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sorry about your bancor http://hackingdistributed.com/2017/

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Thread replies: 204
Thread images: 59

sorry about your bancor http://hackingdistributed.com/2017/06/19/bancor-is-flawed/
response: "FUD!" https://twitter.com/bancornetwork/status/876934646344404992
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Wow, Bancor got wrecked. What a juvenile response.

>you could have reached out to use before authoring an opinion

What are these cucks afraid of? They just raised 150mm for fuck sake
Jewish tricks

>how dare you speak out against us, gentile

Was the gist I got
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lol what a faggot
Galia is hot tho
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>raise 150m in hours
>cant afford a pr cuck that wont sperg on social media
bancor is a mess
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>he fell for the jewess
some people just aren't meant to be rich.
Our supreme tribe of the real master race will now be holding the supranational reserve currency on the ethereum blockchain.

Try to touch that with your military.
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why are public cryptofags always saying "won't age well" when arguing amongst themselves?
> This hack job, like the FUD you intentionally spread right before the fundraiser with NO ATTEMPT to contact the team will not age well Emin

lel, literally /biz/ tier response, didn't spend some of that $150M on a good PR person?
This was doomed for the fucking beginning with that nocap ICO, clearly ill prepared to deal with what they have fucking done, dump will be the most fucking dramatic we've seen yet.
this kills the ICO's
and with them, ETH
>Bancor Team doesn't even try to disprove accusations
>Calls it FUD
bancor was jew scheme to destroy eth to make way for ripple from the beginning
they said they'll make a blog post explaining why Emin is wrong
>dump will be
when is this shit going public?
And when will they do that?
After the fund raising?
they should have done just that then. they look pathetic with the post they currently have up
tezos might be the ico killer and emin is an advisor to them.
Good chance it does, good chance it hits ETH
Fuck knows
meant for >>2524771
well Emin didn't write the article before the crowdsale, so how the fuck do you think they could answer him before he wrote it?
Emin is a knwn troll, very few take him seriously, and he already wrote inflammatory comments about Bancor even before the crowdsale, so it's understandable why they are pissed off at him. The Bancor code was audited professionally, and just like Galia pointed out, they have been working on it for years, whereas Emin is a glorified "reasearchers" that knows very little about economics.
Then don't feed the trolls? I understand that they want to prove him wrong but this response is stupid and childish for a company that pulled $150mil in a few hours.
Don't even try and defend this coin man. It will be a fucking disaster I guarantee.
They should try to disprove him as fast as possible and also post the response on twitter. This is a PR nightmare for a million dollar ICO.
They could have just written something like "We are confident in our product and will address misgivings in due time" instead of doing the classic scam tactic of screaming FUD and making personal attacks against their critics.

Everything Bancor does sets of my scam alert.
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Bancor's PR resource
looking like a yobit exclusive right now
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stop with the damage control. There's nothing childish in their answer. Emin is a retard, I would have had even harsher words for him, he's the kind of guy that farts in bottles and opens them to smell his own hot air.
do you really think that your FUD on a mongolian weaving board will have any effect? Did you niggers even tried the complete platform on testnet? Did you not notice the team has ties to Facebook? Can't you faggots make 2+2? This is why you'll always be poor.
They will, don't worry about it. They are being so scrupolous that the reason trading was delayed is exactly because they are making the platform as strong as possible.They already partially answered Emin's ramblings before he made a blog post about them anyway:
They shouldn't have done shit, if you don't like the platform don't invest, but don't come up with "muh PR" bullshit because that's not an argument.
>classic scam tactic of screaming FUD and making personal attacks against their critics.
bitch pls, you clearly have no idea how scams in crypto look like
>Everything Bancor does sets of my scam alert.
then don't buy it, nobody gives a shit
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Why didn't they work out EVERY kink in the code BEFORE they launched it? I can only think of one reason why the code is so short, but they couldn't go through and find all the problems.
>shill accusing critics of damage control
kekest of keks
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You literally brought this upon yourselves if you bought this
> https://blog.bancor.network/learning-from-thedao-fdbeb687000a

