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Would you a creepy susie

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Thread replies: 152
Thread images: 66

Would you a creepy susie
she probably has a bush
I know what you're trying to do and I disapprove of it.
A thick, smelly french bush.
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got just the thing.
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i think the october threads left most of our opinion very clear
Please OP, don't remind me that October is over!
Go to bed, Herny.
That's not Herny. You would know if it was Herny.
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>off model
>not liking susie the way she is
Why are you asking /co/ this? This is like going into Harlem and asking if fried chicken is delicious. Of course the answer will be "yes".

GTFO, moralfag.
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What's the deal with the Oblongs?
Are they back?
They've always been here
Moralfag? HAHA, good one. I disapprove of the attempt of a thinly veiled spooky girl thread.
But, I mean. There's too many The Oblongs-related posts in /co/ recently. I'm surprised.
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A lot of Creepy Susie was going on during October. I guess we've still got a lot of Susie love leftover.

Actually, there are a lot of things from /co/'s October thread that still live on...
Would you prefer if it was explicitly a spooky girl thread?
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would you a mandy?
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Come on thread, don't die on me!

Just checking. Polite sage.
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On-model Susie is a floating tube, though. Not a lot of guys like tubes, despite Susie being perfect as-is.

I didn't know I could possibly get burnt out on Susie, either. October has shown me more goth/vampire girls than I thought I'd ever see.
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>tfw everybody posting Creepy Susie makes you think she must be really cute and a waifu-material character
>tfw you watch every Oblongs episode to see for yourself
>tfw she has about 1 solid minute of dialogue throughout the entire series

Yeah, I don't really see the appeal myself. As someone you would do, at least. For the rare moments when she gets to talk, though, she is pretty great, and a good character.
Also, Oblongs was a pretty good show.
Damn right there is!
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you people are still so damn thirsty for spooky girl threads
come back december 21st
for the spooking before christmas
>Promise of more spooky girls
>New pic of grown Tannis

Who are you? Do you know something we don't?
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It's been a while since the last update.
I'm sure he's just busy with the holidays and all, though.
Sure. Even in her monster form.
not a new pic, herny did some sketches a while ago and didn't post that one, i just screencapped it from one of this streams
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Dexter, not you too...
>that perfect body
like anyone wouldn't
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Don't die yet, stealth October thread.
Please...I don't want to let go.
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they want you to let go anon, for now

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>elsa never got a cool aged-up fanon personality
i imagine her as being a chill, motherly franken fran type who smokes a lot and reads a lot more.
One of my favorites.
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/co/ and /aco/, one and the same.

Put your dick in what you most believe in
Two boards, one family
Trust your waifu
Let fate decide
To guide these boards we see

A paradise touched by neets
Within this chan blessed with love
A simple thread, we live in peace

Softly tread the posts up on the screen now
Two boards, one family
Trust your waifu
Let fate decide
To guide these boards we see

Beneath the shelter of our basements
Only love can enter here
A simple life, we live in peace

Raise your head up
Release the load
Take strength from those that need you
Build high the porn
Build strong the rule 34
A new life is waiting
But danger's no stranger here

No words describe a poster's tears
No words can heal a dead thread
Sometimes the porn is gone, but where there's hope

Somewhere something is calling for us
Two boards, one family
Trust your waifu
Let fate decide
To guide these boards we see
Yes I would
Canadian, flannel-wearing, all grown up but hasn't grown an inch Winnie is the best.
her being canadian is more specific to winniequestguy, i always thought she works better as just being native to the pacific northwest, a logging girl type
Didn't someone make her a mad scientist with a German accent?
I miss her and all the october threads.

