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So what is some racist things you have done in your life? >it

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So what is some racist things you have done in your life?

>it has to be direct and real
>Greentext is prefered
told nigger jokes, that's really about it
I was born white
Okay so this happened on the last day of my senior year in high school

So a fucking nigger is in my bus and she is one of those fat fucks who waddle around and scream on the top of their lungs.

>This was when I was in high school by the way

One day she is screaming NIGGER. I CAN SAY NIGGER ONLY ME GOT IT!

>baby is on the bus that is the busdrivers

>Literally chimping out at some white girl who is crying because she said the word mah nigga

I get up and had enough, I looked her in the eye across the bus (im a senior she was a freshman)

>Hey you fucking nigger how about you lay your hands off her and fucking step up

Bus goes silent

>Starts screaming and max chimp


>Puts my fist up

>She runs off and hides in the front of the bus and quickly runs out of that bus like her life depended on it

I get off the bus at my stop and never return, finally graduated and never have to bear that nigger again
>smoking outside of my house
>old nigger walks by and throws his trash into my trashcan
>what the fuck
>not a big deal but he just violated the NAP so fuck him
>follow him down the road
>he gets to his house, where his own trashcan is sitting outside
>knock on trash can lid
>he turns around
>"is this your trash can?
>"well... use it"
>"ayo hol up man why you comin at me talkin all bad and shit it was a cup man
>continues this hollering and screaming for a minute and a half
>"yeah... fuck you ya nigger"
>"whatever you old nigger"
>decide not to tell my wife so i don't scare her since he said he'd pop her
>come back in, wife in kitchen
>grab a dr pepper
>we're talking
>look outside window
>old nigger is running across my yard
>"what the fuck"
>he runs over to my (full) trashcan and flips it
>run outside with a half drank bottle of dr pepper
>bean him in the side of the head with the dr pepper bottle
>"what the fuck are you doing?"
>start advancing to beat his ass
>see him fumblling around in his pocket for his gun
>stop in my tracks
>he's a dumb nigger, but wasn't dumb enough to shoot me while standing there in our white neighborhood
>wife has come out at this point
>he starts going fucking bonkers telling her i called him a nigger
>no lol
after a while he goes back to his house
>start picking up trash while telling wifey about what i did to piss him off (minus the nigger)
>police roll past us
>"i bet he called the police"
>15 minutes later
>same police car rolls back to us
>"we got a complaint that someone was assaulted here with a dr pepper bottle"
>he told the cops that he came back and tried to get his trash out of my trash can and i ran up and beat him with the dr pepper bottle
>obvious BS since my wife and i both saw what really happened, and we were picking up a week's worth of trash when they got to us
>tell the police he threatened to shoot us both
>they go arrest him

Nigger subverted
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>be me
>~12 yo
>reinstall Jazz Jackrabbit 2 because muh nostalgia
>play multiplayer n shiet
>black kid asks me to add him on messenger to host his map
>it was terrible, it didn't happen
>ff ~2 years
>Obama gets elected
>he set his MOTD to "Matrin Luther King's dream has come true"
>message him "His nightmare will come true as well"
>block him
I charge niggers for small things at work that I may otherwise give away for free
>get picked on as a kid a lot by this coon and his friend
>one day get seriously fed up with his shit and straight up call him a fucking nigger in the middle of class
>mfw everybody goes silent, but nobody actually reprimands me
>not even the teacher takes his side
>no consequences besides the nignog hating me even more but now realizing nobody cared that he got called a nog

That day really taught me how everybody has some level of racism deep down. Not sure if this would go so well these days.
Felt pretty good.
do you use protection?
Black nigger kids are such greedy little fucks. They just want to get a hold of anything and everything

Beaner kids are the worst though. They are everything wrong with children, they are loud, steal shit, have no sense of respect or responsibility, and usually have some shitty mohawk buzzcut
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Like what? You have my attention burger. Tell us how we can follow in your footsteps
If I told you I would go to jail.
>Be in game design camp when I was 15

>Nigger next to me keeps looking over and copying everything I do

>I tell him to piss off and ask the teacher if he needs help

Chimp gets mad and waddles off

>Work really hard to complete my project due by the end of the week

>Model him into the game and release the game privately after camp is finished. Saying I was making a first person shooter

>The game I developed was School Shooter simulator 2k12

>You literally shoot up a black high school and the main boss is the nigger from game class

>Release it (taken down a week after)

