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/cm/ Drawthread #5

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 146

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1) Be polite to the drawfriends - they're drawing for you, after all.

2) Specifics, details and references pics are always appreciated, and increase the likelihood of your request being fulfilled.

3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away, or even at all - not every request is going to get done. If you think it's been overlooked, wait a while and relink or repost it.

4) Stick to fictional characters.

5) No nsfw requests. Stuff like that belongs in /y/'s drawthread.

6) Please limit image posting to references and request fills. We don't need a bunch of reaction pictures and such killing the thread early.

Previous Thread:>>3004261
BOORU LINK: http://cm-drawthread.booru.org/

Happy requesting and drawing, folks!
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(Was the last post on previous thread, so I'm reposting here.)

Requesting Gnash from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicle: Ring of Fates, preferrably hanging by one arm from a branch. (Though any position is fine.)

It sucks that there is such a small amount of good art for this character, as he is one of my favorites.
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This guy blushing please.
Well fuck, I've been gone for a while. Anyway, I wanted to thank whoever drew >>3019198 for filling my request. I love it!
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Had a reuqest for this guy in a jumpsuit from last thread.I won't mind seeing him in other outfits as well though.
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Zhane from Power Rangers in Space tied up and cloth gagged.
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marth kabe don.png
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Requesting Marth doing kabe-don to a fem anon.
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Requesting something cute with Doctor Oobleck from RWBY. Maybe him falling asleep while grading papers? Really anything will do.
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requesting bara rainhardt from overwatch with helmet and pauldrons on
requestin tizoc from killer instinct
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I apologize in advance for not having a better image but is there a kind drawfriend who wouldn't mind drawing Oscar (the red-haired male) Luva (the male on the farthest left with the dark colored hair--its supposed to be an olive green, really) from the series Angelique both holding out flowers to the viewer? I have to spend me birthday alone this year so I'm kinda down in the dumps
ignore my typos, I'm tired
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There you go anon, I hope it's okay!
Sorry to hear that my friend, I'll try it out if you don't mind my drawing style. When's your birthday if you don't mind?
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Good morning/afternoon!
Requesting Sentarou from Sakamichi no Apollon doing kabe-don to a femanon, maybe him blushing/nervous or just him confessing (blushing/nervous is good too)
requesting these four in the half-naked puppy pile that must have proceeded this pic
OR here, I love this! It's so cute, thank you for doing it!
>cant see 2/4 of the guys faces
>no mention of the character or series name so drawfags can't easily look up references themselves either
anon pls
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Here you go! I hope it's alright
Pretty sure they're characters from Touken Ranbu, but yes, better references and names definitely help your chances of having your request drawn.
Your style is amazing and thank you very much. If you have the time I'd appreciate it. And it's this Tuesday, so the 12th
Aaaa, thank you drawfriend it's so nice! I love his expression. I'm smiling so much right now.
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Requesting Haruto Souma and Kousuke Nitoh from Kamen Rider Wizard Cuddling together while having a picnic
C-can I upload come of my S-SFW OC o-OP?
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sorry about the bad quality, dont have my tablet on hand
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Requesting Rally being cute.
References are here >>3023162
Sure just don't dump a bunch of images or treat the thread like its a replacement for having an art blog I guess. Did you want input on it or did you just feel like sharing? I'm assuming by OC You man original content not original character right? If so give the character and series name so we can upload it to the booru later please.Anyway have fun drawing anon,
You don't have to bump. /cm/ moves unbelievably slow, so the chances of this thread falling off the face of the earth is pretty difficult.
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Requesting Bulat from Akame ga kill blushing please.
Our threads can last up to 2-3 years. /cm/ is indeed very very slow.
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Nothing big, just more glasses Shinichi
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Stuff like this fine?
Oh and input would be lovely, but im not working on any specific skill, any advice on drawing SFW shota?
Requesting a crying/tearfilled eyes Gin.
Try drawing real children without any stylization, and incorporate real life features into your own style before trying to mimic the style of other artists. Especially important for trying to portray emotions or facial expressions, doing it well makes it 100x cuter.
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Sh-shut up baka.png
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Is this okay? Sorry for the shoujo background, the character was too cute not to add one.
It's wonderful! Thank you! He looks so cute.
Is this Choco's art?
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Requesting Elliot dressed as a white mage. I included a few different outfits in the request image to give a general idea of what I want.
not OR but that's lovely! do you have a blog?
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I've always been a fan of Haku from Spirited Away. And I've always wanted to see him with his hair cut short and wearing a school uniform(white shirt, blue jean) and caring a pack in his right hand. Can someone please draw him like that for me?
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Requesting anything cute with Deku from boku no hero academia
Maybe him blushing or peace signs or wearing glasses or eating icecream
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Haku Reference.png
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If you would like to do this, here's some reference you can work off of.
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Kindly requesting a cute boy with short black hair and brown eyes in a light blue sweater with "あ" on it, doing a cute pose like in pic related. Would like to use it as a phone wallaper. pls draw my animu husbando
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Sorry anon, I'm so tired. I tried doodling a vaguely remembered request while half asleep.
Can you try something better? I'm mean It doesn't look that great, but I wanted him to be like the high school student (white button up shirt, blue jeans) in the bottom left corner of my reference sheet. And his hair isn't "cut short". It would be better if his hair was tied back, and the draw was in color. I'm sorry if I'm being a pest, it's something I wanted for a late birthday present.
Not the original artist. You're being very entitled, nobody owns you any presents senpai.
The very first rule of rule of the drawthread is be polite to artists anon. if you want something in a particular or style or specification you commission.

