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Lets get down to business and become millionaires - ICO research

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We are here to become rich, at least relatively. Some of you may not want to stop until you have at least $10,000,000+ and some of you might be okay with ~$250,000 in the bank and a paid off house with a jap shitbox.

Lets do it the right way via research, using our brain power, and getting in on the ground floor like all smart money does.

Look at these ICO ROIs. If you bought Stratis, not even one year ago, you'd have over 400x your money RIGHT now.

Why did Stratis increase by so much in so little time? Why did any of these give such great returns? I may employ a shotgun approach and put $2,000 in several ICOs I see with potential and hold for 1-3 years. Can you spot what makes an ICO good or bad? Basic Attention Token and Bancor seem good, as well as maybe Mysterium and Cofound.it.

The typical criteria so far is something like
>team is reputable, has past successes
>idea is unique, has potential, and they have explained how they will accomplish it in their whitepaper realistically

Golem, ANTshares, WAVES, Lisk, and Swarm City all have extremely good returns and most have barely been out for one year. Why? If you put $10,000 into any of these, you'd have hundreds of thousands right now, over $4,000,000 if you put it in Stratis. FOUR MILLION USD IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR OF PUTTING $10,000 IN STRATIS.
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We want to make a lot of money out of a little, and I think this is the only way to truly do it before the normalfags catch on. We are here on the ground fucking floor of EVERYTHING. For all we know Bancor will be gigantic, or maybe BAT, or maybe they'll be shit down the toilet and it will be something I haven't seen yet.

What do you think? What are your thoughts on this? This shit happens. It's not a masturbatory /biz/ fantasy post. There are guys who put in $5,000 in the ICOs of ETH, or Stratis, or Ripple, and have lots of money RIGHT now. This happens and we can be in on it if we just find the gold in this mound of shitty scams. We didn't miss out on fucking anything. We can jump in right now to something new.
How do I buy ICO's?

Interested in BAT
I'm going balls deep into BAT, hopefully I don't get my dick bit off.
you'll need to send ETH to the address they give when ICO starts. You'll have a very small time window so you better be refreshing like crazy.
What site do I go for all that stuff
Is there a minimum buy in?
And them they give you coins to put in a wallet that may not exist yet?
Typically you go to the projects website and they will have the outline of how they will handle it.

You just send the money to an address they post and the coin gets deposited back into your wallet. This shit isn't hard. It's easier than trading. We just need to be smart with our capital and choose the right ICOs. Most of the are total scams. There are a few that we will be glad to have found and invested in though. We need to find them.

My list so far is

>Basic Attention Token

These are what I have found that did not seem like 100% scams. Civic is debatable, but I have used Gyft before, not that it means much.

you google the project and not ask to be spoonfed. holy shit fuck off.
>You just send the money to an address they post and the coin gets deposited back into your wallet
So I need an ETH wallet?
Really wish I had gotten in on ANT at the ICO and yeah, Bancor sounds promising too. What's mysterium about?
Bancor seems extremely promising
>unique (potentially revolutionizing) idea
>good professional dev team
>Decentralized VPN powered by Blockchain
>Open Sourced Network allowing anyone to rent their unused Network traffic, while providing a secure connection for those in need.

ICO starts in less than 2 days so if I'm jumping in I'll have to go to a BTC ATM tomorrow at this rate with how shitty the sites are being right now.
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No minimum buyin.
Yes, you need a PRIVATE ETH wallet, if you send from an exchange you're going to get fucked.

At a minimum read all of this if you're interested in ICOs.
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Going to throw 750 bucks at the bancor network

sponsored by the jerusalem post, i'll take the risk
Bancor seems like one of the best bets. I think BAT is cool and not a lot of people think it will work so I think that would be my wild card choice from the potential of it.
Finally a serious post.
I also think ICO's are the only way to go.
I've gotten into MobileGo, Mona.co and NVO.io so far and I think I'm gonna get burned on Mona.co but we'll see. I'm pretty confident with MobileGo.

The best site for ICO's I've found is https://www.icoalert.com/ they don't give any comments on ICO's but it's neatly listed in chronological order so you can catch the next upcoming on release day.

I think BAT should do ok, I'll probably throw $50 worth at it just in case. Will be trying to get into cofound.it too.

I'll be looking more closely at bancor after seeing your positive remarks.
I forgot to mention Aeternity. What do you guys think of this one? https://www.aeternity.com/
where did you take that screenshot?
thinking about dumping a few k into BAT

am i retarded?
>Bancor seems extremely promising
I agree and they spend a lot of time in Israel which means it's money. But, their ico details are non existing and it's supposed to be on May 30th. Probably will get pushed off again.
I'm planning to put $12k into it.
>finally a serious post
>BAHAHAHAHHAA u got scammed, retard
>ICO starts in less than 2 days
True money sells our faster. 2 days is 47. 5 hours too long if product legit.
As we are speaking of ICOs, ZrCoin was posted some times here on /biz/, could be a shill of course and other sources are more differentiated about it, but I kinda like the idea of an actual value / product / factory standing behind a coin. But that also makes it a "normal" stock which just wants to save on stock exchange fees by using cryptocoin. I also don't really get why they needed to create a completely new coin for that. I guess in order to keep price changes separated from influences on other possible carrier cryptocoins.
So if we are in a serious thread, what do other think about it?
I feel that BAT is an idea set to fail.

1) You have to get websites as well as users on board for the system to work.

2) Websites aren't going to split their ad revenue with its users. They have no reason to. Whole thing reminds me of paid-to-surf programs from 10 years ago.
Wosh I had that much to throw in. I'm down to 56 ETH total and thinking of going in 25% in Bancor and 25% in BAT. I need to eat. Bancor needs to release their fucking ico plan ASAP if still shooting for May 30th. I'm a poor fag and only hope I get in on these 2. Icos seem to go quickly and hope I don't fuck up trying to get in. God speed ico anons.
I think I'm clinically retarded. So... you send these devs ETH in exchange for which you get tokens which you are to store where exactly? These tokens will eventually be able to be exchanged for the real thing when it's released?
The idea is that it will be so much more accurate that it will save time and money, and jewgle won't get their huge cut, so the publisher will still pocket significantly more if they used BAT.

Getting EVERYONE on board and Google not fucking shit up are the only problems.
I'm thinking of putting some money into both BAT and Bancor. Which do you guys think has the most promise and why? Bancor seems more esoteric and like fractional reserve banking for crypto (typical of jews). I'm leaning toward 66/33 favouring BAT but I'd like to hear other's opinions
I put money on there but it's not looking good lad, is the growth already over?

Also bought APX tokens the other day, but people in the telegram group is already talking about pumping and dumping.
Tbh the craze for short term gains will kill this whole market, real growth can only happen if more and more people believe in the coin and anyway APX is more of a share than a coin, you are investing in a company why the fuck would you want to PnD that??

It was doing fine until these retards came along.
So what are your guys opinion on espers? It's very cheap currently and I've heard nothing but good things on here and I even read their project page which seems promising.

However I'm still learning how to properly evaluate coins and I would like the opinion of more insightful people than me
Can someone please explain where the actual value of these tokens will come from? Why do they or why will they increasein price? In case of BAT for example, is a BAT token the very thing you would need in the future to be able to advertise on the network, so the idea is that advertisers would pay increasing amounts for that? I'm struggling to understand this. In case of Tokencard it's quite clear for example that usage and adoption will increase the price. But for BAT or Bancor?
I'm putting 50% into Bancor and 50% into BAT. I'm going big or going broke.

