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>expecting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be worth

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>expecting bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be worth anything once we have an energy crisis which shuts down the electrical grid that powers your internet connection

I'm almost starting to pity all you meme coiners.

Well then, I guess thats just more gold and silver for me thanks to all the price drops as memecoins gain more mainstream hype :)
>being this bitter
not gunna happen cuckerino
it's funny how everyone tries to visualize bitcoins as physical coins when nothing could be further from reality.
bitcoins do not exist. they are not owned in the traditional sense at all.
you don't ever have any bitcoins in your possession.

you only have a general consensus of how much you can spend which can change funnily enough. in theory it can change in retrospect even.
I mine cryptos in Alaska and I use green energy so suck on that
lol you don't seriously think that will go well for you if china splits off from the internet and then reconnects at a later date right?
everything you "mine" will vanish overnight. along with every btc you thought you had if you are in a pool then probably everything you earned in-between.
You're such a complete faggot idiot its unbelievable.
I really want to buy 4chan from jap moot and make this board require a 200 dollar deposit to post

if you make retard posts like this, I take your money

> everything you "mine" will vanish overnight

Oh is that how this works?

Coiner gloat threads can be annoying (as someone that owns about 23BTC) but this is unbelievable faggotry and bitterness.

Either this is you coping or you're about 16 years old and your AP Econ teacher just told you some memes about how Bitcoin isn't real. If that's the case after you do ECON101 at college you'll probably be posting on /pol/ about how national debt is about to make the dollar worthless.

The reality is both bitcoins and USD are basically meaningless Ponzi schemes that work only as long as people value them (like all currencies). And neither of them are going anywhere.

For every butt-hurt 16 year old that whines about Bitcoin and "muh gold standard" dozens of older people with disposable income are adopting Bitcoins.

The only people delusional to think Bitcoin isn't going to increase in value (even a little) are the people delusional enough to think Sanders can still be president.

It isn't a coincidence that these opinions always go together.
the thing is if there is at any point two bitcoin ledgers and you only have bitcoins in one and this ledger loses to the other one you will not have any bitcoins poof.

so when people are saying you wait 6 confirmations before you think you have bitcoins they mean if the whole internet is accessible that is. when the internet is split 6 confirmations can mean nothing. especially if china falls off with 90% of hashing power.
think it though man you will come to the same conclusion. there can only be one ledger as per the protocol the strongest dog fucks and if you have transactions in the weaker ledger and the guy who sent you the coins double spends them you won't have them in the other ledger.

this is what i mean by vanishing coins. if this ever happens to you you will be crying rivers how bitcoin is a scam smart people know this can happen and when it can happen and won't accept bitcoin payments in a time like that for anything.

it will all normalize eventually of course but there will be mass butt-hurt and hysteria most likely.
dude just stop.
the fuck man, are you even reading anything i write or just auto-type your frustration?
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>mfw memecoiners in denial

Holy shitnuts. I thought I felt pity for you guys but now that I think about you people are beyond saving.
hey anons!
ask me how many bitcoins do i have on my hard drive?!
There is one difference: USD is backed by nuclear weapons
ITT: butthurt memecoiners
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The stupidity of OP is fucking unbelievable. To think i share a website with this sort of cretin
>coping this hard
>syncing a blockchain at this size

Jesus' tit, how will I ever get my bitcoins from 3 years ago?
A most disagreeable state of affairs
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>he thinks that electricity going off all over the entire planet (because that's what would be needed to render Bitcoin's network "useless") wouldn't mean civilization went to hell
>implying your meme metals would be of any use on such a situation and all that would matter wouldn't be food and weapons

