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What the fuck am I supposed to make with boneless chicken for a week?

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What the fuck am I supposed to make with boneless chicken for a week?
boneless wings
You mena sauced tendies
Bake it and use for meals throughout the week.

For me it's:
>olive oil
>garlic powder
>smoked paprika
>ground ginger
>salt n pepper
>bake at 350F for about 25 minutes

Now, when you're too lazy to cook (so every day), you've got meat ready to add to almost anything.
Pound thin, dredge in flour, coat in italian breadcrumbs and parm cheese if you have any.

Get pan, add marinara sauce, add chicken, add more sauce, cheese, bake.

Enjoy your chicken parm faggot.
Slice each breast like you would butterfly something but do it all the way so you have two even halves of breast but thinner.

Salt and pepper each side as well as italian herb each side as you like.

Heat the pan a notch above low heat for a min, salt the pan just a pinch. Oil the pan with a few dabs here and there.

Put chicken breast in pan til each side is cooked, moving chicken around occasionally so to not stick to pan. Feel free to apply butter also to prevent chicken from sticking. You do not want that chicken to stick but you also do not want to drown chicken in butter.

Cook chicken with whatever chopped veggies you want and enjoy. Easy meal and you can easily build off of it.
What would I add it to though? And it's too late to bake today.
WYNGZ* you deceptive piece of shit
Slice chicken breast WITH THE GRAIN.
Cook on a pan
Make mashed potatoes.
Enjoy the easiest, best tasting meal you ever had.
Put it in a stir fry
Make some orange chicken
Make some tendies
Shove them up your ass
with the grain? what grain? I don't even know how to make mashed potatoes, I'm pathetic.
Which way is with the grain?
>he doesn't eat chicken breast and broccoli everyday
Never gonna make it brah
FUCK! I forgot about stir fry.
Grilled Chicken w/ Vegetables
Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken
Indian/Thai/Japanese Curry with Chicken
Chicken Stir Fry
Chicken Ramen

Fried Chicken
Chicken and Waffles
Chicken Sandwich
Chicken Katsu
Chicken Parmesean

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more. If you're gonna fry it make sure you brine it before hand or it's gonna be stringy.
place 1-4 chicken breasts on a paper plate. Microwave on high until done in the center, sprinkle some salt and eat. Yum.
fuck all of you.
>chicken and rice
>fried chicken breast
>chicken tenders
>buffalo chicken sandwich
>teriyaki chicken
>chicken alfredo
>lemon pepper chicken
Dump some spices, salt, pepper, and a pat of butter on it and cook it at 350F for an hour
Make a side dish and vegetables
Boom, a meal

Taking a shot in the fucking dark here, but probably something with chicken.
>fuck all of you.

Buy me a drink first.
Throw a potato in the oven and saute up some vegetables with it. Cut it up and put it on a roll for a sandwich. The only limit is your imagination
Flatten the chicken with a rolling pin between two sheets of wax paper. Heat up some butter and olive oil in a big pan. Dredge the flattened chicken in flour and cook it in the butter for about 2-3 minutes per side. Remove to warm plate. Deglaze the pan, reduce it down, add some parsley and lemon juice, maybe some capers, pour that over the chicken, serve with rice...

That chicken also makes a fantastic sandwich if you have any leftover...
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Do this. Then use your imagination.
>Deglaze the pan

Retard here, would you mind explaining how to do that? Is it necessary to use wine and set the motherfucker on fire? Sounds pretty good otherwise. Thanks senpai.
put bones in it
All meat is muscle and muscles are made of long strands of fiber-like-stuff. Normally you cut against the grain, which means you cut perpendicular against the grain. Cutting with it means cutting parallel.
Only one mention of brining in this thread, and it doesn't give details so I'll put it here.

Have you ever been to Chik-Fil-A? Do you know how absolutely tender and fiber-less their chicken is? That's due to brining, and it's a great addition to literally anything you're doing with chicken breast. Throw some butterflied chicken breasts into a quart of water with 1/4 cup of kosher salt and 1/4 cup of sugar. Let it sit for 2-6 hours (more if you'd like), and then bake or fry or grill as usual. Removes the stringiness or fibers from the chicken and makes the texture amazing.

