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My my myy, cucumber sandwiches are just simply divine, don't

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My my myy, cucumber sandwiches are just simply divine, don't you agree darling?
I fucked Ted
good thread
I've been incorporating cucumber into all my liquor drinks lately. Cucumber Moscow Mules are wonderful.
Almost as good as a toast sandwich.

For a country that used to be fairly wealthy and pretty important, why is English food so poor?

Why has it taken them the fact they are now to an irrelevance for them to start actually producing good food?

Thank god for multiculturalism.

Are there any other examples of this?
A lot of countries are famous for their peasant food. Brazil for feijoada, American southern cooking has poor people roots, etc.
>Why has it taken them the fact they are now to an irrelevance for them to start actually producing good food?
Try that again English.
Yeah, but other countries also have good food as well.

Excuse me?
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>Thank god for multiculturalism.
British food is actually one of the best cuisines out there, its strongest point is that its made out of real and high quality ingredients and does need MSG or poo in loo spices to make it taste good.

Dont get me wrong some american food is of very high quality, but generally speaking its overloaded with salt and flavourings and general imitation flavours.
That's a neat idea, anon.
Sounds refreshing, will try this out soon.
Their historical wealth is why their food culture is limited. The British empire had good ingredients available for the average Joe, good hunks of beef from a nice cut and whatnot, there wasn't a real need to make it taste better. Most recipes come from people making the best of what they had; for example menudo is probably my favorite soup, and it's just an excuse to use tripe
Listen m8, I spent 3 years in Britain and you are talking non sense.

In future, I would suggest you try travelling and experiencing other cuisines before revealing yourself to be an over-patriotic, small-minded idiot.
What is your idea of "making something taste better"?
Not him but for someone who thinks he's open-minded you're jumping to intricate conclusions about an anonymous poster's character very quickly.

>"poo in loo" spices

nigger do you even cook? does India now have a monopoly on Ginger and Cumin that I'm not aware of? Because last time I checked hundreds of countries were using these ingredients to great success

You're just an anally devastated subhuman anglo pissed that everyone is shittalking your food.
I agree with your second point.

Have had some great meals where it was basically mince and potatoes, or really good chunky soups, but this was in someone's home.

In general, their restaurants they are lacking compared to many other countries, which I found strange.

But the line

>British food is actually one of the best cuisines out there, its strongest point is that its made out of real and high quality ingredients and does need MSG or poo in loo spices

reminded me of many idiots I met there, who had never experienced other cultures apart from a 7-day holiday .
Sometimes idiots are right.
But they are clearly wrong.
Maybe if you consider fish and chips and blood pudding the only dishes. I'm pretty sure expensive restaurants offer food that is better than the garbage you get at fast food stalls operated by brown immigrants.
I'm sorry, I think you've misunderstood my point.

Britain does have good restaurants. However, 95% are genuinely terrible.

Th claim "its strongest point is that its made out of real and high quality ingredients" is frankly a joke.
That wasn't me. You said that British food has been bad until immigrants came along. Saying that most restaurants are terrible is something completely different.
Roleplaying, are you OP?

I mean...awww shucks sugarcube, who needs these hoity toity sandwiches when yall could just have an apple? Apples apples apples!
>what was World War 2
The best British food I've had has all been homemade.

The food I've had at restaurants has generally been mediocre, apart from a few cases.

I don't understand why you or anyone else would take this as an insult.
>a 20 perhaps 30 year period destroyed british cuisine forever
I'd rather have boatloads of candy! Circus peanuts, cotton candy - freshly spun - and all sorts of other sticky-wicky yummy-yum treats!
I'm not taking it as an insult at all, I'm just pointing out that I don't think British food is in any way worse than the "multicultural" food you praised.

But do you not think multiculturalism has helped British food?

I've heard that Tikka Masala is one of your nations favourites and that is clearly derived from Pakistani/indian food
I specifically was talking about situations where people make the best with whatever suboptimal ingredients they may have, stuff like liver pate
I don't know if it has "helped". I'm glad I can buy bananas and I like to eat a kebab every now and then. That's thanks to trade and commerce, not multiculturalism.
Nothing says "I love cock in my ass" like a cucumber in a cocktail but I agree with you
I would disagree. I think multiculturalism is one of the positive things about Britain and it is shown in their food tastes.
Stop it! They will find us out!
The thing about the Cucumber sandwich is it's symbolance. The british landlowning class could afford to eat un-nourishing, expensive like cucumber god damn sandwiches.

Victorian England was top tier bantz
get outta here ponyfucker
So,you are saying inbred idiots from 100+years ago played a prank by eating shit food? (untrue btw),

No wonder that empire collapsed.
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>oi! we were merely pretending me old chap!
muddle some mint in there and you've got a gay old time
>Why has it taken them the fact they are now to an irrelevance for them to start actually producing good food?

Because they actually HAVE been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.
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Never tried cucumber sandwich but I often have a thin slice of ham with cucumber on a sandwich and it's lovely so it can't be that bad with butter.
Ive been to a lot of europe + egypt and US(ohio)
They heavily spice their foods to mask the fact that they are eating foreskins,hooves and eye lids.
Don't you have a boat to fucking sink, you fucking diva?
America is more like pico de gallo, but not your traditional version.

You start with the tomatoes (The red skinned Indians), then you add the most underrated, but important ingredient, the white onions; keep adding them till almost all the tomatoes are pushed out of the bowl. Then your back is turned a bunch of jalapenos have sneaked in the bowl and mixed themselves in with the onions so they're nearly impossible to remove the ones you don't want. Everything else is misc spices and is relatively unimportant.

