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Resume thread? Post, critique, r8.

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Thread replies: 167
Thread images: 38

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Resume thread? Post, critique, r8.

Just another example of a college education going to waste.
Why do you put your high school diploma on your resume if you have a college degree? There's a lot of wasted space, include stuff like honors and awards.
>No honors, awards, or GPA
>No experience (paid or otherwise) relating directly to your degree
I look at this and think, "This is a very boring person with no desire to move up in the world" which is the opposite of what I should be thinking
Just list the name of the highschool and graduation date. Also dont waste so much space, you've managed spread 1 paragraph of info over an entire page
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How about my resume? I'm afraid that it reeks of bullshit from a mile away.
I take it you speak Japanese?

The education section being the only section centralized looks weird.

These are just suggestions, take them as you will: eliminate first section, add a Skills section where you mention the technologies and Japanese fluency. Change Work Experience to Experience and add the Forex there. Organize the Education section with the space left over so you don't have to fit it all into one line. Add GPA if above 3.0

Good luck
Have a summary of qualifications section and list only areas of strengths directly related to the job at hand. Pro Tip: look at the job description to guide you through this section.
Can anyone share how I can fabricate accounting experience for an entry level job ? How can I answer questions about it in an interview...
Have you heard of "8 minutes abs"? Well I am doing a fitness video called "7 minute abs"! How would you like to get on a winning team?
Write each resume based on the job you are applying for. If they want bar tending skills, only put things that are related to bar tending. Also read the job description and put shit into the resume that sort of matches it, but in your own words.

Prepare a cover letter as well. Tailor it to each job. The muse has a good one.
Question /biz/

Should I add courses and workshops and academic degrees related to the job in a second sheet? Or just mention some academic/postgraduate degrees in the main sheet?

They are like 20+ workshops and stuff but only about 5 academic and postgraduate courses.
You should keep it to one page. Add courses if you are applying to an internship. Add workshops if you are becoming an apprentice. Add work history if you are applying for a job.
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Rate mine. Is it worth mentioning future internships if you're going to apply for graduate programs?
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>I take it you speak Japanese?
yes, senpai.

Thanks for your help, I've implemented a lot of your suggestions. What do you think now?

>Have a summary of qualifications section and list only areas of strengths directly related to the job at hand.
I'm gonna make one like that later. This my nepotism draft that I'm handing to a friend of my dad who is gonna send it off to people he knows.
>Proficiency in Japanese is a plus, but you want to shine the work related skills first.
Good tip, thanks. I'll move that to the end.
The first impression that I got was 'is this guy a translator or what?'.

If you don't want to move it to the end you could also put the education section over the skills one.
So, people would read about your specialization and then know you are proficient in japanese.
>The first impression that I got was 'is this guy a translator or what?'

That makes perfect sense. Thinking back, I arranged the skills on how proud of I was on them, not on how useful they'll be in application or how impressive they are. Foreign language is a supplementary skill unless you're translating or teaching. Very useful point.
What strikes me is that the skills section is unnecessarily verbose. Just bullet out your actual skills. You can elaborate on them once you get to the interview stage. Also, your business software and econometric knowledge are the most marketable skills unless you are shooting for a job as an Attache to the Japanese Ambassador, so put that first. Also don't say 'basic Matlab, Python and C++' if you get asked you can provide your level of knowledge.

>3.2 GPA
might not put this down. It's solid but not terribly impressive.

I'd also put the experience into a more easily digestible format. Right now it's kind of wall-of-text.
>don't say 'basic Matlab, Python and C++' if you get asked you can provide your level of knowledge.

Thanks for the tips, I've rearranged the skills and changed that sentence to: "Experience with MATLAB, Python, and C++."

Also, I removed my GPA not just because that 3.2 isn't very impressive, but because I still have 30 units of classes that will massively affect my GPA before I graduate.

