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Hi guys, I am in a good mood so I will reveal how YOU, no matter

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Hi guys, I am in a good mood so I will reveal how YOU, no matter how poor or dumb you are can make a fat stack of money.

3 simple steps.
Im just here to steal that pepe
by sucking dicks?
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STEP 1 :

"The mountain jew trick"

You can participate to the pre-ico of (((Bancor))) via bitcoin suisse AG. The most interesting thing they have is eToro as partners, they will shill that shit to their 4.5M users and you will get rich.
Step 1: Buy Stocks that are INCREASING in value, and only sell when you will have made a profit.

Step 2: Avoid bad stocks, stocks/cryptocoins that are DECREASING in value over time are generally a BAD investment.

Step 3: Buy shitcoins on Yobit
1. Get down on knees
2. Grab dick
3. Suck
>Earn money with the work in real life
>Buy bitcoin at high price
>Sell bitcoin at low price
Oh, the coin that has does literally nothing? With the dev team that has no experience outside of front-end web development? The team that made a 180 after they saw how much money BAT raked in at their ICO?

If you think Bancor is a good investment or even a legitimate project, I feel bad for you.

STEP 2 :

" The Putin Bull "

Ethereum recently got attention from Putin, he invited Vitalik over. His interest for the blockchain is certain, however, ETH is complicated to work with, Stratis and Waves are much more user friendly and manageable as they do not have a fucking huge marketcap.

Wave is supported by a very rich, corupt and well connected man in Russia, he will shill Waves to Putin, expect major apps created in Russia and pushed to the actual market thx to govermental pressure and corruption.

Step 3 :

"Pooland can't into shitcoin"

Distributed computing power is a fantastic idea, so far the largest project is GOLEM GNT, the problem is the devs are literally who's from Warsaw holding master degrees in maths with absolutely no network.

Thanksfully SONM ICO is coming out in 6 days, SONM is just like golem except it has good US based developpers and more importantly, at least 3 guys (Lisk founder included) in their "Finance and digital assets" team. In autist language it means : guys that will shill the coin hard to get rich.
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Now before some cucks say I am a memer that does not understand shit, here is what I made today, I average between 10-30K per day, I read whitepapers, make TA on tradingviews which enables me to do wise decisions like not dropping a toenail in digibyte or other shit people shill here.

Now you can be rich with me

Read what I wrote retard, do I say they have good devs ? Do I say they are not greedy jews that will never make a real cent with their plan ? I just say their whole team is MADE for an ICO, PUMP AND DUMP 3 months in.
How do you manage to eke out that much?

I turned 17000 euros in 2016 into over a million now, thats how. You can do it too by following those 3 simple steps.
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Bumping to save the soul of all the cucks that fell for the digibyte meme
The bitcoin suisse AG ICO for bancor is closed.
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Then wait, you still have 2 steps to make money.
Did you get rich from day/swing trading primarily or from hodling primarily?
redpill me on ETH classic
Buy GRC!

Holding coins with a real business model, solid team and purpose with 70% of my wallet. 30% pumping and dumping (2 months max) on shitcoins missing one of the 3 elements, like bancor.

I also work in the blockchain world which helps (participate in hackathons, build blockchain based platforms for corporates etc..)
what about ark then, trade master?

I received mine for free after he DAO hack back in 2016, sold it 2 weeks ago to put it in the Bancor pre-ICO
Would you say that tokenmarket.net is a good source of coins that are worthy to look at/hold?

They want to get 76 million dollars in this ico. Oy vey
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Ark is the poor man's ETH, It's digibyte 2.0 and it will crash miserably in a few months, sell that shit asap if you made profit.

I expect a pump for the next 1-2 months but please sell that shit.

Yes ? GOLEM has an inferior team and a marketcap of 450M.
>ark is the poor mans ETH

Minidisc is the poor mans mp3

I do not use it so I won't comment on that.
"Registration for Bancor ICO, through Bitcoin Suisse AG has closed.
Aprox. 260 contributors are currently in the queue of being processed.
We do our very best to on-board everybody as fast as possible.

Thank you very much for the great interest in our services!"

>tfw you're already too late for step 1
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Raja ji says Dgb fucked.
Thank you for the advice sir
Lol, yeah. I'm sure that their initial $500M market cap is totally going to triple the week after the coin opens! Nowhere to go but up!

