Sentence Is Up: Seeing Grant Morrison's Invisibles"

Yeah, the pacing is deliberately weird because Invisibles is much more cyclical than other comics, so it doesn't tell an A->B story, it's a circle that you have to go around a few times before you can full understand it. The very first line of the series is "So we return and begin again." It's an amazing work, because it's a totally different read depending on who you think of as the main character. I've read it 4 times, the first read I was following Jack, the second read I followed King Mob, the third I followed Robin, and last time I was surprised to see how often John-A-Dreams shows up.

It's kind of like Back to the Future, in how nothing is wasted. Every single line in the first few minutes of BttF is paid off later, and the Invisibles does that both ways. The beginning is more satisfying after reading the ending, and the final battle between Gideon and The King of All Tears is shown three times before it chronologically occurs. If it's not clear already, I'm a huge fan of GM and The Invisibles is one of my favorite works of fiction out there, responsible for introducing me to Moorcock, PKD, and the Tao De Ching, along with others.

Also it was cancelled twice so that'll fuck with the pacing for sure.
Not even that anon, but I agree, at least in how he had Wally's life work. Waid must be a big time romantic because the comic had so much MUH LINDA bullshit.
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I thought it already happened?
When I first came here it seemed like everyone loved him, now no one can stand him.
That was seven years ago. Then again there's people that came back posting like they were seven years ago so I understand the confusion, you're probably one of them too.
I think some people were just annoyed with all the hypercrisis threads.

Kind of like how I enjoyed Frozen, but the two years of threads left a bad taste in my mouth
Underrated post
I don't really understand how any non saturated threads can annoy anyone. We have a hide button for a reason.
Now movieshit, which is never forced into generals, and would remove a solid 25% threads if you were to hide them all, that shit is fucking annoying.
Personally I love Miller's dialogue/narration. I think he's better than like 95% of cape writers at it.
>3 collections for a 19 issue run
Fucking criminal
What Marvel did to Miracleman is the worst offender of this. That book should immediately have been released in a fucking oversized omni, but no 3 (maybe even 4) trades with shit recolors? A disgrace when the comic has been out of print for 20 years and some people had been waiting and waiting to read it.
This is a good post.
What other mind-bendy occult-focused books would you recommend?
Comics? Doom Patrol, for sure, Flex Mentallo, Hellblazer.

Prose, Moorcock's Cornelius Quartet was amazing and is super cheap, I got all four books for two dollars. Right now I'm reading VALIS by Phillip K Dick and that's a wild ride.
nigger, you say?
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