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Calling it now: >will have leftist views shoved down your

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Thread replies: 325
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Calling it now:
>will have leftist views shoved down your throat
>all white people wont ever race dead
>Christians are blowing people up with bombs
>utterly tone deaf of the current political climate

This garabge on a level we have never seen. Sjw's will praise it as the best thing since Mario 64
Just dont buy it. Its that easy
There is already a thread for you ass blasted /pol/kiddies.
Fuck off marketing.
Butthurt Christians will never not be funny.
It's delclicious.
Why should a video game care about the current political climate?
10/10 accurate
Do we really need 5 fucking threads for this at all times? Your bitching is only giving them more free publicity for this shit franchise.
Why do Hollywood actors and Directors speak up about politics they dont now dick about.
Why has marvel comics been pushing SJW shit in their comics
Good, good...

Let the Ubisoft marketing strategy take effect.

Keep making threads, keep sharing on social media. This "taboo" subject needs more exposure..,

So Ubisoft can get more sales and pre-orders.
>all white people wont ever race dead

could you please edit this so that it fucking makes sense, you lard-guzzling fuckmagician?
it seems like they are taking a westboro baptist church cult compund and amplifying it
from what I understand it's not as controversial and doesnt make any profound statements like some people want it to
>Why has marvel comics been pushing SJW shit in their comics
because of the fuss the media has been making about wanting diversity and inclusion
they thought they could take advantage of the situation and pander to a left leaning crowd
turns out it didnt make them money so they axed a ton of the books
>Why has marvel comics been pushing SJW shit in their comics
Does anyone has the interview? You know the one.

Well, its tl;dr is: comic fans buy more comics when they are angry. Every time authors force some stupid SJW shit every single person on /co/ buys the issue just to see it themselves. Maybe to ritually burn it afterwards Then, when that shit stops being in the comic, the sales plummet.
But marvel sales are in the toilet since they started pandering to SJWs
the cult looks like kekistan parady. hahhaha

No. it looks like anti-freedom feeling good cult
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In hindsight the Westboro Baptist Church didn't do a lot wrong.
I've seen some shit but bugchasers still manage to be the only thing that turns my stomach.
Don't see anything Westboro-like in there, tbqh.

uhm it literally doesn't affect you ??

DON'T JUDGE you fuckign fascist
So what?
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>game about a doomsday cult taking over a conservative town
>cult forces christians to convert
>populace fights back
>among the resistance are a white woman, a redneck family man and a black pastor. all of them are gun owners
>resistance uses second amendment to kick the cultists out
>some cultists are black

Okay this has GOT to be fucking bait or marketing.
Ya know games are fictional right anon? They aren't trying to kill whites in a VIDEO GAME
Poltards are very sensitive souls.
It just looks like the exact same shit we've been through again and again.
It'll have crafting, guns, and skilltrees.
Then it'll introduce some interesting characters and plot, then half way through it'll fall to shit and be boring as fuck with some plot twist or something.
I just find it hilarious since the trope is pretty common. Its literally RE4
I hope there's an enemy faction of nerds that complain about jews and fags so I can hunt them down like the little bitches they are.
God I kept looking at that image thinking it's a Saint's Row game.
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Christians are the good guys though.
fuck this game and every normie who buys it
I keep seeing people say "about time we get to kill whites" or "what, not enough killing of brown people in past games", but it's like they ignore the countless games, including WW2 games, where "white people" are the bad guys, and that the ones set in the middle east are because of the modern war America has been involved in and yet it does not show a single one of them being a Muslim or doing it for their religion. Far Cry 5 goes specifically after white religious obviously christian conservative rural types, unlike those games involving the Middle East where the enemies are nondescript middle eastern with no mention of their religion.
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Someones triggered
Looks pretty cool but I don't trust Ubisoft in delivering a compelling narrative, especially after Far Cry 4.

It's probably going to be OMG RELGION IS EVUL EKSDEE and nothing more.

Gotta say tho, seeing /v/umblr this buttblasted is hilarious.
im /r/outoftheloop someone fill a /b/ro in??
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I'm getting more of a modern western vibe then anything from these trailers.

>Nice town full of good people
>gets assaulted by crazy cult
>Deputy rolls into town, leads a posse of armed citizens.

Shit looks cash
This is true you really don't see Islam mentioned at all in games despite it being a driving factor behind the wars we fight now. Nobody really wants to acknowledge what we are at war against.
Do you ever pinch your penis between your legs and walk around pretending to be a girl?
Only minorities are allowed to be religious.
To be fair the sale of comics in general are in the toilet. Marvel total unit sales are still higher than DC.
>/pol/tards are this fucking assblasted & the game isnt even out yet
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OP is a Ubisoft marketer, keep that in mind. Even /pol/ understands that christians are the good guys in the game.
What's wrong with that?
>/pol/ babbies crying again
This is just like Battlefield
What gets me is the absurdity of something like this ever happening.

