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Batman - Bad Blood trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

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Batman - Bad Blood trailer


Come and see WB continue to bastardize Morrison's run.
So... "they wanted to create the perfect soldier, I was strongest of them all"? Anyone from comic or brand new OC?
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It's almost definitely Heretic

Batwoman's voice is terrible and why spoil what I assume is the ending like that?

Also a damn shame we're getting a Batfamily movie that consists of two supplemental members before one with core members like Cass, Steph, Tim, Babs, and Jason...
DC just stop. Every movie you've had after Flashpoint has been absolute garbage, with the exception of Suicide Squad and even that had a shit ending.
So, it's not revealed yet? Got it.
It looked to me like Azrael card from Vs system so I asked to see how much I'm wrong.
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Nah they've continued to rip off Morrison in the past, so why stop now?
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>music isnt "Bad Blood" by Tay

literally garbage-bag tier t.b.h. (to be honest)
>Batwing? That's original.

Oh yeah, Batwoman is way better.

Why the fuck is Damian's head double the size of everyone else's?
Reminder, people on /co/ wanted these people to tackle Dickbats.

Well here you are and it's going to be shit.

He's really smart.
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>Same garbage VA for Damian

Big head
It's full of hot air
>Using the good characters over the bad ones is a shame
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I mean to be fair
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>tfw animated Dick and Damian will never get this close and Dick will forever be Tim 2.0 except somehow more pathetic
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>Batwoman will be a generic grrlpower character dual-wielding pistols
>Claims Cass, Tim and Steph are better characters than Damian and Kate
>claims someone else is baiting
wew lad
Who said Damien. Better than Kate by far.
>"Just because i'm wearing a bat symbol I'm not part of your cult"

bitch why you a bat hero at all?
"It's about FAMILY"
>doesn't include the one kid Bruce actually adopted and wanted

Why the fuck does DC hate Tim so much?
He adopted Dick, Jason, and Cass too.
In fact Tim was second to last, with Cass being last.

Anyway it's probably going to about Bruce and damian with Lucius and Luke sprinkled in. And maybe Kate being Bruce's cousin and Dick being left out of everything again.
Because she's a strong womyn, shitlord!
>"That's original."

Somebody thought that was funny enough to be in the trailer.

There wasn't much hope anyway, the DC original movies have been pretty dire since Justice League War.
>and Dick being left out of everything again.
It's worse than that. I remember in one of the interviews they talk about how this movie will show that Dick makes a terrible Batman. You know, like in B&R where he was the best Batman.
He never adopted Dick, or Jason.
Dick was his ward, but never officially adopted, and neither was Jason. Tim being adopted was the main reason for the strife between him and Damian. To Damian, Tim was the false son. The one who had the Wayne name, but wasn't Bruce's real son, the way he was. This contention never came up between Damian and Dick or Jason, because they were never Waynes.
And I forgot about Cass being adopted, as did most of the writers I think.
They don't want more than one former Robin hanging around, and Nightwing is more popular than Red Robin, hence why Dick is basically Tim during the early part of Morrison's Batman run. And they didn't even bother making Dick Bruce's son because Damian is his one true son, so they probably would've done the same to Tim.

>rip off Morrison
>all the movies are adaptations of work-for-hire stories.
Jason was adopted before Dick was. It is something Bruce yelled at Dick about after Jason died, and Dick asked Bruce why he never adopted him even after adopting Jason.

And Dick was adopted in Gotham Knights #17.
Has Dick done anything of note in the past few movies so has he just gotten beaten up by everybody?

And isn't there a Justice League vs Titans movie planned? Because Batman's probably gonna get his turn to beat him up there.
I don't like this animation style they've been doing lately
>Justice League vs Titans
What the fuck, how does that make any sense?
Maybe Trigon will make Raven EVIIIIIIIIIIIL again
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>thought the Bat-Epic would never get adapted
>it does
>It's a Monkey's Paw
Fuck that chink for saying that
Youve never read anything where Kate and the senpai interact have you?
>"Just because I wear this, doesn't mean I'm a part of your cult."

>Just because I'm using your symbols and likeness and recognition and status to bolster my own, doesn't mean I have to respect or even like what made this stuff so famous in the first place.

Pretty much every new bat-character in a nutshell.
> Kate and the senpai interact have you?
top kek you need to say batfam
nice dubs
I forgot about the filter so I thought he was referring to Bruce as Senpai.
The only Morrisonian thing in that entire trailer were the nuns with guns.
>Damian with an American accent
shaking my head family
fucking christ damians VA is garbage-tier.
NINJA Nuns with Guns
Is batwoamn always a bitch?
He is redundant, same reason why they wanted to kill Dick, before he became Batman and super spy.

It's like an ecosystem, one species per niche.

Jason stand out due to his edgy antihero status, Damian is current robin and Grayson is Grayson. We Are Robin is an entire movemenr

The fuck is Tim? He needs and angle, a hook, he can't just be Robin...again.

