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Would /co/ read a comic about the Religious Avengers?

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Would /co/ read a comic about the Religious Avengers?
>The Religious Avengers are a team of Heroes from different religiose backgrounds who unite together to defeat evil.

From left to right.

1, The Atheist. He has a 'Shoot first ask questions later' attitude to his life as I'm sure most atheists do to some level.

2, The Buddhist. An oriental nomadic monk who has come close to finding nirvana. Through meditation he has acquired powers. He can travel outside his body across ethereal plains trough space and possibly time able to re-materialize wherever he wishes and possibly in other forms. He tells the other members he's over 500 years old although he looks to be in his mid thirties.

2.5, The box! On the Buddhists travels He was given a box by and old Egyption man who told him it was magic. The box is an ancient Egyption box and The Buddhist has learned that it has the mazing ability to hold any object. (not unlike Mary Poppins bag). he only has to have the object in front of him and he concentrates on It being in the Box. Hay presto! it is. The Buddhist uses the box to transport the team across the worlds putting them in the box and then he enters the ethereal plains to travel while holding the box.
The box can also be used To safely battle a badguy, devil / demon or monster inside of but the Buddhist must stay outside the box at all times so as not to trap himself and the avengers inside for eternity.

3,The Agnostic. She's the most level headed and logical of the group making most of the final decisions when the team is divided on a subject because she's so open minded. She dose however over analyze the situation sometimes to the cost of the others patience.

4, The Sikh. A masterful warrior, Skilled at fighting with knife(s), spear, glave, billhook, halberd, a range of sward styles and in hand to hand combat but he prefers to fight with his Sward a thick but lightweight, straight edged double sided sward with a pommel and guard shaped to represent the Sikh symbol.
5, The Christian.

6, The Muslim. (Meem).

7, The Jew. These last three are pretty much the same as one another and spend most of their time arguing which of their religions is right even down to weather or not to call their shared Deity God, Allah or Jehovah.

8, The Rastafarian. A strong individual also schooled in herbal medicine ;) Although he knows he should represent his understanding of the religion with the girls and the fact that God / Allah / Jehovah actually likes to be called the Almighty Jah he's a lover not a hater and is usually too busy chillin' out smoking Marijuana with the Atheist and trying to get his good friend and sparing buddy the Sikh to toke a smoke.

9, The Pagan. Able to use the elements of Fire, Water / Ice, Wind / Air and Earth along with an understanding of nature he can call upon the help of mystical creatures such as a stone Golem to help fight in a battle.

10, The Hindu. Simply a Hindu woman with six arms. just think how well she can multi-task!
>lets create a cast whose characters all revolve around nothing but their religions
Sounds retarded.
I wouldn't read any Avengers comic
The twist is that none of them like arguing about their religions and just fight crimes and shit and never mention the theming.
>Sounds retarded.
it's hardly close to the worst Idea in comic/cartoon history
Not sure if bait, but what the hell.

Atheist needs to be buffer and given an actual costume, also fix the face it's creepy and weird looking. If you really need an androgynous twink, use the Pagan, they won't be offended by that, Atheist should be as buff as the other guys.
Buddhist and Agnostic need more clothes. Why is Buddhist naked? Use the Shaolin orange robes, those are pretty cool. Why is Agnostic a hooker? Seriously, I don't know what clothes say 'agnostic' but whore is not it.
Give Muslim harem type pants or something, the sword makes it look like she fights in melee and that skirt would not work. If Christian, Muslim and Jewish are supposed to have similar powers, I'm guessing variants on flying bricks Superman type because of Christians bathing suit style of uniform, Then Muslim needs the pants and Jewish either needs to trade the miniskirt for shorts or some leggins under the skirt.
Everything else is good.

This is where you fail. Less than half have power descriptions, and only three seem useful (Sikh, Buddhist and Pagan). Give the Buddhist some martial arts (Shaolin are awesome and everyone should be able to contribute in combat), and the ability to make portals. Ditch the box, it's stupid.
Seriously, fuck that box it's breaks the reading flow and has more text for it than any of the heroes.
Not at all
>veiled up and covering her hair and face for modesty but has an exposed midriff

The actual fuck.

