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al/ck/oholism general, OP's 24th burfday editon pls recommend

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al/ck/oholism general, OP's 24th burfday editon

pls recommend movies to watch for >tfw drunk and alone, preferably animated
Transformers (1984)
The Phantom Tollbooth

Drink for your birthday, but try to get sober Anon.
5 Centimeters Per Second
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Pink Floyd: The Wall

Should cheer you right up m8

Happy burfday!
thanks, I might watch the phantom tollbooth, trailer looks decent

thanks but I'm not here to get >tfw
What kind of newshit doesn't know how to greentext? Suck a dick, op.
>no alcohol for 7 days
>spend those 7 days thinking about drinking alcohol

my mind has been tainted, i hate this shit
Go to bed grandpa
Didn't drink last night. Should I have a couple glasses of whiskey before bed?
Good movies is good movies, and I only saw one of those in the theater.
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Day 11 without drinking.
>drink for your birthday
>try to get sober
kek, i like you
I love the wall. i've haven't seen the movie though.

OP, I have Hulu. When I'm drunk and alone, I always enjoy timeless Disney movies to cheer me up. Hulu has things like Hercules and Mulan. Not sure if you have Hulu though, (though I am sure you have the internet so you can get any movie you want regardless). Try Monsters Inc. or Ice Age. Those have always been fun for me. Or if you want actual cartoons, snow white, hunchback, or alladin. do alladin. alladin is fucking great. the music, the message, jafar, it has it all.

its 06.38 in the morning here, just woke up after to much weed and vodka last night

I have three beers left and liquor stores doesnt open til 10.

Just have to make it
kek you losers are pathetic

>waaah my first world white people problems, I need to drink all day :(

Kill you'reselves
>preferably animated

you're an adult that wants to watch a cartoon?

watch glengarry glenross you pussy
how about just one and drink it slowly. ought to be enough.
You legit sound like a child in a playground.
/ck/ is shit since /co/.
>Kill you'reselves
That's what I'm doing you top dumbass
>preferably animated
thanks for bringing your cultural marxism to the last good board on 4chan, /co/

top kek

Why is everyone such a manchild these days?
Why are you posting here? You're just a pest, it's embarrassing watching the virgin bratrage in /ck/ of late. You've got people here in their 30's, 40's, 50's, we're not interested in your 'my dad is better than your dad' mentality. Go buy some sweets and play with your action figures.
Fucking April 1st. It infected the board with /b/-tier shit. Imma go hang out at the bar for a week and hope it dies down. Peace al/ck/ regs.

Who are you actually speaking for? why would a fucking drunk like me give a shit how old you alcoholic pieces of shit are?

fuck off to the bar and choke on yourself
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>19 days sober
>noticing digestion issues i didn't have when guzzling 40s and pints of vodka all of the time
>uncomfortable bloating followed by demon-breath gas at night
>weak shits, sometimes non-existent, even with powerful dose of coffee in the morning

are these signs of some lasting damage? colon issues? i never had dark shits or bowel control problems when drinking, though a few times over the years of being wicked drunk and going to the toilet for a huge dump were jubilant.

i miss my diuretic.
because of the jewish agenda
It was my 25th birthday on april 3rd. Happy birthday anon! I hope you could find some fun movies. I was alone as well but it's getting better. And it will get better for you, too.
So infinity chans suicide board is dead, where can I go now?
Alternatively, would you hypothetically get drunk before doing partial suspension hanging?
Talk to us, anon. Let us know what's going on, we're here to help whenever you need it.
do a flip
hehe, no tall buildings around

nothing much really, it's just I'm too much of a loser and that's why I'm ashamed to live. I'd rather die than live with what I am and have become, I see it as a re-roll in an RPG. It's arrogant and narcissistic, but I just want better than I got, I tried to change and work to improve myself, but so much depends on who you were born.
Now, I don't feel sadness or any other strong emotion and that's why I think I finally have a chance to succeed. I'd drink, but I'm afraid it would make me not give a shit and I would chicken out for now
You know that when you reroll, you're maxed by your current stats, and you spawn in India?
It's not the best server to play Outside, way overcrowded.
Are you telling me that I will never poo in loo again if I off myself? Well that changes things, thanks for saving me, anon
>Had to take a test in topological vector spaces class
>Couldn't drink or do sudokus yesterday

God damn it, why can't I just have money so I could do sudokus and listen to tunes and drink all day without having to worry about this
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Any of you guys ever have moonshine?

How close would pic related taste?
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Taxi driver
Lost in Translation (with Reddit Murray)
All of infinity is down atm, has been hacked on April 1st, should be up again soon.
Some boards are already up
>>8768688 (check)
Yes but posting is disabled so they're all in the same state as they were 3 days ago.