>Send to his gmail

Never replied again unfortunately
Was she at least of breeding age
>be me 9 or 10yo
>new kid 1st day, he was black
>called him a "poo because his colour looked like my poo"
>he cries and i get high 5s from my friends
>Got CD player stolen at school
>Immediately asked the locker beside me who happened to be a black dude, he denied.
>Turns out he lied, it was him.
Oh hey Alex!
>he guessed my name
God dammit who the fuck are you and hand over that meme magic before someone gets hurt
>Beaner kids are the worst though. They are everything wrong with children, they are loud, steal shit, have no sense of respect or responsibility, and usually have some shitty mohawk buzzcut

then they're like gyppo kids
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I call little black kids niglets when I go to Wal-Mart. Usually as I'm walking by I'll say excuse me niglet
>entertained the thought that niggers are equal
Newfag that cannot greentext
autistic bait
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>black womyn supervisor single mom
>manual labor environment, surrounded by trump voters
>get selected as her secret Santa
>donate $20 to blackgenocide.org
>hand receipt in envelope
>chimp coworker brags about his "invention"
>asks me (physics student) for help
>invention is physically impossible
>don't tell him
>he spends thousands on patents, consultations, etc
>now lives with his mom
In middle school i told a classmate right in front of his mom "I wish you died, you're annoying and very brown"

My mom was there too so i got a beating but at least i got that out of my chest, he was a real piece of shit and he stole my pokémon red cartridge.
>General manager gets fired
>Poo appoints me as interim GM until his cousin can marriage fraud his way into the US
>Throw away all nigger applications
I don't think of myself as being racist of Asian people but I always say racist things around them. Does anyone else have that? Where you don't think you're racist but you are?
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Holy shit
I just yell things in my truck
I called a Negro nigger
>Be at family store, cat is sleeping in the counter
>2 chinks come in
>Suddenly felt the need to bring my cat inside
>"Just let me bring him inside so he doesn't get in the way"

And that's about it
>walking around at college
>see athlete negro on campus with those tan-colored cloth wraps around his legs
>slip up and ask buddy, "what are those human-colored wraps on his knees called?"
>everyone laughs a bit while looking nervous
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Happens every day. Whenever I see niggers I walk away faster than you can say "DINDU NUFFIN". One time I had to hold hands with two of them. They smelled disgusting and were disgusting in general. I washed my hands until I saw blisters.
i used to call my old philipino friend philip. but that's pretty much it.

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>holding hands with niggers

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>go to the ghetto
>ask to cop drugs
>haggle forever
>never buy any
>Saw an muslim couple with an white baby once.
>Asked them, if they have stolen it.
>Went my way loudly laughing.
>Appereantly, they couldn't speak German.
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I try to watch my language but holy shit I've said nigger in front of black people I've barely known multiple times.
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>be 14-15 year old me
>be in 8th grade
>be in gym class
>be in boys locker room
>see that the black kids stay inside and slack
>do the unthinkable
>take belt off from pants
>walk over to the black kids slacking goofing around
>"What you niggers think you doing slacking? Get changed and get out already."
>whip the locker with belt
>they stare at puzzled
>think "they aren't taking me serious enough"
>literally start whipping the black kids with belt for not getting changed
>legit get dubbed "the slave master" for the rest of 8th grade

Can continue with other 8th grade short stories if wanted, not too many that I can remember anymore.
joke with my cousins a lot bout black people. here's two of em':
>why do black people always go left?
>cos' they got no rights

>what does NBA stand for?
>nigger ball association

also t. leaf abroad kekkerekke
Beaners are typically fat and dull but they don't live in shanty towns, spread disease and train kids to steal wallets.
Gyppos are nightmarish infestations of humanoids.
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>it has to be direct and real
>direct and real
I once callled someone a nigger on Xbox live
Sounds crazy, I know.
Got to take my word on it tho
Being born a White Man
I've called a black kid a dirty nigger after he threw water at me while I was taking a piss.
I was a little kid, probably somewhere kindergarten to third grade. Had some black neighbor girls swimming in my above ground pool in back yard. Mom was going to give them my towel and I yelled "no don't give them my towel they smell funny!" They were nice girls but kids always speak the truth
>Some nigger foreign student asked me for directions
>Called him a nigger and told him to go back to africa

Haven't met that many of them so that's the only one right now
I work at a liquor store and racially profile people without even trying.
>Try to make all my friends hate niggers
>Be kid
>Go into shop
>Get in argument with the Indian shopkeeper because he wouldn't sell my cigs because I was underage
>Call him a fucking Paki
>He flips out
>"I'm not a fucking paki, I am an Indian! Do I look like a fucking paki?"
>Me shook, "Y-yeah"
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>BSing about women with boss
>Says one should go to Mexico and find himself a traditional wife
>I say "I'd rather not have browns kids"
>Boss gets quiet and walks away

A day or so later it comes up his half Mexican child was born just after I'd said that.

I had no idea at the time.
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Pre-Donald Trump Victory
>Parents and I are at a chinese buffet restaurant
>Discuss about what would happen if donald trump were to deport all illegals
>Mom asks what would become of the jobs left behind that no one wants. "who will work these jobs?"
>Without hesitation I casually say, "The blacks"
>Realize what I said and looked around
>Seemed that no one was paying attention.
I also noticed that there were only a couple of actual asian workers. While the rest were mexican busboys .
I once crossed the street because a black person was walking towards me. He got visibly upset and yelled, "Oh is that how it is?" I acted surprised like I didn't know what he was talking about and made like I was going to my house. I walked up some stranger's front steps and stood there searching my pockets like I couldn't find my key while he shot dirty looks at me the entire time.