Also what type of Christianity are we talking here? Roman Catholic? Orthodox? Anglican/Episcopalian? Baptist? Methodist? Lutheran? Pentecostal?
It is, actually.
Would they even get along?
There's no way that if deities started granting their followers powers, that they would work together instead of fight like they do now.
Do you mean Grant Morrison's JLA?
muslim special powers are summoning passenger planes inside office building
Not even clever. But you tried.
Ah. You should have said the power to self destruct at will.
She has a rosary so I'm guessing catholic?
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Some power ideas for you OP:
Atheist: Machine/computer control, maybe some lightning shooting, can make a clunky suit of power armor if given enough time and material but doesn't have enough science to make a permanent one, it crumbles when he stops using his powers. He can also have some shades of futurism and transhumanism on his personality.

Buddhist: Astral travel and opening his mind while he meditates but he has to come back to his body, martial arts with low levels of superstrenght, toughness and agility, he can change his chi to boost one by decreasing others. Can jump high, balance on leafs and other Wuxia style shenanigans.

Agnostic: Leader of the group, can focus her mind for bursts of super inteligence and telepathy, but it stresses and fatigues her body. Maybe she can be the one that opens portals to move the team.

Sikh: Low levels of superstrenght and agility to rival the Buddhist and the Rastafarian. Low lever super speed. Trained as a soldier and a master strategist. Able to use a supersonic roar.

Christian, Muslim and Jew: All three with similar power sets, all three with the basic flying brick abilities, one is a little bit faster, the other stronger, the third more invulnerable. Each also has one power the others don't have and they argue who has the best powers.

Rastafarian: Plant control and growth. He can make actual potions and herbal pastes, both for healing and giving himself and others temporary powers and buffs. Also some superstrenght and toughness but no agility. Is actually the only one with healing abilities to the consternation of the others.

Pagan: Is actually pretty good.

Hindu: Shapeshifter capable of turning into animals. In her base six armed form she can summon energy weapons She usually uses a bow with energy arrows and provides supersharp melee weapon for the Sikh when he is unarmed and a growing staff for Buddhist.

That is actually a good twist. Would take >>78169226 and >>78169336 by surprise at least.
The Christian needs a friend/sidekick named Mary who keeps getting "mysteriously" knocked up.
You're missing Vodoo (or brazilian Candomble or Umbanda if Vodoo is too cliche).
Only if this plays whenever the Christian fights.


No, Islam you don't get an awesome rock song because you think music is haram.
Is the Jew secretly working for the bad guys?
>And despite their wildly different creeds, lifestyles, etc. each one genuinely respects the others beliefs and they are good friends

And thus, suspension of disbelief is sadly shattered.
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But Marvel already did the God Squad.
Atheism and agnosticism aren't religions and are also not mutually exclusive to one another.

Although atheism is identified as a religion in the U.S.A., it doesn't have any dogma or rules to it. It just simply a disbelief in a god and or gods.
I keked.

Give the Golem summoning ability to the Jew.
Also the Atheist needs a fedora that he can throw, Kung Lao-style.
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Kek female designs.
The way he's depicted to be as edgy as he is he may as well throw in a trench coat to boot.
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This style too played out?

Are they killing each other? Why not? That's all they ever do.


I have a suspicion this might be OPs pet project and I don't want to shit on him. At least the art is cool. I'll give him that.
Didn't they already do this in Supergods?
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Supergod* my bad
This image is very offensive. Please remove.
I didn't actually draw the art. If I did, the Christian would be wearing Crusader armor.
The basic idea is interesting, it just needs some tweaking.
The Jewish should have the power to summon down fire like Elijah.

>2 Kings 1:9-10

The Christians should be able have healing powers like the Horse talisman in JCA and telekinesis (I guess you can say like the Rooster talisman).

