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Its happening! http://pixelcanvas.io/@264,-140

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 354
Thread images: 86

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Its happening!
based moot sweeped every spic flag
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moot moot moot moot moot moot moot moot
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>daily /pol/ flag rebuilding threads
>all wasted in a single day
We had to sacrifice the flag to show 4chans dominance since we were losing to the French frie fags
Funny thing is, it was a mexican flag but the french just covered the green whit blue. truly a sad story :(
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Captura de pantalla (39).png
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these fags are getting back
No there not. Errror in the bots coding.
They are trying to keep the white L alive
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ayy lmao mott strikes again
I would restart the bot but that's taking up a lot of ram space and I got other things to do right now.
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I'm not even mad about all of our hard work being wasted. This is 10x fucking better.
>sleep for 6 hours
>wake up
>immediately think about pixelcanvas and a future for the white race
>open pixelcanvas
>go on the 4chans
>realize der volken have given up hope
>r i p
Would be hilarious to see the bot start over after finishing m00t. All the desperate fags trying to save that pacman shit in the middle will be for nought.

Really there is no reason to bother anymore since a month of work by hundreds can be destroyed in an hour by nobody.
let's try to erase that L
We need a SWASTIKA on his forehead
Is it really about the work put in or the fight? It was never designed to be permanent artwork. Get back up ado something else, or the same. Either way all is fair in love and war.
Holy shit are you the fag behind the bot? If so then Praise You, For You Are Lord.
little wars between neighboring images/ideas is interesting, but if its just going to be wiped clean by bots every day then there is no point.
We need to fight bots with bots though.

On another note, we might be getting some help from /mlp/ soon. >>>/mlp/30225211
I love how there are all these butthurt messages and then just a "send nudes" on his forehead.
ponyfags are cancer, the good kind of cancer, we should maybe help them
They are helping us, don't turn this around.
you're welcome :*
Green text incoming
45% atm
m00t m00t m00t
It better be good
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Mystery Greentext..jpg
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I wonder what it's going to say
ends with fags
>be ??ags
>be fags?
>bot fags

silly goyim
im guessing botfags
Any plans to deal with SDLG? Or are we letting them cuck moot? At this rate their flag will be restored by the time the bots are done
>>880974 Well, the creator apparently claims it's an error in coding. >>880454 Guess it wouldn't hurt to try and fix it...?
Nigger all not anon has to do is hit go and take a nap to destroy them again. After the their time they will stop.

How is SDLG THAT autistic
Fair enough, back to purging spongebob
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pepe_comfy (2).jpg
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This just keeps getting better and better.

mfw the bot will run forever and eventually the host server for pixelcanvas will crash.
Kek it's gonna be real fun when SDLG realises that all the effort they put into restoring their banner comes to nothing.
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Holy shit.
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haha sdlg on suicide watch
Just think. Thanks to moots hair the void is now larger than it has ever been.
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>tfw you're on the only side that could laugh at this madness
o fuck the bot is almost at the part where autistic SDLG tried to recover their shit
YESSS SS S SSSSSSSSS its repairing !¡¡¡!
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This is gonna be good.
True, since /mlp/ is on the same side.
I think everyone except for /mlp/ is on suicide watch right now.
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nah i love watching it all burn down
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bye bye kirby
I'm not even mad, and I litteraly had pixel canvas up 8 hrs a day at work for the past week.
So much effort went into this holy shit
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Guys help with my pet project i want it to say ss or somwthing
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careful, there be newfags
Witness his beauty
Kek, I'm not either. I'm actually the one that originally started the nazi flag and reich flag project. After countless threads, difficult planning, and hard work, I should be enraged. All I can do is laugh but feel slightly depressed all at once.

It was a good run boys. I had a lot of fun and I'm proud to see how much effort we put into it. But sometimes things just gotta die out...
Someone picture mode it please once it cleans up
keep your maymays in your containment board, I'll be mad as hell if a larper takes credit for this work of godly art

Just wait until everyone in mexico wake up and just move on all their project to the south all fuck up all the ponyfags.

