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moomoo.io thread

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Thread replies: 198
Thread images: 40

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NEW party link: http://moomoo.io/?party=
>what to do?
>gather resources with anons
>build small village
>try to expand while other people are attacking us
>attack other villages/empires

our discord /GM5y4aa <-- join discord if you want live chat with teammates

what to do/expect when servers are full

>join discord to announce next game
>create your own server in the thread
>we will create an civil war inside the tribe if were dominating the map to spice some things up

if the server link that you used sends you to a server that is dead scroll down to the thread to see the new ones, because over-time we hop servers
OP gave up in minutes
I would like to join.
How do i join a group?
join my tribe Bant
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Honestly don't play the game if you ask that question, theres literally a picture explaining it dumb african nigger
ill join in a bit
Invite link to discord the one in the Op isn't working for me
Anyone wanna play?
I'm up for it, but i can't find a Bant group
I just made one
called bant?
can't find it
just tell me someplace i can meet you, so we can build a fort
its called bant, we are middle right side
KKK reporting whats our endgame [bant] team?
i was on the wrong server...

i'm in now
make sure you join [bant] and not /bant/ in the server in op's post link
What tribe to join when bant is full?
We're under invasion!
diego wil kill us all
why have we two bases, come to right side
are you [bant] leader?
he is
there are many of us at that place
Bumping to let people know they should get to the base on the right, and expand it
second bump
stop killing me u fucking retards it's me bant boy
are we killing this yusuf nigger or wa
Are there any upgrades at all after level 10?

Do we even get anything for leveling up?
Do you stop learning things at age 10?
it's what it seems, age 14 here and nothing new
If you want to join, bring up the group menu and send a request

If you're already in, you're probs talking about the hostile turrets and spikes
Someone switched sides
the clan went to shit and traps (not that kind of gay traps) killed us
ggwp im out
What happened? Why did all the [bant] structures start shooting at us
the group was dissolved

join new
What's the new group's name?
[/bant] is new tribe
turrets started slaughtering everything in the base
its like annudah shoah
just dont go there
There are two groups now

and /bant

Let's go to bant
I joined [/bant] and some people are still on [bant] this is going down hill
yeah, and AoJ are ruining our shit
I'm anon btw
the discord invite is fucked
Which one do I join now? [bant] or [/BANT] ??

/bant are assholes
im in /bant just building my base, idk but if you don't want to join its ok
mostly every one is in [/bant because [bant] broke for most people
one of you just killed himself with some of our spikes and now wee'll be called the bad gus for this also, im sure [bant] is full of idiots
how dare you kill gods chosen
Why is there an annoying delay after i join the tribe? I can't even get nar the ban base because I'm not in the tribe so I keep getting shot
you have to be accepted
Also oh my god how do I stop the annoying bug that makes me unable to turn around?
You just press X or C i dont remember, it's not a bug
now I see bant is the true one for the knight of kek slane me
Oh, thanks. If it's not a bug then I really dont see the point of such a "feature"
it's so you don't move and can auto farm
In that case there's also gotta be a button that lets me keep swinging my axe ithout holding mouse
Nvm it's E
press [E] and then [X]
I'm Feldwebel if you have any questions.
Anyone know if there are any upgrades past age 15? I don't seem to be getting anything new, and I can't build any more structures.
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inspired on Vauban style fortress

currently 2 kills
that would take like 30 seconds to raid
Is there any way we can get a bigger overview on the map?

I'd like to do a screencap of the whole fort
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Dem Louis sain sklav.jpg
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>Vauban style fortress
I'm going to break some of the more useless traps so if anybody gets any traps back please put them in a new place
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fuck rot leader homie
2 kills style undefeated

The principle is to build your walls in a V shape to clear a path for the turrets
did you kill fresh spawns
we all did
no i was asking him because he said he got 2 kills, so its important to know whether they were actual kills or just fresh spawns
some join BLEPE, this is boring
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rolling for blepe
where is the blepe base the top left corner?
makes sence
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just to let you know I'm bant
I'm sorry but pepe is strong with us
I'm proud of you
Shadilay brother
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The world wins.gif
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where is the main [bant] base?
join bant to find out
I'm in it, but everyone is spread out.
blepe rage quit lol
guy named Blepe wasnt even on the blepe team anyways
Bant is too scared to come in snow zone lel
nah we are preparing but funny joke
bant is nothing but afkers
are you still in the top right?
there isnt even a blepe clan right now
because we made him rage quit
why i died ? from my own team bant
Join Blepe there are like two members
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why join something that is worst that the great all mighty kek pepe join bant
retarded [bant]ers cant even win a 3v1 fight against the snakeman.
why would anyone want to join a group with a jojoposter that cant even speak english?
Nah, i'll pass plus my ID is blue
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Bumping for the Blepe army
g h e y
did all the [bant]s leave? is only Blepe left?
No,their mining
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I think your base got distoryed lol
fucking idiots who would rather destroy the other /bant/ team than ally with them to sweep the server
take a look at this blepe >>634862
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If you aren't contributing to the base at the bottom right, you will be kicked.
yeah it says defend the base, not fuck up the other team's base
but you failed XD
by the way I am raiding the blepe my name is anon
>bad spelling and grammar
>MLGPVP prod