>Luke 9:1

>Matthew 17:20

As for Islam? I don't know. Something to do with djinn? It might have some limitations to it.
Also, on top of that fire summoning power for the Jewish girl, I also suggest being able to get animals to help like Ma-Ti from CP.

Like Elijah's protege Elisha did.

>2 Kings 2:23-25

Plus the ability to part bodies of water with a cloak.

>2 Kings 2:8
2 Kings 2:8
>The Sikh
>cant see his bracelet
>pants clearly far too tight to be wearing boxers
This is dumb as shit

>captcha: this is dumb as shit
I couldnt handle the shit show that was an all faggot team of avengers, I doubt I could tolerate this shit show.
Solid rebuttal.
>no pastafarian
Absolute garbage.
If the Jewish girl is born a Nazarite she could also possibly attain super powers like Samson.

But then again all these powers have only been seen demonstrated by men. A Jewish woman wouldn't be able to have any powers. They have little power. Their only lot is to have children.
May as well throw in Dr. Manhattan.
Maybe her power could be the power to call on the power of different famous jews. Sometimes she gets strength, sometimes she gets the power to subdue demons, and sometimes she's able to do some moderately funny stand up comedy. Then every once in a while she lands on Jesus and saves the day.
Oooo, and-and, she can use this sort of roulette style mahou shoujo style wand with a Star of David where the points are on the names of those famous Jews. She can have an arrow that spins and what she lands she transforms to match the style of that famous Jew.
Belly dancer isn't what comes to mind when I imagine "pious" superhero.
Heck, I think all of of these designs (minus the Buddhist, the Sheikh, and the Hindu) are more indicative of other archetypes (ethnicity, profession) rather than the religious ones they're supposed to represent.
Yeah, she should probably look like this.

Or at the very least be able to show the face. I've seen that sometimes.

But, I'd like to bring up another point I brought up here >>78171616. Someone to represent Islam with the powers of whatever sort should probably not be a woman. Pretty much all the Abrahamic religions should not be represented by women.
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forgot pic.
i think thats why they were ALL represented by women
>Pretty much all the Abrahamic religions should not be represented by women.

Unless you're an Orthadox Christian, in which case Mary is pretty much up there with Jesus.
That could be a possibility on the artist.

If they weren't it'd just leave the agnostic and Hindu. An agnostic shouldn't even be there. As for the Hindu, it's almost as bad as Abrahmic religions. I don't think any woman has been depicted of having powers. Except for the goddesses. But, in that case she'd have to be a goddess or more specifically an avatar of a goddess. Which kind of spoils the point of followers of their respective religions being super heroes. I mean, in the Ramayana Sita is just a damsel in distress. In the Mahabharata Draupadi had the same role. I think I only remember men gaining powers through austerity and being granted boons for their oblation.

The only women I ever hear about having powers in Hinduism are Rakshasa.
i dont know but i'd fuck that bearded guy from india.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about her.

She answers prayers with that Hail Mary prayer?
>No straight white male to self-insert as
Nope, not interested
I don't think OP was going for that level of detail. An avatar of a Hindu goddess would be seen as no different from all the other fictional Greco-Roman avatars.
>And despite their wildly different creeds, lifestyles, etc. each one genuinely respects the others beliefs and they are good friends
That doesn't sound like the Avengers anyway.
You have the Atheist and the Pagan.
>Implying they wouldn't kill each other on sight
Maybe each bead from the rosary can do something different?
>let me be real serious about religion in a thread about an obvious joke team
They don't look straight though, this entire thing looks like a "minorities" showcase
>Atheist is an edgy tryhard goth reject

And they aren't even the recurring antagonist for the group of otherwise pious heros? What a waste.

I remember in the Mahabharata how Bhima wouldn't step over Hanuman's tail because he had the divinity of Shiva in him. Even though the Ramayana isn't actually a story of avatars.