To stay on-topic I recommend the movies "Shrink" and "K-PAX"
>tfw didn't feel like walking to the liquor store and turned back halfway
I'll be pissed off for the next 4 hours, all because I'm too lazy to fuel my addiction.
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There's a place from 6am to 9pm literally 20 seconds from my bed, and a 24hr place 3 mins walk away. Feelsconvenientman.
Dealing with withdrawals. Heart Rate is super annoying, trying to get sober. How do I deal with it outside of more alcohol?
So after a nearly 50 day streak of sobriety, I went out with a group of friends yesterday and got pretty drunk. And you know what? Nothing bad happened. I enjoyed about 6-7 drinks. Felt like shit from being hungover. And have no urge or craving to keep drinking.
Benzos will help a LOT.
Weed might help a bit.
That aside, nothing, you just have to hope to not die.
I'm not that far into being an al/ck that I'm worried about dying. My only symptoms ever have been just the heart rate.
>move to US for University
>suddenly underage
I want to die.
Looks like you'll have to make some friends and take up social drinking.
I've been there, I just drank a lot of energy drinks and went to as many parties as possible.
I can't even drink properly anyomre. My stomach urts too much to drink fast enough. :(
I like to mix cheap tequila with energy drinks, preferably off-brand but recently Monster because it's what's available and red bull is a little saltier and twice the price. Thoughts?
first time poster here
gonna make this my main general starting now
started drinking everyday since last week
gonna keep doin that until an hero

so why are you an alcohol anon?
Life is trash is why. I've been NEET for 10 years.
sounds like you're a pussy ass nigger
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Became convinced aged 15 that I had cancer. Told mobilelard, concluded (before the Internet) that I had a year to live. Went nuts, drank a lot, did a lot of drugs, commit a lot of petty crimes, got kicked out of the family home aged 16, bought a car for £30, lived in that for eight months - all the while drunk, and driving with no license. Arrested for drink-driving, arrested for 100 other things, took precisely 0 exams, so I moved in with a friend, left on his sofa. In that time, learned how to use computers (back in the late 90's when nobody knew how to use the Internet or even what it was) and built porn sites. Moved into my own place hundreds of miles away from home, shit area, got involved with dodgy people; criminal gangs and the like, became addicted to crack and heroin. Couldn't stand that lifestyle anymore, moved again to a different area, by this point I've made enough money from the sites to buy my own house, began daytrading, selling on eBay and some other online stuff, found 4chan in 2007, posted daily, found this thread, posted this.
Legit my life story. Missed a few instances of violence against me, stabbings, robberies, hospitals, police, loving and losing her, drug-related stuff and some other crazy shit, but that's my last 23 years in a nutshell. I've been drunk constantly the entire time, but for 3 inconsequential, barely relevant sober gaps which were never gonna last.
Brb chugging like fuck. I'm depressed now having just typed that.
Wtf man. Autocorrect you crayzay.
I don't understand the issue. You own a home and make "sit at a computer" money. You completely stabilized at a younger age than most people here after a horrific childhood. See a doctor, get lexapro and stop whining faggot
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I've seen just about every Doc in the county, fuck all helps. I earn sod all now, I sold my sites, I'm just getting into more and more debt. Plus I'm going blind n' shizzle due to alcohol-induced brain lesions, and have maybe a decade to live. Worst of all, I lost 'her'. Sobriety can get fucked and so sir, can you.
since I'm new and don't know if this is pasta or not
sounds like you're a sociopath
maybe you should consult a psychatrist
ever thought about that?
all in all it sounds like you know your shit
you're obviously smart
nvm this >>8770423
havent read >>8770418
well try replacing the alck with some benzos
(worst advice ever but fuck it)
Addicted to both benzos and booze right now, anon.
I think I could kick them if I really wanted to. Problem is that I really don't want to. Sober life is fucking awful.
Imma get me a doge soon. A German shepherd pupper. I think the responsibility of owning such an awesome dogger might provide some much needed motivation, so maybe just maybe I'll live to see 50.
listen man motivation is for fucking pussies
discipline and self dominance is the key
you have to force yourself to do normie shit and take care of yourself etc.
booze and drugs are just blue pills for the weak (i'm the one to speak)
make a plan to solve your current plans and fucking stick to it
i know the feel when you lose (her)
there is still hope if you try
shit man you're old you should know this shit
the shit
out of yourself
current problem* (debt and shit)
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I like this. Been wanting to watch some of the older ones like Pinocchio or however the fuck you spell it. cause of the music. Ive always looked up what genre it was but I can never find out what it is.
Do you work? Ive always wanted to wake up early and drink all day long after a gym sesh but I can never get myself to.
hit it pretty hard the last couple of days. Haven't done anything all day but nap and watch shitty comedy movies. At least I made some eggs and feel a lot better, now I just gotta chug down some water
Check out Phantasia. Pretty comfy as well.
I haven't had anything to drink since Saturday.

When will the cravings become unbearable?
Are you getting paid to take maths tests?

Yeah, it's not obvious, it's sneaky.
You drink once, it's OK.
You do it again in a month. And again. And slowly you go back to how you became an alkie in the first time, only faster. Only takes a few weeks, months maybe.
Each time you fall of the wagon you fall harder.
job interview tomorrow
may go in slightly drunk
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how about some drinking songs, fellas?

Whiskey Before Breakfast
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You'll probably end up the scum who dive into the loo to search the poo for loo(t)

so 4 loko but tequila, interesting
Don't senpai, do it for yourself

its hard man..

Paths of Glory is so fucking good, it may be my favorite war movie of all time. Not an alcoholic tho.
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I'm certain beer is absolute piss and anyone saying otherwise is a peer pressure victim. What might convince otherwise?
not being such a cunt about it
im not saying you need to try beer im just saying not to be a fag about it
Are you talking about the piss or the peer pressure part? Also if you're feeling generous enough to share your knowledge about beer with an insipid homo-cunt, then be my guest.
When you get older, you'll change your mind

Bitterness becomes more appealing when you age
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poverty box
The funny thing is, I enjoy bitter things more than sweeter, softer things. Like rye over bourbon and 90% dark chocolate over milk chocolate. Posting here, I was hoping that "experts" could give me some brands to try, because honestly, I feel like I'm missing out, having judged beer by the few brands that I tried.
Beer is localized
We can't give you brands because it depends on where you are.

