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>parents intend to kick me out for being a lazy neet unless

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>parents intend to kick me out for being a lazy neet unless I pay them money for rent
This thread again?
Uh. Pay them rent. What's your problem?
Way cheaper than getting your own place.
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Kill your parents
Good. Use that as motivation to do something with your pathetic life. Nothing motivates you more into making money than the threat of being homeless and unable to eat. Pathetic dumbfuck faggot.
>just give away your money to your parents
how old are you?
Alright I replied hoping that you weren't that larping faggot from the last thread. But you clearly are. Have fun being homeless.
literally just dont move. sit still
Which thread? Not larping
Then what is your problem? You're a grown up man and really should not live with your parents. The least you can do is pay rent.

wich country are you from?
Pay the rent or fuck of. Simple.
pay rent, but build an exit plan or hope for crypto to take off. Then move out and pretend you dont have much money etc.

Play the cards you have properly, sometimes it might be agony to hide everything, to create this illusion, but one day you will set yourself free.

I refuse to pay.
>cucks literally paying rent in the same home they grew up in
Glad my parents aren't this heartless
FUCK u silverspoon normie
What is wrong with you?
It's not about the money, it's about sending a signal that is time to move out and start your own life.
I dont want to pay to live with my own parents!!!!!!
Then move out. Get together with some other friends and rent a shitty place.
Change your name to snake. Your parents don't respect you so you need a name that demands respect.
The only way this is acceptable is if the parents keep the money in an emergency fund or for the next kid's college

Anything else is being a douche or greedy. Sending a signal. How about just sitting down and talking like normal people and not passive aggressive college girls? Even just being responsible for groceries would be preferable than a legitimate tenant agreement with family that has all the right to be taken to a court should someone decide to pursue it if rent isn't paid.
I really hope this is bait and you're not this deluded.
Then im getting cucked
beat them up to show them who is boss
You're literally the definition of a parasite if you refuse to pull your weight and/or suck the life out of everything around you. Perhaps suicide is an option?
Same neet & age with you. but bit different, my parents had 3 child & I was the third/last, because tradition, i get home (parents home) & take care both of them until they die. I must pay monthly utilities like electricity and yearly property tax.
I know, it's like we need to actually help this anon this time around

Bro you really need to think about it from their perspective. They have spent 21 FUCKING YEARS dealing with you. Hanging around the house in their space during their down time from work. Using resources, eating food, making a mess. Your parents asking you to pay rent or leave is their way of saying, "listen man.. we just want a little bit of fucking space.. i think we've earned that!"

You're a 21 year old who has seemed to amass some sort-of savings. It's time to get out of the house and start building a life independent of your parents. As you've indicated, you know of and are envious of others who have parents that are more accepting of their children living out a NEET life in their childhood bedroom. Unfortunately, you don't have those parents. Nothing good can come from you fighting them. Pay or move out. But seriously, move out.
Fucking normie. seriously?

Man it's AT LEAST $1000 for all expenses. Why must I lose out on this?
Confirmed x2
Also - just look at the cost of utilities and food for your ass; maybe you'll began to understand that you're not a child anymore.
Tell us then OPie. What are your options?
make like 700$ a month on krypto and move to Japan
>Want to move out of my parents house so I'm not a burden.
>Can't provide them with money since I can't seem to get a job after getting laid off last December and was forced to move back in with them.
>Trying to help out as much as possible.
>I keep muttering how much i want to die without thinking about it.

The only hope I have is a professor I did some work for in the past is seeing if he can help me jump start me becoming a GIS contractor, but I have a lot of doubts about this plan.
I dont know but all I know is I dont want to do this.
Good, now do something with your life you useless sack of shit
How many normies are on this board these days Wtf??
those are the normies who have bought bitcoin at 4k to not miss out
You're on a board that has millionaires your age posting on it. We're normal, you're NEET
Fuckin norman
Start saving for a van OP. Plan to spend ~5K. You need to furnish it too.

When your parents kick you out you can buy one and not spend money on rent. Also your relatives and parents friends will talk shit about your parents because their kid lives in a van.

Worst case scenario you have no living expenses and accumulate money to invest. Probable scenario is that your parents beg you to come back and you won't have to pay them rent.

