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>He missed BTC >He missed ETH >He missed LTC >He

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>He missed BTC
>He missed ETH
>He missed LTC
>He missed XRP
>He missed XBY
>He missed DGB


0.05 gets you 1M - don't be the guy green texting how he missed another moon mission. Get it on the ground. This coin has history, volume, application, marketing. Stop fucking around.

This is not a drill. This is not a shill. This is your last chance to buy a lambo and get the grill.
worth throwing 10 bucks at to be honest
>10 bucks
how about $230 like I just did?
What does it have going for it?
Does anyone really give a shit?
Just throw money at it and when you've made 1000% get out. All you need to know is the ticker and which exchange to buy it on.

A 1.3billion coin sell wall between here and 10 sats.
that's light work. I got a team of whales about to pump this shit to 500 sats - just like we did with xby and dgb.

Be a pussy and stay poor.
dont fall for this pump and dump scheme, look to sell orders up to 10 sats...
I'm definitely going to buy some but can I finish eating first? Wait an hour before pumping please

I'll take it for free, but i don't trust it enough to buy it, maby if it starts moving a bit. dat sell wall and history.
its like you didnt check dgb history and sell walls prior to our moon mission.
I'm just not feeling it yet. Not enough shilling, the hive mind has not spoken yet.
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xby aint done for shit niggu
Just bought 250k, will sell if it looks like it's going to 100 sats.
Stop shilling your shitcoin
What sites do you guys use to buy?
I'm strapped in, OP. When does our rocket to andromeda start?
>light work

got like 5 mil of this beauty.
we already at 6 sats, GET IN NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
Well shit lets give this a punt ay lads why not gamble my profit from DGB and XRP
100K cap now, was 10K in the morning
that means tomorrow we gona be at 1M cap, 10M the day after that.. do you calculations lads.. literally money lying on the ground
Looks set up like the other pumps too. Is it really this easy?
The guys developing this are actually close to actual integration that may actually get Burnie adoption once it's matured a little.This will hit close to 10 sat even without the pumping in the next couple of weeks so it's a worthy buy at this price. It's not a dead coin.
Has yoshit chat invaded biz?
Will Bittrex work?
RDD isnt on polinex
>new tech launching in next week or two
>integration with facebook, twitter, reddit, camgirl sites, twitch

it's like you can't see free money when it's staring you in the face.
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Actually before wasting anyone's precious time, go check coinmarketcap, there click a currency and then click market. You can see where the currency is sold.
>cam girl sites

This is where the money will be made
Bull to the fucking shit Nigger
Imagine... /soc
If that paywall starts chipping away.. and my BTC stops being under (((manual review))) ill buy some
Dis true? I threw few bucks on this on fluke? Source?
I'm a know-nothing who wants to stop missing out on these rockets.

Where should I start learning about crypto and everything?
Fuck learning. All you need is your space suit!
even more---imagine 4chan in general had a tipping system integrated.

there could be competitions...biggest troll. funniest YLYL, there would be an entire new board /tip/ or /beg/

4chan would become a camwhores money tree
s o u r c e ? ! ? ?
for the informative boards...a tip system for genuine useful content.
it's neat to see that there's fundamental value behind this too like people here are discussing.

For people considering buying in even more, i'm a chartist, here's what i'm seeing.

i'm seeing the ask quantity at the 6 sat level decreasing at an accelerating pace. which means breakthrough soon.
in regards to when it'll push itself into the 7 sat ask bracket, some napkin math shows that the rate at which the 6 sat supply is diminishing is roughly 2.746BTC/hour, or 65.911BTC/24hour. This means that the ~40BTC supply at 6 sat will be overcome in about 14-15 hours from now if this pace holds.
however this pace has actually been accelerating, keep in mind, so i'll more likely be sooner than 14 hours than later.

when we're in the 7 sat ask bracket i'll do another rate analysis and report back, but right now it's looking like we'll break the 10 sat resistance supply in a few days.that's when the rocket would actually take off.

Ok so lets say I put $50 in, how much will I gain?
Math checks out
Not as much as if you put in $500.
guys how do I send btc from polo to bittrex
bout tree fiddy
i just have a short term speculation, from 6 to 7 sat for right now.

but that's basic algrbra. ($50 * 0.996 * (0.00000007 / 0.00000006) ) / 14 hours

comes out to 16.2% gain inside of 14 hours, expected. so like $8 or so in 14 hours and i'll do another analysis once we start eating into the 7 sat supply

don't send bitcoin. send etherium. there's a backlog in the bitcoin transaction blockchain, it won't get processed for 20 hours.
click deposit on your etherium wallet on bittrex for the address to withdraw your polonium etherium to.

thanks for the update man, i watched the 5 sat wall all morning get torn down.
if its a dollar about 500k?


Welp, I got around 400k of these damn things
Bullshit, I just deposited BTC to Bittrex, took about 10 minutes
so... long term will this hit 10 cent?
6M reporting in. but i'm watching it actively
very hard to believe. cited: https://blockchain.info/unconfirmed-transactions
i don't trade things i don't understand more than three days out. long term depends on fundamentals. i'm the wrong person to ask.
Keep us updated anon
Ok so how do I send eth from polo to bittrex.
I ordered:

0,02 @ 6
0,04 @ 5
0,02 @ 4

Want them cheap but don't wanna miss the rocket too.

