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Posw to 50 cents by thursday

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Thread replies: 210
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Listen up.

Currents trends are following exactly as planned , and can be traced back to previous surge.

After we got 5 cents you see a surge in volume, followed by a day or so of decent volume retracing to 10k and then boom 15cents 20ncents 25 cents. And high volume.

Recently we had another ath in volume. Today we see an increase retrace to 20k , by thuraday expect 40k sats .50 cent posw.

This is at least that much.

It may just skip out and go straight to 1$.

Dont saybindidnt warn you.

Screen cap for no coiners and posw bros.

I will be back Thursday to gloat

Excuse my crude chart I am using my phone from an ambulance.

You can see green check marks correlate to each other in volume. As do the blue marks. The green volume bars and candles show expected results this week.

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Transfer money into my investment/trading account but hasn't properly lodged yet


I want to invest so i can feel belonging on /biz/ famski
Praise kek, for he will guide us.

Pepe offers sizeable wealth

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Posw wallet itself acts like exchange/coin staker. You put up coins, you get dividends from your share. Dividends based on performance of poswallet. If you look at poswallet volume, 97.73% is posw coin itself. it's basically based only on posw coin volume. That means if volume stops of posw coin people will have lesser dividends from exchange performance. Plus people give coins for staking, which gives them dividends, however without access full withdrawal . That means when they will reach tipping point they simply cash out your investment and leave you with nothing. its simply High-yield investment scam

here wiki link so autists could learn history and preferably not repeat it :
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What colour Lamborghini are you guys going to get?

Maybe we should invest in Lamborghini stocks with all the Lambo shilling going around
That's some weak FUD Nocoiner. Don't be such a faggot just because you missed out on the chance to buy below 10k, there's still time to get in before PoSW moons.
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thats some strong kool aid you drinking there
[spoiler]I'm not actually going to buy a Lamborghini, but live comfy off of staking instead[/spoiler]
I don't fud, I just hate poor people wailing that they lost their all assets (generally less than 5k LOL) TO BRAND NEW SHITCOIN. However I like how naive and charitable you are for funding posw creators new Lamborghini :^)


never laughed so hard.
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bitbean green with yellow rims
Haha, not gonna lie I do laugh at those sorts of people too, you deserve it if you don't diversify. PoSW is not a shitcoin however, so in this case it is not applicable. (Though even if you are invested in it, still diversify because that's just investing 101 and you'd be stupid not to)
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Cut out the middleman, stake the Lambos.
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I respect your opinion, however I don't see posw sustainability until they greatly expand their exchange capacity and volume therefore investing in it is like playing with fire until it crashes or creators will took investors money, which is likely because of imposed withdrawal restrictions
Are you utterly retarded? This isn't a pyramid scheme, POSW coins are in effect shares of an exchange. By buying POSW coins you become a shareholder and are entitled to dividend payouts. The greater the volume the more fee revenue they get and the more is distributed to shareholders.
Is this your first day in the stock exchange world? There is no difference between POSW coins and buying Apple or Google shares.
>imposed withdrawal restrictions
1) holding the whales hostage is a good thing
2) every exchange has withdrawal restrictions
A healthy amount of sceptism is always good when investing, I was super sceptical at first myself too. You are right that this is a risky investment as are all investments when you get in very early on, but with greater risk comes the potential for greater reward. After doing research I could find no red flags, they are a registered company and you can increase your withdrawal limit to $10k with ID. Also it's already been stated that this will be increased in the future but it requires some legal work to become licensed to up that limit first.
Their unverified tier limits are above average (2.5K) and can go up to 10K with a verified account. They're also in the process of elevating said withdrawal limits once they release a few updates to the site
The rest of what you said is horseshit lel
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Kid, I had more time at financial markets than all your anime wanking time combined. Posw and stocks are not same thing, because for stock to become publicly traded, it must meet criteria's and law regulations. Posw is scam and will fall apart soon, but hey it's your money

Imposed restrictions are biggest red flag the man could create. You basically giving away your right to freely manage your assets in favor of imaginary whales. Second most exchanges does not limit crypto withdrawal, except if it is crypto to fiat

>Horse shit
Read it or I can read for you if you have problem with reading comprehension

I see. Well I hope good fortune for you and your investment. But until they manage to add some traction with other currencies in pos wallet, I do not see it as stable platform
>Imposed restrictions are biggest red flag the man could create
i guess Kraken is a scam exchange too then
Nevermind the FUD from butt hurt no coiners.