That answered literally zero of Emin's concerns, are you retarded anon?
You're giving me the heebie jeebies.
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>Why didn't they work out EVERY kink in the code BEFORE they launched it?
they did
The "exploit" they found wouldn't impede trading and wouldn't be a concern for security, but they thought it would be better to address it anyway so retarded FUDders don't claim they release something with bugs because "muh 150 gorillions".
> I can only think of one reason why the code is so short, but they couldn't go through and find all the problems.
"The code is short" isn't an argument at all. How much code is in google's homepage? Does it matter? No it doesn't. What matters is what the code does and how it does it.
Emin isn't a critic, has a egomaniac with delusions of grandeur that never accomplished anything of worth in his life, so he has to act smug towards people who actually build something to make himself feel better about his pathetic existence
Even if I lost money on Bancor I am making so much money everywhere in crypto that it wouldn't bother me at all. Just telling truth here anon, nothing more.

they answered Emin's concerns on Twitter before the crowdsale. Emin probably felt butthurt and BTFO so he wrote this blog post that OP linked. His new (((arguments))) will be answered in a new post. Keep up with the timeline of events anon.
go to bed, kid
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Lol. What great (((people))).
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For what this coin wants to do it should've been bug free pre-ico. There is absolutely NO excuse for a buggy code, even if the bug is trivial.
Kid? Hahaha. You're adorable, Mordecai.
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>For what this coin wants to do it should've been bug free pre-ico
there's no such thing as bug free software. The "bug" they found wouldn't be a danger to security. When you do something innovative it comes also with some risk. Still, their code is secure and your money is not in danger, that is what matters.
> There is absolutely NO excuse for a buggy code, even if the bug is trivial.
you obviously know nothing about coding then
go to bed, kid
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Hello, Mr. Rabbi.
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I wasn't even talking about Emin. But you just retreating to ad hominems reeks of
This. Play jewish games, win jewish prizes. The shapeshifting shill has summed up their treachery very well.
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>the code is short which makes troubleshooting easy
>bug is found and shown
>b-but bugs are hard to find in programming!!!

You can't even make a coherent argument. The size of the code effects the ease of troubleshooting. Even you admitted the code is short.
truly the juicero of crypto, you got me jews'd
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Nobancs STILL on suicide watch.
Don't worry you might be able to get in at ico price for 5 seconds
Nobancs btfo.
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As I have already told you, the bug isn't in the code. The "bug", which isn't really a bug, was in the structure of incentives. To be precise, they have evaluated a countless number of circumstances in which the game theory could not work, and they found one in which it would work at 90% efficiency instead of 100%, so they decided to fix it for good instead of thinkin "well that's good enough anyway". If you ask me, they are being amazing and actually being as thourough as humanly possible, but you ignorant niggers will never understand these simple things and remain poor forever, your loss.

>literally zero arguments but "da joos" and "cope"
I think we are done here
plenty of time to get into the real market maker ico
You keep saying nigger and jew like it gives your shilling credibility, you tryhard faggot. You're a pretender. You're not fooling anyone.
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>If you ask me, they are being amazing and actually being as thourough as humanly possible, but you ignorant niggers will never understand these simple things and remain poor forever, your loss.

>they don't even test the platform in all possible scenarios to ensure there's absolutely no unintended flaws in the system

Please, for the good of humanity, stop supporting Jewish tricks, and castrate yourself.
Please, Mr. Rabbi, give me the explanation why the extended the ICO and thus breaking a promise?
simple, hitler hack attack
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>Emin literally admitting he didn't even research before attacking the project


Color me surpsied, the guy is a total hack, just like I said

First of all it's impossible to find all possible case scenarios for something that is new and never tried before. The point is that they are doing all that's possible to make the platform secure, and they won't release it until it is. It's like you niggers newfags don't even know that Ehereum itself isn't nearly complete as software and is alpha at best, yet it's been running for fucking years now. Secondly pic related, even Emin admits he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Follow his example and stop with the damage control because your shitty arguments got BTFO and you're just humiliating yourself at this point.

