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So the first of the new merchandising line for Steven Universe

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So the first of the new merchandising line for Steven Universe went up for sale on the CN website.
It's these things. Frankly, they look awful. Do people actually buy things like this?

Shitty /co/ merch thread?
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God I fucking hate these things, I think there was one I've seen that looked ok I guess?
>pleb tier merch

If you own funko, kill yourself.
Is that Steven or a mimic that has taken Steven's form in order to lure unsuspecting prey?
I prefer the evilstick
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All Funko Pops are shit.

But the DC Universe Classics line was also pretty disappointing.

>No ankle swivels
>shitty barely functional abcrunches
>fucked up muscle sculpts

I have Powergirl and Harley, and both of them are pretty bad.
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Apparently they tried to update/fix those awful Regular show toys that were so bad the show made a two parter about them.

What if you only have them cause your normie parents got them for you as a misguided christmas present?
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>using the word "manface"
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I'm glad there aren't any Homeworld gem ones. My Buff-fu deserves better.
This stuff is fucking shit, it wouldve been better if jazwares and their shit quakity got the licsence, atleast they make half decent figures if it doesnt fall apart from looking at it. /toy/soldier reportig, ask me anythig about these, or even steven universe toys ingeneral.
Then your parents probably got you rosearts as a kid.
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Hope the SU fandom doesn't think the Garnet figure is body shaming her. Not sure how good the PR would be if an entire company kills itself en masse.
At least it actually gets merchandise, unlike DC cartoons.
Whats some pretty good western toy companies? All I really know of is Necca.
>that were so bad the show made a two parter about them.


I think Steven himself looks alright.
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I don't think you understand most of the words you're using.
>no DC equivalent to Marvel Legends
>tfw have almost as many Marvel toys as DC ones
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>being this mad at getting called out for using meaningless buzzwords
Looks like you're the one who's triggered, anon.

Men and women, being members of the same species, tend to look fairly similar. But then, you've clearly only ever seen cartoon people, so you wouldn't know that.
>they look awful

Just like the show then.
Man, I can understand not liking POPs, but it seems like people who hate them REALLY hate them.
Are they retarded enough to think that POPs are stopping them from getting good merchandise or something?
So why do bitchs get so upset about that? I think amythests hot while shes fat. I just think touchy fuckers like that need to lose weight and stop being such fatty-fat tummy tubbys!
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Some people really really like Funko shit. So that turns mild dislike into hate.

It also has a bit of "muh secret club" going on due to the casual focus of Funko stuff.
>Are they retarded enough to think that POPs are stopping them from getting good merchandise or something?
Yes. This is 4chan after all.
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Well, this is just the first part of the merch line. Apparently there's some accessory shit from Just Toys coming next, then PhatMojo plushies in the spring and Zag Toys minifigures later

The Brilliant Duck Century half hour special thing they had was about an evil, shitty toy company trying to get them to sign away their likenesses. The prototype Mordo and Rigby they brought looked just like the Jazware ones.
Trigga please, just because you refuse to acknowledge a difference between masculine and feminine features doesn't mean that difference doesn't clearly and demonstrably exist. Don't be an irrational tranny just because you'll never look like a real girl.
Getting no merchandise would be far better than getting Funko figurines.
Don't you have more teen girls to make commit suicide?
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Literally worse than garbage
I fucking loved that special

serious TTGL and Getta Robo vibes

JG knew exactly what he was parodying,in fact the opening sequence was EVA AS FUCK

>Funko's minis are pretty bad in general, some aren't as bad as others
>Steven Universe minis the worst they've created so far
Is there no end to how much this show sucks?
Human sexual dimorphism (at least in terms of facial features) is not that extreme. Otherwise retarded anons like you wouldn't be accusing live women of having "manfaces". Dumbass.
Um no all men look like Gerard Butler and women look like Shakira.

There's no overlap.
Don't you have more mass shootings to successfully commit?
>mfw i own the Vault Boy and Dovahkiin figures
Fuck you guys i like them
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it's hilarious, they're fun little toys
No, and I find it disgusting how a bunch of cunts on 4chan pretend to have even the slightest ounce of compassion the instant it means they can shitpost about something. You "people" have no fucking shame.

