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how are you doing boyos? al/ck/ general

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how are you doing boyos?
al/ck/ general
I finally stopped drinking after driving to switzerland and doing that AA treatment with the added LSD

I'm free boys
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i think this pic describes alcohol for me
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when you decide to stop, remember why you started in the first place
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this is it boyos
Good on ya! How do you think the LSD helped? I've done it but never related it to drinking.
Sunday night. Work tomorrow. Fucking again. Weekends are too fast.
Getting my jimmies wet on some Wild Turkey 101, watching some Anthony Bourdain and fighting myself to buy cookware on Amazon with money I don't have.

Just another night.
downgraded from 500ml/whisky/day to 375ml/day. at first it didnt seem like much, but my bones and body are in a lot less pain, less ppl know im drunk, and i can get up an hour earlier each morning.

i still hope to die before 30, but at least im not in constant pain
I was diagnosed with gout a week ago. Was utterly immobile, and in constant, agonizing pain in both feet. Worst pain I've felt in my life, except that the week before I had really bad pain in my gut through to my back along with really dark piss which I'm convinced was some kind of organ issue.

The doctor prescribed a bunch of drugs and said I have to stop drinking beer. So I cut down my beer intake to about a 12-pack so far in a week (previously I was doing about a 12-pack per day, supplemented with whiskey, brandy, or vodka), but have increased my intake of liquor. I pretty much replaced the beer with vodka and seltzer water (because vodka's cheap and I like the fizz going down my throat). I don't think I'm doing it right because all alcohol's supposed to be bad for me, but fuck it. I'm also supposed to stop eating red meat and cut way back on all forms of meat, so I'll be damned if I'm going to eliminate my only other pleasure in life.

I wish I had weekends off. I haven't had one off in around 8 months. I always get Thursday or Friday off. All I do is work and drink. Just killed a 40 and have a few beers. Couldn't pick up liqour today, kinda glad about that because I had 2 5ths in the last 2 days plus hitting the bar twice. Thankfully didn't do too much dumb shit
The AA would have been worthless without it. AA originally called for LSD to be involved in there but they scrapped it

I come from a swing shift myself. Hours all over the damn place. I can tell you having weekends off isn't what its cracked up to be. After doing the whole M-F, 8-5 deal for going on two years now, I miss those weekdays off. Weekends are always crowded with fucking people and it takes 5 times longer to do something than it would during a weekday. Markets are full, stores are full, lakes are packed with weekend fishers, campgrounds are full of weekend warriors, roads and backed up and congested. It gets really annoying after a while.
You're right to a certain degree. Why give up pleasure in this hell hole, when it's so easy to come by? But after many years on the nod, I've begun to think of the real nothingness at the true end, and it only makes me want to drink more.
how do doctors respond? my 'family' doctor is a complete bitch and got mad at me when i asked why i had to wait 6 months to see a psychiatrist last time i went in desperate as hell. of course that is just the way it is here, and i dont expect them to be nice to me, but being bitched out about that made me never go back to her and actually tell any kind of truth.

I certainly dont feel i can approach her saying i have an aclohol + klonopin addiction and want to die without some kind of third degree

I really wish i had at least one person to go to though
mm sometimes i think i could quit drinking, quit eating unhealthy food, quit sleeping in, start exercising, cut out my extensive alone time.

and then i realize everything i like would be gone and id have nothing left
drinking a 15 pack after 3 weeks of sobriety lmao

I did all that for around a year and a half. Didn't drink, hit the gym 4 times a week and ate oats/chicken/eggs thanks to /fit/ but I wasn't anymore happy or social now that I look back. At least I have a physical job that keeps me in somewhat good shape where I can drink and not get fat. I hit rock bottom, completely changed and now I'm just maintaining. People tell me I sound happier than ever so I feel ok about it

Wait for a psych is about just as long here too. I've been through 4 and they were all useless. Been misdiagnosed at least 6 times when the problem is actually very simple: everything fucking sucks.

I'm going to be very adamant about this suggestion: go to your local store and look for something called "Valerian Root". It's an herb extract high in GABA that has done wonders for my depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I take a relatively high dose around 4gm a day but it really takes the edge off. It might make you drowsy, but I've never had a problem with that. Just mellows you out and slows the mind.
If a medfag starts moralizing with me, I tell them straight up, "fuck off with that shit. I'm paying you to evaluate physical health status, not hear a fucking sermon". You've got to be firm with these medfag evangelicals.
>You have gout
>So basically just stop enjoying anything good in life like cheeseburgers, steak, craft beers, liquor...
I would much rather die from that shit than turn into a tea drinking vegan.
God damn.

Doctors are also real black and white about this kind of shit, I'd take it easy on the booze until you can reassess how your body is gunna react. You might end up being fine with hard liquor since you generally end up drinking less of it since you get drunk faster.
Where do you guys live that you have to wait on psychiatric evaluations?
I've only had to wait maybe 3 weeks and that's only because it was their first scheduled opening.
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I remember when I couldn't go a single night without drinking. Those were tough times.

Now I find myself drinking every other night or every other other night... and while I know some would be tempted to call me an alc I know better. I know what it was really like when I couldn't stop. And now I enjoy it in "moderation" (not really but whatever).

It's a conflicted feel. I like it.
>Weekends are too fast.
Fuck if that's not the truth.
Yeah, I'm thinking this is the case. I mean, I was drinking massive amounts of beer before. I figure if I cut back and get my uric acid levels in check, I'm probably going to be fine. No need to go full vegfag yet. Just temporarily (because I sure as shit ain't giving up the sauce).

I don't have a regular PCP because I don't want to do a physical or have to talk about my drinking habits, so I'm not 100% sure. When I have a medical emergency I go to urgent care or, if necessary, the ER. So I'm sure that when they tested my blood they discovered I'm an alcoholic but I was long gone by then.

Some doctors are better and more understanding, but many aren't. They see a lot of stupid shit day in and day out, so they kind of lose patience with people. And let's be honest, being an alcoholic is kind of stupid. But there are worse ways to live, if you ask me. So while I don't expect them to understand, if you feel you really need medical help then just sack up and take the shame and judgment. If he tells you to basically just hurry up and die, then fuck him, find another doctor who's willing to help.

Same. The last time I genuinely tried to give up drinking was when I had a steady GF about a year ago. The relationship went south and I lost my reason to get sober. I've come to terms with the fact that everything I enjoy is apparently bad for me, but it's better a slow death than unending misery. The gout fucking sucked though. Now I have to try and balance what makes me less unhappy with how much it's going to suck if I have another attack.
Help me. Anyone.

Its 2:07 AM and I gotta get to work in a few hours

I only have one bottle (375 ml) of vodka left and im freaking the fuck out cause it wont get me through the day

Basically I had about 30 drinks yesterday, most of which were on the toilet at the mall. I know I fell into at least one snow bank.