That said don't everyone pile on anon its best to forget them and move on with requesting and drawing cute boys.

Not even blowing smoke but this is cute as hell. This is a quality fill by drawthread standards I don't want you or anyone to think a fill has to be colored or follow every detail of a request. Keep it up drawfrined sorry you got an bad requester. Even if they don't say it I will thank you for drawing this.
>Our threads can last up to 2-3 years.

This is basically my first time in /cm/, is this true? Because that's pretty fucking impressive.
There are only a few that last THAT long (Tieria thread), but it's definitely possible.
We also have a Persona thread that has lasted over a year at this point. And it's funny cause I don't visit that thread, but I don't remember a day of not seeing that thread for as often as I've visited here.
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Anime Hair Style.png
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Okay, but it wasn't what I pictured. I was think his hair would be something like this. I know I wasn't please with that, but I'm sorry!
And if that doesn't work out, can someone draw Haku about to be kissed by Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke? And I have specific details in it.
Could you be anymore demanding and annoying? Holy shit.
No, if you want me to shut up then I will! Good Day Sir!
I swear there was an Assassin's Creed thread either here or /y/ that outlived multiple entries to the series.
Are you trolling the deadest board on 4chan?
I'm going to to hope your not just this retarded and greedy naturally.
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I hope you like it, anon!
Those glasses look so cute on him. Thank you!
I'm not!
Someone draw this boy eating a pretzel, IDC what it looks like I just want meems
That's a girl anon, Its Umbrella from skullgirls

I know-

I didn't know it was a girl though

Back to /c/ it is then
Why not just go to /v/?
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Woot woot.png
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Happy birthday anon! I had way too much fun with this one. Now make sure you have fun today <3
Holy crap that's amazing. You went way above and beyond what I had hoped for~ thank you very much!! You made my feel better about all of this and I appreciate it.
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You owe me only your soul.

But really I hope you like it. If you don't want the bg or if you want something changed, tell me. I tried to picture your description best I could.
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Fuck that was big.
Here's a smaller one lmao, sorry.

oh god, that's adorable! thank you!

just one little thing, didn't you forget the あ on the sweater? is it possible to add it?

but thank you thank you really much, I'm sending my soul right away
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Oh I did forget it, I'm sorry.
I tried to add it a bit, but most of it is covered sadly due to the posing. Hopefully this works?
Yes, exactly, this is perfect, thank you!!
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This request was beyond my abilities but I didn't want to see it go unnoticed. I never finished it, partly because I fell asleep, and partly because I'm still learning how to use this tablet.

