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The hardest choice for white men to make

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The hardest choice for white men to make

I choose neither!
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Stop this shilling faggot, Asians are gross
kys shlomo
Earth belongs to the Hapas
Melanin is cancer, eurasia is the answer.
Could someone explain to me the Asian gf meme? Literally 99% of all the Asians I see are just as ugly as niggers. Rven the above average Asians will never be able to compete with white women. Why do white men fall for this meme?
How do you not pick the Asian qt?
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Imagine a nation of Elliot Rogers going Tennōheika Banzai! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Fuck. If it happens and I find 1 asian gf to fall in love with I think I'll have to do it.

Fuck they always got those round ass heads for?
Try finding Asian women like that IRL
Sorry /pol/, but anime has told me to race mix to make anime a reality
Soon half lithuanian- half japanese mongrels will walk the earth
I am anon. No luck in FL only latinas not my thing.
Aren't you guys mongol rape babies anyway?
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Actually we are one of the purest
Come home Slavic man
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>All these race-mixers

Enjoy your Low-T mongrels who will hate you for being white. Seriously though all race-mixers and roasties should be deported to Brazil. America has far too many nonwhites as is.

Plus Slavs are better then Asians anyways. Asians are Hedonistic and Liberal, Western Chicks are Chad's cukm dumpster who raise niglets while Slavic women are Conservative and Fertile. I'm currently dating a Polish woman myself. Cooks, Cleans and does things no woman in the West will ever do.
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Hi anon, I love your big strong muscles
I'd rather you come here, Slavic man.
Lithuania needs an ethnic white population boom

Same reason you see a lot of black men with ugly, white women.
have you ever thought about such a thing that international marriages are almost the same as race mixing? she's marrying you because you are an american, like why a gook would marry someone for being white.
Women who don't date their countrymen are traitors and trash
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I have Polish ancestry already, We are planning on having tons of kids since we are both Catholics. I honestly think Slavic women are more loyal to Nationalism, That's why the younger generations in Eastern/Central Europe are more conservative then the older ones. Because they realize Degeneracy and Socialism is garbage, something Gooks and Roasties praise constantly.

Pic related
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oh I wish there was a big strong western man to come marry me
are you 100% white or are you one of those 1/16 choobaka mongrels?

Will i get a g36 and a qt lithuanian gf?
The only nonwhite DNA I have is North Asian Indian (Who are Indo-European), however that's pretty much nonexistent since it's something like "0.000006%".
>Implying that's even a choice
Kawaii gf, all day, every day
Currently making that choice irl

To be fair though, the white women here come in two flavours:
>pampered and bitchy
>fat and dumpy

Whereas azn gf is reasonably easy to get for a huwhite man here, and they are great fun

What's am I supposed to do here
sorry, but only one of those is possible
Come to lithuania, white man
very qt
>I honestly think Slavic women are more loyal to Nationalism, That's why the younger generations in Eastern/Central Europe are more conservative then the older ones

This is horse shit, all women are apolitical and the only ideology they follow is feminism because it increases their ego and self-esteem, Slavic women are just as leftist and sjw as western women, its the young men who are having none of it, we still live in patriarchal communities and men here don't bow down to women to get some pussy. Thats the whole problem with the west, men have bowed down to women in order to get laid, with such effeminate men its no wonder western women prefer violent niggers and muslims.
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No it isn't
>sorry, but only one of those is possible

I sure hope its the g36
She is asian but this should say
>white race or asian pop star gf
And the choice is very obvious
I'm going to repopulate Pittsburgh with tons of White Children since I'm pretty wealthy. If you want me to pump and dump though I'll think about it.

That doesn't seem to be the case with Poland, Even the nationalist rallies have tons of women. My gf doesn't even like Mestizos and Blacks and views them as disgusting. The only ones who seem to be degenerate are the ones living in Britain.
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I'm so embarrassed anon, I'm a virgin.
You don't mind do you?
They're not fat as fuck or AS slutty. American ones are "sexually liberal" AKA will fuck anybody who isn't their nationality, though thankfully they're not so big on niggers.
>If you want me to pump and dump though I'll think about it.
no, I want you to invest in GIBS not semen
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asians are basically honorary whites
Yup so pure your Empire got taken apart by some filthy Russian Mongolic hordes. Of your Empire 2 square km are left. Lmao
This it's not even race mixing
no one likes flat faced monkeys fuck off
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Leftism and Degeneracy is growing in a rapid rate in Southeast and East Asia though, there communist and socialist parties are gaining tons of members. It's pretty clear that those countries will become leftist as fuck in the future. Asians are just as degenerate as western chicks, they don't divorce because they don't believe in that stuff. You are probably with someone who's fucked many many people without even realizing it. They are just as alien to us as other nonwhites.