I want off this ride so bad. I feel like crying. At least I didnt piss in my girlfriends bed
How the fuck do you people get and keep girlfriends?

I dress at least somewhat well and spam the fuck out of girls on pof.

Its a numbers game. Im not that good looking. 27 anon banging a 22 year old.
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go to sleep asap
i kknwo you wont be able to
call un sick RIGHT THE FUCK NOW while you pour out the rest/chug the res tof yhour booze
the most importatnt thing is to stop

I cant call in sick. I took too much time off (over a month) due to a family emergency. I went on a MASSIVE bender and went to detox twice. This was 5 months ago. Ive managed something like 15 days sober since

AA didnt help, i dont wanna go back on benzos either

Basically Id rather be dead
I can't do anything like that because I'm fat.
I do have a good friend who will fuk with me but we live far apart and we're not in an official relationship.
>spam the fuck out of girls on pof
What do you say to them? I have been considering doing this too, lots of really cute ones on there it seems

Anything. Troll them slightly, you gotta stand out from the other bros

Or sometimes I just say "cute!"

If i really think theyre cute but they dont respond ill say "oops i meant to message someone else"

Or ask them for pics without photoshop

Lose weight fat anon. Im a drunk bulimic.

I dont suggest it
My alcoholic sister has pancreatitis, gallbladder removed, and recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
For your own sake, get yourself off the sauce and stop binge drinking.
You're not invincible in your 20s
You don't want to be on the brink of death in your 30s
Fuck man, sorry to hear that.

How old is she and how much does she drink?
37, not sure exactly how much, got drunk every day
Pulled out a dozen empty fifths when we found out
I got dropped from my classes
its really not that big of a deal I just attend community college but still bums be the fuck out. I just got so stressed and couldnt do it anymore. Quit alcohol for 2 weeks after but it was calling me tonight
I feel great.
Tomorrow is going to be hell but honestly this is the first content feeling i've had in these two weeks.
Hey man dropped out of college to go on a bender and started sleeping in my car.

You're not alone anon

/talking to myself now

I've always kind of avoided alcohol, mostly because I don't like beer.

What should I drink to forget?
you dont drink beer to forget
you drink hard shitty alcohol to forget. go and get yourself a really shitty really cheap handle of vodka its like 10 bucks.
chase that with some soda or something
join us
K so I'm on the run from the police. 2 weeks so far. A 12yo boy trod dogshit into my house so I apparently beat the crap out of him and rubbed his face in the shit.
Thinking should try harder to stop drinking sometime soon.
how did you figure out you're on the run? kekkles
Careful with that edge, son.
always wonder the exact details of how when i watch this
also his brother looks like a big gay
i should clarify, i think you might be able to get a psych if you pay, but for a free one you have to wait like 4-6months sometimes.

if you're in crisis you have to go strait tothe hospital
i work as a custodian and hate physical labour
i do this work b/c im a drunk and too nervous to do anything else.

What is the minimum someone has to stay healthy and sober before you can see what life is like without drinking? I want to give it one more try before i give in and drink to death or w/e

Dude im drinking on the toilet at work and you make no sense
>He fell for the LSD is harnless meme
Enjoy your flashbacks faggot
National healthcare, not even once
where do you work? how much are you drinking?
t. drank at bathroom at uni
Haha I used to do this shit all the time at work. Sneak two tall cans in my coat pockets and just chill on my phone. Good times.
fucking richard kutney


Usually half a fifth deep before work. Work starts at 730
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>went to a dinner party last night
>normally have a few drinks to loosen up, always have a good time
>this time the host has no booze of any kind
>can't stand the people i normally like sober
>leave halfway through
Plus the food gave me the shits as soon as i was done eating it.
Medfag reporting.

If I access any of you guys, I'll tell you straight the fuck up what's wrong with you, and how you could probably slow down and/or fix it.
Fuck "moralization", you either man the fuck up and fix your issues, or don't.
Hi, my name's Paul and...... I'm an alcoholic
I have a few alcoholic and cokehead friends.

Glad weed is my vice desu.
Couldn't deal with feeling like shit all the time i'm not intoxicated a little
Why is alcohol so god damn expensive in Canada? When I hear Americans talk about $10 handles of shitty vodka I get jealous.
fuck that looks comfy.
If there were no insex I would sleep outdoors like this.
(had a bad insex experience once)
I managed to cut out all hard booze. Haven't had anything stronger than beer in 8 months. I drink 6-9 beers a night so I'm still fucked but at least i don't get blackout drunk anymore.
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Bad, I quit drinking weeks ago and currently on my last semester of college down the street from my house (so living there) and my psychologically abusive alcoholic father lost his job after 30 years to a second dui since my mom died a few years ago. Last night he got hysterical about "my generation", Trump, and how I'm fucking stupid and such but I had enough and poured out what little alcohol he had left for the night. First time he ever attempted to physically assault me and I attempted to sweep him off his feet and shove him off until the fourth hit at my head and decked him on his ass. I've never punched anyone before let alone my family. My siblings and I are going to attempt an intervention tomorrow and we're going to have to make him choose the drink (which also killed my mom) or us.

Feels bad man.
Mosquito netting, man.

Mcdonalds drinker here

Yup, $50 a day gets expensive very fast
I feel so sad for this guy and his family every time I watch this. Except for his brother, fuck that smug fucking cunt.
>evening shift got cancelled
>have no beer
>only one bottle of white wine in the fridge
gotta pay for that socialism somehow


at any rate, started to effect my platelet levels recently, hopefully the 3 weeks of sobriety have given them some recovery time :^)
buddy i'm dependent on weed and i feel like fucking dying whenever i'm not high, get your smug shit out of here
cause the moosefugging commie gubmint taxes the shit out of hootch to pay for your commie healthcare, that's why a case of beer costs 50 bucks :D if i lived up there i'd be making my own moonshine :D

would 18 beers a day be considered a drinking problem? asking for a friend
That's about the equivalent of drinking a fifth of liquor a day. You decide.