Anyway here's last night's rush job
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Ok so I gave it a second try, still awful at navigating the features and settings, but I'm learning
Don't leave yet, anon. I'm probably going to do yours in a few weeks.
Hey, no problem! I think you did great. Thank you.
Could I get Flay in some superhero clothes? <3
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Maybe like Nightwing?
May I request a chibi boy with bunny ears in a sweatshirt and his hands in the pocket of it? could be just standing. maybe if he's blushing slightly :v colors could be maybe sky blue or lavender? I'd even love a colorless sketch desu
Requesting more requests for trap-ish/slightly girlish boys. More requests in general - I wanna try and draw different things
I'm on my phone, so I don't have my reference sheet, but if you want to draw a girly character, you could draw Rally.
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Requesting Nagisa Shiota wearing an apron with a cute design.
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How about the Slime boy from Dot Kareshi?
Anything with him is fine.
Alright, I'll attempt something tmrw after my tests
Good thing /cm/ threads last so long!
Bumping this!
1. Fuck off.
2. You don't need to bump stuff on /cm/ since it's a slow-ass board and chances are, if no one has drawn it, it's not because they haven't seen it
3. Fuck off.
I cringed.
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Hello! May I please request England (Arthur) doing an electric guitar solo, maybe in punkish clothing? Thank you so much!!
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another hetalian here, maybe russia in a meadow with sunflowers? thanks
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Could I request Johnny Cage and Stryker from Mortal Kombat, where Johnny is behind him groping Stryker's pecs? And Stryker is annoyed by him?
Thank you for introducing me to this series. I wish I knew someone who could play the drums to my piano like he could...
I hope you like it and...sorry for the colours and perspective... I'm really not that good at this yet.
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Conan Cap Request (new).png
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Requesting Conan The Barbarian comforting/cuddling a shirtless Steve Rogers, his arm bandaged from the wound Conan gave him.
Of course you don't have to be nearly as autistic as me, but I gave a few costumes/references for both, as well as their official heights and weights.
Brownie Points for getting both their asses in shot
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Requesting you turn Tomoyo into a trap. Maybe wearing some tight pants or lingerie so you can see some cute bulge? Whatever hairstyle is cool too!
Didn't think it'd be that big. Sorry!
I love it a lot!! and I'm so glad you liked the anime, it's so good and it has such a small fanbase it's sad, once again thank you, i am smiling a lot!!
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here you go anon
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Here you go! Your request sounded super cute and easy. Plus, I couldn't turn down an offer to draw a bunny boy. I'm still learning digital art so sorry if its not great but I really hope you love it!
I like the shirt p cute,not OR
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Not OR, but that's awesome! I'm really digging the style.
Thanks very much!
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Absolutely adorable! You have a really nice style thank you for drawing him.
Can I please have a Chibi version of Poe Dameron and BB-8 from Star Wars: The Force Awakens? I want Poe to have a cheeky grin, giving the thumbs up, and to have the caption "Poe Dameron is my homeboy!"
oh my lord he's precious, thank you sososososo much <3 ^~^
No problem! It was a pleasure ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ<3
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If someone could draw Papalymo from FFXIV holding out some really specific flowers and looking bashfully off to the side, maybe the tips of his ears being a bit pinker than usual that kind of thing, I'd appreciate it.
The flowers would be hydrangeas (and I included a photo of what they look like with the references)
This is pretty damn cute~
Thank you!!
File: Chandelure_(Pokkén_Tournament).png (1MB, 1165x1045px) Image search: [Google]
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requesting a hamanized version of the pokemon chandelure. as a victorian/gothic style butler?
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Something like this?
Not the OR but that is really nice anon, I like his hair and hair tie that was a good idea.
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Young Midorya Izuu from boku no hero academia meeting all might and captain falcon.