Try wheat beers.
Or anything called a "red"

Pretty much avoid anything called a "lager". Those are the stereotypical "piss beers"
I'm in switzerland btw, so maybe I can try some german brands.
Grave of the fireflies

No I'm getting paid a bit to be in uni
First drink in 3 days. This whiskey tastes nice. Planning on taking it easy tonight, though.
Just kicked a jameson habit because I was pissing off everyone around me, what can I substitute it for to not hate those people I stopped drinking for
If you stopped drinking for others you'll start back up again, possibly blaming it on them.
always interesting to hear from you, sounds like you've had quite a life, even if it's been a shit one, sorry your last attempt at sobriety didn't take

chugging along with you
Eh, I'm gonna try my hardest to stop. I'm a week sober and that's the plan for the definite future just looking for something to keep my brain busy.
sunflower seeds, dip, vaping, video games, dare I say it.. exercise?
whoever recommended high west rye fuck you. it's complete shit
Already vape, video games and somewhat excersize. all in all my life isn't bad just kinda boring. Alcohol just kinda felt like adult time.
Perfect Blue.
Puked in the parking lot of the liquor from last nights hangover, counted change to buy 2 40ozs now im drinking. In my room since my parents are in the living room and hate to see me drink, even at 30 years old.
How's the job search going anon?
I work 2 days a week at a gas station, my parents pay almost everything so thats just booze and vidya money
you should consider giving them some of that money while getting a actual job.
they dont insist I do. plus they are happy im working now, prior to this i wasnt for 4 years.
Not the dude who told you not to but don't do it dude I agree with him. People can tell when you've been drinking. If you have to take a shot or 2 but no more and make sure your breathe is fresh dude. I turned in an application one time smelling like vodka cause id been drinking since 8am and I'm pretty sure it was obvious. Didnt get a call back.
i drink before work, airplane shots of fireball in the parking lot.
If you think you can handle it to calm your nerves then feel free but don't fuck up a good opportunity. Ive been there. Drank 3 months straight at my job until I could tell people noticed.
did u get fired? or did they offer to put u in a program?
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I'm still there. But I'm not at a fortune 500 company just a shift lead nothing special since we went franchise. Everyone at my job is either smoking weed or drinking. I smoked in my freezer one time and the opener caught it before my gm showed up and let it air out. Drank in the parking lot one time with my team and we got trashed. No manager knows
I work in shitty retail with even worse customers and lazy co workers. I get a fountain soda from out machine and fill it up with booze and drink it during my shift
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jager redesigned their bottle, noticed it and fell for the marketing and bought some.

damn I forgot how much I love this twizzler shit, it's too bad I'm too poor to buy it on the reg
>he doesn't mix it with redbull
I ain't about that life. It tastes good on its own without the heart palpitations.
Gattaca is fucking perfection, I needed to see that movie to become the man I am today.
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Been told to stay away from retail, i work in soft foods I guess haha. I haven't been down to do that in almost a year. Getting close to it but I want to get in shape before I say fuck this job and start drinking and hoe around with my co workers
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Got shit faced off of yager a few months ago and picked up an ex and tried to have sex with her. Eventually blacked out. Says I kicked her out in some random spot and left. Dont remember getting home or most of that night
Happy birthday mate, I hope you'll have a great day/night

God this wojak makes me uncomfortable
there's a new Louis CK special on netflix
I got drunk tonight even though I didn't mean to
Maybe we can watch it at the same time :^p
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Sorry bro
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I got drunk to without meaning to. Just felt like it and got drunk after a few days not drinking. Burned myself when my baby momma heard the cans in my back while I tried to sneak my water out cause I was thirsty. Now she put my 4 mike hards and 2 old empty gentleman jacks in my living for my family to find in the morning. Hate my life bros.

Can't sayt \I fully understand what you're saying man

She left your dirty bottles out for your family to find? Nobody should be tied down by a "babty momma"

around the time you meet up with your friends and they all go out, but you remember that you are "done drinking" as of x day, so you go home...

2 hours later you've tried reading, exercising, and watching a movie but you are fantastically BORED. Nothing seems to excite you. The old video games you used to play are dogshit.

Your buddy calls you up and he and your friends are hammered. They call you a pussy a couple of times. You laugh and hang up.

Then you remember the night that made you "hang it up". You got shitfaced at a bar. You threw a punch at the bartender for serving another person before you. After getting 86'd your girlfriend texts you that she is fucking one of your other friends you knew from highschool, its over, you guess. Your buddy sends you a message saying you were a wild man.

So you move to the next bar. You sit down. Its 30 minutes to closing. You order two drinks and just stare at them. You give one of the drinks away.

You remember that you used to live close to this bar. You down the drink and leave. You walk to where you used to live. You fucked someone there, maybe multiple people. You open the unlocked window and crawl in. Thankfully, no one is there.

You wake up - you feel like dogshit. You immediately puke all over the floor. Then you remember everything from the night. You made a fucking fool of yourself. Your girlfriend [has] been getting slammed. Thats it you say, over and over. You want to be alone. You might even want to die.

Two days later your friends go out for drinks. They tell you that the bartender was being a dick anyway. They tell you everything was fine, that you were overreacting. They even say that you were hysterical. They go out... maybe its not so bad to be drunk after all.

