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What is the best soup of all time, and why is it split-pea?

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What is the best soup of all time, and why is it split-pea?
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Notice the file name.

Jews steal everything.
Thursday night supper of Sweden and Finland.
love pea soup, seafood chowder, lentil soup, minestrone

god damnit
I like Matzo Ball Soup (that's the name in America deal with it) but it literally is just Chicken Soup with a big ass spongy dumpling in the middle.

No. One is made with bread, the other Matzo. They're not the same, even though Jews claim this is "their" cuisine. It's not. It's a bastardization of German culture, like their pidgin language: Yiddish.
Literally no one cares you autist.

Matzo Meal basically has the same exact properties as bread.

You also sound like a fucking SJW whining about "cultural appropriation." The people who invented the original dish are all long dead who gives a shit who eats it?

Bread and matzo aren't anything alike. One is a cracker, the other bread. Matzo has no eggs, oil or yeast in it. It's just flour and water. Nigger tier cuisine. Even saltines have paprika and salt sprinkled onto them for flavor. Maztoball soup is a cheap knockoff of Knodelsuppe. Period.
That is some fucking top-tier taste in soups, my good chum.
>everything I don't like is autism

Post discarded.
I am not a fan of seafood, but I love me a good New England clam chowder. Rhode Island style is fine as well. Manhattan style can fuck the fuck off. Also love lobster/crab bisque.
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French Onion is the correct answer. Split Pea is boss though, but still not as good as split pea and ham.
I've always been a fan of cabbage soup.
People make split-pea WITHOUT ham? I always assumed it was a key ingredient.
It's not implied. Split pea soup can and does exist without ham.
You're right, it's SJW bullshit not autism.
That's why you add Eggs and Fat to Matzo Ball Mix.

But good job proving that Matzo Balls and Knodelsuppe are two different foods.
>I always assumed it was a key ingredient.

It is. But people fuck up cooking all the time, so....
How do I make split pea soup? Where di I buy split peas?
You have to buy peas and split them by hand.
Get whole peas at the grocery store and cut each one in half.
>>How do I make split pea soup?
A traditional recipe would be something like this:
Cook some bacon in the bottom of your soup pot. When the bacon is done take it out and sweat your vegetables (onions, carrots, celery) in the bacon fat. After the onions go translucent put the bacon, split peas, a ham bone, and some stock into the pot. Bring to a simmer and cook until the peas fall apart and turn to mush.

If you don't have a ham bone you can use a smoked hock or some other smoked pork product.

>Where di I buy split peas?
I have no idea where you live, but in the US you'd find them in any supermarket. they're very cheap.
>but in the US you'd find them in any supermarket. they're very cheap
I don't have to split them myself then?
Its easier if you have the Ronco splitter 2000.
If you want to half-ass it, sure.
I bet you use pre-shredded cheese too.

No, they come pre-split in a bag.
Split pea, French Onion, Clam Chowder, Pho, Potato soup, Roasted tomato, all god tier

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That's not tom kha gai
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That looks like a hobo threw up swallowed it and re threw it up again.
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lol at all these retards contesting split pea soup

This board is pure cancer.
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For me, southwestern soups
I don't know about best of all time, but split pea soup is close. Such a great comfort food on a cold winter night. I make it with smoked sausage and onions cooked in the sausage grease.
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>no pho
>no sopa de ajo
>no bun bo hue
>no tom yum
>no bak kut teh
>no tomato basil
>no caldo de pollo
>not even fucking ramen
french onion is god tier soup
Avgolemono chicken soup. You can't get more simple, rustic and feelgood than that.

Lentils are a contender as well. Semi related but I made Sopa de Ajo recently and was let down despite my expectations that I will love it since I love garlic. The soggy toasted bread texture/mouthfeel just abhorred me.
Split pea is ultimate poorfag survivor soup thanks to all the protein.
Saved a ton of lives right with kraut (vitamin C).
hell yea split pea
You can also substitute smoked turkey, but ham is traditional because the British conquered most of the planet on split pea soup and salt pork.
>Where di I buy split peas?
What planet, continent, and political subdivision do you dwell within, fellow human? For those subunits within the central North American continent of Earth, you may go amongst the Walmartians to purchase splitted peas.
I'm not merkan. I'm sure they're here too though, just never really bothered looking.
Nothing beats a good borscht
clam chowder
>I let way food looks keep me from enjoying it
How does it feel to have the mentality of a 7-year-old?
Ive tried this canned and it was mealy, yet thin and bland.
Obviously the real deal must be better but I just can't imagine it being that good
True. Wet bread sucks. Maybe just put a crouton on top. It can be eaten quickly enough to where it won't go slimy.

It's fucking amazing if made correctly. Most canned soups are utter shit, that's a completely worthless basis of comparison.

When I make it my first step is to cook a few "beer butt chickens" and pig's feet on the grill. I pick over the chickens and separate the meat. The carcass of the chickens & the pig's feet are used to make the stock, and the chicken meat gets added in near the end of cooking.
this is bad bait. french onion is bomb and easier to make
That looks like weeb curry.
This is not a good thing.
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Clam cowder any style
>chipped plate
>unwiped plate
>no garnish on absurdly large rim

2/10 would not eat
Thanks m8! I always mix jalapeño in my minestrone too

Someone said lemon rice soup? Just googled it.. Looks like its worth a try
Well, good thing it tastes like motherfucking split-pea soup, then.
korean cuisine has a pretty good variety of soups.
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How is adding eggs and chicken grease to sawdust (Matzomeal) the same as adding extra eggs to leavened bread? Also, ones Kosher the other isn't.


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Any asian soup.

My favourite is Laksa.
you talk like my friend's brony exgf
French onion
Matzo ball
Clam chowder, NE style only
Split pea
Coconut chicken
Fresh chicken and vegetables are also god tier nonspecific soup
Pork-cabbage-filler vegs-sour cream-fresh garlic
Boiled baked fermented lentil broth
This guy/girl knows things.
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Does ramen count as soup, or just weebfood?
Had it for the first time last week, it fucking amazing.
>eating pig feet
what the fuck?? are you a korean
What's a Swedish version? Has lingonberries in it?
Don't be so sure. I'm stuck in eastern Asia and the only dried peas they sell are the really tiny sweet ones that they use as a dessert.

Yes, really.
the more butthurt you get the more he'll call it matzo to trigger you autistic stormnigger
is gumbo a soup?
>everything I don't like is autism

I'm diagnosed aspergers and spent a while in special schools for aspergers and believe me sir you are way beyond aspergers.

None of your or his/her crying discredits anything I've said. How embarrassing.
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I think it tastes rank but it's great the more people you intend to feed.

Swedish army has it once a week, does it in a yuge pot for 100 people at a time.
oxtail is the best soup
If you see some cockroaches be sure to throw money at them to ward off their magic
That might be entering the stew realm, but done well is amazing.

Personally white bean, ham hock, a solid stock topped with parsley, a grated hard cheese and black pepper is my winter go to.
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