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Well, I just spent about a year in Scotland, and anything I try, is just pure shit. Every fucking dessert/cake/ice cream is disgustingly sweet. Meals I tried are on chips & fish level. Nice from time to time, but it's more like fast food than real meal. I'm from Poland, growing up in small village; so my family always had some fresh veggies at home. I just can't stand shitty food here. I guess that's how things roll in cities in general, not just Scotland...

But anyway, already getting offtopic here. What would you get in Scotland? What high quality/not too expensive products I can get here, to make sensible meals, not total trash food? Where? Should I try making my own steaks? Steaks are not popular in Poland at all, I don't know where to begin. I tried doing steak once, it was like old shoe. I started to gain weight from trash food, and making trips to Polish shop everyday is tiresome. Well, getting proper kiełbasa is a must, because what you call ,,sausage" here is fucking trash. I have impression the closest thing I will get here comparable to normal dinner is curry from some paki restaurant. Please prove me wrong, I don't want to end up like local lardass community.
Shut your gob and get scrubbing them toilets.
Roll on Brexit.
Now fix my toilet and fuck off.
Literally company pulled me out of my cosy workplace in Poland, because sister-company here in Scotland have huge troubles. Your salmon is shit. I couldn't believe salmon can look that BAD. But whatever. I think about getting out of fishy buisness, and finally open my own craft-beer pub. I homebrew a lot of beer. Actually doing it for about 5 years already? It's much easier to do stuff like this here, because you have better law. Dunno.
Kurwa, zlenic stwastorivowic.
I don't live in Scotland or eat much salmon so can't comment there. Go for it, you'd probably make a killing since the Scottish love to drink beer.
How could salmon be shit in scotland? They have great salmon famous the world over. You must be going to low class shit groceries. Have you tried haggis or scotch whiskey? You sound like a homesick little pussfag crying because he can't get a decent bowl of borscht or glass of rotgut polack vodka.
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I know I would get responses like this. But please understand me. Every bun here is soft, every bread is soft, like for babies. With fucking sugar, for some reason. I miss buns/bread from Poland - chewy, with texture, tasty. At morning, I would just make scrambled eggs on butter, add some salt, and eat it with a good, rye-based bun. Such simple thing, but I fucking miss it so much.

Every supermarket in Poland has those kajzerka/Kaiserbrötchen buns. These are CRUNCHY. Maybe soft inside, but these are simply fantastic, I love 'em.

Here, those are unavaiable. What I am supposed to eat for breakfast? Instead of literal cancer on every shelf?
So bake your own bread, it's fucking easy and dirt cheap.
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Polish company, which bought out German Laschinger, then sold to Norwegians - is literally biggest salmon producer in the world. We are operating mostly on Norwegian fish. I guess sister company gets shittiest fish from shittiest farms, they ,,try" to salvage this failure to cut costs. [spoiler]don't buy at Sainsbury, it's fucking shit, they probably got bribed to even sell our stuff[/spoiler] I did try haggis, it's quite similar to our bloodwurst, breddy good stuff. And yea, I love scotch single malts. Vodka here is russian shitfest in most of places, you can't get decent examples. Why would you drink it even, when there's so much fantastic whisky to try out.

I am definitely homesick, but I do know I need to find out local stuff. I am pretty much autistic redneck, if that makes any sense. I don't get it.

By all means, let's just talk about Scottish cuisine in general, not about me. I didn't intended to be attention whore, enough of blogshit. I am sure folks over here would be interested what to eat here in Scotland.

Currently, Tullibardine is my favourite.
>What I am supposed to eat for breakfast?

Eat an omelette. Eat your precious scrambled eggies with some sauteed mushrooms or potatoes and spinach instead of bread. Eat some porridge with unsweetened Greek yoghurt and nuts. Make a batch of bread rolls once a week and freeze them if you really have to have the same breakfast every single day and can't imagine a world where you might eat something else.