I'll look into ways to reword my experience and skills sections to make them more concise.
who the fuck puts GPA and school honors on a resume unless you're fresh out of school and have no prior work experience?
>all these lengthy, convoluted resumes

you realize recruiters only look at these things for like 30 seconds, max, right?

also all your pretty formatting is going to go away when they copy/paste a chunk of it into an email to send to some internal mailing list

name, contact info, work experience, tertiary education, specialized skills/knowledge - all in that order

keep sentences short with very basic language and grammar. each sentence should express a single thought. only mention duties that they specifically bring up in the job ad. otherwise, mention one or two notable achievements in previous positions.

i have a degree and five years of work history and my resume is half a page (not going to post it as i can't be bothered anonymizing it). i always get interviews, though, so i'm not talking out my ass.

OP's is the closest to being good, but there's a lot of BS on there. dumb language (don't use words like "alleviated" if you don't know what they mean), mentioning high school from five years ago, excessive formatting, etc.
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I've probably got around 4 different jobs with these resume with minor changes.

Curious to see what you guys think about it. I'm a programmer.
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what a clusterfuck

why would you mention kitchen work when applying for a technical position? you think if you don't get the job they might let you wash dishes in the cafeteria?

completely generic drivel at the start and you have various spelling errors and inconsistent formatting (which, again, will get fucked up if they ever try to copy/paste any of it)

your work list is great (except for the kitchen job)

4/10 anon, you can do better
I honestly can't tell if this resume is bait or not, but I can see why it would be effective. It's straight to the point and incredibly easy to read and understand. I would just remove the kitchen work/volunteer work as well as cleaning up the spacing for the work history locations/dates.
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Alright, I have reworded almost everything to make it as concise as I can figure. I'm gonna keep the work experience near the end because I don't have much relevant experience. How does it look now?
you forgot to italicize duties and work description in forex trader man :\
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>you forgot to italicize duties and work description in forex trader man :\
just fuck my life up senpai

I just rearranged everything to make it look cleaner.
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the only three things that hiring managers (and, by extension, recruiters) are looking for in candidates:

#1: is this person capable of delivering work of acceptable quality on time and in budget?

#2: does this person have relevant skills and knowledge that will minimize the training required?

#3: will this person rock the boat or otherwise cause issues in our organization?

address #1 by providing a list of times you did good work on time and under budget

address #2 by providing a list of relevant skills and knowledge you already possess

address #1 and #2 by having a degree - in most industries a person who has a degree is more likely to meet the #1 and #2 criteria

address #3 by providing them with a list of people who will tell them you're not a psycho

give them a way to contact you

anything else is fluff that will be ignored
Your summary is shit. No employer will know what the fuck you mean. Use the paragraph under experience for this.

Put that shit which is under skills, under experience.

Forex trader --> Forex Trading

Ops Core... something something... make this a position or some sort of experience.

Education should have the institution on the left and the year of finalization on the right. They need to be separate. Bold what is on the right. Keep the place and don't write out Bachelors degree. Write B.S. or B.A.

All the stuff that is underlined under the skills section should be bullet pointed and put together in a neat column to save space.

Make the descriptions of your experience have more power words. Get rid of "my responsibilities" and just write changed and managed inventories, automated customer service tasks, etc. Write something for each of these that shows a tangible contribution to the business such as "improved sales flow"

Umi sushi should be "assisted a diverse customer base".

Japanese fluency.

Get rid of "please inquire for blah blah blah" and just provide a list of references. Putting that on the back would be nice as well.

Get rid of flexible, dependable etc...
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How about mine? I lack a lot of experience, but I am trying to build it up, so I had to use what I got. This is what I typically use to apply for retail jobs, customer service, produce, grocery store and etc.
I'm not going to post my resume, but I have a resume question.

I'm a software engineer. One of my most recent personalish projects is a website dedicated to a specific reoccurring thread on 4chan. Employers LOVE to see personal projects, but the problem is that since a lot of the content on the website is user submitted, it has a lot of less-than-appropriate content on it. The usual barrage of racism, sexism, and other offensive material. Even the name of the site could be considered slightly offensive.