Alright then

>virgins still shilling the 'subservient asian wife' meme

Asian girls are fucking bitchy controlling and manipulative, even more so than the average white girl. Absolutely not wife material - unless you enjoy being a cuck who enjoys carrying his wife's purse
what did he mean by this?
t. white women
t. /r/asianmasculinity
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race is a social construct and to impregnate all the asian women
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>date Asian girl
>She's actually interested in the idea of marriage and wants children unlike most young white women
Glad I took the yellow pill
Slavic women are trash. They'll act as cum dumpsters as long as you have a decent amount of money and look decent. Fucking Slavic women routinely fuck guys coming from Africa. There were a lot of merino children born in 1986 when there was a bunch of exchange students coming from all over the world to the USSR
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>race mixing is wrong
>yellow fever
>pick one
whatever makes you sleep at night race traitor.
Temptation and risk.
Anyone have the picture at the bottom left with the three girls in higher definition?
The nationalist rallies have tons of women because women take on the interests of their boyfriends. Doesn't mean they believe in the ideas.
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You look handsome today anon
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>t.I don't know what researching is

Asians dislike whites just like every other shitskin, get over it my dude.
what a sweetie.

This >>2178084


Thats because you only get the EE prostitues who would fuck anybody to get a visa and go live in Canada.
50/50 chance of having sex and teaching english or having organs harvested
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You do realize you're basically fucking a glorified roastie right? I'm not apart of MGTOW but at least they aren't stupid enough to fall for shit like this. Asia is on par with the west when it comes to degeneracy. The younger generations there are so leftist your head would spin. They aren't these based ethno-nationalists like you think they are
Leftism can be growing in East Asia, but it has been running its course in the West. Only trouble would be finding a conservative race mixer.
You get an Albanian
Most Asians are ugly though.
This is true. There is no such thing as an "honourary Aryan" races don't ally with other races
>Thats because you only get the EE prostitues who would fuck anybody to get a visa and go live in Canada.

Dude any EE woman would do that. EE is currently a shit hole. Was in Ukraine last summer, bitches were throwing themselves at me because they could detect I was from Canada or America (I dress differently, have more money, etc). Many wanted to fuck without condoms. Ukraine currently has a syphilis problem, SO I said fuck that. Lol
notice all the fat manchildren in the march?
Really activates the almonds...
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I would betray the white race only for this and nothing else
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What age am I? 53

Is it true that western girls get wrinkles? That must be so weird!
I can always try anon
Nah because i am not a desperate virgin beta.
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There's nothing nationalistic or conservative about ruining your genetics with inferior races. Your mutt kids will be brought up by Professor Goldstein and convinced on how whites are the devil and they should pay back reparations. Western and Asian chicks are so similar that it's mind boggling.

The Japanese are manchildren, they're hardcore degenerates who hate anything that's European. Hitler should've killed them off, they're the reason he lost the war.
Dude these girls aren't even real. They have A LOT of plastic surgery and are covered in makeup head to toe. Most Asian girls aren't even that good looking. The ONLY plus they offer is that if they work out they have nice bubble butts.

no ass
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All I want for Chinese New Year is a Western boyfriend
>"There's nothing nationalistic or conservative about ruining your genetics with inferior races"
>"Western and Asian chicks are so similar that it's mind boggling"
Get your narrative together, retard.
I would probably say yes desu , would let her stay at my place too , would be cool

>50/50 chance of having sex and teaching english or having organs harvested

This is true but could be worth it
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>I want you to be security guard when I am scared
Where the fuck does this bitch live? Right next to the national Yakuza headquarters?
Japan's main crime problem is bycicle theft, and she's scared enough to require a bodyguard there?
She's gonna have a heartattack the first time she sees Tyrone in an American city.
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I went to Tokyo once and you wouldn't believe how ugly the average nip is. This whole meme about how they're gorgeous is a fucking joke. They're just as unattractive and degenerate as our women.

>I'm losing the argument, better post porn just so I can prove them right
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what fucking argument? that anri okita is hot?
My first girlfriend was a halfu. She was Anglo/Japanese and fucking gorgeous. Prolly ruined me for life as I have had a thing for J girls ever since.
I did. In Vancouver
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Hell nah!
Based China.
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This is coming from the same country Hitler grew up in, The Allies were a fucking mistake.