This TA I pointed out it on track

By tomorrow we should see 20k or early Thursday
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Kekked and checked

Chart matches predictions thus far.

Update status:MOON
just sold
shit is making me antsy
Kraken is state regulated exchange which must have some restrictions to fiat. POSW does not act as legitimate exchange but rather currency which should not have no restriction toward withdrawal yet they have. Kraken have because state impose and posw have because the fear their pyramid scheme will fall apart
weak hands nigga
in a few days you'll be sitting in the saltmine while i'm in my lambo
For real internet already have a new chain may be worth it will have the same the new announcement to email me your wallrtaddress and I will add you to the leader of the rich list budge

Ken speaks Ken praised Ken is good Ken is great.

.50 tomorrow be butt blasted Keks bottom sex slave
How about dev team being anonymous for a red flag?
They delisted PiVX, said it needed to be done ASAP. Wouldn't give me a reason why in slack. Then today they came out with a wallet update saying it would be enacted today. They literally could have said WE ARE DELISTING IT BECAUSE OF OUR NEW WALLET UPDATE FOR MASTERNODES TOMORROW. But no. They gave sketchy political type answers and could give me a direct answer for shit.
This is not how you run a company.
You think Vitalik when asked about Metropolis, would say "We have decided to not go through with metropolis because it's better for ethereum", and then have no foundation for his claim?
Vitalik understands economics and investors and people.
PoSW obviously doesn't give a fuck if people are left in the dark or not.
PIVX and CRW are not coins tied to exchanges.

I just dumped the majority of my POSW yesterday because something stinks. I just cant gamble like this.

People have to take a step back and take a look at the big picture. There are way too many red flags in POSW.

I don't know if its really a pyramid scheme because they have other methods of revenue (advertising and their store). But what I do know is that this is one fucking risky investment right now, even by crypto standards. I consider myself to have a pretty high tolerance but this shit stinks.
Bro Russian scan coin, literally ignored people and rolled back a bailout .

He has no business sense, he is a Russian scan artist.

Fucking cunts

Posw didn't want to keep saying the same shot over and over from faggots.

Eth cucks literally suck meth heads dixk

Fuckneth is shit.

Posw is golden age
Posw has a real world use for their coin unlike most of these literal scam coins.

Posw in my books reads better than any investment I've ever made I'm crypto
My intuition says that it isn't good to invest in this any more.
It was a good run. I got 125% gains from this coin, went in at .034 cents and sold at .12 cents.
But to me, my gut says something is going on here and I wouldn't even put a bit bean in this shit.
Yeah the leadership team is really fucking up and for some reason they have this idea that they can afford to be this shady.

It's begging for someone who knows how to run a business to come in a disrupt them with more transparency and honesty.

I've got some POSW but only .1 BTC worth. Not putting anymore in until they get their shit together.
The only way to get rich is to invest when things are new and a bit of a clusterfuck (hit, bitcoin back in the day)

You can still get rich by buying bitcoin today and waiting 10 years but altcoin speculation speed this process up.
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There is no real world use for POSW. Sorry buddy, no more real world use than your average crypto coin. The only big difference is that POSW is directly tied to the performance of the POSW business.

Hell, Bitbay has more real world use and I'm not fan of it. POSW technically has less because you are supposed to stake it. It's a retarded concept if you think about it, if everyone stakes the coin then it will never be used for transactions which is the whole point of cryptocurrency. It's a psuedo stock but without the stock regulations that come with it.