Bonus: They swapped their costumes, making Deku confused.
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Requesting Volg from hajime no Ippo being cheerful, anything is fine really.
OR here, I love it! thats pretty much what I was hoping for. definetly reads chandelure. and those little candles are cute to. nice suit.
thanks a lot for this!
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Could someone draw this boy?
Draw him as you want
whatever would be fine!
Hi it's OR again :v
Came back to ask if you do commissioned work?
Well I never have but if you want to request something again I'll be happy to do another. (´・ω・`)
Hi I think your art would be perfect for this request >>3026322
if you'd like to try it maybe? If not that's totally okay
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Grip n' sip.png
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He's pretty cute, what is he from?
Any word on this? It's fine if you don't have time, but I'd like to know whether I have a drawing to look forward to.
I would like to see these boys holding hands, the one on the left is a brunette, and the right is a redhead, (if you wanna color it.)

Thanks to any who consider!
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That looks awesome! I love it you captured him perfectly. This makes me so happy!
Thank you so much!

Well, he is an old oc of mine, It's a half human with antlers growing from his head.
OR here, i was sort of wondering if you could assist me in making my twitch.tv panels because I adore your style :v if you'd prefer me just request it here I can do that, I had a couple ideas c:
Requesting anything with the guys from kono danshi uchuujin to tatakaemasu.
Or Kakashi (the one with the eyepatch) crying
Its only a 30min ova I would recommend checking it out
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Mononoke Fundoshi Request.png
2MB, 1212x1568px
I don't know it this counts as /Y/, but can I request Ashitaka, and the other guy, Kohroku from the movie, "Princess Mononoke", where they're in nothing but Fundoshis, and Kohroku is helping Ashitaka put his on. And draw them from the back please, and I would like it if Ashitaka was blushing a bit.
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I hope you're still around OR. I'm sorry for cheesy Nitoh (can't help it that he's my favourite) and overall wonky fanart but I hope you like it! I-I haven't draw anything for months that's why it looks w-weird. Also, sorry that they're not having picnic. I forgot about it...
Not the OR but its nice to see more toku stuff.
Nice job, if this is you after not drawing in months I imagine you're really good.
Which one are you? I lost my recent drawings but I may be able to redraw it..
is anyone doing this? its alright if nobody is im just curious and i can post more reference pics of him if u want
If no one does it, I'll do it eventually probably. /cm/ threads last so long, this drawthread is my go-to place to un-artblock.
I'm Rally. I'd love that, if it's not too much trouble.
Thanks! I was just in the mood of drawing toku fanarts and I'm sorta open for toku request(s)... if I stop being lazy. Anyway, your words are too kind.
I'm very sorry about this! Is this okay for here?
If its just a butt you see and no genitals or implied sexual contact it should be fine here.Its a slow board though and your asking for 2 fullbody shots of characters interacting so if it gets done its going to take awhile most likely.
Thank god for that. Just as long as Ashitaka's slightly embarrassed in my draw, because I said he should be blushing that someone else is seeing his ass.
I'm still around, I lurk this board pretty often.
I lurk pretty often too. Don't worry, I'm still on it.
thank you gracious anon!!
Aw thank you. And either way I'd be happy to draw some more. (੭ ᐕ) It might take some time however since i'll be a bit busy.
requesting wedge anything

+luke skywalker 10 points to Gryffindor
not really any rush :v would you be able to tweet at me on twitter whenever you have time free? I can tell you my idea(s) perhaps and you could do any you like in your free time? @LucianUsagi

That moment when you see someone who has an OC and become envious of their OC.
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I have a request with a bit of a backstory.

