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monday night al/ck/ thread

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Thread replies: 328
Thread images: 61

what you

>drinkan to get through the week

>doin to pass the time
>v small baby bottle o wine, got a 4 pack

>probably gona take a nice shower n watch mr.robot
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>unemployed grad
>kill bottles of vodka/wine in a day or two
>get job
>have money to get beer every night
oh fuck
im sipping on two pacifico clara tallboys that i got from the gas station
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still really want a bottle and bepis max.... fuck my life I've got nothing left.
nothing wrong with that, just killed two tall boys myself
You're fine
Just cut back a little
yeah im tryin to be less fat though
i dont eat much and i dont care about sweets its just this fucking booze
>drinkan to get through the week
Water. The occasional root beer.
>doin to pass the time
Exercising and watching Star Trek: Voyager. [spoiler]It kind of sucks.[/spoiler]

>>drinkan to get through the week
Just got a bottle of Glenfarklas 105

>>doin to pass the time
Working and playing Boom Beach, trolling /ck/
Drinking generic Canadian whiskey I picked up from CVS today after work so I would have a drink for the train ride home.
>drinking gin with water because I ran out of tonic water
>dicking around on the internet, was playing some Hearts of Iron 2 / Darkest Hour earlier

It's actually my 30th birthday today so I broke my sober spell.. in half a bottle of gin and 2 glasses of some nice scotch I was gifted.
Tomorrow I gotta stick to my ne regimen of eaten clean, staying sober and working out. For the first time in my life I'm a gym member and it's weird to see how little control I have over my body.
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Pineapple juice, coffee and water. Kill me.
>passing time?
Laying shivering in a pool of sweat, feeling like I can barely breathe, getting itchiness and really sharp stabbing pains all over my feet and legs.
Past midnight. That makes it 7 days into cold turkey from alcohol, lorazepam and seroxat, all at once. ~5hrs sleep total since the start. This isn't nice.
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happy birthday anon, welcome back
Hang in there man. I don't know your drinking history or about withdrawal of those chems but it has to get better.
If you can't bear it go to the hospital.
Thanks dude. I'm still always here though... but tonight is a special occasion... so will be the party on saturday. I even bought gin because it's one of my lesser liked alcohols and here I am... listening to some Tom Waits like some wannabe
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Drinking to pass the time.
Silently hoping WW3 breaks out to liven things up a bit.
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Drinking Smirnoff btw.
nice, what songs
Started with "Better of without a wife", arrived at "Blue Valentines" now..
Restraining myself from raiding the grog cupboards at work.
grog cupboards?! what's in there? cheap rum, lemons and brown sugar?
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drinking 101 to help me sleep

watching shitty shameless after my weekly vids to get me distracted. that being saul, silicon valley, bobs boigers, american dad, etc
I'm unemployed too, but don't drink alcohol or do any drugs.
Do you guys get the shakes? I'm 22 and kinda get the shakes but not as bad as i used to
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well good for you, big boy. congrats
To get through the week
>anything I can get my hands on

>To pass the time
whatever I can get my hands on

19 y/o feels
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Im drinking some naked turtle rum never tried it before but got it because it was cheap for a handle and the lady said that some of my purchase goes on to help sea turtles. At least i get to help someone
>Doing to pass the time
Watching random documentaries on netflix
You'll have to give me a minute, I'll go get a list.
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>no one cared who I was until I picked up the flask
>5 Miller Lite
>1/4 bottle of Cruzan Rum

>Archer/Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
Kraken and Coke. I've missed my old friend
>drinkan to get through the week
water, selzer, coffee... cutting down is tough. I think about booze because I can't think of anything else to do that's fun.
>doin to pass the time
eating a lot more than when I was drinking nightly. Getting more irritable because baby doesn't have her bottle to stop being fussy. Sitting on 4chan reading about anons who are drinking.

What the fuck do people DO?
(people who don't drink every night, and who also don't have friends to hang out with)
uh, raise their kids?
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What im drinking tonight
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Oak Leaf Vineyards.


3 dollars a bottle and gets the job done after one bottle.
this is how I gained 30 pounds
yeah most people at the meetings have kids. Am I a fool for trying to drink less when I don't have any children?

(the 'baby doesn't have bottle' from the post you replied to was not literal. I was referring to my own emotional state and wanting a bottle of alcohol like a baby would want a bottle of milk when they are hungry. It seemed like a fairly common cliche metaphor so I assumed people would understand I wasn't actually talking about a baby sitting on my desk)
lol im there already my friend
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i'm really into rye whiskey lately. this one is surprisingly good for the price.
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this is better for the price
eh, i've had it and it's fine. i prefer the rebel yell, it's a bit smoother.

lel, try 70 pounds here, im a fat fucking drunk
>Was going to go to the liquor store and then little caesers to spend my last $15
>Passed out on the sofa
>Liquor stores closed
I'll get you next time
>be 5'6" 150lbs
>become alcohol
>eventually killing over a liter of vodka per day
>start eating less food
>now 120lbs despite alcohol having loads of calories

Vaya con dios anon
i did this when my girlfriend dumped me
i ate maybe once every 3 or 4 days and was just chugging liquor
i had absolutely no appetite and probably lost 20 pounds
ended up with ulcers that I'm still dealing with
good times
I don't speak tequila
5'7 some decent muscle used to hit gym 5 daysa week play sports start drinking gain 30 lbs up to 200lb now. still some muscle mass, but a lot of fat in my face and stomach. Eat like crazy when drunk which is every night
Apologies for the delay. Work and stuff.