Clever, huh?
there won't be any surprises for quite a few hours yet, but will report back.

this coin in particular has my attention because once it gets through the 10 sat supply, there's no more resistance. so i feel like this could be the one and i already placed my bet. if other anons can get in < 10 sat that's great, otherwise they'll be buying the rocket in flight and not on the pad.

1) buy eth on polo.
2) get your bittrex eth deposit wallet address
3) click withdraw on your eth polo wallet, and withdraw to your bittrex eth deposit address.
Im about to buy some more, going to have around 1M of these coins

Feels good to finally be in on the crypto game

may bogs bless us all
How far into space are we talking here? I haven't seen enough memes and shilling until recently to prove that this coin is going places, though I'd be lying if I wasn't mildly impressed by their advertising campaign and potential for growth.
Same here. Kraken -> Bittrex BTC transfer took like 15-20 minutes.

Though the fees are murderous.
Any place to liquidate these quickly? Bought 640k yesterday on PoSWallet, and I want to be ready for the moon mission.
yeyre all a bunch of spastics on here
Bittrex trades 85% of the volume. So best bet would be there.
if it passes 10 sats, the moon.
the ride to 10 sats is what i'm monitoring with math >>2096102 to have a safe trip.
why does it take so long to send from electrum to exchange
What? What was that? Didn't understand you over the sound of the rocket engines pre-flight testing.
Because ETH is a spastic meme coin with rollbacks and an fugly (((Russian))) dev?
welcome to scam city. I feel bad for you.
Not on Polo

I'm transfering LTC from polo to yobit right now
i try to send btc
I missed them all. How do I start?
huh. new news.
not sure what caused this, but the rate over the last 73 minutes increased to 5.467BTC/hour, so the updated target for 7 sats is now 6 hours 28 minutes from now.
i mean i guess that's good news for us, but the rate of upwards pressure accelerating like this is, well i don't know. no signs of stopping though.
buy btc on kraken or coinbase. send to bittrex btc wallet. buy into RDD/BTC.
buy btc
you know what fuck it
I got 500k worth of it at 6 sats, why the fuck not, it's like 50 euros
shills were right about DGB, and this thing's so cheap it doesn't matter all that much; maybe shills will be right again

what makes me doubt this crap is that the total volume is less than what a lot of people make a year
Why the fuck would I invest in a coin that got removed from polo & only recently got their own wikipedia page?

Happy gambling I guess, don't hold onto this scamcoin for too long.
The thing is: i trusted /biz/ 3 times, and i had gains above 100%, but this coin feels strange. Too many million already bought at 3-5 sats... So this coin will not hit 10 sats easily. But DGB was stuck at 112 sats for 2 years... so I am unsure to pull the trigger. Please redpill me.
>why did a coin literally revived from a SCAM led by a disabled and an autist go up 1500% in a week

stay stupid anon
>missed out on XRP
>barely bought the dip on DGB
>implying I'm gonna ignore this now

I'm waiting for my deposit into yobit right now
>pending deposit
The buying power of biz is ridiculous and generates it's own hype for coins.
This coin was at 10mil volume YESTERDAY when biz started shilling it.
Doubled my money in xrp, doubled it in eth, nearly double in ltc and quadruple in dgb. I aint missing shit
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>You have no incoming deposits
bought some more, really think this is a good long hodl. I can understand people being critical when you compare it to giants like Dash or Eth, but remember Apple started out in a garage and is now worth 800 billion, this project has a right business model I hope it will go to places, for now the ID wallet might look a little basic, but that was also the case with the first web browsers, really happy with this investment :)
what is sats?
Hold the rocket a few hours, guys. I need to get home and drop 10$ bucks in to this meme magic.

I have $200 USD in crypto right now and I'm dropping $50 into this. To be honest I'm mostly doing this because of XRP, XBY, and DGB. I want my fucking moon mission.
Wow, I'm sold! Where can I buy these coins?!
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satoshis you newfag
lol btc slow af nowadays, bitcoin losing market share rapidly due to its scalability limitations
it people were looking for 100% gains only then their sell limit orders would mostly already be showing in the supply orders. supply orders are what i've been analyzing in this thread, so that information is encompassed already.
it feels strange because we're looking at depth only until 10 sats, as opposed to looking at price move erratically as well.
really? i thought we were mostly neets meming. ...that explains the supply drop rate increasing i guess. good for us
>a few hours
i think you have about 6. would have to do more math to answer better but i have to drive home soon
>10 bucks
Fuck it, started a buy order for 500k for 5sats. Let's see if biz is right 4 out of 4. Even though my tummy tells me otherwise... But my tummy also told me: Sell DGB at 265...
using LTC
Ok, so download the Bittrex wallet, but a bunch on Kraken (I keep hearing Coinbase loses your money), transfer it to my previously downloaded Bittrex wallet.

What's RDD?
And how do these wallets work? Since I moved them from the exchange my coins are safe right? Is everything local? Aka, if my computer goes down so do my coins?