As an aside though, anyone who gets so upset over being called out on their shitty art as to actually attempt to kill themselves deserves to succeed.
What makes them "fun"?
>Everyone hating on Funko merchandise

Fucking plebs.
>What did anon mean by this?
She has a fucking thigh/knee swivel, do you have any idea how rare those are? That's a fine figure, you picky little shit. She's definitely good for the price, do you even collect toys?
That looks like a dude to you?

Either you need glasses, or you need to get out more. Possibly both.
Not been hanging out much on /co/ lately, huh?
Well memed my broski :^)
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I wouldn't say they're the worst.
In fact, The Garnet figure seems to have had the most work put into it.
>see through plastic on the glasses so the 3 eyes can be seen
>proper hips to waist ratio for her despite the shrunken body
>the gems in her hands are actually extruded (you can see it clearer on CN's site since they have zoom in features)
Pearl is okay, but I always imagined her nose being more triangular than cone shaped. Makes sense though I guess. Her pose is nice too.
Amethyst has deent hair, though I think her gem is just painted on which seems lazy as fuck compared to the others.
Steven is nightmare fuel.
>defending something that's only a step above 5PA
>"Do you even collect toys?"

I'm sorry I actually have standards.
What's worse that this fight started because someone used the term manface.

I'd argue at this point buzzword is a buzzword
>b...but m...muh buzzwords
>Steven is nightmare fuel.
Toy Steven wants to feast upon the souls of the innocent.

>I'd argue at this point buzzword is a buzzword
And I'd argue your defense of shitposting is pathetic.
>see through plastic on the glasses so the 3 eyes can be seen
That's the worst part
>She has a fucking thigh/knee swivel, do you have any idea how rare those are?

Not rare at all? Every collector grade toyline has thigh swivels.

How is "manface" a "buzzword?"

"Buzzword" is the 4chan equivalent of "trigger word" I guess.
The Rocketeer, Iron Giant, Gigantor, Spider-Man 2099 and Judge Dredd ones look good. Incidentally, those are the only ones I have.
>SU triggas getting buttblasted about muh soggy knees

Is there a single more cancerous fandom? Even /mlp/ was better than Steven Universe.
SOTA is the only one worth even half a shit, and they're basically dead. You can write off every single other manufacturer, without exception, and no, I don't care if you "thought this one figure was pretty good". I have NECA Lich King and like five TF2 figures on my desk and I still would not recommend NECA. Stick to the East if you actually like pose-able figures, no one in the West actually gives a shit, they care about shitting out cheap figures to take advantage of the licenses they get.
>Stevens eyes aren't stars
Into the trash it goes
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I haven't even been in this thread for that long who would have known that a thread about shitty figures would get de-railed because of anon who dislike when people use the term man-face

/co/ is so fucking autistic at times it's unbearable

I'll be in /aco/ requesting pointless shit if you need me
I have the entire GotG Pop vinyl bobblehead figure set. I like their aesthetic. Feels good: small enough to display on any shelf, big enough to have a good bobble.
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Yes, because greentext and mock stuttering is going to somehow improve your weak attempt.

Go run back home to momma, kid.
I'll probably pick up Amethyst.
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Who buys this garbage?

Every single one looks like shit.
Hasbro used to be great, but is now cheap overpriced shit. Mattel is somewhat getting better with their batman unlimited line, but its still mostly shit, as evidanced by their movie masters batman vs superman figures. I like playmates alot, thought their paint aps are shit, and they take a fucking long time to release figures.
>psssh... nuthin' personnel, shitlord.
They're like really shitty nendoroids.
Was there some stupid minor Tumblr drama you got obsessed with that I missed out on or something?
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What a Fucking abomination. What a way to ruin a shitty thanksgiving.
They have a weird Beanie Baby type thing going on where people know other people collect them so they buy a bunch "because that's what people do"

