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Witcher Netflix fears

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I swear if they cast some black guy as Geralt I'll throttle my cock
>there is no polish culture
I hope Cd Projekt Red is involved not the retard that wrote the books. CD Projekt is redpilled and dosent give a shit about PC. the author is an alkoholic retard who will sell out immidiatly
Polish alcoholic, checks out.
There's no way it won't be fucked. Don't even get your hopes up.
after seeing what happened with marvel i don't think they'll alienate their projected audience by pandering to a non existent fan base.

i'd put money on it.
unless the "alkoholic retard" owns the rights to it...
CDPR is a great company, but they're not redpilled. At least, there's no proof.
Like most Polacks, they got a shitton of gibmedats from the EU to make the Witcher 3.
That's about the only thing the EU has ever been good for.
im very sad to tell you but you will be disappointed
The Witcher is already pretty PC. It's got plenty of stronk womyn and anti-racist bullshit in it.
It will, Soros has major investments in Netflix
The alcoholic retard sold the rights. I read somewhere that CD Project has no involvement.
Also the alcoholic retard got almost no money with the game cause he didnt think this game would succed and signed a very poor contract for him.

So this time hes gonna milk it, grab the most amount of money and let Hollywood do everything they want with it
I own this game, but sadly have never played through it. I guess I should get on that.
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I'm so fucking pumped for Geralt to be portrayed the way he always should have been, by a strong African man
Don't worry
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Geralt is a white knight beta sometimes
Gothic has the true redpills
The director of the game certainly is based
Moron child.
Can someone throw Idris Elba out of a helicopter so they stop casting him as white people?
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What're the most red pilled vidya games, /pol/?
And how will your threat do anything to stop them?
In fact, that might just encourage them to go even further just to flip you a middle finger.
Name one movie that was based off a video game that wasn't a spine-breaking cringefest that enraged fans and normalfags alike.
Can you give me a moderately paced explanation? First time i hear of this
there is no Cd Project Red involvement
U mad white boi?
damn shame that no white """people""" can act, they have to have Africans teach it to them, just like they stole all the knowledge from Africa/Kemit
I hope you fags aren't paying for a netflix account
there's thousands of sources for hacked accounts at a fraction of the price. Don't support the electronic jew.
Same. I got Wild Hunt with a graphics card a year ago and haven't played past the first few quests.
No Geralt but Jennefer will be black for sure.
Netflix owned by Jews, Jews want diversity, Witcher series is going to be diverse.
Always assume they will fuck it up
>if they cast some black guy as Geralt
some would say it's the final nail in the coffin
I'd call it throwing the coffin down a hill into hellfire
Resident evil
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fyi there is polish series about witchers adventures... but its total shit
nonetheless main actor did good job and in my opinion he looks good in that role. pic rel
>trying to capitalize on relatively popular vidya
Skyrim or Fallout Netflix originals when? This shit is stupid
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Caesar III

There's no logic here, I just like this game.
Angry Birds
I like the Idris Elba meme though.
No way, there's no Slavic nigger
>Black Geralt, White Jeneffer
Gotta rack them Diversity Points !
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Stringer Bell? Nah, my money is on it being a woman
Hmm. Point taken, I guess

I didn't hate the movie, but didn't like it, either
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>you will never be a roman governor
>on relatively popular vidya
I heard that the series was based on the story of the books, not the vidya
Red alert one and two
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he's white
Is this a joke because of blood?
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The witcher 3 is literally harry potter in vidya form for 15-24 year old nerd virgins
Yes when playing they sorta demonized King Radovid for being a racist & bigot against other races and magic. The Game wasn't as red pill as people think but it wasn't overweeningly PC
And you know that they will definitely fuck on screen just for the free marketing by /pol/ and because that's the in thing these days for live action American shows.
Super Noah's Ark 3D
Fuck, that game is fantastic.
Fallout nv as long as you play as the legion
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Yeah I enjoyed it
i recomend this as well

mount of olympus: zeus was my favourite though
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Geralt will be white.

but yennefer will be a kween.
Half-Life 2
Combines = Jews
But the Legion doesn't let you have family. Or get wasted. I've always been a Yes Man guy.
but I like Idris...
He even went bleating to our government about "diversity", he literally hates white people, although of fucking course he lives here. Typical beta "minority".
Still no one would give a single fuck about the books outside of poland if it werent for the games.