the extended ICO was a favour they did to you. It was either that or you not partecipating, which one do you prefer? You niggers are unpleasable. Also don't move the goalposts just because you got BTFO, nigger.
Hahahaha first thing I read in the morning and almost spilled my coffeee laughing at this guy. Nobancs never learn
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>it's impossible to find all possible case scenarios for something that is new and never tried before
>Code is like 250 lines and they couldn't find ONE fucking bug.
>They didn't test run the code on a local network to knock out every single fucking kink in the token

those bags must be getting really heavy bancbagger.
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Vitalik give some hes ETH to this new SCAM
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>still claiming the code is buggy although I already told him it isn't
>still thinks you can knock out every single kink although he's using Ethereum that is worth many billions and yet had to hard fork because they fucked up badly, and that still is in an alpha version full of bugs

How retarded are you from 1 to 10 anon? I would say 13

>those bags must be getting really heavy bancbagger.
don't worry, when Bancor does x10 you'll be the first person to help me get rid of them ;)
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lol this is fun
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>Vitalik give some hes ETH to this new SCAM
Vitalik give some hes 28,000,000,000$ if ETH to this new SCAM
why don't you listen to Vitalik? He's got no problem with Bancor:

Vitalik give 140,000,000$ from hes 28,000,000,000$ in ETH to this new SCAM
I made plenty of arguments, you just refuse to acknowledge them and repeat debunked bullshit because you are a faggot that got BTFO
>implying ICO-therium is not a multi billion dollar hoax
>why don't you listen to Vitalik? He's got no problem with Bancor
>Vitalik Buterin
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>literally moving the goalposts because he's not capable of arguing that Bancor is shit anymore
>wants to invest in ETH ICO's
>doesn't even use ETH
>literally "stop liking what I don't like even if I have no reason not to like it except that I didn't buy the ICO and I am butthurt"
thank you for showing to everyone how much of a faggot you are
>moving the goalposts because you have no more FUD to vomit
again, it's pretty obvious we're done here
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These guys are obviously BTC maximalists lmao. Fucking nobancs won't even be able to buy rope in a month when we're 10xing
Im an ethereum maximalist and i think bancor is a shitty waste of time. Why did you invest in such an obvious pile of shit? Kill yourself
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imagine their faces when 3 years from now Facebook buys the Bancor team's tokens, it goes to 200 billion market cap, and they have to use it everyday while chatting and interacting with their normie friends. They'll probably make loads of threads about wanting to kill themselves.
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All you've been saying this entire thread is that:
>there's no bug! it was an incentives issue!
>they're working hard to make sure the final product is great!
>VITALIK BUTERIN likes bancor!

But you havent backed the first 2 claims up with anything besides hot air. If this team were so professional, there wouldn't have been:

>A longer ICO limit.
>A fucking bug in a platform that has like 250 FUCKING LINES OF CODE TOTAL.
>A delay to hitting the exchanges.

This coin is going to make so many butthurt REEEEEEEEEEEEEE threads and the SEC is finally going to imprison Vitalik for being a scamartist, while Galia rides away in her lambo.
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>he missed the ico
Why are you so mad kiddo? Don't worry, maybe you can still get in at 5x ico price soon as we hit the exchange.
Dream on. the best case scenario is that bancor return all the eth they raised and then agree to never do anything ethereum related again.
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>But you havent backed the first 2 claims up with anything besides hot air. If this team were so professional, there wouldn't have been:
So you are asking me to prove that there's no bug? Nigger YOU have to prove there's a bug, and say exactly what it is, and where it is in the code. You made the claim first, the burden of proof is on you.

>still claiming there's a bug
there's no bug
>muh ICO limit
>muh delay
All I can hear is "p-p-please don't become rich while I miss out and stay poor". Pathetic
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I am myself an ripple enthusiast, thank you.

Have you actually read what bancor does before buying it, fucking retard lmaoing@ur lyfe.
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>Have you actually read what bancor does before buying it, fucking retard lmaoing@ur lyfe.
Nice non-argument. I have studied every single document, and blog post, and even telegram comment their team has produced. I am pretty sure I know it better than you, cuck-san
Yeah right mate.last one out of bancor is the loser, better make quickly with the sell order.