I was driving back very late at night from a Nightwish concert two months ago in Colorado Springs, and in the smudges on my windshield I saw the head of this character that you see here. I have no idea why my mind made the smudges into a face, but they did. I told a close friend of mine to draw what I described and this guy here is the result. His name is Marco, and he's a mischievous little thieving bastard. I really want another drawing of him if that would be possible, doing whatever, I'm not hard to please. :3
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Can somebody draw my otp (pic related) where black haired guy is being held like in the next reply
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He's just freaking awesome, makes me wish I could be more creative. :3
In the future, please compile the references into one image so you only take up one post. This goes for other requesters too. /cm/ is so and so I am I when it comes to drawing. It would be best if fills are the cause of hitting the bump/image limit, yes?
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I forgot to add that hevis wearing shorts and is barefoot. Only have the one reference.
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3d characters are posted all the time, so I'm gonna protest rule 4 and request my datafu, Edward Snowden.
I've really taken a liking to your OC and I was wondering if I could have permission to use him in a creative writing project I'm working on. If not, that's cool, I just had to take the chance and ask.
Yeah, but it's always for 'fictional' 3d characters.
Hi, just wanted to ask - is it okay to request a character who had already been requested last thread, and that request has been filled?
It's a different request, but with the same character and a slightly bigger ref. Sorry if it's weird, wouldn't want to waste image space if that's not okay.
Go for it. /cm/'s threads last so long, last thread could have been a year ago (for example).
here. I have no idea why he's eating a bagel or why he's sitting on a tree, but he's cute as hell. It was fun drawing him cuz he's CUTE AS HELL. Also, fuck backgrounds.
That's awesome! Exactly what I was looking for. I think bagels may have to become a norm for him now. Thank you.
smoller version, guess the last one was too big (I actually have no idea, was it too big?)
No problem!
As long as it's not the exact same request, go ahead. Keep in mind that the same artist most likely won't draw the same thing twice, so it could take a while (but doesn't everything amirite).
And no, I like the big size so it works fine. Awesome job.

Literally who?
2cakes! Thank you very much anon!
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Can anyone draw Tsubaki from Fire Emblem: Fates smiling and possibly holding flowers? Thanks!
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I would like to request Soma Cruz here looking all mischievous.
Go ahead!

It makes me so happy knowing someone likes my character.
I don't really know what makes him stand out so much to me, but I think it's his whole demeanor and the hair shading of the eyes. What is his name, and does he have any info or backstory? Any other images? I like to be thorough. lol
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I just couldn't resist, the idea seemed too cute to be ignored. I'm sorry for the quality, I drew it in school and it's more of a quick scribble than a drawing. I really liked drawing these two. Also, who are they?
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Unfortunately they are characters that haven't really been made yet. I came across them via this artists I follow in tumblr. So project called Boys Land. Looks like a Pokemon/Digimon kinda deal.

At first the art looked like shit but it's slowly been evolving and I've gotten more and more interested as it progresses. What gets me is it's supposed to be a comic, but for like years all I've seen is concept stuff. He did do a comic for that SJ/Medibang thing and it was pretty good. Like a short story, but these two weren't in it.

He posted this around Christmas, pic related is the full image. I just liked these two, like, I ship them even though i don't know who they are.

Thank you for drawing them! I love it!

Here's the tag on tumblr:


And here's the comic: (It's in manga format so read right to left)


Maybe he (or she?) will get more motivation of other people show interest. It might be crap but I like the art a lot and I won't know unless anything is made. Feels like my own person Hiatus X Hiatus.
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His name is Sputnik.
He was form some ideas for a story. During that time I really wanted to draw some shitty shonen-esque comic but in the end things didn't go anywhere.. I still like to draw the characters.

Some of his backstory is that he from a group of hybrids (human/powerfull cryptid creature or demon) produced in mass in a laboratory, he has 60 brothers and sisters like him, some more deformed than others, scattered all over the world.

His personality... well he is usually calm, but also childish and goofy
sometimes he can seem cold and a bit of a brute, but he is generally a good boy and friend.
Well I appreciate you informing me on the back story. :3 It's unfortunate that he didn't really get any use, but I'm super happy you're going to let me have him for writing purposes. I absolutely fell in love the moment I saw him and knew he would be perfect.

I'm not very talented when it comes to creating OCs, but I do pride myself on my ability to breathe new life into something whether it be in the form of RP, a book, or just a random story.

