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What did everyone think of the last episode of Earth! ?

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What did everyone think of the last episode of Earth! ?
I think they are just recycling the hitler plot with trump
I really hope Trump becomes a recurring character. Obama was pretty stale overall and Trumps shenanigans would be an nice welcome. Also is ISIS replacing Al-Queda or are they leading up to something?
I dunno man, ISIS doesn't seem as cool. Kinda like all bark and no bite with their apocalypse shenangins
Is the global warming plot going anywhere or are they just keeping that storyline in their back pocket so they can just destroy everything and end/reboot the show?
looking forward to the weekend plot

work week arc is all filler
It's just a slow build man. Like 10 seasons down its going to be a real problem
It's probably the final boss
>Going anywhere
Yeah right, remember how everyone lost their shit during the Cold War arc and it was leading up the some hardcore nuclear shit just for it to lead up to a broken wall and a whole lot of nothing? Status qoue is the fucking worst thing about Earth.
Who's tired of the "people get killed in a mass shooting" thing? Like, it was shocking the first 3 or so times, but after the kids, it just got boring.
They all seem preoccupied with this upcoming star war but I don't see anyone actually preparing any kind of fleet or at least some deep space missile payload
>Merkel won the Time bowl
fucking pissed
I think star wars is just their name for that boring tatooine show
Who is best girl?
Caitlyn Jenner.
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so are the Adventures of Jesus still canon or did they just retcon it to further their atheism plot

I know right.
Would it kill the writers to come up with something more creative than: "Gunman at [location] kills [x] amount of people, then [takes own life / gunned down]."
Lazy uninspired trite it is.
>there will never be a new Crusades
seriously they keep teasing this to happen, but it never does
One was taken alive, but yeah. It's boring. At least give us a bomb or something, fucks sake

Nah that plotline has been the fuel for practically everything.
There's no way they'll make it non-canon without it fucking up the entire lore.
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>World War 3 arc will not happen during your lifetime.
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>tfw no Ice Age Event to wipe the slate clean
Bitch didn't you read up? They've been pushing their Illuminati plot; the all-one eye shits are trying to ease people away from Jesus. It's all an inter-arcing plot.
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fuck off king james your fanfic was never canon

you just rehashed the osiris plot point

fucking season 1 skippers fuck you
I wish they'd bring back Magic.

Having the Christians win against the Pagans was cool and all, but I miss when they could just have a Dragon pop in and fuck shit up from time to time.
>caring about the objectively worst species

Kek, you're all missing out on a great Blobfish arc.
Agreed, I HATE how they are still keeping North Korea around with pure plot armor instead of just letting it go. Nobody gets to make threats like that and get away with it in this show except that stupid little country.

Fucking plot armor.
>The freaking Ebola build up that Went Absolutely nowhere
Still pissed at all that hype
>he doesnt know
It's a new more subtle type of magic that they use. Did you even notice how the men can turn into women and vice versa without a krn'lak crystal?

Man I hope they do something with the Illuminati other than just have them as a convenient excuse for unresolved plots.

They're the contemporary equivalent of "a Wizard did it".
It's just the Bird Flu plot all over again. At least they had some balls and lots of people died when they introduced influenza near the end of the WW1 arc.
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>America fucks around in the Middle East
>Middle East gets a killer dictator
>America fucks around in the Middle East
>Middle East gets a terrorist state
>America responds by fucking around in the Middle East again


Urgh. Don't even get me started.

They ran out of minorities to recycle the Fight for Equality storyline and now they're just making shit up until the Cyborg Transhumanist ans sentient robots shit can start.
Maybe thats the point
They refuse to learn and its going to get them killed
Gotta read between the lines. Apparently gay is sin, but nowadays it's been pushed to make people love it, else they be labeled as bigots. Religion used to be praised, but now it's made fun of, shit like that. It's the Illuminati in the backplot, like Lord Palpate or whatever.
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>Black Death Arc over
>Megafauna mostly killed off (Elephants and Rhinos RIP soon)
>Nuclear War Arc delayed to infinity
>no sign of Asteroid Event
>population swelling past 7billion
So many characters in this show and none of them are interesting. When there were just a few you could get invested in their struggles and triumphs, but now half a million of them get swept out to sea in a tsunami and it's like "meh, we got more"
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Who is best leader and why was it Oliver Cromwell?
>There will never be a plague arc as good as the Black Plague
Feels bad man.
It's Rome all over again. I nearly cried when Rome fell , don't feel nearly as sympathetic this time if they pull that shit with America.
>sentient robots
I can't fucking wait for that. It will be worth it, I promise

I thought that was the Fall of Rome II arc.
>Massive advanced civilization with huge empire.
>Weakened by decadence, corruption, and dissolution.
>Destroyed by hubris and religious fanaticism.
But man this IS group ain't no Barbarian Christian army.
I'm really interested in how they're gonna pull this shit off.
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You'll cry when that happens. Never stops being amusing
That's the whole point of Earth dummy.
Why do you think the tagline was "History repeats itself" for 64 seasons now?
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Worst ship coming through.
>tfw no budget for Space Arc.

