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Is the United States the only country that has literally no standards

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Is the United States the only country that has literally no standards for social dress, and do you think that plays into our general lack of refinememt?

Pic: related: im the US the overwhelming majority of people would think this shitshow is completely acceptable attire.
Because true freedom is not giving a shit what others do

Yes, nothing like relaxing at your private cabin in a full tuxedo.
most nice restaurants and country clubs have dress codes

maybe stop being poor
I literally see nothing wrong here
The majority of any population anywhere are lowly educated and look more or less like in your picture.
At least they wear shirts in your country.
Point proven.

These men are dressed like slobs, but for the purpose of camping. Most Americans woild find this acceptable OUTSIDE of camping.
is the kfc bucket besides the nigger shopped?
Fuck you. Fuck your dress standards. Fuck your social bullshit. If you want to walk around constantly comparing yourself to others based on attire then you're a fucking pussy.
Nothing wrong with their clothes
So brave
No Greeks are even worse.

Greeks won't even wear a clean shirt to work.
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>try to dress well
>feel like a fucking retard because I'm surrounded by people in beige cargo shorts and
>the people on fashion forums think wearing over-the-top costume shit is appropriate
>/fa/ is full of rich autists dressing "avant garde" and poor autists emulating the rich autists
>le cuff my le pants xDdD
starting to think my only option is to just wear what everyone else wears and keep my head down desu
>Most Americans woild find this acceptable OUTSIDE of camping.

yeah it's almost like you could dress casually and not be camping either dipshit
You can take my hoodie and sweatpants off of my cold dead body.
I want to wear what I want to wear nigger. Even though I own some nice clothes, why do I need to wear them every time I go out? I'm not at work, I'm not trying to make friends or even impress people. I'm just trying to have a good fucking time. Piss up a rope faggot.
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80s thrash metal is truly the most red-pilled way of dressing, particularly in today's fashion climate of hipsters, niggers, and slobs.
It's all fucking vanity anyway.
10/10 kek, dat KFC bucket
>not being Patrick Bateman
OP is defiantly autistic, REEEEE why don't men wear 3 piece suits. It's not like a large portion of our population are blue collar workers. What do you want, for your mechanic to be dressed in a tux? When you're at home on 4chan do you where a suit and tie?
I wear baggy sweat pants and a big baggy sweat shirt with a mickey mouse logo on it.

Its comfy, fuck off.
There's nothing wrong with being conmfortable in a laid back lakeside chill session op
Anyone notice the bucket of chicken next to Chris Rock. Kek
Thats not casual, though. Those are cosplay outfits for people who larp as bluecollar sheepfuckers or country music video extras. Jorts, lobg cargo shorts, and graphic tshirts are the modern jester's uniform.
> Those are cosplay outfits for people who larp as bluecollar sheepfuckers or country music video extras

or actors playing fictional characters my fuck you're dumb even for a burger

I have an eye and appreciation for aesthetics so I naturally buy things that look good. I dont understand how people just buy the fucking ugliest shit possible and call it a day. I'd literally have to put in effort to look this bad. And I'm not even a faggot. Just a man with self respect.

Hell, even niggers put in effort when it comes to style even though they look ridiculous.
So tell me what do you wear when you're not working? Are you telling me when you go grocery shopping you dress up? What about right now when you're sitting on your computer?
Dressing to fit in is part of fashion, anon

You wear clothing that looks "normal", but make sure the colors don't class and the sizes fit
You can look fashionable in Jory's and a tshirt among your friends wearing I'll-fitting similar outfits

Everyone into high fashion only looks "well dressed but fitting in" based on the surrounding, example is fashion weeks in cities surrounded by other high fashion outfits. They look retarded/like mall ninjas in public.

Context is key
t. Review brah
>wearing own band's shirt

Not true, my dad lives in a $600k house in a pretty classy area and still dresses like this every day including shit like going to restaurants. Its ridiculous.
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Because when I'm out inna woods, I want to wear a suit.