You are coming across like an extremely fussy eater with very rigid tastes who is melodramatically throwing his toys out of the pram and crying about how he'll just have to go ahead and die cancer because he can't get the one type of bread roll that he really likes. There is absolutely no shortage of meat, fish, whole grains, beans, dairy and vegetables in Scotland, and if you can't make a healthy meal because you can't get your special Polish sausage, that's a failing on your part.
It's funny because he revealed himself as an American shitposting. He probably doesn't even realise how he fucked up.
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I am from /a/. And I am Pole. I guess it was my fault getting drunk on Friday, and hoping I would start Scottish cuisine thread instead of shitting it up with my personal experience which is completly irrevelant. I'm sorry.

>Me and my roommates were digging whisky boxes so much we made some display

am I plebeian or gud taste?
Nah fuck off, you're clearly an American making the small stereotypical grammar errors attributed to slavs
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Szkoty biorą mnie za Niemca, /ck/ za gównopostera z Ameryki, rodzime wieśniaki za intelektualistę, miastowi widzą jak mi słoma z butów wychodzi. Jestem wszystkim i niczym. Głównie niczym. AHHHHHHHHHHH
how do they take you for a german if youre a polak?
on topic: meat pies. ever heard of them? try them. try every meat pie you can get your hands on.
You can use Google Translate, good for you
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I don't have typical Polish accent, I do not look like gopnik scum. When I don't shave. I can look like your average Westerner. I started learning English by myself when I was 13 years old; I could communicate with local London ~60 years old gentleman at pub just fine. I suspect family of my mother, which lived in Eastern Prussia could have German connections. Family of my pops is typical low-grade KURWAAA nobility, though.

I did try meat pies, top notch stuff. It literally looks like large pierogi. It's much better than kebab you have here. I can't understand, why kebabs here in UK are served with shitty naan bread? Turkic-style bun is clearly superior.
pole here, he's legit
there's no way google would translate all that properly, especially since there's an untranslatable proverb in there
not him but translate doesn't go into this detail anon, it's legit
I don't give a fuck, he's a LARPing American
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just let it go
this thread was a mistake
I'm already saging every post
I'm going back to /a/
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kurwa stój chłopie, mamy jeszcze szansę uratować ten thread zasierając go pierogami z biedry
As if a potato nigger would know good food.
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czemu mi to robisz ;-; ostatnia Polska familijna restauracja w mojej miejscowości musiała się zamknąć, bo właścicielka miała stopę cukrzycową, i miała amputację stopy. Tutaj łatwiej piguły/zielsko dostać, niż sensowne żarcie. Z chałupy boję się bez harpuna wychodzić, same foki na ulicach.

W sklepie mogę kupić młode ziemniaczki! Z MASŁEM MIĘTOWYM. Kurwa mać.

btw, Szkoci nie znają się na grzybach, lasy są w całości prywatne. Nie można grzybów zbierać. Policja każe wysypywać na ziemię, jak przy. Wpieprzają tylko pieczarki, nie ma nic innego w sklepie.
>Brak kultury grzybowskiej
british cuisine in general doesn't utilise mushrooms anywhere near as much as polish cuisine
few people know the names of particular mushrooms, it's always either "mushrooms" (aka button mushrooms) or "forest mushrooms" (aka literally everything else)
in poland every child knows at least 10 edible mushrooms
>wtf people do things differently in different places

Fuck off nonce
>Every bun here is soft

Are you shitposting? Go to any corner shop rather than a big supermarket and ask for crispy rolls, it's absurdly popular and common.
Wtf did you expect? The majority of your post was a tirade about how awful Scottish food and groceries are, then you ask for advice from the very people you have denigrated. You have the social skills and diplomacy of a Great White Shark.
british cuisine a shit
I live next to a polish shop and I have to agree polish foods are delicious.

The breads, the sausages, the pickled herrings, the canned stuff, the meats and vegetables. Too bad I no longer live near a polish shop now though.
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