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This it it. I'm going to become a wagecuck for life, my parents don't want to support me anymore.

All this free time I could have used to learn programming and become rich selling video games and programs.
If any of you know any get rich quick schemes or something which can yield 200 dollars a month then this would be the perfect time. Otherwise please give me the most painless method of suiciding without anyone going to jail for me.
You know the worst part? I didn't even enjoy my childhood. I don't know what innocence, magic and fun is. I'm an autist.
Its about to get way worse.

Sounds like your parents were right to cut off the investment in your programming career.
How old are you op,being a wage cuck sucks but you have to start somewhere

This was a bad investment and they made a smart decision to cut their losses
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hello from r9k
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>$200 per month
>$10 per working day
>$1.25 per hour for an 8 hour work day

literally walk around outside and pick up loose change
Yeah, that mindset is why you're not successful. Grow a pair and start your hustle. Become a wagecuck and improve yourself and get into the business life in your free time. It ain't rocket science, you just need to stop pitying yourself, man.
I was lurking /biz/ for a few days, because I'm in a similar situation.
I'll save you hours of reading. Here are the options I've found:

- Cryptocurrency: the favorite subject here, because of bitcoins success.
I think that bitcoin is a good investment in the long run, but I don't think that it's gonna blow up again soon.

- Trading cryptos/stocks/forex daily: You could make average wageslaving money, but you must risk your whole investment almost every day if you don't have a lot of money to start.

- Joining freelancing sites (like upwork, fiverr, etc) and make writing gigs: copywriting, article writing. You will need positive reviews to even get a low paying job and slowly fight your way up. (I've seen you can buy positive reviews on shady forums, so consider that as an investment if you start something like this.)

- Internet Marketing: build a blog or a website in a profitable niche. I've tried this, but you need to work every day on it. I've failed and only made enough to pay for the hosting. So it's important to be passionate about your subject to motivate yourself for a few months while you won't make enough money.

//Programming sounds glorious, you only need your laptop and work from anywhere, hacking the world.
Reality: You need to learn insane amount of new things constantly. You will be super bored while learning if you can't do it for fun. //

Basic advice: If you're not passionate about a profitable niche, then just look around and find problems you could solve with a business.

tldr: Actually I don't know. It's fucking sad, but I'd also do some online work for $200/month.
I just hate the idea of working with idiots in an open office or packing boxes in the supermarket for pennies.

>inb4 idiot NEETs just kill yourself
>get rich quick schemes or something which can yield 200 dollars a month
Dream big, m8, dream reeeeeaaaaal big
I think you are looking for /r9k/
It's not too late to learn programming, if that's what you really want to do, and if it is something that you actually enjoy doing; discipline.

I guarantee you I have it worse than you, yet I'm still studying and paying for myself.

357 magnum in the mouth pointed toward the brain.
>If any of you know any get rich quick schemes or something which can yield 200 dollars a month then this would be the perfect time.
$200 a month? That's it?

Freelancr.com. Go on there, jump on some easy PHP jobs, knock 'em out, and you'll easily make $200 in one to two days assuming you market yourself well and speak fluent English.
You think a retarded NEET knows php?

Also those jobs get swallowed by every pajeet if they're easy
>Also those jobs get swallowed by every pajeet if they're easy
Not in my experience, at least not anymore. Pajeets are a fucking nuisance on there, but you can outwit them by doing three things they can never do:
(1) Speaking/Writing fluent English
(2) Writing a response to job postings that indicates you fucking read what they posted, and
(3) Offering to talk on the phone about the job.

When I used to do freelancr when in college (back when it was Get-A-Freelancer), I'd basically just underbid the lowest pajeet by $5 and tell the client what I'd do to fix their problem in general terms. It netted me multiple $1,000+ jobs because - as you might expect - people paying $$$ for work tend to care more about being able to communicate clearly with the freelancer.
>200 dollars are month

May I ask what types of jobs you undertook? I've been interested in freelance for the longest time but I don't have many marketable qualities besides writing. My CV and resume are not impressive in the least so I'm not sure how exactly I would go about advertising myself. Still, I'm ready to learn some basic skills if using sheer trickery to pave the way to getting a job is as easy as you make it out to be.
>(1) Speaking/Writing fluent English
>(2) Writing a response to job postings that indicates you fucking read what they posted, and
>(3) Offering to talk on the phone about the job.