That kind of drinking landed me in detox

you can step your game up a bit

2oz of gin (beefeater and tanqueray 10 are solid) 2 oz of your favourite soda water (perrier and san pellegrino are good) and 2 oz of tonic water in that order into a tumbler with ice

garnish with 2-3 slices of cucumber

its pretty tasty and very easy to make, i usually drink those when i am too lazy to go buy more beer
As always. Depressed with a bottle of my favourite whiskey.
What are you guys drinking tonight?

meh i guess

4-5 years ago i drank only lightly, lifted 3-4 times a week, ate healthy if not as frequently as i should have

gf left and a bunch of shit luck happened and i did the whole boo hoo poor me thing for a few years before managing to climb up to a more or less okay state

wouldnt call myself an alcoholic but im defo a heavy drinker now, dont gym any more and im basically just maintaining "normal" skinnyfat by eating little to no junk and skipping meals occasionally

the only times i dont have 4-5 drinks is weekends (when i have ~12) or days when im really hungover and even most of the time ill feel up to having a drink or two later than evening

like a lot of other anons here i wish i could cut down on the drink (blackouts becoming more frequent) and go back to the gym and shit but i can help feeling like it'd be pointless and id just be giving up something i enjoy doing

my life is mostly in order though, have a few close friends, family who loves me, decent job and renting my own place so i suppose i cant really complain

how bout you op?
Look at the bright side of it. At least you will never experience catastrophic food poisoning.
I used to enjoy drinking alone at home.
When I try to do it now I may have 3-4 drinks then I give up.
I don't think I can drink like I used to anymore.
jesus fuck bro
I'm curious, how the fuck do you even manage to down 18 beers a day?
Max I could do was 12, and now I get drunk off whiskey and other hard liquors instead.

That's a lot of booze for very little alcohol.
18 beers over a day.
Can't keep food down. Surviving solely on calories in alcohol,. Can't go on like this
Last xmas I drank 54 light beers over 48 hrs. Now.i do 3-5 bottles of vodka daily.

hi paul
guys i have only been drinking today its 1pm i think if i continue to tomorrow i will get kicked out of my house not sure how to deal
who should i kill first

i used to do 9-10 pints a night after work, go home eat dinner, then go to work next day and did ok
its all slowly ramping up tolerances
nowadays i do 2 nights a week and 3 pints max then think NOPE, not going that route again
then i go home and cry
>tfw beer wasn't drinking you drunk fast enough
I have discovered recently that if I push passed 10pm without alcohol the desire for alcohol is overtaken by the desire to sleep.

I don't have to drink a drop during the day and I am a well functioning human being but as soon as it hits 4:00pm the desire kicks in hard. And then until the next morning I am fucking blitzed.

My step brother and I once cleared out 2 cases (48 beers) in a 9 hour window.

I drink at least 8 a night but I am getting annoyed at myself because it is damn expensive even when you buy beer wholesale.
I have a hard time gauging how fucked I am. I typically drink 2.5 to 3 litres of whiskey a week, with the occasional sober week once every month or two. Been doing this for 4 years and am now just feeling sore after every weekend and feel I need to stop.

Has anyone ever tried Kratom? Its still legal and seems like it might be a healthier alternative to get a little buzz, but i don't want to spend 40 dollars on some if its just some homeopathic bs.

think youve had enough there mate
thank i wish my GP would have been blunt and just called me fat when i was a teen
Yeah it's pretty bad. Not having to pay for medicine doesn't change its availability so instead you have waiting lists. Ideally people in front of you die waiting for medical treatment and you get pushed up.
recently realized the only way forward is 100% sobriety. that includes coffee, its still a drug and artificial mood booster and stimulant. that also includes unneeded and excess sugar, sugar is a drug and actually really bad for you. im on day 2 of no drugs of any sort and feel alot better. surprised how much better i feel from just the coffee alone. thankfully i dont have a job right now and can just focus on running on my treadmill for cardio and doing weights. feels pretty good man
flashbacks of quitting drinking?
>access any of you guys

NTS: Don't go to a medfag who thinks "assess" is spelled "access".
>he fell for the Art Linkletter/Nancy Reagan LSD flashback bullshit.

Enjoy your gullibility, Cletus.
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I didnt want to drink today but im back on the toilet at the shopping mall to drink before I go home

I hate myself
Lost my job a couple weeks ago, been binge drinking like hell, throwing my around like I don't care, bought some video games, watched some shitty movies, and it's all so boring.
I just wanna drink.
I cook breakfast every morning to cure the hangover, getting better at making my cheese omelettes.

Man, my body hurts.
I think after 7 years of drinking nearly every single night of my entire life, it's finally catching up to me.
Heart hurts and my insides burn.
16 yo budding alcoholic here. Quit class a drugs and weed a couple months ago after I got rumbled and a load of bad shit went down. Started drinking on my own that week pretty much so I had something else to do, now it's starting to be most nights i get drunk. Should I quit while I'm ahead or is there not actually that much risk of me becoming a full blown alcohol? It's working well as a distraction from going out and getting fucked but i don't want a shitty life, you guys seem good at dishing out advice, no h8

Im the dude drinking on the shitter




at your age it was fun. At 27 its not.
Holy shit, same. Used to drink like I didn't value my life, because I didn't. Did 3 tabs of LSD at a serene cottage retreat, suddenly zero urge to drink. Trip was awesome, but I won't waste time getting into it. Basically, I came to realize that the price to pay for all that temporary numbness just wasn't worth it, both long-term and short-term. Haven't so much as glanced at alc for about 6 months now.
I'm 27 as well, and boy does the fun stop being "fun" anymore.
I just keep drinking because it makes me feel better.
But damn does my fucking body hurt like shit now.
Going alcoholic for years catches up to you.
Starts out easy cuz your body isn't damaged yet, but after years it gets to you.
I'd be drinking and right away my chest burns on fire, my gut hurts, and I get an instant headache.
I have to drink more to kill the headache and everything.
And this happens every night now.
Two years at least. once you hit the 1 year mark you think 'yeah, i can get drunk again, im fine, see' and that's a big relapse point
Scariest post ITT :\
Anyone else get a pain in their left side after heavy binging?

Feels like an organ. Is that my liver or pancreas?
My heart always hurts and something right under it hurts as well.
Both are on the right side.
I am led to believe it's buildup in the bloodstream that clogs up and causes my insides to hurt.
>right side

Dammit, I meant left side.
Yes, could be, or stomach. Impossible to tell which since they call all produce pain in the upper left quadrant of your abdomen. Better lay off the juice for a while.
How old are you? Why the fuck are you drinking in a shopping mall instead of drinking at home or a bar?


Im hiding it from people. Bars are expensive. I was supposed to have quit after my second time in detox

Detox didnt help. I signed myself out and walked to the liquor store

Im 16 drinks deep today. I wish I were drunk. Im chasing a feeling i cant find anymore

Sorry lad, slip of the tongue. But you know damn well what I meant.
I went almost 2 weeks without drinking a single drop. Then my brother went out of town for the weekend and I've been hammered nearly the entire time.

I just want it to stop.
>this thread
theres no hope for us is there
how to sleep when you are sober

is that even possible?
no idea
I know, it seems impossible. But eventually your body will fall back into place. I was sleeping normally after about a week or so.

It's really strange. I either can't sleep a wink when I quit, or I'm so exhausted that I can't stop sleeping.
Well I sold my bed for beer money so I don't sleep at all. Sometimes i'll curl up in a ball and use a sheet as a pillow though. Every day is the worst day of my life.
Literally isn't possible.
I've tried sleeping pills and melatonin but that shit don't work.
I need to pass out from drinking a bottle of vodka.