Combine that with the fact that

1) The Dev team is either insane, retarded, or both considering how they handled the PIVX delisting

2) The dev team remains anonymous (HUGE RED FLAG)

3) Their website is still buggy as all hell

4) The vast majority of their exchange profits comes from POSW trades - when that stops, so does the payouts

5) The African charity

6) Their retarded slack

And something stinks.
actually they will have a store in a week and will then have "real world use"

so it's better then 99% of all other coins
Really? So what about all those other coins that can be used in stores?

It's no better or worse than your average coin. A coin is a coin. The big difference with POSW is that it doubles as a pseudo stock in their company when you get dividends.
You can shit on them having a store, an exchange and staking pools all you want.

The market doesn't give a fuck about you. They only care about making money. And posw is a money making machine
eh maybe, i don't mind too much though. I made 200% on POSW, with any other coin i'd be chuffed with that. It might go up further, but i've still made a nice profit
Your chart is wrong, you are assuming exponential growth as if its a rule in markets. Listen goy, the slope is way up and down, the only long term assured positive grow is SAP500 and other low slope indexes.
>but alt-coin speculation is growing
It can crash tomorrow. Only new projects and somehow market trade volume can tell you its worth. Now its not the time to buy-

>Posw has a real world use for their coin
Such as?
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POSW is simply trying to replace Bitcoin as the crypto reserve currency. Having it tied to getting POS rewards is a clever way to make demand.

Good idea, horrible execution.
>Good idea, horrible execution.

indeed, somebody should help them out
It might be messy right now, but it's nowhere near finished. It's still very early into the project and if you have POSW, it should be more of a long-term hold. As it gains revenue, we're going to see a much more improved website and exchange, and hopefully a new PR team that communicates more professionally.

It's going to be a wild ride boys. See you on the moon.
I'm pretty sure they're just strapped for cash and will hire new team members once the money flows on Friday.

You have to remember this is an out-of-the-garage project for the devs
1kudos to them fuck pivx
2good, I don't need some faggot corporate clone cucks, scamming me with pretty fairy dust

3 never had an issue,bunch of brain dead cucks who have issues
4 what's your point
5 tax write offs
6 /biz/newsman

Yeah you smell like shit
this retard sold his coins at 15k yesterday
Also praise kek
He's FUDding to try and get the price lower

Just ignore
Lol such anger. It's like being in a cult.

Oh and another thing, their BTC talk thread is moderated (censored), another red flag.
If dubs it hits $5
Their PR is just retarded and unprofessional
Make a new thread then
Title it "my greatest concerns regarding POSW" and list your woes

I can't see how POSW can be a scam. What can the devs do? Run away with 9000000001 POSW? It becomes instantly worthless the second they exit.
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Yeah, but without control of your assets you will be fucked in ass by management of posw like it was with other pyramid schemes
Biggest concern: Alt-coin are pyramids schemes and POSW isn't attracting any-more victims to speculate/ take advantage of. This happens when creators fucking dump their reserves as if there is no tomorrow. killing the positive slope and collaterally killing the rule of alt-coin: trust that the coin will never go down.

If had any coin there sell it, and do it now before exchanges remove it from the list like any other dying alt-coin.
Precisely. Not to mention that it's in the devs' every interest to make it a success, because they would make way more money that way.
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You fucking dense retard. It offers keeping of alt currencies for stake. After sufficient amount of them in exchange they will run away. Jesus christ has anyone of you has basic understanding of economics or financial history ?
yeah..b-but I'm up almost 25% today
>POSW isn't attracting any-more victims to speculate/ take advantage of.

Does Amazon attract victims to take advantage of? Does Wal Mart? Does Safeway?

Everything in capitalism is about attracting new people to get their money. By your logic everything is a "pyramid scheme"
What are you talking about, retard?