The people want to see the Geralt from the games not some "true to the source material" shit Andrzej Sapkowski poulls out of his ass.

There is a lot of ways to fuck this up. Will not get my hopes up.
Thx, on the one hand i'd lov to see a good witcher series. But they'll make GoT 2.0 of it, with diversity bullshit and daily rapes

Thats art stupid idiot. Wait for the picture of an actual actor. Nig/10 chance he'll be white
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I was wondering how jewflix got the rights to The Witcher. CD Projekt Red wouldn't sell out like that. You're right, I must have been the author of the books.
No its not its basically the game of thrones of Vida
So 30 to 40
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Eva green as Yen for sure
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They'll fuck it up, just like they did this. Mark my words.
It is, books predate game by years. They are quite good, and a polish classic. Some of them are already translated
I would HNNNNG all over the place.
I dunno, I personally really enjoyed that show
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Guess you didn't see the preview for the Dark Tower movie then kek
Gerald will be a Muslime beheadin the infidell with his Silver sword an fucking the Unicorn instead of Yennefer
Translate it tea
No. If they fuck with my yennifer I will cancel Netflix forever.
She was great in penny dreadful
>Like most Polacks, they got a shitton of gibmedats from the EU to make the Witcher 3
This meme again

Anyway go and read some more and check their financial reports about company and how they earn money even when they don't release new game
it's the retard, not CDPR

it's fucked, and here are my predictions:

Geralt - white
Ciri - Slav
Yennefer - Black
Vesemir - Arab
Triss - Arab
Dijkstra - white
Baron - white
heck most of the guys who did something fucked up are gonna be white.
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>inb4 hurr Netflix game of thrones even though the witcher was written before thrones durrrr
She looks like a Jew
Geralt is already bluepilled af

Is there something about Idris Elba that says "cast me as an iconic white character"?

They suggest him for everthing.
Gothic 1 and 2 are the only games with such thick atmosphere that I can play 12 hours straight and not notice.
Yes and you know the main antagonist will be a ghost-white guy with pale blue eyes and a shaved head.
>Why do I need to make stuff for other cultures
Good shit
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>TFW they cast some no name gay fucking ex soapie star leaf actor to play Geralt
Zelda Ocarina of Time. You are a blonde elf saving blonde princess from an evil semite.
Eww why do you post dis ugly person?
Elder Scrolls has ethnic differences.
They are cucks and they would like to see a big bill like Elba screwing their wives.
not even a question

anyone genuinely an okay person is gonna be nigged, anyone who fucks shit up and goes crying to the witchers is gonna be white
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Slavs aren't really regarded as a minority though because of how most uneducated think that east Europeans and west Europeans are the same, like Slavs aren't a race option in job applications or are recognised in those bullshit affirmative action initiatives
we wuz witchers n sheet
Netflix, the people who made "Dear White People" and "My Sex Junk." Yea this show is going to be hot trash. Watch them cast a gay black Muslim as the Bloody Baron and a Mexican manlet as Gerald.
>caring about video games
>caring about tv shows
>caring about video game tv shows
Sort yourself out
LUL white boisss ready to see yennifer get BLACKED?
I remember some polish guy explaining this to an SJW, how slavs are the low income minorities and she lost her shit at the idea of poor whites.
She is
Le gray pilled meem
They cast a strong women
I like Brienne
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And of course, the death of his child and relationship issues would be because of his repressed homosexual urges, which create a demon.

Fortunately Geralt is an understanding and inclusive Witcher, so he and the bloody baron have gay interracial butt sex in order to banish the demon.
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But you wouldn't fuck her.
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>Yennefer - Black
>Triss - Arab
Netflix did Bojak and didn't force down the diversity (or if they did they hid it so well I could not see it) So I'd like to think they can be good, just not when openly sucking the regressives xircock.
You still pay for Netflix? But everything on Netflix is free on thepiratebay. I don't support the businesses that are heavily SJW

Wouldn't a big black fella wandering around western europe in a mythical 12th century timeline be a bit awkward?