You just proved that Gooks are nothing but filthy camwhores just like American women.
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If we breed with the asians, will they help us exterminate the shitskins?
did I argue against that? no?
we will become the shitskins
Your male children would be ugly af!
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Don't be stupid, Asia would literally ally with other nonwhites just to kill us off. Making mongrels isn't worth it, especially since our white population is declining. Remember that "Whiteo Piggu go home" shit? They literally hate Europeans and would do anything to kill us.
only the Japanese are honorary, some Chinese have humanlike qualities, everything else on that continent is garbage tier
honorary doesn't mean mix
I would try but if she starts asking shit like what blood type I am I'm out.
Are you retarded? She's 100% plastic. These bitches get plastic surgery from bag to nose. There's a reason why all these bitches go to South Korea for plastic surgery and South Korea has some of the most advanced plastic surgery in the world.
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Anon I'm in love with you, let's get married
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>Believing the Honorary Aryan nonsense

Hitler also called some Muslims and Jews "Honorary Aryans" as well. Does that mean we should racemix with them too?
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You can never tell just by looking.
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>are you retarded
Not all do
No because they are like jackals and suck at war. You want to exterminate shitskins? Breed with Russians. They are the most warlike of modern Europeans.
my webm just got deleted
ban imminent
goodbye anons
I never once said we should mix with any of them, honorary or not, and you're retarded for thinking I did. Next question.
Poles and Hungarians are also pretty bad ass. Ukrainians are just Tatar-Turkic mutts.
Pretty much all bitches of middle class and higher.
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Seriously though, no western girl could ever look this angelic
Dunno about poles. They seem to be pussies to me who shit their pants and beg America protect them from evil Russians.

Hungarians would be based if they expelled their shitskin refugees.
>Implying any woman would want you swastika waving cancer patients.

Maybe sheboons are still available.
You're right on that, but neither can Asians without plastic surgery.
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I don't get Asians being hot and easy for White men isn't itself a motivating factor to have White children. Don't you want your sons to have a whole race bon appetite? Daughters also valued beyond their actual looks simply because of supply and demand.
asian women are the ultimate sexual buzzkill so if you want one you're not a man
The Japs don't. I play music there from time to time and have mingled with Japanese all over their country. They are actually really thankful to the west for their democratic process. As described frequently "it is far easier than feudalism". Only the Norks and commie Viets/Southies/Chinee want to see us gone, and not all Chinese are like that either.
See you in 3 days can't wait to shitpost with you again
Only beta males go for feminine, petite, monogamous Asian women.
Alpha males go for loud, mannish, polyandrous, STD-filled white girls.
White women are mostly such degenerates that it would be an easy choice. I'm glad I don't live in a white country anyway.
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>US puppet state likes the US

Rly makes me think, explain why Anti-US protests in Japan end up being so large then?
Most don't. This is part of the reason I like Chinese girls more they usually look more natural
Same as Asian women. Women are Women, there is no difference between them anywhere. They have been degenerates since the dawn of time.
Chinks are subhuman vermin, they're literally the insects of human beings.
Hapa and some existence
azn male here, please don't make more mongrels,make babies with white women whiteboi.
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That's because white women have turned themselves into negresses.

Nigger culture has ruined the west.
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Feel that? It's your heart melting
totally true in my case
And I don't mean asian, just a decent, conservative, good old fashion girl. Would take a 5/10 like that over any 10/10 looks from the other category
You and your women could leave our country alone by going back and defending your ancestral homelands.
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>Dating qt Jap girl who's sweet and innocent and barely had any bfs before me, but absolutely terrible in bed, never moves, never makes any sound, just a dead fish
>Fucking chink on the side who watches more porn then I ever did, screams in bed so loud my housemate complains and squirts

She's the third chink I've had and they've all been the same, they're crazy. Definitely not waifu material though, can't ever imagine breaking this japs heart as dull as she is. Plus i'd rather have that partner visa for Japan then China.

I married an asian, she was a virgin and it was sex only after marriage or no deal, and of course she wants kids.

Glad I took the yellow pill as well.
It will only happen if I find an asian girl to have kids with first.
God, you sound so isolated. Like a basement dweller stereotype. Any person who has dealt with Asians respects them for their hard work and civility. They are rather tribal and Jewy in business dealings, usually trying to rip you off, but that's part of their trying to get ahead.
They don't exist. Women are all liberals. It was men who kept them in line - not anymore. 'Muh Freedum'. Thanks America.
Who will win?
Uending horde of invading monkeys vs 1 Autism
Its a catfish scheme
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>God you sound so isolated, why don't you want America and Europe to become a safe haven filled with mixed mongrels

Why are you on /pol/ to begin with?
Chink sounds good but you should stop fucking her and date jap qt exclusively if you want to get serious depends on your situation.