At any rate my point is that regular human endowed with powers rather than an avatar would be a better fit for this. Like a swami. Which by definition is "a Hindu male religious teacher."
He's the Batman of the group.
He has no real powers except for his brain, because he is enlightened by his own intelligence.
If I was a drawfag I'd give these guys better designs.
Unless anyone else wants to chip in.

Also, I should bring up that you are right about how the artist wasn't really going that well into detail.

So, I may disagree with the artist I can recognize that may be what he's going for. Perhaps some girl that gained some Goddesses' power and got six arms for it.
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What's so wrong about that? At least we're not getting into so shitfest over interpretations.
>The Atheist
>In a world where his teammates are literally empowered by their faith.
>the episode where they find the Hindu chick shitting in the front yard of their HQ
It's not for fun. They literally don't have the needed plumbing.

If they did, they'd shit on a toilet.
I'll do it later
I had to look if there actually was and sure enough.. "sadhivi"
What if the Abrahamic religions are an RPG trio? the Christian is the warrior, the Muslim is the rogue, and the Jew is the wizard.
> the episode where the evil alan super intelligence announces that he's going to kidnap the smartest people on the planet and the atheist thinks he's the smartest person in the group and therefore in the most danger but then the villain just takes the pasta, the gnostic and the buddhist
>"But I'm the smartest man alive", "no you're not, Our findings show that you're just an asshole"

The agnostic is passable in this scenario, but her design is shit. Why is she a slut? Just remove her and call the atheist the agnostic.

I'm getting Sadhu. It was redirected from Sadhvi.

Fair enough.
>agnostic is passable in this scenario

How? The reason why the others have powers in this team is because of their beliefs in their respective gods. An agnostic does not believe either way. An agnostic just doesn't know.
But they aren't saying there is no god?

I don't know. I feel they'd be a dispatcher anyway. They don't got any powers like the rest would.
Should the Atheist be replaced with a Satanist instead then?
No. Modern satanism is almost satirical. It's like Pastafarians or Jedi. For fun get-togethers.

I'm surprised you don't have a Heathen rep. The Norse religious practitioners.
Neither do atheists necessarily. Atheists just simply do not believe in a god and or gods.

For the agnostic, if she were to gain any powers she wouldn't know where she is getting them from. But then again the agnostic here isn't stated to have any powers.

Which brings up another point. Agnosticism like atheism isn't a religion like the rest.

Which brings me to answer the question here.

Both atheism and agnosticism should be replaced by religions.

Those religions can be Jainism and another which I can't really decide on.

With Jainism we would cover all of the Dharmic religions along with the major Abrahamic ones.

Maybe shinto or Norse like this one >>78172971 thinks should be represented. It has a proper name but I'm not feeling up to looking it up.

those are all absolutely boring. Surely you could do something more interesting with the designs.

>1) Athiest
An up and coming hero who's skill is only matched by his inexperience. astealth based character, the athiest has no powers, the Robin of the group, but makes up for it by being a very capable assassin. His downfall is that he can easily get distracted by the other avengers, alerting the enemy by arguing LOUDLY with the others. casual clothes or extremely campy capeshit costume would work best here. either go big or go really fucking small.

>2) The Bhuddist
should have an odd design, perhaps rather than a regular face, just an open eye, broad shoulders but just a spine for a torso. probably literally made of stone. His power is actually a limited form of invincibility that happens when bhudda stands still. The physical powerhouse of the group

>3) Yahweh
An avenger with the power of 3 gods. unstable god of destruction reaching 50 feet tall, towering over everything. Will attack friend and foe alike, do not form under any circumstances

>3-1) Jew
the oldest of the three Charisma brothers. Heavily relies on his magic and heavy into alchemy. His ultimate goal is to learn to turn lead into gold.

>3-2) Islam
The middle child and Bard of the group. Islam's glibness allows him to get civilians to fight for him, creating armies of the innocent to act as a meat wall. These armies are empowered greatly through his bardic magic as well.