Imagine the commentary from the villagers:

>Why's that witcher all black? Did he get cursed?
Dandelion was cool, Geralt actor was kind of ok, but the rest.. I almost died of laughter when i saw dwarves in the episode with a golden dragon
Would while bullying her
you've been warned
Why the FUCK can't they just leave GOOD SHIT where it is instead of picking it up and shitting on it?
Speak for yourself, faggot.
>Geralt is a white knight beta sometimes

Counterpoint: he gets laid for his heroics. The usual white knight label usually implies the opposite, so I don't think it truly works here.

Of course you would.
Netflix has been on a streak of creating horrendously bad SJW pandering shows. The Witcher 3 doesn't even have a single non-white person in it until the expansions, and those few black/arab people in the expansions come from a faraway land. Netflix will 100% fuck this up and it'll be terrible, and anyone who objects to one of the main characters being non-white or to Ciri being blacked will be called a racist and ignored.

I often say "there's no way I'd fuck her" and then I run into a dry spell. Couple of months with no play and the fat syphilitic abo woman asking you for a dollar starts to look pretty fetching.
I'm trying to do the same. I've already cut my cable subscription. Jewflix is next.
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>how they earn money even when they don't release new game

It's called DLC. To beat the Jew, you must become the Jew.
We wuz Europeans n sheeit
Its a manifestation of them wanting him to fuck their wives.
I feel sorry for Slavs, regarded as immigrants and not white by employers
Not recognised as minorities so don't get any of that mustbenice enthnic minority pandering
The alcoholic retard is gonna serve as creative consultant, which probably translates to "sit here with some crayons and be a good cuck while we fuck your life's work"
One thing you have to understand before bashing witcher for being bluepilled. It was written during 90s. In Poland NOBODY was giving a slightest fuck about feminism, minoriteis et cetera because not only there was next to none tanned germans in poland at that time, we had a contry to rebuild after decades of gommunism. Sapkowski including anti-racists (anti-specieist in fact) themes isn't sign of im being SJW (his a major cunt btw)
Paradox is literally owned by Jews.
the witcher is SJW AF to begin with
chasing fetuses for drunks who beat their wives

let the kikes fuck up that game nothing of value is lost
She's too ugly to play Yen. DEAL WITH IT EUROPEAN
Except you don't have to help him if you don't want to.
Not for long goyim
Are you that weak?
real life
>Acting like the wife was so innocent
You must be a feminist if you want to ignore she was at fault
>chasing fetuses for drunks
That was an odd bit
Another point to make is that Sapkowski is jelous of the game's success, because before that only slavs read his books, and after Witcher 3 whole world heard about it or the first time. So maybe that's why he agreed for the deal with Netflix, to show CDPR guys middle finger, by making a show based on books story (which Withcer games arent) and hoping it'll be a bigger success than games
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If Yennefer gets blacked...
Of course they'll nigger it up. They nigger up everything
>Beat it on good terms
>Think baby will reform to a cute form like those baby cherubs
>It's still ugly as fuck
Keked pretty hard at that

Any port in a storm matey. How'd you reckon we got magpies here to begin with?

Gin jockeys. You try a couple of years without seeing a woman and see how you fair.
>german made game about a forced labor camp that mostly slavs play

The same company which pushes 'Dear White People' and 'Bill Nye the Tranny Guy' among other bullshit. I renewed my subscription the other day only to cancel it several days later because I forgot how shit their content library is.
but you still have to listen to him for 45+minutes

you obviously care about the game more than I do I refunded that fucking chick flick
>arrives in skellige
>everybody is black.

>norse-gaels wuz black stop being racist.

Just been picked it up again, already have 200 hours logged.
This norse or some shit? I can almost read it.
what? white knights do what they do in an attempt to get laid. the only difference being that it usually doesn't work.

