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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 133

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Drawthread: sick new /bant/s edition
the fuck is this shit? requesting a smug milf
no one want this anon, no one
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My body is ready!
Request please?
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i guess this is the thread
the irony
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Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the album below
Pokemon refs: http://imgur.com/a/700pN
Rukia refs: http://imgur.com/a/qItQA
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says the LEAF

grats on being the first thing we all filtered
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>says the LEAF
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I need to see a Techpriest romancing a Toaster if ita not to much bother
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biff stifbiff.png
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so this is the new draw thread? not sure how to feel bout this
I already love this more.
Back to /b/ this shit is gay
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okfine whatever
taking request i guess.
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you should feel good about it, since youre less of a pussy than the ones who wont even TRY it.
So is this sfw board or nsfw board?
no thanks i'd rather go back to /b/
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oh shit! now he's mad
neat character anon! what's their backstory?
ay, I had fallen asleep last night so thanks for Patrat even if I'm a bit late
Requesting Canada girl dressed as Crino and covered in maple syrup with the words "Waifus and Syrup" overhead.
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wait, why do i have a different ID?
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You separated an already small pool of drawfags. Do you not know how dumb this is? It's not about having IDs or not, nor about 'true drawfags' being on one board or another. It's about how difficult migrating a whole group of inconsistent visitors is.
doesnt really have one. just something to use so people know when I'm on
gotcha, neat
no prob brah.
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bru, /b/ isnt going anywhere
can you just have fun for once?

by this time next week it'll all be back to the same ol' boring crap.
we literally have nothing to lose
Ey that pretty neat. Thanks
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any requestos?
No fuck you, you're following a dude who can't draw shit because he wants "quality" this is the fucker who shit on your art if you draw something "shitty" to his standards
hey buddies
draw a funny meme, dude.
Which ever faggot decided to do this /bant/ shit deserves to be gaged with barbedwire. All you did is make bolth threads slow as fuck you stupid fucking dolt.
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Go back to /b/

You are not welcome here.
i think its nice to see everyones flags
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>can you just have fun for once?
You've used this argument so many times and every time it's fallen flat. What makes this fun? What makes this better? IDs?
>by this time next week it'll all be back to the same ol' boring crap.
Then why even split the drawfag base?

Either way, I'm going back. Have 'fun' with your IDs.
Exactly this; I can't even begin to fathom why anyone thought this would be a good idea.

>by this time next week it'll all be back to the same ol' boring crap.
Then what was the point of this?

>we literally have nothing to lose
Because dividing the threads =/= nothing to lose and has no negative consequences whatsoever. You sure thought of everything.

My god.
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what are you talking about even?

change is good, change is fun.
take the stick out of your ass sid
this is the purest shit i've ever read.
Hi, what's a drawthread?
We have this shit fucking up my night off.
>change is good, change is fun
that is a big assumption
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What program do i use if i dont have shodo phop?
>Be new to /bant/
>Nobody knows what's going on.
>Go to drawthread.
>Nobody explains what they are.
This board is the best.
Paint tool sai or Krita
could use Paint Tool SAI I heard that's pretty good.
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We come to /bant/ to stay away from this shit.
how about you take the stick out of your ass?
jesus christ, you sound so fucking righteous talking about "fun" and "change". just shut the fuck up before you loose this battle more than you already have
>it's the very first /bant/ drawthread and everything's already gone to shit.

Thanks guys
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be free.png
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Bant is a random board my dude dont expect people to know whats going on

pretty much all we have established is that there is a war between blepe and simon/bant plant for board mascot to success pepe since hes been claimed by /nu/ pol.

aside from that, i dunno, we are really just b without lewd.

so old 4chan.
You only waited two minutes before posting again. People aren't exactly making a line to answer your dumb questions.
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i guess i have already goofed it. i dont really like memes
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im into this
this what /b/ is like, it's a shithole and no one wants to give up their anonymity, including me
There is no "we". You don't speak for anyone but yourself.
Well that didn't work
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change is constant and you cant stop it, if you learn to go with it and have a good time you'll live a happier life.