I live in Montana. We have the internet and cellphones out here. The national guard would be out here within a day to slap the everloving shit out of whoever actually attempted something like this.
>Africans in 2
>Pacific Islanders in 3
>Indians in 4
seems good

>Whiteys in 5
that shit won't fly!
>constantly spew dumb bullshit
>can't take it when fictional characters sharing your views are punished for the same dumb bullshit

I've never met anyone who was willingly Christian. The majority of them are conditioned by their parents at young ages.
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>all this alt-butthurt
Thank you based Ubisoft
SJWs and /pol/ are siblings in soul.
Their goals may be different, but their means to reach it is identical.
Calling it now:
>The villain group is going to be hilariously over-the-top evil and ultimately will turn out just completely cynical, doing it purely for the sake of personal profit and not truly beliving the very same religious dogma they preach.
>It's going to be perfectly ethnically diverse on both the side of the Church and the Resistance, actually ending up being far more ethnically diverse than Montana could ever be.
>The villain church is not going to even be Christian, but some vague new fictional monotheism that only borrows words we associate normally with Christianity, like "Sin" and "God". There will be no mention of Christ at all with the evil group teachings or iconography.
>All actual Christian characters are going to be positive or at least not part of the evil group. There is going to be a batshit crazy priest that goes violent and recites scripture while he's killing the bad guys. He is probably going to be the one to save you from death and nurse you to life too and be your mentor, but he is also going to be kinda wacked so you'll be wondering if he is the right guy to follow too...
>Actually completely silly and extremely careful not to do anything truly offensive, just taking advantage of drama queens for the purpose of fabricating false controversy during the actual marketing stage.

It's going to be garbage, I'm not questioning that. But not for reasons you retards seem to think.
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>redditfag falling for Ubisofts marketing tactic by creating fake controversy
>mental gymnastics
Indians in fucking 4? Wat?
remember when games used to be fun and not a bunch of retards complaining about shit 24/7 ( left and right), I wish we could go back.
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Well I gotta say though, Montana is 90% white, 6,3% native, 0,6% asian and only 0,4% black.

Why are there so many black people in this game? That's the only thing that's bugging me.
>Tfw you enjoy the tears of both SJW and /pol/tards
>Stirring up drama on both sides pretending to be one of them
>Get to know people their political views and rile up with different views against them
>Enjoy watching the world burn as both sides devour eachother

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Feels good family.
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>t-the game isn't realistic!!!

I guess sending a tiger to fight mercenaries was more to your standards of realism.
You are not chaotic neutral. You are just a pile of trash, and one of the reasons why this board is shit.
I try to believe everyone is just doing it for laughs.
Otherwise there are people actually offended by this.
Fuck off
Who's that cute man
Horseshoe theory
The Indians from the Indian subcontinent in Asia, not Amerindians.
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Freedom of speech, developers are allowed to make whatever game suits their artistic vision.

They're not obligated to cater to your feelings, they're a private company and can make their game reflect their own views.

Don't like it? Don't buy it. Or better yet, make your own game.

Triggered altkikers bitching about everything they find offensive are the exact same as SJWs like amita marqueesian bitching about a game not catering to feminist feefees.

Also Ubisoft is a French company, why shouldn't they make a game where you can shoot Americans when they've made games where you can shoot Africans and Asians?
>reddit spacing

make it less obvious next time
Takes place in an alternate future where rural America seceded and realized they're too poor and dumb and unindustrialized to organize anything to stop things like this.
Hahahahahaha you serious

Literally laughed out loud mate
Would any entertainment company dare to vilify another religion, say one that actually does resemble a doomsday cult and is in the headlines every week?
Man the character introduction vids were some of the best looking trailers I've ever seen.

Games that look like that when?
I'm going to buy 5 copies for myself and each of my friends. The right-wing nut job demographic absolutely losing their shit over a video game is just delicious.
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>tfw you will never race the dead
2017 GOTY, kill yourself Nazi wuss.
>>all white people wont ever race dead
I'm fairly sure the game is about a doomsday cult and there's even a dindu priest fighting them off.
/pol/ really missed the point of why SJWs were supposed to be bad.
Quiet, white boi.
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It looks like you're new here. I joined about five years ago so I still feel a little new, but looks like you're fresh off the boat.

Disregard the rest of this message if you're looking for an argument; I'm leaving the thread after this. But if you're looking for an education, carry on.

What do you hope to accomplish?
Spacing is pleasing to the eyes in general. The problem lies within your own head that you want to make it a bad thing. Why?
Are you that concerned with others?
Anon, that's not a healthy way to live. Happiness comes from within you, and the moment you stop allowing yourself to be triggered by blank space, you can start becoming happy ago.

Anon, it'd be an easy guess you're on a path to suicide. Many people with your mindset are. It's not a bad choice, but there's better. It's your choice. For it to be a bad choice you must acknowledge that good and bad exists. But Good and bad does not exist, merely our perception that is then perpetuated by expectations.

Once you stop expecting harm to come to others insinuating they come from another degenerate website, you can stop following the path to suicide.

So, what do you choose anon?
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Thanks anon Kiked irl
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That was literally the most redditpost I've read this week. You should be ashamed of yourself.
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>pastor with gun

N-no this is not true! S-shut up you fucking lefty fuck! If I had the masked nu-male pretending to be neutral comic I would have blown you the fuck out! You're either with us or against us!
>the game will be great
>no leftist views
>right wing Montanans will be sympathetic characters
>SJWs will be severely disappointed
nobody is gonna read that, reddit
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Games are all political now, don't by surprised gamers are too.
So many? I've seen 2 in the trailer that was released.
I just find it hilarious how people are incredibly butthurt over extremist Christian Cults when those are things the United States has been dealing with for DECADES now.
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3 and then the pastor.