Man, I was so looking forward to Russia and America Fighting for territory on other Planets.
It'll happen, eventually.
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>tfw there's still no fucking Mars spinoff
let the robots have it a few seasons from now when they're introduced, fuck it
People seriously still this shit? It's so unrealistic, Earth people can't even teleport yet. You have literally been watching filler for DECADES. Plebs, all of you
Long after we're dead and probably with super shitty cgi
Enjoy it while it lasts.

If you've been keeping up with the source material then you already know after the human arc ends it's all down hill from there. Any sense of direction is totally lost. I still hope it rebounds again like after the dinosaur saga, but I don't know...
They're all fucking idiots but that's part of the fun anon.
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Hey guys, check out this map I made for my fanfic.

>Drawing the Map upside-down like the Humans do.

Nice touch.
It's supposed to be an in-universe map.
What happens after? Do the humans stop Global Warming?
It goes nowhere, it gets tiresome and repetitive. Frustrating even.
I don't know why i keep watching. I'm just curious of how things will turn out, I suppose

also, I fucking called it: they took one of the most backwards cultures and gave them an oil-ex-machina just so they could be geopolitically relevant. It feels like a cheap way to create conflict
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ISIS is way too over powered, what a bunch of mary sues.
I would say its less them being overpowered and more america not doing enough
Not that america doing something would fix anything.
Every time they go to the desert shit gets worse
Eventually the human arc/saga ends. No more humans on Earth (not saying how, that's too big of a spoiler even for spoilers). It gets really boring after that.
Why does it feel like Merlin has the most interesting life right now?
Can't we just have the Merlin show instead?
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Don't believe this troll.

Humans slowly start mining and colonizing space. Things on Earth continue as normal. It's actually a little disappointing how not much changes.
You haven't read far enough ahead yet.

Earth ends with the Sun expanding and destroying the planet, the humans were gone long before that though.

It sounds like bullshit, but that's how they decided to end it.
>Watching Earth after the Egyptian or Myan Arcs

I dont know how you guys can do it. I heard the Plague\Renaissance arc was pretty good as well as WW2. should i pick this show back up?
The only reason people still watch it is because they think the human designs are QT. The actual plotlines are VERY repetitive and the special effects are total shit.
The Vietnam arc is depressing as fuck but the soundtrack is 10/10
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Who is the worst villain this season and why is it Putin, I mean he's just one big red herring covering for the real bad guy who i hear will be revealed in 2020.
Well he did say he might nuke ISIS maybe he will finally bring back that cold war nuclear holocaust plot
They've really toned the violence and sacrifices down through out the years seasons but it's still entertaining watching all the ways the nations fuck themselves over in funny ways. Also as >>78061819 stated it does in fact tend to get reused a lot of plots and arcs. Depending on the type of person you are the humans never learning there lesson can either be part of the shows charm are really infuriating.

If you aren't convinced at least check out the French Revolution and Napoleon arc, a lot of people agree it's one of the best.
I'm really rooting for those brown people in europe.
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Mah nighog

Literally any species is more entertaining, the last dog arc was fucking perfect
Yeah but his character is so fucked first he's neutral, than the writers tried to make him pure evil, than they want to switch him to good every time there is a global disater and he needs to look good on the global stage. now they are trying to make him evil again i mean just stick to one thing and go with it.

if anything make putin Lawful evil he just tries to eliminate terrorits and his enemys in any way possible but make it seem justified
Yea, but I'm really invested in this small Tibetan village in China. Will he get the girl, will the village have enough food, will the CCP kill them all?
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>Any French Arc

Good keks you smelly frog. but the English global domination Arc is the best Arc ever.
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>There will never be another Permian
It was really boring up until the ending.
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>There are people out there that think that the "Dinosaur Arc" is not canon and should be Retconed
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>Whaaa I hate character development and fun
It's edgelord fags like you that ruined the show
Only because Old Testament and most other Magic arcs were far more entertaining.
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>Still caring about about Earth
>Not Kepler 22b
What's it like having objectively shit taste?
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>the human designs are QT

Implying im not just watching to wait for the inevitable human animal hybrid Characters, and the Hybrid Wars.