My question is, should I put it on my resume? Or is it risky to put something like that up?
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Rip my shit, senpaitachi
This. very solid adivice
You, you're slightly retarded if you think any employer isn't going to look up your grades anyway, it's an integral part of any resume, but in all seriousness, only put down your GPA if it is above 3.0

By the way, would you recommend posting a resume on dice when you're just trying to evaluate your own position? I mean, lets say I posted it to see where I stand (i.e. whatever sorts of positions I'm recruited for) and not take any of them up, only to later really want to find a new gig? I worry recruiters would see my shit and think (oh I remember that guy, this won't go anywhere).

What's the site?

That sounds like problem. A company probably wouldn't want it public that one of their employees is associated with any hate material. Although, on the inside, they'd like it, it's a serious issue for the company.

You could make a duplicate site with sfw threads perhaps without even registering a domain.
stick the code for the website on github, link the code
Well since it's database oriented I guess I could just post the code somewhere or I guess a duplicate is out of hand.

I guess the unfortunate part is that it would make my site look less used. I'd assume a company would love to see that I personally developed a well used application, but I suppose there has to be a trade off. Thanks guys.
Guys, I was recently promoted from junior analyst to senior analyst. I did this in 4 years compared to my employer's policy that such a promotion requires 7 years of service.

Should I explicitly state this on my resume? I plan to look for jobs now just to see what's out there and I'm just afraid if I have an interview they'll ask me how long I've been a senior analyst and don't want to say I was promoted a month or so ago and am looking to bail out.
Going to apply for a finance master that is supposedly selective. I'm also a CFA 1 candidate, will probably pass in June, but putting that on there seems retarded.

I have some more extracurricular stuff but it feels very minor and I don't know how to word it.

paraphrase. if it doesn't take more than 4 or 5 words to state then don't bother.

actionable accomplishments weigh more aka mention the why's and how's not the what's. only have so much room on a resume
Good content but the layout and design of the page is bit cheesy I think. Try less colour and shading anon

I would change the word 'mothertongue' to 'native'
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>tfw you're no-skills whatsoever senior year HS dropout who's only experience is running the school tv studio
how do I make fools gold out of this? currently working dead-end parttime job
Congrats on having the #1 job on Glassdoor.com I am saving this resume as inspo if you don't mind though looking at it at my advanced age all this shit might be too much to learn.
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I got a job in BI with this resume but I wanna do more >>1059598 stuff
>By the way, would you recommend posting a resume on dice when you're just trying to evaluate your own position? I mean, lets say I posted it to see where I stand (i.e. whatever sorts of positions I'm recruited for) and not take any of them up, only to later really want to find a new gig? I worry recruiters would see my shit and think (oh I remember that guy, this won't go anywhere).

IDK. I tried doing that and ended up taking an offer.

My impression though, is that recruiters will always err on the side of contacting you.
Do you just put N/A if you have no work experience?
Then by definition, you're N/A
How do you guys fit everything on only one page?

I've got 1 degree, 1 diploma, and 4 jobs to list and my page is full right there if I include job descriptions. Haven't even touched extra curricular, volunteer, related coursework, etc.
Use fewer words.
Wow this is fucking awful

OP are you retarded? You might qualify as a diversity hire.
Do BI for 2 years professionally. You'll have all the experience you need to put together the same level resume. You already have most of the skills.
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Applying for internships anons, will remove the whole Area director thing after I get more experience at a different job.
>Eagle Scout
Ah, that too.

Here's my typical response of fuck you anon it gets me interviews.

When I have more experience I'll get rid of it.
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I just created my first resume ever.

Not a joke.

I'm tired of being self-employed and seriously want a career change. I've never applied to a job before.

Critique? Advice?
>2 pages
>people putting education first
australia senpai
>professional shitposter

Would hire/10
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Over designed so as to wow the campus service directors who will be looking it over. I have a simpler version for internships. Yes it is two pages.
As a design autist, most of these layouts make me feel sick. I bin a resume that doesn't look nice. Sort your fonts out, sort your use of space out, no colour in traditional industries, no sans serif fonts, no non existent margins, no left aligned text, no big blocks of text, no obvious bullshit, list your interests for entry level positions and showcase an achievement (doesn't have to be spectacular just a talking point), no changes in font, consistent use of font size, do not abuse boldface and italics, avoid underline.

