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how does /ck/ like their steak?

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how does /ck/ like their steak?
in my belly
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Blue rare, rare if the restaurant doesn't serve it.
Anything above medium-rare is for faggots, and even medium-rare is pretty close.
if you're gonna eat blue rare don't even bother with the fucking pan, just eat it straight out of the packaging

eat shit, and die.
I like mine well done and served with ketchup
With almost any kind of cut, I'd agree.

When it comes to a filet, blue rare is going to be the one you want, 9/10.
Depends on the cut and how fatty it is.
medium because I'm not a barbarian, and if I'm at a nice restaurant medium rare because I know they will usually cook it a tad above that
Medium rare
Well done, with ketchup
Medium rare

All who dissagree don't deserve to be on /ck/

Filet mignon has no fat content ergo no flavor. I despise this cut of mest unless smothered in bernaise or prepared as chateaubriand.
Unironically well done.
Like most people.
well done. Why would I pay for something to undercook my food?
Well done. It's meat. Meat has to be cucked. With ketchup. Or ranch sauce. Try it. It's surpsingly good.
Cooked* Fucking autocorect.
Finally an anon who understands.

Cooking it myself? Between rare and medium rare. In a restaurant, medium rare.
I don't give a shit as long as it's not fucking raw all the way through.
>not being a barbarian
lmao fgt

rare is always the way to go. blue rare is obviously acceptable too but I'm for rare.
>Unironically well done.
>Like most people.

>Unironically well done.
>Like most flyovers.
Cooked and on a plate with a side dish or two.
Depends on how much I trust them to cook the steak properly. I order medium to see what they think that means.
What? Flyovers are more likely to want their shit raw than a non flyover. Well all I can speak for is the east coast, specifically New York. I don't know about the West coast.
I cook mine medium. I don't understand all the well done and rare fags. Rare has no flavour. Well done has no flavour and is too tough.
Basic but
Garlic powder, onion powerder, salt, pepper
Medium/Medium rare
At least an inch thick (1.5 is perfect), well aged or at least well seasoned, with a good crust on it, as rare as possible with that browning, and with some marbling, or even a bit of gristle... so, not necessarily tenderloin.
This is why I order rare at new places. At worst I get medium, which I'm perfectly ok with. At best, I get rare, which is what I ordered. If by some freak accident I wind up with a perfectly garlicked-up, seared-to-death-on-the-outside Pittsburgh Blue, all the better.
Well done, with spicy potatoes.
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I want to try and do this oven first method. Anyone verify that this is a good technique?

depends on the cut but basically anywhere from blue rare to med rare. the blue rare is for tenderloin only. shit's got no fat and anything past rare is just like eating sawdust to me.
I believe thats called reverse searing. I dont like it personally. Id rather sear the meat in the pan before finishing it. I feel like you develop a better, even crust.
I actually eat fillet raw on occasion with just some seasoning
Medium rare.
If you like it more than medium, you should go away as soon as possible.
>I believe thats called reverse searing.

>I dont like it personally. Id rather sear the meat in the pan before finishing it. I feel like you develop a better, even crust.
meh, I don't really care about how others like their steak, unless they're close friend or family I like then if they like it past medium I try to get them to taste a more rare steak just once because I believe not that it somehow tastes better, but because it's got a better texture
medium rare or rare.
Somewhere between medium-rare and medium, with a nice Bearnaise sauce
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Well done
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