When Pajeet can complete the task for 1/5th of your pay then that's totally different. Besides pajeets aren't all retards who can't speak english, some are pretty smart OR They just have a recruiter who manages the Pajeets and explains to them in their native language what to do and over looks it.
At the time, programming, mostly PHP/MySQL type stuff. That's FAR from hard to pick up (I did in my spare time), and tends to be the most profitable field even today. Even more so for Wordpress, which is just PHP programming anyway.

You have to really know your shit, though, as the real money lies where pajeets fuck up. Something like 75% of my clients had previously hired an Indian freelancer for super cheap, were extremely dissatisfied with the results, and then crawled to me for a fix. Your value isn't just speaking English, but generally knowing more than the pajeet did by googling around for two seconds.

I tend to recommend staying away from copywriting (too much effort for low $) and graphic design (too competitive).
I was undercutting them or at least matching their bids. A lot of freelancing is a volume game because the low-bid jobs are easy, so it's totally fine to bid $20 on a 10 minute job if you can reasonably boxcar 'em.
I thought it was supposed to be pointed towards the back of your throat.
Thanks. Any resourced you would recommend to get me started?
>$200 a month

You could spend like 5 hours a week collecting bottles. Pro tip, fish around the stop signs on the outskirts of towns and shit, people speed by and try to smash bottles on the stop signs on their way past. Maybe it's because I live in a bad town though.
It's easier if you stick it to the roof of your mouth. Harder to fuck up that way.

Or you could shoot yourself in the spine or something. Might get off on disability.

As someone who's needed work done on freelancer, I can say that paying someone 1/5th of the money from India to do the work was one of the worst experiences anyone could ever subject themselves too.

First of all:
>Communication issues
Dude would go a week without getting back to me when we would schedule meetings. When we did, he said he did nothing cause his internet was out, another time he said that there were riots

>Sloppy work
Gross misunderstanding of requirements, weird written code, malfunctions

I'm not in any way racist, but I honestly would think twice about ever working with an Indian/Pakistani freelancer. I think it's just ingrained in the culture to put in as minimal effort as possible for maximum reward.

The guys I worked with almost never kept appointment dates, but when it was time to get paid, "Hello sir, you said you'd pay me today" for 24 hours non-stop.

Quality over quantity dummy.
>learn programming and become rich selling video games and programs.
pic related mfw

You and every other fat lazy shit. Do people really think they are going to be the next Notch? You have a better shot at winning the lottery twice. The fact that so many people desperately believe that playing video games means they will love making video games has turned the industry in a quagmire of shit just like Hollywood. A bunch of people so desperate to be close to the things they love that they'll work their asses to death for assholes who barely pay them.

There's nothing wrong with learning program. It's the career of the future and very soon kids will be learning how to code in python in middle school (if they aren't already)

The idea that some people go into it thinking that all you learn is how to make cool video games is what's skewed. It requires a lot of discipline, patience, hard-work which most people unfortunately do not have.
>i want to become filthy rich
>or you know, 200/mo

begging =200+ month
I never meant to imply programming is a bad gig. I'm a programmer myself. Vidya is a shit industry to program in. Startups and apps are almost as bad.

If you avoid those however, especially if you go into finance, you'll make good money without a lot of stress.
Why is the first logical suggestion so far down?
Programming - finance?
>Startups and apps are almost as bad.
dude im majoring in CS and i cant tell you how often i hear dumbass neckbeards in my classes talking about some innovative start up their doing that's going to revolutionize blah blah blah

>dumbass neckbeards
>doesn't comprehend basic grammar
It is time for you to learn CPAGrip my man.

Have fun and stick with it. I make some good money with it, enough to live a nice NEET life and learn how to program.
Only way to make good money with programing vidya is making meme games for tumblerinas and closet fagots while stealing old games mechanics. Think about undertale, a game made with FUCKING RPG MAKER.


Well brain or back of throat, a 357 is such a cannon it will get the job done.
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>All this free time I could have used to learn programming and become rich selling video games and programs.

Why aren't you already rich from selling video games and programs with the free time you've already had?
Guys guys guys... why not just use Kickstarter+Patreon? It's free money for doing literally the same thing you do every day. Wasting time.
Very, very, ver|yyyyyyyyyy few people strike it big living off their parents. This isn't a final defeat unless you make it one.
I offered this to another anon but he didnt reply but anyway, i can teach you how to beat low stakes poker if you are willing to put in the hours and dont mind a soulless grind 40 hours/week for a couple hundred dollars a month.
Upside is you could become really good and learn to beat higher stakes.
Downsides are it's repetitive, sedentary, you have to be able to deal with large losing streaks.
You need at least above average iq, a clean, decent pc, reliable internet, and be willing to study some books.