Either way you can save 90%+ of your income.
>parents throw me out because I am apparently a useless neet
>have to make a decision since all my money is currently in crypto and I already have made a lot of profit
>decide to live on the streets and beg for the food I need daily
>use all dispensable income to buy more crypto

I will just have to suffer for 2 more years or so and I will be a millionaire I know it. Apart from that I also do some small acquisition and distrubition kinda stuff on the side and make good money with that.
If you go this route, make sure to park the van down by the river.
I'm in Canada I dont know if this will work. How will I get internet?
or you will get aids from another homeless and get stabbed and die
well I have a van I can sleep in so I dont really fear that. and if I die nobody cares but that is my advantage. people always say dont invest more than you are willing to lose well if I lose everything I just kms and nobody will care so I can safely invest everything I have.
free wifi from timmies
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>parent force me to pay over priced rent for a shitty room
>plan to move out
>mom yells at me
>dad threatens me with suicide
>"lol anon why are you such a loser still living with parents?" - t.relatives
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follow the guide
>parents told me they are moving away
>be 19
>come with them and move into a flat and lose all my friends and make a new start somewhere else
>stay where I am and rent
>continual pressure to move out
>eventually move in with a work colleague
>broke all the time
>1 year passes
>work colleague and I argue over most insignificant bullshit
>forces me to either move out so his girl can move in, or he will move out
>move out and move to another flat on my own
>rent and bills almost double anyway
>consistently poor
>in debt
>still do not feel ready to be in the 'real world' doing this shit but have no choice
>feel forced to grow up to soon
>job is dead end and I hate it
>1 year on
>parents never could sell the house, so they gave up until the dog dies (5+ years)
>eventually my hatred and depression causes me to lose my job
>spend a month bumming around
>parents help me out with rent and shit
>I haven't been able to afford literally anything for myself in this time
>my shoes are two years old, with holes in them
>my clothes are cheap and I owe everyone money
>addicted to various drugs and cigs
>parents can't afford rent, finally let me come home
>going to Uni now so I can have 3 years of fun and a 2nd chance to follow my dream

And what did I learn through all of this? Very little, I just feel as if I have wasted 2 years I could have been saving money and investing

I made some minor wins on crypto which I have paid some debts with but I have no income to invest rn

This was following a 2 year relationship with a psycopathic bipolar controlling bitch that ruined my life

So basically every day I just wish I could redo the last 4 years

even if you think you wasted time I am sure you have learned a lot in that time that will benefit you in the future anon. you might not think of it that way but you have gained a valuable experience you just need to use that to motivate yourself to give it your all now. dont just see university as 3 years of fun, remember this is your 2nd chance, dont fuck it up.
you have no future
No this is a scam
severly underrated post jesus Christ my sides
>still waste money on drugs and cigs
I literally do not understand you people.
The van thing sounds reasonable actually.

Get a spacious/easy to maintain and reliable van and park it in a comfy, quiet place. Riversides would provide water but may be polluted when within city limits or downstream from them. Pad and line insides with thermal/weather insulation, stick in a single mattress, improvise a table or other workspace for comfortable eating/reading/working, acquire storage solutions for clothes/utensils/tools/foodstuffs.

Get a gym membership. Get /fit/, giving you the opportunity to not only improve fitness but also shower daily.

Continue to work as you do, except this time your rent and utilities bills become gas/cleaners/gym bills, which I imagine are much cheaper in total, especially if your van is stationary in a great spot.

Don't forget to stock up on thick blankets and warm clothes for winters.

I could see myself saving upwards of 90% of a paycheck living like this. The only downside is as a human being you'll eventually probably start craving for a more comfortable lifestyle. By then you'll hopefully have made it with crypto though.

An alternative would be a tent. Less mobile but offers more freedom still.
The dirty water issue can be dealt with by buying a lifestraw, pretty cheap and it actually works.

Btc donations for sage advice 1NoGx69CvE4Bg5YNiQWDdLoTYtZjgtFsLn
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Get a job a get out. Be a man.
If you go van route, also buy a really long extension cord. Steal electricity from outdoor electrical outlets that can be found on many buildings. Buy an old ASIC miner to run during the winter in your van for heat (as well as mining some shit coins via free timmies wifi)
why your parents haven't thrown your ass to the street yet is an amazement to all. You keep making this same cum guzzling thread expecting a different answer to the only one you're going to get. Pay your way you useless sack of goat dung.
Yeah. i think I understand now, the people making these threads are wizards (30+ and obiously virgins)

Their parents are just doing them a favour
Btw dont kill yourself op, that's the faghiest thing you can do.

Start by looking real deep into tourself in the mirror, then go get a job
Move out nigga. parents are cunts. Live in a tent.
Or go study
this. /out/ has a good homeless general, you might want to check that out
I'm losing hope honestly. If my parents kick me out im going to either hurt myself or a lot of people.
Boomers are the worst generation in history. They grew up in an economy were a potato could start a successful business and now they are retiring from the economy they wrecked and don't like having to support their children because they can't find a job.
how many times are you gonna make this thread? theyre not gonna fuckin do it relax dude
To be fair my parents aren't boomers and I dont even look for a job
Giving up is why you may be having problems. Todays job market is shit but there are jobs to be had if you don't mind stepping out of your comfort zone.

The key to getting hired now days is persistence. Go ahead and get it through your head that you are going to fail many times before you succeed. But eventually after being rejected enough you will finally get a call back.
No doubt man. I dont even feel like blaming it on the job market or anyone else. It's 100% me.