I say this out of love I want you all to make it anons.
>None of the shit on the first page is needed except for summary and education. Get rid of accolades. Employers don't care.

Re write the summary to tailor to the business. This changes.

You could keep relevant course work.

Core competencies - get rid of the word skills.

Get rid of leadership activities and interest - put something in there about volunteer experience.

For all professional experience, shorten all the bullet points. You're not writing a novel. Just talk about a few of the things you did that benefitted the company and some of the skills that you learned "cashiering" for ex.

Two pages is fucking long. There is way too much. You come off as a try-hard.
Get rid of it unless you can talk about the volunteer activities you did as an eagle scout. Do you really want to be put on the spot trying to explain that? No one cares that you WERE an eagle scout. They care what you did as one and what experience it is bringing their business.

Stop thinking of a resume as something that shows you off. It is not showing you off, it is showing the company how you benefit them. Change your perspective.

Change the engineering intern duties and use more words that show off your skills.
Your resume doesn't show anything about how you benefit the company you are applying for. If you get an interview you are going to have to explain a shit ton of things instead of having a script from which to work off of.
Pretty shit so far
Appreciate a response, if you were to reword one specific bullet point on the internship duties what would you say?

I guess what I'm saying is I have difficulty wording it in a fashion that exemplifies skills. I was under the assumption that I should quite literally write down the majority of what I actually did.
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Please be critical.
I'm 20 btw.
>GPA below 3.0 (comp sci)
>have had 3 internships and multiple side-projects
I can probably just skip my abysmal "I smoked weed for 4 years" 2.7 GPA right?
Based Savannah and 912.
Riverstreet is always a blast.
I'm CS, low gpa but not sub 3.
No experience/internships besides a few side projects and stuff I did in AI class.

I'm fucked.
>deans list
>full ride
> top engineering school
> switch major from nuclear to engineering physics

Wasn't able to get internship over last summer. I think my gf is too autistic
> be 22
> has hs diploma
> history of customer service
> history of sales
> history of manufacturing
> worked 1st, 2nd, n' 3rd
> can program .net, vb6, python, php, java, perl, js, css, html

What am I missing to change jobs? I'm currently stuck on 2nd working 12 hours and going to college full time. I make 2.8k a month after taxes, but it's just to much for me to handle with college and ma daughter.

Here's a list of words to use. Remember that the bullet points should show tangible things that you contributed.
The grass is always greener anon, if it's working now it will work later.


Your metaphor is uplifting, but I'm not happy.
Thanks for the critique; I was starting to get that feeling myself.

Most of the stuff is on there because this particular revision is for an RA postion on my college campus. With anything regarding student services here you're scrutinized mainly by what groups you're involved in, what clubs you are a part of, and how involved you are in social circles. I was interviewed and got that job yesterday.

Tell me though, what exactly is wrong with having a >1 page essay? Are HR people just lazy, or is it something more cerebral? Also, what about two-side printing?
*resume, not essay (although mine is certainly long enough)
Friends, please.
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Business is shutting down soon and will be looking for a new job. Wut do?
your summary should be your cover letter. Your Highlights should be changed to your qualifications, and your accomplishments should be apart of your work experience description
Come work for me, I'll pay you 7.25/hr.
Do employers verify if you actually have a higher GPA than you do?

Say, if I write 3.5/4.0 when I really have a 3.2/4.0.
If they really care about GPA they will ask for a transcript. If they don't then there's no reason to lie.

BTW, if you have relevant prior job experience, no one cares about your GPA. Otherwise, it might be used as supporting evidence.
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It got me a passing grade in my personal finance class even though I just know that it`s horrible. Thankfully I haven`t handed this to anyone yet.
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I'll bite. This is the 'template' I use - if I'm curious about a position I'll tailor it to the job requirements. I have a ~50% response rate, so I'm sure there are things I can improve.
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I'll bite, only a freshman in college.