Their ponies are literally messing with a SDLG logo.

This is the best chance to get rid of those faggots
who are these faggots? What's this discord for?
Its the official PixelCanvas discord or some shit

Hyper autism
It's the "official customer support" server I guess
That's the general pixelcanvas discord.
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No fucking way, who did this?
Nah, leave the ponyfags be. They've actually been pretty chill and helpful during our entire project.
Embrace the ponyfags, they are the best kind of faggots
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Bad day for SDLG.png
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bottom left SDLG btfo for a second time
oh fantastic...
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Adandon flag we are moving and building one of these
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all those spic flags annihilated
I need a full canvas screencap pls.
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fucking glorious
why not build the /bant plant/?
never understood why people hate bronies so much
they always stick to their boards, or designated threads
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Screenshot (494).png
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We have WON THE WAR!
/mlp/ has done nothing but help /bant/ and our projects. If anything we should help them now that they are threatened.
This is how 4chan shows dominance. Remember this day you french bastards
The amount of banter in this is great
>bot fags
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hello /mlp/
How many people are working on spongebob? Its not even fighting back, now is our time to finish it once and for all
i will convert your people
These will be shared with the grandchildren and passed on to future generations.
Seconding this, Return the favor to the ponyfags also my dubs confirm
It's just the official discord for the website.
And I'm the admin who posted a link to this thread.
Don't worry about us guys, the only person with powers to stop this botting is the developer, and he's rarely online.
He's probably sleeping right now desu..
visa for you
I'm not saying we'll make three more if you take this one down, but we'll make three more if you take this one down
What a shame it didn't erase the Colombian one.
The Great Mootzkrieg of 2017
entire /bant/ is on this thread right now
I already have one desu, thanks tho, ill let you have this dubs for your kindness
Post more screenshots of a more cleaner one since it's constantly repairing
is this script jewery?
I did a meme
We can work on it together pham.
Moot bot just went in for a third pass
r i p
The beans have given me the power of dubs, it could also be luck, who knows
Post this on r/ the void.
Again - I'm not the person you need to speak to.
I help Arkeros with developing the site, but my main job is just to keep the server up and running.

I can tell you that he'll probably disable the bug this guy is using, and revert the site to an earlier backup. Sadly.

Bots has been a part of PixelCanvas for some time now, but we've all just let it slip under the carpet, since they weren't hurting anyone.
Factions used them to maintain their art, and never for expanding, so there wasn't really a need to to anything about it - until now.

You guys never fail to bring a smile on my face, when you try to highlight some of the problems here in this world.
I applaud you for shining some light on the botting of the canvas, and I hope your mission to get them disabled will succeed.
Is anybody actualy in SDLG in facebook? what are they saying about this?
by the way should we work on taking down what's left of SDLG, or just G? just to add insult to injury
Where's the Mexican that promises to give SDLG's reaction to Moot?
>Again - I'm not the person you need to speak to.
yeah but I figured you could pass it along

we'll go back to standard shitposting if/when bots get disabled
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Literally how long did it take you to fucking create all these bots and do this? Do you ever sleep?
They have lots of different groups wich target a diferent demographyc
Most of them are closed at this hours because the mods cant regulate the content, and you cant post gore/porn without getting shut down.
The only post there was just got deleted by the mods. so no reaction images :(
don't bully him
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lightblue pixels in the hair!!
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I'm crudely writting out hahahahahah to mock them
I am, the main group is closed.