Pretty sure 99% of the people that do this do it for the sole purpose of getting attention. They know this is going to piss off someone somewhere. They have been shilling this fucking guy to play Bond for years. Thankfully, I think it wont happen because he's too old for the role now. Then again they could give it to the Star Wars chimp. Since they are literally throwing multi-million dollar roles at that guy lately.
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>they end up casting old Kevin Sorbo to play Geralt

>Netflix casting anything correctly

I wouldn't be surprised if they gave the role to a 300lb Polynesian woman. I mean they clearly don't give a shit about proper casting. They cast a Brazilian that barely speaks Spanish for the main role in Narcos.
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non-country is onto something here
Imagine if they explained in the show the reason why there are no female Witchers.
who needs genuine reputable actors when you can hire any old minority and save some shekels?
Except it isnt based on a book any more than peter jackson's LOTR was based on the hobbits videogame.
Radovid is also the only person capable of defeating the Nilfgardiaan forces in the game, so the game paints him as a necessary evil.

There's almost no black/white dichotomy in the Witcher series.
>the legion
>literal faggot LARPers

The only correct answers are Mr. House and Yes Man.
There was already a Witcher TV serie.
Ho well.
The worst elder scrolls
Maybe they'll get some HEMA expert to do some of the sword choreography so we can see some actual sword fighting techniques.

I want to see Netflix die for their SJW shit.

I would rather support a campaign to get Geralt played by a black guy in the hopes it triggers the fan base to dump Netflix.
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I like how we're already getting mad about the forced diversity when it hasn't even been confirmed yet. This is the state of the modern world, its a forgone conclusion that there will be non-white intruders in white spaces

civil war confirmed?
Look like Christophe Lambert
He sounds like a huge degenerate though, he probably wouldn't mind bisexual Geralt ij fact I'm pretty sure he won'tgive any fuck when (((Netflix))) butchers his works.
Pretty sure sorceresses will be described as strong womyn who need no men while forgetting all the irony of them having to rely on Geralt and on ultimately being played by Vilgefortz (or whatever his name was)
Or better yet. Actual fight choreography
>inb4 they make dandelion a faggot
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Personally my favorite is Oblivion, but Skyrim was easily the most popular of the series
or the society crumbles on itself from all those negros
>I'll throttle my cock
Mental image acquired
Geralt will probably be white, but dont worry! (((netflix))) will surely find a way to enrich the culture.
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Has anyone watched/read the anime Death Note?

Netflix casted a nigger as L for their upcoming movie

It wouldn't surprise me if they added non-whites to a story based in Poland in the middle ages.
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Are you fucking SERIOUS?! I posted about this earlier, all I saw was that faggot Natt as Light and dropped it. They LITERALLY made L a nigger? What the FUCK?
Might as well be a slave standing in a field of fucking cotton now.

Fuck social justice.
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You sure do care a lot about television.

Hopefully they'll cast a black male tranny and you'll be so butthurt, you'll never turn on the t.v. Again.
A CD Projekt Red employee who make all those animated intros to the games is apart of the team making the show. Those intros were really well done but I dont know how that will translate into a drama TV show.
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Geralt could've settled with a qt3.14, but he chose between two old magic hags.
He's a dick, but not an white knight SJW:
>W roku 2005 skandal wywołała wypowiedź Sapkowskiego, że biały człowiek powinien pracować trzy godziny dziennie. Przecież Bóg po to stworzył inne rasy – Żydów, Cyganów, aby pracowały za niego. Wypowiedź ta miała miejsce podczas Ogólnopolskiego Konwentu Miłośników Fantastyki "Polcon", w podpoznańskim Błażejewku, 27 sierpnia 2005. Według komentarzy w prasie była to wypowiedź rasistowska[2], komentarze uczestników konwentu wskazują jednak na to, że była to jedynie ironiczna prowokacja wyrwana z kontekstu[3][4]. Podobne stwierdzenie pisarza znajduje się w wywiadzie opublikowanym w zbiorze Rozmowy przekorne w 2003[5].