I did it the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was honestly the best chicken piccata I've ever had. Speaking of, if you're looking for a great recipe, try a lemon chicken piccata with brined chicken breast and have your mind blown.
breaded chicken, chicken Pad-Thai, saute chicken with vegetables, teriyaki chicken, make a chicken sandwich, chicken Parmesan

like come on OP, look up any of those recipes online
what about for a three person family?
rip brah, may zyzz bless my tendies
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What's the problem faggot? us /fit/izens eat chicken breast literally every day
>what kind of flavors do you want fampai
>none for me please as I only see food as sustenance and fuel for my gains
>proceeds to have a sub 1000 total
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What a miserable existence that must be
>fit recipe
>steam least flavorful cut of chicken with no salt or spice
>repeat with 2 green vegetables
>repeat with a starch
>for desert a metabolic steroid smoothie
>water for beverage

grill em and then roast brussel sprouts in the morning to go with them bonus points if you roast the sprouts with a bunch of garlic and jalapenos
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I'm a /fit/izen too but I don't leave my chicken plain as shit. I make Tikka Masala (pic related), Honey Glazed, Terikayi, etc.

How can you just eat plain chicken breasts?
Season it a bit. Bake in the oven (or slow cook it like I do). Boil some rice. Steam some broccoli.

There you go, chicken broccoli and rice. If you're clever you can get a week's worth of food in a few hours. Lots of protein. Maybe even throw some black beans on the side. Take a multivitamin to balance out your micro-nutrients.

Literally this. Honestly you guys make cooking so difficult sometimes.
Cut them into strips, dip them into egg, and coat em with ground up frosted flakes, then bake in an over untill golden.
brine in chicken stock with a few crushed garlic cloves and some parsley

I'll never understood this. There's no reason not to go nuts with herbs and spices, so why don't they? I heard somebody say he doesn't use "seasoning" because it has too much "sodium". I guess they referred to some premixed spice blend that has a shit ton of salt in it. This is as stupid as buying pre shredded cheese or loose lettuce mixes in bags and using garlic powder instead of fresh garlic.
I ended up with 5 terrible quality chicken breasts this week, like the fat fucking titty kind. I just marinated them in homemade teriyaki and made a huge batch of stir fry with carrots and broccoli to serve over rice. It's going to be dinner every night this week.
Homeboy is probably in the "I need to get my macros and micros perfect and can only do CBR" phase of his fit journey. We've all been there.
But how does not adding spices or at least herbs make it better?
>There's no reason not to go nuts with herbs and spices, so why don't they? I

Because they don't know how to cook. They think that the only thing which might possibly add flavor is a high-calorie unhealthy sauce. They have no idea that they can add flavor without affecting macros or calories via herbs/spices and cooking techniques.
This, and laziness. When you're just using food as fuel for GAINZ it's easy to not care about it tasting super nice. I still have CBR+cauli every night, but I do season it.
Believe me it's a weird state of mind, he probably took one or two motivational images/posts about food too seriously.
>it's easy to not care about it tasting super nice.

That's the part I don't get though. Why wouldn't you want it to at least be palatable? I understand that /fit/izens don't want to drench their food in a high calorie sauce. I also understand that they might not know or care about cooking. But what's wrong or difficult with at least seasoning your food like you mentioned? A container of a simple herb blend could make a massive difference in taste without affecting macros at all.
To be honest baked chicken on its own isn't disgusting. If you *really* don't care it's easy to deal with the minimal flavour. I get it though.
Marinade them in adobo sauce, then roast them.
Also, make some chicken pilaf too.
This here OP, boneless chicken is so easy to prepare for stir fry. Save for the downtime hours, I stayed busy at that stir fry station with all the students wanting a plate. Just get some fried rice and veggies and you'll be set for multiple plates.
a chicken noose
thats exactly what he means.
i want so badly to know what keeps WYNGZ from legally being wings
If you have rice you can make tikka massala and curry chicken.
> white rice

Never gonna make it
Curry erry day.
butterfly em
pan fry em
chicken sandwiches for days
>loose lettuce mixes
what's wrong with this it's much easier then preparing lettuce myself also don't always have access to my kitchen so speed is a factor for me
Why do people buy breast when thighs are cheaper, have more flavor and and don't have a tendency to become dry as fuck when cooked?
any liquid will do depending on the taste you're after

broth works fine
Hit one with a meat tenderiser until its flat and equal, then make chicken parmesan
Maximize cal/protein ratio and my grocery store doesn't sell boneless thighs
You can debone a thigh in a minute or less and then use the bones to make stock.
>Grilled chicken
>White rice
Damn nigga, are you me?
What the fuck am I looking at? That isn't dinner.
cook em, cut into strips, add to ramen soup, add an egg. stir. Ghetto dorm room meal
Your mother can suck 80 black cocks a minute aswell but wtf has that got to do with cal/protein ratio
you can use any liquid you wish, most start with a some wine and then add chicken stock then reduce by half and then usually use butter to thicken it up and to add richness, or you can just use stock, water, any kind of juice, some people even use beer.
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>white rice

pick one
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