Here I am. They fucking deleted the post before I could take a screencap. They were overreacting, they think that 4chan is this deep-web-driven site full of rapists and hackers.
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these goddamn SDLG faggots are retrying for a second time to restore their shit
Write >botfags all over SDLG
>and I hope your mission to get them disabled will succeed.
Our only mission here is to get people like you to be butthurt while writing long essays that no one will ever read.
I'm not bullying, I'm admiring this god of a coder.
>full of rapists and hackers.
guess that depends on how you define "full of" lel
>Rapists and hackers
Kek that's the funniest combination I've ever been described as
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collab please.png
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Can everyone collaborate on growing this cyan just because why not
look what I put down
you should be defending mootbot
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Thanks for playing /board/. It was fun, but unfortunately it is time for Moot's final bow. I haven't claimed credit before. In fact, none of you have ever even seen me. With that, I bid you adue. Until next time.
did m00t bot stop patching up the pic
I saw the post before it was taken down
There were 4 kinds of reactions
>Holy shit i cant believe this level of coordination
>Fucking asshole who do they think they are
>Who are they drawing?
>They are 4chan, bow down before them, we cant overrun them
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real human bean
real hero
Thanks friend
Reminder that moot like pepe is a prophet of kek rebuilding the flag would be an insult, so for now cant do anything
This really is how 4chan shows its dominance
but how did you do it
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TFW gigabtic pictures are being placed in minutes but you still have a 1:50 cooldown time
Spongefags are starting to rebuild, our window is closing
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Moot Impact.png
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>Real human bean
>Real hero
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Thanks for the quality entertainment friend
4chan is mostly known in the normie spic community because of shitty media (think of a spanish equivalent of buzzfeed) or those TOP 10 4CHAN youtube videos

Thank you, anon. You revived the true spirit of 4chan, if only momentarily. You are immortalized this day.
me again
I fucking love you 4chan
Allah bless you
What is Mexico's buzzfeed equivilent?
El Buzzfeedo
Keep spamming >BotFags on the SDLG
Buzzfeed, PlayGround, Pictoline, RT, We are mitú, and I can't remember more atm
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Basically this, short flashy videos for short attention span normies
Thank you, based man.
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Tks mootkins

we shall never forget this day

put me in the screen cap
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Moot... is that you?
The absolute madman.
Please, don't add me in the screencap
this is the greatest /bant/ thread thus far
>mfw realize that this has to be the person who created the bot considering the placement of the text and exact font
>mfw realize it can only be m00t
I want to cap badly but I'm a lazy nigger
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We knew this day would come someday, we just didn't know it'd come today
pixelcanvas was truly /bant/'s inaugration as the new best board
I'm screencapping
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Some say it was Moot himself on that faithfull night, others think it was someone else. Whoever the mystery hero was, we`re all greatful. A real Human Bean.
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>mfw i created the first big /bant/ post
truly my greatest archivment
I'm glad I stopped working on my finals to check out /bant/
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We've created a monster
And we'll only go up from here. 4chan is dead, they said. /bant/ has proven it is only beginning.
Yes please
Send source code to my anon email - or just sign me up for another 500 mailing lists to porn sites.

[email protected]
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I missed last AMA, but goodbye moot, if that's really you. You really are a real human bean.
plot twist somebody from /mlp/ did this
It was the guy who coded the mlp bot
This shitpost is over. They actually fucking won pixelcanvas. There is no going back. There is no need to carry on.
Fact: /mlp/ is the strongest board in the world.
I mean it did "conveniently" end just above all their shit.
if trips give source code
Hola :)
This happens and /b/ is still too busy just pusting dicks and traps, sad.
if it was mlp why would they cover up one of their pictures (celestia/luna above the mane six)
look lower, they moved that a long time ago
Soy de SDLG, dejen nuestro logo
>the joke
>your head
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we're the new /b/
the cycle of life and death continues
>/b /dies
>/bant/ rises
So we don't think it was their work. Everything needs sacrifice
we are becoming what /b/ used to be
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I fucking love you glorious bastards
go out fags
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Oh shit, put me in screen cap
This is beautiful
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We should enjoy it while it lasts. Every new board or chan I've been to turns into utter cancer eventually. Mods are too rare to provide enough chemo.
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2MB, 1728x1728px
Someone needs to make a documentary about the war on pixel canvas
SDLG rules
Shoot yourself in the back of the head normie
"I was there, the day moot slew the Mexicans..."
I like you
kek wills it
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>SDLG rules
I think you mean, "G rules"

Fucking G hannelius guy.
Don't forget the frenchies
I feel like. this is it. We won pixel canvas. Nothing we could do could ever fill half the shadow of this. ever.
Its over lads, now we get to sit back and relax.
Viva México!!