>3-3) Christian
The entitled paladin
Norse practitioners are called Heathens.
That's what they call themselves.

You could also have a person who practices Hellenism (because Zeus fucked a towel or some shit and they were born).
>Hellenist and Heathen
I did not know the terms for that. thanks, anon.

Shinto and Daoism needs some representation, too. There is a sizable amount of the world into that shit.
What if Shintoism was a priestess/Miko with the power to summon spirits and creatures from Japanese mythology?
Well, we're finally expanding the roster. Time to draw an entire universe of em'.
Then you'd have a stock character that's appeared in hundreds of anime?

It's not a bad thing, but it makes for predictable behavior from that character.
>No Yoruba gods/goddesses
Shouldn't the Sikh be trying to kill Muslim?
Same with Christian.
And Jew.
And even Atheist and Agnostic.
Why the hell did they let Muslim on the team if they all hate her and she hates them back?
>Rastafarian. At all.
>very little representation from old world religions.

Greeks, Norse, and Polynesians all had hella cool gods and religions.

This is way more on point if you have to have a black dude, than Rastafarian
I'm gonna assume in this world, wherein faith grants you super powers, there is less hate from the empowered

>doesn't know what agnostic means

Open a dictionary, you illiterates.
Perhaps the only people who get powers are the ones from contemporary religions.
The pagan gods are powerless because no one really worships them anymore. Or maybe they are the antagonists?

I like to think it's like how the Old Testament is about Yahweh and his prophets, but they recognized early on that the other gods also existed. Back when it was monolatry. Where you worship one god but recognize other gods' existences.

In that case you can choose which to worship and what powers you want.


>a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

How is that different from saying "I don't know if a god exists"?
You'd think the ones that are worshiping the enemies of those gods would be the antagonist. The problem with that though is that few religions believe in an adversary to their gods.
Some issues with the weapons.

Sikh needs his traditional sword, as well, possibly as a backup weapon.

Islam. Go with one of the swords on the traditional islamic flags instead.

Christian: Weak. Maybe split it into catholic and protestant? Knights Templar. Swiss Guards, Crusaders. All sorts of designs and iconography here you're missing out on.

Jew: Looks like a generic stripper. Mossad. Ultra orthodox warrior tradition. Kaballists. >>78171722 Make the maho wand a dreidel?

Need to know intensifies. What are the worst ideas?

Some ideas for the expansion pack:

Taoist: Think Kung fu. Hyperactive kickass yin to buddhist's yang.

Voodo or maybe Santaria?

Traditional Norse Paganisim:

Mormon: The star of Maroni.


Pastafarian: The midget sidekick critter.

One more thing OP. If you go with this, don't go half ass. Go full OUR LOVE IS REAL kind of crazy or stay home.
>One more thing OP. If you go with this, don't go half ass. Go full OUR LOVE IS REAL kind of crazy or stay home.

I'm sorry to say but this isn't OP's art nor does OP appear to intend to make something of it.

By the way, same guy you asking about the dreidal and I like it.
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What if the antagonist is Jehova/Allah/God?
...and it won the War.
Baha'i, Daoism, or zoroastrianism should replace the agnostic.
Worst ideas in thread. Kill yourself faggot
If you're going to put an atheist in there as an edgy archetype you should go the whole nine yards and just make him their oracle except he hates them all and only works for them because there's no other option. Also, obligatory fedora/tribly to piss off people further and a great beard flowing down to his midsection, all growing from the neck.

The idea behind atheism is not that there is no power higher than man, it's that there is no power beyond explanation or reason at some level, and thus there is no power truly 'deserving' of worship or prayer as some kind of entity above all else. An atheist in this setting could pretty easily rationalize that the 'gods' the other people worship are just incredibly powerful space wizards. In fact, atheism makes even MORE sense in this setting, as demonstrated pretty pointedly by the fact that literally explicitly contradictory faiths exist side by side, granted powers and all, counteracting every idea about any one pantheon or deity being the 'one true god' or any other claim to superiority or true divinity. It's pretty easy to assume Christians are full of shit when a devotee of Vishnu is walking around slinging lightning bolt arrows.
It already happened and was called The Devilers.