Aeternity already has a huge following and the ICO seem like a good bet
there's so much fucking money being put into ICOs and shitcoins these days. even the shittiest ones
this seems pretty cool but i have to read the whitepaper for sure
market caps. more popularity = more money in the system = value of technology increases naturally = early investors made money taking a risk
>market caps. more popularity = more money in the system = value of technology increases naturally = early investors made money taking a risk

The problem is it reeks of ponzi.
If you invested in Apple back in the 80s you became a millionaire because Apple sold a fuckton of macs, not because a lot of people got interested in Apple shares.

Pls give link for BAT i had hard time finding it on bitcoin forum.
Mysterium sounds like a really good concept. Do you think it will take off?
Read the thread for your spoonfeeding babby.
Might do the same. Fuck it, house money left only anyways so big gains or bust. What's up with the Bancor ico. I have revived 0 details to date on it although I'm signed up for every fuxking thing they are on.
what site is this screenshot from
Bat will fail, don't listen to this shill
It sounds like one of the ones that has much more immediate uses, especially for the type of people who are already actually in the crypto space.
Tesla has an enormous market cap even though they aren't earning money if you subtract the government hand outs
Please elaborate
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myetherwallet.com can hold a bunch of tokens.
Sign in to wallet, click tokens. Pretty much every token running on the ethereum blockchain my dude. pic related
feel free to donate lol, the real poorfag here
They're probably pushing it back because they still haven't released details on their website.
the supply of these coins and tokens are very low for "currency" so the price just has to increase if a significant amount of people use it.
it seems good, a real product that people would use. everyone uses VPNs.

not shilling. it has potential and I will probably put a few thousand in.
bancor was pushed back because they brought people onto the team i think and need some extra time or something.
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shitcoin 100% pump and dump. Stay away if you're a legit newbie and fuck off if you're one of them.
splitting about 10k between BAT and mystereum this week. will try not to sell any til i see a 10x at least.
>the supply of these coins and tokens are very low for "currency" so the price just has to increase if a significant amount of people use it.

Yes but (I may be missing something here) what makes it worth on the long term? I mean, my APX tokens for example. I doubt they will be worth much in a year if they can't be used as a coin? Unless the company buys them from me and gives me BTC for the tokens (in exchange for my early support) I'm basically doomed to lose that money on the long run unless I scam someone.
Nice shill
Lykke is doing something similar to that. Open-source, NO spreads(yes none), whacky investment options like music contracts and forex trading. The coin is also a 'stock' in the company and the guy behind it is a swede co-founder of oanda(big retail forex firm in NY).
The problems I see with it is that their business model seems weak as fuck as it relies on them getting people to trade forex on their mobile app, I don't see that happening so the Lykke coin sounds like a bad investment right now, especially since they aren't even legal in the U.S. I tried to to use their app and it denied me, but it's definitely something to watch.
I have the same misgivings but my major sense is that the smart money will be in it for awhile at least, even if it's not a long term investment I figure even just sticking out until it gets listed on an exchange would be enough of a profit to through some money at them.
There's going to be more on their website about the specifics but 'smart contracts' require a 'gas limit'. It's how much eth you can burn to execute the code when you send to the ICO address. There's probably going to be a 25000 limit which is max, so you'll get charged a bit bigger fee of whatever you put in. If you skip this step your eth will just be returned, so remember that.
I doubt google will get on board because they already have the ad market locked down. Even if the Brave browser sees adoption I can only think of it as one of those things people do for extra cash like those bitcoin faucet sites.
>craze for short term gains
It's a facet of the ease of use and lack of regulation. Personally, I see this as a good thing since even if a coin tanks or gets manipulated down you can just set a mild profit sell order and just leave it open waiting for a passing whale to pump and get you out of a shit investment. I'm doing this for Vox and I missed out twice already because I set the sell order too high.
Its going to be a way for people to tip sites they like or get paid for watching ads. The main reason I'm so interested in BAT is that there are a number of sites that I frequent which are consistently kicked off of all payment processor and ad networks due to having the wrong politics. Once Eich fully implements BAT into Brave as he is planning this will give an easy workaround for such people.
Monacoin? Sell it while you can man,it's a scam. Look into bitcointalk forums. You can thank this poorfag by throwing me a bone : 3PgrdyRB8im78rvLxRJdXjz5MZcMAjsnxB
>there are a number of sites that I frequent which are consistently kicked off of all payment processor and ad networks due to having the wrong politics.
What, do you mean google doesn't take money from white nationalists/talk radio or something? Never heard of that.
>I doubt Google will get on board
Its not about them getting on board its about them not managing to successfully sue Eich and stop this.
I don't really want to shill for BAT and I could easily be wrong, but doesn't the hype around it make it extremely likely that ICO investors won't do worse than breaking even?

The easiest comparison I can make is the aragon ICO, which sold extremely quickly (much like BAT probably will) and so far hasn't dropped below a market cap equal to the total investment.
I only got like $50 worth so fuckit. I'll leave it there until it either dies or they decide not to be a scam.
It has reputable people and it is controversial/has a lot of potential so unless someone fucks up, I can't imagine doing worse than breaking even
cryptocurrency =/= shares, unless it's specificly made for that purpose.
Like in case of mysterium network. You need to buy those coins to use their VPN system. The more people use the service - the more valuable these tokens are.
Correct. Paypal and Patreon also kick people off if they consider them guilty of "hate speech" even if it doesn't occur in any of their Patreon projects. Crowdfunding can be done with bitcoin of course but there's still a lot who just won't go the extra mile to get involved in crypto just to help crowdfund, BAT integration with Brave will make this painless.

I also consider it highly unlikely that Eich would do anything to interfere to kick them off because of his own experience with being shut out due to his political opinions.
that's a really good point.
desu i haven't seen much hype. most places i read have people saying it won't work, fwiw.
I tried to look up any of the societies listed in the ZrCoin whitepaper about a month ago, and found no results. Closest hit gave me an Armenian rug company... ZrCoin are supposedly russians so it could be the language barrier at play, but for the time being it's hard to tell if this is something serious or just hot air.
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Going all in boiz, more to come
>satoshi bless
What do you guys think of this?
would be better to develop our own coin. any coin idea that sounds even remotely non-shitty would probably fill an ICO of $millions. everyone's throwing money at ICOs
Call it Rarecoin.
And put a Pepe on its logo.
We will use it to trade memes.
ICO's is how you make the bank. Gamble money in a coin you think will take off before its peak, you'll either lose it get an extremely high ROI.

The problem with creating a coin is that we'd either have to have a meme status behind where people mass buy it/mine it for shits and giggles (see: Dogecoin) or actually have a legit dev team with great tech/ideas behind it who won't abandon the project or pre-mine and run off.
you mean pepecash?
You're welcome to join my project, I need people in AR, Crypto of course,GIS and GPS, database pros and a few others fields. I've got the hardware device manufacturing almost covered but pretty much everything else needs to be built out.

check out EncryptoTel, Mysterium, REX, NVO, BANCOR, TENX, oX protocol, STATUS, CodeTract and Agrello

if a had to pick a few of those i would choose
>BANCOR/NVO b/c it would add liquidity to the cryptocurrency

the other do not address a present necessity, Status and EncryptoTel are good ideas but i dont see them coming to fruition until the use of cryptos is a common ocurrence in our daily lives, same with REX, Civic, Agrello, bloockpool and voise

the oX protocol looks good on paper but the lightning cross chain network is now in development,

Mysterium could be profitable, but the advantages of running a public exit node are not clear at the moment,
blockchains for micropayments was kind of an afterthought until I found this board and realised that ICO's are raising more money than anything else on the planet right now.
and it's literally the future of currency
>ICO's is how you make the bank. Gamble money in a coin you think will take off before its peak, you'll either lose it get an extremely high ROI.

the ROI is not really extremely high anymore. for example, look at the BAT ICO. if filled, they're already valued at $24 million
But if they succeed in this market, advertising is probably THE most lucrative market on the internet isn't it?
As was ANT, ANT's already more than doubled its value opposed to bitcoin and is on a trend to go even higher.
A $24 mil market cap is not really big for a promising crypto
look at the top assets today. 24M is nothing...
Best ICO's to get in currently?