These kinds of toys are an indictment of modern cartoon design more than anything else. Flat designs with illogical turns and Simpsons eyeballs with dots for irises that look decent on screen because the set is always shown in 3/4 view, these qualities do not translate to good looking toys. You're stuck with either figures with thousand mile stares, or completely off-model ones that are only slightly better than buying your own blank vinyl and slapping a custom paint job on it.
people that are really desperate for a figure of a character they like that doesn't have enough NEEt fans to make proper figures
(at least thats one of the justifications ive heard)
The ones that are meant to look like actual human people (ie Ash) definitely look a lot worse than any of those ones in the OP.
It's mostly normalfags who buys them.
My flatmate's girlfriend has bought like 10 of the GoT ones
She doesn't even really like GoT that much.
Is anyone actually surprised. The show is popular with hipsters and so nerdy crowd, these people don't by proper figures but vinyl shit
what the fuck kind of toys are you buying in 2015 that doesn't have a thigh swivel?
these ones actually don't look that bad, but yeah vinyl pop all look bad, i don't know who buys them. i'd save my money for better figures
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Fucking hell, the show has great chibi designs which would look great as figurines and they go with fucking Funko?
>muh standards

No you're just a dipshit who will bitch when your trashy little $20 comic shop collectible doesn't hit some imagined requirement of quality. You don't have standards, you have an attitude. You're on the opposite end of the asshole toy collector spectrum from the shiteaters who tolerate NECA and Funko. You want Hot Toys? Go buy them, but don't complain when stuff hung on shelves in plastic bubbles doesn't compare.

Show me the toy lines that feature comprehensive articulation like that. Seriously, it'd be pretty cool, because right now I only know of a couple, and the overwhelming majority of toys produced in the past decade do not feature them. Most "collector grade" manufacturer does not include such a joint because it produces an incredibly visible line on the figure. Granted, "collector grade" is a ridiculous notion, because even low-grade shit pretends it's for collectors.
The lack of merchandise killed DC Nation.
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>Pearl's arms specifically doing the peace sign and hand behind head thing

What a weeb.
are those these weird POP shit things I keep finding in every fucking store? Why do people buy this shit, they always look horrible
But anon, there's only one thing you can do with that figure
With action figures, there's often the trade off between artistic accuracy, cost, and pose ability.

On one end of the spectrum: McFarlane toys are, by the standards of the industry, extremely detailed works of art, but their articulation is... unforgivable. Swivel joints that break the body plane, inarticulate gnarled limbs that only look correct in a certain, very specific pose, and feet that may or may not stand up on their own, or even with the accompanying diorama base... But the price was quite reasonable and they achieved good market saturation.

What you have there is decent detail and articulation at a reasonable price. Straight middle of the road.
you should talk about this on tumblr.
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i know
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You posted the wrong side, Anon
No, more like a healthy case of schadenfreude where the entire board laughed at the SU fandom for fulfilling their roles as typical hate-breeding progressive sociopaths who walked into exactly the type of awful behavior that we all knew they were capable of.

What is it, pop?
>no DC equivalent to Marvel Legends
How short your memory is, my friend.
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>Every single one looks like shit.
The Dude is perfect
Go back to /toy/ and wank about articulation or whatever.
I've only ever bought one and it was for that exact reason.
If there was any other merch I wouldn't have even considered.
>You sound like a smug dumbass
How abooooooooooout go fuck yourself, faggot. I'm not here to fill in the blanks for your ignorance.
you had to reply back.
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a cute minimalist design, fairly affordable for like 10-15 dollars a POP, and the extensive list of franchises available for them ensures there's something for everyone

of course its not going to replace genuinely good merch in terms of filling the void but lemme tell you compared to these >>77737439 id take the cute regular show POPs any day
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I wish american companies would put more effort.
Cute shit right there
Man Japan gets all the cool stuff.
Then you fucking sell them.
You know someone's autstic when they overcomplicate their sentences in an effort to sound intelligent.
Way to go comparing something that is like 50$ with something that is 12$. But yes even 12$ figures from Japan look better then those Pops
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>MFW I ordered the Anna and Elsa Nedoroids
Shits cute as fuck.
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Nobody buy merchandising of CN shows. Parents and kids prefer Disney/Minions/Cars merchandising
It might've been cute if not for the SOULESS CREEPY INSECT EYES
If I could remove one thing from this earth, it would be these ugly ass things.
steven and amethyst look weird because of their black souless eyes. garnet is okay because her eyes are covered, pearl is okay because of the blue eyes.

meh/10 overall
the eyes could have been made smaller or colored to be a little less creepy in retrospect
It's amazing how much better that would make his figure.
Garnet's looks pretty awesome.
Not a fan of the rest though.
There I fixed it.