Thanks anons. I've been trading pretty successfully for years but this shit just always seemed to hard to get into. Thought I'd stop being a fag and bite the bullet.

>using ETH

ftfy :^)
Don't use Polo right now, use Bittrex. Polo is going through some shit atm
be aware your order may not get filled completely if you're underbidding like that. especially in a zero-spread chart

not to meme at you, but there's good sites listed in the crypto general that could explain it better and faster

driving home now. i have alerts on my phone and will pull over somewhere if shit happens early. let us pray to bogdanoff
which were the three times anon? I'm curious

I went weak and somewhat last minute on DGB and so didn't make a huge amount (still double what I put in) and before that I got in a little bit on the standard ones, out of which LTC fucked me big time so far

XBY I skipped because I'm gonna limit myself to two exchanges (kraken and bittrex)
>And how do these wallets work?
like magic

dont ask too hard questions
>7 confirmations
>You have no incoming deposits
is yobit legit
oh fuck
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Just a reminder to all that while the attention its getting now will pump it, its getting this attention because this coin is easily worth 10 cents.
The tech they are about to release will get it on the board for people who dont look at small coins and then the real rocket begins.

Once the lowball wall gets drilled down this thing should take off. just dont freak out about small dips, every coin has that. have iron hands and hodl until you are rich.

good luck, my brothers.
remember, don't panic sell. IRON HANDS LADS!
yobit trash has been holding my coins as a pending withdrawal for over a day now
ok, just gone all in with my profits,

Dont fuck me biz
retard lol
When the technology is advanced enough, it will be indescribable from magic.
How can I buy RDD with coin base? If possible
It's easy all the new coiners buy high and sell low.
The old coiners earn that.
Then the newcoiners become old coiners and earn what the new newcoiners loose.
But on top, there are the elite coiners who buy cheapest possible then shill the shit and sell high.
They earn most and old coiners earn through them a bit but new coiners loose all.
- Ponzi
how to spot a nu-fag.
No memes, I'll check there, thanks.

I don't need to know specifics. Just important shit. Like is my computer now a bank and holding my shit.
They work like any other wallet except that they allow personal names registered to a redd-id. this way you can tip somebody by name and not a crazy shitty long random string of characters.

you can also save favorite people in it, chat if you fucking want and you make 5% earnings on the funds in your wallet.

This thing could sit at 10 sats and never move and we will all make shit tons from the wallet and the fact that increase in bitcoin prices means 10 sats is worth more as well.

this thing being so cheap is our chance to get in. I have looked into this coin A LOT, so ask me if you have any questions. I also suggest looking at their site. Its the best site I have seen for a coin... EVER. not fucking with you. check it out:

friend, I am not going to tel you there is no danger with this... but it will for sure moon pretty decent in a few days. I suggest pulling out your initial investment at that time and leaving the earnings in it to grow into giant tree's of wealth.
whats satoshis?
nope. transfer your coin to bittrex, exchange it there.

this fundamental value stuff is awesome to hear. i only cover the trend side for now since that's the experience i have from stocks. one day i'll learn fundamentals too, thanks for filling that gap for me

lurk the crypto general for a few hours. you still have a few hours until we get to the 10 sat price, but be ready by then because if we do then moon
awaiting deposit from yobit, how long is this gonna take!!!
Dont listen to people talking crap. I will help you, friend.

First, buy a currency on Coinbase. You can buy less than one coin so dont worry if you dont have much money. Then get an account on bittrex. it should be fast.
once you have the bittrex account click the wallets tab up top. then find the currency you bought on coinbase and hit the plus sign on the left of it. generate an address and then go back to coinbase once you have copied it.

on coinbase go to the send/receive tab, change the wallet to the currency you bought, paste in the address and amount and boom. you are done. just wait for it to transfer.

also maybe dont do bitcoin right now... its backlogged for about 20 hours.
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The real question here is: Will he miss POSW?
bruh calm down. you still have a ton of time before 10sat
we're hitting 7 in a few minutes, but you still have time before moon. and even on the way there, there's no rule against buying the trend. but granted, we can't analyze price trend until price actually starts moving seriously, which will take a few hours still

if you would, tell a pleb chartist a bit more about what fundamental stuff you see in this coin that'll keep it on the rocket it's on. what's your target?
thanks, man. This was really helpful. I appreciate it a lot.
Where is that whales club
i hate this pic so much

you cant just assume your dumb negrocoin is going to pump just because a different coin with a similar supply got pumped

posw faggots had it coming, you were warned, but you you called us FUDs, but by all means, keep holding those bags
Literally /biz/ went from shilling a new coin weekly do daily now.
put 10€ in this memecoin
so you guys are aware, there've been rescinded ask orders at the 7 and 8 sat level in the last ten minutes.
and each are less than half of the BTC resistance that was at 6. so those levels will likely break a bit faster, we'll see.

honestly i feel pretty safe that we'll get through the mud that is the journey to 10.
which is what i was worried about until now, so i'm gonna keep driving home then.
past 10 is where things will get interesting i think. not sure what'll really happen with all this upwards pressure right now
Biz = hivecoiner
Can't believe how powerfull it is. We are at 7 pretty soon

Sell walls between 8-15 sats are going up
volume is exploding boys
you also need to watch how fast the current resistance is being knocked down and at what acceleration and project out like i was earlier
Get ready to start the engines
bought 420k! blaze it!
Did someone already calculate the buying power of biz?
sure thing, friendo. plenty of room on the ship.

