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Food That Makes You Shit

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What food makes you shit worse than any other?
For me it would have to be Hamburger Helper. I don't eat it anymore, but that stuff murders my stomach.
>Hamburger Helper
Nothing makes my bowel movements uncomfortably abnormal.
Anything from Denny's
Coffee. I already eat plenty of vegetables and whole grains, I poop usually twice a day and it only takes a minute or two each time. Last time I had coffee, I diarrhea'd 5 times in 20 minutes, it was awful.
I've eaten nothing today but leftover super hot Thai green curry and Indonesian rice salad, both of which I made yesterday, and let me tell you, all I've done is poop today, all day. It sucks, but it's also sort of satisfying at the same time.
coffee and spinach always results in me shitting my brains out.
instant ramen with poached eggs with the chili garlic sauce.
burritos make me have phat shits

not necessarily bad shits, just large ones
The only thing that makes me have insanity poops is when I eat an entire bag of spicy cheetos in one sitting.

when it's hot outside, lipton ice tea
you'll get the runs guaranteed
I live in texas, so I know heat and tea. You're probably dying is tea gives you the shits. Not normal dude.
Confirmed for being a limp wristed yankee faggot
fiber, man. Big bowls of rsaisin bran, if I eat a lot of fruit in one sitting, nuts maybe.
This tbph famigo

lipton ice tea is hardly tea mate
homemade ice tea and high quality brand iced teas don't count
Shitposting aside, that looks absolutely delectable
There's a pizza place mear me that makes habanero pizza in the Summer. I can't make plans the next day after eating one because I just shit all dang day
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Pic related, guaranteed diarrhea at around 4:00am if I eat one for dinner.
It's because you're a faggot and god is punishing you
Ah, that explains why he made me have sex with your Mom last night.
dairy is hit or miss because i'm lactose intolerant. pizza sometimes affects me but rarely does anymore and ice cream affects me 50/50 and i'm either constipated or have diarrhea. alfredo sauce will hit me 10 minutes after i've ate it and i'll have around 8 watery shits.
Split pea and ham soup

Best farts and shits ever
The free water at IHOP
That doesn't even make sense
That's what I said, but he made me do it anyway.
Fucking MREs. Ate only those for 4 days in a row just now, and god damn is my stomach fucked.
He can do fractions pretty damn fast
I have a snack of tomatoes and bread drizzled with olive oil every few days. Would do it more, but it makes me shit my ass all over town.
Aglio e olio. Especially with extra garlic.
Copious amounts of alcohol often end up with diarrhea the day after.
Eating a lot of cashew nuts makes my poo extremely sticky and full of air for some reason. It sticks to my butt when shitting, it won't drown in the water, it sticks to the toilet itself and needs to be scraped off.

At least with explosive liquid shit you just wipe, flush and forget but this is a whole new level.
This, whenever i eat an entire can, its two days of diarrhea
I have to shit all day long, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Exactly, always get diarrhea after a night of drinking.
Are you getting paid for this or something?
13 years worth of vodka
>ITT: Stuff I eat all the time or every once in a while without any problems
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haha! funny AND original!
Cheetos, or at least the swedish versions of it.
It's not that big of a deal though, the bowels are empty in a split second so it saves time.
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An entire portion of vindaloo to myself in one sitting has me shitting lava the next day. Usually get it all out in about 3 goes but my anus is red raw from wiping so much.
Wouldn't this be more appropriate for /b?
>Go to sushi place with friend
>enjoy it cause decently priced, it tasted good and friendly qts everywhere
>bathroom volcanic adventure 4 hours later

Never again
I have a short list :
-Tortilla chips
-Black Beans
Any food that contains beans or chorizo.

local pizza place has a large 2 topping pizza and wings special for 20 dollars, and the next day my shits are all paste. a salad is the same price as the wings which would help clean out my guts, but I don't see the point when wings are superior.

the most reliable ways to shit is either coffee, naturally, or drinking a whole bunch of water before eating a big meal. the food on top of the water feels like it acts like a big fucking plunger
I do just fine with McD, Burger King, Hardees and all them, but something they put in the Wendy's burgers fills my asshole with dynamite. I have constipated IBS and for me there's nearly no such thing as violently shitting even in situations that would give many people diarrhea, but Wendy's sure as fuck gets the job done in that department.