Yet again, thank you so much.
I know. I'm just saying that I know that means 3D won't offend anyone.
Are any of cool enough to capture sakamoto's likeness? He is from sakomoto desu ga.
Or draw something with him and sakamoto from Nichijou https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tc_WJO8wzQ
can I request a blushing skeleton in a hoodie holding kittens? The hoodie can be literally any hoodie and the kittens can be demons or bananas, I don't care. It can be a quick sketch or just a quick doodle on the side of your math notebook, I just want a skeleton with kittens.
>skeleton in a hoodie
sans pls
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I just wanted to see death in a hoodie.
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/r/ing our very own /cm/-tan welcoming the newest member of the board-tan family from /qst/

Maybe playing something D&D-like or just some other board game (your favorite board game)???
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Another pic
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OMG, that's so perfect! I will love this picture forever. Thank you for this amazing piece of art.
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May i request a drawing of Kuga from Shokugeki in casual wear hanging out with a cute girl that have long straight black hair with blunt bangs drawanons?
Requesting a cute androgynous boy with bright shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes, and a big fuzzy pair of moth antenna on top of his head wearimg a determined look on his face. Bonus points for a bunch of cute expressions like smiling and blushing etc.
not them but you oc is so cute
i didnt know ocs were okay in these threads, id love to draw some and get mine drawn
Holy stars that's a really cute request.
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Requesting Adrien Agreste enjoying some crepes.
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The hair isn't very bright, but I tried
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I'll just keep bumping this thread
Simple but cute, nice stuff anon.
Thanks, man!
I finished it just now. I did my best but gave up shading. I'm bad at shading. Well, I hope you like it.
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Hullo lil guy.jpg
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I forgot to add the picture... Well, moths are cute.
Bumping this!
Please do not bump your request. There is no need for that.
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Oh shit, another delivery. Thanks man!
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Kawaii Pink Shonen.png
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There you go anon, I hope you're still around
Is the jumpsuit okay ?
would lick cream off face/10
Not OR but this sounds really cute.
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Could I request my catboy in a maid outfit with his skirt lifted somewhat? Maybe showing off some thigh highs? Thank you
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I tried, Anon.
Shit,that's awesome!I love it!Thanks a million!
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Requesting Fish Eye from Sailor Moon as a merman doing his thing in an unconventional place (like you'd never see a merman hanging out in a cafe) or just him being cute in some casual clothes - and they don't have to be the clothes he already wears if you wanted to come up with something else.
Ah thank you much anon!! It's so cute! I really appreciate the drawing.
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izaya orihara.jpg
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requesting izaya covering his mouth with his hand looking away embarrassed/blushing
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Requesting Muryou Subaru playing around in a cute swimsuit on a tropical beach. Anything else or more would be great, too! He's very obscure and under-appreciated.
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Requesting this guy showing off his shorts in a similar pose to the image next to it, though slightly angled when you could see a bit of bulge underneath and between his thighs.
Nice hope OR sees it sometime
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2MB, 1253x721px
Requesting anything cute with johnny from johnny's payday panic.
>Playing a 3DS
>looking flustered
>him working hard making ramen or icecream etc maybe handing it to the viewer if that is not to hard to draw
>4) Stick to fictional characters.
>25) Chill the fuck out

Oh my stars thank you all for the drawings >>3033001 is my favorite to be sure. My game group loves it too.

Someone should draw him hopelessly entranced by a bright light.
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>>3024306 here, sorry for the long wait. This took like 100000 years to finish, but here it is.
Oh, also, I might clean up some details on a later date, but don't hold your breath for that.
I like the hair and eyes
>that hand though
overall very cute
Indeed, you can see the exact moment where I gave up haha. It needs like 8 more hours of rendering.
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I wasn't sure if you'd see it haha... I'm very glad you like it, anon.