You do know they've been working on this since January 2016 right?
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I literally don't understand if you guys are paid shills or mentally handicapped with zero regards to basic fundamentalist of economics
For them to be able to dump they will need to get on polo, bittrex with 1000s of BTC in volume.

By that time on a boat fucking girls off the coast of Belize
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Price is going up

Last chance nocoiners
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Stop your shitty analogy. Amazon isn't financial service provider, like posw. It's like saying why the fuck bank can't take my sandwich and after 10 years payout me 2 sandwiches
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At least they recognize they have faults and are trying to improve
>Tfw I'm +267% in 7 days, thanks PoSW!
with over a 9 million dollar market cap
>why wouldnt they exit stage right
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Please don't say you autists really don't understand how it works. Let me put simple. They have huge vast amount of posw between creators. They simulate huge dividends, that drives price up. People stake they alt coins at posw for better return, people buy posw for better return. After reaching critical point they simple dump their coins and run away with staked coins in exchange.
So like any of us right? Wow it's almost as if we project our insecurities on devs
9 million in POSW, a coin that revolves around the success of the website and exchange

If they exit all that POSW instantly becomes worthless. So they have literally no reason to.
feels so good to own some posw right now you should try it
Yes and piss off a ton of rich people who can pay to have them killed in no time. Totally make sense to do rather than run a legitimate business and make millions. You can easily look up the company registration and see the name of the owner...
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Jesus christ, someone in their own consciousness literary gave theirs money to bunch of imbeciles.

That's really funny when you think about it :D
Nice larp.


They create great exchange, store and staking/masternode pool raising the market cap to $250 million+ and become filthy fucking rich and famous.
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Wow posw defense force arrived. Have you guys heard about reverse funnel system? Totally not pyramid scheme :D
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Nice prediction, you should also buy dick enlargement pills because it really works, plus why would creators would cheat their customers :^)
>spamming FUD to try to get the price lower
Sure thing mate, everyone know that neet bucks worth 15 times than regular dollars. I just hope you retards don't gamble with your last assets
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>Yes and piss off a ton of rich people who can pay to have them killed in no time.

That's never ever happened in crypto. Funny stuff!

>Totally make sense to do rather than run a legitimate business and make millions.

Would you rather

A) Taking years to build a legitimate business making diddly squat along the way, and then have to deal with the time and headaches of running the business, keeping it competitive, etc


B) Take a little bit of time to form a scam and then get out when the time is right with millions of dollars and no worries about running a company

Its a no brainer.
So basically the average /biz/ poster is behind POSW and is looking to take everyone's money? We know you are scum but doesn't mean they are too.
You do realize they've been working on this a while, right?
I am aware of how long this project has been going.
As one anon put it:

Just because you're a fag doesn't mean the whole world is gay.
>implying that anybody would bother taking the time to come up with a first to market idea, spend years developing it just to pull an exit scam, when they could just make a meme coin and do it in a fraction of the time.
>implying that taking the time to build a business is better than an exit scam
>doesnt realize that exit scams are worth the time
>doesn't realize that meme coins are also based on luck and not proven methods
Exit scam doesn't profit the devs
Fuck how paranoid can you be? Not everyone is out to get you
How naive can you be? Yes, exit scams profit the devs or else they wouldnt exist. No, not everyone is out to get you, but POSW stinks.

I'm not investing more than a BTC into POSW. The whole thing is way too risky. At best the devs are autistic and incompetent. At worst they are total scammers.

Something is just not right with these guys. Just spend some time in the Slack and you'll see for yourself.
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>I invented healing potion
> I can sell to the masses and be rich forever, but I have to mass produce.

> fill bottles with water, EVEN THOUGH, i actually did make a healing potion, so no need for fakery. But too lazy to mass produce,so let's make one time money,and be excommunicated from society


Stfu and buy POSW FAGGOT
The slack is run by one autistic Greek guy named Michael Douranos

The devs on the tech side don't really use the slack. If you want to talk to them, submit a support ticket.
I'm thinking more autistic and incompetent when it comes to marketing and public relations
They haven't started marketing though.
I've actually used support tickets (their site is buggy and I've had trouble getting coins deposited). The same people answering the tickets are the same people on the Slack.