drawthreads are threads where we draw.
some people take requests and some people just interact with other artists.

right now we're fighting between 2 boards tho because some of us wanna try /bant/ and some of us wanna stay on /b/

well im sorry.

most people here use Paint tool SAI, which you can find a crack of pretty easily. but a licence for SAI is also pretty affordable
OP IS THE FUCKER WHO POST THE PICS OF "DON'T REPLY "IGNORE" etc, why are we following his fucking new and "brilliant" idea?
i fucking hate soren
What even is that flag
Ever heard of the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? Yeah.
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Beheading Horseman.gif
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draw me ork jesus carrying out the will of beoth while on a pilgrimage to the realm of zot.
I wish we could kick people off the island survivor style
is you retared
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autism hazard.jpg
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Its broke. Its torn to shreds dude.
shut up you fucking hippie, i enjoy being mad, being mad is the only emotion i have left, i can't be "happy", cause that ain't me, i'm angry it's that simple, all other emotions have fucked me over, so don't tell me to be happy, cause i can't
Shit is still shit regardless of of where you put it. If you have a piece of shit on /b/ and you scoop a piece of it and drop it on /bant/ it's still a part of the same piece of shit.
pretty edgy dude
nicole i love you nicole i love you nicole
nicole i love nicole
if that was the case, then there would be no one left because we all hate eachother, and the few that don't are never active
You, I like you.

For you.
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lots of drawfags left because they missed the ID's from 2013 though. im sure once word spreads there will be a pack of drawfags hanging out on /bant/

or maybe not, who knows.

at least here we can filter them.
does heaven work on /bant/ ?
MOOOOOODS get avatar posters off /bant/
You're one of the worst canadians in this fucking site what happened to the cool canadians?
look, man i'm just expressing my emotions, i'm angry and tired, i can't think straight, i'll probably regret this tomorrow, whatever, i'm never coming back so don't worry, enjoy your board bye
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>you cant stop it
are you retarded?
>if you learn to go with it and have a good time you'll live a happier life
lame conformist
You've got to be joking. I refuse to believe people would leave just because the IDs were removed from /b/.

Draw threads were here way before anyone ever thought about putting IDs in an anonymous board. To claim that them getting removed made people leave is moronic.
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name a cooler canadian

you cant stop time anon

eh, people bitch about it from time to time.
ID's make repeat requesting a lot less annoying so drawfags like em'
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Aruba. an island in the Caribbean
(you asked for it)
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no thanks, im sorry
>name a cooler canadian
literally anyone else
>you cant stop time anon
yes I can, I just need to kill myself
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simon_jamies - Copy.png
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make me fucking laugh stupid draw thread
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deciple of man.jpg
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I guess then YOU!

Draw me ork jesus!
Drawthreads did have a larger amount of drawfags during ID times compared to pre and post-ID. The 2013 gen was one of the most numerous ones I remember, plus the older ones adapted to the IDs very quickly and learned to love it due to how easy it made filtering spammers and repeat requesters.
sorry to say, but that doesn't happen in drawthreads, they're just pointless drama, so, look for laughs elsewhere
All leaf people are shit. It's like how most tacos have a boner for nipshit
how does it feels to live on an island?
So how does it feel to have single handedly ruined tonight's thread? I get one fucking night off you daft cunt.
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Nigga why do you want Ghagskull Thraka so bad
That's a whole different argument than "people left because of it". Anyway, I don't think this will end well, since already the drawfags are splitting up between the two boards.

Even if drawfags do like IDs, it doesn't justify dividing the community like this, and if you thought it was going to turn out any other way, that's just you being naive.

Sorry to break it to you, but time will continue to go on even after you die. You are inconsequential.
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>Fucking LEAFS
Honestly I didn't think Aruba had a flag
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nope. The name's TBA. tics is my drawthread doppelganger
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feels really fucking good

y'all are acting like this is the end of the world.
nobody throws a hissy fit that diode and the meme team have had like 6 different chans?
>time will continue to go on even after you die
not for me, idiot
Yes for you, you dolt. Your body will continue to exist, and rot and decay. Just because you will not be alive to see it doesn't mean it will stop.