So, the coin currently has dropped in value over the past couple years. it was made before crypto became popular but was one of the first serious ones to get in the game.
They have talked to Facebook, Twitch, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc... and its pretty much a consensus that since the companies themselves have to do literally nothing, that as long as it stays professional that it can compete for dominance on those sites. the competition right now is nobody... and this coin has been being actively developed for YEARS.

recently they created the new wallet that I mentioned before, and now they are in testing for the browser plug-in to allow the first transactions. this means that not only can it be used on any site not just social media, but that anybody can use it and use it quickly. Once the browser extension becomes established marketing will begin through whichever social media site seems the most friendly toward the coins future. at this time they should also be getting twitch streamers asking for donations strictly this way, probably for some payment.

The marketing the coin already has is light years beyond literally any other coin I have seen. The videos they have are incredibly well made and very professional, and their site exudes confidence in product.

on top of all this the community has been active with the coin since the beginning. It has recently gotten more attention on reddit, but even before that the community has been talking about things they want to see.

to fill in the rest is info on the devs. They have been working on this for a long time and have continually been providing updates to the community. these people have poured their lives into this coin, and it shows.

also even if it doesnt moon SUPER hard, like i said we can sit on 10 sat and let bitcoin go up and make tons of money.
8 millions left.
Last chance to get a front seat
If you're still bag holding ltc you could at least dump it into rdd, flip it for profits, then move it back into ltc to make your bags bigger.

I put $50 in at 6. Honestly the speed that the 40BTC wall went down this past hour sold me, but the low cost scares me that people won't see this thing to its fullest extent.
just threw 1.5 BTC in this

you fucks better be right
I have autism. Pls donate for autism
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate the analysis

We all gonna make it bizbros
The official RDD wallet is so shit, so it's telling me it's going to take 3 years 11 weeks to sync with the network.
Good idea to stake holdings through the powallet website?
Is it risky, or worth it?
>habbening AGAIN
>coin from 2014, not even discussed on bitcointalk anymore
>last update on their site 2 months ago, site looks like a clusterfuck with russian language on it

Now why exactly would I dip into this? Why now all of a sudden? Don't tell me OP just created this thread because he found a lot sat coin so he's making the dumbasses who do no research to pump this coin so he can make quick profit later.
I currently have alerts on blockfolio for 10, 12, 20, 30, 40 sat. How realistic are these alerts within the next few days? I've never been on a rocketship before.
no problem. /biz/ is a wild west right now. so be careful about scam coins. if you arent sure about something dont buy it. track what people say about it over a few days.

biggest tip I can give: diversify.
that site has a list of coins by market cap and you can also view volume. higher volume means more trades are happening.
Any coin in the top 5 of those should be relatively safe.
if you dont have a lot of money its going to be sort of like a snowball down a hill. you start with a rock and it takes time to build up, but the bigger it gets the faster it grows.

playing it safe: to increase safety, dont invest in coins that have already mooned too much. if it looks like it might dive hard but you are currently at a profit, sell at least enough to get your initial investment back and let the profits stay in if you still have faith in it.

Here is what I do:
check info on new coins, follow interesting threads on /biz/, etc.
I find one I like, pull my investment amount from a coin that has already made me money (usually when it doubled) and I move the investment to the new coin. If it doesnt pan out, I set a stop loss for a small amount under what I put in. otherwise I wait for it to get huge, pull out the investment amount and start over again.

I just dumped into this one though since its only 5 sats lol. its so fucking cheap.
Should i buy 500k at 7sats?
very possible to be honest.



There you go, Fudboy
So no HODL?!
hitting that 90 btc volume as we speak
home now.
jesus christ, working on the 7 sat line already. we'll get through the mud in no time.

as promised, i'm monitoring the quantity, speed, and acceleration of the ask being plowed through and will report once i have anything meaningful.

that's your call to make. all i'm doing is trying to report speed
Fuck it, bought 200k at 7 sats. If it even hits 10 sats im happy. I am believing in 4chan chilling
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ARRRRGHHH. WHICH ONE OF YOU MOTHER FUCKERS TOOK THE LAST 6 SAT COINS. I was nervously waiting for my ethers to confirm on buttrex so I can buy them.
This will go over 10, and if people dont dump, breaking ten will trigger a moon mission
That video is nothing impressive. And linking to reddit, really? Not FUDing buddy, just trying to do research on this shitcoin. You will definitely gain profit from the gullible cucks on here, but this is not an investment coin, it has nothing going for it in my eyes. Pump and dump away.
It's not listed on Polo anyway.
How long to break next wall?
I had the exact same thing with the DGB wallet. I just left it running all day and it was fine after that.
Nice to see many anons jumping on board so early.