Viva SDLG!!
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le katana guy xdddd.png
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lol fucking nigger
right back atcha
Still working on screencap don't be a nigger and make one too
Black your mother
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Goodbye moot. Thanks for the memories.
Put me please >>882075
No it was one autist with a bot who destroyed half your flag.
Mexican and calls other people black, this kid is gold
Aprende ingles reberendo pendejo
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lol, it went down
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Oh shit, what's going on?
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Oh shit nigger
Primero aprende a escribir, "Mexicano".
It's back.
Wait its back?
Mexican es Mexicano en ingles, lo sabrías si pusieras atención en tus clases de primaria niño imbécil
Para por favor, nomas estas haciendo el ridículo
Its back, false alarm
did they fixed the ipfuck thing? it doesnt seem to work for me anymore
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Mexico is attacking!
could move our flag over the last remaining bit of SDLG's logo, maybe keep the text we've written on it
Este tipo es idiota..
Fuck they did, explains the user number drop aswell.
I think they did
Te pongo en ridículo con tus amigos extranjeros?, jajaja que inútil.
Jajaja ya salió el Sudamericano
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Plot twist: it was mootykins all along. He made the bot. He made one final visit to his creation
eres idiota verdad? el único que esta quedando en ridículo eres tú
. faggot
El unico haciendo el ridiculo aqui eres tu amiguin
Sigue siendo la burla de todos si tanto te gusta.
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arkeros speaks.png
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Tremendos maricones
>moot drops the hottest pixel mixtape of the decade and all they do is prevent anyone from doing anything about it
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Pinche chumino

holy shit the cringe
i guees talking down on a retard that doesnt know basic english makes me a newfag
USA= poop
anyone know why mexicans are so greasy?
anyone has those pics of moot dressed as a women or something like that
Ira guey, no que tú pinche nación estuviera en mejor condiciones.
Because your mother is a bitch
Debes de tener mas de 18 para entrar aquí
In wich sense?
If you refer to mexicans being MOSTLY fat is because the food, while being geniunly delicious, is also incredible unhealthy in the long run
Apuesto la virginidad de tu madre a que no tienes más de 17 años.
>wake up
>see this
Is this something you guys organized, or is it because someone tried to drag /pol/ into this?
> virginidad de tu madre
> pero me tuvo

Que guey?
I'm pretty sure /bant/, /mlp/ and /mlpol/ got something to do with all this
it's a one man army. We don't really know who did it
Jajaja lool
Just some guy with a bot, truly a hero.

Don't reply to him. Ignore him and he'll go after he gets bored.
Nah man, read a bit of the thread. Some lone guy did it with a bot, btfo of Mexicans, French, everyone. Some think it was moot all along.
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Fine, I'm going to bed either way.
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some frenchies are mad atm cause of their flag being erased

Funny thing is, they stole the mexican flag by turning all the green into blue, then they get mad when their flag gets completely destroyed.
Frenchies at their core
dude stop. They haven't surrendered yet
It's honestly the frenchies fault for going overboard with revenge so moot decided to save us and win the war
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try not to cringe
I thought he was being satire
Pretty sure that's b8
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low quality bait desu, dont fall for it
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>"his brother"
>people still unironically like this traitor cuck
"I never new 4chan had a brother"
"Well he turned out to be retarded so we disowned him"
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You that kind of brother.