>objective section when I was looking for a summer research job
>line from the mouse in word
Would you lie on your resume? About your work history for example
How do I put that I got my HS diploma last year through GED at 22 yo?, I had to quit school because reasons and seriously I don't know how to put it in my resume, I feel that people will just discard me because of that,should I just put it and not care?
I have some years of work experience though
I like LaTex templates. It's pretty minimalism, imo.
Join the Gaming press.

You've already well above the norm.
Im a sophomore finance major, I wouldnt bother mentioning GPA unless you do well. Over a 3.3 is worth listing, under a 3.3 dont bother.
Don't bother talking about it at all
Had to look up first word used, into the trash it goes.

Into the trash it goes

Just get rid of the first 1/3 or into the trash it goes.

Remove the lines, you are not in jail. Education and experience go on top, you are not fingering mary jane rotten crunch in preparation for missionary work.

My head is full of fuck. It might be great, it might not.

Nice, if you don't look like a Mongoloid would hire.

Pretty! Nice! Pretty nice!

Eagle scout, are you trolling? You are dealing with adults.

Landscape mode? Into the trash.

You might want to enlarge that font a bit, not much to critique there.

Move personal info out of the margins to the top.

Tighten up to one page.

Into the trash it goes, HR won't hire a time traveler.

My own qualifications, I've never used other people to land a job except once, my resume gets me to an interview which is all it is supposed to do. I've landed over a dozen jobs and quit them all, some with a lot of responsibility. I custom tailor my resume to every single application I apply for. The cover letter can be more important than the resume which should be just the facts. I've had plenty of smoke breaks with HR directors. Just my 2cents.
2 pages is fine, length is not really an issue. As someone who used to work in HR let me tell you guys the trick: Try to include as many keywords (eg. Finance, Microsoft Office etc) in your resume, this way your resume has higher chance of being detected applicant tracking system and getting you in the shortlist.
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From one veteran to another, let me teach you a lesson about resumes that I learned the hard way.

It's difficult to understand, but hiring managers don't give a rat's ass about your military service.

To them, "military veteran" is code for "degenerate lunatic," and "national guard" is code for "peacetime temporary employee."

Swallowing this pill isn't easy because we obviously take pride in the incredible things we accomplished, but anyone who isn't a veteran just doesn't understand, and they have no desire to do so.

The only way to get around this type of prejudice is to sterilize your resume and rephrase your military accomplishments and titles to appear as generic as possible.

So, you're an E-4 with an 11-series MOS, or an "infantryman corporal."

Run that through the civilian translator, and you're now a "operations team leader."

I know it hurts to put that down in lieu of your rooty-tooty-point-and-shooty title, but believe me when I tell you that putting down "infantryman corporal" makes these people think that you're a knuckle-dragging trigger puller.

Get rid of the terms "enlisted, NCO, command," and weapons" and replace them 1) with the dollar value of your equipment and 2) the number of people, or "direct reports," that you led.

Here are some examples.

>Managed 3 direct reports and equipment worth over $100,000.
>Directed technical training programs for high-performance teams.
>Coordinated the logistics of thousand-dollar exercises within a three-tier organizational structure.

You also need to change "National Guard" to "US Army" and pray that they don't ask about your component.

If they do, tell them that you're "close to fulfilling your obligation in the Reserve" and that you "cannot deploy."

Good luck -- it sucks out there.
>Armstrong Atlantic State University

Lol literally who? What a waste of time and money.
not OP but thank you for that
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You're welcome, brother.

The TAP program is supposed to teach you exactly what I just posted, but it doesn't, which is why so many veterans are set up for failure.

Instead of telling veterans the truth about hiring managers and their disdain for our kind, the TAP administrators tell us that everyone loves and respects us.

It's a load of rubbish because even the veteran-friendly companies only give jobs to veterans under explicit conditions that often discount our military service.

It was very late in the game before I figured out that anything even remotely combat-related on your resume must be rephrased or expunged in order to put you on the same playing field as civilians.

You have to coat every single bit of your military experience in a thick layer of corporate bullshit to keep the drones in the human resources department from associating you with Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket.