It might not be the end of the world, but tonight's thread is surely not going well.
>nobody throws a hissy fit that diode and the meme team have had like 6 different chans?
First of all, people did throw hissy fits about it, and second, it does not justify anything. I thought you were above using such excuses.
I hope you get in a car crash
end yourself
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please let's not do this
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okay can someone seriously explain the harm in a /bant/ thread to me when there are drawthreads on virtually every single other board on 4chan.

because this kind of seems like a huge overreaction to me.
how could I perceive time if I'm dead?
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Well for starters i cant really speak for all islands, but i guess the Caribbean islands would be mostly the same.
first of all its expensive.
we practically need to pay touristic prices.
everything is extra expensive because of import. shopping online is usually cheaper even with the extra shipping fees.

besides that its very relaxed. being lazy is part of our culture at this point. beaches everywhere. a lot of weed goes around. like its impossible to miss at this point. people are very nice. and a lot of communities n shit like that
>a huge overreaction
it's exactly that. don't forget 4chan as a whole is a bait spam edge image board where people primarily come to argue and be upset.
lol on this thread you can finally not say to yourself that it is just one fucking person that hates you.

one will die out
Yes, I can explain. You did not just make a thread in another board for people to come to. You made a thread in another board AND told the people from /b/ to leave that place and be here instead. That will only ever accomplish one thing, and it's a split community.

You don't have to perceive time for it to continue flowing. Do you also believe that when you close your eyes all light suddenly disappears?
I've been to Aruba. It was pretty chill, kinda jealous even with the prices.
that's a lie
I like her
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i also know for a fact that there are people who dont hate me.
so the people that do can continue to do so.
i can live with that.


one doesnt have to die out, we can have both.
/bant/ isnt even a permanent board tho so everything will go back to normal on /b/ before long.

i didnt make this thread.
Time is a made up thing buy humans to perceive the universe. It's not actually a thing. Like color it's all shit the brain made up
one will die out, groups will develop
one group will be unhappy
I'm going to bed. Fuck you and fall down 3 flights of stairs. Thanks again for ruining my time here. Fucking bitch
im actually sorry anon. i honestly didnt mean to fuck anyones night.
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real, right?

Right, my mistake. You are still of the idea that /b/ drawfags should move over here. The more you push that idea, the more division there will be.
I have to say the quantity of people reacting this way is impressive. I've never had strong feelings about your behavior either way but I've never been bothered by you. did I miss something interesting besides the /bant/ clubhouse mixer?
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its nice and all for a vacation trip, but to live here gets kind of tiring. it drives some people nuts. they cant stand the inactivity for so long. plus its very hard to really do anything big and important here.
>Do you also believe that when you close your eyes all light suddenly disappears?
No, but I stop perceiving it the same way.
that makes sense. I've lived in small places and felt cooped up quickly. any thoughts about moving someday?
You sound like you need your dick sucked or something. Sleeping angry is a shitty idea
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nigga, you fucked many people's night, by not shutting the hell up, you just have to say your opinion, don't you? next time just shut up, when someone says something you disagree with
And there's your answer. Only you stop perceiving light when you close your eyes, but it's still there and it doesn't stop. It's the same with time when you die; you will not perceive it anymore, but it will continue to go on.
Anyone have a Thinkpad Helix?
I can't draw on mine, and I know how to solve it, but it requires another Thinkpad Helix.
naw sorry i dont have one.
so, would you say that for me the time stoped? if you say no, you are retarded, if you say yes, you are retarded because that was my first argument.
Its a casual hatred. It's the equivalent ammout of anger when severs to your favorite online game go down over the weekend
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>You are still of the idea that /b/ drawfags should move over here.
i think everyone should do what they personally want to do.
i didnt force anyone into this thread.