That, is when it becomes unbearable.
Sorry dude I'm buzzing right now trying to figure shit out. She left my empty cans in my living room and empty bottles of gentlemen Jack for my family to find in the morning cause she's pissed cause im drinking.

You're not "buzzing" if you can't take care of yourself. Clean that shit up if you don't wnat your family to see it
I did man. I told my bro. He came and helped me. We got a bag and put everything in it and hid it
Have you guys ever invented a cocktail?
I love you guys. Look out for yourselves.l, okay?
Love you to bro. Look out for yourself as well.listening to wait for me by kings of Leon. Check it out. Feels good man."Take a shot for the pain,one in the rain"
Speaking of good lyrics, "one drink to remember and another to forget"
Never heard it until now but fuck it was good. Thank you for that
never drinking agian
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I lost all my friends in 2015. All of them. Somebody explained to me that the root of my downfall was that I was a Gen X-er trying to hang with millennials and those two groups can not and will not get along.

Nowadays I throw my money at casinos and hard liquor because I truly no longer give a fuck. I have an okay job and I do okay there but after work it's just me. And I use a Raspberry Pi for browsing so there's not even a fan noise. Just this eerie quiet as my old crew is somewhere not giving a shit about me. It's just surreal how you can be completely and utterly erased from existence by simple fate alone.
hit me right in the feels. sorry anon
I made a friend at work and that was going okay. But then his wife started working there and I could immediately tell she didn't much care for me. So I fucked off. It didn't matter.

Now when they both see me in the Hallway they mutter "Hey, let's go that way." and they will literally take a detour just to avoid getting within one hundred feet of me.
Yeah, DMB is good for feels.
Something must of happened. What?
Shigatsu wa kimi no uso
ef - A tale of memories
Little Busters
A sociopath happened.

I had been warned about this particular person by somebody and I didn't listen. Even as far as getting annoyed because they were saying bad things about the individual in question.

This person then decided they didn't like/grew bored of me and decided that the group dynamic should be: group + them - me.

What followed was some psyops style gaslighting and shit talking behind my back to drive a wedge between me and the others. What is horrifying about this is you can see it happening, see the Dio Brando wannabe up to absolutely no good. But they are so charismatic, so... Professional about it there is nothing you can do. Every time you try and call them out it's just spun to make you look worse and alienate you further. And they get what they want so easily it's like it's no challenge.

Finally I lashed out at them on Skype and it was used to punctuate the narrative that I was the toxic one. That was the 'kill shot' and I had made it so easy I hate myself.
Google around for any drugs that are OTC in your jurisdiction that list bradycardia as a symptom.

Kava could help with withdrawals somewhat.

Aspirin might help since less viscous blood presumably means less load at rest, but avoid if you plan to drink. Entirely speculation though.
Well fuck. That sucks.

Have you ever thought your crew was a bunch of arseholes for falling into that? I'd say that you deserve better friends, but that's a bit too much. Let's just say you deserve other friends.

Your story made me think of Misfits, the TV show. It's not really related, maybe in one episode there is something similar. But it's a good show. Good to watch while drinking.
Lost job and friends.

Hate myself and need to change!

3 days without drinking this day.
Is it even possible to have a good fap while drunk?
Yes, I always fap while drunk and I last much longer (around 30 min i think), as opposed to the usual 5-10 min, and it's also much more enjoyable
I often end up with cuts and scrapes on my dick though, and I'm usually too drunk to care about the blood and the pain so I guess I'll end up with a lot of scars
Yes. This. It goes well with a drink. There's something about it.
Violated PO, going to court today, going to probaly do 3 days in jail. Yolo.
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canadian whisky or jim beam?
help me decide on this sunny afternoon.

I'm not an alco, but I drink almost every day.
Sometimes I drink too much and then I go out, socialize with stragers, lose too much money, twist and shout, and the next day I remember almost nothing.
The good old party days are over but sometimes I find myself chasing that dragon. Without a real hope to catch it, just because.
So, canadian or bourbon, I have to act quite quick, because tomorrow's an early shift.

This >>8773734 seems a bit exaggerated but I do tend to find that I've gripped too hard and have to let my dick sit in ice water to numb the pain after wards. Thats the tradeoff for indulging in darker shit without guilt I guess
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Day 4, longest in several weeks.

My drinking song.
He's trying his best to understand the cause of his dismay.
But years of gin have broken him
And left him cold where he's fitted in.
But it's too late now to turn around and find another way.

Cheers anon. I'm nothing without muh Smirnoff. Almost 2 bottles down today, feeling great. I don't want to be sober.
Chin chin.
You may want to drink the water a bit more slowly so it doesn't pass through you so quickly. Still drink plenty of water though.
Yeah, I used to party constantly for years. That time is definitely over for me as well but the drinking has remained. It's a different kind now though, not as crazy.

there's that.
This guy has his shit to get her. 2/10 only replied cause I'm bored.
March was a pretty good month, sobriety-wise. Was able to socially drink one day and went back to sobriety no problem.
Then last week I visited my mom, found some old weed I cached there ages ago and had a few drinks while smoking it. Coming home I didn't stay sober, only 2 days that week.
At the moment the only motivation to not drink is to save it up for next week when my gf goes to visit her family over easter. I'm rarely ever completely by myself even though I enjoy it, so then I usually load up on beer, booze and weed and be the comfiest I can be for a few days.
Also cheers Smirnoff Bro.

After about a dozen times of trying not to drink and giving in anyway. It's less the craving each time, and more the boredom.