Thinking about BAT and Bancor
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So how do these token sales go? You send ETH when the sale begins and put a myetherwallet adress to receive the coins? Do they generally accept less than 1 ETH? Because I have 0,5 in total.
Interested in BATs & Mysterium

I have some BTC, how do I actually get in at the ground level, like, how do I buy 'tokens' for BATs at sale time, same for Mysterium
That should be fine and if you've only got a small amount then an ICO is probably your best bet.
You read the instructions on their ICO page carefully and do what they tell you.
one more of you fags ask these retarded questions without using fucking google
holy fucking shit you people are helpless newfags

where did you get that list?
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There's seems to be a few people here who don't bother to read the actual ICO page. Go read that first then come back and ask questions
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IOC is releasing DIONs in June, prepare for the moon mission.
100% return is not much considering the risk. although, i suppose as long as everyone keeps throwing their money into shitcoins at the current rate, the risk might not be that great

that github link didn't offer much info. what's the project?
just google "new ICOs" famalam
> have about 50k to throw around

I have no idea how to buy coins. How can I start?
fuck off spamming faggot
by using google
Spoonfeed me faggot. I am too lazy to read how to buy each individual coin
dude save yourself the trouble and just wait for the next big correction in the stock market and then go long s&p500 futures contracts and hold them until you've either lost your money or the contracts expire and you've got a decent profit
1. Register on coinbase or kraken
2. Buy btc or eth
3. Transfer to Poloniex or Bittrex
4. Buy shitcoins
5. Transfer shitcoins to a offline wallet
6. ??????????
7. Profit
Then read the thread. Basically you have a short timeframe to throw ETH into the ICO up to a certain max amount of coin you can get, and if you provide a wallet address they send the coins to you. If you don't they just send you back your ETH.

You usually buy on the cryptocoin's website itself.
>"new ICOs"

I'm not getting the same list.

I want to see how many ICO:s failed to turn a quick buck.

Kindly share URL.
Anyone knows when BAT coins will be released to ICO buyers ? Like the next day, month or what
As far as I read they will be released and tradeable immediately, which is a new concept I guess.
I will go in for BAT and Bancor also
Pure FUD post m8.
Is 10 ETH each even worth trying to get in? How much gas? BAT lists the minimum but I don't want to be one of the refunded cucks.
How safe/sure are these future contracts after a correction happens? I am selling an apartment I have and should have some 270k cash to invest on whatever I want and I could easily put like 10-20k on something crazy
You mean you can't see anything there? I might just make a website to start with and try to attract talent through that.
Short version:
Use a combination of AR, GIS terrain modelling and GPS object placement to show people the optimum plants to grow in their yard and exactly where following permaculture principles. Use blockchain for the microtransactions for them to buy said plants/seeds etc.
Allow third worlders to apply for crowdfunding within the blockchain so that feelgood normies can fund their projects by paying for their seed/plant/materials requests.
Third worlders begin growing their own food = no more starvation. First worlders get to say they contributed directly without being scammed by ngo's that do fuckall = feelsgoodman. World becomes better place and encourages more people onto the blockchain and cryptos in general.

I need to start building contact lists, have been doing this on twitter, seems to be working well.

Will probably need to create a very low cost device that can do AR and network connection similar to snaps spectacles but not so gay and probably sunglasses because it's an outside job.

Basically put the instructions for precise planting, terrain modification and structure placement into an AR environment and have an auto order function that links to the best available suppliers. Thoughts?
>We are here to become rich

Alright sounds good, I'm interested.


*Sigh*....*click refresh*
and this is why you will stay poor
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Lads aeternity says they're not accepting more contributions. I think we missed this one.
Minexcoin is going to be huge

Few days left before end of the ICO
they're leveraged so don't use more contracts than you can handle. e-mini sp500 futures are $50 per point, ie. with one contract your exposure would be $50*2,415=120750$ right now. you gotta be able to handle at least a 10% sudden move in the wrong direction imo. you'd be fine with just one contract. do not get into a trade without knowing exactly how futures work though

augmented rality? sounds like a lot of work. also sounds like you'd fetch ico millions though

make it less complicated and i'm in
Yep. You guys will def lambo dreamz
aeyouretarded? It says phase 2 ICO starts in 15hrs46mins faggot https://www.aeternity.com/
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Get in mah man! What do you want to work on?

here's a nice gril
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The only ICO that mattered this year was BOScoin. I can't believe no one even mentioned it here. BOScoin is going to change everything.

Here i found it, took me 1 minuet of rage fuel turned into productivity:


Contribution if you feel like it:


Kek I just learned how to send coins to/from exchanges two weeks ago. Still reading up on everything, thanks friendo.
sup digibro :) That's some mighty fine looking dgb address you got there
why are you still here if you said you left you dumb nigger
i don't like it
That icostats only lists coins that have already come out. What are the standouts for this year? I'm watching: Aeternity, Bancor, and SEC.
If i put in 2 ETH into Aeternity when ETH was worth 40$. Will my Aeternity tokens value increase with ETH price?
The % change against ETH shows that only the top 9 have a positive ROI compared to if you just held ETH.

Don't risk putting your money into ICOs when you can make a better investment by just buying and holding ETH

The rest of them are in the red.
>BAT do not represent or confer any ownership right or stake, share or security or equivalent rights, or any right to receive future revenue shares, intellectual property rights or any other form of participation in or relating to the Brave platform, and/or Brave and its affiliates. BAT are not refundable and are not intended to be a digital currency, security, commodity or any other kind of financial instrument.

So they won't be listed on exchanges?
Aeternity sounds like a money grab if you research a little
It's a generic disclaimer so they don't get sued.
Good call im in.
I don't see the big deal behind it.
of course they will.


you should be holding some ETH no matter what though unless you're new. this is an ICO thread
can i use the mist wallet to receive ICO tokens?

Something like


Look around for the open source github project and the developer comments on the matter.

Also https://medium.com/@ico_dna/taking-your-money-to-%C3%A6ternity-c71ff94e73e0

It seems a team that found an open source block chain implementation with marketable features and promised the world with it. Remember no one from the core team is a developer
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>buying strattis @ ico would give 43000% roi
>$5k would now be $2.15M
200k gas
That's the recommended amount. Just don't want to miss out. Would anything higher help?
The key to these ICOs are that they are part of a unique network that requires to Token to use.

Like Storj, ETH, Waves, Stratis etc.

The token and the protocol CAN NOT have a dollar value that is measurable. Like BAT, people will be able to say "this many people are using it, this is how many advertisers there are, this is how many users there are"

This is the opposite of what you want. The ICO tokens use, it's utility, it's ability to scale has to be all speculation. That's why there can be %40000+ increases..BECAUSE no one knows what it SHOULD be so why not?