The atheist had the literal power of unbelief that made demons explode into nothingness.
So #3 is going to be written as a red-haired black adult Lisa Simpson?
Oy vey, Golems are a jewish thing, not a pagan thing.
It was entertaining (if incredibly retarded) in God is Dead.
Belly dancers aren't really representative of a lot in either arabic or especially muslim cultures to begin with.
It's just that tourists liked it at one point and brown girls are qt so it's a design that stuck.
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So her power is networking?
Places like Egypt have had belly dancers regardless of tourists as a legitimate art form but then it devolved into stripping at bachelor parties.
>The atheist had the literal power of unbelief that made demons explode into nothingness.
So dumb
Sure, but it's as representative as using hooters waitresses as the average American woman attire. Jasmine in Aladdin is dressed more like a harem girl than a princess.
Yeah, it was a really dumb miniseries, sometimes dumb fun, mainly just messy.

The best part regarding the Atheist is that when God appears he can't see jack shit until he transforms into a copy of himself
>The Atheist, the Muslima, the Christian and the Rastafari team up to kill all homosexuals.
>After they killed the Jew

Ugh, I can see #3 becoming the scrappy of the group just from that cursory description alone.
Yeah you know she's going to be the "voice of reason" and solve dsissensions every time in the most obvious case of mouthpiece since "I learned something today" speeches in South Park.
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Daily reminder that the Burka Avenger would be considered worse than Hitler because she has a job, interacts with civilians and fights for change through education.
why isn't the muslima the demolitions expert?
I don't think muslims hate Hitler that much, m8.
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>Traditional Norse Paganisim

Fourteen Words.

Mein Kampf is a popular book in the middle east, though.
>Mormon: The star of Maroni.

Nah, literally that Edward Cullen dude from Twilight.
I would not be surprised to find that they read it the way they read the Koran.
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It's also popular in India though. Hitler is really popular there.
>as I'm sure most atheists do to some level.
Hahaha what?
Well he did indirectly help them win their freedom
What I'd want to see on a team
Shinto, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikh, Pagan, Hindu, Heathen, Hellenist.

Since it looks like you want a black guy, research and choose one of the many indigenous religions originating from Africa, since Rastafarians are pretty recently broken off of Christianity.
Each of those talk about peace over violence. Maybe they're good at their religions unlike all the shitflingers running around nowadays?
Eh, it gives them something to boast about. Hitler literally jerked them off.
Like I said, it's not just the belly dancer.
Atheist is some hipster emo kid, Agnostic is a street walker, Christian is your standard RenPlayer, "The Jew" is a Trekkie, and Rastafarian is missing colors/symbols so he's just a Jamaican with rain boots. Plus, idk the Pagan could use a bit more drapery so as to look less like a Green Arrow knockoff.
>no Zoroastrians

i am triggered i demand Zoroastrian representation stop oppressing me you daevayasna shitlords.
The gimmick is dull: why make a story about different religions and make it a cape comic, a genre that is all about maintaining the status quo? The only way it ends up is either multiculturalist backpatting or parody of multiculturalist backpatting.

Also those character designs are all hella dull.
Voodoo is a western concept tacked on to a bunch of, usually completely different, religions. Not really a religion.
>Mormon: The star of Maroni.

Wears temple cap and apron, as well as a missionary's badge. Uses a CTR shield.
Voudou is a real religion. Fuck off.
He should just get rid of agnostic and put a Zoroastrian instead.
Hoodoo and Voodoo are real religions. Voodoo takes a lot from Hoodoo.

It'd be cool to get a Voudun villain. Seeing how Voodoo has no positives deity or energy. People don't worship voodoo for good luck energy, they study/practice it to keep the bad luck energy away.
I'm thinking Scientology will be one of the main antagonists.
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