How many natives or asians have you seen? Checkmate.
That's too many. Don't know why they have to force politics like this just keep blacks out of video games set in Montana
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>fucking SJW trying to censor muh free speech
>Making a post easy to read means you're from Reddit
Oh /pol/, you just get crazier and crazier
Yo most people have political convictions even if they have hobbies or jobs that are unrelated to politics but they don't feel the need to inject their politics into everything they do because they're not retards you know
Fuck off
But that's totally on par with the current political climate. Besides, if Trump and his braindead supporters have taught us anything it's that the country needs way more leftist views in things to counterbalance the retards.
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Great a game where is can kill white people and only white people, i always dreamed this day would come. lel
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>That's too many

I don't think you know how demographics work, a city could be 86% white but the moment you step onto Martin Luther King Jr. Street it's like Atlanta.
Really don't see it happening. FC4 was redpilled as fuck.
I guess you never read a book, not even in school, if you think it's hard to read without the reddit spacing.
Day 1 pirate

But honestly, why is /pol/ always angry at things that hasn't happened?
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It looks like lots of you are new here. I joined about five years ago so I still feel a little new, but looks like you're fresh off the boat.

Disregard the rest of this message if you're looking for an argument; I'm leaving the thread after this. But if you're looking for an education, carry on.

What do you hope to accomplish?
Spacing is pleasing to the eyes in general. The problem lies within your own head that you want to make it a bad thing. Why?
Are you that concerned with others?
Anon, that's not a healthy way to live. Happiness comes from within you, and the moment you stop allowing yourself to be triggered by blank space, you can start becoming happy ago.

Anon, it'd be an easy guess you're on a path to suicide. Many people with your mindset are. It's not a bad choice, but there's better. It's your choice. For it to be a bad choice you must acknowledge that good and bad exists. But Good and bad does not exist, merely our perception that is then perpetuated by expectations.

Once you stop expecting harm to come to others insinuating they come from another degenerate website, you can stop following the path to suicide.

So, what do you choose anons?
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>implying op is shilling
that shitty mafia game was on /v/ non stop and it sold like dogshit
fuck you sjw cunts
>FC4 was redpilled as fuck.


You don't get too many situations where the actually-evil dictator is presented as the better option than the rebels.
>Reddit spacing
Oh man, keep saying it, it gets funnier every time. I can't believe someone is actually mad about the way text is spaced. This is gold.
Dude there are like 5000 niggers in Montana and most of them probably live in Billings or Great Falls, not Hicksville.
For every white christian person shown killing someone there should be 100 Muslims shown killing people
Anything else is tone deaf leftist propoganda
Books actually do have paragraphs and shit

When you get to college you'll come across shit that's entirely double spaced
It's funny that it's hard for you to read a text that doesn't have huge space after every sentence.
This. Ubisoft makes milquetoast trash, why are they suddenly going to go far left now?
If you have been here for 5 years and not learned to avoid reddit spacing or long winded autism posting then you need to stop posting forever
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>tfw anri replied to my questions on her live webcam chat
Bet you'd have problems reading that
/pol/ is easier to trigger than tumblr at this point, it's hilarious.
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It looks like you're new here, anon replying to me. I joined about five years ago so I still feel a little new, but looks like you're fresh off the boat.

Disregard the rest of this message if you're looking for an argument; I'm leaving the thread after this. But if you're looking for an education, carry on.

What do you hope to accomplish?
Spacing is pleasing to the eyes in general. The problem lies within your own head that you want to make it a bad thing. Why?
Are you that concerned with others?
Anon, that's not a healthy way to live. Happiness comes from within you, and the moment you stop allowing yourself to be triggered by blank space, you can start becoming happy.

Anon, it'd be an easy guess you're on a path to suicide. Many people with your mindset are. It's not a bad choice, but there's better. It's your choice. For it to be a bad choice you must acknowledge that good and bad exists. But Good and bad does not exist, merely our perception that is then perpetuated by expectations.

Once you stop expecting harm to come to others insinuating they come from another degenerate website, you can stop following the path to suicide.

So, what do you choose anon?
It's sad. Unlike with tumblr, we're in the middle of it.
Would you prefer a wall of text? Is that less SJW for you or something?

I mean, I guess I see why a big block of text would be preferable to some. Seeing a huge text dump with no formatting or punctuation is a pretty good reason to just go "well I'm not going to read that, it's probably just some SJW nonsense anyway!"

But really, getting mad over spacing?

Pure gold.
Hey yeah I really hate all those Christian extremists who ... well they ... well they try to hand me bibles and pamphlets when I'm walking down the street! Fuck them! They're far worse than that other group we can't mention who strap bombs to people and murder whatever innocent bystanders are around.
Yeah because the resolution is annoyingly tiny and also because it's in German
Two sides of the same horshoe my enlightened fence sitting bretheren :^)
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>It looks like lots of you are new here. I joined about five years ago so I still feel a little new, but looks like you're fresh off the boat.

>Disregard the rest of this message if you're looking for an argument; I'm leaving the thread after this. But if you're looking for an education, carry on.