This is the key to getting into a good ICO. (mind you the basics has to be there too, good devs, transparent, popular etc)
i don't think it makes a difference. people can speculate no matter what.
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tfw you're right
so what upcoming ico's are part of a unique network?
newfag (ish) here

i just read about mysterium, but how would that fare if all these "limited internet plan" meme companies got fucked over in X years? im not saying comcast will die, but they'll simply not be able to compete with companies that offer real unlimited data, at which point having to buy mysterium tokens would lose its point. am i overthinking or missing something or both desu~
The two that fits these criteria are in my opinion are

Aeternity: What is it? Fuck I don't know, infinite scale ability with an oracle? Who the fuck knows, sounds like waves, Stratis ETH. What is it worth? How the fuck can you tell?! 1000x because why not!?

The guy that is making it helped found ETH and invented Smart contracts. You can also get a metric fuck ton for $1,000




Waves and some other bull shit? What does it do?! Who the fuck cares! It's the future! 1000x
>tfw also a poor fag.. id kill for 1 eth
so is bancore a 'unique network'?
Yes..it has......drum roll Smart Tokens

What is a Smart Token? I have no clue. Does anything else have a "Smart Token" ...no

>Prisim kind of but you can't invest in that
what would you recommend on how to trade futures?

Also interested in short/long positions. If you could recommend me something there too would be great
I don't know if I agree with this. You're just saying people will buy it because they didn't bother to read the whitepaper, which you're right, but knowing what you're putting money into is pretty important.

stratis is just enterprise software for blockchain applications. that's it. i've never heard of it but it sounds like a good idea so i'm fucking pissed i didn't hear about it last year.

bancor basically allows you to liquidate across different tokens and shit which is pretty needed right now. nobody wants to fuck around trading this shit on exchanges or whatever.

aeternity is supposed to fuck up ethereum as a competitor, but apparently it's a scam according to a couple of anons here.

i think what you're saying only matters for the dreggs that just throw their money into whatever shitty /biz/ tells them to.

BAT is definitely unique. bancor, i'm not sure but they seem to be doing the best job out of everyone with such an idea. i've also seen several decentralized exchange projects, so who knows which one of those will come out on top. there is one that's trying to be a regulated bank, lol.

point is that these things aren't hard to learn about and i think what you're saying doesn't apply to anyone that isn't totally dumb, which is probably half of this board automatically, so whatever.

who knows
>metrick fuckton
>700 for $150

Hardly a bargain lol..

Bancor heading to Israel after ico with the money. Their website literally posted being in the US for 3 days then back to Israel for a week.
aeternity is as much a scam as everything else that's gone up 1000s%.

Their team is extremely public, going to almost every convention and speaking event to give speeches and do meet ups.

Seems like the opposite of what you would be doing if you were going to scam people.

The guy that's the face of it "The Godfather of Ethereum" Made a better system after learning the draw backs of ETH.

It has room to moon
what's the ICOS coming this week?
fuck you mother fucker
whatever those anons said better back it up then. maybe I'll read the whitepaper and check the team tonight and get some dosh into it tomorrow IF it looks okay.
I'll give out 0.02 btc to the first one that writes a detailed report about what icos are coming out thie week and why should I nvest, including you Pajeet.

Quickrundown in that coin?
well I'm not a pajeet and right now your 0.02btc is like $43 bucks so I'll pass lazy faggot
Whatever the fuck you are, pleb I don't care. Get to work.
I'm the rich guy, I pay you work.
>what's the ICOS coming this week?
Bancor, BAT this week.

Week after upcoming

I'm a poorfag and I want your money, pls.
is it possible to use Exodus wallet?
This dude knows what's up.
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Administrative fag here wanting to make some good damn bank. Help a small fish get some food. Let's all grab some icos by the Pussy.
From my experience with futures, if you are even asking about futures you shouldn't be thinking about futures.
It's leveraged, double edge sword, right now you can't even handle a one edged sword.
why not just buy the coin on an exchange right after ICO when the price is pretty much the same? Seems like it's hard to even get a possibility of buying, plus why the fuck can't you pay from an exchange?
I'm trying to figure out what a good amount to put into an ICO would be. i don't know if the shotgun approach is the best, probably the least greedy.

all eggs in one basket, it seems pretty hard to find the solid gold choice that would net 100x+ so I think that's stupid.

maybe 20% is best, still significant but even two total failures would not even be half of your capital, but then you only have 5 ICOs so not many chances. maybe it should be 10-20%.
Exchanges aren't going to carry new coins right after they get ICOs. That's why its a big news when anons post about exchanges adding new coins, because it means that coin is valuable enough to warrant being on an exchange.
A bunch of russians made a bunch of pretty programs to allow you to use crypto easier, trade forex through their platform, and issue your own tokens through their system. The waves coin is how you buy all the services on their programs, including things like paying for spreads for forex trading, making a coin, making a payment, etc.
Which ICO are you referring to?
Sto.jo is the only coin I remember that actually had a coin on exchanges before their ICO, and even then the ICO coin was offered at a lower price than the exchange price.
You can look at ICO prices vs. exchange prices. I rarely see them at ICO price ever. only if it's a scam PnD

I'm not saying it is a total scam, it will have a functional implementation and get listed, and so on.

But look at their github


1 active dev, that's it. Look for the developer posts, he has some comments on reddit that talk about his involvement in the project, how it happened and where he states that he has other projects ready with the same technology. There's more to it there

Look at the link about TOS as well

Maybe it will pick up traction or be another p/d coin and you make money with it, you can gamble your money. I just think there are other projects with more promising dev teams that are safer gambles

Just sharing what I found when I got interested in buying in, maybe I'm wrong.

The technology behind it is interesting actually but i don't like something about it and with so many places to gamble
>05/28/17(Sun)19:07:10 No.2220199


Lets do a /biz/ team dedicated to create a coin from zero, fair characteristic and with a innovative concepts. We will shill it on other sites and profit from the process. A couple millions put into it will make normies bet on it after ICO and we cash out when its listed on 100. Leaving the project to another new one, so we can repeat the scheme over and over again. That way we dont lose.
fuck off faggot. nobody wants to shill some garbage with a bunch of randoms.
what are you seeing that's a safer gamble? i haven't even heard of aeternity until today.
That's called risk management and your position size(how much you put in) should always reflect the amount of risk. If you believe that you're going to get 10x out of a coin, you should probably put less than 10%.
Swarm city token is more promising in my eyes, they were just on the Ether Review podcast at Lets Talk Bitcoin, sounded fairly impressive.
The downside is they had to do a 'rebrand' so I'm not really sure how they plan to market this when they are still working on building the right infrastructure, so I won't be investing.
In my experience participating in several 4chan ventures on various boards you need a good core team for anything to matter. These people could have made it in the industry or are already working in the industry, they just decided to throw in with 4channers for the hell of it and met other decent people.
/biz/ from my experience is either pajeets, inexperienced traders(who may also be pajeet), larpers, or smug assholes.
BDC - Ballz Deep Coin

BBC - big balls coin. Would gain seo by people searching BBC porn and hopefully the coin would pop up on page.
>That's called risk management and your position size(how much you put in) should always reflect the amount of risk. If you believe that you're going to get 10x out of a coin, you should probably put less than 10%.

