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+1 ¡¡Mexican foods!!

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 191
Thread images: 151

File: the-salsa-platter-kicks.jpg (35KB, 550x308px) Image search: [Google]
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Dropping many images from my last 6ish off and on years hear
Kick in more should you please
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take 1 2203.jpg
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That doh
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Yeah love good and even meh iced cream sometimes thats all you can find
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Hey you with weak bait
Try harder bait smarter
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Line'em up
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Lets not bullshit
Hard work pays off
Another kind of tako
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I cant stand assholes like this

Such a filthy no good outsider

Fuck you for liking/supporting some dipshit like him unless he honestly makes you laugh
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Yeah "we" all get hungry once in a while for something different, my weakness is Italian
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Greasy stuff thats popular

Usually meh tier in my book
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Not interested in this garbage

Will have a taco or two tops whenever in a pinch
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Day to day lunches

Ill take two and an horchata
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This is life
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you what.gif
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I knew mexico.jpg
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Telling me about how you know mexico so well, please dont
You and I wont usually agree on much I stick to ranch living and private parties other family affairs never intend on fancy pants socialite ordeals
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sopa de concha.jpg
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Damn this isnt what i enjoy but recall having it as a kid

Seeing folks rave about this mess is strange to me as i never thought much of it
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My fridge tonite

Some beer coke beans tomatoes lard tortillas cheeses loaded with hot sauces and salsas just to start with

Had some fine tacos de borregato this morning and some carnitas this evening
Expecting ceviche in the afternoon after some tacos de guisado in the morning
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Sometimes ill fail to explain what i mean on this board and get angry or disturbed responses which fail to gain my respect for healthy discussion instead ill have kick more dust just cause its going to land another angry (you) from some upset anon
damn thats one spicy chiquita
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Always on the road
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le speeedy.webm
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She make for an incredible mother and wife i bet
File: YES!!!-bun-thit-noung.jpg (418KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
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My type of taco salad

Vietnamese bun thit ngoung
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Ahhh this cheese

Mixed with greens and salsa
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Dos mas porfis
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caught that shit for my soup.jpg
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my food is getting cold.jpg
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I like posting homemade stuff with timestamps

Here was some venison prepared as a birra

Consume was outrageous
One of the tastiest things i have eaten
There's also non greasy mexican food you know
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para mis tortillas.jpg
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Yeah thats a certainty only junk foods are popular as are fatty or sugary items no need to talk about salt since it goes hand in hand with lemon/lime on basically everything
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Today at the market
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Take 2 markets on sale items
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comal de barro.jpg
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Warmed handmade goodness
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Hay para toro
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fall 88888 j 752.jpg
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Gracias abuela por todos tus consejos y tus buenos tratos
Abuelita con carino te estranamos como usted quien mas bien nadie

esperamos que dios la guarde con todo el corazon mas bien no hay palabras

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¡many! Tacos
Aprende a escribir, pendejo
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Calmado mijo-tito
Esta bien que xhingues, pero a tu madre, Respetes
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Those heavenly pots of goodness
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Puritito lo bueno
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Es true dice el gabacho
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This zweet stuff
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Coke is it
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This is what is on the menu tonite
File: rGC0mOm.webm (2MB, 640x360px) Image search: [Google]
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Just like me right about now listening to some fine music with a belly filled with great grub and great company
File: taco time.webm (3MB, 400x225px) Image search: [Google]
taco time.webm
3MB, 400x225px
Time for a good taco

Loaded just like homemade tacos need to be
File: What Mexicans really eat.jpg (4MB, 2342x2262px) Image search: [Google]
What Mexicans really eat.jpg
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330 different pics right here
File: beans 2.jpg (305KB, 1238x853px) Image search: [Google]
beans 2.jpg
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do my beans count
Chipotle is much blander than actual mexican food. Ita not even fucking funny
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Those images were from a while back when chitpotle was much like the current costco situation
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sucks`donkey dick.jpg
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Several images would be handy
File: this shit is garbage.png (2MB, 1530x912px) Image search: [Google]
this shit is garbage.png
2MB, 1530x912px
It was what it was
File: Tortillas_de maiz.jpg (640KB, 1200x795px) Image search: [Google]
Tortillas_de maiz.jpg
640KB, 1200x795px
The warm fresh stuff
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Thirsty much
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This. Fuck bill esparza.
what the hell is that?
Thats some gingers flower

Such hot wet sweet goodness that words fall short
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>tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables, tortilla, cheese, meat, vegetables