I tried because I love Izaya.
Thank you for this! I'm really happy you took time to do this.
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This will probably sound like an odd request, but here it goes. I would like to request a more humanized, anime-styled version of Dimentio from Super Paper Mario, preferably with his mask off. All of the other aspects are free for the drawer to decide.
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I really love Paper Mario so I took this one
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1MB, 800x1000px
And since you specifically said 'anime style' i made a more uwuu version since I wasn't sure if you wanted something more serious or cutesy
Holy crap that's amazing. Hit what I wanted right on the nose. Thanks!!!
Can I request Hime from Himegoto? In this outfit and without his hair extensions please.
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Two panel comic please
Mario making fun of Luigi dressed in Princess Peach's dress until he cries, then next panel kissing him on the cheek and comforting him while still lightly teasing and/or snickering
Cute Izaya
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requesting some love for my boy, Casshern. a close up on his face (no helmet preferred) would be really nice. thank you.
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Requesting McCree from Overwatch with a big smile on his face. He never smiles in the game, so it would be nice to see.
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not OR but i love this! do you have a tumblr or dA?
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I drew him smiling today!
Smiling and with Hanzo. Not OR but I love it.
OR here, this is super cute and I love it. How did you know I ship these two? Haha
Not OR, but damn Anon that's really cool
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Gave it a shot again without an overly experimental style. Changed his scarf to a fluffy fluff because I've been re-reading Noragami and thought it would be cuter/more fitting.
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this is my first time requesting something.
But if anyone would be so kind to draw this sexy Orca shirtless (or with his shirt open) lounging about i would be immensely happy.
His name is Idate and he is from Ice Scream and Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea. He is dipicted as being really strong, so being muscular would fit, but it is certainly not required.
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I tried, hope you like it anon
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4MB, 2676x2192px
Requesting Neku and Joshua wearing EVA plug suits
Neku wearing shinji's and Joshua wearing Kaworu's
yes i love it! thank you so much!
my god hes so precious it makes me want to watch miraculous all over again
Requesting /pol/ stepping on a black slave and blushing while the slave shouts "Oh Master~"
A quicksketch~~
cute hes one of the few things that made that anime almost worth watching
heyyy thanks man.
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133KB, 527x785px

Drawing antenna are hard sorry Anon. Anyone can feel free to fix.
>Five deliveries
Jelly as fuck desu
Super cute stuff though drawfriends
I'm really bad at drawing men, does anyone have some reference sites they can point me to?
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Requesting Chuck Keith from Gundam 0083 in pajamas looking a little sleepy, if possible together with Kou Uraki.
Aaaaah I really didn't think anyone would do it! Thank you so much drawfriend!!!!
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More young/teen Kenshiro! (Hokuto no Ken, yes.) In pajama pants, swimsuits, whatever cute stuff you wanna draw him in!
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Requesting Human Alphonse reading a book
shota pale boy with tape over his mouth with an x on it, generic dark grey pants and a faded royal blue shirt with long sleeves, fingerless gloves to match his pants. holding a manga in one hand as hes strolling to the right nonchalantly. sorry i have no references :(
Oddly specific requests like this make me wonder: for what purpose? Why doesn't OR just commission?
i and my friends had this idea for a mascot for their blog we kind of wanted to see the concept before pursuing a proper artist/designer/person and commissioning them
Because they're a cheap fuck that's why
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Question, Does this fell like this should be a commission?
this is a drawthread idk why the topic of commission even came up, technically you could use "why dont you commission" for everything in here, it was just someone being a butt. if you cant find someone to draw it for you for free you may have to commission but all art is really that way
Well it's because it's been almost two months since I've requested that draw and I've haven't gotten it done yet. I fell like it should be a commission, but then again, I don't have the money to do that.
It's more like I wouldn't draw for you unless you paid me. Honestly, I blacklisted you a while ago due to your attitude in these threads and in drawthreads on other boards. If I'm going to do something for free, it's either because a)I will enjoy doing it for the artistic merit or b)the requester seems like a sweet person will appreciate the work I put into their request.
Awww thank you for taking the time to do this. It's awesome anon! I love it.
I tend to draw simple requests, things that interest me, and sometimes I'll try to fill a request because the OR seems cool. I'm lazy as fuck, though, so it takes me a lot to even work on personal studies, which is reflected in my lack of skill. Also, this is a very slow board.

