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This is why Bitcoin will inevitably become regulated. Make stock

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This is why Bitcoin will inevitably become regulated. Make stock go low -> buy stock is clear manipulation and illegal. Say bye bye to the lolberterian dream kiddies.
Lol bitcoin by design can only be banned, but not regulated

>what are decentralized exchanges
It will be regulated not banned. Regulation means accredited investors and institutions will start playing with crypto, and they will blow the fucking doors off this shit. JPM states a 20% decline in trading revenue citing low volatility as the reason. Crypto is a highly volatile market ripe with noob investors and amateur traders. It is literally a dream come true for market manipulators. Jamie just wanted some cheap btc before shit really gets going
its impossible to regulate and governments are going to have to accept and adapt to it.
>its impossible to regulate and governments are going to have to accept and adapt to it
No, genius. They'll just ban it.
They cant ban it without reason we dont live in china we are a democracy if the people wants it, congressmen candidates will start supporting btc as a way to get votes and they will push btc untill it is approved
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>They cant ban it without reason we dont live in china we are a democracy
Kek. The naivety. They can ban it due to use by criminal elements, and tax evasion.

>congressmen candidates will start supporting btc as a way to get votes and they will push btc untill it is approved
Do you actually know just how few people own Bitcoin, or even own any?

Don't worry, you can hold my bags as I run off with a fortune.
same way they banned piracy amright? they can try. wanna buy a tower records?
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I've been saying it to anyone who will listen

>pic related
It won't be regulated until banks got control of it through dirty tricks this unregulated market makes possible.

When they have control they regulate it only that nobody else can use same tricks.

It's like dropping a nuke to become a superpower only to regulate nukes so that nobody else will be able to become a superpower,.

It's not regulated yet, that means they have not gained full control yet
>buy stock is clear manipulation
And pump Bitcoin and dump bitcoin according to pizzagate protocols is moar ethical? Goodnight Prometheus.
The market cap is low enough that they can just buy it all right now.
>fatal error: your level 2 citizen computation license does not permit execution of multibit-hd.exe
>this incident has been reported
Can the federal government actually ban Bitcoin?
Surely it would be a state issue,
Thats not how investment works. Lets say you have $1 million and want to manipulate a coin that has less than $50,000 volume on a given day. You can't just buy all of it up or you are going to be the bagholder. It takes time and patience.
idiot. then nobody would ever buy it again.
>still assuming that they didn't create it in the first place

You do realize they can print endless fiat right?
Do you realize they have enough money to buy all the btc they want even at 5k , a single billionaire can buy all the btc in circulation and control it , the problem with btc is that it is way to cheap

Can't buy what I'm not selling.
>implying every bitcoin would be sold at the current price
Interesting thing about cryptocurrency is that anyone can create it.

If a large investor suddenly decided to control the BTC market and bought up all the bitcoins, then it would lose all its value because people will jump ship to another crypto that is uncontrolled, leaving that investor with a whole bunch of coins they can't do anything with.
Welcome newfriend
((((((they)))))) will find out whatever reason to ban crypto trading at least in USA
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If anything it would correct the value of bitcoin.
If they tried to just buy it all the price would skyrocket. They have a massive money dick, and they must ease it in
Don't be an idiot, no they can't. As they buy more there will be less people selling. It's not like they can buy every bitcoin right now for 5k.

I wouldn't even sell them my BTC.
a one way trip to no fiat land
1 btc = 1 btc
>hurr durr a single billionaire can buy the entire circulation.

Market Cap at current price $59 Billion.
And thats if every person that owns BTC decided to actually sell it at the current price which ain't fucking happening.
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> They have a massive money dick, and they must ease it in

>Interesting thing about cryptocurrency is that anyone can create it.
thats the thing tho why would anyone adopt bitcoin when they can creat their own crypto
yeah try that, put up a buy order for 16 million BTC and see what happens.
Anyone can create their own crypto if they want. But it doesn't mean their crypto will have any value...

you are shill or you are not understoot Bitcoin

all regulation is against Bitcoin

yes, JP Morgan can buy Bitcoin a lot, but that just mean Bitcoin price going higher

JPMorgan and co, can only try to manipulate Bitcoin markets, first buy a lot of Bitcoin, and then dump them, that is all they can do.

all that understand Bitcoin, know that it cant be manipulated, they can trying to manipulate, but when there is limited amount of Bitcoins, they cant manipulate Bitcoin

remember that even one satoshi can cos 1 million dollars, and there is limited amount of Bitcoins, 21 millions, and only fracture has mined

So, they can TRY to manipulate Bitcoin, but they cant manipulate Bitcoin
Just put a market buy for 16 million right?

LMAO stupid no-coiners
if chase makes a crypto tied to fiat? think that still wont have value?

if you sell your btc for fiat, you're fucking retarded. And no, that is not up for debate, no matter what your retarded brain imagines.
anon youre the retarded on for thinking bitcoin will be the future, crypto may as well be but not bitcoin
Maybe or maybe not.... It all depends on adoption of the crypto and demand.