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Aguacate con Camarones.jpg
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Alright, it's time to really start this thread
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Alegrías (Dulce de Amaranto).jpg
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Almejas Chocolatas.jpg
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Arroz a la Poblana.jpg
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Arroz Rojo.jpg
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Bebida de Chocolate.jpg
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Birria Tatemada.jpg
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Bolitas de Tamarindo con Chile.jpg
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Ceviche Mexicano.jpg
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Chayotes con Crema y Elote.jpg
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Chayotes y Calabazas.jpg
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Chileatole de Pollo.jpg
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Chilpachole Cangrejo Jaibas.jpg
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Chocolate Oaxaca.jpg
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Chongos Zamoranos.jpg
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Chorizo con Papas.jpg
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Crema de Chile Poblano.jpg
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Ensalada Tricolor.jpg
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Filete de Cazón al Ajillo.jpg
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Flor de Calabaza en Nogada.jpg
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Frijoles Blancos con Tocino.jpg
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Frijoles Charros.jpg
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Gallina Pinta.jpg
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ley is the worst of the worst in my city (even worst than walmart for you burgers), is ley bad where you live?
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Habas en Salsa Verde.jpg
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Helado de Mamey.jpg
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wew, there you go ck, this isn't even a tenth of what it really looks like
MMMMMMMMM al pastor taco meat
You were saying, you fucking fag.
Don't really feel like going down the list of every single picture, but 90% of them are either, tortilla with cheese/meat/veggies or it's something that isn't even Mexican, but a Mexican version of another dish.

Only exception are tamales and elotes.

I mean, you literally posted "Gaznates" (AKA cannolis) and "Ensalada Tricolor" (AKA Tomatos and Mozzarella).

I understand you copied the Italian flag, but copying cuisine is overboard. Your food is all the same. What are you gonna post next? Some authentic Mexican pizza and Mexican pasta bolognese?
>you fucking fag, REEEEE
I can hear how triggered you are from the other side of the border, Juan.
Your food is garbage, the entire world knows it. It's best you get over it.
Tomatoes are fucking mesoamerican, you fucking idiot.
>something that isn't even Mexican, but a Mexican version of another dish
What does this even fucking means? Are you telling me that nobody is allowed to use ingredients that didn't come from his country?

Following this logic, then, I declare that from now on, everything that uses: tomatoes, chocolate, vanilla, turkey, every single fucking chili from the genus caspicum, avocados, etc. Is Mexican food, no exceptions. (I'm ok with this, by the way).

Everything that uses potatoes is Peruvian, everything that uses Pineapple and Peanuts is South American, etc.

Dumb cunt.

And just to be clear
>What are you gonna post next?
I didn't post shit
>Gaznate" (AKA cannolis)
Fuck you are dumb
>Alright, it's time to really start this thread
Sure load us up on stock photos one a minute
Shit too late
>Tomatoes are fucking mesoamerican, you fucking idiot

I like how you singled out the ingredient that isn't Italian, and acted like that's what I was pointing at.

Fucking mozzarella is not Mexican, you dunce. And the combination of Mozzarella, tomato, basil and olive oil is not an "ensalada tricolor" it's a fucking "Insalata Caprese".

If you honestly think that dish isn't Italian, you're a fucking troll.
They're either Italian, or an Argentinian copy of an Italian dessert.

It's not even close to being Mexican. If anything it was created in Argentina.

Like I said, every stock photo that's been posted here is either typical Mexican bullshit, or things that aren't even Mexican.
Mexico has several of it's own type of cheese (panela, chihuahua, oaxaca, cotija and ocosingo) you idiot. You can just fucking use avocados or nopales for the green part as well.

And people has been fucking eating those for literal thousands of years, with the cheese added for at least 500 hundred years.

Try harder, pastanigger.
No, no it fucking isn't, you obviously don't even know it's ingredients as you confused the inside for ricotta cheese and the outside isn't even fried.

>it kinda looks the same but it has completely different ingredients and preparation process
Isn't a copy. Fuck, you really need to shut the fuck up.
Does that taste like sopa de macaco
R.I.P. G-Ma anon.
Not at all but rather bland imagine overcooked salty watered down pasta with fresh corn

Where did all these angry butthurt anons appear out of
No need to argue with them my friend.
I only posted the pictures because that is what this thread was supposed to be about but nobody seem to be doing that. If that makes people butthurt, so be it.
Putting shrimp in an avocado, all of a sudden it's a Mexican staple food.

Octopus salad. Mediterranean dish.

Don't even wanna know what that shit is

Putting cilantro in clams makes it Mexican?

Steak and onions


White rice, corn and greenbeans... wow

Riso a frutta di mare. Yea, that's Italian friend.

I'm assuming that's just red sauce and peas. Italian plus peas.

That's a drink, not food. Gonna post Tequila too?

Pulled pork?

You did it, it wasn't tequila, but you posted coffee. "FOODS"

No idea what that abomination is but it looks Indian as fuck. You just lay a tortilla next to it and call it Mexican.

Literally sponge cake

Tamarind balls. Originating from Trinidad and Tobago.

Random candy no one's ever heard of

Fried tortillas, minus the cheese meat and vegetables

Roast goat is Mexican? Every country on earth roasts goats. And the word Cabrito originated from Spain.

Seafood gumbo. Pretty American if you ask me.

Fuck is that? Barbecue sauce?

Essentially pumpkin parmiggiano.

So if it's shaped like a skull the recipe is automatically Mexican?

More seafood gumbo, mushroom soup and "Mexican" minestrone

Seared scallops. Put some "salsa" on it... Boom, it's a "Mexican" dish, now.

Shrimp with tomato sauce. Literally every southern European country makes this.

