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/RGT/ Robinhood General Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 352
Thread images: 78

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Degenerate Gamblers Edition

Cryptoshills, please let us have our safespace

Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
"People" invest your settled funds when you're not using them, just like banks.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, why?
Robinhood graphs are shit and only show you an average, not true real-time prices. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
Real brokers, like TDAmeritrade's thinkorswim. Otherwise you should be using tradingview.com, stockcharts.com, finviz.com, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

-- Links --
Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Previous Thread: >>2872105
1rd for AMD NATION
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Get in or forever wonder
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What got you that ~100% gain?
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friendly reminder if you are buying AMD pre-earnings you are a degen gambler
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What do I do next pls advise

"in a gold rush, sell picks and shovels"

AMD is the fucking shovel company and the past quarter was the gold rush

how can anyone not see this
I bought in last week. At worst I'll end up with money for a happy meal
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as long as you know the risks gl
the main risk is i wont be able to keep the bitches away from my dick after i show them my sickkkkk AMD gains
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How's AMD doing guys?
all in xiv nigga we goin to the moon! buyout talks any minute !
ill let you know after the earnings report
I'm unironically gonna buy it before the market closes
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You're not getting my shares at a discount Mr. Sachs
buy buy buy friend we gonna get that free money $$$$$ dolla holla!
>tfw no season 2
I mean it's such a shit company that nobody expects it to do well anymore if it does even moderately ok it will go up
when does amd report earnings
Q2 2017 AMD Earnings Call
Tuesday, July 25, 2017 2:00 p.m. PT

earnings numbers will probably come out before then, i would guess 4:30 eastern
I refuse to lose anymore on that steaming shitpile.

Fuck you to hell for even suggesting it.
AMD will be the next JDST cleansing. Who remembers that?
still waiting for JAGX to do something
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>sell those shares NOW goy
I believe they vote on the merger tomorrow. if it goes through shares will rocket
I don't even have a position. I don't care if you fucks lose money on a shitty meme, I stopped caring after bagholder extraordinaire bought TOPS. I just post photos before open and mind my own business until someone asks
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> he still hasn't sold AMD
when others are fearful....
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I stopped investing with them after they came out against free trade and banned the wildy.
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very good anon
ALT, oh baby finally some upward movement!
cvna is at a discount for all you long holders/investors out there
After hours autismos trying to trigger my amd stop loss reeeeeeeeeeee
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Will AMD ever be profitable fucking lel
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Some fag is streaming the AMD earnings call
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>chipotle stock fucking dies off of 15 fags in some state getting sick
>wellsfargo keeps climbing after a year of horrific fraud and federal investigations

why is this fucking allowed
Ooh, fun. I had $20k rotting in an account so I threw a quarter of it at AMD just before close.
It's worth it just for the ride.
$AKAM gogogo

Also bought 500 shares of AMD at 14.20, I was on a bunch of xnaax. How fucked am I?
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Hey guys sorry to be a menance but these RGT threads are really getting in the way of all the good crypto threads, if you guys can please take these over to Reddit, that'd be great, thanks guys.
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Oh fugg
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>AMD made a profit

WE mooning.
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It's honestly 50/50 the stock is so shitty you won't lose more than 10% if it shows decent earnings you gain at least 20% I got 800 before it closed
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>Sold $1,000 worth of VNQ for a $1 profit after 4 months.
Finally...Finally I am free.
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You don't go to the moon in stocks friend, you ride an escalator to the third story and cash out your 3% gains.
wheres that amd doubting cat nigger at
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Now pay up that capital gains tax :^)
In 11.28
sitting at 14.95.
+ 32%. completely liquid. cry harder.
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Thanks Obama
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Earnings haven't been posted yet I wouldn't get ahead of myself
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Good job AMD. Covered my losses and more from Google.