Fucking urbanfags.
How I look most days
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>not wearing your own band's shirt
Iron Maiden does it so it's okay to do
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This is what I wear when I go deer hunting.
>Skinny jeans are bad for nerves.
>Long hair is hard to wash, always greasy.
>always wearing the one smelly, dirty t-shirt that gives tribute to the favorite band.
>useless jacket with useless shit glued on it
The only thing relatively decent about their style is that not all of them wear boots in summer as fans of other metal sub-genres do.
>poorfag leaf triggered as fuck, eh
Fitted slimfit jeans or chinos, with a fitted oxford and a complimentary wristwatch. Typical casual common sense, senpai.
>And I'm not even a faggot.
Quit fooling yourself.
>gypsy afraid of being dirty and greasy
I just wear what's comfortable.
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>my argument is shit so I'll call him a leaf
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Do you poorfags even vote republican?
I get acne really fast :/
You are definitely a faggot or an autist, or both.
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What a bunch of GDI pussy creep fucks; no bid.
Nothing to argue with. You're so poor and ignorant you're beneath contempt.
I mean I get it, if someone is out in jogging pants, stained hoodie and flip flops. Then yeah they're a slob. But I also have seen slobs get mad puss because they look good and are in shape. Why dress up, if you're not trying to impress anyone? Where I am from you would be called a faggot for wearing anything other than jeans a t-shirt and a pair of boots.
Rediculous isn't it!? Almost as if people have different tastes and perform different activities and tasks throughout the day than others.
Jorts are sickening, but what are trying to compare to? Continental America is a very warm climate. Europeans wear more clothing because it gets to 65 in the middle of summer, but "more clothing" means a hoodie or sweater. It doesn't make sense to put five layers on when it's 95 degrees out. Even victorians didn't wear tweed when subduing Africa and India.
Show us your top tier fashion accessories you don whilst you post moronic threads on a 4chan
Did you wear pink polos and knee length khaki shorts in college?
But not really any country has that at all. Why openly lie?
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I know. I leave my shirt untucked because pancake holsters are more comfortable than IWB holsters.
I go to the club in sweat pants to show off my rad cock
Also this Americas climate is fucking insane compared to most of the world. We go from as low as -40 in the winter to 120 in the summer. This isn't England where the temp is within a 30 degree range. If you think I am going to be wearing anything other than shorts and a cut off t-shirt when it's 90 degree and 90% humidity you're nuts.
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Must suck being a poor fag who fucks ugly chicks and will never land good college internships or get a drowning in too much pussy college bartender job.
anyone dressing like this IRL who isn't in a wealthy area of Louisiana where you have no choice looks like a complete fucktard

Welcome to people who dress like this in wealthy white as fuck areas all over the country
This is how people in Connecticut dress in the summer. Probably liberals any way.
The guy in the white button-up looks alright and he has the muscles to pull off the shorts.
But that's my point. A majority of the United States doesn't care about respecting others, or themselves, by differentiating between what they'd wear to dinner or while roofing a house. It's an outwatd manifestation of social and educational complacency.
Yeah, but just look at green shorts guy. Jesus dude
Just as I described above. Clothes that fit and arent meant for manchildren.
Look bud go roof a house for 12 hours in the summer sun. Then see if you have the energy or even enough fucks to give to change your clothes.

Quit being a faggot and go get your hands dirty.
you do realise that those shoes shirts and jeans were given by the labels, they even say so in interviews. Just before these pictures they got signed and only had shitty clothes that were worthless because they were all broke
No, I dont wear polos unless I'm at the driving range. Shorts (never jorts or cargo) that hit just above the knee.
>dresses like a fag
>calls other people fags

That's a hipster larping as blue collar drink
I have done roof. Two summers actually. Asphalt and a few steel.
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Where am I supposed to hide my gun with my shirt tucked in? Fuck your fashion.
never tuck unless it's a formal event, you look like a massive douche 100% of the time
this is one of the few things i've learned
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Take it to /bant/
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I wear shorts everyday
I give no fucks
enjoy being such a shallow faggot that you care about what other people wear
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Wait people actually like Louisiana now?
Also, I think that picture actually was taken in Louisiana, people actually dress like that there

fpbp OP confirmed limp wrists euro turbo fagget
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>yes goy, buy an outfit for every different occasion, and don't forget the cuff links. Don't put your money into dividend yielding stocks; buy those loafers instead
>Being vain and narcissistic about what you wear

We are the United States of America

Not France.
>Also, I think that picture actually was taken in Louisiana, people actually dress like that there
I wasn't being sarcastic, I was giving an actual example
I think the standard is: anything goes, as long as it has a clearly visible shart stain.
Must not work or do anything meaningful.
Typical millennial
Looks fine to me. You know who else had a thing about dressing smart? The nazis. The fucking nazis. Don't be a nazi man. Oh shit i forgot i was on /pol/ for a minute. Yeah, fuck those guys, get a uniform.