you know as much as i do
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Hello. Request?
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im from america, i like these threads
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reminder that /bant/ is sacred
YOU would stop to perceive it, but TIME wouldn't stop. Get it through your thick skull, you colossal retard.
if that's the case it sounds to me like a lot of complaining over something that is no big deal.
the threads have survived all manner of dumb shit. I say don't worry about any of it.
wut how?
I can get behind that
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Eh, I like you. But this ''conversation'' is ruining the thread. Just kinda wish people posted more drawings, less whining.
I believe instead of trying to drag the old drawfags from /b/ to try to resurrect the 2013 days, you guys should have started a new different thing here. Just like how /aco/ started their OC threads and grew their own community there for a while.
this thread is ok
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I draw with a mouse, constructive help pls..
Are you?
you need to read more about time, there is more to it than "it just exist", it's kinda like sound and the three falling when no one is around.
Y'all mind if I scoop up a few requests? I'm just visiting
Try lowering your mouse speed through your computer settings. It will help stabilize your lines a bit more, and also allow for better detail. It's also good to "ghost" lines, which is just practicing the motions before you make the line. If you need any more tips, let me know.
>Only deliver ITT
wew, this sure is better than b
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Get a drawing pad? take pictures of your drawings? If you're not as lazy as me, you can even do it right.
Lol, are you really saying that time only exists when people are there to experience it? Bro, you've been reading too much of the wrong stuff.
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Yep. currently saving up for a school in holland with my $5.5/hr (minimum loan) job....
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At least it's not raining.
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educate me
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trying to beef up my draw game. any suggestions on what to do?
also might take request if i like them
what aspects are you wanting to beef up?
No, but life itself is an individual thing, it's like, how dou you know that I'm a real person, and not some random bot? People really doesn't exist for you until you see/hear them for the first time.
Just draw a shit ton of hands to get better
Did someone draw SKisM and that shota samurai?
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holy shit 5.50?!
so you're saying... it's unstable, edgy, obsessed with food and politics, and stuffed to the brim with stale uninspired memes? so....

it's just /b/ with no porn?
You'd give Jaden Smith a run for his money, I'll give you that much.

Don't worry, you'll outgrow your pseudo-philosopher phase in time.
that's rough man but you can do it. best of luck!
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no frogs too
It's also not white, if you go by the flag on that sweater.
I request drawing Samplifire and Murda gay orgy.
If you want to beef up your poses, requesting a girl sitting on her couch looking through a window behind her.

Dude, believe it or not, most south american places require less money to live in. Food tends tl be cheap as fuck (compared to the dollar, if you compare it to minimum wage it becomes a whole 'nother story)
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Since none of these drawfags will actually draw anything here, how about YOU draw me ork jesus?
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2MB, 250x320px
I mean.... I guess.
definitely consider gesture drawing. it does wonders.
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but its not a blue board, we can post porn.
we just cant DUMP porn
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I mean, it's philosophy basics, but what can I do if you can't even grasp that?
so its diet /b/...

man brb I gotta go buy alcohol for this
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i get that things are less expensive but if your trying to make your way to other parts of the globe..
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Lowered DPI to 1/3 normal, to practice the motions I normally just make my line and if I don't like it I ctrl-z it.
I have a drawing pad but its harder for me to use that than a mouse.
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taking requests
I highly reccomend practicing on the drawing pad since it becomes really versatile once you work with it.
I seriously doubt you know anything about actual philosophy. Where did you study it?
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anatomy, gestures, consistency. things like that
will do
im probably gonna end up giving up and posting the ugliest thing,but sure
i try i try. would you have any tips on that? take my last two post as reference. they were supposed to be some kind of gesture drawings
I can try, its hard as shit to do though. I'm done drawing for now, its just depressing.

refer to >>557682 for more of my stuff I am the OP of that thread
Just out of curiosity, do you draw on paper? If so, any examples?
there's a book called "Bridgemans Complete Guide to Drawing From Life" you should check out, its really cheap too i think like 5-15 bucks or some shit.
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Forgot the picture
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Requesting an animu version of leaf-chan.
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this is simon and he makes the rules on /bant/ newfags beware
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from my understanding gestures are just like 15 second scribbles
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its not fucking hard

can literally anyone do this?