I closed my ethereum long because this shitshow is going to do some damage when it fails. It will get hacked in about 48 hours.
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I'm sorry, I couldn't hear any of that due to the overpowering COPE you keep screaming.
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>your money is not in danger

any crypto can wipe out your money overnight
Terrible coping m8. Bancor is a pile of dogshit.
They have no serious engineers. Just a bunch of web developers.
I read they rolled their own math instead of using libraries. They're clueless Jews.
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>when you are so BTFO your only argument is a reaction image
feels good not being a nobancor cuck
only if you don't know what you are doing>>2525455
>Bancor is a pile of dogshit
proofs? all the shitty FUD itt has already been BTFO
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Crash or rocket, we all lose. Jews will either make millions from this and conspire with their fellow reptiles after it crashes OR it becomes a big deal and Jews are to a larger extent controlling crypto.

No wonder the Germans revolted against them.
They are not pleased...
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Vitalik give 140,000,000$ from hes 28,000,000,000$ in ETH to this new SCAM
This will be the biggest legal heist in history and the best part is that we're going to see a market crash because of it. ICOs raising ridiculous sums will be a thing of the past and regulators will swoop in

Screencap this
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>>>2523786 (OP)
>This will be the biggest legal heist in history and the best part is that we're going to see a market crash because of it. ICOs raising ridiculous sums will be a thing of the past and regulators will swoop in
>Screencap this
Ever wondered why ((they)) didn't allow money from the US? I wonder why?

when is it hitting exchanges?
>tfw (((they))) falseflagged cryptos
No ICo allows US money in fairnes
Soon I gather. I would sell this shit ASAP. The ICO 'contributors' are lucky that they will still make bank. The poor bagholders well...
Hopefully they decide not to and return peoples eth. It would be the smart thing to do at this point
Whats the official word from (((them)))? Do bancgoyim itt know the date?
Bancor are real cunts. Raise more than promised, cry about fake hack attack, delay trading indefinitely...
>return peoples eth

they've already used some of those ETH
remember, this is the first ever crypto that can have a NEGATIVE price
Glad I didn't buy this Jewish scam. Stick with autistic anglos.

I am worried this is going to drag down ETH, chance of this fucking up the price?
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Vitalik give 140,000,000$ from hes 28,000,000,000$ in ETH to this new SCAM
ehm because of US laws you fucking retard
sell you ETH in BTC, not it scam tokens
Jews always stick with ad hominems. Never refute the point.
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What did he mean by this? Funny fact is these JEWS can't even program. They outsourced programming like true merchants.
who could be behind this post
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What did he mean by this? IQ higher than all of ours COMBINED.
>Nobody here addressing the real issue that Bancor's entire strategy is built to be inneficient and wasteful while offering you nothing that you couldn't do by yourself far more efficiently.

>The code being short doesn't make the program BAD necessarily, but it does make it easy to copy. Buying into Bancor now would be like buying into ask jeeves at the start of the internet bubble.
Vitalik give 140,000,000$ from hes 28,000,000,000$ in ETH to this new SCAM
sell you ETH in BTC, not it scam tokens
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Thank you, goy!!!
>if ask jeeves did absolutely fuck all of use to anyone
Vitalik give 140,000,000$ from hes 28,000,000,000$ in ETH to this new SCAM
sell you ETH in BTC, not in scam tokens
It was just a shit google.

Just like Bancor is just a shit Eth.
What did (((he))) mean by this?
Bancor is nothing like eth you fucking pea brained mongoloid
what is it
I don't understand why bancucks keep saying "nobancs on suicide watch" when their shitcoin will be sold at ICO price on exchanges. what a bunch of retarded faggots
They are race traitor. Hoping to get rich with the Jew's help. That's why the west is shit.
Mein fuhrer would not be pleased with jewcor
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U jelly u missed on those negative gains?
>some cucks literally bought ETH on cuckbase with fiat to sponsor jewcor
Don't try to make sense of what a shill says. especially bancor ones.
i bought in and regret it, doubt we will even get 10% profit out of this mess, their twitter is a complete joke, mostly just retweet anyone that posts praise just like DGB does (but dgb is an underdog coin and not some wannabe big business conglomerate so at least it's charming when they do it), I WANT TO SELL IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW SO I CAN USE THE ETH TO PUT INTO STATUS, I WOULD LITERALLY SELL AT A 25% LOSS TODAY JUST TO HAVE INSTANT ACCESS TO MY TOKENS, GIVE ME MY TOKENS, GIVE ME MY TOKENS, GIVE ME MY TOKENS
wow you are retarded.
so what do you think about status? bancor ico is the reason im sceptical if i want to participate in such a hyped ico...what if they play the jew on us too and set their cap too high?
maybe i should just look for a lesser known ico, if somebody know a promising one (NOT with a >35m hard cap) please share

wagerrr you faggot

been shilling this nonstop
warning about bancor nonstop

noone ever listens...
Bancor is fucked.
They dished out cash months ago on bug bounties, because their code had serious vulnerabilities.

