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>Female labour participation steadily on the rise >Male

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>Female labour participation steadily on the rise
>Male in steady decline

When women don't work, they have kids and dedicate time to raising them.

Men turn into Neets fucking around on 4chan

I think we need to give the men their jobs back.

inb4 cuck sociologist made the male line pink (muh gender norms)

thank god they have no real jobs yet, (look s&p500 CEO lol).

Btw, we all knew about those females with those great start ups right? how many of them have survive? woman are not physically and mentally prepared for that kind of decision making.

The only reason woman labour is on the rise is because they are preferred (sometimes by law) to a man at equal qualifications.

>pic related, company is starting to be shit, will die within the year
Go back to r/theredpill you fucking stupid fags
music to my ears

No shit.

It's unsustainable, but hey, more taxes. Why should women be at home raising kids while the man works when they can have make-work jobs and work for the government instead?

Then go home and post about how there are "no good men anymore".

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>men - pink
>women - blue
I remember reading something about an all-female workplace once (or at least mostly female).

Essentially the coworkers just bickered and spent more time talking behind backs/ trying to get others they didn't like fired that the place tanked big time
go to any retail store, restuarant, or any bank, or really, any business
you'll find almost only women
ive been showing this to women i know and it's starting to dawn on them why they cant find a man with a good paying job: because women are the only ones with a job at all
You can't run a home one income anymore
You're in for a shock when you stop being an edgy teen and have a family
There is a real societal value in kids being properly raised though. This is work men are not going to do.
My mother was a stay at home mom(dad made enough that this was possible)
I don't think throwing kids in daycare is a healthy alternative to an actual caring mother who does her job properly
yeah here in canada a nurse makes more than majority of trades workers
>all those progressives complaining about wage stagnation
>don't realize that it's because women entered the professional workforce en masse, driving supply of workers through the roof and thereby suppressing wages

women's rights are the source of all problems in modern society
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>find a wife
>make her the wagecuck
>start a business while she pays for everything

I don't see the problem
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>You can't run a home one income anymore

No shit, and that's due in large part to...guess what? Women flooding the labor force. More workers=more easily replaceable=lower wages on average. Women have been trying to fill the traditionally masculine roles for so long now that they've kind of fucked themselves, and men, over in that yes they've gained their own economic "empowerment" but at the same time reduced men's abilities and opportunities to provide for them as well.

>You're in for a shock when you stop being an edgy teen and have a family

I'm already shocked that someone would sling ad homs at people they don't even know, on an anonymous Tibetan hieroglyphics forum no less, when ad homs at least require you know something about the person you're slinging them at.

You can't even ad hominem right. Holy god damn fuck.

Please don't breed. You're part of the problem. :^)


True, because the incentives have been kind of neutralized. The welfare state encourages the primal, predatory "pump and dump" mating strategy that some men of "high genetic quality" are wired to use. After all, the nuclear family is a very recent phenomenon in our timeline.

Women kind of shot themselves in the foot in the long term in exchange for the short term benefits of slutting relatively shame-free and having their own jobs, and of course social programs where taxes, ironically paid mostly by men, pay for them and their bastards. By throwing pussy around like it's on close-out, and also by voting for welfare stateism as they are much more likely to do than men, they eliminate any reason for a man to stick around: he got the pussy, taxpayers are there to foot the bill if need be, job is done. Balls drained, seed spread, biological imperative fulfilled, end interaction.


Then later on, she'll start aging and panicking and looking for a beta provider, because no one told her she can coast on her pussy for only so long and she needs to commit while young and be more than just a fuck socket, but she doesn't know how to be more than that. It's all she knows. The one card she can play won't work anymore...except on the same predatory pump and dumpers.

Meanwhile, the betas are probably wary of her and bitter towards her. Relationships are a fucking value exchange, and she's asking them to give commitment, fidelity, money and protection in exchange for what she was slinging in exchange for six pack abs and piercing eyes on Tinder 10 years and maybe even one or two kids ago.

Add to that, as women's status rises on average, the pool of men they find ""acceptable"" for marrying becomes smaller and smaller, since women tend to only look upwards in the dominance hierarchy to find a mate, not down, and across only if they have to. Lowering their standards to account for their increased status in anathema to them.

Eventually you have a society of betas who've shrugged and tapped out, cads who pump and dump women, and their fatherless kids, which is another massive problem altogether. This is unsustainable.