The sooner we break 15 resistance the sooner we moon to 300+
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>DGB goes up 50 sats and people it's bullshit
>goes up 100 sats and everyone's like nah it's gon dump
>DGB goes up 300% total

>meanwhile RDD gains 1 sat everyone is going nuts
what a time to be alive
it's been like ten minutes. not enough usable data yet
if you see my earlier posts i thought getting through 6 would take 14 hours but it took 1, so if that's any clue.
Time to dump
the videos are professionally done. this coin isnt some neet in his basement, it has real business people behind it with an actual idea.

If you dont like it though I understand dumping later. regardless, thanks for helping us push past the wall! : )

with this coin or the next I'm sure we will all get lambos
just sold off all my dgb and bought this as that wasn't really going anywhere all day
to be fair, it's gone up 3 sats (80%) in a few hours.

% > sats
dont nigga, it wont transfer
Nearly 100 BTC sell wall on Bittrex to get to 10 sats. I'd say this shit is DoA
Some will decide to hold as they see it rising and delete sell order
if i understand the list, at 300 or so btc it gets to past 10
I got in on DGB relatively early and still holding, but in terms of percentages RDD just went from 20% up to 40% up. I was like 2 seconds away from snagging the last ones.
I'm definitely not against pumps and dumps, that's essentially crypto day trading after all. I just kind off feel sorry for the gullible cucks here who do no research and just blindly follow every /biz/ thread, some actually holding these shitcoins long-term.
whats the quickest way to go from € to RDD

my btc wallet doesnt send my btc to my exchange
I use exodus as wallet and it works fine
What is the barrier for 8?
Buy some eth.. Don't buy btc it's too slow.
Transfer to bittrex, trade
new numbers.
42872.7360274306 with 7 sat asks of 23.9613BTC
42872.7384047454 with 7 sat asks of 22.4154BTC
-1.5459 BTC change in 4 minutes
rate is -27.09464461BTC per hour

resistance at 7 sat is 22.4154BTC

so overcoming in 49.638 minutes

numbers might be stale by the time i hit send
Doing your own research is crucial. I looked into this one and think it has real ptoential. but I mentioned before, I diversify, so when Im wrong its not a massive deal. any coin can go up or down, you just gotta grab the ones you have the most faith in.
Don't forget to:


ReddCoin, RDD

This video:


blockfolio has the wrong current price... is there a better place to track my whole portfolio?
duh reddit is more popular than 4chan so y wouldn't it moon? dummys
Spread it
Tabtrader App with API access
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>>2096417 here. Bought 800k of this shit. Got in at 7 Satoshi though. Ready to ride this shit to the moon.
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We will get through this wall. After that if it's still stagnant, I'd understand if it fizzled out. but until then HOLD

come with us
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Just bought in 1 million RDD at 6 sats about half an hour ago and it rose to 7 sats immediatly.

Somethings about to happen, /biz/.

Is anyone here from Germany? What's the fastest way to acquire BTC? Credit Card by any chance?
Can I get an invite to the pump discord?
I hate what you faggots have done to /biz.
7 satoshi wall is falling incredibly fast. down from 18 btc ot 14btc within 2 minutes...

This is possibly the fastest moving coin biz has discovered.
Whale here

if you want to 10x your gains buy some RDD ;)

Work as a cock holster in your local refugee center
Alright now I'm in with 13 fucking million cam whore tokens.
This only makes me want to sell
>alpha whale here - can confirm the calls have been made this is being pumped to the moon. We were responsbile for DGB and XBY.

We have more faith in this thanks to the social integration. It replaces DOGE with a more secure, functional and widespread implementation.
> discovered..
Better say "took over"
bought 3M reddcoin for a couple hundred bucks. W-w-will that take me to lamboland?
100 btc volume crossed in so little time

start fueling the rocket boys

Same for me actually, probably less than a half hour in total. Just reheated some leftovers and ate in the kitchen, came back thinking I'd have time to watch a movie but it was already transferred. Maybe the problem is over? I dunno.
legit not a pump friend.

go look into it for yourself. : )
I'm putting my faith and trust in humanity on you
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is it too late? transfering 1.5 bitcoin to bittrex now so I can get in
if you HODL, then possibly lol.
/pol/ elected a president through memes, we can make this coin moon

Not too late before 10 after that we launch
Not too late yet
new speed and acceleration numbers.

5/17/2017 17:43 with supply of 22.4154 BTC
5/17/2017 17:56 with supply of 15.1819 BTC
rate 7 minutes ago was -27.09464461BTC/hour
acceleration = (-33.35502297BTC/-27.09464461BTC)/(60/8)=

rate of depletion of supply: -33.35502297BTC/hour
acceleration: -9.23291948929BTC/hour^2

making these reports is a pain. we already know it's a moon, so i'm taking a break

thanks friends. hope my stuff helped. other threads should probably see these posts and analysis by us, the more /biz/ gets the ground floor the better.
Sold some GNT for this, hope it doesn't bite my ass
>8 sat sell wall already went down 2 BTC

lol people know this shit is going to fly
There's still 11 bitcoins worth at 7 sats but they're going down.

Let's get this ball rolling /biz/
mucho burrito apareciendo my friendo
I'm going to bed, RDD at 10 sats would be nice when I wake up
It's more likely to be at 4 sat. Kek
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i doubt you'll get lucky enough for it to stay so low. see >>2097120

no prob.

also, at a 33BTC depletion rate, not even considering that it's accelerating, these last 10BTC will be gobbled up (hopefully by /biz/) in twenty minutes or so.