You need to decide if the boredom is worth the not waking up terrified, embarrassed, and sad. I think I keep getting closer to that point, but it's tough.
Fuck, I'm scared to watch the whole thing.

Everytime I want to scare myself into being more healthy I watch this doc btw

The Star Wars saga viewing experience is improved greatly by watching the moves while drunk.

Get to an AA meeting ASAP, though.
>watching the movies while drunk

Yeah, it improves them enormously. Pot's better, but I live in a state where Tyrone will be my friend for 5 years because I had a couple joints.

good post
That's pretty fucking metal dude. Maybe you should record a metal album.
aw dude this sounds like exactly what happened to me a few years ago. even worse, i worked with the cunt so after i left that job she poisoned the well. next thing i knew i didn't have a single work reference for three years on my resume. that blew.

i'll drink one more for ya
This. Just because nobody tells you that you seem like you've been drinking doesn't mean that they don't know it. It's harder to hide than y'all think. And it makes it too easy to walk around work drunk and think you're okay because everyone there knows you're drunk, but there hasn't been a reason to bring it up yet. I drank on the job for years and was a top performer until I got called out and quit that shit. I still drink but never at or before work and now that the cloud has cleared it's painfully obvious when I run into someone drinking on the job. It's embarrassing. It's obvious and awkward. Since I've been there I try to call them off to the side and help.
Just got done going through a mild withdrawal (3 years of a pint a night). I feel so depressed and anxious (already had anxiety to begin with). How long does this shit last? Anyone have tips
Rum and coked to the gills

About everything.
Except for how much rum I have left to drink
That's sufficient
A pint of beer a night aint shit
Unless it's 40%
Then it's something
But who measures booze in pints?

Anyways 3 days is when the real shit starts
If you don't have DTs by then you won't.
And then it's over

The anxiety and depression and whatever you feel isn't withdrawal
It's anxiety on changing a habit
About being outside of your comfort zone
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>tfw always had a slight despise of my biofather who wanted me aborted
>graduated college with an engineering degree that he pushed me to, after becoming a small part of my life
>can't get an engineering job around my hometown with my mom and (step)dad and friends
>if I move, I only want to move to the seclusion of somewhere like Montana or Alaska and live my days out
>nobody will even hire me out there
>stuck working for my biofather's company, as what amounts to an accounting assistant, through him nepotistically hiring me
>he's, frankly, weird as fuck
>hate working there, and only interact with 3 people a day
>my only joy in the day is cooking nice dinner for myself (after I lost the girl I thought I was going to marry and have our 5 children with), and drinking at night.

>he doesn't know the fucking glory of a fap that is RIGHT on the edge of black-out but not there yet

You last for a really good length of time, and you cum really fucking hard.
Start eating edibles, you won't wanna drink at night then.
I'm assuming he meant a pint of liquor.
Who measures liquor in pints?
My country does it in shots/"drinks"
In the US, our liquor comes in 750mL bottles, as a standard size. This is referred to as a "fifth", meaning a "fifth of a gallon", as the two are roughly equivocal, and booze was sold in imperial units through the 70s at least.

The next unit down is typically 375 mL. This is referred to as a pint, in liquor speak. No, that is not a pint of liquid. BUT. Prior to the late 70s-ish, our liquor was sold in QUARTS, not PINTS. So a half of a quart is a pint. And the pint monicker stuck.

Sorry if that's hard to get. Due to changing liquor labels, we sell "pints" and "fifths", which aren't proper pints, or fifths of gallons.
Fuck that's complicated

Why not just do it in the shots/"drinks" system?

Like a shot (15ml) of 40% abv liquor is one shot
A beer is one equivalent and so is one glass of wine
Mixed drinks are made of parts of shots

A simple rum and coke is one shot of rum and one can, making the whole thing one shot's worth of liquor
It has to do with this brief push that was made in the 80s, I want to say (don't know exactly), to go metric, without all the sizes of containers dramatically changing.
When it comes down to drinking, we typically do our measuring in a "drinks" measurement. 1 12 oz beer ~ 1 shot ~ 1 glass of wine

Those odd measurements are not as odd as they seem. A "fifth" just means a 750 mL bottle of liquor. A pint just means a 375 mL bottle of liquor.

We call a 1.75 L bottle of liquor a handle.

All beer is measured in ounces here, and is pretty consistent.
i wish everyone would just use the 'unit' quantifying method, so superior to all other methods. the number of units has by law to be printed on any booze product in england.
> *come home with a bottle of whisky*
> mom: 'how much are you going to drink?'
> me: I don't known. Until I fall asleep.
Do I have a problem, or does she just not know what she's talking about. I only do this once or twice every other week, and I down some where between 1/3rd and 2/3rds of a bottle in a night.
It has to be printed in most countries, it just doesn't clearly convey the amount of liquid in conversation.
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The amount is not that much by our al/ck/ standards, and not very often. But the idea of drinking alone until you fall asleep is the red flag if anything ( for me ).