Anyone have the pastebin with the links to all of them?
ask and ye shall receive http://pastebin.com/peKW0z5f
Not the guy you replied to, but thanks.
I've been regretting not saving those threads.
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Literal perfection.
When she's quiet
I think maybe one of those links still works

Do you have the google docs full of writefaggotry, though?
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also, all those links should work if you have appchanx installed, because it'll automatically redirect you to the archive link
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>October threads made me realize how much I like werewolf girls
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the memories are still fresh
Probably because it was last month
Have hope, Anon.
Apparently, there's some more spookiness coming up the 21st.
I, for one, eagerly anticipate the inevitable coming of pics of the Ghouls wearing Santa outfits.
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gunna be five wild, spooky nights
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After that, in 2016 I'm all for the idea of having these threads every full moon
I believe that was Toonspew's idea
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>no love for Sibella
I still love the idea of here being a masochist
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The purpose for spooky girls/Ghoul School threads being a once a year thing is the fear that things would get stale after a while.

But, I would be all for more Ghoul threads, as long as you could keep that rare, festive feel to them, and I think that full moon thread idea would be a good way to do it. Once a month is much better than only once a year, and could still preserve that festive and special feeling.

Obligatory "the Ghouls could be /co/'s period" joke
So did /co/ enroll Creepy Susie into Ghoul School or something?
>Obligatory "the Ghouls could be /co/'s period" joke

Sibella would be into that if you know what I mean
shouldnt be just the ghouls, but all spooky girls, of which there are many
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During the October threads, she and Ghoul School were among the most popular topics, so once Susie was brought up, the larger number of Ghoul School fans took over the thread.

I'm actually not sure I know what you mean. How far are you taking that joke? Are you just alluding to her being a vampire, and as such, liking the blood, or are you taking the joke a step even further by insinuating some lesbian Ghoul action?
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>Are you just alluding to her being a vampire, and as such, liking the blood, or are you taking the joke a step even further by insinuating some lesbian Ghoul action?
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>Minya had a sister
That or Minya feels he was born in the wrong body
>Godzilla has daughter
>Godzilla's daughter never seen from again
>Same for most of the Ghouls that only show up as new students at the very end
>Ghouls have very protective/vengeful fathers
>Ghoul School is very dangerous place
>Got dungeons and sharks and baby dragons and shit
>Main Ghouls fine with it
>Main Ghouls seem to have lived there for a long time
>Main Ghouls all really close to each other and the one teacher
>New students are new to school
>New students have no one personally looking out for them
>New students never seen again after attending dangerous Ghoul School
>Ghoul School never seen again
>Ghouls never seen again

Nothing wrong with an appetizer
As long as we only we have ONE before our meal
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Well look how many fucking daughters Dracula has. Besides, who the fuck heard of a purple vampire?

Wasn't Drac also purple in Ghoul School?
Well, as long as we're on the topic of Ghoul School conspiracies...

The FIRST thing Sibella says is "I'm Dracula's daughter"; she seems pretty eager to be known as the daughter of Dracula, and who wouldn't? Daughter of one of the most well-known/feared creatures of the monster world, that would help you a lot, I'd imagine.

But maybe that's not true? Maybe she IS related/close to him enough that he would show up to the school claiming to be her dad, but is really her uncle or whatever?
Of course, the fact that Dracula also appears purple in the movie kind of disproves that, but, whatever.

Pic related, if above theory has any possibility to it, than maybe Phanty was also in the "Ghouls embarrassed of their dads" club, and the other ghost she introduced as her father was really her trench coated, fedora wearing weeb of an older brother.
What was deleted?

Her hair was perfect
So Phanty's dad is Boo Berry, and Sibella's real dad is the Count from Sesame Street?
he directly linked to one of the spooktober threads like a dummy
What I want to know is why does Winnie's father look more like a wolf than her?
Is her mother... A FURRY!?
Was he? Maybe that was because he was older, or male? I for one think they were both pretty equal in human/wolf ratio.
I'd like to imagine Phanty giving Winnie's boyfriend a hard time for being a furry.
You couple of dummies need to get a plug-in with auto look-up of deleted posts. Inlining is so convenient.
Anyways, it was Henry posting that very picture.
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Oh yeah, I guess he does look a little more canine.
It's the snout that does it.
>Deepest lore
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Yes, but not that one.