I'm looking forward to 40sat in 12 hours. that's just my thoughts tho, no math to support that
If RDD isn't a scam why isn't it on Polo?

Also, what did they mean by this?

hopefully since we will be past the wall it will be at 20 sat!

lol maybe not, but I can dream of such fast gains.

although slow gains are less likely to make people panic sell which will help us keep this going for the long run.
7 satoshi wall down, were are at 8 satoshi. chu chuu. moon confirmed.

Volume increase 3x in the last few h
it was on polo. its volume dropped low and it was removed. but thats because the tech hasnt been released. but its in beta now and coming out soon. this coin is literally going to be your magic beans. hold on to the stalk, grab the golden egg (lambo) at the top.
8 sat wall now.
at 33BTC/hour, let's say it'll take about 54 minutes.
charting is fun.
we're on our way
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LOL 7 sold out already. This shit is gonna snow ball. I can feel it in the air.
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>How can you help ensure a smooth moon mission?

Time to start helping anon. If you want big gains on your investment put in the work.

>but how senpai?

Easy. Remember the key selling points of the coin to fight off the incoming FUD. This coin is designed as a way to tip via social media (or any site). Devs has been working on it since 2014, already spoken to facebook, twitter, linkedin, twitch etc. Will be the best source of anonymous cam whore tipping.

The market is literally the whole fucking internet.

Redd-ID is the big milestone and is launching soon.

>but i heard the devs have gone silent

Incorrect, video uploaded last month: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsRBTROQnOw

>am i too late to join the moon mission?
No. Anything under 20 sats is extremely early. You still have at least 12 hours before we break 10 sats, after that the rocket ship will be pumped with whale fuel.

>what else can I do?
Make dank memes and pray to kek. dubs always help.
>12 hours before we break 10

Scrap that, we just killed off the 7 sat wall of 30~ BTC in under an hour.
Say about 150 BTC to eat through to reach 15 sats. After that the walls become trivial and it should sail to 50 sats pretty fast.

Bagholds already removing their sell orders to clear the pathway to the moon.
It's beginning. GET THE FUCK IN.
I really do not want to invest in RDD because of idiots like this

thinks the fucking sell walls wont adjust...my god
this is actually a great project, I'm hodling
that's exactly what i was hoping for when i started posting analysis.
it's always nice when things pan out.
if i can speak speculatively, honestly i don't think you need to worry. no matter how fast it goes up now, we're still in the sludge so it'll be a few hours before we break 15 even. you're still in at the ground floor if you believe in the momentum from earlier analysis

when we pass 60sats sometime in the next couple days and i start seeing reversals then i'll monitor more closely. but for now this is fine for me
having problems withdrawing money from poloniex get a confirmation URL in the email that doesn't work, what is happening
how is your posw working out?
Cam we make it 1$ please. I don't want to work anymore
Thats literally not how any of this works.
>i had 5 dollars this morning and I made 50 dollars today so obviously I will make 500 dollars tomorrow and 5000 the next day.
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>26.9btc sell
>refresh /biz/, page to end of this thread
>down to 26.0btc already

What the FUCK is going on, how hard will the dump hit? I'm scared

>look again
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Whale here

You faggots need to start panic selling so I can buy cheap
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I'm a europoor and I wanna sleep, I just started crypto. Can I go to sleep? It won't get dumped now?
that's why we were watching acceleration of supply depletion earlier as well.

even if it's depleting quickly, if that rate slows that's a signal of a reversal.
but with >>2097120 and earlier posts we're seeing acceleration still.
this shit is way better than steemit, it can integrate with any social network
it says awaiting aprovval on polo what is happening i send from polo .99 eth to bitrex anyone help pls
I can actually see this project having a large impact on social media. It's a good development, people will be more mindful when they post, good thoughts will be rewarded, I think this is the next step in the evolution of human consciousness
have a good sleep and you'll wake up on the moon anon

Any social network?
Wow I will invest some more btc it's surely the next big thing
set a conditional sell or something
Digits confirm moon mission
I don't know how the fuck /biz does it, but it's actually eating up buy orders. Consistent buy orders on Bittrex right now. If it gets past 16 sats it will actually moon.

I'm in. I'll take a yellow lambo.
why is it taking to long to pending transactions btc to bittrex
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got myself 1 million of these little bastards at 5 sats
>at 8 already
>up $240 since buying in earlier today
>ever doubting /biz/ weaponized shilling

now if only we can push our skills onto korean forums
analysis on the 8 sat tier.
whenever we break into a new tier, there's hesitance as people like me look for a potential reversal, so the supply depletion speed starts over again.

5/17/2017 18:17 27.9847 BTC
5/17/2017 18:29 24.2326 BTC
rate of depletion of supply: -18.46001202BTC/hour

expected advancement to 9 sat tier: 1 hour, 18.7626 minutes

(numbers might be stale by the time i post, be sure to check the 8 sat supply yourself)
Oh shit. I just bought some RDD I gott pull outta this bitch! This is going to be garbage!
Oh noo... new coiner... you don't use BTC to transfer between exchanges... you use LTC or ETH.