No, she's pretty chill considering how fucked up her life is.
Because the DETECTIVE Robin isn't enough of a hook? Hell, Batman's entire identity for decades was World's Greatest Detective. Tim was nearing Bruce's equal in that regard. So much so that Ra's even called him "detective" the way he did Bruce.
Dick is the Acrobat/Fighter/Spy
Jason is the Reckless/Bruiser/Tough Guy
Tim is the Strategist/Detective/Master Mind
Damian is The/Little/Shit
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>that low budget animation

So is outsourcing this shit to the Koreans or Japanese too much money or something? What's Studio Mir doing right now?
my gripes with this current dctv shit is

>making pre nu52 stories in the nu52 continuity
>mixing bits and pieces of separate story arcs into one turd movie
What does -TT- sound like?
Well she's right
everyone's voice is shit tier in these movies
I almost want DC to go back to original content again
The main thing people are bitching about is that no one is using Tim or Jason
It doesn't matter these movies are shit
Make the 'T' sound but also do a scoff/laugh when you exhale. That's how I've always read it.
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This is why Tim is such a shit self-insert character
Well, you do realize that self inserts are usually perfect at everything and that Tim is a total shit fighter and gets passed over and pushed aside constantly, right?
Flashpoint sucked. The last good movie they did was Doom.
not true, by the way
Justice League Doom was garbage.
I thought /co/ loved Gods and Monsters. Did that change?
i'm so done with Batman animated movies

DC animated movies are fucking dead now
Not true that Tim is a shit fighter? He gets his ass kicked all the time.
Not true that he gets passed over and pushed aside? Damian took over his role as Robin, he took over his place on the Titans. Tim is constantly reminded by Damian and Bruce that he Bruce is not his dad.
You are literally talking about shit 40 years ago

I mean I like detective Batman but let's not pretend he's not many other things besides that almost to the point of making the detective aspect seem superfluous
The character designer was previously employed by Laika.

Real, though, chances are the body on the character model sheet is much smaller and they upsized it so he wouldn't look even shorter.
No Batgirl
No Red Robin
No Red Hood
No Spoiler

Instead BatLesbo and BatNigger

>This film can go eat a dick
The concept of Dick wanting to be Bruce's son never really clicked with me. Dick had a mom and dad he doesn't need a stand in character for them in Bruce, I prefer them be portrayed as brothers.
It's a leftover from the days when Dick had actually been raised by Bruce as a legitimate adopted son rather than already being old enough to grow hair on his balls when he put on the Robin suit.
>Not a detective

Batman is more than Dark Knight Returns and Nolan movies. You might want to read some of his books before you start talking shit.
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Fucking THIS.
>Implying Dick has hairy balls
Yeah if the most recent issue of Grayson taught me anything, it's that Dick waxes everything.
and you might need to read some more books too
If you think he's just some sherlock holmes rip off
Jason is a shitty edgelord
Tim was ruined post Identity Crisis
thats not how damian's voice sounded like in my head =\
or any of the voices actually
More Gods and Monsters when?
Most modern artist draw male characters without body hair. It's just what they do.
Wow I'm impressed this might be worse then the last one.
To clarify I mean the last batman animated film.
>Bad Blood
>Not Bat Blood
Dick's voice doesn't sound right
Also wtf is up with those punch and kick sounds?
They sound like they were ripped straight from a 1985 kung fu movie

This will be better then the movie.
>same old trailer
>Edge Hood

The film won't miss you.
>wanting Red Robin
>wanting Red Hood
>wanting Spoiler
Bet you want that Batgirl to be Barbara too, huh.
These Damian movies have been so fucking bad, and this one doesn't look any different.

>O'Mara might actually be the worst VA they've gotten for Batman, not even exaggerating. He's so bad.

>Damian is the biggest Poochie-fied character I've seen since Mutt Williams, and despite focusing multiple movies around him he's still not an actual character.

>The villains have been complete garbage who seem more like pedos who want Damien in their harem then anything of actual threat

>Dick being glorified comic relief, not even a big fan of the character but either make him matter to the story or write him out
We still have Killing Joke to look forward to. Bruce Timm is producing this one (he did Year One, TDKR, and UtRH) so I have hope.

>Supplemental is an adjective that means functioning in a supporting capacity.

Kate and Luke are extras. Outliers to what's generally considered the main family, the Robins and the Batgirls, being pushed here as true members of the families inner circle.

It has nothing to do with bad or good characters at all.
The Bizarro Justice League movie was pretty good
I'm not familiar with Batwoman, or any incarnation of her. If she doesn't want to be associated with the Batfamily, why does she wear a cowl, the symbol, etc.?
>Because the DETECTIVE Robin isn't enough of a hook?
Not really tbqh
Most writers can't do it well and aren't smart enough to pull it off arc after arc. If you want detective stuff, an anthology series about Tim doing low key detective shit with a rotating cast of writers for smaller arcs (like LOTDK) would be optimal, but I doubt DC would go for that since they could just do that with Batman and rake in more dough.
Anyway clearly Tim is the Teen Titans Robin now. Unless of course when it comes to other media adaptations, and in that case, Dick is the TT Robin.