why the fuck are yall so gay?

is this not a fucking drawfag thread?
why doesnt america have a katana and dorito crumbs all over their hand though?
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Now finish the drawing.
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>t. kingdoms of /bant/ digitsmaster
It's a drawfag thread, not a everyrequestwillbedelivered thread.
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This thread is hella gay.
>nothing but avatarfagging

Shit thread
Are they not drawings, though?
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It would be nice if the ONLY REQUEST in the fucking thread was delivered so we could get this shit started and not have to kick you fags back into b.
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youre not absolutely wrong, but food is actually one of the most annoyingly overpriced things here. an example would be Arizona tea, it costs about $2.75 here meanwhile it has 99c printed on it. another example, AAA video games are $100 instead of $60

but yeah. its not absolutely as bad as it sounds. most people here work in hotels where you earn closer to $2.5k/month. a pair could keep up a family with that,
your abilty to manage living here also depends a lot on how much you spend. we tend to consume less than most counties.

im making aruba sound like a horrible place, but i can assure you its not
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374KB, 1407x1225px
Ayy thats pretty good

I am at peace

continue with the drawthread it has my pardon
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Here's a culturally sensitive version.
Yeah about that request. never mind it im going to sleep
>would you have any tips on that?
you're off to a really good start! have you considered timed gestures? just slamming down fluid marks can help with that good ol' muscle memory.

also, be self-indulgent. draw what you really like!
i'd do it but idk how to draw animu
ok I'm back with vodka. let's get trashed
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Sorry, not huge on drawing anime, but anything for a leaf-bro
What does it feel to be despised?
i like your understanding. i never tried it that way, but i will now.
Where the free pdf at?
Thank you. i appreciate the compliment. ill be working on those fluid marks
Im heading2bed now.
Tba out. peace!

feels normal
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60KB, 800x800px
forgot pic because tired af
>still greentexting

the url is really long lemmie know if this doesnt work
You guys are fuckin great, thanks my dudes!
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new boardtan
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Well okay, nevermind then.
Muchas gracias
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i like the pupils on yours
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i tried
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Ha. I like your style though, simplistic yet aesthetic
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chiki fall.gif
1MB, 450x450px
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bant-tan 2.png
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requesting more /bant/tan
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goodnight /bant/ sorry for the mess
Goodnight drawfriend!

Actual drawthread this way.
This is full of shit. Most of those countries have outlawed personal protective weapons. :^)
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Wolf, what the hell are you doing on here? /bant/ is cancer.
i just swung by to do a delivery
Makes sense. It takes serious dedication to stay here for more than a few seconds.
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242KB, 800x737px
I hate drawing with a mouse.
however, i'll stay on /b/ mainly. just probably swinging by from time to time, if this really stays to be a thing, and do some requests that interest me.
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70KB, 848x1436px
requesting >>580384's avatar having consensual sex with my own avatar

pic related: my avatar

Can someone draw this preview of a song?
pretty good job anon, keep going at it.
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51KB, 1024x930px
requesting more of this /bant/-tan
>so old 4chan.
Is this what this board is supposed to be? Like a throwback to classic 4chan?
What the fuck are you doing here Nim?
Looking at the filename you can safely conclude that's not her.
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73KB, 500x541px
>i can still dream....
Any tips on how to start learning drawing?
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21KB, 748x640px
/ic/ has a good sticky in their beginner thread.
Thank you
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23KB, 438x720px
Post some of your drawings? Even doodles if you like them enough
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>>589333 (checked)
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I'm gonna go get a drawing pad this week, any suggestions? I don't really have a budget limit, but it doesn't need to be a 300$ pad.

Check these
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292KB, 554x700px
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123412412342 - Copy.png
18KB, 713x551px
I'm gonna get one of the newer Wacom Bamboo pads. They only run for about $80USD
I have this one, works well.