>always has head lice
>shits his pants during recess and throws his underwear over the fence
>tongue frozen to flag pole
>eats the glue stick like its a popsicle
>often has extra chromosomes
I just opened up my PC and I click on chrome and a picture of moot shrouds the entire screen

absolutely top fucking kek
>This isnt even his final form
Shoo shoo, go back to 8gag
>implying we aren't the retarded ones
I support the idea of us being the retarded ones.
>r u upset?
This truly has been the Epic of Bant
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Well fuck.png
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The sides of /bant/ destroyed pixelcanvas
why are they so bad at this holy shit
AND ALSO HELP PONI (Aryanne, specifically)
wtf are these mongoloids doing lmao
I don't think they know
Where's the screencap you fucking nigger?
helping us is not critical right now, it's more like the other way around, the ponies helping bant, that is needed
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shroud the entire website with supreme shitpost
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the day ':bant:' became real.jpg
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This thread was fucking amazing and there was a lot of hilarious shit. I fit as much as possible, so here it is. Le screencap of le century
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You will probably never read this, but this whole happening really got me interested in coding.
I will move on now and see what I can do in that area, this whole mess really got me inspired.
After all the effort I put into making the Template and coordinating and helping out in our tiny little discord servers I can't help but find this fascinating. In the end I am glad I am not actually in support of any Ideology associated with the Reich, I imagine some people are intenseley buttmad right now.
Anyway, I thanketh for the lulz thy hath given.
Guess I'll have to look into coding now. Kek.
not all that good honestly
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And just like that it was over.
I already miss it
rofl, we were correct on the bot restarting ruining the desperate salvage operations and correct that the server eventually dieded.
Going into the history books
use the bot to make a massive fucking flag that blankets the website
Ya puedo ver los encabezados de mañana...

>Niño autista declara guerra a 4chan.

I can already see the headlines for tomorrow...

>Autistic child wages war agains 4chan.

>The butthurt is real
>tfw made it into the screencap
Feels gud manq
Admin says he fixed the breach, but doesn't matter 4chan already beat the game.
>tfw you made the first post worth screencaping in /bant/
>tfw this post has nearly 300 replies
Canvas is closed due to autism
at lease the big SDLG logo is completely destroyed now with no letter remaining
Today we make history in /bant/
If only you didn't fuck up half our flag lol. But whatever this shit is worth it
fuck i can't IP flood anymore, moot died and so did bots, rip pixelcanvas
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Let's fix our flag guys
June 3rd, moot takes over the center of PixelCanvas.io.
Tons of shitty fanart was obliterated in the blast by a picture of moot with the caption ">botfags".
On 1:57 AM, Mountain Time, June 4, moot was erased by a bunch of admins who sucked french fry.
This was the timeframe where 4chan used autism to their advantage another time.
Time to do it one by one as a group like it was meant to be done.
New thread to get back to work on the flag:
Time to bring back the void
Does anyone know any archive of the last few threads?
No point in going into the new thread yet, since the site's down

Let's linger in here a little bit
>342 posts
uhh sure?
Really, the last thread does anyone know the post number or have any caps?

These are the main last few I'm pretty sure
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God Bless this thread.
All systems are go. Migrate to this thread boys

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Good night, my sweet prince.
The battle of /bant/ and Mexifrance. Some autists, powered by a newfound bug were able to push into the enemy territory when nobody really wanted to, sparking the french uprising. The french were able to overpower /bant/ for a while, presumably driving one anon to find a final solution. The solution was found, and it was bots. Just when anons were losing hope and giving up on the flag they fought so hard for in the past, the great moot, summoned by bots, materialized and ravaged /bant/'s foes swiftly and precisely. Any effective immediate retaliation efforts against /bant/ were made impossible by the canvas master himself. The battle of /bant/ and Mexifrance left a scar on the canvas not soon to be forgotten.
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Why do the good die young?
Holy molly shiposting for 5 hours isnt good, see ya later faggots, i had a great time
Looks like the french ended up winning
Thread posts: 354
Thread images: 86

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