It's a real clusterfuck of primal drives, incentives, dis-incentives and tax funded dysgenics out there right now, and men's investment in the traditional Family Man model...and consequently, society itself...is crumbling because there's no incentive to be that man anymore. Not culturally, socially, financially, or sexually.
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>I don't see the problem

The problem is she'll divorce you and lay claim to your profits, which in your case, she could actually make a good case for.

>I don't think throwing kids in daycare is a healthy alternative to an actual caring mother who does her job properly

It's not, and never will be.

But hey, mommy works and is taxed. She needs someone to take care of babby while she's wage-slaving, so this creates the child care industry...which leads to more work and more...taxes.

This outsourcing of roles that family and community used to serve...therapists instead of mentors and sage elders, day care workers instead of mothers...is disgusting.


>yeah here in canada

do you listen to le Canadian cult man?
>be rich(er) beta
>fuck former 9/10 now she's a 7/10
>date her 3 yrs
>hfw "why won't he propose??"
>she's kind of aging desu

her aging pussy can only make flipper babies. lol aging milfs on tindr. get a new one every few years. It gets better gentlemen. Hang on to the bitterness and stay /fit/ your time is coming
>accepting that your a beta
Truly disgraceful.

But at least you're aware that women are trying to cuckold you. I'm 22 but already own a fairly successful business, never flaunt my money, and get women on personality and looks alone.

I don't think I'll ever date a girl older than 22, maybe 23, because I don't want to deal with a "former" slut "forgetting" her birth control or getting pregnant by another guy because her clock is ticking.

It's extremely satisfying to see men completely disillusioned with women. Now if we could just get that process going earlier in life so women aren't raised on enormous pedestals, then we could start fixing some of the social wrongs of society.
no i want more hot young chicks at work so i can fuck them in the bathroom when they get frustrated. i had some milfs but i crave more tender flesh.

>accepting that your a beta

Only a few betas can really "become" Alpha. If he can't become Alpha, he's still fucking decent pussy and not paying full price for it and getting cuckolded. That's a win in my book.

When women are young, they're over valued, and they don't complain about how unfavorable it is for young men in the dating market. When the tables turn 20 years later, they bitch to no end.

>It's extremely satisfying to see men completely disillusioned with women. Now if we could just get that process going earlier in life so women aren't raised on enormous pedestals, then we could start fixing some of the social wrongs of society.

I love it too. It's getting harder and harder to deny how women are and what they're really like. The Disneyfication is wearing off, and we're understanding that women are pretty fucking pragmatic and business-like when it comes to this shit, not the romantics we were told they are.

Telling hard truth about women and their nature is pretty verboten right now, but we still see it and know it's there. If it's not brutally thrown in your face like Bill Burr, Patrice O'Neal or Stefan
Molyneux does, you're still seeing it subconsciously.

As for hastening the process, women will do that themselves by just...being women. They're being more and more honest about their own bullshit, but with the attitude that men are just supposed to roll with it and take it for a scrap of cunt. Everything for nothing. "Dear Future Husband" and shit.

Boys will grow up and see these smoking craters of their fathers, brothers, friends, etc lives and decide women just aren't worth more than busting a nut. It's already happening. Marriage used to be the pinnacle of a man's life, the moment he became a "man" in the eyes of society. Now it's what you do when you're desperate, out of a sense of vague obligation and traditionalism.

There's only so far you can push men and so far you can shit on them in every arena.
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As for how the systematic abuse shaming of men will end, I think we'll just have to run out of money.

Women in general aren't independent of men, certainly a few are, but most are just better propped up by (mostly) men's taxes and shit like that. They're *superficially* independent.

All this largesse they're handed is the reason they're so shitty to men now; they get support either way.

In the Soviet Union, a restaurant would be paid regardless of the quality of service it provided. Support was guaranteed, not something you had to attract by providing quality to customers. Providing quality is hard, and you're getting paid either way, you have no competition, so...why bother providing quality?

It's the same with women now; they're merely responding to the current incentives of their environment. Why be nice and kind when men will have to support you either way? Why provide quality when you get paid either way, and you'll still get dick too since there's a fuckton of desperate simps out there?

If women were forced by the government to provide sex to men, then the quality of relationships would certainly degrade, and there would be fewer relationships at all. The same happens when are forced to provide for women.

But now, look at Greece: they ran out of money, and now their women have no gravy train with biscuit wheels fueled by men's taxes to live on, so what happened?

Many women have turned to prostitution for as little as it costs to buy a sandwich.

Well well, sex for resources, only this time the men get something for it, and there's no government middleman. The superficial "independence" was exposed. The pussy-bubble popped and now we see what it's really worth.