>tfw noob and didn't realize my 10% stop loss would get triggered at market open

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Also; where is this madman now? Perhaps the tropics of the carribean? Banging expensive hookers in vegas??
I scalped AKS today for a nice 4% gain, thinking about trying the same with X tomorrow. May even hold for a while and see.

Holy shit, tripled the consensus though

The one meme stock that won
I bought some weekly AMD calls, anywhere I can calculate the value now? See if the IV crushed a little or a lot of my gains?
CMG rebounding oh yus.
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Feeling great right now. Hope it doesn't dip to much during the call.
I'm in for 12K shares of SNMX, hoping for 5% from the days left before earningx
>Yes goy, sell your AMD before market close, surely we aren't buying in on the dip
holding AMD now for at least another week

let it run
Do I hold or sell AMD first thing tomorrow morning?

sell in AH if you can
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Is this what succeeding feels like..?
its 17-18$ EOW
it will probably dip at open with some profit taking

but it should climb over time as we find a new price level

wouldnt be surprised to hit 17 end of week

(assuming the conference call goes well and there is good guidance and all that shit, that starts in 30 minutes)
iRobot blowing the fuck up too. Why didn't you guys call this? I only bought 3 shares =(
Really wish I could've got in on that AMD after market action. I'm still a noob and not sure I should pay the 7 bucks a month for RH Gold
you would have just panic sold on the first dip
lol ya, its opening higher than 15.2 tomorrow bud
god damn
I would've bought some at the dip. I don't currently own any AMD. Just some meme tier NVAX
Give me some stocks to look into in the next week

Might DD and sign up to be your moon partner
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Who here ttph?
AMD long term comfy desu~
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>tfw I fell for the AMD meme and didnt put more money into irbt instead

This was the true moon mission you cucks
Thoughts on KTOS?
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
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Who /PossitionedForTheMoon/ here?
nice AMD trade you crazy bastards
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At&t (t) also beat, fucking up TMUS I'm so deep in X and AMD barely moved my chart

Holy niggers, what did you do fampai?
He bought AMD
Went all in it looks like.
I commend his testicular fortitude.

Last time I went all in on something I lost $1500 overnight that I'm still trying to recover.
Thinking about selling my cryptos and getting into actual stocks y/n?
Yeah, that was my savings + Robinhood gold there. I have a stop loss in case but expecting to sell at 16 and holding the rest long.
Anyone listening to the earnings call? What they saying ?
wish i would have never fell for the crypto meme. I'm down 30% on my crypto and up 35% AMD. same buy in times.
If the AMD meme went up surely LTBR will follow, right guys?
I'm at work nigga
Worth taking some money and playing around with it in stocks. No reason you can't do both senpai
amd in new Verizon laptop, strong gpu sales, strong cloud sales, crypto shit getting debunked...
AMD is still taking advantage of last quarter's crypto phase, it's gonna drop like a rock once people figure out there's nothing more to their earnings.
they said crypto demand is not built into their earning forecasts
Hey I don't know much. What's capital gains tax and do I need to pay it?
So open a position at 14,08 or is it a bad idea for AMD?
in the start of the new year your broker should have available some 1099 forms that spell out your capital gains/losses from short term, long term holdings, dividends etc
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If you don't make more then 3k then don't bother.
you're leaving money on the table
Yeah because crypto is dYing again, of course they're going to take it out of their forecasts.
Guys, good news. I just got this from Vanguard.
sec is on a roll today
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RIG? Anyone who knows the oil drilling business want to comment?

Just wait until all of the "millenial" market hour traders get their hands on the stock in the morning

it's going to be a race
how did we miss the boat on X? thoughts on picking it up tomorrow?