Where are my royalties?
Funko Pops are pretty terrible, but some Funko toys are okay. It depends on the style and series they're doing.
This would have looked better, still creepy but better
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>that mouth
what the hell were they thinking?
DC Icons is a thing. They're manlet figures, but they work.

I do wish recent Legends were a tad better, though. Movie Ant-Man was trash.
He said equivalent, not a tier below.
DCUC were pretty bad and Mattel is a terrible company.
matches the same quality as the show desu
Now I'm tempted to paint star eyes on a Steven figure if I order it
The horror ones are kind of neat
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That's because the black eyes tend to fit horror characters more than others.
they look like a bad candy, GET IT? BECAUSE THE SHOW WAS MADE BY REBECA SUGAR!!
All I can say is my LCS sells a shit ton of Funkos, but only the really popular ones. You carry the right figures and they sell like hotcakes. The less popular titles or characters never move.
That Bobba Fett and Halo guy both look pretty alright.
They wanted to make it more clear that she is an alien.
The collector shop here in Mexico has a lot of Funkos, but only loads of variations on Star Wars and Game of Thrones.
I wouldn't mind if someone bought me the ghost rider or predator ones desu

the rest are future-land-fill tier
DCUCs were pretty shitty.

I have that Harley. Her face is fucking blue. It's damn near dollar store tier.

I don't have any of the DC Icons yet, but I've been burned by the DC Collectibles figures. It's just a shame the kind of shit that DC tries to push.
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I think the soulless eyes almost help this one.
>pink ranger
>Halo dude (is that MC? doesn't look right)
All of those look at least alight, in my mind.
90% of it's because they have helmets, but either way I'd still never buy one of these awful, overpriced shits.
Beanie babies were at least soft toys that kids could play with. I'm not entirely sure what the fuck you do with these apart form being "collectors" items.
They look alright. Of course everyone would prefer an accurate figure but I'd buy one of those.
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Funko Pop Vinyls are this generation's Beanie Babies. They're an insult to some of the more creative vinyl art out there.
The real toys could not actually stand up on their own which they pointed out in the episode.
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Even shitty western garage kits look better.
Funko are such fucking shit.
> replying to my post 5 hours later

Alrighty anon
That, uh


Can't argue with that, Anon. Well done.
her thighs look too wide
That's on model as it gets. Her thighs are that big.
Yeah you're right it's probably my autism acting up again. I'll go look up some of those exercises, thanks.
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>On one end of the spectrum: McFarlane toys are, by the standards of the industry, extremely detailed works of art, but their articulation is... unforgivable. Swivel joints that break the body plane, inarticulate gnarled limbs that only look correct in a certain, very specific pose, and feet that may or may not stand up on their own, or even with the accompanying diorama base
This hasn't been true for almost a decade now.
All their lines are fully articulated and not pre-posed, except for their lego sets.
The only good Funko Pop is the Snoopy one.

Jesus, look at that adorable bastard
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At least I could see a little kid having fun with Beanie Babies. What the fuck is a kid supposed to do with a mutant vinyl statue?
oh, and here's what McFarlane's lego sets look like.

They really do look this good once it's all assembled.
I'm surprised that /tg/ hasn't been buying this stuff up to make their own dungeons and buildings for their mini games.
I'd buy the fuck out of them
i know her thighs are big, but not that big
I want to know what sort of emotion was felt by the person that had to dump all those out onto the floor for two psychopaths to dig through during a court session.

I need to know what that was like.
That still makes the model look right.