Now they're delaying BNT release because of more bugs. They're a bunch of full stack web developers with no idea what the fuck they're doing. These Jews should have stuck with banking.

>A recent theoretical exploit we found in our audits over the past weekend has led us to delay the deployment for a few more days.
thanks to both of you, i will have to do some research now i guess
wagerr had a terrible ico and is surpassed by other products
status ico will not be open to americans, that alone makes it a great opportunity because as soon as it hits the exchanges those who have been blocked from participating to it will be in a rush to join the game
It seems to me that you dont have a clue how software development is done. Bugs will always be found, only more so in this upcoming field with extreme new techs.

People should be glad this isnt pushed too much. Taking time and testing everything properly, shows intelligence and compentence.
>what is vpn
Dude, all ICOs say they are closed to americans for legal reasons. Blockchain contracts don't give a fuck where you are located. Send ether, get tokens.
They're making simple mistakes. That's a problem.

>Bancor has implemented its own math. And if there's a rounding error, one can repeatedly buy&sell at a constant price differential.
C'mon don't be this stupid.
Im still waiting for my x40 ICO price.

strong fud, anon
at least get specific

how is it terrible?
which successful products?
Bancor fuckers are as bad as apple fan boys. Except apple fanboys can actually sell there product.

It's already dumped.
What do you think lasts weeks dip was about?

Man you plebs will never learn
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Nobanc anti shilling is at ATHs never seen before, goodluck at getting any under $1000 brainlets
>someone points out flaws in your product
>respond by ad-homineming the author on twitter
Glad I didn't put shit in this ICO, I would be pretty nervous by now.
>Doing things far more efficiently by yourself
Most, and almost all crypto users cannot do much except use a wallet. Everything else has a learning curve that is steep and inefficient.
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just like they want to tax all coins, apparently they also want to review/tax all opinion.
Ah yes, the REVERSE SHILL.
"Give me my tokens, give me my tokens"
Fucking lol, worst attempt at anything I have ever seen.

>typical tricks schlomo
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I enjoy posting this every day.

You are all FUCKED ;^)
working on the code for years?
its 40lines
3.5million dollars per line
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>using drugs
But /pol/ says that's degenerate, Anon.
The nazis did shit loads of amphetamines, Hitler loved speed
where are your 40 lines of codes? They sell a product they sell the code they sell the interface they sell the network, the foundation. You retard think facebook is a technological masterwork? lmao jesus kys idiot. learn how the market works
Everybody overlooking the fact that millions have been poured into 250 lines of code, and to add insult to injury, those lines can be copied by anyone and recoded to not need bancor tokens?
This is btw a danger in smart contracts as a whole, why not copy every working smart contract and remove fees? Why would someone pour millions into developing something that can be copied as soonas it works.
That's really the issue I have with ETH in general. I don't see smart contracts (internet programming) as needing tokens or block chain at all. It's the dotcom bubble in fast forward mode
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Why not go a step further and clone Bitcoin or Ethereum? Why would someone pour millions into developing an open source project that can be copied as soon as it works?