This leaves you with a pico de gallo that is mostly onion, and tastes great, but has some other things mixed in as well that compliment the onions. Some times the other ingredients start calling the onions racist, but they didn't ask to be put in the bowl, they were just born there.
And how do yoooou know that~?

there is literally no argument against the idea that all non-whites should be killed off, earth is for white people only. life is not a fucking RPG where different classes have complimentary strengths and weaknesses.
Get the fuck out of our board your fucking horsefucker.
Die you fucking barneyfag
corn on the cucomber
fun fact british colonialism was all about eople wanting to fuck off from egland
>quoting a legitimate admitted autistic guy who dresses like he's still 15, obsesses over a show because it once shared the same time slot as Barney in canada, and unironically rocks a pedo stache

You realize how autistic that makes you by default, don't you
Do people actually eat this?
its winter
>I think multiculturalism is one of the positive things about Britain and it is shown in their food tastes

Name some of the other positives, go on
sports are now entertaining
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Spotted the mexican. Go back to me he co or whatever you subhuman brown gremlins call it.
Yes. People do actually eat cucumbers and sweet bread.
Er, they make some good tv shows.
Cucumber sandwiches are fucking awesome. Their simplicity is part and parcel to their perfection. They are on the same par as summertime tomato sandwich (a southern staple). Only plebs who think a sandwich has to weigh 5 lbs wouldn't enjoy them.
Vegetarians are dumb dumb dumb, they chase anything that makes them thinner, beginners
And here they come come come, to praise the food that makes them slimmer, shit dinners
What in god's name would make you think I'm a vegetarian? Don't be such a stupid twat. I just finished butchering my own steer last week to fill my freezer and hand out to family members as part of their Christmas gifts. You're an idiot. I bet you're one of those retards who never eats vegetables by themselves, and you'll never know what you're missing. I know good food, and cucumber sandwiches, and tomato sandwiches are GOOD FOOD, especially when they're summer ripe (tomato sandwiches should only be eaten when summer ripe).
Cucumber is my favorite fruit. Its just so light and refreshing. Can't be beat on a turkey sandwich.
Incorrect, kid.
Overrated trash
Exactly correct. I just butchered my deer 2 days ago, but in the summer there's nothing better than a homegrown tomato or cucumber sandwich. I don't, however, cut the crusts off like some prissy britfag.

It's funny because it's a My Little Pony reference. Season 6 Episode 22, Pony Point of View.
Did you know they allowed them to use one fuck per season? And they used it on that.
Too light for my tastes.
>add some ham
>thin-sliced tomato
>VERY light bit of mayo + mustard
Holy shit now we're talking.
Now this is autism
One Fagmeal please. I see you serve them
Recognizing a show reference is autism?
Only with pepper and cream cheese.
Hey op

Stealth shitposting on ck is life
Our covers blown

You admit to watching mlp and you know it so well you can pin down a specific episode

If you aren't trolling you should kys

You know that Trump only wants illegal immigrants back, right? He could be a legal citizen
I can't light the gas!
kek. gdi this thread again

not bad.

If OP was going to make cucumber sandwiches for real though, I suggest adding a bit of rosemary and thyme. Had it for a small catered event - waaay better than the recipes calling for dill.

Still want to try the English method of using butter instead of cream cheese though, but I don't want to make a bunch of appetizers when I don't exactly socialize.
Make a Pimms with a slice of cucumber and orange, shits delicious and very british.
>This thread.
>Not so much about vegetables on bread, but finding out how much /mlp/ lurks on /ck/
he clearly fucks horses, just like you
Aren't rosemary leaves kinda hard, and too much wen you chew on them?

I might try using rosemary butter on the bread...
Marco Pierre White
Heston Blumenthal
>Implying I'd fuck your mom.
Yes, both chefs that rip of other cultures.
Wait wait wait

You are trying to pass a cucumber sandwich off as rich food?

Fuck dude, a cucumber sandwich is basically the essence of poverty. A $0.39 cucumber, a $0.89 loaf of bred, and $0.02 of butter. The most expensive shit on that list is the butter, and if you replace it with margarine you got like a hundred sandwiches for under 10 bucks easily.

How the hell was a cucumber ever an expensive vegetable? They keep like motherfuckers, and I guess super fluffy white bread may have been rare back in the 1200's when Britain was important but goddamn that is a depressingly cheap "Rich people food" item.

Next you will tell me that lobster was marketed to rich people because niggers would dangle a live lobster out of their anus on the freeway for passing motorists to devour on their way to board meetings.
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get that shit out of my face or I'll throw it into the sea
For the bunyip?
It used to be a snack for the upper middle class. Cucumbers were hard to come by in the old days.

I thought cucumber sandwiches usually have cream cheese in them?
>lemon juice
>sugar syrup
>elderflower liquor
>cayenne pepper

I think either cream cheese or mayo are more traditional.
Motherfucker you will tip the fucking boat!

>current year
>making meme drinks
>The thing about the Cucumber sandwich is it's symbolance

What did he mean by this?
Cucumbers have NEVER been hard to come by. They're one of the easiest vegetables to grow, and were plentiful in the summertime, which is how the sandwich became popular for summertime tea.
Traditionally, you used butter on the bread, not cream cheese, but cream cheese has become popular. Mayo NEVER.

why are brits so riduculously stupid?
>put a small cucumber plant in the corner of the garden for shits and giggles
>two months later a fucking ocean of cucumbers

Shit's ridiculous.
Mayo forever*
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feijoada is shit and everybody in brazil hates it

t. huelord
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