Baked sweet potatoes. Again, add salsa... it belongs to Mexico now.

That's called BBQ, friend. Just because you put avocados, rice and limes next to it doesn't make it Mexican.

Ceviche """""Mexicano""""". Like how you add that, since you know ceviche is Spanish.

I'd keep going, but I ran out of text.
>Mexico has several of it's own type of cheese (panela, chihuahua, oaxaca, cotija and ocosingo)
Then why does every recipe I look up of it use mozzarella? Because it's fucking Italian, tortillanigger.

Even if it's not Italian, Gaznate still aren't Mexican, They're Argentinian.
Why bother to reply to the posts if you are going to outright invent ingredients or ignore entire species that are completely endemic to the country (i.e. they don't exist anywhere else in the world) which people have been eating for a really long time? Also, as already point out by another anon: tomatoes, chocolate, vanilla, turkey, every single chili pepper from the genus caspicum, avocados, are Mexican, but so are corn, guavas, pumpkins and squash, almost all varieties of the Phaseolus vulgari beans. mameys, magueys, tunas, nopales (cacti), jicamas, quelites, tejocotes, charales, chocolata clams, jaibas, a fuck ton of types of fish, white-tailed deer etc. (man I could list endemic ingredients for a lot of time). All of which have been staple food of Mesoamerican cuisine for thousands of years and endured to this day. Add to that all the native species that spread way before Europeans arrived and were present here (potatoes, pineapples, peanuts, sweet potatoes, etc.) You really are underestimating the Columbus Exchange.

Do you even know what a "mole" (or sauce, whatever you want to call it) is and how they are prepared? So yes, adding mole (hundreds of types that taste completely different to each other) to meat does change the flavour of pork/cow/chicken enough to make it it's own thing; and just like how we don't have the monopoly on tomatoes, Europeans don't have the monopoly on meat. Nevermind, that, again, those recipes were used with endemic types of meat (turkeys, deer, fish and shrimps _you do know that the entire planet has fish and shrimps, right?_).
So let's see
>shrimp in an avocado
Shrimps existed in Mexico prior to colonization, and I don't like to repeat myself, but avocados are indeed a Mexican staple food
>Octopus salad. Mediterranean dish.
Octopus existed in Mexico before colonization, as well as vegetables. Never mind that that particular dish isn't with octopus.
>Steak and onions
And it is eaten in the North of Mexico, very popular. I just posted what we eat and didn't make any further claims
>Putting cilantro in clams makes it Mexican?
Chocolata clams existed in Mexico before colonization, and I want you to show me where in the entire planet do people eat chocolata clams with cilantro and chili
Source? And even if it was (which I'm very sure it isn't) it is still what we eat and what you find here.
>White rice, corn and greenbeans
Do you know what a Poblano chili pepper is?
>Riso a frutta di mare
Seafood existed in Mexico prior to colonization, and every sea has it's own unique species. If you want to pretend that all fish and shrimps taste the same, go ahead.
>That's a drink, not food
>Pulled pork?
It's not even pork and it has a very unique type of cooking
>You did it, it wasn't tequila, but you posted coffee.
Chocolate is Mexican, yes.
>Tamarind balls
With caspicum chili, originating in Mexico and only eaten here, yes.

Damn, not even I am this patient, but you get the idea, don't you? Entire phrases are outright wrong. Why talk about things you don't know about?

And finally, you understand that Mexico underwent a process of colonization that started in 1521, (yes, almost 500 years ago, crazy, right?) in the hands of Spain. Of course we share a lot of dishes with them and with the rest of Latin America; but this is still what we eat, and the way of cooking + spices changes enough to be different things. If you want to play dumb and pretend that "just adding tomatoes to italian food doesn't make it non-mexican", go ahead. Two can play you retard game.
Goddamn, drumpf, shouldn't you be in bed or firing one of your sycophants?
Serious question, but why are these type of idiots allowed to exist outside of /pol/ when they only derail threads with their retarded shitposts?

How is acting like an oblivious cunt allowed?

t. Not even Mexican
Did you ever consider that a significant amount of the worst shitposting is done by mods and jannies?

Think about it. To be a mod or a jannie a prerequisite is you spend a shitload of time here. If you sped a shitload of time here at least some of your posts are going to be a shitpost. Now, for us plebs, if 1 in 20 posts is a shitpost, we get banned and all of our posts get deleted. So the shitposts you don't see are the ones not posted by mods.

Also, try using the report function now and then. You'll find your chances of getting banned shortly after for a random infraction skyrocket.

Being a mod is basically just free license to shitpost to your heart's content and ban anyone who ever argues with you.
>voted for Trump
>love Mexican food and don't mind Mexicans

Why is this so hard for people?
>user was banned for this post
>He never inspects his tree's penis.

I bet you drive a Hummer too.
>voted for Trump
>love Mexican food and don't mind Mexicans
>Why is this so hard for people?

Good question, Cletus. I guess it's similar to asking why's it so hard to understand why a percentage of jews voted for Hitler.
this is kinda sexy
>It's a brainlets attempting analogies episode
No, it's not like that at all.
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