TLDR: White men should work no more than 3 hours a day. God created other races, like Jews and gypsies to do the work instead of the white men
You can play a genocidal space Hitler in Stellaris.
>chosing Shani
Stellaris is alright, but I'm about to the point where I need more DLC. This is why I hate Pairacocks: it takes years for their games to become playable, or rather "good". It's so bare-bones compared to what it will be, that's clear.

This pissed me off so much, Idris Elbacould have played plenty of other characters in a Dark Tower movie but they had to make him Roland. Fuck off.
we need brendan fraser
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Ave, Amicus.
>based off a video game
Sapkowski's autism is somewhat justified
Oh, then play Distant Worlds: Universe.

It's a good bit harder to get into though and 2D.
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ave smoothskin
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Sonic the Movie was actually pretty decent.
>I swear if they cast some black guy as Geralt I'll throttle my cock

>Geralt is being played by Neil Patrick Harris.
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They're pandering to the normie gamer masses.
Its almost guaranteed they'll make him as SJW as possible

if not a dindu they'll probably make him some trans bullshit
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>Yennefer - Black
Honest to God, if they do it
I will fucking hunt them down one by one.
He isn't an employee. Bagiński is a world class animator with his own company, he was a contractor. Jarek Sawko works for him
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>Sonic the Movie
Red Dead Redemption. The Greatest Game of All Time.
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that's fine, triss acts like a nigger anyway
They are gonna cuck Geralt and make Ciri some lesbo otherkin gender fluid strong independent womyn. Probably gonna cast that smug smegma sjw Ruby Rose as her or some other diversity hire. Whoever has cringier acting chops most likely.
>Geralt will be a transsexual black gender fluid dragon kin pansexual midget with Down syndrome
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>Only 1 (one) video game adaptation of Death Wish.
How do we explain that?
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You know what dark tower this movie is about now
does being a healthy midget qualify as a able-bodied?
Maybe we need to make him a cripple
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token blacks
token gays

you cant make a new show without that specially netflix
>200 hours
hahah you filthy casual
>Hey, G, it's ya boi - Dandelion
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I reckon Mel Gibson would play a mean Geralt
Considering the Author fucked himself over with his first contract with the CDPR games. I'd say he's going to let Hollywood do whatever they want.
And considering they put him on the "directors" list, they're gonna use it as a way to ward agaist criticism.
When in the end, he's just an old drunk who will let his books be completely fucking destroyed by Hollywood kikes for money.
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>fantasy setting full of slavic culture and it's mentality

I think Netflix didn't check source material and just thought this is hot shit and they gonna make some easy shekeles from it since most of work will be done by polish studio working for potatoes
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Custer's Revenge
Kek this, Anders knows what's up.
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>“The Witcher stories follow an unconventional family that comes together to fight for truth in a dangerous world. The characters are original, funny and constantly surprising and we can’t wait to bring them to life at Netflix, the perfect home for innovative storytelling.”

>fight for truth in a dangerous world.

If this isn't top sjw propaganda I don't know what is.
Triss should be played by a Jewish woman with giant tits.
yes, this would be great
wrong side
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Planescape:Torment if you don't mind reading.

i dont even care that he's a kike
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don't remember that conversation from wticher 2

then again i shut down the scoi'atael real quick and sided with roche from the start to the end. they seemed like huge faggots and roche is a fucking bro
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preddy perfect
Danes fit very well as geralt
Viggo as well
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It's cannon already in my game, familia.
the author is a complete moron, gave away the video game rights for pennies and had the gall to bash the games after they became a huge success without his input.