Mall drinker here

Some nights ill pass out with my body pressed against the door

Im scared of people seeing how I live

Just kill me now
Last detox attempt I tried, I didn't sleep for 3 nights in a row. I couldn't take all the petrifying symptoms so relapsed hard.
Just got off a bender. I feel like I blackout a lot easier than I used to. I honestly don't feel too drunk then I go over the edge and will start pounding liquor. Anyone else black out easy?
Really? Not an alcoholic but zzzquill knocks me out and keeps me knocked out. Melatonin is a fucking meme and should be avoided at all costs unless you want 3 hours of shit sleep coupled with nightmares. Pure diphenhydramine though should do the trick. Maybe couple it with some weed famalam.
>tfw cut back to only one or two nights during the week drinking, and only 5-6 beers
>on nights I don't drink, I can't sleep without taking melatonin
>wake up and feel groggy all day, and coffee thrown on top of that almost feels like a hangover for me
>still drink into blackout every weekend night

I'm making good progress. Been keeping this up for a few weeks. Last night, I didn't take the melatonin, and couldn't sleep until 2:30, and I get up for work at 6. Fuck me.

At least now too, I'm graduated from college, and I don't have my on-campus job, too. That had me at work until 8pm, and I wouldn't get home until 9. At that point, when literally your whole normal waking time is blown on your day job, classes, and more work, you feel like you HAVE to drink just to capture some time for yourself.

But, my day job was a 6 month temporary deal. My time there is almost up, and I've seen a single entry level position in my field I graduated in around my area.
>tfw 4 beers and up has always given me a hangover

I'm doing something wrong. I down probably 2 liters of water before bed, have some food in the morning, drink a lot of water when I get up, have done with and without coffee, take a hot shower that I blast to cold, and none of it works to lighten the hangovers. I don't get headaches, just this mentally 'not there' miserable feeling I can't describe.
dringknin heavily and tempting to get more but know i shouldnt
i fucking hate mysefly
You should look into kava. Check out KavaForums.com. There are a lot of people who have successfully quit alcohol using kava. There is a whole subsection there on using kava to quit or lower alcohol intake. At the very least it could be a good replacement for most days and then you could still have your alcohol days 1-2 times a week on the weekend but you may find you don't even need that. It can also help you with your insomnia and give you something for those times when "you feel like you HAVE to drink just to capture some time for yourself."
yo my dude I can empathize, I used to do the same but instead of a mall it was some kind of corporate building that had to be unlocked 24/7 and i'd duck in there. Sleeping on the floor is fucking brutal too no matter how drunk you are, but I try to count my blessings.
On my second 40oz of 211

Im on my third 375 ml of vodka today. Im just glad im not alone fellow anon

Im more frustrated that im not even drunk. All i want is sleep
I use kratom a decent amount but have wanted to look into kava. how's the high?
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Cool me too.
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OP of this one here,
had 375ml/40% in the last hour.

it's gonna be enough for the night, at least I didn't spend 5 hours going through 1litre of whiskey.

not sure if i improved b/c i drank overall less or not lol
Can any of you guys give me a run down on tequila? What's a good sweet spot between responsible spending and not immediately gagging?
how are you doing? what are you up to right now?
Is Ketel One a decent vodka? And is Tito's a meme or decent as well? They cost the same here and I have no idea what I'm doing so I can't tell which is better
Triazolam was my go to sleep thing. docs didnt give it out too good though.

why do all drug dealers fuck around with weed and coke and never do the stuff i want>
pretty sure that is missing the point. you can't drink half a litre of the 'good stuff' every night and stay under $200/week
why Malls tho? do you not have a good home right now?

honestly, i've lived about 10 places the last 5 years, but when i have a really clean neat room, and ican just go back to it, drink hard, and fall asleep, and wake up to quiet and comfort, i feel so good. it's worth it, but i know it isn't always possible
Because why deal with sleeping drugs when you can get blackout drunk?
if you;re off alc, for a few days insomnia is really awful. or, sometimes if i start drinking in the am, my plan is to get sober by 9pm to get a decent night's sleep.

idk, sleeping drugs are dangerous as fuck
Anyone get these weird muscle jerks randomly over your body when trying to sleep sober? They just jerk me awake every 5 minutes and the biggest cause for insomnia.
considering seeing how deep i can cut into my arms before i panic and call 911 lmao
yeah i do. i get restless leg syndrom when i drink too much too, that has to do with ummm i think alcohol lowering mangnesium?

the jerking thing happens to normies too
I've never understood this one, i know one type of cutting gives off endorphins, whats your endgame with deeper cuts and a hospital stay? does it work for you?
Me neither. I'd much rather get choked.
well getting choked by a qt would be hot af, cuts just sting too much for me, and feels too much like damage
Omfg how can I last until 8am? Withdrawal began at about 1am, now 5, 3 more fucking hours? This is going to hit me like a steam train. It keeps on getting massively worse in a fucking instead
im about to do the same anon
try to sleep
you guys should consider smoking weed

I pretty much replaced my habit with another but being stoned does not feel that destructive on my body.
nah, it doesnt even close to make me feel as good as alcohol

weed isnt a good drug for me at all. im into klonopin and alc, weed isnt going to do what that stuff does
how much klonopin should i take? i have drank about 8 beers or sso and just want to sleep
Did for years. Took a tolerance break and drank so much in that time I got physically addicted to vodka. If I smoked I'd just be doing both.
eat something and drink milk
go to bed
Been trying all night. Impossible when I'm withdrawing
I know this is an old post but stepping back at looking at the situation is the best self help remedy.

Assume a different pair of glasses and look at what you're doing and be critical with it, be honest. Don't fall for the "well, fuck it I'm already a loser" routine.

t. Fast food addict
Just go to bed, even taking a .5 pill before that many beers and I straight blacked out and locked myself in my bathroom. My friend had to jimmy the lock and pull me out of the bathtub. Woke up the nest day and he filled in my hazy memories of what happened the night before and all the bruises from when I fell down several times and bumped into counter tops. That was what made me quit drinking.
I bought a bottle of scotch tonight to celebrate being done with my finals. I need to wake up in 4hrs to get on a flight and I haven't even packed.

Why does alcohol make me so irresponsible
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I'm doing well. Not an alcoholic these days, just have a good binge drink once a week. But the next week is going to be an exception. I'm a NEET and my folks are going away for a week, so I'm making a bender out of it.

so far I've got:
>One 1L bottle of vodka
>Two 700ml bottles of bourbon
>Three cartons of beer
Going to smash it all in 7 days. Which is a very big effort for me these days.

