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Dollar has been in free fall

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Let it sink in coiner.

Kind of a catch 22 isn't it?

You "pump" your asset yet it is priced in terms of your competitors debt notes.

You want to use all your HFT skillz to crash the dollar but then you end up crashing yourself.

This feedback loop you are creating is fun to watch.

Keep it going until both crypto and fiat are worth zero.

In the meantime I will grab the popcorn.
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Are you retarded? I can't wait for the inevitable FIAT crash. It will make cryptocurrencies shoot up all the way to the next galaxy.
>You "pump" your asset yet it is priced in terms of your competitors debt notes.
lol, he watches coin USD prices and not satoshi prices
it is the Euro that has been gaining value due to the ECB being incapable of stopping deflation

Too many pajeet brainlets on this board
USD fiat
>backed by taxing power of 300,000,000 people and annual 18,000,000,000,000 USD GDP
>backed by speculation of about 4000 anons, half of which living in their mummys basements
The USD has been losing value against virtually any currency including the CAD (kek)
>backed by founders fund, tim draper, blockchain capital, taas and mossad
t. doesn't understand how currencies work
The USA is the giant with feet of clay. Everyone who isn't a blind a fool has seen the writing on the wall.
>"everyone who isn't a blind fool"
>traslated: about 200 tin foil hat wearer
>100 billion dollar market cap
>4000 anons
>So each person invested over 25 mil

>implying 90% of dollars aren't petrodollars in foreigners hands that will become useless once the middle eastern countries start accepting other currencies in exchange of their oil

Bbbut the saudis are our allies, they'll never betray us...
Half are mummy basement dweller. Other half are ponzi schemers. Either way, it's just filled with a bunch of retards (not that I expect a faggot like you to understand this anon)
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Crypto is the new Gold. It's what people put their money into to be future proof, and safe. But without the risk of someone breaking into your home and robbing you.

Instead of asking congress to go back to the gold standard, we should make a case to adopt the Crypto Standard. They'd NEVER adopt it, as they'll never adopt the gold standard again, but making it a political talking point will make Bitcoin a house hold word.
>implying that GDP statistics on the size of each industry don't exist
>implying oil is the only energy source
>implying $40 a barrel versus $100 a barrel is a good thing
>implying your not retarded
>implying you parents were in the right by having you
Let me say this slowly....

The only way Bitcoin and all of it's offshoots exist are with already established federally regulated government banking.


Why not be a big boy and take off your mommies fiat paradigm mask?

It's because you can't.

You need fiat imagery to survive.

It's sad really.

When fiat crashes you will be going down with it.

If the dollar index went to 50 today your crypto would be worth 1/2 as much and the only way you could save face is if your HFT bots pulled the bids up by 50%.

Even then still nobody would want your worthless shitty INTERNET meme tokens.
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Le epic implying meme xD

reddit is calling, they want their shitty old memes back. enjoy your depreciating currency, btw. it won't be worth much in a few decades.

You're so retarded that you argue against yourself and don't even realize. Listen retard, if oil stops being used the dollar become useless outside the US, it's not rocket science..
I've never seen a nocoiner cope so hard. I hope you break even after taxes on the (((stock market)))
jokes on you. ive got all my usd in silver and half of my btc in gold
gold is the only gold. you are comparing something available since the beginning of humans to a technology fad of the last 10 years. yes im a bagholder
>Crypto is the new Gold
Crypto does not exist without gold...literally.

You see all that shiny stuff they got out of the ground is used in all the hardware you are using RIGHT NOW to use your Bitcoin.

You think because your fiat value is higher that you have usurped gold.

Are you cucked that hard that you worship fiat like a debt slave does?

Gold is the reason your internet funny money exists.


BTW the fiat currency that gives your crypto the illusion of worth is crashing hard.

Better get those HFT bots to pull that bid higher or your are gonna shatter the illusion.
>Gold is the reason your internet funny money exists.

So is copper and steel

BRB buying 100 tonnes of copper and steel
I'd much rather have $1 million dollars worth of gold than Bitcoin, but since i'm a poorfag the path to making a million dollars is ALOT easier with crypto than buying a few thousand dollars worth of gold and waiting for that to go up.
Gold isn't necessary for computers. It's merely a convenient and cost effective non-corroding conductor. Cost effective is the operative word there. As Bitcoin makes gold obsolete it's becoming more and more cost effective for use in computers.