Sucks because I actually kinda liked the way their food tastes. The absolute hottest sauce at a Buffalo Wild Wings has a similar but far less intense effect on me.

I've never run across anything I've prepared at home, eaten at another person's home, or had at a real sit-and-eat restaurant that makes me shit.

Weetos and Cocoa puffs makes it feel like my insides are melting and it all exits in a brutal and explosive matter. I usually have to sit for an hour as there are always some small amounts of melted chocolate that comes out, and you dont want to mistake those for farts later on.

Oh, and cheese hot dogs makes my farts clean out every inhabitant of the room or car where the fart is let out.
Chocolate milk.
Chinese food
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Coffee, food made in lots of butter, grilled cheese and melted cheese in general, any deep fried food, milk, most asian food

Yeah I pretty much have the runs 24/7 and it sucks
BW3 blazing wings or ghost pepper wings when they had them. I loved eating them but the exit made me sweat and shake like I was ill. Also, there was a Pho place I use to go to that was awesome, I always stuffed myself with their all in bowl. Tendon, tripe, rare flank, meatballs etc. Like a bowl was the volume of what I normally ate in 2 days. Without fail, 30 min after eating there was an exorcism. Totally worth it.
ive seen this picture/thread for two solid days on /ck/ and it makes me so fucking mad
any kind of cheese is supposed to constipate you in theory so thats kind of weird

> Be doing keto for 2 years
> Go to sushi restaurant, thinking I'll just order sashimi and miso soup
> Someone gets the wrong order, they say it's free if I want it
> It's nigiri
> Eat the nigiri
> Say fuck it
> Drink a bottle of sake
> Say fuck itttttttt
> Order chirashi and eat it
> Also eat the rice that came with the miso soup
> Pay and walk home
> 1 hour later
> Thunderous diarrhea, visible rice and bits of fish
> 15 minutes later
> Really fucking hungry
>better at math than 90% of the population
>applies skills to hamburger helper
The local Hungry Jacks.

(Australian here)

They microwave everything to reheat it.

Nicknamed Sloppy Jacks because all burgers are oved loaded with ketchup and mustard it is literally dripping out as you eat it.

Havent been since I had an ultimate whopper and felt extremely bloated 8 hours later and then sprayed a shower of shit that would have been felt in china.
oh boy. mother used to make something similar when I was younger and living at home. Used to destroy me with gas.
I'm kinda the same :/
If I drink red wine the next day at some point I will unleash a sloppy green shit ( not sure why red wine makes my poop green) , it always comes at the most inconvenient time.
That sounds fucking awful
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I'm not sure why, but they destroy me. I'll still eat them like once a month.
Prune and brown rice pudding. That would clean you out real good.
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Had some Tuesday Special poke from this place down the street earlier this week and nearly shit myself
Prunes! Prunes are nature's laxative. They are brimming with the most shit-inducing fiber.
My moms chilli. Once I ate nothing but yogurt for a week and it happened. Burger King whoppers. Lunch meat. Particularly ham. The turkey isnt as bad.

RIP gains

2016 - 2016

Anything with Xanthan gum. I don't think it's possible to be actually allergic to xanthan gum, but I always get horrible shits, a fever, and hives from eating even a tiny bit. Shit sucks because it's a common food additive in sauces and condiments. Plus I sound like one of those fake food allergy attention whores who claim stupid allergies.
I can't imagine needing to poop more than once a day

If you drink the giant bottles then the caffeine will definitely affect, one serve of black tea can be 1/4 to half the caffeine content of a single espresso
You should try testing the ice cream issue with good quality vs cheap ice cream. Maybe it's the ratio of real milk they use
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Anything from here

Every god damn time it's Denny's, the day after I have the most putrid shits that come in rapid bursts, forcing me to stop whatever I'm doing and relocate to the closest toilet.