I don't believe anything. I don't know how I could possibly see what I could make off of any of these, just buy in and close my eyes for 1+ years. Maybe I'll do 12.5% each to give me 8 ICOs.
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>tfw 0 eth to invest in any of these ICOs

plz hlp
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you already do it. remember that day you brought doge or bean? didn't you posted about it online more than ten times or how hard did you tried to tell other that coin was about to moon?

that is called network marketing. forums, comments on a youtube video. deep inside when you buy an alt-coin you hope it doesn't crash and you shill it. others just accept this fact and actually shill it so others can get in and increase the market capitalization

this team doesn't need cohesion. it will work like an trusted /biz/ developer crew that will report only here in early stages. that way who ever wants to participate on a coin could do it early than outsiders and its up to you when to cash out. so we will have 1000% return even right after ICO.

nothing fishy, like said before fair characteristics. once the crew gets a good reputation, we will have a selected history of "/biz/ backed coins". we are viral, we can cut the middle man betting on chinese and indian developers.
Can I use a normal ethereum cellphone wallet? What are they gonna send there? Eth?
>remember that day you brought doge or bean
no. can you leave this thread
>tfw no Galia gf
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THATS IT, im putting 5k on bancor asap. sick of being a wagecuk. this coins will ascend me into the heavans.

join me on this ride boyos.
well the ICO was postponed for some kind of new team members so hold the trip to the lambo dealership.
>invested $1000 in ten ICOs
>Only get 100-500% gains
>Feel poor af and unhappy

Why is crypto so unforgiving
list them anon.
they paid back all the government loans you pleb
>well the ICO was postponed for some kind of new team members so hold the trip to the lambo dealership.

Gonna do $2000 between bat and bancor, let's get matching paint jobs on our lambos
>>Only get 100-500% gains
The top us hedge fund made 19.4% in 2016.
is the OP image wrong? storj has 50x, golem 44x, auger 33x etc...
I sold really early

>kill me
you don't fucking sell early with ICOs anon wtf.

ICOs are 1+ year HOLDS

get back on the train with this shit we're talking about ITT.
By this analysis Augur should not be at the value it is.
>is it possible to use Exodus wallet?

pls respond
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>tfw there are so many cutting edge technologies that force you to learn all the way back to basics of economy and technology
>as if Bitcoin wasn't technologically advanced enough, they had to come up with Ethereum and now fucking Bancor
I guess it's a good thing though
BAT ico only has mew and mist steps outlined. Parity should work also.
Well my best was POSW and Auger.

My $1000 turned to $100,000 about.

So I can afford to sit for a year now. I was paying bills back then.

Ok, BAT is an interesting idea but you're retarded.

The ad networks kick them off their network because the company that bought the ads is pissed off. They couldn't give a fuck as long as they're taking their cut.

It looks pretty horrible for Coke if some white nationalist gets on YouTube and starts ranting and raving, all while a giant Coke logo is plastered over his face.

BAT doesn't solve this because if BAT starts showing Coke ads on racist content Coke still gets pissed off and threatens to pull ads off their network.

There's a reason torrent websites only have ads for Russian mail order brides and viagra despite their popularity.
It's a phone wallet?
Did I say those sites were going to get ads? No you dumbfuck I said nothing of the sort, what I said was that this would let them receive BAT. Because the whole fucking plan of this is that ads will pay BAT then people can either keep the BAT inside the ecosystem or jump through hoops to cash out miniscule amounts.

What's going to happen is precisely what Eich has already talked about at conferences, sites and groups will make it seamless to make donations(or pay subscriptions) with BAT. That's the point, not that they would suddenly have ads.
I'm gonna join you anon, Bancor looks really promising
if we make it, drinks on me
Why not work on a worthy project that has actual valid long term goals? We're you born a fucking criminal scammer? Can't you think of anything other than ripping people off? Fuck off
Is https://zrcoin.io legit? Has potential? What the fuck is Zr? Is it environment friendly?
what the fuck is ico
initial coin offering


so you get on the rocket before it even hits the exchanges?

Should I invest all my fiats into that?
very interesting video on what is gas limit, gas and wei


and please guys, just research it, 1 person asking the question is enough, just look through the thread and google

it only takes a couple of hours to actually research, and frankly, its really interesting reads
You guys seem like regular stand up gentlemen ive been reading around and want some btc into the exscudo ico before it releases at the end of this month.

Mainly because they promise an exchange with no fees based upon your contribution

However im on the fence and im getting a scammy vibe

What do you guys think? Should i pop 2 btcs into it so i can have interest free trading on their exchange?
never heard of it.
I wouldn't. Exchange probably won't have the volume you'd need to fulfill most of your trades for quite some time.
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thats the risk vs reward, this is why people that take out loans and mortgages for the fake lambo to the moon, with that royce mccutchenson moon money are retarded, only bet what you can afford, its the same as betting honestly.
>85002 ETH
I bet he's happy with the price.
>private test node
Welp, nevermind.

Great responses. I guess i can afford to lose 1 btc if it shits the bed.

Im mainly interested in the exchange to be honest
Did you hear anything about what makes a good ICO. Fuck that..it's success can't be measurable it has to be all fugasi fuchessy shit that has no metric of value. An exchange? Who the fuck cares, put your money into something like Strat, Waves, ETH, Storj, Augur etc.
strat was a good idea though. fucking pissed i never heard of it until now.
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>thats the risk vs reward,
there are like 5+ ICOs that are exactly what you're talking about. not a unique idea at all.
yeah, but can you look at any metric of strat? Like what it's revenue is, it's users, the success of it's use cases?

No...no you can't

That's why it's up 40,000 fucking %

Pick things like that.
All I read on /biz/ was 'google is involved' and I wanted to throw money at them but I chickened out.
so is the Bancor ICO happening tomorrow or not?
When they say minimum 200k gas, that's what, sats?
Doubt it. No emails yet with details, website updates, or in slack.
Exchange price is always significantly higher compared to ICO price. Furthermore, you can often get bonuses for investing early in an ICO.
holy shit do you niggers read the thread or what. the question has been answered like 3 times. NOT TOMORROW NEW TEAM MEMBERS ICO POSTPONED

idk, can you? stratis just seems like a good idea. even now it's only like 300m market cap.
>holy shit do you niggers read the thread or what.
So you literally didnt read anything in this thread faggot. Get my digits out your fucking mouth and let me get back to your mommas.
i made the thread and answered your question 3+ times now. autohiding your ID
>holy shit do you niggers read the thread or what.
Me again fag fuck. Please give me one God damn source where they say the Bancor ico is postponed and I'll quit fucking your mother. They added another jew on May 22nd. Here is the nigger you don't know but talk about (he owns etoro and literally is a jew) -


Now instead of trying to act like you have a dick worth anything, add some substance or shut the fuck up.
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To the twat that hasn't been watching the icos websites for months straight but runs his mouth like my cum runs out his mother's mouth, notice this on Bancors that is no longer there as of Friday
I think I'm going to drop ~$10k on Bancor and $12k on Polybius. The Bancor team is rock solid and they've generated some hype, so at the very least it could be a succesful P&D; Polybius is just a great idea, I don't see how it could fail.
This sounds really interesting. Do you have a throwaway email I could reach out to you at, or some other way to get in contact?
not sure on polybius right now.
icoalert.com fampai
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regarding bancor