You're an idiot who is going to lose all his money
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Bombcoin pump soon(tm)


See you in the lambos boys

You are welcome friend.


Do not underestimate the power of the jew and eToro
what about XVG?

I don't like it, should be treated the same as digibyte and ark, nice on paper, hard to imagine it making money one day. Take the pump and leave.
Enumerate more coins with solid fundamentals
So you're saying drop a significant portion into SONM when I can ?
>tfw $23k but I want a milli ;_;
Would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction when it comes to appropriate DD and how I can identify a shitcoin from a coin with actual potential based on the shilling here?

Also, are you able to get into SONM pre-ICO or is that closed?

I have always found bitcoin infinitely fascinating since I was a little kid. Never had a computer and only recently came into enough money to make a small investment in it. I only trade to get more bitcoin. I don't give a shit about fiat. That being said, I invested around 500$ and only have maybe .33 BTC now after a couple of ok trades.

I really would love some help, the shills from PnD groups have oversaturated the fuck out of /biz/
Thoughts on I/O coin?
you're a good guy op, im new to this shit but i get your points.
will surely take the sonm tip. will read up on it, but maybe if you're willing to answer, do you think it will be possible to participate without some bitcoin suisse type shit?
There's nothing wrong with bancor goy
speaking of ico's with strong potential, what is your take on BAT, OP?

think Eich can pull it off and sell it to one of the advertising multicorps down the line?
thank you for pointing out sonm. Haven't heard of that previously and looks promising. But what are the chances of using that in the real world?

You can be certain Russian hackers are poring over every line of ethereum shitcoin smart contracts looking for Zero days
>Bumping to save the soul of all the cucks that fell for the digibyte meme

At least DGB had good memes.

It will be back
Thoughts on Viacoin as long-term holding?

Bat is cool, problem is the guys he wants to sell it to will cuck him. Ripple can sell to banks because they are clueless and its working cross-border (hard to build projects on their own for a bank).

Not the case here, if Eich starts being too successfull it will take Zuckerberg 2 weeks to develop their own attention token.

Therefore I stayed away from BAT, invested in AMP (Poor man's BAT) to enjoy the BAT hype without too much risks.

Low, but the one that manages to get it to market first will be a god-king, the team/network matters a lot for this, the two things missing for GOLEM.
You hope... Heavy bags, eh?
What are whitepapers?

please no bully I'm still learing
the technical description of the coin/token
where to buy?

It describes the technology and sometime use cases. This is what autists on /biz/ should be paying attention to instead of TA and fibs absolutely unfit for a retarded market like cryptos and digital assets.
Thank you very much.
Can I ask a really dumb q? Is it ever a good idea to sell a coin I own, let's say I bought it at ath, but it's sank a bunch, to sell it and take a loss and re-buy it at a low?
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Been balls deep on Waves for a while, love it. So much potential. I bought 132 ETH back when it was around $10 and I'm putting real money into Waves this time to have unstoppable gainz.
I did and realized that I didnt understand what the Sh*t they were talking about but I knew most of them would probably go to the mooonn!
Of course you know what will happen as soon as you sell it - it will go back up again
People really putting a lot of faith in this ? How much are you guys holding ?
You don't hold waves, you ride them.
One more question if you have some time for this.

Which exchange would you recommend?
I become one with them
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Up 14.3k since o started trading and dunno if I want to sell the Ark meme for waves when it made me most of that profit.
Poloniex is good for trading but hard to get large amounts of money off of. Also they deal with fiat so you have to transfer coins on to it which you bought somewhere else. Bittrex seems to be the board favourite.
*DON'T deal with fiat
>You can do it too by following those 3 simple steps.

>buy bancor
>buy waves
>buy golem

Fuck off, shill. I'm not paying for your Lambo today.
OP, you seem very knowledgable so I'm wondering if you run some kind of mailing list or something similar. If not, why not? Seems like people following your lead could land you more profit too. Genuine question.
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Very important question, I hold big on BTC/ETH/XRP on kraken, they have a solid platform and trade fiats, shitcoins to pump and dump on Bittrex.