The answer is the same.

love how they call him out on not contacting them prior to releasing the article, then do not say a single thing about any of his points kek
bro don't listen to them, the FUD is to stronk
you are a complete retard, I don't even believe you have Bancor desu
they are preparing an official statement. Unlike mr professor they are not rushing things out to promote themself.
>hated smoking
>hated alcohol
>pioneer in anti-smoking and anti-alcohol promotion
>did drugs
There is a reason why war propaganda is called war propaganda, but people forgot to stop pushing it after the war.
You mean "not repulsive"?
She's not ugly, but not hot enough to be, well, hot.
For currency, the network is the value, and the network effect (look that up) helps maintain and even improve the value.
But companies/startups have to generate revenue ie. offer a needed service for a competitive price.
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Bancor can't have network effects?
It might if they offer something useful. As in, useful in the real world, like every company has to.
We'll see about that, I've my doubts about ethereum as a whole let alone the value proposition of these services and "smart contracts" (ie computer programs).
Holy shit that actually was the official response.. I was regretting missing out on the fundraiser, but now, not so much
Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
I guess they can buy a few shills for their 150 Mil
>We'll see about that, I've my doubts about ethereum as a whole let alone the value proposition of these services and "smart contracts" (ie computer programs).
Same desu.
Holy shit, Bancwhores are almost as cancerous and autistic as Bitbean shills

With the Jews you lose faggots. You paid the price to learn a valuable lesson with precious ETH.

PROTIP: (((people))) will indeed get rich off Bancwhore, but it wont be YOU

he claims to have attempted to contact them twice

also this is a Streisand effect
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Bwahahaha already down 20%
Looks like a shillbot is going haywire
So do we sell at opening or hodl for a year before even thinking about selling?
>m-m-muh joos

if this is the only argument against bancor, I feel pretty good.
holding my 4k bangers for at least a year.
ur bangers gonna get mashed m8
I'm going to hold my 6.5k at least till we get 10xICO.
Lol, when are you jewcucks gonna learn? They even made money off your Fiat that you used on coinbase to get into their ICO.

It's like a dream within a dream. But with fees everywhere...

>Goyims trying to be rich
everyone is mistaking this russian cash grab for a jewish cash grab
Not gonna lie, former Bancor investor here. This is fucking hilarious watching Bancor crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let these guys get the nuclear codes.
I opened a thread on another chan to warn users about the scam
got 2 answers but then the mods deleted it
suspicious af
blockfolio ad
ico in the middle of ico craze
scammer vitalek shills for it
what could all of these signs point to?
not gonna lie, copy and paste that some more you retard.
its literally pronounced banker, come on biz. isnt that the wrong direction for crypto to go?

I bet they weren't even expecting a response. They thought their little tweet would be enough to reassure the dumb goyim that everything is fine.
They could have just written something like "We are confident in our product and will address misgivings in due time" instead of doing the classic scam tactic of screaming FUD and making personal attacks against their critics.

Absolutely. I am holding Bancor bagz and am not scared into selling, but anyone who doesn't see what a MASSIVELY shit response that tweet is must either be

- a child who doesn't understand the adult world

- a shut-in who doesn't understand the adult world

- in love with Galilililiaalalailaia or whatever the fuck her name is

- a pathetic "true believer" who over-leveraged themselves on the ICO
So glad I decided not to buy during the ICO
Bancor can create and delete tokens as they wish.

You better not over-step their shoes white goys, but thanks for helping us fund this proyect
You are fucking stupid. The tokens are created on the platform out of a percentage of ETH or other crypto, and when it's spent the value goes back into the ETH/Bancor on the blockchain.
Has literally no fucking idea whats going on. 99% biz has no fucking idea about actual projects. Atleast read the fucking whitepapers
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Denial is not only a river

whenever everyone finds out something is a scam the only things bagholders say are "FUD!" and "read the whitepaper!"
i just looked at the bancor whitepaper and it's really funny. the only sources are wikipedia links. i'm not kidding, go have a look
Lmao Bancor is basically the biggest, most obvious scam in the whole crypto history.
>Chutzpah: the ability to release such a complete bag of shit and do it with a straight face and not feel guilty about not putting in work commensurate to the amount of money you try to raise. Just bc you can rip people off and be covered legally doesn't mean you should. The philosophy of many Jews, although it isn't found exclusively in them, is if you are are able to fool your victims then they deserve it as a punishment for their own stupidity and gullibility. But some of us have a basic decency and don't try to get money just because we can. There is an element of restraint and an internal sense of decency that is lacking here.
and that my friends is the REAL reason there is "anti-semitism"
Looked the English an Yiddish definitions and really, you are wrong and just extrapolated it into some weird story. Lol
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