Fuck these GDIs right

>slimfit jeans & chinos

See, not everyone wants to look like a limp wristed faggot.
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If we go by wealth and social stature, here is how the fourth wealthiest American dresses. The richest is Bill Gates, who also was not big into clothes when building his empire.

The idea is towards meritocracy - its not the clothes, or fancy trappings that make one important, it's hard work and correct thinking. It's iconoclastic thinking.
If you have to choose between investments or loafers, you should probably just gas yourself and save society the cost of trying to give you an education.
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You sound like a faggoty European actually
Better to look like a poor Fred Durst, amirite?

>oversee company's network
>have 3 techs under me, only answer to top management
>been here 6 years
HR never bothers me because I'm not a sales monkey
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OP, you sound like an upstanding, supreme gentleman
I wear cargo shorts or jorts when I'm not at work and make $60k in my mid 20s.
Go look at how the retards dress in europe. Neutral boring colors, everywhere. No wonder everybody is depressed and zombielike. Especially with that shit weather. Dumb fucks.

Not only that, but spending a cent on fancy clothing comes after owning a nice home. And since most people dont own a nice home, i find anybody complaining about clothing choice (barring dirty clothes) disgusting. Especially employers that give points for dress. No wonder all our companies are filled with incompetent losers. The companies keep hiring the idiots who put the most effort into deception. Fucking L O L. This whole planet deserves to be nuked.
Nothing wrong with how they're dressed given the social setting they're in.

I wear a suit everyday to work, a nice expensive one, but if I was hanging out in the garden with my mates I'd be wearing shorts and a t shirt like these guys. I usually walk around in shorts and a t shirt anyway providing the weathers decent.
Fucking deck shoes?! Filthy casual. You want a nice pair of £1000 Oxfords.
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>network engineer
>have to dress formally because we always have customers in and they always want to see the NOC
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youre a degenerate
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>implying the only options are twink fuckboy and white trash

Gb2 /fa/, nancy boy. If you can fit in slim fit you can probably get blown over by a stiff breeze and require your girlfriend to open the pickle jar.
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>long sleeves
are they hot or are they cold???
You seem to be lost
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>guys are at the lake
>grilling burgers
>having some beers
>kids swimming and carrying on
>long sleeve shirts with shorts
Yes, retards thinks it conveys masculinity.
Fuck yes reppin K-sig here
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You could always roll the sleeves up. Short sleeve shirts make you look like Michael Douglas from Falling Down.

>wearing long sleeve shirt
>weathers nice
>have to make the decision of rolling sleeves up
>once rolled up you can't roll them down because they'll be too creased up

Sexual Assault Expected right here

Bunch of fucking no bid Geeds
This kind of thinking is naïve.
>Short sleeve shirts make you look like Michael Douglas from Falling Down.
you say that like it's a bad thing
they also make you look like an engineer in his 40's making 120k

make sure you wear the metal bracelet watch to go with it kek
yep people wear pajamas to Wal-Mart all the time, i think it's dirty but hey, they have the right
KEK it is
>Welcome to people who dress like this in wealthy white as fuck areas all over the country

ugh no. People with money dress seasonally, if you dress like this daily you have shit taste and are trying to be something you are not

Business up top party down below

Also are you ready for some fucking freedom


>the get out of my way
/frat/ board when? We can have little identifiers too
Jesus Christ, you are one angry little prick.
>metal bracelet watch
What? A watch with a metal band?
>are they hot or are they cold???
warm/cool and dry (not humid)
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you just have to get the right fit
a metal band aka a bracelet senpai
It's not necessarily a bad thing but I just think it looks weird if you're not in work and are under 40.