I know for a fact if I sent one resume for every five posts I've made on 4chan this year id 100% be employed right now at least at 1.5x minimum wage.
Good. I hope they do evict your useless ass. Get a job or three and pay them rent. You have no excuse to be a useless lazy neet anymore.
don't these stupid parents realise if you cant save up all your money you will never be able to move out
There sure is a lot of NEET shaming in this thread.

As a 33 year old NEET myself perhaps I can help you poor misguided souls.

It was always my dream as a young boy to continue living with my parents well into adulthood, eschewing the temporary pleasures of women and a meaningful family life for the hard road of an internet philosopher. An outcast, misunderstood by society, not unlike the Cynics of Ancient Greece.

While you were out working, I was contemplating the mysteries of the cosmos. Not in some mechanical academic way, but as an impressionistic painter may approach the pursuit of their truth. Yet, I offer you no artifact to admire, no product of value to consume. I have no need to impress you or win your favor. You are nothing to me. I, am free.

I look back at my accomplishments with pride. You'd never understand them. But then, they aren't for you. They are entirely selfish. You soon will be like me, silly wagecuck. In about 7 years the tide will turn and in 12 years, very few people will be able to have jobs due to automation and AI. All of your shame and judgment will dissolve and you will realize that we are really the same. Only, I saw further, deeper than you could. You will come to me with tear filled eyes begging for my forgiveness.

"Friend, there is nothing to forgive. I understand. The way of a wagecuck is a path fraught with illusion. Go forth and judge no more."

We will embrace and share a plate of chicken tendies and I will remove your corporate shame forever.

Until then.
who are you going to live with when your parents are dead? Thought of that?
Fucking crazy. I'm glad my parents don't hate me enough to make me pay for rent. Then again I'm a good boy :^)

Lol what a useless cunt
Seeing as how most age related diseases will be cured within the next 10-15 years, there is a higher than 50% chance that they will not die at all.

If they do, I will likely receive an inheritance.
If I don't or it is hyperinflated by then into irrelevance, then my trillions in crypto will suffice.
More importantly, as no one will be receiving wages in the future as they have no competitive advantage over machines, a universal basic income or other welfare system will probably be in place.

Notice how my worth as a person is tied to how useful I am to you? In the future, how will you feel superior over others in your imagined status hierarchy whilst receiving welfare from robots to support yourself. These and other illusions will disappear from your mind in the fast approaching future. I just pray you can emotionally handle it. Many won't be able to.
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I hope they kick you out and you freeze to death and get eaten by a bear you fucking sponging cunt
>start paying rent
>start getting pushy about things because you pay rent and thus the "I let you live here for free" logic doesn't hold up anymore
>parents begin to panic because you are no longer their thrall
>they stop taking your money
>everything works itself out
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Lol you're funny dude I don't think you and I will see that ''future'' keep on dreaming ... Don't worry about me I won't need welfare
Ahah ficking cuck. Just pay the rent instead of buying a Lamborghini with cryptogains
>be neet
>turn live around
>land comfy job
>making bank
>know I'll own parents house someday
>want to demolish it and build something better
>want them out asap so I can demolish it
>waiting for a reason to evict them
>or maybe I can build a guest house
>feels good to be incredibly successful
>read thread
>realize how far I've come

improve yourself and make your family proud or save your parents the continued pain of accidentally locking eyes with their worthless neet child by running away from home or having yourself admitted somewhere.
this, have a plan. for most people right now it's crypto, but don't get rekt
What an ungrateful and immature cunt. Although at 21 I was kind of similar, but certainly did not go to online forums to whine about it. You'll grow up soon enough.
man, I also spent 2 years with a fucking psychotic gf, manipulating me with threats of suicide, sucks but whatever
highscore or?
>he could have gotten a job to invest in crypto, but instead demands his parents support him
Why do neetfags do this? It's so easy to just find a shit job, pay the very low rent to patents and invest the rest in crypto.
holy fuck that's so good how many times have I heard this
I'm sorry for your parents that have such a shitty kid.
And here you are posting on fucking 4chan.
Reading the posts in this thread, you are either a troll or you're that much of a selfish ignorant parasite. Man up and pay rent, which you say you refuse (because you're a spoiled little fuck), or move the fuck out. Stop crying and stomping your feet. You are a man, act like one.
OK. So pay them rent or pay rent somewhere else. God you're a faggot aren't you? Lol
>parents are old world immigrants who somehow expect me to magically find a wife and expect me to stay with them until I do

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Just live in one of your parent's vacation homes. Do the basic maintenance, that should be enough to pay for the rent, but they probably won't give a shit since they won't see you.
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>not wage slaving to stack cryptos for infinite whores and drugs in the future
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