POSW is ran by 3-4 people max. 2 admins on the Slack, and then 8489FaustN. They are all on the Slack.
He's actually making a pretty fair point
>profit once of a promising idea by scamming people that buy into it at first, instantly
>develop the idea and allow for it's widespread use and grow it into a potentially ever expanding and much more lucrative machine that will earn you more over the long-term
Also another thing, their thread on BTC talk is censored. Its a big red flag.
Yeah, it's an extremely small team. I'm probably wrong about just one guy on the slack.

I'm hoping they spend some of the revenue from the exchange on a better team after Friday.
alot of ann threads are moderated so theyre not overrun with idiots like the ones in this thread that have nothing constructive to say. how new are you
Yeah except the second option takes more time and energy, and the fact that mass adoption is not guaranteed in crypto. A scam is a guaranteed payout and since they are anonymous there are no repercussions for it.

Face it, its a fucking gamble. POSW might be run by scammers or just a bunch of autistic madmen but either way its a gamble.
did you sell yesterday?
>a bunch of autistic madmen

This is far more likely. But ultimately... isn't that who you want running it?
Explain how POSW exit scam would benefit the devs
How stupid are you? No, they aren't. Moderated threads have a bad rep on btc talk. They have always been associated with scams.
6 guys of which 2 have been identified; Michael and Colin
It's always a gamble.
Aside from some of the minor red flags, that could be explained with an equally probable theory, any other coin is just much a gamble. And POSW does indeed seem to offer some features never seen before.
I'm not a shill. I just have genuine belief in the idea. Although, don't take MY word for it.
youve been hanging in this thread for a awfully long time. really make me think
I'm with you anon. The core idea is good and the potential is extremely high. We just have to wait and see how it plays out and if they can pull it off.

Sure it's risky, but it's crypto. You have to have balls of steel anyway, this isn't your grandma's index fund.
i mean it sucks you dumped your coins at 15k but dont be mad at the rest of us for being weak panicy bitches
But they have their base going. Now it's improvements
Already at 19000 like I said
bought in last night at 15230 B) thanks biz senpai
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>uptrend has four points of contact
You really don't see this every day.

Although I'd say your estimates are a little high.
also when it says end of the day what time are we talking
Nice anon!

Welcome to the moon mission.

The scheduled stops are as follows
I don't believe $100 will happen without the exchange being drastically improved and becoming one of the best exchanges available.
But if it did happen I'd have a million dollars.
Once a good marketing team and someone with a good sense of design gets on the dev team there is no reason this won't go to $100.
we 18K now

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Well I am sad to break your little circle jerk but posw will fall to Atleast 10 cents per coins or realistically project will be ransacked by developers
A wild nocoiner appears!
man you sound so autistic
Should I buy in at 18k or wait?

I plan on putting in 1 BTC, already have 0.2 BTC
i was hesitant about buying in last night at 15k, but boy do i not regret it. already at 18k lol... people saying this is a scam coin im already making money
Go for it. There might be a dip here and there, but it's already rising to an all-time high from the previous dip. The next dip, if there is one, might not be as low.
I got 1400 at 8800sats. I I wish I would've had more to spend on it when I did, but oh well. I'll take what I can.
yeah me too, i only had .16 btc liquid last night so i was only able to take 1k, but hey 6x gains is 6x gains
I've made more money on shitcoins with pennies than I thought possible. This coin has me feeling pretty good, especially with all the shitposters against it here.