Thinking about it I might just dress like this for work sometime. I think the super wide tie makes the look.
not working, even on this fashion model
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The only outfit that I think looks underdressed is a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans. That's something you wear around the house on a day off in the summer, not something you actually go out in public in.
>I think the super wide tie makes the look.
also the browline glasses
>if you're not a corpulent fatlord like me, you're a twink
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Seriously a huge fuck you to whoever makes those dress like a white person threads. I r*port them every fucking time and they rarely get taken down quickly. Whoever that is is singlehandedly sliding /pol/ further than whatever the fuck Shareblue supposedly does.
Let's see your amazing attire, OP. pic w/ timestamp or GTFO.
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Yes goyim!

We need men of America to be more like more feminized European men. Develop that snooty bourgeois attitude and then open the borders because you don't want to clean your toilet anymore! Once you are a huge faggot there is no stopping us this time hehehehehe!
>$65 for some meme shorts
ffs whos buying this
how not? i think it looks pretty good albeit a bit gay-ish
>Just as I described above. Clothes that fit and aren't meant for manchildren
>as he screeches about what other people wear on a cambodian cave panting fan site

I have the money to dress like a faggot, but I don't. The social cues in the rural area I live discourage dressing like you're about to go work at your Dad's dealership. Why would I wear that that when it is fine for me to put on shit kickers and jeans when grabbing a beer in town or go to the gun store? To show some thin veil of superiority for no apparent reason? That makes no sense.
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yo. rate my fit /pol/
Sorry about hitting that nerve, fucko
OP. Read this carefully. Kill yourself.
9/10. Just needs some insignia and you can join my RWDS any day

>$65 being expensive

Lol poor

GDI detected

This is how much a condo costs in the first world, friend.
was this a /fa/ meetup though? really? I can't imagine how else these niggers would be dressed this way together
wearing your own bands shirt is the most redpilled thing you could fuckin do, specially if it's a good band
you live in america not fucking london. you're probably posting from a disgusting suburb in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. kill yourself or shut the fuck up and move to new york and surround yourself with people who care about fashion.
>how not? i think it looks pretty good albeit a bit gay-ish
it's ridiculously tight to a point of absurdity, it looks tacky, like what someone with no taste thinks looks good. Shirts are supposed to conform to the shape of your body but not fit like they're made of latex. It's just ridiculous. See: >>720475
Sorry for sliding your really important /x/, /r9k/, and r/popsci threads.
You shouldn't give two fucks about how to dress or if your apartment is clean. It gives women something to do, they love to straighten you up and make sure everything is clean. The guy that is already well dressed and has a sparkly clean apartment, just reeks of gayness.
>It's a /fa/ggot episode
how come all the photos of people dressed preppy are like a couple white dudes smiling and winking at eachother

what are they fuckin planning?

Will they let me in on it once I wear the polo?
go fuck yourself
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I'd just post pictures of the slams the whole time

Probably planning to drug a bitch and double tag her, cause frat
Niglet if you ever purchased your own clothing you'd know that 65 is well capable of purchasing a pair of tough, utility bearing work jeans that will last years, that's blatant misuse of funds if you spend it on some shitty shorts instead.
yeah having self-respect and caring about your general appearance is fuckin GAY lmao
i bet some of the HOMOS in this thread even earn a relatively high salary or drive nice cars LMAO fucking losers
You're the one from flyover land if you think dressing like a mechanic is appropriate for any kind of social enterprise.

nah they are meme shorts though.. if you're gonna pay 65 bucks for some shorts at least get some brand that will make bitches take them off you with their teeth
poor faggot
okay how about this
>or if your apartment is clean
>lets just throw basic order and hygene out the window
>this is the pile of unwashed clothing I sleep next to
>here you see the stack of unwashed dishes with moldy food
>I am all that is man

Sort yourself out.
Adam Sandler film is a shit show.
i reported your gay ass thread faggot. it's going to be taken down now and you will get banned. fag.
Loss of patriotism, loss of ideals, loss of self respect.