Suddenly the door swung open and this fat old guy was standing there wondering what the hell I wanted. I whispered, "Help me. There's a nigger outside." He called the cops and the nigger got arrested and we all lived happily ever after.
>Be like 5 and it was few weeks before the kindergarten closes down for the summer
>Me and me crew are riding our toy cars on the inside of the fence of the kindergarten when suddenly one of the teachers show up and tells us to hand over the cars and she gives us all a spank
>An hour later news come in that we were actually snitched on by this half-kenyan kid. His old man was just a dude who knocked up a local lady while he was in medical college here (and after graduating he went back to Africa)
>I get really furious. I take the sharpest stone on the premises of the kindergarten playground. Walk quietly behind the snitch and in an effort of holy vengeance I lightly scratch the kid on the shoulder with the stone
>The stone was actually so sharp I effortlessly tore through his skin and left like a 3 cm/1 inch gash with the yellow subcutaneous fat clearly visible - no blood.
>I freaked out, turned around and blended with other kids on the playground. The snitch had not noticed who scratched him or if he had a wound at all.
>Later that day teacher notices his scratch and they take him to a doctor

15 years later I chuckled when I first heard "Snitches get stitches" in some song and unfortunately 20 years later (today) I still got the image of the yellow substance beneath his skin burned in my retinas.
Told my abo mate that he couldn't read.
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>be a sailor
>be at port in new orleans to load in grains
>went to the historic streets and buy some shit with my crewmates, officers, and our constantly drunk captain
>went to mcdonalds to have some grub for the evening
>while eating they saw a parade outside and left the shit tons of shopping bags (gadgets, groceries, and mostly overpriced niggerball shoes) at the table
>they left me there to watch for it because im the lowest rank and errand boy of the ship
>nignogs all around starts eyeballin the goods
>of course i expected it and anticipating their next move, can't relax for a second
>honest working white lady came up to me
>"Watch your stuff, Anon. There's a lot who want those."
>thank her and guard the shit until my mates came back

Thankfully there were no chimpout and I didn't relaxed one bit. But hell, that's one of my nerve wracking experience I had in burgerland. And I wonder why people be called a racist after witnessing this shit.

fired a muzzie for being lazy during ramadhan

indo chink here.

>>be at port in new orleans
I mean you literally went to a nigger infested city Filipino anon
Being white is apparently racist according to the kikes and other subhumans
You sir are a cunt
Me and my boys beat the shit out of random white boys pretty regular.
Held the door for a black man because he was black
>>12930493 3
This is not a green text story btw.
You sir are a cunt
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>on subway with brother and father
>decide to say something racist that makes no sense to antagonize them
>I look around
>I see a paki lady get up from her seat beside and Asian girl and move to one where she doesn't have to sit beside anyone
>Nod to my brother and say something like, "That woman probably moved because the girl smells like rice."
>My father and brother get annoyed
>Flawless victory
>There's a picture on the internet of an Asian girl holding paper with something like what I said written on it
>I wonder if it's the same twat
>be me
>be 8yo
>call a girl in my school a nigger in elementary
>get called into the head master's office
>head master tells me the girl isn't even a nigger (she was from india or something)
>i reply "of course she is, she isn't even white"
nothing unless you count jokes
>be me
>first grade
>called some kid a nigger
>turned out he was black
>didn't know what it meant
>still think he's a nigger tho
Well there was this one time in Ferguson, Missouri. I can tell you guys if you want.
lmao at this autism
>indian called up
>'you know you should really do something about that accent because i can tell you're an indian cunt a mile away'
>fuck off
hang up he tried to call me back too but no
>Last summer
>go to grocery store get some stuff for breakfast
>come out with my stuff, soem black guy (one of students in my town) starts a conversation with me
>we talk for a good while, he does this typical black guy thing "ye no wha am sayin'?" at the end of every sentence
>exchange numbers
>I go back home and realise how big of a mistake I made because one I have enough friends and two I'm not a fan of black people
>He repeatedly calls me every day or 2 for next month and so on
> I don't pick a single one up
>skip over a month
>go to the same store
>he's in queue in front of me
>I don't even look at him, pretending to be somebody else
>he looks at me and smirks in disbelief
>I remain there sour faced untill he leaves
Well, I still think that was a dick move on my part and can't quite place why I did that. Still makes me cringe and feel bad when I think of it.
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You guys are autistic cunts holy shit
>replying to literal /pol/ garbage
how and why do you think it got here
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Oh I'm sorry dad but you could also fuck off.
when i was a small child i thought mexicans were aliens.
my dad beat the shit out of me
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