Like I've said before, I don't want the Lambo. I just want to have a fat bank account and be comfy as fuck with my hobbies.
just play safe and play smart - meaning take good risks - and thats well within reach.
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Nice to see Posw internet defense force on the topic, hows shilling goes for 0.05 $/h ?
ive actually made $8/hr with my posw purchase since i bought it

hahaha keep wageslaving cuck
Via staking? How much do you have?
says the faggot that has literally been patrolling the threads for hours
>People stake they alt coins at posw for better return, people buy posw for better return

Whos selling and whos staking right now?
>The devs are selling
>people are trying to stake
>to get more sheckles
>"oh market! I just know youll take me too the moon"
>meanwhile devs sell out portion of stash
>run away with rest
>exito scamo

The whole "cant run away with posw cuz itll be worthless" is garbage too
>you "own" the posw
>youve put forth the btc for it already
>they have the keys for whatever you "own"
>they own it
They're probably using small withdraws to make a nice pool to take from in the case that massive gains are obtained
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did the site just crash?
rip in pieces big guys
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what did they mean by this?
They advertised maintenance earlier in the news section
Maitnence , when it returns expect a surge to 25 cents
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This coin is going to $1+ while you try to rationalize how it's a pyramid scam. You want to make money or not fucktard?
This is at least the 3rd time in 24 hours that this damn site went down for "routine maintenance."
I think it's going down because more people are using it. Still worrisome tho
God you are stupid.
Pyramid schemes fail because they run out of money.
Posw don't pay you with other people's money, they create new coins. You just get reimbursed for the inflation

You know why the coin is still cheap? Because the exchange is 3 weeks old, it's still in BETA and look how much it has grown.

This isn't even a final product and see the attention it has people who don't see the opportunity here with them masternodes, online store to be added, coinpayment integration, biger exchange add etc.

$1 or more By July and afterwards very possible to be between the top 10 coins and reach much higher value.
This is part of the reason they haven't done any marketing
LMAO I never thought I will read such absolutely retarded thing on internet. Please reread what you written and after that just hang yourself
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$7 here

Literally free money while you sleep, and it's only been a week. Looking foreard to the monthly dividend too.
is the monthly dividend equal among all posw holders?
No, your piece of the pie is determined by your percentage of the staking pool. How much your dividend is is determined by how many coins you have, and how much revenue the exchange makes.
>the exchange is 3 weeks old
They launched the exchange with the coin on 1/1/17, didn't they?
If not, where did all the money for the last three dividend payments come from?

I got 5k coins wut do
why is this shit stuck at .22

when is it going to break .40
Last I saw the staking pool had increased from 30 million to 31 million, leaving less than 9 million coins in the market.
I think we're going to see almost all of those disappear from the market just before the dividend payout.
>They launched the exchange with the coin on 1/1/17, didn't they?

Correct, the other anon is wrong. The last few months they barely made anything though. April is much different, and I expect them to (hopefully) use the revenue to get more professional help and improve on the site.
Even if it's true they won't cash out until after they run out of premined coins to burn which is a long way away
Not to mention that they wouldn't want to kill the goose that's laying them golden eggs.
The exchange was launched in January.

Hey man listen I still have some POSW (about 15% left) the rest I dumped. So if POSW rises great, but if something happens its not a huge loss for me.

Anything more and I just get antsy with this whole thing. This thing has got so many red flags. Maybe that's all they are, red flags but I cant take anymore risk in POSW.

There are plenty of coins out there that will do x10 gains, dont put all your eggs into one basket. That all I'm sayin.
You not built for this
If POSW was a scam, why would they tell people to move their PIVX out of the exchange? When I last checked the explorer they had like over 500k PIVX in there. That's at least $500,000. Regardless of what you may think of the business decision of delisting PIVX, such a decision makes me confident it's not a scam.

I think people are overestimating how fast POSW is going to moon because the dev team is only 2 guys and they can only do so much, however in the long run I think POSW is a solid coin to own.
Been doing it for years buddy. You would be an idiot to put all your money into one coin.
Nice job selling off during the very first dump lmao
>If POSW was a scam, why would they tell people to move their PIVX out of the exchange?

Because they want it to appear legit for now. They won't "gradually" scam people. When they are ready to pull the plug, it happens instantly and without warning.