Okay, so, we've got a plethora of whiskeys and rums, vodka out the wazoo, tia maria, baileys, gin, jaeger, absinthe, port, chardonnay, benedictine, malibu, sambuca, and that's all I could be bothered to write down. That and beer and cider on tap, of course.
i had a few bottles of wine laying around so i opened one. i was saving them for a friend but i think its going to be a long time before i see them again so i said fuck it

listening to opie and anthony reruns with patrice oneal
If you stop drinking out of it, will you die?
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>it would be extremely probable
How long do I have to stop drinking before I can "pass" a blood test that is trying to find alcoholism (bilirubin, alk. phosphatase, ALT, TSH) :S

I'm worried my lies to my doctors are about to get totally messed up
You're drunk on rye
Shit, anon, they already know. A decent doc would have called you out as soon as you told them you don't drink much. Doctors see this shit countless times in a career, if you're showing boozer symptoms, they're not gonna assume it's lupus or something.
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true. but if i pass the tests....then he'll have to ignore his hunches : )
You can't undo damage to your liver that fast, it'd be a solid 3 months before the marks of alcoholism would go away.
Stop lying to your fucking doctors.
but they'll take away my glorious klonopin
>take a few kpins with some vodka
>wake up
>entire bottle of kpins is fucking gone
if it was any other benzo id be fucking dead
I've spent 2 months as a security guard and lemme tell ya, I fucking hate every single one of you. Alcoholics are as bad at meth freaks and heroin addicts. God fucking dammit get off the fucking bench where children and families are trying to enjoy the day and get the fuck out. It's fucking 2pm on a Monday why the fuck are you so drunk? How can you manage this? You're as drunk as I've ever been and I just had lunch. Do you fucking sleep? Or do you just drink? Why can't you fucking walk, your friends just did. Why can't you stand up straight? Why did you just fall and crack your head off the cement in front of a little girl and her grandma? Why are you bleeding everywhere? Why do I have to call the ambulance? Why do I have to roll you over and get your blood on me? Why don't you have any fucking id? How did you buy the booze without your id? Why did you make the little girl cry? Why did you ruin my shirt? Why did you just puke all over the paramedic? What the fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just not get shit faced? Why can't you just moderate it? Why can't you just chill the fuck out and be a normal person? Why did your alcoholic friend just tell me that you're HIV positive?
find a nurse practitioner for refilling pills dude. I get xanax and adderall out the fucking wazoo because I dont have to disclose any of my drug habits to them and they dont check outside of blood pressure
>quit drinking in March
>Didn't drink for 1.5 months
>can now drink a beer or two without the urge to get plastered

When does the "falling off the wagon occur? I don't care for alcohol that much.
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eat my ass
Most people consider it falling off the wagon when you get shitfaced next, but thats fucking stupid because anybody who drinks ever inevitably gets shitfaced at some point.
I'd consider whenever you end up back to drinking 6+ drinks a day regularly.
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Sounds like you're too much of a bitch to handle your job, man.
hamms- bought a 30 pack for $14 today
some beef jerky. think i ate one of the moisture packets
family guy the dolphin episode
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>drinkan to get through the week
Canada Club.
>doin to pass the time
Opening the cottage this week
Just over a month sober here. Not through choice, can't get my hands on any unless I steal.

Always drank abusively from the age of around 15, it's fucked me up. Never held down a job longer than 2 months, severely depressed... don't leave house, all I think of is sleep and how I would spend my time if I was drinking.

Lookin for another job... will get one soonish probably but I know I'll probably just repeat the cycle again.

Alcohol has completely took away the ability for me to enjoy anything, or care passionately about anything or anyone and I wish it didn't exist, yet I know I'd be ecstatic if a bottle magically appeared in my hands.
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Coors Banquet
Anyone else left with permanent anxiety and depression as a result of drinking ?
Got my first paycheck in a while, woke up 7!hours after work in my clothes. It's now 1. Did MDMA all weekend. I'm covered in sores.

I still have have a fifth of vodka

The ride goes on
Yes, I do.. To thE point where people notice. You're young, stop now.
Dunno I always had a bit of anxiety and depression before drinking but it does feel elevated now
gym then sleep
was trying to decide whether I should get drunk because I got nothing on tomorrow.