Drink on anons.
Well it varies from strain to strain. There are heady strains that and really euphoric and a great social lubricant without making you tired and there are heavy strains which can lay your ass out and lock you into a couch for a few hours and then everything in between. The effects are determined by the chemotype, the kavalactone percentage, and how strong you make your drinks. You can make a really strong batch or you can make a weak batch and drink it throughout the day. You can dose over time until you get to where you want to be and then keep topping up if you want to keep it going. Its pretty versatile. You can use it during the daytime and go out and do things or in the evening to chill out on the couch or at night to help you get to sleep.

Check out KavaForums.com they have a whole section on addiction and recovery for people with alcohol issues. I would also recommend check out Kavalibrary.com. They have a lot of great introductory info about dosage, preparation, effects, chemotypes, etc.

It is important to purchase "noble" kava and only from reputable vendors like Gourmet Hawiian Kava, Nakamal@Home, Kalm with Kava, Cactus Kava, etc as tudei or two-day kava have more of the less desirable flavokavains and the double bonded kavalactones which can result in a hangover the next day.

For people just starting out you might want to consider micronized kava since all you have to do is mix it with water and drink however it is more expensive and there is less variety. Traditional prep is much cheaper and, IMO, better and only take a few minutes to make. You simple add the root powder to warm water in a mesh back, stocking, tee shirt, sock, whatever, and then knead it for 10 minutes or so and then drink the liquid.
Look into etizolam.
I take a double dose of sleeping tabelets while drinking some ethylmorph
What's a carton of beer?
40 units assuming straight vodak
56 units assuming 40% bourbon

That's like 13 units per day.
I don't know what a carton is, but you aren't on a binge before the beer.
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its 6:11 am, woke up kinda drunk. had a few sips of vodka left over that I found down the side of my bed. not enough to get me going. im kinda itchy, haven't showered since Saturday night. i think i smell terrible. at least i didn't piss the bed last night


honestly im not sure. i just find some solace in sitting alone in a confined space where I can get fucked up in peace. its a gross bathroom. theres some generator going that makes the whole room shake. normally i wait until someone blow dries their hands and then ill take my booze out the brown paper bag so they don't hear me.

the other day a bottle fell down and rolled into the other guys stall next to me who was taking a dump. i grabbed it, chugged, and got the fuck out of there

after im done drinking i stuff it into my waist band and hop on the bus

the other week it slipped out and fell down my pants and down my leg and nearly fell on the ground in my mall. i pretended to tie my boots and tucked it back in

i wan to quit so bad. i only have one bottle of vodka to get me ''through'' the day.

im probably going to chug it in the hopes of getting drunk when i get to work

a liter of vodka last night and I didn't even need to take an advil

Good Lord...

Same anon here. Its 753 and im on the toilet at work drinking

I want to cry
How did the intervention go?
My dad's name is Paul and I'm an alcoholic.
Hitting the bottle today on holidays laughing at faggots who cant have a drink
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>finally get separation orders from military
>buy 12 of my favorite beers to celebrate
>drink two, no more urge to drink

Holy shit. It's amazing how much my drinking is a litmus test for my mood. Like, I'm beaming, and having a buzz feels superfluous.

Suck it y'all. I'm not an alcoholic after all! I was just very depressed!

Jk. I'm here for you guys. We're all gonna be alright.
Damn, we're all some fucked up SOBs.

But hey, at least we're not indian or /mlp/ faggots.
>People tell me I sound happier than ever so I feel ok about it
idk about anybody else but I hate when I've started doing something/quitting a bad habit and trying to have a good attitude about it, but it sucks and feels pointless, but everybody tells me how much better I look/sound. like, how nice for you, you get to be around an improved version of me. wish it was nice for me too.

and the sense of accomplishment that I get out of being healthy and virtuous just doesn't last. it just melts away instantly like cotton candy.

not saying that I expect accomplishing things and making life changes to be easy and effortless. I know it's supposed to be hard work and that's fine. I just wish it ever felt like hard work that paid off.
How long does a twelve pack last you, al/ck/?
I usually drink whisky alongside beer so usually 2 nights if I am taking it reasonably easy
One work week or one weekend.
Glad someone read it, he actually realized he was out of control then and has decided to quit. He has before when he was trying to date a lady but this is for good. I believe he'll stick with it. I am glad he was reachable when my mom wasn't.
>Used to be able to finish a 24 pack of budweiser to myself

>Now can't even finish 5

Am I dying?
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Two of them are 24 bottle cartons, the other is a 30 can carton.

>I don't know what a carton is, but you aren't on a binge before the beer.
Huh? I'm definitely drinking the beer. 9:40am and I just cracked open the first stubby (beer bottle).
Mcdonalds drinker here

Got two 375 mls of vodka and two 200 mls of rum

Should get me through tonight and hopefully tomorrow

Gonna shower in the morning
is there some baby step up from jack daniels? Looking for something similarly pleb and cheap. I normally do shots and fill glass with water and kill it in a few gulps. Everytime I go to the store I look at the shelf for a few minutes and inevitably grab the jack again.
>is this green
Is this the saddest al/ck/ thread we've had or is it just my mood? Take care of yourselves brothers, I've been there.

To mall drinker. I was doing shit very similar to you. Only instead of a mall it was a large museum that I had a membership for. You really need to get off real soon, rock bottom is close. Get help, the longer you wait the worse it will end up being.

Man ive been to detox twice and it did fuck all. I dont want to ask the doc for benzos again..
6 Fat Tires in with 6 more to go and I'm about to watch the newest Neil Breen flick. I am happy.
2 handles of 101 get me through the week. i chase shots with coke. its ok. i wake up usually not remembering i left the lights on or a video playing in the background. it helps me sleep.

how do i compare to others? im hoping its not as bad as im thinking.
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I wanna get something out.
I've been drinking almost every single day for 7 years after my ex left me.
I don't want help, but sometimes I think going to an AA meeting may help.
But then all my friends and family know I have a problem.
I don't know.
Sometimes I rather just keep drinking and forget everything.

Mall drinker here.

Try a meeting. I was going to them. Im not exactly social so I didnt care for all the talking shit

I did like the mens only meeting tho. None of the hand holding crap

Ive also been to more meetings drunk than sober. People are very welcoming
Old Crow.

I guess its not really a step up but it's way cheaper and equally as smooth.