Let's say someone bought 1000 SHITS on an exchange. Alas, the trading volume of SHIT has decreased drastically, thus making it illiquid. The person needs his money quick though.
Thankfully, SHIT is backed by BANCOR; 1 SHIT = 0.001 BANCOR as the devs bought 100k BANCOR and the SHIT supply is 100m.
There is another coin that is backed by BANCOR, it's CRAP, and it happens to have excellent trading volume on yobit. Let's say 1 CRAP = 0.01 BANCOR.
So what the person does is to convert his 1000 SHITS for 100 CRAPS and then trade CRAP for BTC. Alternatively, he just redeems his 1 BANCOR and trades it for BTC.
Is this how it's supposed to work?
Bump this godsend of a thread, also checkem
[email protected] talk soon anon :)
myriad will moon like fuck within the next few months
Cheap. On bittrex. Mid pump. Rather ico cuz I want bags with substance.
Not very convinced on BAT. Mainly because of the brave browser (which I never heard before). A small user base will make it worthless to advertisers.
BAT =/= Brave Browser
Plug-ins for chrome etc are planned. Idk if that answers your concerns, it seems to be highly risky in the long-term, the short term hype makes a purchase of a few hundred bucks worth at the ico worthwhile imo
Polybius seems like a scam to me.Blockhain and banking does not even sound ok together
yeah, but it's a terrible idea to be linked to those guys. BATs should be browser agnostic.

>tfw DGB was ur first big pump and you hold 97k
Is Bancor legit? I need a win guys :( I can't take any more memes
BAT: god-tier team, idea guaranteed to pull in money short-term, long-term all sorts of problems crop up.

Bancor: Not as familiar with these guys but they seem legit, the white paper impressed me, and there's a lot of interest so I think they have more solid long-term chances.

These are the two I'm gonna put ~ $2000 into
This so much. Im tempted to actually do something to get $ for Bancor. I keep getting burned on these new memecoins. I made out on top with DGB and RDD but the 7 other shitcoins I have 10-100$ in are doing fuckall and have only lost me money.
how do you read bid/ask walls?
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strattis is the ico that has increased the most, it is also the cheapest ico on that list...
Bid is what a buyer is willing to pay, and ask is what a seller is willing to take. Not really much beyond that. When someone says there's a "wall" that means there are a lot of people who have posted orders at a particular price, so when the value hits that price, it's probably going to be stuck there for a while.
im just confused on how to use them to predict where i should sell or buy a coin
Dot com bubble 2017
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Idea: we could make a googledocs spreadsheet that lists all upcoming ICO's and all of the variables that differentiate them ie; niche, volume, price, similarities with existing coins/tokens, % held by dev team, premined/not etc. Narrow all this data down to the real standouts and the most likely to provide maximum ROI post ICO.

There's so much information in all of white papers that it's too much for one guy to do but 10-20 of us could do it in pretty good time.


The gas price is a hang up. Any tips on setting that up properly and quickly?

If gas price is too high, uses an Ethereum clone with lower gas costs (e.g. EthereumClassic, Ubiq).
I'm very confident with BAT. You know those shit news sites with the endless scrolling. Fuck that shit. Supporting BAT for a great system and changing the way of the internet advertising industry. Just to remind you, 99% of the internet is based around Ads, and selling your information. A system that can sell your "attention" on a specific part of an internet page is huge. Fully support this.
no one is going to use their browser
Do ICOs generally accept USD/fiat to invest, or will I need to use BTC?
>Cryptocurrency ICO
pick one
Pajeet, is the report ready?

kek. except advertisers. They will save money and have their ads shown to targeted demographics who will check out their ads. PPC/PPV has come to an end.
You just missed the heptad faggot.
Write you're own report.
I'm building a war room because this shit deserves my full attention where you deserve to die from ebola

Actually as someone who's just gotten into Cryptocurrency's and has a decent understanding of technology the white papers give absolutely fuck all information and most can be read within just a few minutes.

They just throw around buzzwords like "decentralised!" "blockchain! "Smart contracts!" but offer pretty much no actual use cases.

For example: "You could use our blockchain to store patient records!"

Ok... So? You can do that in any database. How about a comparison between an SQL database and an Ethereum database comparing speeds, security, etc? Oh wait... Doesn't exist.

As far as I know, I haven't seen a single comparison that would entice any company to switch from a traditional database to any of these so called "smart contracts".

There's a reason people use centralised servers... BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY FUCKING WORK.


Well obviously that's not going to be their business model forever. You could install browser extensions to Chrome or Firefox or you could just sell the entire business model to Google if it actually works and have it built into Chrome (obviously very far future)

I think their proposal is very interesting as someone that creates internet content and isn't a dumb fuck entitled prick that ACTUALLY THINKS that content creators would happily create free content forever without a significant drop in quality if 100% of their viewers used adblock.

The question for anyone investing in cryptocurrency however, is what is BAT worth? What if Google takes the business model and just uses fiat currency? Then any of us holding BAT are left with nothing.
Looks like the entire team are Israelis, GUPPY (Matchpool) as well.
its revolutionizing the advertising industry. This industry is so fucking huge, it's either doesn't work out or it explodes. Sure there is a risk, nothing is forsure. But think about the potential it has. It's not just rehashing an old idea and throwing a shiny part into it. It is going above and beyond. And that's where people get held up because they can't think that far in the future. This is what separates the good and bad investors.

Yeah, Ok it might not work out. I can understand why, but the potential there is way bigger than my dick.
>buzzwords like "decentralised!" "blockchain! "Smart contracts!" but offer pretty much no actual use cases.
Very valid point anon. So what kind of metrics should we be looking into? Surely the market isn't entirely down to pump and dumps.. How do we discriminate between different models? Shitcoins stand out because they offer absolutely no innovation on top of what's already been created and open-sourced but how do we tell a smart winner from a smart loser? Does it even matter at this point with so much money coming into the system?
>white papers give absolutely fuck all information
This. Also, reading documents made by the designers of the coin is not the best way of getting objective, unbiased information on it.
I guess what we really should do first is look at the coins that have made it to at least 4 exchanges. That should narrow the field down considerably. Then we look into ICO's that are directed at fresh market niches as these are yet to be filled and will most likely join the leading pack. amiright?
>It's revolutionizing the industry
>Sure there is a risk, but think about the potential
>It's going above and beyond
>People can't think that far in the future
>That's what separates the good and the bad investors
Holy shit you could not sound like more of a shill if you tried
Is anybody able to list every exchange for me so I can get started? I'm fairly new at this so only know

any more?
If you invest in BAT you are gonna lose your money.
nm I got the list
>Uses fucking meme technologies like erlang and coffeescript
Feel free to ride the ICO train and make a quick bang out of your buck but its sure as hell going nowhere

Mate, Cryptocurrencies are nothing more than a game of hot potato, trading useless 1's and 0's that have been generated with enough computing power to bloody cure cancer and instead they're wasted on shitty algorithm solving.

We're all here because we want to make money quickly with zero effort.

I work with servers and I work in IT. I'm not going to claim to be an expert, but here's what I know:

Golem: Fucking useless. On paper the idea sounds great, right? 1000 CPU's are better than your CPU at home if you're rendering a large 3D file...

Except people are forgetting that BANDWIDTH exists.

Most people will probably be bottlenecked by their bandwidth LONG before their CPU in terms of remote rendering.

Just think. What is your upload speed? Shitty, yeah (unless you're lucky). Ok, now imagine uploading a large file to THOUSANDS of nodes. How long would that take you?

Australian internet is garbage, so not a great comparison to the rest of the world, but for me it takes half a night to upload a 1GB YouTube video.