But god damn it do I love lumberjack slams.
>eating a burger gives you the shits
Well that's unfortunate and very strange.
Xanthan gum is a laxative in large quantities for everyone. And yes, some people do have allergies to it. It's not common, or commonly talked about because it's not a staple, but it's not fake like "gluten sensitivity". You either have a gluten allergy or you don't.
I know this semon demon.
deep-fried or extremely greasy foods (I'm looking at you, five guys) are guaranteed to cause a warp core breach in my ass. regular milk does the same. lactose-free milk isn't so bad but it does still loosen the bowel. I tested negative for milk allergy though. soymilk makes my skin break out so bad and the half-dozen other non-dairy "milks" I tried were so depressingly foul-tasting that I can't bring myself to try any more of them. would rather make some chocolate milk with lactaid and be grateful that it helps keep me regular.

if I make tacos or chili the way I like it (spicy, lots of peppers, have to keep a handkerchief close by to mop the sweat off your face while eating), I get flamethrower ass the next day. same with BW3 and indian food. it's like napalm except it sticks to the toilet bowl instead of kids. 100% worth it though.

those el monterey chimichangas that you can get in the freezer section are so cheapass and bad for you, but so tasty. but after eating them, I shit copiously and the texture is almost exactly like peanut butter.

how appropriate

that's unusual, I keep reading that most people get constipated from them, hence the name Meals Refusing to Exit.
I ate at a buffet on a Sunday and after that had a giardiasis, burped up rotten egg taste every minute and had a diarrhea for a week. I hate children, little shits can't wash their hands before they go to a buffet and spread their shit all over.
Yesterday, I had a Mexican Chicken baguette from Greggs. It had jalapenos, but they weren't really very hot at all. Normally spicy food doesn't really cause me any problems in the bowels, but for whatever reason, a few hours later, I had some of the most explosive diarrhea of my life, and my asshole felt like it was on fire. That said, I felt a pretty nice sense of relief once it was over.
>What food makes you shit worse than any other?
The trifecta for me is the following meal at The Outback Steakhouse.
Bloomin Onion
Walkabout Soup
Salad with blue cheese dressing
whatever dinner.

The issue is the combination of grease with excessive cheese and dairy overload, combined with an overload of gas producing onions and all that watery fiber of the salad. Al things I tolerate on other occasions, but back to back, creamy onion soup plus onion rings plus raw onions and all that dressing! Guaranteed to bloat up and get a case of loose diarrhea, especially with a couple sodas mixed in there.

It might happen from mexican, if I do some fajitas which were light on the meat and heavy on the onions and peppers. Combine that with 1 or 2 baskets of corn tortilla chips (gas producing corn) and some hot cheese dip, then it might trigger the WOWTHISISHOT stomach acid rejection from the delicious salsas.
Yeah well, melted cheese gives me the worst case of a mix between feeling constipated and having diarrhea.. the most annoying combination especially if I have to go somewhere
This Lucas?

White castle

Its a guilty pleasure, i get it once about every 6 months
god fucking damn im losing it just watching him blankly multiply things

i used to smoke weed with a numbers guy just like this

also op, kimchi, every time i have it im on the shitter within 4 hours
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Bad lettuce.

It's ruined many morning workouts.

That walk home while prairie dogging is one long walk. Even if it's less than a mile.
Pasta makes me have to poop. All kinds of pasta.
sugarfree candies or gum. lots of it.
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>they microwave everything to reheat it
Really? I haven't had any of their shit in a while but damn, that sounds fucked. And their service is still slow as shit. And the overload of sauce was always a huge problem with them. I can't eat burgers from any of the big places anymore, they're all too shit.
likewise...i've even had mexican and seafood based food poisoning and the worse i had was a little bit of a tummy grumble before an unsatisfactory poop...not overly liquid, just not perfect.
The "typical" shitting foods (burritos, chili dogs, etc) don't make me shit more. It's always weird foods I don't expect. Like hummus.
Snack pack pudding packs and haribo gummy bears
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camel milk
i havent shit in almost five days

i'm looking forward to the turd
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