>Batman's entire identity for decades was World's Greatest Detective
Which he hasn't been just that in forever, if ever, because he needs to be more than that for people to find him exciting.

>Dick is the Acrobat/Fighter/Spy
>Jason is the Reckless/Bruiser/Tough Guy
>Tim is the Strategist/Detective/Master Mind
>Damian is The/Little/Shit
Are you Tynion because I need you to get away from the batfamily this instant.
The ranking of the bat members, in terms of how "core" they are would probably go

Pre-new 52 Barbara
Pre-new 52 Cass
Pre-new 52 Steph
Pre-new 52 Helena
I would swap Luke and Kate. Also,
>Not including based Man-Of-Bats
>Steve Blum returning as Electrocutioner

Why are the punch sound effects so garbage. Like they're goofy, but not the good kind of goofy.

Why has thus far the only good movie post-Flashpoint been Gods and Monsters?

Is it because Tim?

Is it because it's an alternate Universe?
Timm is the savior that DC animated needs. All of the good movies have been under his watch.
If you are implying Steph and Cass are at all "core" or "non-suplemental" characters you literally have not read a Bat book in upwards of 6 years.
Holy shit how are you this out of touch?
I would definitely call pre-Flashpoint Cass a core character. We've yet to see what happens with NuCass.
>Entirely ignored in Morrison's run
>Entirely ignored in Snyder's work pre flashpoint
She had already been phased out well before Flashpoint.
Basically once Morrison gained control of the Bat narrative she was out.
And after it took them this long to get her into new 52 at all, there's an easy answer to that question.
why is the voice direction so shitty on all the DC dtvs since they started adapting New 52 stories?

it's like everyone is just reading a magazine or something, no attachment to the scene at all
>not Killing Joke

Not interested.
When the 2nd set of episodes come out
They don't really seem to give a shit anymore and pump out a lot of the newer movies with shoddy quality control. Whatever people say about Gods and Monsters, it at least felt like a few people on the staff cared.
How can Dick even be the Batman if he is 5'10? The Batman supposed to be intimidating.
You're right. I wished this upon myself. Fuck me.
What word gets filtered?

You're terrible. Why is it always the Tim fans that want to reduce the Robins to TMNT style one-note personalities?
I bet you started reading comics in the mid-to-late 00s and think Red Robin is the greatest Tim comic ever published.
>He never adopted Dick, or Jason.
>Dick was his ward, but never officially adopted, and neither was Jason. Tim being adopted was the main reason for the strife between him and Damian. To Damian, Tim was the false son. The one who had the Wayne name, but wasn't Bruce's real son, the way he was. This contention never came up between Damian and Dick or Jason, because they were never Waynes.
>And I forgot about Cass being adopted, as did most of the writers I think.

You're an idiot.
Try reading a comic published before 2005.

It's not natural. He is going to grow up to become bobble head batman.
He's a different Batman for a different Gotham. Batman needed to be intimidating to fight Falcone and the mafia. Dick fights Pyg and Two-Face. Batman needs to inspire others (like Bruce was doing up right until he "died").
I want to go back to the Bruce Timm style instead of this psudo anime style.
>outsourcing this shit to the Koreans or Japanese
nope flipland. Naruto and One-piece animu are also outsourced to flipland, MLP too.
I want a new style altogether. Maybe something similar to like Karl Kerschl
Holy shit, that would be the best thing ever. Fuck it, just make a Gotham Academy series, and have Damian and Tim appear frequently, with Bruce and Dick in occasional flashbacks and the occasional appearance.
Don't fill me with hope like this without proof, senpai!
Snyder wanted to use her but wasn't allowed
I think I heard the same was true for Morrison as well. Maybe that was just with Stephanie
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>that low quality animation and non-synced mouth movements
>that god awful VA on damian
>"can we trust her"
>"they wanted to build the perfect soldier"
What the fuck happened to DC animated? Ever since Red Hood they've gotten progressively shittier.
Batwoman needs to Get the FUCK OUT


Honestly I hate Batlesbian for this reason.
Sometimes she's not just a bitch, but a cunt...

Snyder was told point blank no. Artists on two different bat books drew her in and had to redraw artwork. Dan fucked up the Batverse allot. Snyder pushed hard on Cassandra and Steph. Harper was his cop out. He created his hipster waifu.
>shitting on Robocop TDKR
Don't forget they also water down and fuck up Rucka and Williams's Batwoman too!
I feel like DC is purposefully sabotaging itself at this point. I mean they're taking their number 1 character, Batman, and beating the dead horse with him, but that goes without saying. The actual problem is that even when Batman's the focus, they half-ass it and pull shit like this and arrow gattling guns.
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DC's marketing strategy starring Batman .jpg
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