we found the cancer. and it must be removed.
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don't forget a guy from /pol/
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going in now
make kekistan great again
>jojo poster

k-k-k-k-kill yourself faggit.

that wasn't even me.
yeah i was talking about the guy you quoted
I think thats enought evidence to proove i'm a gay retard
I think blepe died once more
yeah we just get killed by you guys before we can get settled so its an uphill battle for us, i may try again later, though.
hay I rather not fight the power of kek and pepe my self
i cant wait until you grow out of this memelord phase and realize how cringey you are now
>be gigganigga
>some britfag and his bitchboy chase me down as i try to join /bant/

Do you honestly think that any normal human would name themselves GIGGANIGGA?
Fucking morons
you don't join [bant] by put it in your name click the buttons at the top right
Top left
also how do I join /bant/ ?
Do i have to wait for someone to invite me?
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this click this then bant
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don't kick bepis pls i'll be back in 15
i did, nothing happens
What's your name?
should I add [bant] in the name, or is it automatic?
worked now, i'm in
no you have to do this >>636749
then press the bant one
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fuck you i had bant in the name and you guys keep attacking when i build walls
gonna attack your bass then since you attack me
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I love how we got lots of /bant/ to play this game and chill
it says that the discord link is invalid
don't type [bant] in the name do >>636749
fucking JVRM bullshit they killed me
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if some one makes a thread simulator of this it will make no sence unless they join us
last bump I'm doing
>obvious /bant/ nickname
>faggots with ''/bant/'' in their name kill me on sight
Fuck this shit game
look threw the whole thread anon click this >>636749
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I'm going to have to stop playing, that might mean that the group gets fucked. Someone make a new one quick you niggers.
No, go fuck yourself. You're all faggots.
Fuck you I died and Im already age 15
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>anon is feeling bullied on a game about being a faggot.
I was age 19, stfu kid.
done and doner
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oh its all good now
where them other tribes at i wanna war mothefuckas
Where's our new tribe at niggers>
fuck you
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took over the group it is now /bant/
>anon died

oh shiet
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I was afk but hay I got lots of gold farming
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>Piliporno sad because moomoo.io is the only game that he can afford to play
we need a new base
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>the base you made shoots at you now
thats fucked up
that base is old and outdated we will move to the other bottom Conner ill clean it out with my emo hat
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>implying im a poorfag like 90% of people in this shithole
no u
theres a few of us on the lower left corner.
I'm cleaning the old base so we can rebuild gather materials and build a wall we will make bant's power grate once more
rebuilding will take a while but we can do it we shod form a V
That maymun faggot were raiding that base
hes one of the guys viewing the boad
just fallow where most of the people are and build there
Building new base top left
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bumping sence no one else will
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whos down to make this look like ww2 once whe are done building?
This guy is borderline retarded.
Who are you going to fight? 50 man server with 40 people in same clan.

The other guy organised this better with two teams.
allright we are going to search for mayhems base and destroy it
we are basically exterminating the people
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any one want to take command of the group I think I'm going to go to sleep
how do you even change the leader?
Blepe base top right
if every one joins the cerlcle I will disband the group letting it all go to free for all
well I'm going to bed make a new group by clicking>>634862
please dont Im near the turrets and in age 21. Ive come this far
Anyone who has superior arms, raid Blepe.
U got something against me?
nigga u dead
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tfw nice moneys
tfw top 4
tfw vikings ended my reign
Bant base bottom left
rally up niggers
Reminder that Treveri is the king of the bushes
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i can give it a try i made it #1 last time but holy fuck its annoying to play with cheaters who join your team just to destroy team property before fucking off, thats griefing
bant still alive? or ill make /bant/
/bant/ top right
why the fuck the team is full
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female furry dick?

accepting invite but you dont join, you try making tribe ill join
Only 5 people
get in here niggers
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ask someone with Alzheimer anything
Knew he'd do that
Threads ded im gunna play runescape
Found the faggot.
Thread posts: 198
Thread images: 40

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