Want to go to sleep but this is too exciting

It's rising so fast it's actually entertaining watching the buy orders come in on bittrex
Feel like an idiot for listened to some anon that told me to sell this shit it's going nowhere and do my own research.

Fuck that shit, now I have to bought this shit at 8sat instead of 5. I'm gonna take my 50% gain then then i can sleep. Fuck!
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>when the hand is weak
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To the moon!
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gonna be hours of waiting fampai
i only had btc on poloniex
No, youre downloading 3 years and 11 weeks worth of data from the blockchain. Its not going to literally take 3 years and 11 weeks lol. It may take a few days though, no joke. Thats not solely just related to ReddCoin though, thats almost every alt coin wallet out there at the moment.
The reason it's called an exchange is you can exchange your coins for other kinds of coins.
>dgb mooning last night, only slept 3h
>happening again with rdd

fuck it who needs sleep
nigga you can only buy it with btc on bittrex quit being such a lil bitch
>sell btc for usd (or whatever)
>buy eth with usd
>send eth to different exchange
I just sucked a homeless guy off for $25 so I could get more RDD
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im new to this and supposed to sleep right now
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>Bought at 8
>Not going above 9
When does it go above 9
what the difference between this and paypal/paetron, and how can it exist without transaction fees?
see >>2097328

also i'm out of lazytown screencaps. so if you care, just note my id i guess
Hold strong, this is on schedule to break 10sats within 6-12hours.
>20BTC remaining on 8sat wall

9 here we come boys.

>113BTC volume

not bad/10
i think we hit 10 within 3 hours actually.
i'm just chilling until 50, that's when we'll know if we're mooning. this is all just momentum so far
>/biz/ memes another shitcoin to the moon

left a sell order for 25 sats just in case
and also left another btc deposit to run, hopefully it'll be done by tomorrow morning

keep up the pump anons
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Expect 12 SAT within 1 week. If not up to 20 SAT.
Bought 900k of this shit, i'm not gonna sleep tonight
thinly veiled shilling for DOGE and I like the images you picked out

4/10, good try
Don't worry, this stuff will moon. You'll have your money doubled within a week or two.
>sell "wall"
it's a sub-10 sat coin, asks are necessarily clustered
Sitting on 1M Reddcoins, this shit has potential
Threadly Reminder:

>legit coin with real world use
>big tech launching in next few weeks
>huge following on plebbit / twatter
>already confirmed for facebook,twitter,reddit,linkedin, camwhore sites
>gone up 100% in 6 hours and no sign of slowing down
>you have not missed the ship anything under 20 sats is SAFE

See you on the moon boys.
9 tamagochis now boyz !

One tamagochi more before the moon mission
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Out of lazytown caps, but it works out, this way i can post updates with just screencaps.

as always, check the supply yourself.
just bought 30k rdd at 8 sats. Im poor so thats all I could buy, but did a do a good, or should have waited?
Can someone trow me a couple RDD?
I bought 2 BTC that I'll dump in RDD in a couple days when the transfer is completed.
I'll give back what I've been lent.
>big tech launching in next few weeks
>already confirmed for facebook,twitter,reddit,linkedin, camwhore sites
I get the shilling and all but at least don't spout shit like this without at the very least some bogus link to some shitty blog

So source or just stfu and let the anons pump in peace
I'll throw in two and a half RDD.
Thanks, in a couple month I'll buy you a lambo.
Jokes on u brainlet I only hold 200k in DGB

A present, for you faggot

Look at the website
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>mfw this hits 50sats
if this does go to the moon how long is it likely to stay there an hour?a day? a week? i got 500k at 5 sats and 500k at 8 sats if i sleep will i cuck myself?
there's tons of fundamentals in this thread that suggest it's not a dump, that it has merit, a timeline, and a future.

mfw it hits 250sats and i'm the one who did the trend analysis for /biz/ in this thread
sucks to habe only 100k rdd how will i ever get my lambos
since it provides a service once it gets big and hits the normies it will just explode from there. we just need to hit that point. slightly dependent on the devs marketing.
you will not be forgotten anon
do you honestly think it could haha, my palms are a little sweaty, but firm may i add
I will give you 1mil rdd when it moons if we hit 20 cents. give me an address
Anyone with some RDD want to give me some? I swear I've waited fucking forever and my BTC transaction is still pending and I feel like I'm missing the moon ride.
If it is making you panicky just dont watch it for a couple months.
this is one where you need to hodl and relax knowing that small gains over time are a really really good thing.

some people will think its a pump and dump and drop when it gets to probably 10 sats, but it has potential to easily hit 2k sats in a couple months, and around 15 cents within a year.
This is probably the last night you will be able to get RDD at 7/8 sats.

Take advantage, be EARLY for once.
Nice tealeaves senpai. I'm off this train once it hits 100さ next week.
Oh god, we're back at 7... moon mission aborted?!?!?!?
you really don't have to though. /biz/ has already helped me a ton in the past
Is it worth putting $5 into this shit?
>being this weak

You can't pimp 100BTC into a coin and not expect some reversal.