I prefer my Susie the way she is in the cartoon. A sexy no-tits/ass/hips floating pyromaniac french girl.
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OOH god!
come on man Blueboard
It has only been a week or so...
Unless you don't like PhantyQuest right now. We'll be WinnieQuest pt.II soon enough. Patience.
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Hell yeah I would.
Shush, Herny. We already take it for granted that you would.
My nigga
It's too bad Elsa didn't get her time in the spotlight. I could see some potential of having her replacing her genitalia to whatever pleases Anon the most
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post belmonts
So, uh, anyone else think it's possible to edit her hands and that heart to be lower on her abdomen?
>grafts a vagina onto a penis
>grafts it to herself, puts a bow on it, and reveals it christmas day with a sexy nude pose on a couch under the christmas tree
>"i saw it in your internet search history"
That's why ball-less futa looks weird to me. Often, it just looks like a gash right under the dick.
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>not understanding what stilization is
You could go to /aco/ man
>ripped pants
>rope for a belt
>no shirt
gee, werewolf-dad
I know you're a werewolf but this is a social gathering.
>"That's exactly why I'm wearing my BEST ripped pants!"
>Has various breasts of different sizes, colors, and nipples types for you to choose from


/aco/ killed /co/
What if she only has the one deatachable pussy and she let's you carry it around and fuck it whenever you want?
No, it purged it of the fetishists.

Actually they didn't left, you are still here.
Nobody uses /aco/ except /d/

Don't like it? Go bitch on /qa/
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What's with all these sub par waifus? Erma is best creepy waifu
>No, it purged it of the fetishists.

From /d/. They are all at /aco/ now.
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Erma's adorable as fuck, but she has a couple of minor quirks. She can't change her hairstyle without considerable effort, she once institutionalized her babysitter, and I'm pretty sure she's eight years old.
Don't know about waifu, but she'd be the qt-est daughterfu
My god, can you imagine how badly she clogs up the drain?
Why is Herny always said to be the only artist who likes Susie?
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Susie was his signature for a while, alongside other goth girls and Mandy. It was something he liked to draw and drew often: think of it like donuts for Sunibee or shortstacks with emotional issues for Morbi.
Girls with jet black hair and creepy sensiblities make my dick rock hard

I blame that chick from the beetlejuice cartoon and Morticia Adams for this.
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Susie after a shower.png
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>It was something he liked to draw and drew often
I don't know, I think it has more to do with him being popular in general rather than drawing Susie a lot.
Sort of like with 14-bis and Jenny (MLAATR) or DLT and Maddie Fenton, other artists draw them too but since these guys are popular, a lot of people associate those girls with those artists when it comes to fanart.
But don't let my drawing kill the thread, here's something nice.
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>Delicious long hair
Is this the only drawing of her like this?
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By Herny? Yes it is.
Oh my.
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>The Franken Girl has a caveman like brow.
>the only Frankenstein to have one of those is the Japanese Giant Frankenstein from Toho
These covers are a fucking riot.
>yfw Sibella was just Flim Flam.
>yfw Winnie was just Olive Oyl
>yfw Tanis was actually Lumpy the Wookie
>Elsa was Mona Lisa from Ninja Turtles
>Phantasma is Minnie Mouse, and the Muppet baby version of Gonzo
>yfw Creepy Susie was Birdo from the Mario Brothers Super Show
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There are better vampires. With better hair
Shaggy signed a contract; on a fucking ancient scroll looking thing, too.
Didn't he know what he was getting himself into? Did he really not read any of it?

Another thing; the reason he stayed despite all the spookiness was originally because he didn't want to break the contract. But the moment the new Ghouls; Godzilla's daughter and the others, he bolted out of there with no regards to it, and this is AFTER he learned that the monsters weren't so bad.

I know I'm over analyzing an almost-30-years-old Scooby-Doo cartoon, but hey, isn't that just another part of these threads?
What do you guys think about all this?
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>Elsa was Mona Lisa from Ninja Turtles
And there's something wrong with that?
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Would I what?
He completed his original contract. As soon as he was no longer legally bound, he bolted. Sure, the original girls were fine, but look at all the bullshit Shaggy has put up with by that point. Besides, that kind of gig is fine for a summer or so, but it isn't really long term career material. It wouldn't be too long before his continued presence becomes the creepiest thing about the program.
Thread posts: 152
Thread images: 66

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