decided why the fuck not, drinking the rest of this bourbon and got beer for later
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Bought 2 shooters of cazadores tequila to replace in my moms bottle that I drank. Bought a $5 bottle new amsterdam from my liquor store. Went to 711 and bought 2 mikes hard lemonade. Feel dizzy but not drunk as fuck. My tolerance is to high.
Every night my man.
Tough break
Finished off a handle of Cutty Sark yesterday morning. Picked up a 12 pack of PBR after work.
Only 4 more hours for liquor sales to open. Im thinking jack and coke for breakfast this morning.
How much you all drink yesterday?
>Wanna go to the store
>Still wait 1 hour after the store opened for the alcohol sale to start
>Sober for like 6 days and not planning on drinking
where do you guys live that you need to wait for liquor sales? Just go to a liquor store
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>didnt feel like drinking for a week
>only had 1 beer
>shit sleep
>shitload of work
>tomorrow evening im gonna go on a 3 week bender

why am i doing this shit to myself
>planning a 3 week bender
Oh no baby what is you doin
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>Why did your alcoholic friend just tell me that you're HIV positive?
This is the funniest shit I've read in a long time
Better question is where do u live where there is not time restrictions on alcohol sales
Baltics, from 10 to 10.
There's a lot of good vidya out.
Although I feel the same thing recently, I've been pretty burnt out. You could try listening to music or watching movies or starting a new TV series.
Or pick up a new hobby like drawing or an instrument
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Both of those are trash. Get pic related
Gonna get me a 750ml of cheap ass skol vodka and drink me a ton of moscow mules and beer. Eat cheap Mexican the next day
3 months sober here. It gets easier. You eventually stop thinking about it as much and it just turns into a slight nag instead of some hyperfocused obsession.
I would date this gril if she dropped the smoking.
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>When your roommate is making you want to start drinking again more than your boredom
I've been up for 30 hours, waiting for the Wendys to open so I can get some burgers and booze
fuck this actually hits home
I drank some last night and today I'm going to see a 3D Imax movie with some friends.
I'm eating eggs, chugging a gatorade, and taking tylenol.

Pray for Mojo
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FUCKING CRAVINGS. I've got 1 week clean, a week of hell, but now I'm very gradually starting to feel better... and feeling better is making me crave like CRAZY. What the fuck man. Fuck OFF alcohol
Are you craving the booze or craving how it makes you feel?
can i do a bump on this blood test question? How long before my live enyzme levels become normal again? I can't drink, so I'm super nervous about it
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Uh, not really sure. Maybe I'm craving all of it. Perhaps I'm just so used to the lifestyle that anything else feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable.
Ugh. Were it not for inevitable and imminent death i wouldn't even consider stopping, but without booze I have fuck all.
You're unlikely to get a pro answer here, esp as it's different for everyone. It's inevitably going to be months though. 3-12 maybe?
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yeah, it's one of the reasons I drink. Which makes it worse. Which makes me drink more. Wew.
It's fucking bullshit they restrict Wendy's burger sales in my state from 1:30am to to 10pm
I believe the best text tox screens for alcohol can only go back 3-5 days. If that is what u want to know
I always get 2
I want some really cold beer and a small cheeseburger. What kind of beer does well near freezing? I usually buy 40oz and it's warm by the end, I'll splurge on some 12oz bottles that might actually stay cold the whole time.
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just woke up, have to work 2-8 might do a few shots before work then get fucked up when i get home
my county, you can sell alcohol at 7AM, but nobody sells until 8AM because they think that is the law. Convenience stores and gas stations only carry beer around here, so you have to wait until 9AM for the actual liquor stores to open. Also, stores close by 10-11PM, but you can sell it until Midnight.
don't know what the point is, you're not really stopping people from getting drunk at night, it's just an inconvenience. You work third shift, you're up at night, go by Walmart in the morning for cat food and want to get some beer, too fucking bad
>tfw sober
Mixed bag of feels. I miss getting plastered alone in my room and passing out in strange places but all in all I'm much happier now. More than anything, I miss the carelessness, not giving a fuck what happened tomorrow, or an hour from now, not caring whether I lived or died, or what std I'd get from going on grindr in the middle of a black out. I miss not planning to live a year, month, week, or day down the line. I miss the utter hopelessness, and the death trip I was on when drinking and using. Now its all bills, work, going back to school, and all that shit. Whatever.
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>he doesn't drink his 40s out of a tube sock
pissed the bed last night, what a fucking douchebag i am
Remove the perfume from your sheets and your kidneys will start working again. Dryer sheets are designed to severely damage kidneys and you must've made the mistake of sleeping in them.
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What do I do with this snot bubble?
give it to someone and run
>beer and wine
Seriously almost nothing else. At least it's not the liquor like it used to be.
For you.
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>planning a 3 week bender
The biggest draw for me with getting hammered was the ability to truly not care about anything and just have perfect focus on whatever you were doing in the moment.
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>"The famed wrestler preferred something stiffer, specifically, “The American,” a concoction that consisted of 40 ounces of various liquors poured into a pitcher. Elwes said that Andre would drink several of these in a single sitting. "I’ve never tasted airplane fuel," Elwes said, "But I imagine it’s very close to what that must taste like. It’s very potent indeed, and I remember coughing a lot. But to him, it was like chugging water.”
Do any of you know how to make an "American"?
Drinking a litre can of Asahi Super Dry I picked up at the asian market today. GF is napping so I'm just watching Frasier and sippin
Is it autistic to collect bottle caps?
wtf do you mean permanent? It don't fix itself anon, drinking or no drinking.
>tfw beer belly

I used to be very fit. Now, I'm a piece of shit with a 40 lb gut. Fucking just wanna cut it off.
shit guys.
I bought something new because i wanted to, and it taste like fucking garbage.
What do
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Sounds comfy
Do it man. Or just start doing heave cardio. I have a beer gut but started taking working out more serious after a while of feeling like shit. Still drinking but not as much and losing weight. Feels good man
pinch your nose
only undrinkable thing I had was some voodoo smoky bacon doughnut drink. tasted like eating charcoal, including the throat fucking up
Give it to me
A comfy, yet temporary, distraction from life
Oh my gosh, what is wrong with you guys? I can't even believe half of the stuff I'm reading in this thread.