1.75L runs about $16.
short term memory is fucked as long as you continue drinking that much.

i've tested it and memory issues go away after a week or so of light drinking (3-4 beers a day).

i drank for about 3 years straight (averaged 6-12 beers a day). doesn't seem like much to some but it catches up to you quick.
2 handles a week is pretty bad.
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> BT: what can I do you for, anon?
> me: I'd like the gin, Mr. Barman sir.
> BT: Gotcha.
> BT: *pulls out soda hose*
> mfw
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>want to go buy more alcohol but afraid if i drink more i'll go through some hellish withdrawals when i stop
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> BT: what can I do you for, anon?
> me: I'd like the scotch, Mr. Barman sir.
> BT: single malt or blended?
> mfw
> me: single malt, OBVIOUSLY.
> Jeeves: what can I do you for, Master Anon?
> me: I'd like the X.O. cognac, Mr. Servant sir.
> BT: Gotcha.
> BT: *doesn't heat the glass first*
> mfw
Welp, I need a new Butler.
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> BT: what can I do you for, anon?
> me: I don't drink.
> BT: Gotcha.
> BT: *pulls out diet pepsi*
> mfw
> BT: what's the skinny, anon buddy?
> me: I drink to forget.
> BT: Gotcha.
> BT: *pulls out marshmallow vodka*
> me: You are truly my greatest ally, Mr. Bartender Sir.
> BT: Oh hey there, Anon!
> pours a Blue Moon into a glass and a shot of their cheapest vodka
> me: Thanks, dude
> tip him 20 bucks later
Mall drinker here

I finally caught a slight buzz. Been drinking since 3 this morning. I think im about 25 drinks deep today

A 750 ml of vodka, a 200 ml of rum

I cant do the math
i've never posted here before. i hope you're all doing well. i'm currently a few drinks in, but that's all it really takes for me, since i'm a real lightweight. i've come to realize that i hate myself and i want to die but i'm too scared to kill myself, but i can spend my nights drinking and, with a little luck, forgetting how much i hate my fucking life, how miserably alone i am

Mall drinker here

Thats some sad shit. Hang in there anon.

We all love you. Should you feel the need, hit up an AA meeting.
is it really sad shit? i mean, this is the second time i've been drunk in several months, and i'm not even sure that i'm drunk in the first place. i mean, I can stil type, you know? do't you have to drink a lot, and often, to be an AA person? i guess i just don't know a lot about it, you know?
Where does one get a vape pipe like that?
were these funnier in your head?
That really isn't that much spanned over a whole day mate. If you want to get drunk, then drinkj like it.
I only did the first two.

if i had a gun i'd shoot myself without anything even remotely close to hesitation

of cousres i don't so that's that

but a man an dream, can't he?
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> BT: pick yer poison, anon-chan?
> me: moshi-moshi sake desu, Mr. Barman sama.
> BT: *serves warm sake*
> BT: kanpai, anon.
> me: kanpai ~~~<3!

Im gonna ignore the other anon who quoted me.

Youd be more than welcome at a meeting. It doesnt matter how much you drink, its what it does to you.

Ive gone to AA meetings in piss stained underwear. Ive gone shit faced. Ive ylee in front of a group of 40 people.

Dont feel comfy? Quote me again if you wanna email.
i s that right? ihad no idea

the room is curently spinning around mein the most exquiste fashin, it's like , i'm not sure, something out of a game show perhaps

nd i can still answer the captcha! who knew.
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Do you guys seriously drink as much as you say?

When I get "really drunk" I drink half a 375ml of whisky in 2-3 hours, and I regret it right away.

Drinking an entire bottle of wine in an hour leaves me paralysed for a while.

I really couldn't drink as much as you guys say even if I tried. I'd be incapacitated before I finish 375mls of hard liquor.
I've filtered you back, faggot.
Enjoy your buzz anon

[email protected]
i'm no eve close to enjoying it

actually i' wondering why i di dthis to myself

do ou know why?'i dn't
i think i'm just going to lay down instead

thanks forth offer though

also, what is with thiese fucking captchas? tracse around the fucking street signs? wat te fuci?
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I have a bad time now...

To start, i dont have a wife, kids, a loan to pay... it's just... i need a friend.

A friend that will knock on my door and just be there. All three of my real friends (that i would really save from the bullet) are now married and with kids. They come around and take me for a beer, get drunk and make sure none of us is in danger.

But i need a friend... Alcohol comes and goes with too many questions unanswered.

You are my chaotic friends, but you aren't able to knock on my door and say "follow me, you wont regret it" and proceed to the cliffs just to sit around in silence and enjoy the silence with a comfy smile.


I won't kill myself, i just want to kill that part of my brain that worries...

I dont know why either. Ive hated it for years.

Theres always detox man. Its free here in Canada
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I'm hanging out with my friend who's a recovering alcoholic tomorrow. First time we'll be hanging out without booze being involved for years. Should be alright though, gonna drink a bunch of kava and chill.
Fuck... I hope you all find peace someday.
Stay strong anons.
Hey McDonald's guy, see you pop up on here a lot. How have you been these past couple days? I know Monday was supposed to have been pretty rough for you, right?
Do you happen to have a desire to turn off the caps lock?
I've been there, man. It's awful. Got to the point where I wasn't even trying to eat because I was so fucked up all the time. Everything I tried to eat, or drink (except cheap vodka and water) would get thrown up, along with nasty black shit and even some blood. Please get help. If you're as far into it as I was, and it sounds like you are, please go to the hospital. It's not an easy choice to make, but I promise you will not regret it.
that's awesome, keep chasing that feeling, my friend. and you're right, ultimately being 100% sober is the only way we can guarantee we won't end up at rock bottom again. Been there a few times myself and it's frightening.
You're hiding it from people, which I can understand, but don't you think they can tell that you're fucked up from all that bathroom drinking? Not trying to talk down, but man I think back to my worst periods of alcoholism and it seems pretty obvious that people knew.

Also, how long do you typically spend in the bathroom each day doing this? I see you on here a lot, man. I'm concerned for you. I mean that in a genuine way - just know there's someone out there who's been what you're going through and who is sympathetic to it.

This. That is exactly how it was for me at my worst. Absolutely nothing was fun about that period of my life. I still struggle to this day, but going to a hospital and starting the process of pulling myself out of that shithole of a lifestyle was the best decision I've ever made. Zero regrets. Do not get on this ride, kids.
wait are you the same as mcdonalds drinker? and where the fuck is Smirnoff guy?

thanks broski, yea im on day 3 now and feeling even better. eating clean healthy meals, lots of water vegtables, vitamins, and getting 45 min of cardio and about an hour of weights in. other then that tho im still sitting around pretty bored but its a good kind of boredom. i always think about the opening scene in trainspotting where hes getting off H in a planned out determined mission sort of way , and that actually kind of helps me when i think of it like that. like it needs to be done.
I've done quite a few drugs, but alcohol is the best in the long run. Easy to access, doesn't immediately fry my CNS, legal, gives my happiness, etc... Obviously it's still fucking terrible for me, but it's a love hate relationship. A constant battle between my body and mind.
Is a handle 1.75 litres? If so, that is 500ml a night which was pretty much what I was on at my worst so not THAT bad. I saw I was starting to fall down the rabbit hole so scaled way back to sensible levels now.

Stopped completely, didn't taper or anything. Slept like shit a couple of nights for the first week but no withdrawals or anything.
Short answer, yes. It is quite alarming how your tolerance can build up if you drink regularly. Also you get some biological differences, men can usually handle their drink better than women, and bigger people (fat and / or tall) handle it better than smaller people.