Spot the salty nocoiner when he has to imagine delusional mad max scenarios to justify not owning any Bitcoin and being a coping metals-only autist.
Bitcoin are only useful if you can spend them. When your power goes out and you need groceries, all the bitcoin in the world wouldn't get you a slice of bread.
You're a fucking imbecile. What's gold worth? It has no real practical uses, whats paper money worth other than the paper itself? A money based economy is based on money, money is something fictional to keep everything going smooth. Money has the value we give it, nothing more nothing less.
and your rant is in answer to what exactly?
When the fuck does power go out? and if it goes out I have bitcoins on my trezor which I can use to pay with for days, while the power comes back. All those portable devices can be easily charged with a solar panel. But those are legit aspie scenarios. It's not the fucking end of the world if power goes out for a couple of hours which is what you can have in any first world country, an annecdotical inconvencience. And what's funny is it only takes a shitty Nokia phone to be your own bank. Bitcoin will bank the 4 billion unbanked people all over the world and will arm them with endless financial opportunities that the traditional banking system has failed to deliver for ages (the traditional banking system doesn't give a fuck about them because it's not profitable).
A shitty Nokia phone can act as a bank via SMS for an entire village, and in nig nog countries they have plenty of sun.
You are not seeing the big picture here.
If the world's power goes out then currency will be the least of our issues.

If you somehow survive that, then maybe your gold will be valuable again 1000 years later once we stop trading food and ammunition.
guess what ukies in east ukraine couldn't even stuff their bitcoin up their arse when the russians came and turned their home into a warzone.
nobody thought it can happen until it happened.
shit happens best be prepared.
the situation can normalize and you can have wour wealth back, but maybe you starved to death in the meantime or had to whore out your daughter to feed your family cause you had your wealth in crypto that was useless.

on the other hand if you are running from a war or anything you have better chance to smuggle cryptos out than gold. you gonna be searched and lift of valuables a couple of times on the way. so having some doesn't hurt i guess.
You greatly underestimate how fragile electrical grids, and even the Internet really are -- even in the most modern countries. A few individuals with .22s could shut down regional grids for months if they knew what to hit. We've experienced solar storms in the past few hundred years that would melt our transmission lines in minutes and cook transformers that take months to replace. Even changing demographics can give rise to constant rolling blackouts, as has been seen in South Africa -- once considered to have the most advanced power grid of any nation.

Bitcoin is no more a store of real wealth than paper gold certificates.
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what you think there gonna be cell service water and power in a civil war or any war?
are you really that detached from reality?

fucking millennial kids man...
i find it hard to believe the internet could be seriously sabotaged by anarchists or something.
what i find more plausible is in case of an armed conflict between the us and china in response to chinese cyber warefare us will simply cut them hard or soft doesn't matter much. hard cut is better cause disables proxies too, it would involve cutting sat and cable connection to countries that don't cut china off.

this would split the internet in two with some temporal connectivity of course.

now chinese have 90% of global hashpower the rest of the world however would immediately start to have it's own ledger as chink hashpower "falls off" the grid. when the connectivity restores all the western side ledger gets invalidated in retrospect. every transaction like never happened every bitcoin mined on that side gone. replaced with the chink ledger overnight as it will be longer with more proof of work.

it think the bitcoin protocol must address this issue of temporal multiple ledgers before i will ever consider it disaster proof or in contention with gold and other metals as a safehold.
>expecting shiny metals fancy paper and other "assets" to be worth anything once we have an energy crisis which shuts down the electrical grid that powers your infrastructure.

I'm almost starting to pity all you non-prepers.

Well then, I guess thats just more ammo and MRE's for me:)
>MRE's for me
they are all yours dude, all of them
i'm not eating that crap unless forced at gunpoint
Enjoy ur starvation m8
i'm okay i have tons of tuna steak cans
The Internet, from its inception as ARPA Net, is designed to route around damage -- so in that respect, minimal function might be possible during instances of large network outage -- but with respect to bitcoin, where you rely on having a certain number of peers, you can't expect to complete transactions in any meaningful time, if at all.