This is literally the beginning, by the weekend this thing is 20+ sats

Nope, buy more now that is cheap


More like 50
Yeah. You'll at minimum get a meal out of it. Im sort of hoping for 12months rent though.
we should create a "show me your's I'll show you mine site" that only uses redd for tips

enough of us here have big quants.
I put in $25 this morning on a lark and have already doubled my money. At 5 Sats the downside risk is almost non-existent. It's like betting the last place sports team will do better next season since they cannot possibly do worse. Shit, even now an increase of 3 Sats would be a 33% return for you.

Sadly all I got is $5. Being a broke boy sucks
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Don't be scared anons, We are hitting 10 sats within 12 hours
Why aren't you sucking dick in an alley?
You can double your money with just 1 succ

Put 5 in get 15

Put the 10 more and get 30

Now you have 35
Sorry guys, I'm... I'm a virgin at these few satoshis. Be gentle.
Send me. Btc address and I'll send you some tomorrow morning.
I didn't even think of this. Thanks. I'm a beginner with all this shit

I'll repay you once I get on my feet with all this.
Buy the dip boys

its not gonna hit 50 sats lol, the major bag holders are dumping when its 10-15

the coin has been in development for three years, you were shilled.

>there is no integration plan with fb/twitter
>reddID update has been pending for months now
>removed from poloniex where high volume trade occurs so no chance of rapid increase, this isnt pivx 2.0 sorry

You got scammed by the shills posting the meme pictures, you wonder why its been 5 satoshis and only recently got hyped?

they were stocking up, or should i say, we were stocking up :).
No need. If you have the money to repay me then we'll both be deep into lambo territory.
/biz/ is to speculation what /pol/ is to politics.
You are full of shit, this will integrate on all social networks
how much do you hold
Let's break that 10 satoshi mark and fasten our seatbelts
couple of millions
10 sats and youre gone then amirite
Ignore the FUD.

This coin has a niche to fill particularly since doge rekt its self.

Once the Asians wake up and the insane volume and sell walls broke on the front page of bittrex what do you think will happen?

Literally offpeak trading on a Wednesday and it cleans up 120BTC in volume , has new tech launching in coming week.

This weekend it explodes. Buy the dips and hold. This is a mid-long term coin, think months not minutes.
So what is the mid/long term price that you have in mind?

I'm going to buy more now that is cheap
You've all been played by OP you idiots.

He bought at 2 sats, shilled for his shitcoin for a couple of days, sold at 8 sats.
Once Redd-ID is launched I expect it to hit 50+ sats and realistically it should be 250-300 by year end. If the coins tipping performs as expected image the doge tipbot but in every website... camwhores, streamer whores, YouTube whores.

Not to mention every forum, chat room etc.

Honestly the possibilities for this coin are huge. The long dev time and commitment is a good thing in my opinion. Ignore the fud. Alt coins have only really exploded to this extent in 2017, check how dgb has been doing prior to its recent rise - that was with marketing dollars.
terrible time to sell GNT dude. Brass is literally around the corner...
whats the least amount of BTC to be a legit whale?
i sold because of you
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I also bought about 1.46 million. I wanted to be all positive with you but this captcha...
That's some pretty good bullshit. I think Do you think they'll believe it?
>mfw I bought $20 of DGB a year ago and forgot about it

>mfw I put everything back in RDD
Prove it niggu, throw up a massive buy wall somewhere to show you've got the goods.
>Not even 1BTC wall
wew lad

hope it goes fast enough lad, take off is soon
coinbase lagged and fucked up and now i have to wait 24 hours until I can add another payment method. good shit coinbase, faggot company.
dude... dat omen.
In for a million RDD... please go to the fucking moon and beyond so I can stop cleaning toilets for a living.
FUCK IT. In for a million RDD. I always thought this coin had potential

when do you plan on selling?
I'm a poor fag but I threw 10 dollars at it 8. to the moon!
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I hit XBY niggers with my car
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9 faggots
anyone who got in a 5 is about to double their money
14 sats so i go out of this ride with 100% gainings. I just do not wanna be too greedy
anyways, i'm heading to bed. i'm proud to have helped get /biz/ into this one at 5sats with analysis

i'll hunt for others and will call them out as i see them. i go by stephanie

sleep tight
Btw fuck the Lambo Meme, I prefer a Tesla

If I can make enough to pay for a down deposit on a house, or pay off a good chunk of it, then I'm out. You guys can have the Lambo's; I just want to improve my quality of life marginally.
does this run the risk of collapsing after the initial dump when folks leave at 10 sats?

is there enough faith within the community to keep going towards a much larger sat count?
Cheers my fellow /biz/autist
How do you all get sleep when things start getting hectic? I have heard about auto sells but how do I go about doing those?
I just take naps, I don't sleep for full 6-8 hour nights.

If the coin follows up on its claims of being a new gen social network and usable tipbot in all the big leagues, then the community should continue to support it throughout and beyond its evolution.
So this is the big ethical question each fag here, including myself, has to ask:

sell now for twice the profit

or hodl for half a year and make 20x as much

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Total fucking memecoin but I'll make some money off you neet autists.


I'm of the current mindset to HODL the shit out of it.
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