Her torso is small and Hip is excessive
>not mentioning woodstock in that statement
what the fuck is wrong with you
For that matter, whats wrong with woodstocks head and the red shit on snoopy?
>ITT "true" nerds bitch about not liking things people like and MUH SECRET CLUBing
Jesus, it's just a whole thread of complaining that should've been made as a thread in /toy/.
Huh, you people don't even try anymore do you?
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>boo fucking hoo muh merch isn't living up to my own made up standards
Hope you enjoy getting eaten by TTG reruns as your show dies a slow painful death filled with haituses and premieres swept under the rug.
I am not following
>that red paint that's supposed to be the collar
I got a Dr. Brown Funko in a Loot Crate (biggest mistake of my life) and the first thing I noticed was a big ass seam around the head that was REALLY noticeable and really shitty. Those Pop Vinyls are shoddy as fuck.
Woodstock's head is the reason I didn't mention him. I have both of them. Snoopy is great (and doesn't have the red shit on him) while Woodstock is ass and can't stand up.
For RS sure but SU has logical designs.
Statues are better than figures. It's just the truth.
That doesn't look shitty at all
I've never had any DC Collectibles myself, but I've heard the issues. I hear the DC Icons are better anyway.
Found the Tumblrina trying to fit in
What's with people calling that image a meme recently? It's been around for a few years now
>They put out merchandise
Holy shit, that's not lego is it? looks waaay to good.
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Id honestly get Steven if he didnt have those creepy black doll eyes like shitty pop vinyl figures usually have. Looking into those eyes feels like Im starring into the void or being sucked into a portal to hell
>That collar
This is unacceptable
The collar on the one I have is fine. I actually think my Snoopy has no real pain issues, looking at him.

I mean, how do you fuck up Snoopy?
Not /co/ related but I bought this fucker. It's pretty nicely made however the head doesn't turn 360 degrees due to the way the back of the head is built and the little notch on the right shoulder.
Paint issues, I mean.
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>tfw you'll never have a qt Jasper plushie or body pillow

Why can't they make plushies? Who the fuck even wants a figurine you can't cuddle with?
Commission someone to make one for you.
Doesn't that cost a shit ton of money? I don't want to pay more than $30 for a plush.
Agreed, I've noticed all the ones I think don't look shit aren't human or have the face covered. I bought the Wall-E and Eve ones for my sister because she loved that movie and they actually look like the characters.
Then don't buy shit. They're going to make shit as long as people buy it.
This is pretty much the only good one because it doesn't have the retarded face like all the others.
The thing with Funko Pops that yes, you will think 95% of them are fucking garbage, but there are so many of them that you will find one's you like.

I have bought two.
A Sharknado one for myself
And a Nicol Bolas as gift for my brother that I did a little custom work on.
ITT: hating fun
I actually plan on getting the Hancock one, but that's it. Hancock is a better mayor than Dewey, imo.
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while i hate the large funko figures i really like the sci and horror themed blind boxes they got.
Guys like you really don't fuckin get it, huh? Listen, pal, these are a part of a lucrative and large collection of characters with wide appeal. What do you think's gonna happen in twenty years? You'll never hear the smart collectors crying about how they should have bothered to buy potential winning lottery tickets. $12 is a great investment for something that could be worth hundreds in the future.

So either you can join help me in buying all these up so we can scalp desperate losers or you can shut the fuck up and leave the real fans and collectors to do our work.
Wait those are Funko too?They should have done this with SU,it would fit the series style better.
Yeah, I haven't bought a single one yet but I kind of want the Alice in Wonderland one and holy fuck they're making the Hitchhiking Ghosts as a Disneyland exclusive
Well then you don't want it.
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wow. these look like ass.

and thats from someone who collects these funko figures.
>the tumblr user bravely enters the sooper spooky 4chan threads, defending xer kind against the scary monsters
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You guys sure like toys.
They look like dogshit. What's the point of the big, retarded, all white eyes? A bare bones attempt at a unified aesthetic? It's just lazy, high schooler-esque design and makes the entire line a write-off. Why would I want any of this garbage in my house, much less pay fucking money for it? It rides entirely on the licenses and there's nothing else to recommend them, fuck that and fuck Funko.
Fuck Mишкa man. Those cunts.
what the fuck this is legitimately adorable

>Frankly, they look awful.

like the show?
That's not Steven, that's human Sans.
oh man you are so clever!
If you think that looks anywhere near as bad as these soulless baubles, you might just need your eyes checked.
You could just do what >>77740870 did but in real life. Either get a white star sticker or just paint stars on the black eyes themselves.

>They end up repurposing the mold/model for Steven to make Undertale Pop figures when that inevitably happen.
Dr. Alphys could be cute in the style though.
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First "Funko Pop!" I've EVER liked. Thats actually pretty cool.
It's not regular lego by the looks of it, it's been custom'd and riddled with heresy for the sake of fitting the Game of Thrones figures. Only the back wall's brickwork and pillar seem to be actual lego. and that's been painted anyway!
oh cool, the gumball guy from adventure time
Howard the duck is bretty gud too
Christ, why do they use those fucking soulless black eyes? Do they genuinely think that's cute? They're like fucking insect eyes, and the way they shine only amplifies how horrific it looks.