I actually wasn't sure if you would see them because the requests were pretty old... I'm glad you guys were able to see them.
If people want to draw something they'll draw it. Maybe it's just not getting responses because anons aren't familiar with the original source material or don't think they have the drawing skill or time to work on it.
I'm sorry, I had way too much fun doing this one.
I'm afraid my skills aren't cool enough for Sakamoto, but I hope it's still okay
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What kind of blog is this for? A shota blog?
This probably looks nothing like you were imagining but I tried.
This. They're so fucking entitled its ridiculous. You can easily tell which are their requests and I honestly hope they never ever get anything filled for them.
OR here, this is cute thanks :D
Blog is for articles written about games and anime and stuff. thanks for taking your time to do this, ill show the rest of the crew and we can take which things we like from this and hopefully get a proper commission based off this <3 much love!
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Requesting Niles from Fire Emblem in a fancy dress (sorry, don't have a reference) blushing and looking away.
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Requesting a cute Happy Merchant

>pic for reference
Requesting more trap requests!
....maybe some crossdressing thrown in too if thats your prerogative~
Ferris from RE:Zero?
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nagisa apron.jpg
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not them but an attempt was made
Seconding this

We need kike-chan, maybe Hitler senpai will notice and gas him.
I know it was requested ages ago, hope you get to see it.
Went through and filled a few requests that had a few/none.
I thought Alphonse would have reading glasses.
trap Tomoyo request
Manly blush
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Can someone draw Neko Nagito Komaeda blushing, in a SS uniform.
You'll make my day, screw that. You'll make my week.
>I'm afraid my skills aren't cool enough for Sakamoto
You're cool to me anon.
It makes me just as happy to get a delivery to hear you enjoyed doing it thank you drawfriend!
Tried my best to include everything you wanted. Added yarn for extra cat cuteness.
He looks really cute here! I love his outfit, thank you~
I'll try and finish it super fast, thanks for the idea, anon!
You've made my life man. It's so good.
Thanks! I'm new to drawing traps, it's actually pretty fun.
Worth drawing for that compliment alone. Enjoy, friend.
Izaya embarrassed request
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Fish Eye as a merman in a cafe. You mentioned cafe and I just went with it.
These are coming from my phone, sorry if they're a bit grey.
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>>3028463 Hope you're still around anon. Also sorry about how awkward the flowers look lol
Boku no Hero academia, started out innocent and ended up this.
I'm interested in doing this, could you give me a reference?
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Request of Ferris
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You are amazing im sure you made alot of anons very happy drawfriend
I'm new to draw threads but damn they work wonders when you're in a rut. Hope everyone likes their drawings.
This is my shit senpai. Thank you~!
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Final Fantasy from the beginning of the thread. Might go through all the requests a second time.
What is your process for these?
Basically any request I can immediately visualize, I do a quick pencil sketch and try not to over think it. Watercolors, detail with a pencil and a white pen. They're pretty small, about 4-5 per page, so they don't take much time or materials.
Wow that was fast thank you! He looks very lewd and I like how fluffy his hair looks.
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3MB, 2832x1952px
Requesting Vincent trying to cool off with an electric fan No horns, underwear a plus
Or just anything with him
No the drawthread rules are to only do fictional characters anon
Oops sorry I'm dumb
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1MB, 971x990px
Vyse from Skies of Arcadia? In unnddiiieees?
Bandages are a big charm point for me And you did a nice job of capturing the style thank you
looks like we hit the bump limit
we didn't hit the image limit though so ill wait a few days before making a new one
everyone fill free to keep making requests and deliveries
Abs look a bit off but he has a nice face
New thread
Sorry for being a party pooper nerd but if it really is Deku he wouldn't mistake All Might for someone else or vice versa. He's a through and through fanboy of him after all
I dont know, man. They just sound like someone not fluent in English and had a specific request but couldn't convey it in a way that informal or a casual ask to me. Give them some slack maybe? They haven't particularly done anything assholery in my opinion. Yet.
Thread posts: 315
Thread images: 146

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