Whooowee man, you guys really messed up somewhere.
Fucking Jamaican Captain Morgan is fucking awful.
I used to be so fit just a year ago. Idek how it happend so fast man.

I was eating mile runs on the beach for breakfast now I couldn't jog down the street.

But now, I'm gonna get serious about my fitness. Time to run until it hurts and keep running.
Just chase it. Some kind of chaser will work for you. I've done this with pretty much everything imaginable, just find a second flavor that works for you.
Tell us your story
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Idk about you guys but I only drink when I watch the new seasonal anime. It just makes watching like 3 good shows and 10 ok shows and like 5 garbage shows so much more entertaining. Also I get to get drunk once a week and its nice and comfy.

Currently drinking some cruzan aged rum, heard from a person on here it was good and it was only 13 bucks for a 750. Its actually pretty good. I bet with some orange juice or pineapple juice it would be great.
I know this is bait but just fuck off, seriously.
I drink before I do anything really, but it helps with anime and vidya especially. Movies as well.
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I'd say it is. Here's a picture of my bottle cap collection. The left box became completely full so I had to start a new box.
Made it through another weekend, into week six of sobriety.

Watched my roommate get drunk and stoned and derail game night, which is what I used to do, I took it as a not so subtle reminder from the universe to keep the path.
that shitty feel when on 3rd 40oz and not drunk
Time for the liquor.
I don't keep repeats so my collection isn't that big
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I'm so fucking lonely fucking shit.
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Yeah, I'm a total shut in now. If I do go out it'll be when it's dark, and I'm too anxious to even use shiz like discord. /ck/, /diy/ and /x/ are near-enough the only social contact I get.
I have a pretty old bottle of unfiltered sake, and the rice particulates have started to kind of clump up.
Is this safe to drink or should I pour it through a coffee filter or something?
>and I'm too anxious to even use shiz like discord
I'm the same. This is truly hell
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same. I wish I had a girl who would just put up with me and not give up. Even when I give up. Fug.
>I'm too anxious to even use shiz like discord
>tfw join discord
>text chat is fun
>join voice
>have nothing to say
>every time I make any noise somebody says "OH WHOS THAT"
i hate it.
i want to join voice and have a fun time and chat but i never have anything to say and then get mocked when I do
why? chicks aren't there to make your life better. you're there to make their life better.
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what the hell kind of dumb idea is that? Sounds like something your shit never around mom would tell you.
A 1L box of wine gets me to my happy place without too many next day negative side effects, I just feel like a bum buying a box of wine every day even when I rotate between four stores
buy cases of two buck Chuck from trader Joe's
I do it to enhance my enjoyment of my other hobbies. At the moment, I'm about to start downing some Beck's, ordered Hotbox's pie of the week(double spicy pep, banana peppers) and breadsticks, thinking on whether to play For Honor or to hop on GTA V. It occurs to me I've never done anything but the sneaky options for the heists.
what if you actually get drunk though instead of drinking queer beer
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>tfw never been drunk before

what is it like
incredibly fun but at the price of a terrible hangover the next morning, sometimes you get really manic and angry/cry over shit that is not sad at all when you're sober
kinda fun, then kinda silly, then kinda wild, then kinda uncomfortable, then really really uncomfortable.

Different people black out at different points along that continuum
4hrs of bliss (confident af, music is much better, in fact... just... everything is better) then 20hrs of hell, every day for your short life if you get hooked.
I go to bed when it gets uncomfortable, I don't like drinking around people

it always turns out I don't remember a lot more than I expected to anyway
How do I stop sweats without drinking?
I want to stop but I value my sleep too much.
If there's a chem which will do it other than the dreaded benzos then I don't know of it. Weed makes it massively more tolerable for me though, and meditation if you're able to do it for hours helps a lot too. If you've got a remotely busy schedule I think you're just doomed.
Fuck you nicotine is great
Sweats happen immediately from acute withdrawl (within 48 hours) and full withdrawl (about a week).
Once you make it past the first two nights you've got 5 nights of non-sweaty sober sleep, and then you've got another 2 days where you MIGHT end up in the sweats again.
After that it's free sailing. You just gotta push through it, really.
I can't stand the sound of pus-filled lungs, and seeing a smoker cough up gelatinous shit makes me chuck. After being in withdrawal in hosp I noted how many people were there for smoking related stuff, and how fucking disgusting they were. I stopped smoking immediately, after being a smoker for like 25yrs, and my lungs feel freaking amazing ever since. No problem with nicotine, I'm wearing a patch rn.
benzos or alcohol are the only way to prevent "sweats"