Buy at resistance

sell at support
Buy high, sell low, as is the /biz/ tradition
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>sold most other stocks this morning to all in on AMD
>Su delivers

It hit 15.67 AH which is a price AMD hasn't hit in over a decade.
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Is LODE going up in the next few weeks?
Earnings are next week so maybe

Processor market is getting tricky and Intel is stagnating
Holy shit. AMD up over 10% in AH. Well done guys. Sure showed Hari at Goldman.
when should we sell AMD? Think it'll hit 17?
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I'm kind of new to this and trying to cover my bases

bought in to the AMD due to hype on Monday (admittedly) at $14.15/share and almost got pussy hands later on in the day, and today, with the fluctuation

I decided to hold due to a few things: speculation was that AMD was making massive sales with their new processor, the large volume of stock being bought/sold and tight margin indicated relative safety in volatility (it wasn't about to bottom out at least), and according to the graph for the last 1.5 months we were seeing a progressively higher level of support pushing against the level resistance (which I've read indicates an impending breakout once the bulls finally beat the bear wall)

I know I still got lucky so could anyone experienced tell me something I may have been overlooking or misread that could have still fucked me
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>Hari? Toshiya Hari? Is that you?
Got those irobot gains baby. Hodl tomorrow?

If you made 20% gains just bow out and find the next good opportunity, once shit dies down.
Get out. It's at an all time high plus it already dropped a bunch. Everyone will profit take tomorrow
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If long term, hold
So, um, Robinhood is some kind of eTrade but with lower fees? I buy stocks through it?
Why don't you google such a basic question
Yes. Robinhood is 100% commission free. The only fees you pay is if you start using their margin account
yes newfriend, in fact there are no fees at all
Cuz fuck (((Google))). I only buy 4-chan memes. Gotten everything I can get out of /g/ and /fit/ now it's /biz/. Just started a coinbase account and now I'm going through the generals and archives to see what I've been missing out on.
We're going to the moon boys! lambos! Am I doing it right?
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Oh amigo
I started out on fit, moved to g, and now I'm shitposting on all three boards including biz
Good man

>Not going /b/fit/sp/int/pol/biz
Welcome to the board bud
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What do you even get out of /g/ besides paranoia and autism
I started on /b/ like 10 years ago, eventually made it to /pol/, from there to /fit/, /g/, and /biz/. Occasionally check out /p/ and /fa/ too cause why not. 4chan really does have a lot to offer if you can sift through the bull shit.
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>Not going from /mlp/ to /biz/
wants SSN fuck that
What did you expect you dumb nigger
you trading stawks senpai, you gotta pay dem taxes.

It's the most basic form of making sure your account is associated with a real person

did you think they'd take your Facebook profile picture
Just like any other broker for tax purposes you stupid fuck
Sorry kid this isn't shitcoins

sounds like you don't know enough to be trading anyway. Go buy a video game and some McDonalds
I've been trying to get my friends who want to start investing to join and they say the same thing. What do you think every other broker does?
Is getting into Western Digital too risky after seagate fell?
so what happened to the bagholders of ceru?

did the stock ticker change and reverse split occur?
You have dumb friends
I sold that shit senpai, it was a mistake not to sell on that pump.
So who exactly are the whale cunts who pump $1 stock up
>losing every single day
I feel like I'm learning but not getting anywhere still.
Well as long as your choices are not completely retarded there is nothing wrong with holding. There have been plenty of times I have "cut losses" only for the stock to skyrocket a month or less later.
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AMD TO $20
>tfw got in AMD at 2.00
Nah they're just big pussies.

If you didn't buy at 1.85 you are a lightweight.
Nah. Its the most owned stock on Robinhood right now. People gonna be selling like crazy tomorrow
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husa is going to be at a great price tomorrow. or and 3rd quarter we around the corner. gitty up!! this spaceship is warming up for another moonmission
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318 dollars buying power, what to buy?
No bio pharmaceutical penny stocks pls
Check out JDST
I guess I should wait for the inevitable dip
stay out of jdst and jnug tommorow if you don't know what your doing
Im not bagholding Im pattern trading, I feel like I see a a potential move and never utilize it, I totally fucked up my stops yesterday, my winners never run as much as I wish they would and my losers always end up stopping out relatively low but they add up fast compared to my nothing winners. I mean the setups LOOK good, every other winner I see where people make fucking bank always look similar but I keep getting fucking burned which makes me way too cautious and I end up getting in on my winners so late Im basically chasing
Im stuck on whether I should bet on paypal or facebook...... What are yall betting on tomorrow?
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guys can anyone help me turn this into bigger money?
Thx 4 teh bump ;^)
$DCIX baby
Also, peep $RLOG for easy gains today
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>easy gains
lol what
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F beats by $0.13
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X, PETS, and AMD