>What do you hope to accomplish?
>Spacing is pleasing to the eyes in general. The problem lies within your own head that you want to make it a bad thing. Why?
>Are you that concerned with others?
>Anon, that's not a healthy way to live. Happiness comes from within you, and the moment you stop allowing yourself to be triggered by blank space, you can start becoming happy ago.

>Anon, it'd be an easy guess you're on a path to suicide. Many people with your mindset are. It's not a bad choice, but there's better. It's your choice. For it to be a bad choice you must acknowledge that good and bad exists. But Good and bad does not exist, merely our perception that is then perpetuated by expectations.

>Once you stop expecting harm to come to others insinuating they come from another degenerate website, you can stop following the path to suicide.

>So, what do you choose anons?
the one that starts with I and ends with Slam?
I sure hope they do
>utterly tone deaf of the current political climate
I think it's pretty aware actually. The far right in America is dominated by redneck hipsters who can't get their shit together in the modern times.
>Portraying far-right "Christians" as wanting to enslave and / or kill all minorities

Sounds realistic to me. What's the problem?
i wouldnt say that
Besides, don't they realise

That when they complain about reddit spacing

All they're doing

Is encouraging people

To space out their posts




It's like 4chan fucking 101
Centrism is the thinking mans choice
>>Portraying far-right "Christians" as wanting to enslave and / or kill all minorities
They aren't even doing that. They just portray a vaguely-Christian-but-not-really apocalyptic cult which promises salvation if you follow it charismatic leader. Jonestown with guns, basically.
>If you're not an autist that spergs over inconsequential shit then you are fedora tipping centrist
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>less SJW

Who was talking about SJWs?
>tfw you realise /pol/ are just another group of sjw's.
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I would
And the guy you quoted did

2-1 so far.
pretty sure I was just making fun of you for saying it's hard for you to read a text that doesn't have spaces after every sentence

>american education
This desu. I was a little concerned at first, but the main character is legit a normal catholic pastor trying to do the right thing.
Chances are it'll be shit anyway judging by the last few ubisoft games
There's actually another spectrum quite separate from the political one, which /pol/ and Tumblr neatly demonstrate. We can call it the "reasonable person - complete fucktard" spectrum. On this spectrum /pol/ and Tumblr are both well on one extreme.
Im convinced that all these threads are made by people paid to stir up controversy. Nobody gives a shit, but in like 3 weeks we'll see articles about how the "alt-right" is upset about the game potraying them.
ever been to tumblr? its non stop butthurt about trump
That's not the MC, that's a side character. MC is an FBI agent and you can customize their sex and skin color.
>Hey yeah I really hate all those Christian extremists who

Who... Bomb abortion clinics? Murder doctors?

I mean, there's also a hefty sprinkling of classic domestic terrorism in the group, which harkens to the Sovereign Citizen Movement which is both whacky and dangerous.
/v/ is literally for sperging out over inconsequential shit. What are you here for, intellegent discussion? You know where to fuck off back to for that
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the amount of leftypol subhumans in this thread is sickening
>>Portraying far-right "Christians" as wanting to enslave and / or kill all minorities
>Sounds realistic to me. What's the problem?
>/v/ is literally for sperging out over inconsequential shit.
It wasn't always like this. There was a time before spergs brought their inconsequential shit here.

Like clockwork.
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>ever been to 4chan? its non stop butthurt about liberals
It has always been like this newfag. /v/ has always been an autistic spergfest
"Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country"
This thread is pretty evenly divided, tumblr/twitter/reddit is a 95% majority of liberals
It's fucking fantasy. They're not going to capture it realistically, because that would be boring.

But they are obviously mocking far right Christians in rural America. I don't doubt that there's people who are just as degenerate in certain areas along the bible belt, where there's deadzones. If you live by a city like me then you have to remember a lot of this country is still living in a rural area, with a lot of deadzones throughout.
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Not really :^)
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get out of /v/ Antifaggots
>Christians are blowing people up with bombs
judging from this trailer


The Christians are the ones getting bombed.
>utterly tone deaf of the current political climate
Well what do you want them to do, censor it?
This is /v/ we love being contradictory even if it's against our own beliefs.
I've been here for over a decade and ironically the amount of people calling me a newfag for not fitting in keeps increasing every summer.
I hate SJW shit as much as the next guy, but i think the setting is pretty interesting. I mean, how many games do we have about cults? I hope there's some spooky/mystery shit too instead of just gun blasting and coon hunting. I've also read the interview on Jewtaku, and looks like Ubisoft is playing it safe after We Wuz Watchdogs flopped. They refused to say it was about trump, and that they are not trying to disrespect religion, going out of their way to show that those are just crazy extremists, as opposed to the good priest you can have in your team. You can also choose your skin color and sex. I just hope it's not another rehash.
>Would any entertainment company dare to vilify another religion

Anon, do you watch TV? Islam is the #1 religion to use for generic terrorism.

Not only Islam is portrayed as the classic "violent" religion, but you hardly ever meet peaceful practitioners.
I'm not American but yeah, I agree this looks like a fantasy. I guess that's the problem with setting the game in an area where the majority of potential buyers live, a lot of them are going to be upset or spreg out about how this can't actually happen.