You may be right and POSW will be a solid coin. I hope so since I still have some.
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Excuse my crude chart I am using my phone from an ambulance.
> When they are ready to pull the plug, it happens instantly and without warning.

If that's the case, we shouldn't be worried until they start adding high volume high cost coins. I think we can put aside exit scam worries until they relist PIVX. Clearly if they want to steal the most money, they would relist it.
>put all my money into Bitcoin
>300% gains
>put all my money into Ethereum
>500% gains
>put all my money into POSW
>200% gains and counting

This isn't the stock market m8.
Good for you. If that's your style go for it. Just don't come crying to me if this does turn out to be a scam.
I think it would be more obvious if they were a scam.

No marketing whatsoever? Poor PR but a great core idea and tech? What kind of scam is that? I say they're legit and just a little in over their heads at the moment.
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"There is no difference between POSW coins and buying Apple or Google shares". I've come to the conclusion that you are utterly dumb.
So i have 900 POSW in my online wallet and it's all vested/staking however I've only received stakes once like 5 days ago. I assume that's not right? I created a ticket just in case.
where can I buy this shit?

The public notice for why they are delisting PIVX has been in the top of the account dashboard since saturday mouthbreather.

The are delisting PIVX because it will be more profitable for people to stake through PIVX masternodes than on posw.

That's about as honest and open as a service can get. This has raised the amount of respect i have for posw.
Agreed. It basically tells you that they don't want to fuck over people who don't know any better for money.
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come on kid, just go back to school and and try again in a couple of years
could be accurate without the "excommunicated from society" part

Alternatively you can use YoBit
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no one implied u cant make money on scam coins in the s-r.
>short run

Enjoy missing out when it's in the top ten cryptos

>when nothing fucking happens after you click buy posw
this site makes me want to smash something
of course I'm the only one with this error, people are buying left and right
yes I do have coins in the exchange and yes I do type correct values
Yeah, I think the highest profit these last three months was like 2.5 BTC.
24hr volume on POSW/BTC alone yesterday was like 125 BTC.
Can any1 explain how dividends will be paid? Is it your percentage of pool multiplied by amount of dividends?
oh but on the other hand, 1 POSW is worth a lot more relative to BTC than it was the last three months, so who the fuck knows what the dividends will look like
8290 posw
hoping for that 1$ or 2$ so i can cash out
POSW is going to crash hard. Everyone is going to cash out at 1$, lol.
bought at around .06 cent so ill still cash out
Not necessarily

If it reaches $1 it has the potential to reach $10 and beyond
why the fuck is it at .22 get to $1 already ffs
why cash out on a POS coin worht 1 dollar if you have enough to get a good stake
Because retards treating it like a pump n dump for a few hundred dollars are still selling
I hate these cucks
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They are pedoposters ignore them. Team Bean will rise to soaring new highs
drink bleach
Buy on Yobit and send them over. I did it because POSW was cheaper on Yobit and it actually was most of the time when I took a look at it.
Sometimes buy orders don't get filled when the price gets updated

Try cancelling the buy order and placing it again then giving it a minute for people to buy
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for the noobs
Patience is a virtue, outlander.
I need your guy's help

One of the admins is named Nathan Faust but I can't seem to find any info about him
Even if you had my real name you wouldn't be able to find any info on me because I'm a shut-in and my normiebook account is set to private.

The project would just attract way, way more people if there were faces and names to attach to it. There's still a lot of suspicion and is in the best interest of the site to gain the trust of the users.
thanks anon, I'm staked at 200 POSW with help of that infographic and similar resources.

appreciate the rocket fuel
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>could only afford 1k POSW
Fucking new fags gotta stop selling their posw.

Shit needs to go to the moon ASAP
Bought at .00017995 did I do well? Exchange is very user friendly but needs USD price else easy to slip up
Don't ask if you did well, reflect on it later as you admire your comfy stacks.
Stop. Stop. Stop. These memes are actually good.
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