has been a great week
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Nothing looks like something I want to trade

been holding since last July
why is this degenerate stock going down still?
we can just kill ourselves now and spare the indignity of this day
buy AMD 30 minutes after open.
Would $15 be a good entry point for AMD?
A good entry point is a good setup mah nigga
any pennystocks for a poorfag who just got into this stuff? I have about 5 bucks and it feels like I can't do research fast enough
idxg & jagx are good ones with potential right now
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>tfw i couldnt get out of irbt during after hours because of day trades

Get out while you can bros. Its dropping like a rock
There are no stocks to put $5 in.
Save it until you have a safety net (two months of your current expenses), and then start investing with your extra income.
Make a deposit. Or start referring your friends to robinhood and get up to $500 (if u have the free stock bonus)
I hope you guys bought puts for usg like I said yesterday
Manafort just cucked the Russia investigation, Trump is still holding massive rallies, healthcare is finally being fixed, tax cuts are next on the block, and the volatility index just hit a 23 year low.
If you aren't dumping everything into XIV, you are missing out on guarantied gains.
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>He didnt sell AMD during after hours
I sold half.

This nigger will not drop below 15 and I got it at 14.09
And maybe CVM+ once it settles down. Watch the charts for a pattern. Some of these are pretty predictable daily and occasionally go on moon missions. FPP+ did a 300% jump last month and I made a killing off of it.
Only use limit orders to buy and sell, these stocks make wild swings in seconds.
You won't make much with $5 so focus on percentages.
but i don't have an income i just want to buy my own tendies instead of mommy
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niggers and millenials are selling it to pay for weekly tendie intake
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profit taking
it will be red by the end of the day

sell at open, then buy the dip later
>Hari? Why aren't you at work at Goldman? Why are you here?
Pre market reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
> it will be red by the end of the day
I doubt that
go AMD go!

$17 end of week

doubles get
>no one talking about ARGS

Surely there were others that followed that anons advice last week??
Amd mooning. Shot up to 15.30
buy ford right now
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holy shit boi
SNMX at 100 volume /flex
definitely buy ford right now

Nigger are you serious?
Their profits are shit, sales are shit, they're being downgraded. Only reason they beat earnings was tax restructuring.
I jumped in when Anon told me to last week. It actually worked. /biz/ was right about something. Now all I need is JAGX to go up
as are all other major american auto companies. It has reached bottom now
yeah i mean what can you expect when they primarily produce overpriced garbage
> reached bottom
it's still not close to the bottom
it hasn't even dipped below a 1 month low
their F series and Lincoln did pretty well and they have increased sales in China
yes it has the last time it went below 11 was in May they had a good earnings report these faggots and it doesn't cost a lot all the faggots on twitter are bullish on it right now
Is there anything under $3 to trade that isn't garbage? 15 minutes in and no trades.
trying to find the same. there's not shit that appeals to me today. i think short of everyone catching those AMD gains, today's going to be slow
why do you have that retarded image on your computer
why did memes start being only about the same 3 things with the same 2 filters overlapped constantly
stop fucking memeing. you don't even eat chicken fingers, you fucking retard.
this isn't reddit. stop role playing and treat a thread about a serious subject seriously.

amrs. Used to be the talk of the town for long term hold
>Trade my house for a share...

ARGS may be a good choice if it crosses $.47. It's PP1R is that price. it's already touched that.