The cost of a fucking SANDWICH. Oh the irony.
I was raised on one income
As a young man, why am I supposed to work again?

The job market is disasterous, repetitive and mindnumbingly boring and will suck you dry.

Good women are hard to find and even harder to keep.

Affording anything of value (nice house, nice car) is next to impossible with hard work.
b-but the 1%ers! muh crony capitalism and #feelthebern! #occupy?
Fuck marriage desu, not enough incentives.

Even if you have kids, you're cucked for child support if you separate, marriage or not.

At least you get to keep your shit. With 50% divorce rates, I'd rather not take my chances.
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>men line pick
>women line blue
Thats not a socialist ideal...thats a natural ordered approach something modern socialists actually hate. if we remove socialism from the forefront of modern thinking your suggestion would find its way BACK into human social structures on its own.
No dude, women's jobs will be automated too. They're just less expensive so the incentive to automate them is lower, but it'll happen as men stop spending money. Those men who kept a positive cash flow over the next four years will be in a good place once HR and food service goes to the algorithms.
The wife always gets the kids, but you do realize you'll get half her wages if she divorces you, right?

My old coworker got half his ex wife's salary and half her pension when they got divorced because he was unemployed at the time when she divorced him

Afterwards, he moved in with one of the richest women in my area (but he wasn't officially married to her, so her salary isn't factored into his taxable income), she bought him an Audi A8, and he bought himself a cottage on the lake with the money his ex wife gave him and his measly used car salesman salary

The ex wife got royally fucked, but that's how it goes in divorce if you're the breadwinner
It's one thing to say marriage and women are a raw deal, but what's with all the conspiracy theories?
There are no conspiracy theories. Powerful groups acting in their interests don't need to conspire, they just exercise their power to protect their interests.
As a voting block women represent a powerful group and have consistently pushed countries where they have franchise left since the day it was granted to them.
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Majority of the jobs being created right now are low wage part time jobs which are mostly filled with?...
Realtalk: immigration is a much bigger problem because it doesn't ever really end, while women in the workforce, relative to men, is more one-and-done. More supply of labor means more profits/production and more demand bringing wages back up, but this is thwarted when you keep adding workers at a high enough rate.

Iron Law of Wages isn't quite as iron as it proclaims (doesn't account for skilled labor, for one thing), but it's not without merit either.
>The Disneyfication is wearing off, and we're understanding that women are pretty fucking pragmatic and business-like when it comes to this shit, not the romantics we were told they are

This is where robots come from; men who genuinely believed women were pure angels. From that vantage point, any self-interest looks like complete debauchery.
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>women surpass men in universities and the workplace
>women also refuse to date men who earn less money than they do
>male suicide is at an all time high

say goodbye to the western world, everyone.
do you think that's the only time women have worked together without men? the drug company i work at has an entire QC department with just women and it always does well. women are less likely to complain, less likely to ask for raises, and there are plenty of them who will work 50 or 60 hour weeks just filling out paperwork more accurately than the men. i won't argue that women are generally shitty leaders compared to top tier men, but tell me you haven't had your fair share of asshole guys above you.

i don't really know what it's like for an adult to be poor or even middle class so i won't go into shit out of my element. but there is no challenge in finding a job if you have any developed skills, man or woman. i would say that of the people i've known who just couldn't handle working, the men were just lazy for the sake of being lazy and the women were fucking retarded. as for actually working, unless you're in building/repairing shit manually or in military, 99.9% of shit available to people is pretty straight forward and anyone could eventually do it if they wanted. and the dynamic around families is just slightly more complex because if you want to live specifically like people did 40 years ago, you have fewer options.
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>refuse to date men who earn less money than they do

This is a tell-tale sign that feminism was just a bluff by women, and a poorly planned one at that.

Part of the premise of feminism is that gender roles are entirely social constructs.

They said "Why can't we be breadwinners and men can stay at home? Gender roles are just social constructs, after all."

But what happens when women start making as much or more money than men (whether from working, welfare, or a combination of both)?

They complain that they can't find any "real" or "good" men who are willing or even capable of being that exact same traditional breadwinner that women said was a purely socially constructed role. Men below, or sometimes even equal, on the socio-economic ladder become invisible to them. Just a coagulation of atoms and molecules that moves around and exist only on the most basic, fundamental level. Barely human.

Yeah, I'm exaggerating to be an edgy dick, but you know what I mean.


>This is where robots come from



It's not a conspiracy, just human beings responding to incentives and DIS-incentives as their instincts prompt them to.