Dressing well is more than wearing some cosplay of classy clothes. The majority have the attitude of a slob, so dressing up nicely won't change that. We need to make America something to be proud of again, have people take pride in their work, appearance, relationships, etc. None of the above is taken very seriously anymore. Post-modernism needs to die.
I'm wearing black shoes, stone chinos, nice b/w Oxford paired with a black v-neck.

Adult clothes.

My fucking sides.
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shirt looks like a better fit, everything else is a wreck, better to just roll your sleeves IMO
*tips fedora*

if I wear the polo will they let me in
>foot wide lapels
>skinny tie
0/10, if you're gonna suck a cock use your tongue next time
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What a fag. We here in AZ like to dress in the appropriate attire for the weather. That sometimes means jeans/ shorts with a cool top to go with it. It's also why we have business casual. Why don't you complain about the Saudis wearing space pajamas since your being all faggy.
bad posture. stand up straight.
Also, naked is the ultimate red pill.
Well said.
If you're a skinny dyel maybe.
And thus we have found the wily faggot, drawn from his hovel. It's been a long shitpost, but the tenacious hunters have finally caused it to admit how limp his wrists are. Look on to see more
yeah i guess you're right. it's just that my mind is stuck in a cold=long sleeves, hot=short sleeves dichotomy
/fa/ Brisbane meetup.
>europeans don't dress casually
just wear the fucking polo already.
I can't tell if the one in the middle is a woman or a man on hormonal treatments.
I'm wearing jeans, and I bet that everything that I'm wearing right now costs more than everything that you're wearing.
>yeah i guess you're right. it's just that my mind is stuck in a cold=long sleeves, hot=short sleeves dichotomy
I agree, and if you're in the midwest or some other place where the temps fluctuate wildly throughout the day and then it becomes extremely humid, you pretty much have to wear a t-shirt or a linen shirt. A lot of "fashion" is really unrealistic and suitable only for evening wear, dinner out, etc. Biz casual at work, slob wear during the day unless you live somewhere where it's dry and 65ºF all the time...
Real men dress functional. Faggots dress to impress and fit in.

Slim fit is for (((men))) who have never exerted themselves in their lives and prefer being pounded in the ass. Being moderately muscular makes slim fit impossible to fit into. I know you're a skinny twinklet because you immediately call everyone fat like the starving skeleton faggot you are.

If you are straight and can fit into slim fit you're probably a "supreme gentleman" wondering why no women are interested in your "superior style" despite broadcasting you're a weak poofter.
WHO DO YOU KNOW HERE?????????????
it's about proportion and body fat percentage, dickbutt. If you're legitimately /fit/ then get tapered fit and shut up.

Is that a whale pussy shopped onto her?
>(not humid)
HA, literally the opposite. Thin shirts are great for humid climate. Also dry real easy.
I wear dress shirts/ button up shirts from thrift stores+ black jeans or khaki pants

usually with a tie and boots (of the cowboy variety, but with pants over them, they just look like dress shoes, less you want to kick your legs up on someone's table to mean bidness)

literally button up shirt every dam day, and I don't need to either, but damn does it make the bitches moist

Now that it's becoming summer I don't know what the fuck to wear I hate long sleeves with shorts fags

Polo, vineyard vines, etc

Also flat shorts above the knee


Boat shoes

Oh and the following

1: lift

2: don't be fucking weird if you're aspie take vyvanse and a mild beta blocker.

3: learn to stfu but be chill

4: google body language and how to make friends and influence people

5: if you're in a southern all white frat prepare to be surrounded by guys with high power levels.

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I'm pretty sure we are slowly going back in time in regards to certain aspects of culture. Right now we're getting back to the 80s, so if we continue it's just a matter of time until we get back to the 50s.
>Thin shirts are great for humid climate. Also dry real easy
unless they're linen it's pretty rough to wear these in a humid climate, depends on the materials

happy to be proven wrong but i know from experience
Real men realize that dressing to impress is also a function of dressing, so they strike a middleground
Maybe if you're wearing some nice Japanese raws. Otherwise, I sincerely doubt it.
real men do whatever i do at the present time
>not making yourself decent (past graphic t shirt and jeans) to go out for a night on the town
>not grooming yourself before going out in public to shop
>casual workwear
you are all literally the downfall of civilized culture. You do these things not because you are obliged to, but in a free society you have to present yourself in a way that commands respect and that shows respect for the people in your midst, your fellow citizens.
>Why don't white women want to marry me
you know why the fuck they don't kissless fat slobby greasy fucks
>tfw redneck