it's pretty simple chemistry, just google it you dumb fuck
Yeah, he's either talking out his ass or about to drink until he ends up in the hospital like I always did. No sane person seriously believes, "Oh, I'm going to stay drunk 24/7 for JUST three weeks and then I'll go back to being sober." Nah, that kind of thinking is more like, "Oh, I'm going to stay drunk 24/7 until something stops me."
>dumb fuck
Why be so confrontational to him? This is al/ck/ not /b/abby
During one of my withdrawal battles, I lived with a woman who had a script to Soma (carisoprodal). They were surprisingly helpful when it came to sleeping and easing the shakes/anxiety. Still sweated like no tomorrow and had nightmares out the ass, but it was better than staying up for days and hallucinating.
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lol kys yourself faggot
Tell him! This is a safe space for kinda gentle wounded hearts to rest and feel comfy :)
I just don't want it to turn into a preteen battleground where kids scream at each other as is the case on /b/. It rarely happens here but when it does the threads are immediately shit.
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>feel good hugbox for retards who can't figure out how to use google
>preteen battleground

reddit is that way friend-O
anyone got some good tunes to listen to while getting drunk and making guacamole
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Ask me how I know you've been here less than a month
check this shit

the whole album really
Homo logic
Where, al/ck/? I dunno how long I've been here. A year of daily i spose? Before then I'd just post pics of my dinner and whatever weed I was smoking. 4chins generally almost 10 years
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Ask me how I know you're lying
There's not much I can do if you just call me a liar, dude.
I don't wanna shit up the thread with more discussion about this stuff. Just please calm it with the bratty /b/-tier shitposting or al/ck/ will cease to be something unique and enjoyable.
nice, liked it
I feel the same way
No kids and booze buzz is better thsn gym buzz
Plus add a good sativa and its coasting
Wtf is more exciting on a tuesday night?
Movies are boring
What was it like arriving post-2010?
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Go back to plebbit if you want a nice thread, shitting up threads is a core part of what makes 4chan good
Pretty great, fart sniffer!

Yeah that guy is nuts. He'll tell you how b vitamins will kill alcoholics and how all chems are instruments of destruction used to make profit for pharmaceutical corps. Come to think of it, David Icke is an alchie. Hm.

Who let the kids into this thread btw, did someone link it elsewhere?

And I hate dryer sheets myself, but this guy is a loon. Use vinegar as your fabric softener. It's great. Also use washing soda in your detergent. Regardless, this hippy dippy shit is just left coast nonsense.
I just use water personally. Cbf with any of it. My kidneys are still rekt though, incidentally. Been pissing blood for 17 years.
I think conspiranon might have just gone nuts after drinking too much. I myself have irreparable brain damage and partial sight loss thanks to booze, plus I get para about the most random shit. as for my memory, holy fuck. Not good.
>no drinks all day
>jogged 3 miles

We are gonna turn this self-pitty train around.
Stop eating carbs. You'll lose weight like a lunatic. 6 months ago I was 225, now I'm 170 and trying to gain weight. Didn't take any effort. Of course, some low intelligence people can't live without their soda or pasta.
Sober since a bender over the weekend. Probably be drinking if I had money but gonna try to use it as an opportunity to break the habit.Shouldn't be able to afford to for two weeks. Living neet right now so could go drink wine or whiskey around the house. Bad idea. Just restless and bored without booze.
Good looks bro. tbqh I think I might be the kind of retard who can't go without bread but I'm gonna give it a shot for the promise of fast weight loss.

went from 5'11 130 just no fat to 180 with massive gut so I'm willing to try anything.
how do i find a nurse practitioner man?
How do ya'll stay entertained quit when you've spent 6 years building a social life only around inebriation. How are new friends made without that common ground?
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE just went to a bar alone. There were Chad's and Stacey's everywhere and I felt like people were laughing and making fun of me. Who lonely here?
Mystery. I haven't made a friend while sober since I was a child, and now I'm trying to quit I can't be around any of the friends I've made as an adult, they're all addicts.
Maybe that's why some people like Agnostics Anonymous so much.
fuck an AA meeting though. Don't want to make friends with a buncha dick heads remembering there glory days.
>A decent doc would have called you out as soon as you told them you don't drink much.
If only. Almost died because one was an idiot who just skipped the part where I told him I was an alkie.

Several doctors apparently don't know alcoholism give pancreatitis too.

>Who lonely here?
Everybody. If we were in a bar chatting with gurls, we wouldn't be posting here.
You weren't drunk enough, alcohol lower social anxiety.
No matter how sad you think your life is, you are nowhere near as pathetic as the folken whose only friends are in AA.

I go to meetings, but I don't hang out with those guys outside of them, with the exception of my sponsor.
I woke up at 3 today
kinda just floated around the house, found out my restaurant isn't opening yet till next week.
sad boy
I'm down to about 5 beers a night. Currently on my 3rd Stag beer. It's a really cheap (my 12 pack was 6.99), but good, St Louis area pilsner.
i'm drinking jim beam and listening to slowdive.
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Day 8.
Cravings becoming critical.
Is staying sober impossible without shitloads of hobbies or a support group?
Every time I tried just taking away drinking and carrying on like normal, I drank again within six months. Doesn't have to be AA or tennis, but doing SOMETHING different is important.
how'd you branch out after?
Not shit loads but of hobbies
but something to pre occupy you.
I'm sitting at 21 days, longest 2 months..
uh I'm just working out a lot now and know I'd feel bad if I drank and ruined it

I did randomly buy a pack of smokes yesterday though so maybe i'm just phasing it out
I'm sorry for so many spelling mistakes I was thinking about drinking and kind of lost my train of thought.
just pick something and fill up your time with that, be vigilant.
i quit for a year and some change, but i was only able to do it because i was legitimately afraid for my health

no aa or support group or anything like that, luckily i have hobbies so that helped. still boring as all hell and without a solid reason to stop other than 'that would be nice if i stopped', probably wouldnt have done it

I feel your comfy. Sipping white wine and casually browsing ck while the wife reads in bed.
For the first few months, don't worry about making new friends or any of that shit. Focus on you, figuring out what you're all about without being drunk. Focus on not getting drunk again, whatever you need to do to do that.