Now imagine if I was trying to upload to HUNDREDS of nodes at the same time.

By the time the upload finishes I probably could have rendered my file on my own PC like 10X's.

See, this is the issue. No one fucking thinks. Like, "oh, decentralisation is amazing", you know what else is amazing? Centralised servers running ECC RAM on enterprise SSD's and automated backups.

Oh, and hosting websites decentralised on MaidSafe? Sounds amazing, yeah? Oh wait... No real web developer would want this because it's fucking retarded. If I'm an Australian business I want my servers hosted in Australia because the latency is minimal (which also helps my Google ranking). Why the fuck would I want my website served up by several different nodes on the opposite side of the world on fucking dial up?

BAT is one of the only cryptos I've seen that actually solves a problem and isn't just a solution chasing a problem. Could do without their own token though.
Why do people keep FUDing BAT but never give a reason?
Plenty of reasons newfag.
>most of the code is taken from chrome
>Chrome and Firefox working on solutions to the same problems Brave is suppose to fix
>no actual reason for users to ever turn on advertisement on the brave browser and the BAT coins you get if you do cannot be sold.
>trying to compete with two robust flexible open source browsers with gigantic communities
>they are in the middle of a pre ICO marketing campaign
>once the campaign dies down and ico is over you will start hearing all the negative parts of this project
>prices will plummet at the exchanges
>BAT project does not specify when the token will be on the exchanges if ever
>Eth is literally performing better than 95% of ICOs except a few like golem and gnosis
>eth is way safer to hold

In short way too many reasons not to risk it with BAT.
This is pre ICO hype right now much liek the BUY BUY BUY right before the crash a few days ago.

You wanna lose money invest in BAT because it has a reputable developer right..BUY BUY BUY!!!
Good luck.

I should also add, companies like Dreamworks and Pixar aren't going to use remote rendering because it's fucking stupid.

Those companies are so big that throwing 100K at a render farm in a local warehouse is pocket change to them.

They can scale up and down as it suits them and instead of sending data to the other side of the world they can run insanely fast fiber optics straight to the fucking servers from their work desks.

Any professional doing 3D animation, etc as a profession is already going to be sorted in terms of render farms and they're not going to change to an untested and potentially unreliable solution anytime in the near future. Obviously it's not impossible in 10 years time or something, but during that time there could be 100 other competitors doing the same thing.

Hobbyists might use it, but how big is the hobby 3D animation market? Probably tiny.

All that said, if you think the coin is gonna get pumped feel free to throw money at it. It's done well in the past few days, whether or not it's worth holding remains to be seen though.
the there is no future in advertising as advertising exists today

Who says you have to hold forever? Jump in the ICO and then GTFO after a big pump and enjoy your profits.

Pretty much none of these ICO's deserve the attention they've gotten. This one has a team that have actually achieved something in their lives. If any ICO actually deserves attention it's BAT.

Orrrr you could just invest in one of the other thousand "DECENTRALISED CONTRACTS RUNNING ON THE BLOCKCHAIN BUSINESS SOLUTIONS CREATE YOUR OWN TOKENS!1111oneeleven"
You've taken a few bad examples and you're extrapolating that on all cryptocurrencies.
Moving large data around is an issue, but that's not what most cryptos are about.
As a currency, blockchain works. As a means implementing a digital voting system, blockchain works. Smart contracts work.

Besides, this thread is about profiting off of ICO's and getting out before they fall. Whether or not they have a long term future is irrelevant.
This is my exact reasoning on not investing in Golem.

I work with Apache Spark/Distributed Computing on a daily basis and while Golem would be 'perfect fit', I would never ever touch it with my projects.
Not gonna be a big pump...Many icos recently plummeted and now with the negative feelings and atmosphere because of the crash chances are even lower for a pump, newfag.

No, as a currency it's fucking awful.

Lets make up 2 perfectly common examples:

Example 1:

I use Visa to buy an item online. The item doesn't arrive and the seller can't prove they've sent the item.

I ring up the bank, issue a charge back and get a refund. If this happens many times the bank may even refuse to do business with them.

Example 2:

I use Bitcoin to buy an item online. The item doesn't arrive and the sell can't prove they've sent the item.

GG, shit out of luck with no means of getting my money back.

100% fucking worthless unless you're buying drugs or some shit and are happy knowing you may lose your money and never see it again.

Maybe a bunch of autistic retards think Bitcoin is the future of currency, but here in reality 99% of people would never touch Bitcoin with a 10ft pole knowing they have no way of getting their money back if shit goes wrong.

FFS, even nerds with thousands of Bitcoins in a wallet are scrambling around trash piles hoping to find a USB they threw out 2 years ago. Meanwhile if I lose my credit card I go to a bank, cancel the lost card and get a new one in a matter of days.

How about iexec?
They are starting by providing offchain distributed computation for distributed applications..Something regular centralized farms cannot do but will be able to through iexec's infrustructure.
Can i sent ethereum classic to ICOs?

Yes, because all the previous crashes have negatively impacted ICO's... Oh wait... I wouldn't even call this a crash. Only a complete retard would have thought increases of like 50% per day were sustainable.
Oh yeah, that's a real problem.
If only we had something called escrow.

>nerds with thousands of Bitcoins in a wallet are scrambling around trash piles hoping to find a USB they threw out 2 years ago
>Meanwhile if I lose my credit card I go to a bank
What if you loose a wallet full of cash?
The reason they threw it out is because BTC wasn't worth much when they did it.
As cryptos become more valuable and more mainstream, people will obviously care more about safeguarding it.

You're inventing problems that either don't exist or have already been solved, while conveniently avoiding all the ways in which cryptos are objectively better then fiat.
I can see all the negatives you're talking about and yeah Australia's internet sucks balls. I'm not focussing on any singular product, I prefer to spread my bets and only put $50 into any ICO, but that's hard earned money that i don't want to throw away.
We can all see that even the shittest of memecoins can still get pumped and dumped, I just don't particularly want to be one of those shills that does it for quick gains by purposely fooling some new player. I'm a bit of a moralfag like that.
The tech is going to change the world now though as we've seen basically every major company and financial institution prick up their ears and pay attention to it and come out of the woodwork.
As far as the general public is concerned, they're still at least 12-24 months behind us because they only do what the big guys tell them is good for them.
I just want to put my bets on good selections that will have strong industry connections and actually bring something to fruition that will create revenue especially for me.
I've started working on my own project but apparently it's a steaming pile of shit atm because I haven't kept up with cryptography and know fuck all about computers. /biz/ has reignited something that I thought was gone forever.
We all here really do have a damn good shot at becoming much more wealthy than we are now and I don't believe that it should boil down to pump and dumps.
Some of these ICO's will be real winners, I just want to figure out which ones they are.
If I bounce off on the wrong tangent for a while I'm not too worried because I know that the vast majority of people on the planet aren't anywhere near us right now.
I don't mind playing the long game. I'd of course like to be in $5k 2 months ago before this shit blew up but I wasn't.
Just want to make up for it now. I just need a direction to focus on and I'll put some autistic effort into it.
>You're inventing problems that either don't exist

Yes. You're right. No one has EVER bought an item online and the retailer ripped them off. Has never EVER happened. You're right. No one has EVER forgotten their password for a website... Oh wait... I work in IT and pretty much every single one of my clients don't even know their fucking email password.

> What if you loose a wallet full of cash?

Want to tell me the last time you had $100,000 worth of cash in your wallet?