Yea maybe retarded normies will flock to Chasecoin but smart people will stay far away. The whole point of crypto is decentralization and not being controlled by the bankers. So why would we wanna buy their shitcoin?
>bitcoin by design can only be banned, but not regulated

This is delusion to the fullest. If banks and FIAT are cut loose from bitcoin, it will literally drop to 0 like Lehman Brothers.

The purpose Bitcoin serves is to act as a deflationary medium between FIAT in, FIAT out. So far it has managed to fulfill this role without collapsing. However, when you can't cash out, it's over. Literally no company will sell you anything for a Bitcoin that isn't tradeable into FIAT.

Yes, you can theoretically still trade the tokens with other people, but they will be worth nothing. Even a decentralized exchange has to be developed by someone, follow laws and store its USD somewhere. Moreover, even that traffic can be traced like bittorrent.

you're not fit to talk about these matters, quite literally, you lack the intelligence, which is why you entertain delusions about "cryptos". You do not understand bitcoin, in fact you probably don't understand much of anything requiring study because again, retarded and thus incapable.
and yet crypto is valued at USD now and the price is driven that the supply is limited and some big bank or entity would suddenly use bitcoin

when btc started this wasnt the case but its the reality now, crypto became the thing you want to avoid

kek, I see youre one of the hodler cult with blind faith in btc.
Wow, you really have some pent up anger. I'm not the other anon, but I think he was trying to say other coins (such as NAV, Ethereum, etc) have a better chance at overall success due to the technology driving them.
PS. no value is created in Bitcoin and no value is spent in Bitcoin. Think about it.

yes, hes arargument was so stupid

better ignore these shills
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Currency has always only been the value people have attributed to it.

Gold and diamonds have some industrial applications, but they are far less valuable then say iron or silicone from a manufacturing perspective. The US dollar is actually worthless because the US couldn't honour all its debts if they suddenly got called in, however the US has been an economic powerhouse for decades so many people around the world still place a higher value on the US dollar than it is actually worth.

The value of currency is an illusion created by people.

Bitcoin value, until recently has been relatively low in liquid terms. You might have a million bitcoins in your wallet, but if there is nobody to trade them with for services or cash, then they are just bits of valueless data. Recently however people have started offering services and products for bitcoins because there is a perceived value.

A cryptocurrency is only as valuable as its popularity relative to its perceived value.

Dogecoins were a joke, but they became very popular very quickly, however they didn't increase significantly in value. The reason? It's monopoly money. Nobody is going to take a joke seriously enough to adopt it as a currency.

The major issue facing crypto currencies is that normal people don't understand how they work, so they don't trust it. I don't think crypto currencies will ever replace national currencies. They are too complex for the lowest common denominator - I think it was a good idea though and will lay the foundation for a future currency that is simpler, but works the same way.
naw just let them hodl, theyre too far gone
>The US dollar is actually worthless because the US couldn't honour all its debts if they suddenly got called in, however the US has been an economic powerhouse for decades so many people around the world still place a higher value on the US dollar than it is actually worth.

This is aluminum foil hat tier reasoning. There is no way to "call in" America's debt as there is no way to "call in" debt on China or any country. Debts are called in by those more powerful than you like Germany did to Greece. Who is going to be the Germany to America's Greece. Yeah, nobody. Until then, dollar is king and dollar buys you shit.
>any powerful country*
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When I was young, there was a rich kid at school who would borrow a lot of money or ask for favours. Everybody was happy to oblige, because he had rich parents and gave something valuable in return, however what he gave was disproportionally lower than what he took.

People put up with his snotty attitude and he did get invited to parties/date the hot girls. However, when the 2008 crash came his parents lost everything and so did his financial backing. He still continued to go to the same school, but couldn't afford to live the same lifestyle that he did before.

Kids naturally picked up on this and started calling in small debts. When these couldn't be honoured he had to pay in blood, after school beatings and bullying. By the end of high school he had no friends, no girlfriend and spent his days hiding out in the library. He barely graduated high school because his grades also got shot to shit.

He couldn't afford college and disappeared after graduating. I saw him on facebook the other day, a low level manager in some factory making rubber. He still carries a scar on his face and a skew nose from a particularly bloody beating.

Don't live beyond your means, because some day it will catch up with you. No debt goes unpaid.
>betting on the fall of America

You can, comrade. I personally think chinks are animal-like subhumans, Russians are incompetent and Europeans too cucked and indecisive to threaten America. Your choice though.
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It probably won't be sudden, more of a gradual decline like Great Britain, but all great powers fall eventually.

21st century is the age of China and India.
>21st century is the age of China and India.

Not really. All the high tech innovation of today comes from Europe, America and Japan. Indians and Chinese are just glorified slaves. No one wants a Pajeetcoin. No one.
You can meet people and exchange fiat.
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What you call "America" are the white middle class men that powered and built the country during the last 250 years (predominantely from british, german, dutch, scandi and french ancestry).
This "America" is collapsing and being replaced/mongrelized by low IQ beaners, niggers and muslims at an extremely rapid rate, by 2050 it will either have balkanized or became a second Brazil.