Women were allowed to vote by weak men.

This is the natural and completely predictable end result. The Greeks knew it, the Romans knew it.
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Humanity has to learn and re-learn the same lessons again and again. We strive for a life of relative comfort, without resistance, then when we get it we become lazy and make mistakes that our forebears would smack the fuck out of us for. Then we're overtaken by a harder, stronger people which doesn't live in a fucking deluded politically correct fantasy of equalism.

For us, it will likely be Islamic peoples, which are being invited with open arms into Western civilization thanks to laws and programs that were voted into place by...well well, mostly women. The irony.

The intolerant people will come in to these tolerant nations and cultures and overtake them. They will claim the women and fertilize their eggs with their seed. If what we've seen so far is any indication, the women will do this mostly willingly. They want these dominant, violent men and their seed, since their own men have become so downtrodden, apathetic and neurotic after decades of feminism, divorce rape, cuckoldry, and polishing women's pedestals. This importing of dominant seed may be an evolutionary mechanism in their hindbrains. A contingency to make sure dominant seed overtakes the overly submissive seed, as women's ancient instincts compel them to.

And all of this will be facilitated with taxes of the native men.

Female political and economic equality with men will always invariably lead, over the course of decades, to dating and mating inequality for men. To have a sustainable first world society, most of your men must be mated and have families. For most of your men to be mated and have families, women must have limited political power and be kept materially dependent on men.

Otherwise you end up with the primal tournament model of human mating, which can't sustain shit.

bumping with a nice story of a gold digger getting BTFO.
Islamics are the new Germanics.
What a load of keks.
I speak the saddest words of tongue and pen

When I say

/pol/ was right again
Chill man, I can't wander the rest of my days with this kind of information in the back of my head.

I mean, the answer used to be students/teens, before the government started offering incentives for "diversity hires"
>qc department

This is work that generates more bullshit for people actually accomplishing things. Women love this shit because they feel empowered since their position imbues them with the ability to give others am imperative to action. "This form is filled out wrong, your policies don't match ours, do x or we tell management".

They don't in fight because their passive aggressive quota is filed through external means when people actually doing shit push back on their bullshit paper pushing requirements. I know this first hand. My office's practices group is like this. It's awful, because they provide limited value, push all analysis and real work onto the employees they supposedly "support", and it doubles the time it takes me too complete an otherwise simple task because bullshit hoops. You know who staffs practices departments? Overwhelmingly women and gays. They get off on the power trip.
He said anymore. But he's still wrong.

In 10 years this model is gonna collapse and women will be back in the kitchen.
I don't know how accurate this is, but its a pretty funny read.
This isn't satirical man
It's really happening
Take the red pill
Will sounds like a cheap motherfucker.
Will sounds like a person who browses /biz/
Nothing wrong with being cheap. It's how you stay rich

Sure he could blow all his money but what if his income dries up?
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Fucking Crybabies. Are you implying marriage was ever a good idea? It's fucking terrible idea for mental health and happiness.

Yes, women work mostly on public sector jobs because those are more feminine jobs in general. Are those jobs hard? no. Do they pay well? no. and btw Nursing is a respectable job that requires some skill and responsibility at least. We also need elderly and child care. Most of those jobs are womens jobs.

Collect the government check and enjoy the ride. Times have never been this good in mankind history. 60 years ago men used to work 110 hours a week just to stay alive
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We all know who's really behind the marriage meme

>we also need elderly and child care

No, we don't. Not as jobs. Caring for elders and kids used to be done by family and community, as they should be.

But now these duties have been outsourced to strangers so that we can spend more time working and paying taxes.
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Will sounds like he's not a dumb desperate pussy who will give away his birthright to a glorified hooker so she can blow it all to beat her glorified hooker friends in their fucking rat race.

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>Caring for elders and kids used to be done by family and community, as they should be.
Then the industrial revolution happened bro and generated an infinite demand for more rationalization and division of labour.
Unless you pay women as an incentive to not work, working will be more attractive.
Will sounds like a prudent young man. Flashing cash is a good way to wind up like Charlie Sheen or Johnny Depp. Is a year of charades marriage worth half your fortune?
you need to factor in race
America is becoming more brown and other races don't have the same gender dynamics as whites. White men are just as likely as white women to obtain a college education and maintain employment. Black, hispanic, and to some degree lower class white men are less likely to work or go to college than their female counterparts. As America becomes less white this changes gender dynamics. We see black women getting jobs to support their kids while black men just stay at home and sell drugs
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