> while conveniently avoiding all the ways in which cryptos are objectively better then fiat.

Literally give me a single example (perhaps try using an example that doesn't involve a shitty third world country)

There's a reason every first world country on this planet has government regulated currency.
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>There's a reason every first world country on this planet has government regulated currency.

I'm right there with ya buddy. I put $15 on ETH back in January and now it's worth over $200 AUD.

Insane ROI, obviously now crypto has my attention. I'm just imagining what if I had thrown $1000 on it instead back in Jan.

IMO BAT actually tries to solve an issue in a creative way that doesn't revolve around buzzwords. It's a long shot, but if it works it could change online advertising forever. Doubtful, but possible.

Stratis isn't in ICO but it's relatively cheap and easier for developers to use since it uses C#.

It's INCREDIBLY hard to find cryptos that actually have a real world use.
Mate, you're starting to sound like the old fuddies that said the fucking internet would never catch on.
I remember when I was like 11 or 12 years old and google stocks were being splashed on the news and you know what happened, nobody I know paid attention except me. But I was a fucking kid. I told mum to mortgage the house and buy the damn stocks.
>hahaha you're crazy anon, the internet will never take off, computers are too expensive for most people.

Ever since then I promised I wouldn't miss the next big one, but I've kept missing them consistently for years and I'm fucking sick of it!

If you had to make a choice to put 5k into something right now, what would you choose?
wouldn't crap and shit get revalued at the same time though
>No one has EVER bought an item online and the retailer ripped them off.
Are you stupid? I gave you the solution in the exact post you replied to.
As soon as this starts happening with cryptos on a large enough scale to be relevant, people will start using escrow services to protect from it.

>Want to tell me the last time you had $100,000 worth of cash in your wallet?
If you have such amounts on a crypto wallet and you're dumb enough not to make several backups, then you deserve to loose it all.

>Literally give me a single example
Instant international transactions with zero taxation and oversight
No banks or any other single point of failure which can get hacked or robbed
Drastically lower transaction fees
Constant growth in value relative to fiat
Integrated services like smart contracts

>There's a reason every first world country on this planet has government regulated currency.
You're right about that >>2222493

Except the internet actually has benefits?

You still haven't given me a reason crypto is better than fiat currency.

Also, I'm not saying you shouldn't invest in crypto. In fact, I told my mother she should look into it.

I'm saying it's a fucking ponzi scheme and bitcoins value is based on nothing but speculation. Doesn't mean you can't make money off it, but if every Chinese miner decided tomorrow to fuck us all and cash out they could do it.

You want proof? Look at the bullshit one of the Monero devs pulled just a few days ago. Literally fucking with peoples investments as a "joke". That's the sort of shit happening in this community. It's filled with the shadiest scum you can possibly imagine.
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>I'm saying it's a fucking ponzi scheme and bitcoins value is based on nothing but speculation.
>unlike my superior fiat
i am limited in investment capabilities but still wish to turn mBTC into BTC

should i go with the greatest allies in the middle east backstabbing us here and there, BANCOR?
>people will start using escrow services
This would be a good industry to be in, I see big things for it as well. Take a look at what pluton is doing.
>Except the internet actually has benefits?
Immeasurably more benefits then it did back then right?
>fuck us all and cash out they could do it.
This happens in current financial markets nearly every decade. It's being addressed right now with UASF.
>filled with the shadiest scum you can possibly imagine.
I don't contest that point and as you can see I'm against that kind of unethical behaviour. Do you realise the kind of skullduggery that goes on in incumbent markets? Watch 'the big short' on netflix then watch 'requiem for the american dream' by noam chomsky then take your pick of innumerable other documentaries that cover the subject of banks, governments and other institutions completely fucking every single one of us over.
Are you a bloody banker by any chance? Do you see your profits eroding right now? just wtf do you actually have against this technology and market? Would prefer it wasn't all open sourced and that it was privately owned? buy Ripple if that's your cup of tea.
Seriously man you really do sound like a grumpy old bugger who's life is falling apart because of this industry. Did you buy mooncoin or something?
Any modern currency is a Ponzi. I'd rather take the Ponzi with a finite supply.
If you're not for crypto then why the fuck are you in this thread? btfo already old timer, it's not for you and all you're doing is hogging the mic and wasting our time.
You don't want in on it? FINE! Go away, pretty fucking simple.
>not your army
What gas price are we talking to get into ICOs?
at least 10 million gas to make sure you get in.
Pajeet, is the report ready or what?
go back to pol fageet
so how does this work on the token sale?

>put eth in that wallet
>send eth to address the ico lists

how do I get my tokens then? is it attached to the eth address?
Something tells me you're not planning to get that report ready, my little monkey friend.

Jesus Christ....
Pretty much mate. Just read the instruction on the ICO page that you're paying into. They all give detailed instructions. Some of them you just send the eth/btc in you don't need a receiving wallet yet, they give it to you later.
wow, a civil response to someone around here.

Any suggestions for a good android app/site to keep track of the prices?
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I don't use my phone for it but most people use blockfolio. You just plug in your coin volumes and it does the rest.

one more thing if I may, what's the best exchange to trade BTC to fund my myetherwallet.com wallet?

Not crazy about these permissions:

> Identity

> find accounts on the device

> Contacts
> find accounts on the device
Try coincap then.
thank me later
You again, always the same moron.
>most of the code is taken from chrome
It's called Chromium
>Chrome and Firefox working on solutions to the same problems Brave is suppose to fix
they inherently cannot
>no actual reason for users to ever turn on advertisement on the brave browser and the BAT coins you get if you do cannot be sold.
they can be sold
>trying to compete with two robust flexible open source browsers with gigantic communities
>they are in the middle of a pre ICO marketing campaign
point being?
>once the campaign dies down and ico is over you will start hearing all the negative parts of this project
which are?
>prices will plummet at the exchanges
>BAT project does not specify when the token will be on the exchanges if ever
>Eth is literally performing better than 95% of ICOs except a few like golem and gnosis
you're new
Someone red pill a total brainlet on how to buy the bancor ico. i have 17 eth but store it on my exchange, what wallet should i keep it on

please help, will send 0.1 eth
My ether wallet.

does the wallet adress count for all tokens? i have mne stored on there, so if i send eth it will still be fine?

Use myetherwallet(online) or a full desktop client capable of holding eth tokens.


read this on making sure you use enough gas

the bancor ICO has been delayed indefinitely for whatever reason
What is the recommended amount of gas to use on ICOs?

listed in the instructions
they should tell you the amount when the address is posted, it's a safe bet to use just a little extra. I see pretty often the number is 21000, but check and see when the ICO is posted. The other important thing is using the correct price of gas so that there is incentive for miners to mint your block, during ICO's it spikes from 20 to a much higher number.

use this to figure out what the going rate for gas is
I think MEW automatically calculates the price of gas when you make a transaction based on the current going rate. 21000 seems to be the average rate for regular transactions but I imagine executing an ICO smart contract would cost significantly more. How much more I have do not know. I might just use 100k gas or something and hope for the best.
it has a slider that goes from 1-40, and is usually set at 20.

yeah I've never participated in an ICO but I'd imagine they take more gas than the average transaction of 21k, but too much gas and your transaction could be ignored. If you're trying to set and forget 100k wouldn't be the worst option but a number close to the recommended would be ideal
this makes aeternity seem like a wash. i can't even get hold of any crypto to put in today anyway. all fo these fucking sites take too long to verify anything.
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