Of course, there's also the fact that their heads are all inexplicably tremendous squares. You'd think they'd save money by having a regular sized head. Surely nobody thinks that that's cute. I mean, maybe if the head was a little bit bigger, like the nendoroids, but their head is almost twice the mass of their body.
What qualifies as a "proper" figure? Resin or smth?
If the Crystal Gems had figmas I'd buy them in a heartbeat.
At least the square head fits Garnet, her figure is probably one of the least shit looking. Of course that's not saying much. It's like they go out of their way to make them look awful.
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McFarlane makes legos now.
They've released a couple of sets for Walking Dead and A Game of Thrones.

Everything there is made of lego bricks with the Spawn logo on them instead of LEGO. Everything is already painted, weathered, and detailed as you saw in the GoT throne room and this one. Most of the pieces you see on the surface are veneer pieces, which are mostly 2x4 and 1x4 pieces, with the connection slots underneath and the smooth side ontop. So it's not like Megabloks where there's huge solid piece with the slots and buttons on a couple of sections.
Only the throne isn't lego compatible, which is made up of like 6 pieces like some model. The figures are all well painted, at least, as best they can. The faces are left blank, because the detail is too small to paint well. They're made up of 4 or 5 pieces and have a little tab on their feet that you slot into the lego nipples.
So it's not even lego, but just bootleg lego? What a shame.
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The nips will make SU figurines one day, right?
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The quality is as good as LEGO though, if not better. Stuff like those thin as fuck rails for the stairs are surprisingly durable.
Considering the detail, the fully painted and weathered pieces, and the quality of the plastic, you'd expect it to cost more, but it's actually on par with LEGO's per piece price.

Oh, and when i said the faces aren't painted, i mean the eyes/mouths/teeth/eyebrows aren't painted like they should. So the wash they give the figures will fill in those details, but it's mostly just flesh colored... or beard colored like on that old man.

Also, on sets like this the fish tanks light up (each tank is seperate from one another, with lids for the top ones, and you insert the head scenery pieces inside them. The wooden cabinets are in two pieces with the battery compartment and led lights)

I've wasted so much money on these awesome legos and i don't even like walking dead. I've been buying individual jail cells every week for the past 2 months just to make my own prison, along with all the other sets.
I haven't bothered in getting the blind bags for the Walking Dead minifigures, but i have for GoT, even though i also don't like the TV series either. I do like ASoIaF though and the GoT designs are good enough for me to like medieval awesomeness.
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>better figures
>Posts this Bishoujo shit
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The only one I want is the Mayor
I'd definitely paint some pupils on though.
The amethyst one doesn't look to bad,if it comes out here I'll consider buying it
I got a buncha the plush. I got the RC golfcart when it hit like 80% off.
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I almost bought a Nightwing one because I hardly see him in blue anymore. A friend gave me his Lootcrate Joker Batman one to add to... the collection.
can't wait to hotglue that Steven fig.
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This Arsenal figure I gave a friend had terrible accessories
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I take way too many photos of shitty toys
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and if we go into games, the Young Justice 3DS game is the worst game I ever bought, and I have own Ghostbusters and Back to the Future on NES. Hell, Superman 64 is more playable than this shit.
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mfw playing this shit
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am I a dick for having this custom lightswitch cover?
have you hot glued it yet
>what can we do to make transformers more sellable to kids
>I know! lets make it so theyre just normal action figures that dont transform!
seriously the people that come up with this shit are retarded
Hasbro has Mad some dumb as fuck descisions recently.

>pushing One Step Changers
>packaging non-transforming gimmick toys in the same packages as actual Transformers to confuse parents
>devoting shelfspace to those rolly sparking things (that don't transform)
>desperately trying to make some kind of Transformers Bionocle thing catch on

AoE was a shitshow.
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I got this one, it's fucking awesome
that's because Benson is awesome
They need to make her buff unless they want to unleash tumblrs shittriggerdstorm for making a buff strong female character to a weak feminine female character
That's awesome.
Too bad the face is fucking wrong
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