We should have figured out from the Vietnam veterans that what we did on the inside won't get us anything on the outside, but it's easy to forget that fact when so many civilians use the "thanks for your service" catchphrase.
Any tips for this one?:
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25 and first resume ever finished today

input desired

I honestly think everyone exaggerates like crazy on their resume. I recommend putting a photo of yourself on your resume and describing your interests/hobbies.

I personally hire solely based on looks, intensity of eyes, tone of voice, and mannerisms. Everything else doesn't matter to me.
That's why I tried keeping mine short and simple. If I was a scouting employees I would probably be in paid reading the sugar coated bs resumes.

Mine doesn't come off like that right?
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critique & rate pls
10/10 you're hired

you start tomorrow cleaning trash cans.
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>I'm not black
Seriously though...everyones resume is so god damn boring.

Most resumes just indicate how people have no life, it's sad. You've done this and that in the hopes of making a good income, but how have you LIVED?

If I was a person hiring I'd hope someone's resume would be more creative and show that they have a personality of some kind. That they have a life outside of work.
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rate my cv lads?

Engineering student trying to get into strategy consulting
I think we have a professional shit posting position. Are you interested? We would pay you in internets and perhaps rare peeps on overtime. Do you have zozzling or cucking experience?
Post yours I need inspo
>not the point of a resume.
>that's the point of the interview "tell me about yourself" question
If you've published academic papers, are you supposed to put that on a resumé?
if you didn't get paid, then no. You could list it as some other category, but relate it to the job you are applying for.
This, listen to this guy

It's the internet age. All resumes should be in video form with you in it, talking about your experienc eand life, and posted on youtube.

Perfect resume if you want to make an impact:
Is this a report card, or a resume? What country? Maybe this is something they do there?
>Professional Attributes
>Social Intelligence
I would share this with people and laugh at the resume. Get rid of the section
I disagree... some places that you apply for need a document that is attached. What are you going to do? Write down a youtube link? I guess it would be okay to include this on your resume, or add your resume hyperlink from linked in, but otherwise no one is going to want to watch a cringey video unless you are applying to google or a new, up and coming, tech company.

For the IT crowd & digital nomads, video resumes are perfect. You can also include a regular resume as well if you'd like but trust me a video resume which isn't the norm today will make the most impact out of anyone that applies.

Most resumes get discarded. A video resume posted on youtube will get the most interest. How can you deny that fact? You will stand out beyond everyone else that applies even if you don't have as much experience as they do.
>high school shit on a resume

holy fucking kek.

why is no one else laughing at this?

>accomplishments first

Its for internships mainly, they want you to have decent school grades


yeah noted, cheers
Cute video resume:

Step it up guys..your copy/paste resumes are boring and will get discarded.
Eventually video resumes are going to be the standard.

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(page one) just graduated

third class honours, hence I didn't put it in resume

teamed with random people throughout my uni days, thus "led diverse...."
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(page two)

thanks bros

>bachelor of engineering in computer science

what the fuck is this
computer science, but it's under school of engineering

should I just remove "engineering"?

>made templates for all the scammer blogs on there?


lol wtf..that site still exists? I haven't heard about it since 1999, when myspace became huge and died.
Unless your degree literally says BECS or something like that, gt rid of it. I know U Mich does it so I'm not completely skeptical of you.
I didn't want to put those in but someone told me it'll be better to do so because it wasn't clear what those templates were for
If that is what your degree is dont change it.

Ive just never heard of this. Computer science is a field of engineering now?
It actually written as B.Eng (Computer Science)
Fair enough, I'd keep that.
>Tighten up to one page.
I'm pretty sure that's a meme spread by college "career services" departments.
If adequately explaining my relevant skills and experience takes more than one page so be it.
Saying you done the Cisco courses comes out lazy and unmotivated. It comes over to me that you are to lazy to get the certificate done.

Or delete it as its clearly just a filler or get your certificate and put CCNA on there.
>1.25 pages with lots of whitespace.
>Refuse to tighten up to 1 page.

If you seriously can't tighten it up to 1 page then elaborate more and make it two full pages. Right now it just looks lazy.
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Round Five.jpg
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Thanks for your input. How does it look now?