wear t shirts, jeans, boots, and the same camo cap everyday

Feels extremely comfy buds
like, omg guis, can you believe what they're wearing? they would NEVER make it in a magazine lol pathetic
>buy 3 pairs of shit jeans that last a year
>buy 1 pair of nice jeans that last many years
stop shopping at walmart.
You sound like gutter trash
It would cost you around $1,000 to dress like I do.

The point being that being fit and handy is more masculine than how your clothes fit. If you spend your time going through the various fits instead of getting regular fit slacks and dress shirts that are your size you're probably a metrosexual nu-male masquerading as a "supreme gentleman."
>hot = thin garment
>cold = thick garment, or layers
sleeves are easy to roll up, though if the shirt is thick it looks funny.
>The point being that being fit and handy is more masculine than how your clothes fit
sure, but
>If you spend your time going through the various fits instead of getting regular fit slacks and dress shirts that are your size you're probably a metrosexual nu-male masquerading as a "supreme gentleman."
you went off the rails here
you seem awfully unsure of muh masculinity bruh

see also: >>720584
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what are beta blockers?

And i'm 25, I am not joining a frat, but I have been kicked out of a few of their parties before in my younger days, I guess those particular girls did not recognize their power levels lel

that being said, I'm an outlier, frats are good for men. I would have joined one, if I was going to the university where I was living, rather than what I was actually doing

I want to add a couple kav-ee-awts to your listicle

1: is good but
2: should be get yourself into a ton of unique situations and experiences. First, find out what your peer group is talking about, what do they idolize? What stories do they tell? What stories is the life of the party guy telling?

Go out on your own, and fucking do more extreme versions of those things. But you have to actually do them. Seriously. You can't stretch your stories. That's for bitch made niggas.

Me for example. I've been in bands in over a dozen states, hitch hiked thousands of miles, and I killed a guy

(jk on the last one)

THAT is my best advice. Find out what stories people think are cool, then put yourself into situations, where when you are the one telling the story, it's guaranteed to be more intense than anyone else's.
this, it's unbelievable how real of a man I always am, no matter how unreal of a man I used to be when the real man I am now looks back at the fag i used to be when i acted like the person i am currently talking to.
Thanks for the advice, my QT does the wash and cleans the house. Point being don't be too prissy, it is a turn off for women. I don't mean be a complete fucking slob. I bet you wrap your remote controls and computer mouse in plastic wrap, like the other fags that I have met.
>depends on the materials
Is true, but also depends on how "breathable" the shirt is. In humid climates you WILL sweat, so the best way to stay cool (thus comfortable) is to allow your sweat to evaporate quickly and easy.
So shit like
>thin shirt
>open top
and a looser fit go a long way.
Its funny how Europeans think they dress so much better.

Stupid, pointy, velcro white soccer shoes. Skin tight jeans, maybe a watch and a vneck with a faux hawk or hitler youth haircut.

Fucking hilarious retards.
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>Skip to 3:12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9YFLt0_XL0&t=129s
I mean I wish all men would start wearing a Nazi uniform, back in the 1930s and 40s men all wore Nazi uniforms I wish we'd go back to those days
-Ben Garrison
Listen to your uncle Ben goys, he knows what he is talking about...
>he doesn't wear a straight jacket and a jock strap that's one size too small at all times

this is what is in fashion right now slob who cares about comfy

i know, what do you do when your girl is saying that about you behind your back because you couldn't buy a $3 dollar button up shirt from goodwill?
tfw if you disagree i will call your sexuality into question and smugly lol at you on 4chan
Good point!
Dress like a European in the USA and attract attention from fags. No thanks. At least the slobs in the photo above will not be mistaken for homos.
too complicated. i'll just dress like a slob
Just find a girl or a fag to dress you, then. Get to be lazy and still dress well.
As somebody who has started tucking in his shirts with everything he wears recently: I'd rather look like a "massive douche" than a "degenerate scumbag"
I always dress to impress when I go out to a lake to drink beer and relax.
Caphat - fav company tshirts - /out/tier coat like northface etc. Jeans and shoes/sandels or boots.