Also, if the power goes out, so go virtually every residential modem. Cellular data should persist for a couple days on battery, but it'll be severely congested in most places. After a few days, your only hope of long distance communication is radio. It could be possible to implement a crypto-over-radio protocol, but at present it would violate the "no encrypted transmissions" rule, and the FCC would eventually come knocking.
what i was arguing about is bitcoin doesn't have a problem with power being down at certain areas.
your bitcoins become inert that's it.
also the entire worlds wide power structure collapsing at once is unlikely even solar flares will only affect part of it.

bitcoin has a problem with computers churning on with no connectivity for the consensus protocol to work it's magic.
Actually gold has a good amount of practical uses that are just overshadowed

I don't think you know what the word backed means.

USD has historically changed it's purchasing power, never in history have America's nukes been able to prevent this.

What are you going to do? Nuke Britain if the pound goes up in value?

You know what country has the second largest nuclear arsenal? Russia.

Why are Russian rubles worthless anon?

If Russia has nukes why isn't Russia rich?

Do yourself a favour, don't ever talk about economics. Seriously, it's embarrassing.
Absolutely, the odds of your bitcoin ever disappearing is very, very low -- but they become meaningless the moment that you can no longer use them, which is far from unforeseeable.
yeah true if you can't spend them when you need them they are worthless.
and th public opinion of bitcoin will change greatly from news about people who can't use them for shit and suffering.
this might affect the price for those who have utilities and connection.

it's a gamble to hold bitcoin by default.
people just seem to miss the finer implications behind how it works. it can go very wrong in a heartbeat.

but as i said if you have to run with your money while business is as usual there is hardly anything better. it's why the chinks are so interested. they try to leave the sinking ship the little rats.

I thought I'd seen every kind of coping, but I think "meme-reversal" is by far the most pathetic.

You are literally so cucked by missing out in bitcoin you're attempting to reverse the meme. It would be like Sweden trying to make "not-being-cucked" a meme. It doesn't work. Everyone with bitcoins right now can sell them for huge profits, stop acting like bitcoiners are bagholders.

You seem to have an underdeveloped IQ so let me break it down:

I have 20 bitcoins, for argument's sake lets say I bought them a year ago for 300 USD each (not unreasonable). I can keep 20 bitcoins, or sell them for 570 dollars each. Thus I have choice between 20 bitcoins, 11400 USD, or 10 bitcoins and 5700 USD. Remember I only spent 6000.

You have 6000 USD, you can choose between 11 bitcoins, or 6000 USD right now.

In your mind it is better to be option 2 than option 1. Think about that. Like use some pen and paper if you have to.

The best part of all is someone is screencapping all these, they're going to post them in five years, and all of you are going to be like "LOLOL IN FIVE YEARS BITCOIN IMPLODES", this will literally continue forever.

My godfather is just like you guys, he's almost 70 and he wanted to buy Apple and Microsoft stock in the early 90s but pussied out. Then he pussied out of Google/Amazon stock. To this day he says that computers and the internet are a fad. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
>bitcoins right now can sell them for huge profits
i wish that was true man, i wish,but the fact is i would only make a reminisce profit even if i could cash out right now.
maybe try this shill when btc broke the old record.
*minuscule profit
>Well then, I guess thats just more gold and silver for me thanks to all the price drops as memecoins gain more mainstream hype :)

If we end up in such a catastrophic energy crisis as you described, I think I'd rather have bullets and survival supplies than gold and silver.
>put bitcoin wallet on cell phone/laptop
>get solar charger
>use cell network to make transactions

Even if they can't get power to your house, there are considerably less cell towers out there to provide service to a lot of people at once. Plus most cell towers have batteries and diesel generators and can last 24/7.
There isn't going to be a foreign invasion of the American continent, there isn't going to be a civil war, America is not going to collapse.

If it does your assets are toast no matter what you do. There is nothing you can do. Deal with it.
>there isn't going to be a civil war
yeah well i'm a lot less sure about that than you are.
all it takes for murricans to chimp out and turn on each other is bad weather.
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