Also, is it really ok to have this much blank space on my resume? I don't want to waste their time but this is all that I think is actually relevant.
Anyone know what font this is?
Your formatting is all weird. I would only send a resume like that to a job listing that repeatedly states in bold all-caps MUST SPEAK JAPANESE MUST SPEAK JAPANESE MUST SPEAK JAPANESE.

You need to lead with what employers care about. Work experience if you have it, education if you don't.
I've never read a second page of a resume that's landed in my inbox. Ever.

Regarding the livejournal/blogger stuff, vagueness if your friend. Reword along these lines:

Developed design templates for mainstream blogging platforms, which were downloaded by thousands of users.

Designed e-commerce solutions for independent bloggers.

Leave the details for the interview, where they're more concerned with your soft skills anyway.

Vagueness is your friend on a resume, except when you have successful numbers to report (as you do on page 1). except:
>Offered option of full-time job after graduation from university.

No one reading your resume gives a fuck about this. let it come up in the interview.
Looking for some help on this one:
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Here's my most recent resume, which landed me a decent Marketing Manager job about a year ago.

Take a look, chums. It looks like I'm a bit further along in my career than most of the people who posted in here, but feedback is always helpful.

This one's out of date (haven't updated my resume with my current employment since I'm pretty happy here), but hopefully there's some good feedback or someone finds something useful in it.
>returned company to profitability after 2 consecutive years of losses prior to tenure
>Reduced payroll and financial statement processing time by more than 75 percent while significantly reducing errors

Lead with this shit in those respective sections. A senior director or VP will get a hardon when they see that you understand what they expect of you at your management level.

Be prepared in the interview to talk about your eclectic work history in a way that makes sense to someone who doesn't know you.

What kind of jobs are you applying to?
Looks like calibri zoomed at ~120% to me

Thanks a lot! I will reword; thanks again
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I have been applying to jobs that I'm qualified for for the past few months. About 2 jobs a week (shit economy where I live), every job that I'm qualified for within 1 hour of where I live and I have gotten zero (0) calls or emails.
>0 calls or emails
That's because the resume is terrible. Honestly people should just consider getting someone (or paying someone) to make the resume for them
Ya I could see that but i was low on funds at the time and not looking to enter the field then. Also right around the time I finished was when they put the new test into play
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I'll take some advice as I'll be looking for a job in the next few months, currently planning to get a PMP cert, anything else I should be looking to do /biz/?

>inb4 MBA, no thx
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Lol. Good luck. I hope you get the job.
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take note, faggots, this is what a good resume looks like

highlights are in red, i blacked out the shit parts

there's still room for improvement, but there's a distinct lack of BS in this resume that makes it significantly better than most posted in this thread
That font is terrible.

a hundreds of issues - don't use numbers

a thousand or more - don't need to say.

within nine months - nothing special... not needed. Just say you did it.

and lastly

BA Media studies................big space..........................Date
name of institution

LINE up the fucking dates in the same line on the right hand side
Thanks for the advice, I'll make some changes.
this looks a lot better, anon. in the duties and work descriptions sections, get rid of the section header ("duties and work descriptions") and turn the paragraphs into single sentence dot points. this will make your resume a lot easier to scan and will cause things like "achieved a 25 percent return over a nine month period" to really stand out

>Also, is it really ok to have this much blank space on my resume?

>I don't want to waste their time but this is all that I think is actually relevant.
if you only have half a page of content, you're wasting their time by trying to stretch it out to a full page. at best they'll see through your attempt to seem more qualified and ignore it. at worst they'll just chuck your resume out when they're halfway through and get bored.

schools and universities cultivate this mindset that you need to do tons of stuff and then record everything you've ever done because that's how it works in education/research for some reason.

in reality, your resume should be like a highlight reel. they're only going to look at it for 30 seconds, so give them 30 seconds of the best stuff you've ever done. get straight to your point, make the point, and move on.
much much better, nice dubs and trips

Forex Trading --> Forex Trader
Ops Core through Boston Contemporaries --> What was the actual name of this position? The title of the position is confusing.