When I play games set in my country and they're not realistic, I don't really care, but not all people are like that.
kill yourself ledditnigger
Not really what?
Agreed, fuck this shitty leftist propaganda. Anyone defending it is a liberal faggot, because Ubisoft has a shit cookie-cutter formula for games. Remove any political message and it's still a shitty developer. I hope they go under, I hope the faggot employees are let go, and I hope they lose their homes and families because of it.
No, no it hasn't. When I first came here shortly after Red Dead Redemption was announced, this place was actually pretty decent. We could talk about games, consoles, and even PCs without people throwing fits that someone played a game they didn't like. We could even talk about upcoming games, totally free to discuss our hopes and dreams for them, without people crying "shill!" every time someone said something positive about a game. I miss those days.
>there are totally Muslim tier cultists whiteys living in rural Montana
>trust me I'm from the city I know
Do you by chance work at Ubisoft?
the brunette in the first row on the right is a cutie
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>and looks like Ubisoft is playing it safe after We Wuz Watchdogs flopped

>mfw people on Podcasts I listen to tried desperately to praise and shill this game
>mfw 90% of the arguments was "DEADSEC IS SO COOL EPIC" and "My character is black!"
>setting the game in an area where the majority of potential buyers live
Rural Montana?
>let's compare the half dozen lunatics to the extremists that have murdered thousands and have led to multiple wars/military conflicts.

You got me anon. Do you want to lump school shooters in with those dangerous religious extremists? Gotta inflate those numbers right?
United States of America.
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Wait a second.

Hold up.

Wasn't Montana one of the places all those white supremacist movements tried to move to? The Northwest Front or something like that?
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Your statement is false
I've been here as long if not longer than you and you are remembering things wrong if you think the kind of people that post on 4chan have ever been "rational" and not a bunch of spergs. It's what makes the site fun
I think that's a dude
>Your life will never be so pathetic that you spend years of your life shitposting about 'muh politics' and 'muh SJW' all day everysingle day on a videogames board
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Oh, I see what the issue here is.

You're ass-blasted a company decided to target Christianity (and not even proper Christianity, as anon noted the "good" Christians are being targeted) instead of Islam, a religion that's already under constant fire from both media representation and the news.

Get over it, bub. A crazy Christian Death Cult in Montana is a far more compelling story than Generic Muslims in Desert Land.
It has titties. And whatever, it's feminine enough.
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>go back to tumbIr
>go back to /poI/
>go back to tumbIr
>go back to /poI/
>go back to tumbIr
>go back to /poI/

This is all these threads are ad nauseum, I fucking hate this place.
The US is a big place, friend.
Dude what are you talking about, people shit on games just as hard back in the day, they just didn't call everyone a shill or a sjw they disagreed with
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>Oh, I see what the issue here is.
>You're ass-blasted a company decided to target Christianity (and not even proper Christianity, as anon noted the "good" Christians are being targeted) instead of Islam, a religion that's already under constant fire from both media representation and the news.
>Get over it, bub. A crazy Christian Death Cult in Montana is a far more compelling story than Generic Muslims in Desert Land.
I made no statement, I asked a question.
For you.

And you still have federal laws and agencies that wouldn't ~realistically~ allow a situation like that to happen, as multiple people have complained about.
You left out the idiot crying about "Reddit spacing"
oh irony
That's not where the majority of potential buyers live. Most people buying games in America are living in urban settings. There's 8.4 million living in NYC alone, and we have many other cities including the surrounding suburban areas.
Other than Fox News and Brietbart Muslims get their dicks sucked for existing by every other news outlet and mainstream talking head. What the fuck are you on about?
An extremist group literally took over a park lodge or something last year, or maybe the year before, and the feds didn't do shit to get rid of them.
All 15 of them?
You forgot
>go back to redit
>you're sjw
>you're a shill
>Horseshoe theory
No, it's shared idiology ancestry theory.
Sorry I hurt your fee fees m8.
Of course this place has always been for losers and weebs but it has become a parody of itself. I used to be able to actually discuss things here with likeminded individuals instead of feeling like I was babysitting a bunch of underage Nazis.
I like this game because it makes /v/ mad
This game managed to trigger so many autists just with the skin color of the villian. You're no better than the spooky sjw's you hate. I love it.
because their job and therefore their money directly involves being in the public eye and in order to stay relevant they need to push themselves out there. Most of hollywood is liberal so, shockingly, they are too or pander towards them

same reason, more teens and young adults are liberals now, at least the louder ones who'll cry on social media, so pandering towards them is both safe and gets you brownie points. From a business stance its entirely practical
I as glad trump won since it caused such massive butt hurt amongst people I hate, now I'm hoping for the people that voted him in get booty blasted for the next 4 years by an onslaught of "offensive" material like far Cry 5.

You fuckers have literally everything right now, the side empowered always gets mocked by the other.

I guess Obama was pretty popular with media, but it's not hard to see why, considering how easily he interacted with them.
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>I like this game because it makes /v/ mad
Honestly I'm not sure which would be more embarrassing, you being gay or you being unable to tell either left and right or brown and black apart.
i love watching capitalism work against your type

it's like the bush administration all over again
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Well they weren't killing anybody and the agencies were criticized for handling similar situations very poorly before (Waco), so they tried to wait that out.