I still hang with my friends who drink, I just don't partake. There's no "elephant in the room" when they drink, we just hang like we used to. Granted, I only hang with the ones who are onboard with my sobriety and won't try to sabotage it. As far as making new friends, I've met people through at concerts, hanging at the river, same shit I used to do, but I keep myself in check when those urges come. I was socially awkward before I started drinking, but I wasn't after I quit and took some time to find myself.
Sounds so lonely and boring. For the best just don't like spending that much time alone waiting for something to happen. What steps you take to figure yourself out, all i can figure to do is work out, try to hobby and sit around the house.
>found out my restaurant isn't opening yet till next week
>sad boy

Why are you sad dawg? You got a restaurant opening man that's legit dude. Most people can only dream of opening their own resturant! Buck up!
>chucks another lottery scratchcard into bin
its not a bad hobby if you don't expect to win
oh shit sorry I should have indicated I'm working at it not the owner. construction delays but yeah I shouldn't be too mad just hate the wait.

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Need advice. Never had on setting seizures before. They came on at work, i had to dip into my after work cocktail "to go." Have had the shakes for a year. Now i'm leveling up. I only lurk you all rarely, so i know some of you know the true fear of dt's. Thanks in adanvance.
Find a doctor. Seriously. Seizures from acute withdrawl are not to be fucked around with and they'll help you with something to reduce the chance of seizures and other withdrawl symptoms.
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He doesn't want help, can't you see?
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>tfw 2nd evening of not drinking in a row
>can't buy beer after 11pm here
>literally hell in my head between 10:30 and 10:55, as I'm mentally debating whether or not I shoud buy alcohol
>dick around on PC in the meantime
>feel relieved when I see it's like 10:57 or something and it's now too late
>know for a fact tomorrow and the next days/weeks/months will be just like this

fml. I wish I had a gf so we could just chill and fuck without me worrying about alcohol
I cant see much no, I'm pretty fucked on a mix of ketamine and beer
(see doctor)
or at least check that
good luck.
try not to die
i'm in the same boat with you brother. stay strong on it.
well whoopie...
Couldn't give a stuff about having a gril, personally. Zero sex drive and can't be bothered generally. I only fap to get testosterone to fuck off and stop hassling me.
I've always loved how instead of getting up and walking away he sits and notices the guy recording him.

just get off the at the next stop with her and fuck her brains outl
I do want help. I would never post here unless i wanted to talk. I've only posted on this site, or any other, maybe two hands of full finger sets worth of count in the 8 or 9 years I've lingered. I only come to ck now since last year. I frequented this board last year, and only skimmed through these threads. I respect the opinion of seeing a doctor. I just don't like pharm's. I understand I'm asking for a quick fix to hold a heathy work reputation, I'm just a scared bitch of trying to quit. I hope this point of withdrawls is a turning point. - post
Taper. Since you're this far you probably can't do it with booze (by that I mean, you personally), and since you sound kinda socially retarded you probably can't do it with "secondhand" benzos.

My two cents.
Damn, i don't know how to reply.
Thanks for the link. I can use the interwebs for search, but as I said, i was looking for advise on this new mode of withdrawl from some seasoned veterans. I'm not quite "green" and I've been on the fast track with vodka. Sobieski is the go-to. Any experience from anyone just dropping the hard to beer so quickly?
If you're getting seizures, there's not much point asking for help here. Those fuckers are scary, my pulse rate was 180 the first night I experienced one. I went to hosp. Valium, some fluorescent IV and some other shit they gave me, made it all a shitload easier. Then, naturally, I went home and got drunk.
Thanks for the subtle response. I have always used alcohol for anxiety. I'm also trying to talk in your tongue "4chan" but I should know better with you folks. It's been awhile since my last visit. I'm usually lit a bit more when i browse, hence the reason I haven't retained details of advise I've seen on here. I'm ready for this online AA
Anyone else have a distinct feeling that at any moment they might start hysterically screaming and panicking, and run at full force to the nearest place they can fucking kill themselves just to escape the petrifying terror?
So the lighting was affecting it. I work in retail atm. They turn the lights of in certain aisles at night (second shift for nights.) I even noticed chewing some sweet mint, maybe stride or orbit, gum increased the oncome. I do understand I'm going to get better and want to go back though. Willpower
I did one time when I was driving cross country and kept crying listening to Life of Pablo.

but It passed and i got a lot of MCDONALDS!
No "tongue," to talk in. You're on a high dosage of a drug, one which causes sever withdrawals upon cessation or major reduction. The doctors will tell you to taper and give you benzodiazepines as well as anti-seizure medications.