For example a bottle of wine (750ml, 13%) is easily drinkable in an evening with no ill effects the day after for a lot of people. It is how I got started, was the perfect amount for a nice buzz and no hangover to worry about. Then you throw a couple of beers in, then you switch to spirits etc etc.

Going by that post you fall into the category of people who are affected by alcohol very quickly, which is no bad thing.
What the fuck am I going to eat for dinner?
>I've been a heavy drinker for a long time (2 shots + 4-5 beers a night for about five years). What's worse is that I've used alcohol to battle my anxiety, and I'm a completely functional alcoholic. However, I'm very aware that my consumption also leads to more anxiety (not to mention the destruction of my body). So, it’s really a double edged sword. So, I started reading about Kava. Ordered some micronized from a vendor mentioned on this sub. Tried it, and only had two beers that night. Ever since I’ve started using kava, I’ve felt less of a need to drink alcohol. Which is friggin’ amazing guys. I’ve got a little one on the way, and I need to be a healthier person. I’ve found that kava doesn’t impair me physically, and I’m in a much better, calmer mood after using it. I can see myself eventually just using kava to unwind and enjoy my family. I’m very hard on myself, and I want to be around for my child. My wife is also supportive of these actions, as she has noticed a change in my ability to be patient and not over worry everything while using kava. My end goal is to become a social alcohol drinker only (1-3 times a month, or as time allows due to baby…which will likely be never. And I’m okay with that now)

And there are many more stories just like that or much much worse so it definitely is possible to curb or quit drinking with the help of kava if you do want to make a change. One of the leading kava growers and business owners initially got into kava because of his issues with alcohol.

they have him the wrong medications and he died because the doctors didn't know what they were doing
its either that or cirrhosis. Your pick.

ive been worse. Monday was rough. had sex with a girl sunday, got her to drop me off at the mall and I got royally fucked up all day. I fell into a couple snow banks. >>8368003

thanks man.. at work I may end up on the toilet 5 or 6 times a day. its not always to drink. vodka sort of melts my insides and I feel like I have to crap all the time


yes im the mcdonalds/bathroom drinker

if Smirnoff guy is the dude posting pics of his recycle bin, that's not me. that dude needs to chill out on his drinking.. rich coming from me..

I suppose so eh. I remember the doctor asking me where I worked, I told him I wasn't gonna tell him.. he said ..''no. im just wondering how you manage to hold down a job while drinking all the time.''

that was 3 years ago and I could at least control my binge drinking to the weekend

after work at the mall I may end up in the bathroom for half an hour or so. usually I fall asleep on the bus, walk into the liquor store, if security starts to follow me (im not the only bathroom drinker) ill go buy some subway

mcdonalds drinker is me in the morning, mall drinker is me at night
anyone else have a difficult time around christmas? i just dont want to exist around this holiday.
therefore i want to be wasted until january so i can pretend for another year that it doesnt end with christmas
>tfw grandfather was alcoholic
>have started drinking more and more because i hate being alive

isn't going to end well is it
I'm feeling so suicidal and shit right now. I'm so tired of this. I'm so tired of feeling like a burden to my family. 8 don't even have a solid way of an heroing. What the fuck do I do?
This is me too. Fuck.
>it's another no idea what the fuck you did last night and wait anxiously all day for someone to confront you episode
Kill me.

Literally just stop drinking , all other drugs, excersize daily, eat healthy, and just man up when dealing with any feelings of boredome or depression. just take them as they come, and they will. do this for a minimum of 3 months and then evaluate how you feel.
2 days without a drink, after 5+ years of 8-10 beers every night doubt i'll make it but never know.
hey dude just out of curiosity, are you suffering withdrawals of any kind? I'm around 12 a day but I tried a few months back and felt like shit after a day and I caved. maybe I'm just weak willed, idk

After I quit daily drinking close to 5+ years I had withdrawal symptoms for about 5 months. though at the time I didnt realize it was withdrawal and literally thought I was dying every day. Went to the hospital multiple times sure I was having a heart attack, couldn't breath very well, heart flip flopping around, pounding like crazy, insane feelings of regret, worry. 1 or both arms falling asleep and going numb when lying down trying to sleep even though I wasnt sleeping on them or anything. I even had a few minor hallucinations like seeing flies crawl around on shit, thankfuly that only happened like 3-5 times total, but it was really surreal and weird.

Only after the 5 months did I gradually start realize I was withdrawing and then finally returned to normal where I wasn't worrying all day. Shit fucking sucked
the only thing I have noticed thus far is just trouble sleeping at night and mild head ache about an hour after the time I would regularly start my drinking for the evening, this isn't my first attempt at quitting I've had a few stretches over the years 14-30 days but I can never hold to it, im sure this time will be no different but maybe so god damn im almost 31 and weighing around 267-277lbs im just sick of it and know damn well it's going to lead to future health issues if I don't stop
I'm going to see an addiction therapist about it soon. Every time I try to call them back the chick who contacted me isn't there or no one picks up reeee.
*helps you*

Didn't drink last night lads, wew
Well bros, I'm out of college and living at home since I'm not making enough at my current job to afford my own place. My mom found one of my empties and we basically had the 3rd "intervention" in the past year, they threatened to kick me out if it continued after the last one. My dad is on a business trip until friday, so basically I have 2 days to form a plan to get better, most likely including AA or therapy, otherwise I'm gonna be out on the street. What do? I'm most definitely an alcohol
see a dr first of all
then itll be a combo of coping mechanisms and prob AA and maaaybe prescription drugs
I just turned 31. 10 year anniversary of daily drinking. I feel fucking awful right now. I'm really shaking and I can't think straight. My kidneys hurt. I'm trying to talk myself into at least taking a break for a few days, but I know I won't sleep a wink and I might have a heart attack. This shit sucks.
>think about going to pick up a bottle for tonight
>see these posts
thanks guys
I definitely have an addictive personality, I'm not sure prescription drugs would be another door I'd want to open
im not talking narcotics but maybe some depression/anxiety drugs or like naltrexone
i've never really liked alcohol but recently found taste for the hot spiced wines in the christmas markets. almost as good as hot chocolate.
What should I order from Australian KFC? I want /ck/ to decide what I should order

get a zinger stacker tbqh
do they still do them?
zinger stacker or kentucky

its on the menu
have you tried the new bacon lovers burger?
haha jk went out and got a two six
Anyone else feel like they max out at a certain point of drinking, still feel somewhat lucid, and just wish you could get the drunk feeling but more? how do I achieve this? I guess it probably isn't how the chemicals work

if i decide to drink i'll do a 375ml of whisky in just over an hour, then maybe another 200ml whisky over the next 5 hours + 1mg of klonopin somewhere in there.
lol srsly?
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yeah got some maple whiskey
no, but it's the kind of stupid thing I would try
on my third double 151 and OJ. Things is going pretty shit. hows you?
opiates and narcotic stimulants seem to do the trick.
like coke+heroin?