Should read a lot faster. Should not have complete sentences. For example: Managed Military startup company in ballistic helmets manufacturing. Managed Inventories. Ran online payment system. automated customer service tasks. Regulated international shipments to adhere to customs regulations. You don't need the last sentence, unless you can say how you tangibly improved the company like "improved sales flow 35%".

Duties and work description --> Duties (it's too long). Try to save space.

Education --> get rid of ocused on Econometrics. Just list one or two relevant courses.

You lack a general summary of who you are and what you are applying for. Tailor that to each company and add at top after the name and contact section.

Use numbers instead of naming the months.

Maybe add a skills section that says how you are fluid in Japanese.

Put your education on the top and experience after it. Switch those sections around because of alphabetizing ed before ex.

Use bullet points under the experience sections to break apart the long descriptions. Employer should be able to read that really quickly. You too, when it comes time for the interview. You will need a copy to look over as well. It just helps.

Also put the dates for education on the right hand side and bold them to match the education bolded stuff on right for symmetry.

Lastly, choose a different font, similar to what you have, but one that looks better.
Needs a summary of who you are and what you are applying to.

Put some stuff on the right hand side for symmetry

Some credits? How many?

Looks good though. I hate your font.
>You lack a general summary of who you are and what you are applying for. Tailor that to each company and add at top after the name and contact section.
fucking no. they don't read that shit and it just makes the resume look cluttered.

>Lastly, choose a different font, similar to what you have, but one that looks better.
not really important. better to choose a font that is universally inoffensive rather than choose one that appeals to you but potentially won't appeal to a recruiter.

the rest of the advice in your post is solid.
POO in the LOO Pajeet

God this shit is cringey as fuck. I would laugh at your shit. I guess if you REALLY REALLY want a cringey as fuck video, then put a link on the FUCKING resume.

Also the "Submit" button that you have, which so many companies have on their websites will not take a video, but it will take docx and pdf. So what are you going to do? Put in a pdf that just says go to this link? Here's a better idea than a shitty ass resume. How about a modular .pdf? Make a pdf that has a video link in it? And there you go.
We disagree on the summary thing, but the main idea is to have something that the employer can re-look at and then decide without having to read a giant thing over and over again. I personally like them. If written well, they can be really effective. It just depends on how it is being used.

"Summary statements are usually best for more experienced professionals with years of experiences to tie together with a common theme (read: brand). Or, alternatively, they can be used to tie together disparate experiences with a set of key transferable skills. On the other hand, if you have a pretty linear or straightforward career path, the space is probably better used for additional bullet points in each role."

In my opinion, he is tying a lot of different positions and experiences together, so to sum them toggether would be a good idea. It really is up to OP though.

The reason I say to change the font is because Times New Roman is probably the most commonly chosen fonts for resumes — the very reason you should avoid it
the author of that article is a "career development specialist" at MIT. i don't trust resume advice from people who are not recruiters or hiring managers, or are not simply reiterating advice they got from recruiters or hiring managers.

the advice i've been giving in this thread is essentially what i was told by a recruiter while i was traveling with her trying to find new hires for our company. i watched her turn a stack of over 100 resumes into a stack of 30 in an hour. i've also had a great deal of personal success putting her advice into practice - in the past five years i've been interviewed for every position i applied for.

now things are different from industry to industry, and they're also different for people with more work experience, but by and large for entry-level positions anything that takes longer than 30 seconds to get its point across will end up in the trash.

that's why i don't like summary statements or objectives or any of that crap. they'll either be ignored or chew up valuable time that the recruiter could've spent looking at a better part of the resume.

>Times New Roman is probably the most commonly chosen fonts for resumes
for good reason

if you choose a font that the recruiter or hiring manager subconsciously doesn't like you've shot yourself in the foot for no reason whatsoever.
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Round six.jpg
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Fantastic advice, /biz/ delivers.

I couldn't pick just two education points so I put "Topics studied" and listed my academic focuses in bullet points. How does it look now?

Also, I said earlier in this thread that this is my nepotism resume that I'm giving to a business partner of my dad who will be passing it on to whoever is interested so I'm trying to be very broad with it.

How does it look now?
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