You can do it on your own with benzos or pure booze, but making it this far into the rabbit hole means you probably won't have the wherewithal to complete this regimented reduction with your own will, as evidence by your wallowing for life advice on this godforsaken shithole.
realistically you can't do it
so seek actual help instead of a mock AA meeting on a board for losers.
Will I end up like you guys if I keep drinking? I haven't touched hard alcohol drink in years but I fucking love beer pham
Very good link. You saved me some trouble. I'm worried about the up coming days. I may just crush some cayenne tonight, and mix into a water bottle
My sides detached from my body
I understand. It's a step. I'm not "right" as I'm used to. I would usually be hitting it harder. To make up for it, I'm doing something different. Hoping for some abuse or hard love from you "horrible" digenerants. If i wanted to know about how it felt to fuck an animal, I'd ask a farmer. Or just get drunk, but you see what that way has done for me
If you like dear, that's not anything to worry about. If you're drinking a case a night, I hope you hope good income. Harder stuff has more sugar. Affects you're metabolise and tolerance due to that fact. You will put more weight on though with beer.
I'm drinking Green Spot Irish whiskey with a nice cigar. I have a bottle of that and a bottle of Red Breast I'll drink when the Green Spot is through. Thankfully, I can afford 60 bucks a bottle at present. Those days will soon end, though, and I'll be back to drinking two six packs a night.
You don't like nice beer to compliment those?

Actually, I've been drinking a Berliner Weisse from a local brewery before I partake of the whiskey. Funny you should mention that. It's quite tart and a bit lemony and compliments the Green Spot nicely before I dive into it.
Only 2 more hrs until the store opens
What's for breakfast today ?
Not a drinker but i used to have panic attacks, yes.

Usually what i did was running to the next ER and ask them to lock me up somewhere. They never did, though.
>liver failed at 23
>I drank about a 1/5th a day for 3 years with some breaks
>today is my 24th bday
>105 days sober

currently in a sober living home, made some new friends. I still have depression/anxiety moments but at least im not poisoning myself. Shit catches up to you quicker than you think.
Nice. You're doing fine.
>liver failed at 23
How'd you survive that?
Where do you live? Because I'm sure it's not the year 2017. Don't get a girlfriend thinking she'll love you or anything positive besides let you have sex with her. end of story
that only works when it's someone calling for equality and acceptance
It literally doesn't.
Right now:
1 Craft beer
1 slightly stronger bottle of red wine
1 smaller bottle malt liquor

I didn't buy an entire box of strong red wine because I know I should hold back a bit and I always keep drinking when shit is available.
How's life at the sober home, are you staying here for long? Have you found things you enjoy doing?
>>liver failed at 23

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I think I'm going to stop drinking liquor straight so I don't get esophageal cancer before liver failure.

Pic related and coke is good.
Woke up from a blackout in my car infont of my house this morning. Love to drive around the town drunk, but I should definitely stop. Sometimes I fuck prostitute's. Who drink and drive here?

hey cut that shit out fucking immediately
Used to, b& again atm.
One time I lost my car. Blackout af, spent the next week not getting out of bed, then when I did get up, no fucking car in sight. Took me hours of walking randomly around my town before I finally found it parked outside a bar like a mile away, with 2 bags of crack and heroin on the dash plus a half empty bottle of vodka on the floor. Scary shit.
any early morning drinkers here ?
Pretty sure that most start the moment the shops open
>not having proper ppe
>dealing with biohazards
>step ur game up
>tfw drinking and smoking with friends
This is nice.
Post more detailed stories.
>Ill just get a bottle for some light drinking tonight
>Whoops there goes the bottle
Every damn time
I've been drinking excessively for around 8 years drinking the cheapest, nastiest vodka and cider, half-throwing up as I gulp it down and drool into a bowl until I black out, I'm really surprised my liver didn't just say fuck it, and give up.

I was 2 months sober but I decided to drink yesterday...brought 4 cans of cheap cider...tolerance has lessened a lot and still have half a can (I could usually go through 8 8%+ ciders a night, or a full 70cl bottle of vodka).

I'm gonna throw it out though. This shit is not worth it, I feel absolutely disgusting today.
Do pour it down the drain. Now, not "I'm gonna", right fucking now.
>It kind of sucks

you suck!
Day 8.
Right now just getting dressed, gonna buy vodka, not even sure why.
Oh well, here goes.
Post bottle with time stamp
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Just made a thread about ice flakes in my beer then saw this one so I'll delete that then post here.

>tfw there's some ice flakes in your beer
Uh, ok... not sure why you want it, but just got back, gimme a min
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K brb, bender
I'm going to the liquor store soon, what should I buy? I have been only drinking beers the last few months but used to like bourbon!
For me it pretty much has to be Smirnoff, I can't get enough of the filthy, life-ruining, delicious bastard. Get whatever best tickles your pickle I guess, anon
sounds good, I have had a few runins with smirnoff in my day and fuck it
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>didn't drink for 6 months
>yesterday depression became overwhelming
>bought a bottle of wine
>only wanted to have a glass or two to help me feel better
>felt a lot better
>ended up drinking whole bottle and walking to the store for another
>drank that too
>woke up drunk
>that old feeling of panic
>can't remember if I did something stupid
>drunkenly going through phone/internet history, checking to make sure car is still in parking lot, wallet/credit cards are not lost
>everything is ok, can very vaguely remember going to bed after listening to music and watching half a movie
>still can't get rid of horrible feeling
>depressed again but now drunk with nagging dread and trying to keep a hangover away
>spent €80 on beer and shots with friends
desu I can drink 2 bottles of wine and not be very drunk.
You're still ok
that's my whole problem.
I'm a lightweight who has no self-control after a few drinks, and it's gotten me into all the trouble you would expect it to.
I just need to stop forever, but I'm an idiot and I can't seem to learn the lesson. hopefully it will at least be another 6 months before it happens again, and hopefully I won't do anything stupid then either.
Thanks for posting pic. I would have at least 1/2 of that to be gone with in 3 hours. Post progress in 3hrs plz