It's also an effective way to throw electronics away. We can tell them there's GOLD inside our trash previous gen Iphones, and 4th world countries will buy up the trash and try to extract the gold, Of course it's only a few micro-grams, but by the time they figure it out the trash becomes their problem, not ours.
So many people in this thread have zero understanding of crypto.
>Gold isn't necessary for computers.
Show me the computer that functions without it on a large scale

You can't.

Saying gold isn't necessary doesn't make it so.


Your meme dream of becoming a rich crypto dictator is fading by the second.
So..you're just choosing to ignore the people that already cashed out millions by trading crypto?

The fact is that people have gotten rich from this, whether or not you think it has value.
Or you are just incredibly butthurt you did not buy bitcoin when it is low and instead of joining in on the fun you decide to try to dismiss it as something for scammers and neets to cope.
implying the USD isn't backed/protected by the military industrial complex. you're really young if you think the USA would allow them to trade in something other than USD. sweet summer child please.
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thinking like this is why you'll always be poor and i'll always make money off you.
Gold backed currency is retarded, currencies only need "belief" in their value to succeed, hence memecoins
yes a 100 billion dollars in crypto circulation and its all coming from kids living in the parents basement with no jobs.... how fucking oblivious are you??
Nice I just bought 100kg
gold backed currency is much more preferable as a store of value, which is why the USD has been falling through the decades and especially after 2008. The dollar is being "debased" and is already past its prime in world dominance. You think the US military will be able to enforce its rule forever?
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Going back to the gold standard is stupid. What am I going to do carry around a brick of gold with me everywhere everyday just to pay for lunch? Am I going to have to mail gold bricks off to repay my student loans? Stupid and useless and impractical.

Fiat is far preferable to gold, it's why the entire world uses fiat and will be using it. Bitcoin is just worthless overall and only good because people think it's good when it has no real value. Fiat is king.

Backed by gold means you can always exchange it for the same amount of gold.

It doesnt mean you carry the gold around.

It also means it cant be inflated.

What stops the US Government from stopping all cryptocurrency trading and sanctioning all exchanges and countries they reside in?

What stops the US Government from secretly setting up a CIA project to create an algorithm that works off computers computation that allows transfer of digital data which then can be documented for all illegal and legal trades?

Your 'gold' is something that can be popped tomorrow and be nothing. Now that's not real gold bud
Fiat is still backed by gold then because you can buy gold with fiat. You're literally exchanging it.

And your bank account will not devalue because the money isn't getting taken out.
My god this discussion seems to be from the 90's.

Oh well, being conservative and ignorant seems to be a theme these days.
you must be trolling me
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>Fiat is still backed by gold then because you can buy gold with fiat
you are too dumb, even for /biz/
>backed by 1 billion chinks
just sell your btc for EUR then.
are you retarded?

Let it sink in real deep coiner.

When it finally bottoms your bid rigging bots better have bitcoin passed $1,000,000 USD for you to be able to buy a gallon of milk with it.
nobody fucking cares. stop bumping this. saged.

Clif High confirm, that US dollar is doomed, and going to go weaker and weaker

Yes, Cliff High says, that silver come very expensive, he allso says, that more and more people rush cryptomarkets, buy Bitcoin away from US dollar

this is hes newest interview

>this guy doesn't get that the more weak the dollar is the stronger crypto is
oh wow
Heard about CFDs?
>backed by the mossad
Mossad as in the Israeli intelligence agency? Is it really?
Maybe if your generation and your political party didn't fuck everything up people wouldn't have changed how they see the world
i'm literally starting to get embarrassed for you OP... are you being disingenuous or just a retarded person?
Don't be embarrassed.

Just keep watching the dollar fade while you keep bid rigging all things crypto.

You are trapped now cause you can't even imagine life without thin air fiat.

Congratulations you became what you were trying to be rid of.


It will be fun watching them take over your exchanges one by one.
Popcorns at an all time high dude, didn't you see the price of the dollar?
The jews need to be gassed for real holy shit
If Fiat crashes, crypto will go along with it. The infrastructure used for supporting crypto isn't paid for with crypto. Exchanges would go out of business. Coiners would be stuck bagholding a bunch of worthless digital money because no trading = no value.
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