OTC play
I missed the AMD moon mission. Looks like it might dip but buying rn seems like pants on head retarded. I'm sad.
You are a salty cunt.
Paypal my niggas
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>every stock i have on watch is just falling apart
i would have totally fucked up on some of these a week ago
Since the election 4chan stopped being a place for fun and became a alt-cuck shilling arena.
AMD going down fast, BMO downgrade + profit taking I guess.
>he didn't buy irobot at the dip or X

Easy gains
Earnings call today. Might be a mini meme
Aaaaaand ARGS shit the bed to $.38. IFON shit the bed to support level. What the fuck is up with the TEAR 1min chart?
Uvxy my nigga...
heh AMD still going up
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I did yesterday when it dipped hard before that 20%+ gain but I only had 3 shares because I got meme'd by AMD
PRTK mooning right now

$40 by august 2nd. I guarantee it
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Scalpy scalp
CHK is dipping. Is it worth it?
Jesus... That TEAR 1min chart. 20 cent swing in 60 seconds...
look at the goddamn chart
Good job! You are right though... Scary shit there boyo.
Did it with no L2 on my phone on the way to work, lel
IFON is looking ready to pop. Resistance is .68
Fucking missed the ARGS peak.

Any point in holding or should I hurry up and cash out while I'm still green?


Popped as I posted.
Support might be around .32. How many shares?
A meager 2000.
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Well that does us a lot of good.

Let me just freeze the space-time continuum so I can get in.
im in
Holding at about .36. What price you get in at?

Next resistance is .88. I missed the original pop obviously.
I want to short IRBT

I shorted them a month ago at $103 and made good money in the beginning of july

seems like time to short again please talk me out of it
Buy on dips and forget. You'll double your money in a year with minimal risk. This board needs to learn patience.
maybe ill give it a week or two first
How many shorts? I don't think today is the day.
i dont know what you are asking me
playing DCIX and ARGS today. Looking for a pop soon they've been stuck for a few minutes now.

2 weeks ago so I'm barely breaking even.
You want to short IRBT right? How many? 1, 10, 100?
hahaha salty!!!!! hahaha DAB!!!! XDDDDDSDSDDDDDDDD
dont you lol at me kiddo

oh you care about how many shares i can afford? well its a pretty expensive stock i mean 100 shares is over $10k right now
id probably do less desu maybe 50 and pay the higher commission on the odd lot order...
>down 45%
>announced a 1-6 rs
>announced a collision with one of its ships
How is any of that good?
It's in the $105 range. If it breaks high ($105.95) you could be squeezed out on a margin call and fucked by your broker.

As you can tell, I don't play shorts. I don't like being fucked by my broker more than the usual.
AMD moon mission is a 2 day event
oversold. only a day trade today.
Speaking of shorting...
Does anyone know how to short on td ameritrade?

I held this for a couple of months before Ryzen. Picked it up in the $9.40's. Never thought it would hit this high.
call their customer support and ask them if you have the ability
do you have a margin account or what
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>I didnt buy AAOI
>send an invite to a friend
>get a free stock
>RH literally makes it look like a scratch-off lottery ticket
Is IFON going to run again or did I get memed?
I'm a Leaf with TD. Here in leaf land you need a margin account with collateral (IE cash) in it. I imagine it's the same with Ameritrade as TD Waterhouse.
what stock did you get
>much more level headed about my trades so far today
>gotten in on setups that didnt go nearly as far as i wanted
>small account + ucucktrade 1 dollar trade commissions
>ended up losing money in total even though every stock i bought i sold higher

Need more meat for the grinder.
You may have gotten meme'd. Support looks like .65 with resistance at .88
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then youre doing it wrong bud holy shit
factor in your commissions
stop selling at a loss
I wish I had dollar comms. $7 flat for me.
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CHK (chesapeake energy)
friend got SIRI (sirius XM)
What did you get in at? It's knocking at .73 right now.