If militia people were actually shooting and killing civilians, I assume the response would be faster and more brutal.
>Christians don't du nuffin
Well, they've got at least one thing in common with Muhammad.
Maybe it takes place in the near future where the federal government has been dismantled and law enforcement has been replaced by a free market alternative.
Yeah, because SJWs make pepe and popo and worship repeating digits too. Exactly the same??
>Why do Hollywood actors and Directors speak up about politics they dont now dick about.
Well if recent times is anything to go by speaking up about politics you don't know dick about will make you the president.
Also, 1+1=2, the sun sets in the west, and you're a faggot.

>stating the obvious
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>So what if muslims are terrorists? So are Christians!
>more teens and young adults are liberals now
Millennials are actually quite conservative compared to preceding generations around the same age.
I actually don't care about far cry- I've never played any of them. (They look like generic open world collectathons) I just find it interesting you'll sit there and compare Christian 'extremists' with Islamic extremists considering the vast majority of the former do nothing but preach on street corners and hand out bibles while the latter literally murders thousands of people. I'm just curious to know why anyone would purposely ignore the more dangerous one to target the less dangerous one. Of course I'm also curious why feminists and trannies support Islam when it dictates that they are litterally lesser beings but I digress.

I really don't mind the idea of a Jamestown story in a game. I just want to know why Islam is avoided and Christianity is vilified.
It's like people forget the pagan min at the beginning is depicted as an insane dictator. At the end of the game we see that he is a leader pushed to extremes by rebels.
I think the game will depict the cultists as evil, until the end half where we learn the cultists are just normal people pushed to extremes by a system that felt abandoned them
I legitimately believe that 70% of /v/ has actual autism.
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Gonna buy it just to make the alt-right mad.
the first Far Cry is a really tough FPS with huge maps and nice gunplay

was pretty mindblowing in its time. still love it

>Gonna buy it just to make the alt-right mad.
>Hmm this Muslim shouted Allahu Akbar and blew up a church but this Christian shouted for the glory of God and shot up a church so if you think about it they are really nothing alike
Whenever I see an image like this it always surprises me that people exist who totally lack any form of self-awareness.
i'd say pragmatic or cynical before i'd say conservative
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This guy is likely to have voted for Trump
Not a burger, is that state that isolated one would say it's a Far Cry from civilization? At least I think that's what they meant when they gave that game series that title.
I mean, yes? Would you not condemn terrorism, regardless of it's origin?
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Both sides behave the same.
Yeah, also, why do people make games about wars other than WWII? I mean, duh, Nazis were the absolute worst.

Also Christianity isn't any nicer to women or trannies or fags for that matter.
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>this game is anti white
He's right though.

A death cult is more interesting than terrorist simulator

/pol/ need to stop being triggered at everything, just like SJW
I didn't ask for your opinion on the terminology.
i think his point is that it is not an apt comparison when terrorist attacks are literally 99.9% muslim, and its diverting attention from the real problem while trying to justify it at the same time
both sides are as fucking annoying as each other I know that for damn sure

Everyone just needs to shut the fuck up
>Muslim does something horrible
>"don't judge everyone based on the actions of a few"
>White man does something horrible
>"all white men are disgusting misogynists and shouldn't be allowed to live!"
>Look and this image I drew! As you can clearly see, the side opposite to me is frantic and irrational while the side I am aligned with is composed and calmly lays out their beliefs.
>I bet you feel pretty silly right now, centrist!
Damn... really makes ya think...
>A death cult

what like islam?
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>I subscribe to the horseshoe theory
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You're both just as annoying, whiny, and easily butthurt. If you want to ask people to ignore that and just look at ideology, well, you're a bunch of Nazis.

This is literally like that MSPaint comic with Hitler saying "hey I just want to exterminate all the Jews, but that's fine. Looks like you have some growing up to do"

Death cult at montana is still more interesting than terrorist simulator in a desert
Stop whining, kafirs. What the fuck are you even trying to achieve? Islam will never be banned, Muslims will never condemn other Muslims.
What you do with each other is irrelevant.
Only your sekrit klup knows your sekrit handsigns and maymays, e.g. shit nobody cares about.
What you do to the uninvolved is more noticeable.
nobody asked for your insight on millennials' political leanings either, faggot.
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>i am scared by differing opinions in my echo chamber so ill just tell them to go back to /pol/
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Your memes can't save you now.
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ya know, for all of the shit binfinite gets (and rightfully so), one thing i do like about it was how it showed that the "oppressed slave class" weren't angles, and in some ways were just as bad as the whites, they just weren't in power for most of the game. obviously this portrayal wasn't perfect, but i like the direction it was going and wish more games would try and present stuff as being less "black and white" with one group being 100% good and the other being 100% irredeemably evil
Yeah Christians throw gays from buildings and stone trannies and it is culturally accepted in the countries they inhabit... Oh wait
What bizarro Earth do you come from? Saying Islam is an inherently violent religion is litearlly a mainstream acceptable political stance but if some /pol/tard Trumpite shoots up a black church or a mosque that's never taken as an indictment of their ideology. Are you sure you're not just a sheltered butthurt white boy who can't handle some dissenting voices trying to introduce some nuance to the political discourse?
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>I post in these threads unironically
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>I'm scared of different opinion so I will shitpost about how anti white the game is even though RE5 happened
>Saying Islam is an inherently violent religion is litearlly a mainstream acceptable political stance
What bizarro Earth do you come from
>Mods doing his job

is /bant/ the new /trash/? does /trash/ even exist?
Oh wow it's almost as if followers of a given religion are capable of moderation instead of literally following everything their holy book tells them to
We /vint/ now
gays still face abuse and murder in the u.s.

it's worse in eastern europe and russia, and it is motivated by religion. i wonder which religion...hm.
The world where Trump is president and right-wing populists have serious political clout throughout the Western world.
Totally agree
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reveal yourselves antipol leafs
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Except not even Drumpf speaks out against Islam, it's always "terrorists"
yeah trying to ban muslims from entering the country has nothing to do with islam
>i wonder which religion...hm.