How old are you?
Also depends on what age you are, if you're young it's probably going to become more and more.
>be weekend before last
>saturday evening time for drinking
>arrive awake and sick as fuck withdrawaling on thursday morning
>fuuuuck me again?
>go through blaster-master withdrawal from the 6 750ml's I some how obtained and drank in four days
>tell boss monday I'm going to get a mental health eval
>choose outpatient treatment
>go in to work tuesday with this news
>you should check into disability, basically no worky worky

fucking really done a shit this time, guess it's time to kick this binge shit... before I go homeless

>no Raging Bull

This is absolutely the most egregious oversight, and this list is FACTUALLY incomplete without it
Thank you for smoking will cheer you up, so will a good Cohen bros movie
Well you should at least try to keep your job.
But I have been noticing that my benders went from something fun and fairly short to longer and more destructive.
no work tomorrow, chance to get extra fucked up.

was actually hungover at work today despite only drinking ~400ml of bourbon.
Find a shitty Arab/Bangladeshi etc. grocery store. You know what I mean, with the alcohol in the front on shelves, no lock or counter. The ones where some 17 year old is sitting in the back on his phone just in view and runs to the till to check out your shit.
Also, if there's a sign about the legal age anywhere in sight, don't bother. Just make a friend who's 21 desu.
watch the new louis ck netflix special, its hilarious
In Canada we call a pint of liquor a mickey, and 750 ml we call a "two-six",
Your country never fails to make me laugh.
Anyone with a dui is banned for life from ever entering Canada. The fuck, man.
Im in the exact same boat and that sucks.

I guess a few monthes?
Which bourbon should I buy lads?
>Jim Beam White £13
>Bulleit £22
>Buffalo Trace £18
>Makers Mark £30
>Woodford Reserve £25
>Jim Beam Double Oak £20
>Wild Turkey 81 £23
>Jim Beam Devils Cut £16
>Old Forester £23
Canada anon here

go to lcbo with gf

im getting a 26 of vodka babe

get back into car with her

I thought we were getting a 26 of beer

who the fuck sells 26 packs lol
Jack Daniel's
I'm sorry for posting this OP, it was actually just bait. It's not hilarious.
Not for life, just until you complete rehab. And it keeps you degenerates off of clean Canadian streets
Where I come from and everywhere I have been a shot is 20ml. You see the problem?
American measurements are odd as a metric Euro but I think I can [spoiler]handle[/spoiler] it by now.
>told wife I'd quit drinking
>staying up for night shift (work a rotating schedule) so buy a case and drink them while watching netflix on my shitty laptop in my toolshed
>she goes out to the shed for god knows what reason the next day
>finds the empties I left out there the other night

She's pretty fucking pissed right now and all I want is another drink that I can't have.

If you say you're gonna quit, don't try and hide it, just fucking quit.
Buffalo Trace is great quality for the money (definitely worth the 5 dollar hike from Beam White). Bulleit is the next step up, really good stuff. I don't really like Maker's Mark myself but YMMV. Whatever you do, never buy Wild Turkey that isn't 101.

In America, though, a shot is 1.5oz, ~50ml, and MAYBE in some places 1oz, which is 30ml

The problem with the "standard drinks" system is that most countries have some different standard of it. In Britain I think it's 25ml of 40%abv, in America it's nearly double that. And now you guys are talking 15ml and 20ml?
You can measure it all in ml, but converting those ml into "standard drinks" is folly. A pint of beer is like 2.5 British units of alcohol!
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Real addicts hide everything...
Not sure if that's good or bad....
I'm the 20ml shot guy and I agree with you. Hell, the units even differ betwenn UK and Ireland, it's really stupid.
If any measurement would make sense it would be ml of pure alcohol but that's highly impractical (since almost nobody drinks stuff abouve 40% abv).
Speaking of higher than 40% abv
>all out of alc one night
>remember gf bought a 0.5L bottle of 96% booze from Poland to make Limoncello with
>account for the difference in strength when mixing
>halfway through the 3rd drink feel drunk af, movement impaired like it was my first binge
That stuff is downright evil but a good explanation of all those polish/russian fail compilations on YT
depends on how it was made. I had a home batch that tasted almost sweet after the burn was over, and one that tasted like a punch in the throat. Either way, you should just try it. You can't ever tell what stupid shit you will or won't like.
All the places near me were closed, so I went to a store around 30 minutes away. I figured one bottle of cheap tequila would get me to the morning when everything opens again. Usually it would, but whatever this "limited edition" shit is, it's fucking awful.

I don't want to waste it, so what can I mix it with that's cheap and will mask the taste?
go on m8 well done
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Sipping on some muscadine wine a friend made.

Also, I have been in AA for two years and claim that much sobriety but get drunk every 90 days.
I just sold my guitar so I could buy two bottles of vodka. Fuck.
>women will never understand
5 or 6 of our lasses favourite films - Zulu, apoc.now, falling down,good bad and the ugly,master and commander(but she fancies russell I think cos she likes gladiator a lot too).But she likes shitty romcoms too...
You have officially failed
dropped university, lost my job, lost all my friends, recently lost gf too, and now I just realized that soon I won't be able to afford alcohol anymore
welp lads, it's been fun
don't get a dog man, you will neglect it if youve been drunk since forever
FUCK IM IN THE SAME SITUATION, i just want some cigs and vodka, fuck
I am getting through this evening without tobacco or alcohol if it kills me, fuck
kinda gotta white knuckle it, mostly. If your only real symptoms though is the heart rate then that's not too bad (I know it sucks, but comparatively speaking). If you don't have to be at work/school/other commitments, I'd recommend just getting some benadryl and take a couple of those to just sleep through it. Get some Gatorade, some soft food to eat, and just kinda settle in. I fucking hate withdrawal symptoms, even the minor ones...they're fucking scary and the mental game is the worst part. Good luck man, I promise you it does pick up and get better. Just stay strong through the withdrawals and never forget how awful they make you feel.
dude you should have at least pawned it. You get less money but at least you can get it back once you have money again. I've done this, if I'd sold my guitar I'd feel such regret once the booze was gone
geez man, that sucks. any idea why the wife hates you so much?
I hate fapping while drunk. I end up feeling like I have to piss for the next 20 minutes...I think I irritate my urethra or something from gripping too hard or rubbing too much due to lost sensation from the alcohol. Fucking sucks.
Baguette mother of metre here.
10g of ethanol ('bout 11ml) is half a pint (250ml) of light beer (aka "default beer" in bars), a wine glass (125ml) of wine, same with appetitive and digestives. Doesn't work well with anglo binge drinking practices. And drinking two units of alcohol puts an adult male above the legal driving limit.
It's used in France, not sure if it's used anywhere else. There must be places that use 10ml though.
Wash your dick with warm water right before you fap. It will prevent this.
I have that when I piss soon after fapping. Happened after sex with grill too.