What i want in return: pay what you feel you owe me after you become a winning player.
Im on teh same boat, but I make about 200 bucks a mont from the internet. Im not sure if telling my stupid fat bald dad is a good idea, he might want me to use those to pay for shit so he can fuck escorts (beause thats why he wants me to work, so he can fuck escorts instead of paying the food for me)

Fucking idiot gives me balding genetics and expects me to wagecuck just lol.
Not OP, but I'll take the offer.

>You need at least above average iq, a clean, decent pc, reliable internet, and be willing to study some books.

How about real life techniques?
Online is the only way to get a stable income at low stakes. 4 to 12 tables 1 to 10 bucks tourneys.
Got a PC? Start mining ether. I'm using my rx 480 and make about $50 a month for doing nothing.

Get 4 of them and make $200 a month.

The only downside is it hits the electric bill but you live at home and I doubt they would notice.
>for doing nothing
>yuge electric bill of more than crypto earn
>gpu dies in 3 months and must be replaced
Mine is running strong. Idles at 65 degrees and my electric bill only went up around $20.

I may buy an rx 470 this month too since it's got a similar hashrate and consumes less power.
i am also interested
is your GPU mining crypto while idling at 65 degrees?
Yeah, mining ether specifically.
What I have to leran to program in the finance industry?
>something which can yield 200 dollars a month
Your goal is a measly $2400 a year?
You can't even achieve $2400 a year?

Literally just get a fucking job. It isn't that difficult.
Trash analysis.

Op find a few roomates and do a 4 way rent split on an apartmebt while working a mcjob.

Then you can either do art for 5 hours a day with a laptop + tablet or study stocks for 5 hours a day.
You cant survive on 200/month moron. That wont even cover food.
If you work a 12$ job full time, that covers the cost of food, housing, and gives a little extra to play with. Stop being such a whiny fag and improve your situation with a strong work ethic. There's a reason that lazy niggers stay down, it's because they are lazy.

what are you? a 500 pound peice of shit? a pack of ramen costs 50 cents...50 times 3, 1.50 a day

1.50 times 30 and then tell me 200 cant feed you for a month..fag

you sound like a refugee who flees to another country then gets mad when they dont get free food from where they are going

just die loser

stupid loser faggot

fuck you
I mean... this is 4chan, so you're probably right.
not him but that's a one way ticket to anemia, malnutrition
you can still easily survive off $200 per month buying from asian grocers
cpagrip what is that anon
Ok setting something up for the poker thing.
What state do you live in OP? Big city? Is begging on the side of the street legal there?

>Begging is legal as long as you aren't offering product or service in return
>Don't shave for a month
>Grab cardboard sign
>Grab worn to fuck jeans and shirt, go roll around in the backyard first thing in the morning
>Grab a backpack, fill it with garbage so it's packed with an old dirty sock sticking halfway out
>Write on sign "Jobless, need money please."
>Liberals give you $1-10 almost every other light
>Numbers game

These guys have shifts, I don't understand how anyone who drives the same route daily can't recognize the shift changes. These beggers seriously make a smooth $250 a day if they look pathetic enough. It's funny, you'll watch them beg on the street then take a break, bust out the gatoraid and smartwater, play on their pristine Iphones for a few minutes, put it away, look sad and helpless and start begging again. Fucking acting/theater major being used to make them $1250 a week and the only thing they lose is dignity if they see someone they know. It's getting so rampant that pimps actually own corners for begging out here.
Online poker is nothing but nerds and bots it seems. Pretty tough competition. I'm no poker expert though. I imagine it'd be a lot easier at a casino.
I was on that diet once. I literally started going crazy.
You play maybe 20 hands an hour in a casino on a good night. That plus the cost of going there, eating, low game selection possibilities just make it vastly inferior to online poker where you can play 4 to 16 tables at the same time at any time. And easily hit 40 hands per hour.
Per table
So, are you gonna teach us?
There's more to life than money and apathy. Try to find work in places overly populated by females and gays, like clothes retail. You'll be drowning in pussy.
nice design skills you faggot

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