To be honest if the netflix series sticks with the storytelling they used in the books it would be AWESOME. However they shouldn't let the slav anywhere near the script because he is a washed up hack.
To be fair, Dandelion always behaves like a stereotypical nigger.
The author still has the rights. The funny thing is he sold the game license to cd projekt for 2 grand (cd projekt initially offered him a royalty contract, but he didn't think the game would make money so he took a small lump sum instead) so he fucked himself out of the big bucks, he's still salty about it to this day.
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Oh for crying out loud, you just made my day bad. I bet my testicle, that they will bring a black Eskel, mark my words.
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delete this.
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Gothic was the shit in Germany. Such a great game.
Surprised someone knows about this movie. It was pretty great
>selling the rights to your books for a measly 2 grand
I wouldn't sell the rights to my fucking notepad notes for that much. Fucking poorfags.
finally got back to my playthrough i went w triss cause i was more attached to her after playing 1 and 2 but convince me to load a save and go for yen cause i'm not sure
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uncanny and ugly
I have no clue how they will go about the fact that everyone in the books is white and a huge fucking asshole.
Mite b good, will trigger every single sjw if they stick to how it is, Geralt takes no shit from anyone in the books.
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>they will never find beautiful western actress worthy of playing Triss
that guy is from warhorse, not cdpr
they are developing kingdom come deliverance

Mortal Kombat was actually a pretty good kid-to-young-teen-flick.
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Kill it with fire
I've played through entire G2 like 10 times. G1 was great for a series' start, but when i replayed it, there wasn't too much contet
If they mess with my triss I'm gonna fucking explode
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Space station 13
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>dye hair red
>Triss achieved
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>>they will never find beautiful western act-
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I played all the games and read all the books
If they ruin the source material and add a single character who is not white i'm fucking boycotting netflix by killing myself
You're right. I should change the filename. My bad. I think I just saved it one time someone posted it.
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I love Gothic as much as the next guy, but dear kraut, you should know better.
he has to be black, disabled and trans. you fucking bigots.
he said actress retard...
Witcher is not created by CDPR

Witcher is just some combination of the ideas from the literature god Tolkien and some polish folklore.

If you can make a list of thinks from Witcher books which aren't in Tolkien's books and aren't polish folklore, then you will see that his own new ideas are not even mediocre or just copied from other novels

Don't get your hopes up.
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>yfw they cast blacks for most of the monsters

we wuz drowners n sheiss
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Benis goes in kurwa :DDDDDD
Shes a actress
tolkien is cringeworthy gay porn.
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>Author seld the rights
>CDPR isn't involved
>It's Netflix

inb4 Gamegate 2 : Pence Boogaloo
>I'm cosplayer, erocosplayer and photo model from Russia.
No... she's not.
Let's be fair, netflix casting are barely bette than cosplayers
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>the literature god Tolkien
the game and world story is GOAT for a fantasy game.
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Aren't they casting a black guy as Jim Crow in the new movie? It should be my nog jiggaboo Jones but it'll be Samuel l Jackson
They are gonna fill it up with minorities (europe was always a mixing pot u know ) , the story will be about Geralt and strong women helping refugees immigrate. And evil white men trying to stop them.
I´d go full Breivik if they make Triss Arab
You're right the resemblance is uncanny
Featuring a Black woman, in whatever, you'll pay to see it, fuck you.
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I sure fucking hope they do.

I've never played this series, but if the series gets the diversity treatment, it'll be quite a wake-up call for a lot of its fanboys. Sort of how Gamergate was a gateway to dissident right/neoreaction for nerds.

You don't truly feel the heat until they fuck up something that's dear to your heart, and they call for your crucifixion if you don't celebrate this development of 'progress'.
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Ciri will be some kind of brown refugee for sure.
Shes a actress, not a Cosplayer
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Roche is total lad and he had some of the greatest cutscenes in the game.

>tfw siding with roche makes the whole story revolve around his numerous quests for revenge
I love how the creator is all happy its a show even though its only because of the game that he talked so much shit about and blew his books out of the fucking water.
But the real question is who will play Emhyr var Emreis, Deithwen Addan yn Carn aep Morvudd the White Flame Dancing on the Graves of his Foes Imperator of Nilfgaard, King of Cintra, Lord of Metinna, Ebbing and Gemmera, Sovereign of Nazair and Vicovaro of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons
can you explain why the tower was black then?!
This show is going to fucking blow just like every game-to-movie/series ever.
Samuel L Jackson
no. i like that guy.
i don't like the fact that he is playing white ppl tho...
NOOOOO! We prolly have a mudslime shinigami too!
But it's mixed in a great way. It's hard to come up with absolute unique ideas in a [current year]. There's much more than Tolkien tho, Grimm's tales, arthurian legends, and more.
Fuck the Netflix kikes.