It's not in the penis, it's in whatever sphincter muscle holds piss in the bladder.

I'll try I guess.
I don't even think about it when i'm drunk, I do get some sort of gaba rebound effect on my sex drive in the morning when i'm hungover. I crave porn when I wake up involuntarily at 3-4am then I pass out again after a beer/bowl of weed.
same here brotha. I don't smoke cigarettes but it's been well over a week since I had a non-drinking day. Shit has wrecked my digestive system :(
kys hypocrite
if you've got orange juice then you can make the world's shittiest tequila sunrise

or just grab a bunch of limes/lemons and honey and power through it

when my sister and I were still in high school we had the bright idea to make jello shots with unflavored gelatin and cheap tequila and that shit tasted like cold fucking wax

I ended up just drowning it in lime juice and honey and choking it down with a spoon

never again lads, never again
>city people

I don't identify with a single sentence of this.
I need hobbies. Got drunk last night and now with the day off it's only 1:37 pm, I've no longer got a hangover and am bored as fuck and feel like drinking again.

Good luck man, hang in there
>I need hobbies

unless your living environment is fucking spotless, you're a decent enough cook to keep yourself fed, and you do some kind of physical activity every day, no you most certainly do not

alternatively, take up homebrewing/home distilling
>a fucking leaf

I like spirited away.

It might make you a tad depressed if you're drunk and alone tho.
if you're regularly passing out drunk in front of your mom you've got more than one problem
killllllllllllllllllllllllll me
you should move and get a new job and force yourself into a new situation using what you've learnt.

worked for me.

just finished 2 cans of monster with vodka and now a liter of orange juice with vodka, my gf is suck a cunts my friends
the legal age for smoking in the us is 18 iirc
21 depending on if you live in a liberal shithole aka NY or certain places in MA. Maybe other states too.

If any of you niggers want to quit without withdrawal, look into tapering off. It works.
Me first.
I have a box of lime Jell-O, think that will deal with some of it?
least she didn't leave you like all the girls that tried to fix me
<Talks about people not knowing how greentext
<Doesn't have the post number he's referencing in his post

21st birthday this month what should I celebrate with. I've had shit jack+Coke and mntDew+vodka but I mean good shit. Don't have the palette for it so I wouldnt know.
If you start buying bum wine now, you'll probably have money for buumwine when you need it to not get the shakes and heeby jeebys
>tfw I keep drinking more and more
drank a liter of wine and 8 beers last night, getting kind of tired of this t_b_h

but I don't even really feel bad this morning
Yeaaaaaaaa once you get to a certain point that doesn't make much difference anymore...that's when you start resorting to the $10< plastic vodka bottles

so jealous of American liquor prices. I was blowing about $1000/week at our leaf liquor stores when I was really really bad

tfw a fifth costs $30
how did you guys transition from being drinkers to alcoholics? think I might be going own those paths.
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Just got relased and back home. Hello al/ck/ies

a shitty experience in life
aka an excuse

t. alcoholic
It takes a lot longer than 19 days to complete detox if you have been drinking hard.
A month sober, except I drink on saturdays.

I'm anxious, depressed and I think dumber: it's hard to perform as well as before at work, I feel half retarded. Did some of you experience this?
>Wake up really dehydrated
>Not super weak like sometimes
I guess those B vitamins do help
Nigger, you're not sober for a month when you drink once a week.
Ive chosen moderation over abstinence.
Whisper of the Heart
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Going sober. Hopefully for a month if not longer. Need to get my life in order, find a new job and go back to school.wish me luck guys
I just fucking lol'd my shit right now now
>rum and coke
you must have a vagina anon
How about The Iron Giant?
get into a shitty university
get money from parents
drink for another year ?
what the fuck how is that supposed to help?
What anime
It always works for me. I'm not a doctor so I don't know how it works.
>alternatively, take up homebrewing/home distilling
just get some sugar and orange juice/fruit mix it with bread and there you go
get prunod
only 48 days until I hang myself
>had to count the days in the calendar twice
wish me luck faggots
>worked for me.
>posts in al/ck/
>my gf is suck a cunts my friends
Can you elaborate this?
Stream it
it's """jpg""" idiot
Hey you probably know me
Do you?
...It's both
are you me? except I drink every other day
Who /drunkintheoffice/ today?
don't need the attention also what if someone calls help and I end up being just a brain dead autist instead of just being an depressed autist
Why are you falling for my baits?
Or am I missing something?
Yeah, same here
I feel retarded especially in the social sphere, I'm even having trouble articulating this sentence right now, this shit doesn't happen when I drink regularly
I went to a flower shop earlier and I was completely unable to communicate properly with the cashier
how do I man up and grow balls al/ck/?
Everyone here is drunk or in withdrawal.
Not to sure. I saw the pic in another alk thread
Booze makes you fat. Fat makes you feminine.

