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Change first name?

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>first name is italian
>i am not even italian
>my parents are russian/polish like my surname ('Kozak')
I want to change my first name and maybe get a second one since I will be moving to Munich (yes, born and raised in Germany) to study economy where nobody knows me.

I just feel like I got better chances in business/life without a ridiculous italian name in combination with a russian/polish surname.

My problem is that I just cant find a good name. I need something neutral which wont look/sound stupid with my surname.
Lolwut? Nobody cares about your name. It's probably not even a bad name.

To be honest I think people would be more put off by the Eastern European surname if anything.
>second name is jewish
>not a single jew in my family ever
>ask parents why the jew name?
>they didn't know it was jewish

that's what I get for having a mother only 16 years older than me and a father 18y older than me

stupid teenagers having babies
Exact same here except my firt AND second name are coincidentally jewish
Are you sure about the name? Many Americans mistake german last names for jewish last names.
I was thinking about the same thing but more surname than first name.

It seems like a good idea. I'd probably just get some basic Anglo surname and call it a day.
I only wanna change my first name and maybe get a second name too.
Kinda the same situation here.
I care, I hate it from an aesthetical standpoint and I dont always wanna be remembered as the guy who always has to spell his ridiculous name too. But mainly I hate it and I have the opportunity to change it.
Are you serious?
what's your name?
Change it to David or Schlomo, investment banking classics. Everything else is poop tier.
Just pick Chris, Alex or Mohammed.

I have the same problem and my name is a mess (literally like xzyxksaks - also polish/russian in germany). How does one change his name, do you have any tips on the mere procedure?
Depending on country it's just printing a few forms from government website, signing them etc, paying the fee(<$200 I believe) and sending it in.

And then you get a response and need to go through the CLUSTERFUCK of changing your legal name on every legal document etc etc.
Op here. I just wanna change my first name and get a second one, maybe. My surname is actually something like 'xyyxcyccx' too, but I just took my mothers name, which is 'Kozak'. Maybe thats an option for you too?

Ah well, I'll look into it.


>Maybe thats an option for you too?

Unfortunately not as both have the most awful sounding names man can imagine. But if you didn't change it to something completely new, then I guess I have to research this. Your name is part of your brand, too, and as an ambitious businessman it's too risky to keep a ridiculous name.

not even joking
Best part is you can´t change your name in my country no mater what.
>Not taking advantage of a Jewish name.
>Ah well, I'll look into it.

Make sure it's something you REALLY want to do though anon.

It's easy to initiate but then you need to change your name on every fucking thing. Doctor's office, dentist, University, work, Gym, Passport, drivers license, all government ID, even need to inform your friends so they aren't confused.
Yea Werner seems like a regular german name to me (dutchfag).
Seems like you only know under class fat fucks over 60 from Germany. Being named Werner under the age of 30 would be abuse.
Been thinking about changing my surname for years, since I have nothing to do with me father and its a fucking peasants name.

Been thinking about adopting my mothers name, but its pretty bad too.
If I ever get married I would propably take over my to be wifes name, taken it isn't shit aswell.
How about "Wolf"?
It's cool, it means wolf.
Huh. I don't know any1 from germany let alone someone called werner.
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Is Max a meme name?

(researching for friend)
how old are you today bro? I assume around 20?

I agree, our parent's generation is obviously one of the most consciousless generation, probably ever existed.

I see your concern is geniune, thanks mate. I have also checked the requirements here (Germany) and it seems you can change the name for a small fee IF the mayor deems it justified, e.g. my name must be really hard to pronounce. It all up to a subjective decision then. Well, I will try it and keep the rest in mind. Thanks!
Ah ok.

Here in Canada(and I know Australia is the same and US too probably) you literally just photocopy your ID, sign some papers, write your reason and new name along with a shit ton of personal info, mail it in with like $150 and voila.

Up to you I guess. Unless it's literally unpronounceable I wouldn't bother with it if it's difficult to change in your country.

Indeed this is child's play in NA and it makes me jealous. It's really one of those times where you see that all this talk about "freedom" is no meme at all.
Change it to Adolf Bismarck Hindenburg

>the three greatest leaders of Germany
>people will think you're charismatic
>any job you want
>300k starting
>asian parents
>don't understand certain names are shorthand
>get named bob
>legal first name is literally bob

Thinking about getting a name change to Robert because this shit pisses me off to no end. If I'm going to live in America as a full-fledged American I might as well get all the superficial things in line.
Accept yourself, don't be a fag who claims everything about homophobia.
Is it John?
Change it to 'Mongol,' so it becomes Mongol Kozak like every other Ukrainian

Dumb-ass of course it matters. It's been proven that employers are averse to hiring people with foreign sounding names, that is if they're not H1B.


Go with something completely generic like Michael or David. Avoid fancy names like Maxwell or Constantine.
The problem is that I need something more neutral. Its really cringy to be german and have an english name because of the pronounciation.
>"I didn't know it was Jewish"
Holy fucking shit. I've met some real fucking stupid people, but this takes the kek.
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