That 750ml right?
And does €13 mean 26 usd?
Half is already gone, bruh.
Yeah 750ml/75cl.
It's £; pounds, not €uros. The pound plummeted after brexit, its equivalent atm to around $18
What's the difference between a fat and skinny drunk? I can't fathom gaining weight while drinking as much as I do. I'm at 15-20 units a night and everyone is complimenting me on losing weight. Do fat drunks drink less and eat more? Or do they just stretch out their stomachs or something?
I think, for me anyway, that when I drink I tend to get really sleepy and take long naps. The less I am awake the less I am tempted to eat food.
Plus, I think Vodka would be the better choice over Rum and Whisky as it supposedly has less calories per serving.
Drinking causes your blood sugar to drop, making you more hungry, yet it also makes you tired if you drink moderate to large quantities of the stuff. Just my two cents on this.
The only fat drunk I know (well, knew, prison has probably cut off a few stone) is a guy who owns a butchers shop. He could match me unit for unit; up to 90/day, is 52yo iirc, a former boxing tutor and is over 6ft. All he did 5 days a week was eat half his stock while telling customers to gtfo and stop getting in the way of his drinking, while he and I (going back 3-4yrs now) sat in the back drinking Smirnoff and scotch, devouring bbq t-bones and scaring people with his adhd retard of a German shepherd. I miss the good times. He was one of the good guys.
>what was this post about again? Chug.
Sounds close enough to a Long Island Iced Tea. There's ways you can combine random shit and end up with something halfway palatable.

He's in prison now? What did he do?
I went from 115 to 140 after switching from liquor to beer, I don't eat a whole lot but when I do it's usually carbs. It really just depends on the drunk in particular.
skinnyfat here.

I'm 6' 3" at about 195 pounds. I look terrible naked, but reasonably acceptable when I'm in my usual slacks and button up shirt if I'm sucking in.

When I drink, I tend to fry carbs in leftover bacon lard, with cheese involved.

Tonight I've already preplanned my overeating with these carnitas I'm making. I get munchies big time when I drink.
>wat do?
Just stupid drunken shit. Nobody was hurt, nobody was robbed.
DUI, subsequent offense?

You don't get thrown in prison for nothing. I'm sure the guy wasn't a bad person, but I'm also wondering what actually happened.
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60 days and i can drink again
Why do you have to wait 60 days anon
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Night off, on beer 6 out of a 12-pack of Natural Ice. Beer snobs be fucked, it's cheap, cold and refreshing. Great to drink while playing video games and listening to music.

Yes, I am white trash.
4 months sober

you're all losers lmao
You listen to me you little fucker, you just fucking sit tight and fucking listen to me you little fucking bitch.
You're relapsing tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it.
>tfw don't even enjoy getting drunk anymore
>have enough sober days frequently now to actually enjoy waking up free of a hangover
I think I'm gunna try and quit binge drinking alone, boys.
I'm 5'11 and about 153 pounds right now. I drink about a bottle of wine a day and maybe a couple of beers. I don't work out at all and would say that I'm skinny fat. Much more apparent naked obviously, but I do have a slight double chin despite not being a fat guy. I know it's definitely because of all the booze over the years.
I can dig it man: personally i like having a 40 or two of steel reserve if I'm drinking to get a buzz.

Don't get me wrong though, i love a good craft wheat, ale, or lager: but sometimes drinking isn't about the flavor
I forgot to add that I used to drink as much liquor as I could daily, but I don't do that anymore.

Kek. Genius

Nothing is worse than UV Fresh Cut Grass. Tasted like how ladybugs smell when you smush them

Nothing is worse than UV Fresh Cut Grass. Tasted like how ladybugs smell when you smush them

This. Their pinot grigio is dope
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Cavs vs Boston tonight. Having craft beer and whiskey coke. Been a functional for the better part of 4 years. Moderation and early bedtimes have worked well.

>sometimes drinking isn't about the flavor

yea... "sometimes"
This will probably be my last post in these threads. Give me a good reason to continue too or at least lurk more. I don't think you can

Brandy out
Damn the pound really went to shit.
Woish I would have shorted it.
You're not an alcoholic gtfo
Best wine
I usually drink 10 16oz beers a night sometimes less. I'm fine with the weight thing since I'm 180 and skinny fat but I workout to offset all the calories I get from beer.
I forgot to mention I drink on the weekends or long weekends only. Weekday drinking really isn't my thing.
I'll drink about 18 rolling rocks a night for about 6 years now. Accoasionally I'll get a fifth of rum and drink that instead. 5'9 150 lbs
>tfw fell down the stairs
>black eye, swollen lip, foot hurts like a bitch
>all my friends think I got hit
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