Thanks folks
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354KB, 2000x1186px
this is the last thing i draw
never finish it :\
i tried my best
Request please.
A buff Fist of the North Star type character with the face of a loli. Or the reverse, a loli with the face of a buff Fist of the North Star type character
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15KB, 246x186px
I honestly can't draw for shit, but this looks nice.
Maybe I'll stay for a while.
t. /i/
I like your taste in stand users
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73KB, 1080x1776px
I'm at work and I'm bored out of my mind guys. Gimme something
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51KB, 252x133px

Draw this guy
Captain underpants fighting Wonder Woman
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77KB, 1080x1776px
On it. You got a better picture?
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107KB, 604x970px

Sadly no, but here's another drawing of a similar dude.
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55KB, 1131x707px

And a picture of the pattern appearing on the shield.
I like this
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2017-05-20 02.09.59.png
253KB, 720x1280px
id like to participate

using my thumbs
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So the logo on the chest is the same as the one on the shield? Also, I have no clue how to do that helm, I'll try a few things
>Pic related, very early draft
Hi there PS, what app do you use?
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1KB, 128x128px

Logo is actually this.
Is /bant/ the new home of drawthreads?
I want it to be
Why tho
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112KB, 365x368px
Requesting Mitsuha from Kimi no Na Wa hanging out with Renge from Non Non Biyori
No samefagging
No pretending to be other drawfags and impersonators
Less spam
Less people dumping porn
Less assholes
Less cancerous anons

And pretty much nothing wrong with it
this is a big improvement to drawthreads
/b/ is now full of porn so why not take the small amount of non cringe threads that still exist and make them more visible here ?
Well, You have a point.
I have no argument against you.
Great shit m8
we welcome you anon
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84KB, 1080x1776px
There. Sorry, it doesn't look anywhere as good as I thought it would. Hope you still like it.
I'm pawn
I just cant be arsed drawing right now.
I'm glad that this finally happened, probably going to be more active now as a lot of the shit that put me off the thread is gone.
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26KB, 512x683px

It's not a bad job at all, dude. I like the 3D signet on the shield. I think it's neat. You gonna draw a helm?
I don't use any drawing apps.

Just the paint tool on my gallery.
Hee hee
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2017-05-20 03.11.46.png
250KB, 720x1280px
I forgot the photo. -_-
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279KB, 1200x1600px
Here's the second oil patel I've done
I would feel strange calling you pawn, we used to be your colony
Sure, gimme a minute
I'll have to give that a go
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254KB, 1500x1500px
Can anyone tell me why we moved here?
Hey Fishbone, it's because some drawfag suggested we move to /bant/ and now others are divided between boards. It's better here because of IDs preventing repeat requesters and spam, even though it can be easily bypassed.
Thanks for the explanation anon, this might make drawthread become more of "draw" thread than funposting thread.
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2017-05-20 03.57.41.png
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>the current conflict in a nutshell
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There. Now I'm done though, hope you enjoy bruv. Sorry it took a while, work busier than usual.
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Draw them!
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568KB, 1024x768px

Not proud of this but let's keep the thread alive...
How the fuck are you supposed to render eyes?
I have no idea what I'm doing.

We're over bump limit anyways, nothing you can do regarding that.
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313KB, 975x1046px

Great work Anon! Maybe I'll run this through later and digitally color it if that's okay with you.

>render eyes

I'd just make the eye smaller and you might be good to go
Like, I've never repeat requested to date I don't think, nor have I spammed or shit talked other anons/drawfags, but bant still doesn't feel right.
Thanks. They remind me of characters from Oblivion.
Now that you say that, yes they're fucking huge.
Like holy shit.
Scaling will be fun though, the're spread over a million layers...
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You welcome friend


I'm happy to help
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As a Leaf and as a Canada, I'd like to apologize on behalf of these two.

They share too much in common with one another and we didn't mean to allow either of them to talk, because it's just shit coming out constantly.

Thank you and have a good dying thread.
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180KB, 1080x1920px
Proud of me?
Speak for yourself there bud
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420KB, 1828x2100px
decided to take a crack at it.
Thread posts: 319
Thread images: 133

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