One of the Abrahamic ones, I think. Pretty sure it's not the same one that systematically throws gays off buildings in the middle east though. Even if Russia is a religious shithole, I seriously doubt that the amount of anti-gay hate crimes in the US is even a fraction of what's happening in places like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. You know, places where the religion is actually law and everyone just kinda stands back and applauds it when it happens.
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Of course not all christians are blameless (few humans are) but you're literally ignoring the culture/religion where it is considered acceptable to stone trannies/gays/infidels with little to no consequence, that enslaves women (practically) and murders thousand with suicide bombers.

You're comparing the occasional looney to a very common extremist.
>Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on
but its their faith you racist piece of shit. who are you to tell them that murdering people for following a different religion is wrong? these tolerant people are the kind we need to import into our nations en-masse
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What was your point again?
Education, full stop.

That's where you would have learned why spacing should be used.

You act like you're still in grade school, alternatively dropped out of high school, because "I'm going to get famous on Youtube".
To shut up all the leftists here - just think what will happen if publisher like ubisoft will make a game when you'll need to kill followers of some hardcore Islamic sect in Saudi Arabia. SJW's will murder these publishers and hang them from the tree. But of course if it's christians we need to kill that's ok
this is the important distinction here. people are saying "but you could kill asians and blacks in the last few games and nobody batted an eye! hypocrites!" but this crosses the line into religious territory. and for some reason it's okay to mock christianity like this, but god forbid if islam ever gets mentioned

What gets me is the fact that you actually felt the need to defend our place of living.

>yeah right as if that could happen, we have cellphones you know!

They arent indians you fuckign dweeb
I can't stand that the whole diversity thing in gaming only exists because the second whitest community in the world cannot enjoy a work of fiction if it doesn't tick off at least half of their diversity checklist.
I'm pretty sure there's already games where you fight Al Qaeda though
do they explicitly mention the religion as a whole? or at all? or is it just generic turban badguy shouting arabic #315 that has nothing to do with religion
That's historical games, like when you fight nazis. There is a line between making a historical game about US soldiers when they fight Al-Qaeda, because that doesn't focus on Islam at all, and turning series that was always completely fictional into the game where "bad guys" and "christian guys" means the same, with heavy focus on christianity as we see in videos.
just stop. You're as bad as the sjws who would try to force a gay and transperson into the game as well. Stop.
>complaining about double standards in video games make you just as bad as the people who are using them to promote their political agendas

fuck off
Oh yeah a middle-eastern looking terrorist shouting shit about Allah has nothing to do with religion, but a bunch of rednecks with a gun fetish punishing "sinners" is obviously a commentary on all of Christianty.

It's literally the same thing apart from your hurt feelings and your imaginary hypothetical SJW outcry isn't a a fantastic excuse for acting that way in a non-hypothetical manner.
lol holy shit you guys are reaching

>game about made up people
>set somewhere in the pacific islands
>vaguely tribal themes

Totally ok

>game about made up people
>set somewhere in the hymalayas
>Vaguely buddhist themes

just fine

>about made up people
>somewhere in north america
>vaguely christian themes

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Lmao look at this
>read about isis
>consult your diversity manager
>make a game using everything you've read about isis but swap the islam for christianity and desert shit to US rural shit
which games have terrorists mentioning allah? or mentioning the quran, quoting it, or have anything to do with the religion? a terrorist-looking guy shouting in arabic is not the same as this >>753572

imagine the equivalent. the guy in the middle wearing islamic garb, a saudi flag with a quran on top of it, a mosque in the background, the women wearing burqas, the guy in the front with no shirt on having "kaffir" inscribed on his back
No need to go as far as ISIS for inspiration. You could base everything we've seen about this game so far off of historical Christian context if you wanted.
Yeah, no, you're right, let's not jump to any conclusions. Just because someone is a terrorist from the middle east with a beard and a turban that doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

Also what you're describing is just a game with ISIS as the bad guys and I really don't think people would see that as a problem or as representative of all Islam (except for the alt-right, I guess).
The double standard would be on your side, jesus fucking christ.

Look at it like this:
You people are saying that this work of FICTION is worse than for example, Modern Warfare, because MW is based on the fact that Americans did in fact invade the middle east.

>But thats ok its history
Ah ok then, still, just loosely based on historical events. But lets go that route if you want.

A videogame is made based on the american invasion of the middle east, which had the real reason of installing pro american governments (never mentioned in the games). A shitton of people get murdered because of this. We in the west use this as a form of interactive entertainment, we find fun in the recreation of this, while sitting in the comfort of our own couch.