DONT HOLD BIG BAGS ON BITTREX, that shit goes down whenever there is a little too much volume, when TSHF bittrex will be down while I will be selling my bags on kraken.
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You didnt even get the third step right.
good post op. can you post your portfolio
What do you think about iota op?
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iota is cool, I know Dom very well.
also, what do you think of ark?
FAKE, i saw the same pic the other day
oops saw you answered that

Nope, cryptos are honestly not so fun to me anymore,. I have little time now as I am creating a new venture, will get an ICO (private sorry, won't take /biz/ money).

here's to hoping FB (or any of the big ones) will decide to shell a billion or five for the then established bat brand instead of building their own.

cheers, OP!
I know that is an ot question but would you consider stocks more difficult than crypto?
There is no need to get in through bitcoin suisse. They have updated the terms to an uncapped ICO (with caveats). OP, have you not kept up to date with it? (I just expected that you would have) Thanks for the tips.
dude serious question

i have 5k to jump into crypto, all my savings

should i wait to btc and eth to crash? from /biz/ i learned i should not buy high
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Ever seen this one retard ?
I'd hold Ark, personally. Even if it's a shitcoin (don't think it is), there'll be another moon when it gets on more exchanges.
can you post your portfolio? thanks much OP.

BTC and ETH will not crash for a good 1-2 years IMO.
what do you think of LBRY?
>tfw lbc is moonin
Sadly I like ark on a fundamental level but who knows if their smart bridge shot will ever happen
how do you know? AT?
If they do crash, what will be the reason?
Gov't crackdown?
Tech will be replaced by something better?
To be honest, I won't be holding for that long most likely. I can see 5x this year, but only because of hype and expansion to other exchanges/normie money.
this guy knows what he's talking about.

I put about 15k into Bancor, and am holding a sizeable amount of waves (most of which I purchased around $1).

SONM has also been on my radar, just waiting to see what their cap is.
You do know that iExec exists, right? SONM has nothing on them.

Bitcoin will get banned in a lot of country.
Should definitely put half of that in Waves.
I hold both. Waves has the backing of the State and a billionaire.
>will not crash for a good 1-2
>will get banned in

How then? I'm assuming it's not USA then? Someone in the EU? China, korea india all seem into this.
only country with any chance of this happening in is usa, the next third world hellhole
>via bitcoin suisse AG

It seems that's not possible anymore

This is why when i heard the ransomware attackers hit multiple countries and asked for BTC, my first thought was that it was an attempt to get BTC banned by multiple countries by associating it with terrorism
i.e. false flag
>heroin tier asset

get it
Fug. Where are we thinking waves is going ?
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>I have always found bitcoin infinitely fascinating since I was a little kid.
honestly not sure. all I know is that they're just getting started.

I think $20 by the end of summer is likely, but wouldn't be surprised to see us hit 50-60 by the end of the year.
Fug. May sell half my ARK then.

Thanks op.
Subscribed to SONM ICO and bought WAVES.
You convinced me.
The devs are all Russian,
Wha are they doing in the US?
Man, US buys knowledge for decades. Any other questions?

"all the cucks that fell for the digibyte meme"

Bought 500,000 DGB at 85 sats, sold at 2200. That's 24 BTC profit. Get fucking shit on, anon.
Honestly, how do you get in so early on a coin? Super jelly
I created accounts on Bittrex and Kraken and will invest my money in SONM and Bancor.

Let's see how this will work out

Looks Interesting

> Fog Computing
shifts the cloud computing paradigm and moves it to the lower level of the network.
Instead of processing some task using the cloud, we can use all the devices surrounding us: personal
computers, smartphones, even coffee makers and traffic lights.
DGB was pumped hard for the last 4 weeks, before that it spent the last 2 years around 40-50sats, many were in early on that one
Do you think DGB will rise above 2200sats again?
Prove me that it is not a scam targeted at draining as much ETH as possible and then getting away with it.
I did a little research on SONM and Bancor fanpages on facebook. It seems that both are liked by the very same people that leave comments like pic related. All these accounts seems to belong to some coinshilling botnet. Just check their profiles and comments that they write.

don't be the retard that buys after an ico sell-out, wait for a while for the support to distinguish itself
This, if you really buy sell asap
But why even buy at those levels ?
Wew. Do you go around buying shitcoin hoping they'll eventually get pumped ?
Bumping question. I did watch some of youtube videos and it can be as well staged up. Registration for these cryptoconferences, where the videos are taken, are piece of piss. Virtually anyone can get there and talk shit. Give me some arguments for getting into this shit.

bitbean or verge for most daily profits?
>russian hackers
Fat kids with proxies you mean
Nice trips. Shut up though, I don't want randoms from this site knowing anything about this. You either have seen sasha's twitter, or you have not.
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