Fuck everybody that thinks dressig like a real man is bad. Fucking numale pussies.
Usually dress like Frasier Crane
Jesus Christ.

That grammar.
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The no tucking thing is dead. It jumped the shark with Untuckit shirts.
>caring about clothing like a woman

seriously fuck right off
Fpbp, why would i care what some sniviling numale eurocuck thinks about how i dress
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>he doesn't dress for functionality in case SHTF at all times
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Anon you should learn a thing about dressing from these fine examples of the French population.
tfw i'm literally the last straight man
Fatty detected
Fatty detected
>implying there is no middleground
come on man, there are established norms here
are you wearing a suit? wear a tie
are you not wearing a suit? don't wear a tie
are you wearing a button-down? tuck it in
are you wearing an oxford? don't tuck it in

there is this thing called middleground
nah that asian butt-gateway is gay af and I wear a tucked in button up shirt every day

If you're going to wear semi form-fitting clothing, at LEAST have a broad-shouldered build, and that's if you're too much of a fag to supplement said build with the struggle of lifting
fatty detected
wow same here, this is getting really hot and heavy. how about you send me some pics of your thick, solid, utilitarian wardrobe. keep me posted.
Quite nice akchually, but if you could cure your balding spots and put on propper jackboots that would be perfect, the biggest fashion loss of the 20th century was the replacement of boots with "practical" normie shoes and dorky cargo pants
Sorry bud I clicked the wrong post. I meant to click on
>>720575 is the real fatty
im a man. i dont need someone else to dress me
calm down fatlus having poor taste is not an excuse
Adam Sandler makes movies that suck on purpose and he and his crew get the laughs when the goy buys tickets and watches that shit.
Who here is jeans-white t shirt master race? Maybe a flannel if it's cooler outside.
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right here buddy- that's me on the right, perfectly utilitarian for any and all situations, however unlikely, that may arise

Let me list off my daily carry/ wardrobe:
-'Another Feather in the Cap' Cap from H&M fall gruff men's edition, for all forms of prolonged sun exposure that one may be exposed to
-'Trench Foot' moisture wicking slim fit trench coat, Armani exchange: it keeps you warm in the cold, but wicks moisture keeping you cool in the warm! Whether you're marooned on a desert island by the local AnCAp warlords after the crony captalist system inevitably fails, or you just feel the autistic need to have as many fucking pockets and buttons as you can on your person at all times
-'Plymouth Rock' Shoulder-Strap belt; what the fuck else do you need a shoulder belt for faggot? How else can you display your 18th century flintlocks that you carry because of the practicality of being able to smelt your own bullets in the event of an all out, worldwide civilizational collapse?
-another belt, cause fuck you 2 belts are more useful than one belt obviously. Do you even utilitarian?
-Piece of cloth tied around my weist, just in case I need to strangle someone, clothe a fairly skinny naked woman I come across, or sneeze politely
-'Sweatpants' from Target because I wear clothes for the comfort
-'Bootstraps bootstraps whole CHattle boots' incase I'm in a real life oregon trail after a Mad-Max style revolution, and I opt to ford the river rather than walk around it? Half my caravan drowns; I'm fuckin fashionable
-I tend to add as many buckles to my attire as the straps I was able to add allow for, just a fashion tip. Hey, even utilitarians gotta fashion.
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>when the effort post is on fleek but the thread got moved to a gay low traffic board so you get no (you)'s
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Feels bad man
completely unfunny shit

make a funny post, funny man! go!
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kick ass.png
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The more time passes the more I like USA and dislike Europe

Americans are right, fuck that pussy ass faggot clothes. I hate wearing a fucking suit to the job and being forced to dress like a fag with shirts and stuff.

Manly clothes >>>>>>>>>>>>european """"""""men"""""""" clothes
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Left vs Right.jpg
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Here's something funny goy
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Here's another funn post goy
europeans don't realize that they were brain drained. WE are the smart europeans, who left the dumb redneck europeans behind, so we could explore new shit.
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