If you hate niggers, jews, spics, arabs, faggots, commie scum as much as we do and you want to raid some tranny server once in a while, you should join the official Moon Central Discord! White people only. Introduce yourself in #introductions


1, 2, 3 ,4 I declare a race war!
Join us and lynch a nigger tonight!

The Triple K Mafia

P.S Fuck Niggers
>Yennefer - Black

Don't even fucking try
I can handle black/arab dijkstra or hell even arab baron (He did beat his wife after all) but for fucks sake if Geralt Ciri Yen and Triss won't all be white Its going to fail on first episode.
Wait, what the fuck?

Why the fuck are the going to ruin this blessing of a game??
William Defoe is going to be the Shinigami.
>World class bard
>Very intelligent
>Women flock to him
>light needs to find L's name
>looks up all black people with higher education
>kills both of them
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>Implying Super Mario Bros isn' t God tier
I can't even
The author's an alcoholic. He probably ran out of window-cleaner that day.
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Because bricks are made of dirt.
Dolph Lundgren as Letho
Chuck Norris as Vesemir
Emma Watson as Ciri
Olivia Wilde as Triss Merigold
Kate Beckinsale as Yennefer
Christian Bale as Geralt of Rivia
Mads Mikkelsen as Eskel
Emma Stone as Shani
Gerard Butler as Lambert
Fritzl, your words cut deeper than blades
What if that Wesley Snipes plays Geralt?

>Blade Geralt

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Yeah I agree, would be much better with Ving Rhames playing the part of Geralt.
i wouldn't even be mad. any other nigger id be pissed but i could live with wesley snipes. demolition man is one of my favorite movies and blade was great.
If digits, Yenn isn't white
They did it once , they fugged up

I honestly think HBO will do a better job
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But anon, Witcher always was a diversity thing
>racial tensions between human/elf/dwarf/etc
>racial tensions between white and brown humans in addition to that
>Northerners are powerless poor ass-backwards peasant drunks with attitudes
>Nilfgaard is economically efficient civil society with peaceful provinces and an awesome invasion fleet
>monsters are often portrayed as wrongly persecuted individuals who are only resented for being different
>Geralt, the main character, is resented for being different even though he's honestly not all that different from regular men
>he also frequently jumps into harm's way to protect distressed female strangers
>all the kings and statesmen in the Witcher universe are fucking idiots, except for most of non-human ones obviously
Sapkowski is somewhat of a leftist kike and so is his son Geralt I'm afraid
U mean Gary the metrosexual fruitcake?
Sapkowski is an old timer lefty, rised in commie Poland. not the [current year] demi-kin tranracial sjw type. Economicaly right winger tho.
also see: >>565943

He sometmes says pretty triggering things, albeit ironically
Know anything about the new cdpr game?
Is it in development or did it get scrapped?
Cyberpunk 2077
Its on track.
Oh, so like East Germans then. Conservative socialist. Now I'm starting to see what inspired Dijkstra's character.
Not much, but there's no way it got cancelled, their reputation is so good right now, that they could sell anything and make shitload of money
Yes, given the Easter Germans got the same treatmen we had, it's a great approximation of a polsih person who have been rised in PRL. Funny thing is, PiS is a conservative socialist party, and everyone calls them far right, lol
Perverted communists will slander anyone who's not in on the creation of total world government.
Wasted quints
>Gwent Card Game
Enters open beta next week

>Cyberpunk 2077
Rumored to be at E3, but they will only show what they got few months before release
They develop this game for quite a few years, 2013 I guess they started it showing a cinematic trailer - in which they hid that they hire for making Cyberpunk, because they need more men and maybe some guys who knows how to make Cyberpunk or games with guns, not swords
The game will definitely happen as CDPR trademarked the name few months ago, but it isn't going to happen soon
don't forget Ciris rape attempt and little ficki-ficki episode with this bandit girl.
Oh boy oh boy boy oh boy

God I really hope they show the ciri cameo in E3
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