Europe has still way more chances to make it out (thanks to slavs) than USA which are basically a dead country walking.
the white middle class you're talking about rose to power by subjugating people and having them work for nothing or pennies. they are the original pajeets.
You mean meet face to face with someone every time you wish to exchange btc for fiat? Yes that sounds practical.
>what are bank transfers or paypal

>white people are only powerful because of black people

jesus christ you're like one of those feminists who thinks that men owe everything to women, have you ever noticed that the need within a group to do this scales with its jealousy?
bank transfers and paypal are regulated you dumbfuck
Do you think every black market transaction is audited by a swat team? No one's going to stop you from making small transfers peer to peer.

I think you have delusions of grandeur.

>Kek. The naivety. They can ban it due to use by criminal elements, and tax evasion.

I guess it's time to ban fiat too then, retard. Think about what you just said lmao
Small transactions? No.
Large transactions, yes. That's why rich people go through the trouble of setting up elaborate laundering schemes or changing their domicile/setting up firm in tax havens. And even then those places are still subject to certain legal obligations and a lot of them do get caught. I don't know where you got the idea you will be able to trade large volumes under the radar if this thing gets regulated.
Racist piece of shits fuck you
>europe, america, japan
You mean companies? Country means jack shit in the future. It's all about corporatism. They will adjust to whichever group is more profitable.
China's been doing it for years. As have multiple countries with authoritarian dictator's. I think amerifats will be just fine in their safe space even if the worst happened.

Not sure why you think trading bitcoin would ever ben considered illegal though. I think you underestimate just how much the millennial generation hates the establishment and how many wealthy, influential individuals (aka everyone involved in the latest new icos that are going to be the next googles and amazons) are there to tell the government to piss off if they attempt a ban.

Not to mention that the U.S. banned crypto they'd fall behind very quickly to countries that embrace it. You could still get rich of stocks even after the dotcom bubble burst and only people with 20k were allowed to day trade. Not sure why you're so scared for crypto. Bitcoin's already "died" 150+ times.
China is energy dependent, India can't even poo in loo. Stop this meme already none of them are going anywhere.
Keep in mind modern Chinese military history is pathetic. They lack experience in warfare and that's more important than buying fancy gear. Russia bitchslaps her neighbors and is actually seen as a credible threat because they have a rich history of military experience. What does China have? The invasion of Tibet? They couldn't even keep Indochina or North Korea in line despite being politically aligned. Even fucking Taiwan seceded without asking.
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>I guess it's time to ban fiat too then, retard. Think about what you just said lmao
You get a zero for reading comprehension. The US government doesn't give a damn about what you consider as irony.
I don't think it will be banned, just regulated. In fact it already is, exchanges already require you to submit proof of ID. You can't set up an account in an exchange located in a foreign country for example.
There are many regulations that could be implemented to reduce the attractiveness of digital currencies for example:
- Address verification being required by exchanged just like they are from banks (they would have to mail your account information to your home)
- automatic reporting of large transactions or balances to the local tax authority (if I'm not mistaken in many Eurozone countries banks have to automatically report the details of any accounts holding over 100,000EUR there is nothing stopping them from asking the same from exchanges)
These two things alone would already make BTCs less attractive as a decentralized currency. Would it be the end of it? Probably not, but there would be an adjustment period until people find out what actual use the currency has if it offers as much anonymity as fiat.
Of course, I am using exchanges as an example. Regulating the actual trade of BTC for physical goods would be a lot harder than that, but as it has already been discussed ITT, a lot of BTCs value comes from the fact that you can get fiat for them in a relatively secure way.
None of these things bother me at all.
Decentralized exchanges offer a solution to these worries
The media will convince people it needed to be banned. It's not a big enough issue to take down any of the major players or push any to the forefront.

Representative democracy is cancer, if you didn't know.
>Racist piece of shits fuck you

Pajeet detected
How would these work though? At some point the fiat would have to be sent to a specific bank account.

>the 2% of people who owned slaves = the white working class

wow I bet you get lots of head pats in your liberal arts courses, cuck
Lol they say it supports terrorism. Show some isis leader buying btc for illegal weapons and have a reason. And we don't live in a democracy. And America is a republic btw.

ISIS doesn't need crypto to get weapons, they have the mossad and the cia
We're talking about the upper class faggot, the ones who built the entire fucking world.

Arabs, Jews & African kangz where the og traders of slaves and worked with the white man to fill up his plantations with slaves.

The majority of Europeans immigrants to America worked themselves to death for a plot of land a prairie house so that their legacy could carry on. That is the foundation of the middle class, faggot.
Nice story, fag.
>they won't do shit
I can't day trade stock with less than 25k, why?
>shitty punctuation
>shitty spelling
>reddit spacing
>reductio ad absurdeum
Where can I subscribe to your newsletter?
Great, I hope it gets regulated quickly so we can get over the fud once and for all.
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