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You guys have helped me turn $125 into this in the last 2 weeks
I know its not a lot of money, but it is a lot of growth. Right now its not so much about the money but that now I have an opportunity. An opportunity to learn and hopefully to make some good money while I go to college, and if I play my cards right, I'll be able financially secured before I graduate. Really, thank you for your help. I won't let you guys down, we're all going to make it.
Call me a faggot, but I fucking love this board.
Also, I have $500 to invest and im planing on buy STRAT or MUE
MUE looks promising and is still pretty cheap
All advice is welcome
anon, congratulations. i'm glad people here are making it. i'm not sure i would invest in STRAT while it's hovering around its recently established ATH; can't comment on MUE.
Nice gains mate.

Yeah, I'll let strat settle down and then I'll buy a like $100 worth
I want to diversify
these coins seem like good holds but I want to get more money
I just don't to get burn by day trading like I've read a lot of people do
know nothing about MUE anon, STRAT is great long term but wait for a dip some time soon.
Also happy for you that you got there from 125 buckaroos. I'm on my way to get 4x times what I initially invested in a month and a half and looking forward to keep a steady income from doing this.
look up swarm city, my friend
You've got the right idea anon, wishing you best of luck, check into BAT it seems like a solid hold, sia too. I'm planning on waiting a bit for BAT to settle after ICO.

I'm long to reduce tax exposure (1 + years) I'm not an expert but I'm looking for good projects
We're all going to make it. Congrats bro.

I'm in the same boat as you, gonna be entering my senior year of college. If I can secure financial independence before I graduate, it will truly be life changing.
Holy shit bro nice fucking gains! 2 weeks? Damn, I need to know what pills you're taking!
Not bad OP, kinda jelly since you made almost as much as I did but with only 1/8th the funds.

Good hunting.
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Yeee thanks anons I put in 900 few weeks ago any advice?
Turn BTC into Waves
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how the fuck are all you making so much?

t. made $2k from a $10k investment
how are you not at least doubling your money every week lol

throw that $10k into SC, last chance
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Nice OP. I had these gains initially from ETH (got in around 48$).

Turned into this with just 500$ initial investment. Love this board.
I bought 8900 DGB and 12782 SC coins.

Feels fucking good.

It's going to the moon pretty soon.

Already on the Lambo website seeing which cars will compliment my Neon purple suit.
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unrealized gains. anybody that tries to pull out collapses the ponzi scheme. now buy BEANCOIN!!
ah man, if only I had learned about it a couple hours ago
still, its a pretty good looking coin
I'll definitely keep an eye on it
I was trying to save up for the ICO but I got cold feet at the last second
but im glad I held onto my coins because of their recent rise
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Are you possibly...buying high and selling low? It's pretty difficult to lose money in this market if you don't do major fuck ups. Here's some advices:

-Don't try to day trade if you don't know what you are doing and is new, you will fuck up.
-Pick good, solid coins and hold them mid/long term. Don't buy into memecoins that don't have any unique feature and people know nothing about.
-Don't buy at atm and panic sell when it's at a dip.
-It's impossible to win all the time, you have to learn to accept a loss.
-The number of times you win a trade is less important than the amount of money you profit from each trade. Even if you lose 10 times and win 2, make sure to get end up profiting in the big picture.
-Form a trading strategy and stick to it. Don't let emotions get it in your way.
-Lurk on /biz/, do your research about each coin, follow the market, follow the news about crypto, go to reddits.
-Learn the basics about trade, like how to read candlesticks, use finonaccis and how to spot a PnD.
SC is at a peak right now dude
Biz is right like 80% of the time from what I can see

I saw in some other thread that ethereum is due for mooning so I'll try to get my $500 there by tomorrow
worst thing that can happen is it dips a little
I saw a serviceposted a few days ago that will notify you when it thinks it's a good time to buy/sell various alt coins. I remember it had a great track record.

Anyone know the site is?
if so, i couldn't tell you about it but I have been tempted to start using it
but I feel I first have to learn more about how the market works in order to use it effectively

i am a noob an unaware of what the term "mooning" is. care to explain?
when a coin with shitty price skyrockets exponentially

e.g. when etherium was like 10 bucks and "mooned" to its current 240
already mooned, doesn't have the legs to more than double
Where do you buy the other altcoins? I can buy eth, btc, and ltc but dont know a reputable website to buy the others

I used coinbase for a while until I found bittrex, you will not be disappointed - it's more complex but allows you to do way more
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Safe steady gains:

Coins with legit moon potential:

ARK: Cool tech, small cap (for a real coin), pre-moon, solid dev team

RLT: Small cap, about to release their product and be added to bittrex, 100% of profits paid as dividends

SUMO: shitcoin clone of monero, but micro cap and shiny and new
Thanks m8
This is a brutal steep learning curve but very rewarding (but people also make it on sheer dumb luck too).
My fellow bean.
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>bought into STRAT 441000 like a retard and now it's stuck at 390000
>meanwhile memes like sia and rdd are increasing and I only have like $10 on each
I guess I'll just hold and hope for the best.
Thing is, luck can be a factor on 1, 2, 5 or even 10 trades, but once you are in the game for quite some time and already did 200 trades, it ceases to be luck and your money will actually reflect your ability to trade, because no one will have bad luck or good luck 200 times in a row.

Remember, this is gamble, but you can still make a huge amount of money consistently by being smart.
Watch this video if you are interested:

He's talking about stock markets and the rules change a little in the case of crypto, but you can still take good things of what he's saying.

>very rewarding
It really is. Especially when you realize that what you learn will give you huge advantage over others, which will turn, give you gains.
sounds like quantum suicide
At some point you realize you're immortal

Thanks for the video great advice
just keep holding

I only have $100 on strat and $230 on coins combined. I'm merely practicing at this point and I doubt I'll make it to lambo money with this.
I'm gonna invest student loan in as soon as I'm confident enough and I've worked out a system.
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sia is going to double its value you nonbeliever
never ever buy when it's going up. Whatever I lost was because of doing that and being a weakling and selling for a loss because after a couple of days it only seemed it was dipping.
After being fuck over by PIVX I just hold if I'm in the red and set selling orders to get back my money and then some 5%~10% and don't ever check again unless it's reaching again the selling price. If it seems it will moonshot past my previous set order I just cancel it and split it and move it further to get a nice profit.
So far, this worked wonders and made nice returns.
Whatever gains you have, just look for a coin that it's on his low side, with no serious bumps and just buy a little and wait. I did that with XVG and XBY. With 300$ I already made more than 1200$ and it keeps giving.
Mue Very good investment, very good dev, good roadmap, migration x11 and masternode soon and maybe 1$ before the end of this year ...
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