Rumor has it that the human testing arc will begin around 2050 and the first hybrid will appear around 2080 or 2090

(forgot pic)
>wanting hybrids on Earth
damn nigga, you scary. Don'y you remember what happened before?
>remember seasons that happened before 10,000BC
Shhhhh, nobody's supposed to know about the hard reboot
>wanting hybrids
So your shitty oc can become canon?
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implying that hasnt happened a million times allready
Dude there's like 52 shows called Earth be specific
The first 1
He probably meant to say Seasons. In a sense, there's kind of only ever been one show.

Does anyone remember the very first season, where it was really slow paced and arcs took forever to develop? It was all just like volcanoes forming and water moving around and stuff. Everyone says it's boring and not worth watching, but once you get into it it can be rewarding. Once Life got introduced, things started to quicken up a bit, which made the show more accessible but I think it also lost a bit of its original charm.
It was sad watching everything die when O2 came in. I wonder what those things would've been
It was kinda hot desu. The banned that ep on my planet because it was too much for people
Last as in previous, or last as in cancelled?

I hope Netflix picks us up.
No, there's the Earth with regular Hitler and the Earth with Kangaroo Hitler
>only in some obscure cable galaxy nobody pays for
>1am time slot

Who gives a fuck? Even God wants Kepler 22b cancelled.
>His theme tune

Fucking Epic.

>it's an "America goes to the Middle East" episode
>it's a "Russia is ruled by a tyrant" episode
>it's a "China centralizes, collapses, then centralizes again" episode

Fuck this bullshit, the MCs never get to escape the status quo.
Maybe you should switch to superior Martain entertainment you Earthaboo
>Martian entertainment
>not the very definition of status quo
Literally the only thing that happens are the small Earth cameos.
>Maurice Gomberg
God I wish they'd stop this "mystery villain" arc. They blew the reveal back in season two and they still expect everyone to be surprised about it.
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In the last god-knows-how-many seasons the most interesting things to happen on Mars have been crossovers with Earth
>I can't into story telling
unlike your status quo Earth nonsense Mars entertainment doesnt reset with meteors and floods. One story all the way through, no reboots or rectons. This is just a little filler.
Anyone disappointed that the Ebola episode went absolutely nowhere?
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Is anyone else really liking Kanye's arc? They seem to be building him up to be a key player. I hope they don't abandon his storyline.
>not watching for HIV/AIDS
Slow and steady.
I'm pretty sure it'll be safe to drop Earth after the Kanye arc is over.

>implying it will ever end
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>Giving the Jew homeworld money
>Not just pirating the series
I'm sorry to say this guy's but we're canceled.
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I dare you to find a more underrated Arc of earth than Edo period Japan.
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>there are people who skipped the Muhammad arc
>still don't understand why they don't understand what's the deal with Muslims today
Some people just want to skip all the boring shit and get straight into it. Sorry not everybody wants to wade through five fucking seasons of the Precambrian era to watch a show than people only care about for the humans anyways. Even harder to get past those special effects. The earth forming looked like someone smashed a few snowballs together for Orwafi's sake!
Weeaboo pls go, the magic stuff is amazing but that arc is pretty much filler
Please, that is not even the best fanfic. Odin Fanfic and Zeus Fanfic were much better than Yahee fanfic!
The damn dog character was the first one to go to space.
Did anyone watch the prequel? How is it?
>Replacing Al-Qaeda with ISIS
You haven't been paying attention, Al-Qaeda's still there and there was even a background event where a suicide bomber from Al-Qaeda blew up an ISIS Stronghold. In the ultimate twist, the two biggest threats will end up killing eachother.
>Falklands not part of British Commonwealth
Otherwise, pretty interesting. Glad you didn't shoehorn in "Atlantis."
It sucks and should be cancelled.
It's just a shitty love triangle plot to see who's most tsundere for westerners.
>Trump = Hitler.

What an absolutely ridiculous comparison.

If anything, Trump is Bismarck.
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Remember that time Shezow got a season two right after the murder of Rebecca Sugar? I still think it was a conspiracy.
Am I the only one who caught that Turkey betraying Russia reference the other week?

Shit gave me chills down my spine!
Why is the main character such a loser? All he does is watch cartoons and go on anime message boards.
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>That gang rape scene

I didn't ask for this fetish.
You'd have thought the characters would have done something about it by now
Anyone else sick of the recurring joke where Australia changes main characters? Like it was funny the first time but Australia's protag role has been handed to four people in the span of five years. What the fuck?
Aussie land can be forgiven for any problems after that emu war bit.
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