Don't fall for the hollywood "booze makes you manly" meme.
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Just kept drinking daily because I didn't give a shit about anything and was alone. I have friends but never had a relationship so I just partied constantly. 5 years later I woke up one day feeling completely different than I had before and realized I had entered a time where I needed to drink to feel normal. Really horrible, terrifying feeling at first. Ended up in a detox and outpatient program some years later.
I've cut back but I'm still pretty weird all things considered and drink regularly still.
Yeah, I mean no alcoholic drink actually tastes good. Enjoyment of the flavor comes from becoming conditioned to associate it with positive drunk experiences/the feeling of being drunk
sober from booze since new years.

dropped the weed about a month ago

dropped coffee 2 weeks ago

literally completely sober now. now im dealing with internet and porn addiction. everything is a fucking addiction. i want to do productive shit like attempt to set up websites or do shit online that could net some money but every time i start 10 minutes in i get depressed as fuck because of the lack of constant dopamine rush you get from all the online entertainment. learning doesn't give a dopamine rush untill you actually learn something or benefit from it in some way. the fuck do i do
Trying to quit for real this time.

>body odor like a garbage disposal
>not shaking too bad but feel a strange disorientation in limbs
>itching all over
>zero energy
>nervous as hell

This sucks.
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Why don't you guys just quit? I was a drunk and quit. Not saying it is easy, but, literally how you stop is quitting.
not everyone here wants to quit. There's a reason if we started drinking in first place, before drinking itself became the problem.
That doesn't seem to be the majority, looking through the thread.
>Who /drunkintheoffice/ today?
It's actually my first day of work in the past 3 weeks I haven't been drunk. I work at a tourist trap mall and there is a liquor store right in the mall.
Go to a doctor. A lot of what you described can be associated with liver malfunction.
Drinking stoli while I have the flu. WHen I cough I nearly vomit. This sucks!
Tell me about the tourists pls
My dad has been shitting water all week. Must be some crazy virus, he can't keep anything in.
fuuuuck I already fell for it bro
only thing is I drink """beer""" and not whiskey
I have the same problem
Fucking viruses man
You live in Florida? It's absolutely insane I've never seen anyone shit this much. He can't keep anything in. How long you had it?
Since I started drinking everyday
Im in florida. U kno where i can cop some booze?
The grocery store?

Total Wine is pretty good.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
I'm in this same boat anon
I haven't been drinking much at all lately because i'm stuck at home, and I stopped playing faggot video games like league of legends over a month ago, but I've just replaced the constant stimulation with caffeine, nootropics, and lurking 4chan way more. kms i need to be sending out more job applications because this temp job isn't going to last for another few months
It's just you that thinks you smell this much, but, a shower is good. I just went through all of this. Get ready for anxiety max soon
Are you buying or barfing?
Having an addictive/extreme(better way of putting it) can be either a curse or a blessing. i replaced drinking with exercising + getting the right nutrition. Doing it the right way takes +/- 3 hours a day. That's 3 hours of not drinking you're putting towards something positive.
Same, only I put like one hour toward it. Feels good to be thin finally.
Beer or groceries? The eternal question. I'm already drunk and want more. The bright side is that there is no way I will starve this week, I can ask my dad to lend me money, and it's even easier to ask this week because I am expecting a tax refund, but I still hate asking and I know my dad will give me a hard time.
Government nailed me on taxes this year. Trump needs to do some tax cuts quick.
Drank alot of beer and puked some green shit with a little blood in it (didn't eat anything today)
should I be worried or just continue drinking?

Groceries anon, enough drink for tonight and this weekend. Your body needs it.
That is too emotional to watch drunk
I have groceries to last until Tuesday. Get paid on Friday. Need food for Wednesday and Thursday. This is not including the possibility that my tax refund could show up anytime this week.

So now you got enough excuses to drink.

Buy alcohol.
I quit league too. And now my life is empty. I just drink all the time instead and fantasize about tattoos i can never afford.
My drunk friend is nuts and is just ranting about sitcom ideas all night. How can I get him to change the subject without hurting his feelings?

Also I hope he doesn't visit 4chan.
My rule of thumb is if you are bleeding, it is either an early sign or too late, so hedge on the too late, drink, and hope it clears up.

t. A guy who ejaculated blood for a month
Ever since my break a month ago I've been drinking more and more and more. I'm afraid of going down this path but I'm not sure what I can do to change. I'm too young to be this fucking sad
Meant to say break up
i'm... getting there
every 2-3 days, i drink a lot of beer. about 8 beers. for someone who is 145 lbs and 5'4".. that's a lot

my parents are disappointed
i'm about to graduate
but i feel like i'm destined to a life of nothing
Drinking every few days isn't that terrible. Atleast you can manage sobriety. But yeah I'd consider slowing down if I were you. It's not fun anymore.
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I had a friend who puked blood after a night out and went to the doctor. The doctor said okay and did a few tests and told them to come back if it continues.

And as always, taking medical advice from 4chan isn't that bright.
Euro-noon-bump to save the thread
Sitting on my toilet having massive constipation and I'm still drunk. Have to get ready for work in less than 3 hours. I'm a massive peice of shit. Seriously considering suicide once again.
>tfw suddenly having solid shits again
my anus was not prepared
I think I'm dying, lads. Vodka has destroyed me.
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Do yuros really do this?
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