>someone in the west makes a game that takes place in america, starring a crazy fucking cult and shit
>completely fictional

See how silly you seem?
>vaguely christian

look how vague that cover is. a vague bible on top of a vague flag, a vague church in the background, a vague "sinner" on a vague guys back
>SJWs will be severely disappointed
They already are
>Just because someone is a terrorist from the middle east with a beard and a turban that doesn't mean he's a Muslim.

but that is exactly the thought pattern that is prescribed these days. #notallmuslims etc

>I really don't think people would see that as a problem or as representative of all Islam

don't be naive, there would be a shiststorm. quite a few games have had music pulled because there was some islamic chant in the song and apparently it's offensive to muslims, so can you imagine the backlash from my proposed equivalent game, both from muslims and the sjw types that have infested gaming?
You know what, you're absolutely right. It's clearly making a mockery of Christianity.


Somebody make a petition. Let's start a hashtag campaign. This offends my delicate sensiblities and it needs to be censor- uh...I mean, we need to tell the developers how uncomfortable this makes us.

Mocking Christians isn't inclusive!

yeah now tell me where any of that references religion in the same way >>753572 does

this is my point.
which would be the response if the christianity aspect was replaced with a certain other religion. but because it's the other way around it is perfectly acceptable.

do you understand yet?
Oh you mean like in the way of that in both games, you are fighting against a group of extremists?

At this point you should just dye your hair pink, just get it over with. You are grasping at everything you possibly can just so you can get triggered.

And who else likes to get triggered? You guessed it, my sweet little snowflake.
No, I don't actually think there would be enough backlash to stop, say Call of Duty players, from wanting to shoot ISIS and loving the game.
yeah, "extremists"

stop ignoring the question. tell me again where these references to a certain religion are in these games? i'll wait
>quite a few games have had music pulled because there was some islamic chant in the song
What, you mean the Fire Temple in OoT which didn't actually have any outcry?
You're trying to compare a hypothetical outrage that has not happened but that you assure us certainly would to the real outrage currently happening.
Yes vague. Look at that cross. Does that look like a christian cross that you've seen? They've also stitched it into the American flag. It's a cult.
You obviously wont listen. Keep getting triggered over a work of fiction if you want, but dont you dare think that you are better or smarter than the rabid fucking sjws on the other side.

Two peas in a pod, even if you cant see it.
why did they remove it if there was no outcry?

"outrage" as in /v/ whining about everything like they do already, or outrage as in the game being boycotted and slated worldwide by the media? because the former is the "outrage" that is currently happening

there is nothing vague about the image. they're even referencing the painting of the last supper

pointing out double standards =/= getting outraged

you really are not getting it. but keep sitting on your high horse pretending that you are
>spends and entire thread claiming that a work of fiction is insulting towards whites/christians
>completely grasping at straws
>have no more arguments so proceeds to call someone else outraged

I swear to god you are getting less rational as the thread goes on.
>why did they remove it if there was no outcry?
Because Nintendo doesn't want religious content in their kids' games.

Also without evidence I'm just going to assume any supposed outcry was from Christians who were afraid Zelda was going to indoctrinate their kids and leave it up to you to prove me wrong.
Shit i completely misread what you said, nvm
>spends and entire thread claiming that a work of fiction is insulting towards whites/christians

jesus christ, i'm using it as a comparison. i am not claiming that the OP image is insulting.

i am also not calling anyone outraged, i am saying that me pointing out double standards does not make me outraged, that is what the '=/=' symbol means

is there some kind of language barrier here? are you acting retarded on purpose?
ok I know you are baiting at this point but I'm going to keep a responding anyway.

Yes it has religious symbolism. Lots of stuff has religious symbolism. Do you really think they are going to make the game with an emphasis on Christianity being bad? The majority of the people in America are still christian. I think the bad guys will be bad because of their extremism. There will probably be a group of good Christian's too.

Also are you really not seeing the connection between you being offered see at this and "SJWS" being offended at things? You keep saying "yeah well (they) would have been offered see in the same situation" and you are probably right but that means that your defence is saying that you are doing the same thing as the people you are against. You are literally saying that you are just like them.
I got to it first ;)
>pointing out double standards =/= getting outraged
You're just assuming double standards though. And then getting outraged over those.
>Offered see
i dont actually know about the zelda thing. i know it happened with street fighter and littlebigplanet though. they believe that putting the quran into song is making a mockery of it or something, so i suppose that the outcry didnt come from christians

i'm not baiting because i have a different opinion to you or because you aren't understanding what i am saying

i am not offended. i am simply pointing out how allusions to a certain religion in the same fashion as the OP image would be met with public outcry and offense, whereas the OP image is apparently fine. that's all i have been trying to say

no problem
I read up on the LBP thing and the composer was apparently a Muslim so I dunno what to tell you
I'm fully aware of the double standard here, and I agree it's bullshit. But it's also pretty apparent in this thread that there are lots of christfags and alt-right teens who are butthurt just because somebody made fun of them. There's faggotry going both ways really. I suppose that is to be expected from the right wing counterparts of the SJWs

Keep bitching and whining about how triggered you are. You won't get them to self censor like the SJWs would, but you can definitely aspire to be just as fucking obnoxious
Good game
>apparently fine
No actually while googling this game I've come across news articles about it and people are complaining.

Also even if you are right, why not just be ok with the setting. Let them be offended at things and we can just be ok with stuff.
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