okay im not ready for it yet, especially with this stupid cut opiates everywhere right now
>tfw had to go out and buy another cause one wasn't enough that i could fall asleep off of
where are you at?
calgary alberta
thank god for liquor barns open till 2am
how drunk?
been drinking for about 5.5 hours now
just about done my first 26oz/750ml of 35% liquor
will start on the one i just picked up after that
surprisingly don't feel that drunk, not sure why, usually should be passed out by now :/
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I've started shitting black shit the past few weeks. Should I be worried?
Had a Stella Artois at dinner (It was that or Bud Light), and I've been nursing a 40 of Steel Reserve all night. Most of my drinking is out of boredom, once I'm back in school it'll level off. Plus, a couple hangovers lately have me off of hard stuff for a while.
if you've been drinking constantly and not eating then yeah i believe that's a bad sign.

man fuck doctors, bunch of fucking assholes am i right

black shit could mean internal bleeding. Could also just be the food you're eating. I would be at least worried enough to try to figure it out.
I was up to 4:30 am drinking last night, only got five hours of sleep and in an hour I'll have finished a 12 hour shift.

I kinda want to drink when I'm done but not even sure I'd be able to drink all that much. Feel exhausted.
"coffee grounds" is the thing to look out for

bruh, you are obviously a member here but don't you think youve been drinking a little much?
>but don't you think youve been drinking a little much?
wll yeah no shit
gonna drink till i fall asleep though then see where i end up
Pour yourself a glass of water, bud. Drinking some now might tone down the hangover, plus you're gonna be wicked thirsty when you wake up.
i alwyas have a 1L bottle of water with me
think i drank about 5L today at least
not sure why you care about me so much i've been throught his and worse before
thats pretty much what ive been doing. I'm 22. I dont want this
>anon can i get you to hold your hands out with your fingers straight out for me?
I envy you so much. Where I live alcohol is unofficially prohibited, drinking is a taboo and against religious views.
Eh, I'm in a good mood. Besides, I've had a couple unpleasant mornings-after myself.
Utah, an Islamic country, or elsewhere?
yeah ive had some rough ones myself
i think the time before last i had a seizure and bit my tongue hard enough i couldn't eat for 3-4 days after. still can feel scar tissue on my tongue on one side. not sure what to do anymore.
Islamic country. You are even able to buy it in some places in the morning. It is not against the law, but the fact that these shopkeepers hold it as secret says much.
Can you say what country, or at least what part of the world? The ways that people in the islamic world get around alcohol laws is interesting to me.
Russian federation, republic Chechnya.
I feel like shit.
my gf broke up with me six months ago and I haven't been sober since. My appearance is now awful because I keep drinking to sleep and waking up in the middle of the night bored and lonely
I just found out that she is in another relationship and my heart is in so much pain. I just want to die. she was my first love and the fact that I am 26 makes me want to give up on finding someone that loves me. I still truly love her and my heart hurts so very much

my drinking has progressed from 3 beers a night to 5 or six shot of vodka every night mixed with melatonin. I think my eyes are turning a bit yellow

I just really wished that I never fell in love in the first place and I cannot take the pain anymore.
second night of no drinking, Haven't slept more than an hour in three days. this is gonna be harder than I thought
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keep at it anon it only gets better!
fucking 26? grow up
social policy to limit drunkenness
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girls suck get a waifu
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>halfway to drunk
I'm 30yo and been drinking 10+ units units a day for 10 years.

Joined AA and been alcohol free for 6 days. Wish me luck lads.

To anyone aged 18-23 who say they are an alcoholic, quit or get help now. You don't want to be dealing with this shit with a clapped out 30yo body trust me.

Good luck all.
Last time I got drunk I had most (all but a shot or two) of a 750ml bottle of brandy over the course of 4-6 hours. I only remember the first half of it though. Since then I have stuck to a max of two drinks a day because I hate that I did that to myself.

Tolerance really does build up. An old rommate of mine got to the point where getting drunk at all meant having a BAC > 2. Generally your body gets used to the buzz, but the ld50 stays the same. I knew a guy who worked doing chemical analysis for cause of death type stuff who saw a guy who had crashed a car with a BAC of >3 and couldn't tell if he died before or after crashing the car.

Muh genetics also play a role, as do factors like weight to some extent. Then you have people (not here I hope) who confuse handles and fifths when bragging about how much they drink.
Melatonin works great for me; deep sleep for 4 hours then vivid dreams til you have to get up. It is difficult to gather the will to get out of bed sometimes though.
Are you rich? Also, what do texans or nederlanders know about fucking vodka?

one night or a month depending on mood

you mean when you wipe and theres the usual smear but blobs look like coffee granules' darker than the smear?

if so, welp, time to update the will
>drain clogged and I can't use the toilet
>still can't stop drinking low% booze
I just pissed in a bucket and emptied it in the garden.
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back in the day.jpg
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>>He fell for the LSD is harnless meme
>Enjoy your flashbacks faggot

49 year old here, who did acid a bunch of times back in the 80s and I've never had any kinda "flashbacks".

On the other hand, I did shrooms _once_ and it was the worst time of my life.

>Did 3 tabs of LSD at a serene cottage retreat, suddenly zero urge to drink.

That odd, because when I and my friends dropped acid, we'd drink like fish (and smoke like chimneys) and never felt drunk in the least.

piss in the sink you fucking amateur
Liquor drunk and beer drunk are two different animals.
Shooting liquor especially in a social situation will get you way more fucked up than beer.
Beer is a much mellower buzz and easier to control your intake if you have substance issues.
Remember the first 1-2 drinks of any alcohol act as a stimulant, and most people keep drinking beyond that first 1 or 2 chasing that high. Then 4 5 6 11 drinks later you're pissing the bed.
It's connected to the same drain.
get drain clearner/a drain snake

>his alkie piss isnt so toxic it disolves anything short of glass and lead

>have some rye whiskey left
>no pop for mix
what do i do??
oh ggod the spiders on the walls the lizard men walking into and then out of my room while I try to lay down make it stop
Shit Anon, I feel bad for you.
Can you call an ambulance without putting your family in debt for four generations where you live? Can you get any booze at all?
damn I piss in my sink way too often, it's halfway to a urinal by now
>Remember the first 1-2 drinks of any alcohol act as a stimulant
Never heard of this, source?
It will pass.
went out and bought a 40 and some soda :^)
Mall drinker here

Security finally kicked me out and told me not to come back. They caught on to my drinking on tbe toilet

Who was it? The liqour store ppl? The subway guy? Who the fuck snitched me out. Fuck i could hardly stand

I think i need a doctor
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