of course they give out cheap as fuck shares huh

has anyone ever gotten something with serious value from this promotion? anyone here?
all my memes are ded push me to the edge

7050 shares at $0.71
>1 in 80 and 1 in 150 chance for blue chips
i'm not surprised with what i got
i just thought they way they issued them was funny
I do factor in my commissions I just also build my stocks around running to the nearest half dollar or to prior resistance and not running and stopping dead shortly. It didnt help I bought stocks too expensive for my account trading my setups, thats primarily what has killed my meager gains for today. In all by "lost money" I really mean my account is down 40 cents.

I'll buy a stock I see gearing up to break prior highs and run to resistance, a good 2% away. It breaks the prior high, grinds up a quarter of a percent and stops there, I get out for a bit less than half a percent which, when trading with a couple hundred and needing to use rough math to size in means I might be only making a bit less than a half a percent on 200 dollars with commissions of 1 dollar baked in.

And Im NOT holding into an obvious parabolic short
Sell for the scalp @ .73. Your not fucked yet.
volume has been picking up I wouldnt get out so early
someone once told me 'stop trading your P/L and start trading the chart'

maybe that advice will help you idk

but it sure sounds like your system is not working because of your account size I guess
you need more money or you need more patience I think
Should I pull the trigger on nvida before earnings?
Last 5 minutes has been .69 to .72. Set a stop at maybe .67 but not lower than .65. You might get lucky here, but you could also hit the stop.

I don't set stops until I have gains.

If I set a stop It'll dip to the stop then shoot into the stratosphere. Every fucking time. Never again!!!!!!!!!!
Im trading the charts, the P/L is just the frustration that happens when I hit the bid. My issue is both small size, as even 300 dollars would have made me green no matter what, and that my picks for today are crappy and I am not experienced at finding my own stocks an hour after open.
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>That ID
The same happens to me. Stops are rarely useful imo.
>so busy shitposting i didnt notice an alert for TTPH hitting 7.8 for me to buy
>look at chart
>[email protected]
TTPH is going to the moon. The one pharma company I actually bought.
You have to remember each cent move is $70.50 for you. .73 would be $141 profit minus any commissions.
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>it was a stock i was on watch to buy
>spent too much whining about making roughly winning trades on 4chan
>implying any of us actually do DD
So. FOMC meeting in 3 hours. Is Yellen going to hold at 1.25% or meme like Draghi and Poloz and raise the rate?
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Bought AMD @ 15.36, Did I get meme'd?
new thread?
AMD is the eternal meme so yes

im sure you will panic sell when it dips to 14
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I was hoping it would test the earlier highs so I could set in a s/l around .74-.75

Didn't happen though and it's tearing me a new asshole right now.

There's a catalyst tho so I don't think it's a P/D. Going to HOLD

Yeah you missed the launch, two options now. Buy in and hope we can break through the 8.20 resistance level, or wait till they tell everybody how much money they're pissing away on 8/2 and buy in after the earnings sell off.
if it breaks 8.20 we could see a move to high of day
.65 is the floor. That's the lowest point in the last 68 minutes.
This day.
It's FOMC day. Wait until power hour. That's 3pm EST.
How accurate/useful is RH's Order types for selling?
my DCIX bags were just freed with profit. ARGS left to go. A LONG way to go.
Is Robinhood Gold worth it?
I'm feeling confident that the oil boom is coming soon. Jumping on CRC and PGH while they are cheap as fuck.
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what does that even mean

if you do a limit order it does a limit order
if you do a market order it does a market order
I was watching this one too at open. You got in at .43 didn't you?
The stock's been dead for almost 45 minutes. You might be bag holding...

Anyways... I'm done today. I'm going to finish reading my book on bond trading and bond futures and head out. See you guys for premarket tomorrow.
>not doing DD
livin' life in the fast lane
who are you people buying at tops like this seriously?
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