Both are sluts though. 'barely had bfs' and 'fucks before marriage' both equal slut.

You fucking normie.
I've only been able to have good conversations with asian women. It's depressing.

With white women it's always about what nigger music they listen to and whatever normie movie is popular at the moment. The asian girls I've been with have been at least somewhat experienced in subjects of philosophy and the higher arts.

Asians still value intelligence. Whites have wiggered out and traded their intellect in for MUH DICK.
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You do realize your gf might've fucked multiple men before dating you right? divorce culture doesn't exist in Asia. Swedes be Swedes I suppose
'Old fashioned' Asian girls are a pain in the ass though. Seriously, the problem isn't slutty or not slutty, it's WHO they're fucking. An easy Asian girl is more appealing than an easy White girl because the latter is full of Jamal's gravy.
>fucks before marriage
You fucking have to though
>Anti-US protests in Japan end up being so large then?
Japan has it's fair share of SJW's anon, like literally everywhere. Most of their protests are about removing U.S. military bases there, which I can completely understand.
She's a painting.
She's literally wearing a mask, otherwise you couldn't even see her eyes.

Asian women for the majority have no curves, and bodies of 12 year old boys.
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Good night alt-right!
The fuck does mixed race mongrels have to do with calling Chinese "insect people?" You're clearly on /pol/ just because stormfront is down.

Not likely, since she was 18 when we married, she's an honest little angel, and she suffered pain and bled the first time.

More signs points for virgin than against (as in zero against except baseline 'can neverbe sure').

In Sweden this is literally impossible to find.
>"i want to preserve the white race by only knocking up white women"
>is still a pathetic virgin despite life goals
>"i will also bang a cute asian"
>is still a virgin and will forever remain as one

The problem with threads like this on /pol/ about people fucking anyone of the opposite sex is it just makes you look like exactly what you are: thirty permavirgins.
Gaijin hunter.
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found the nigger
Did you know that Asian women have developed melanin receptors in their vagina which when triggered cause enormous pain to the woman? This means they are most pleasured by white men who don't trigger the anti-melanin defence mechanism.

Not if you are serious in finding a good wife. Pressure her gently for sex but hope that she does not give in. If she doesn't, then she's a keeper.
I have
This I want to find one to smoke weed with. I've been told to move to California but I can't because I have too many CA illegal firearms and cars.
>bodies of 12 year Olds
Extreme, but their petite bodies it part of their atteaction. You feel really dominant holding their slim frames. True of slim White women too, though thats rare among American Germanics.
I'm being honest, mixed mongrels have done nothing of importance other then being tools for kike professors.

>the latter is full of Jamal's gravy

You'll be disappointed to find out that Blacked shit is the second most popular type of porn in Japan and Korea. That's why the Japanese Government is secretly importing West Africans. if you don't think they're as cucked as the west, you're kidding yourself.
You have a point but you don't want one that just gives it up but you need to know if you both like each other in bed.
> Anarchist
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>Spent a decade exclusively on /v/ and /r9k/ hating my life while smoking so much weed I'd inflame my throat and then use anti-inflammatories to smoke more while watching animu or playing rpgs every day
>Went on /fit/ for a year to escape skeleton status, took out loan to get nose job, quit vidya, learned another language, became a cop, started using tinder

Don't blame me for actually trying to turn my situation around before I killed myself
Not into azns in the slightest, they're barely above nigger-tier
would have had a better effect reversed.

I honestly can't tell almost any difference from all the girls I've slept with. It's a female shape of varying attractiveness with a hole.
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From japan i like only motorcycles,
>blacked porn is popular
Kek have your (you)
That's sad, anon.

You spent all that time reviling the normie lifestyle only to try so desperately to emulate it now. There is a higher, better way of living.
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"What if your stepmother finds out?"
Like that one anon said you have to find out if she's a dead fish or not.

I'm just saying, neither of those girls seem suitable for long term relationships/marriage. Don't climb up from the hole of perma-virgin just to fall into the trap of cucked by modern women the moment you get some.
Google it yourself, I'm not remotely joking about it. The Japanese are literal roasties.
Modify the firearms to be featureless and park all your cars on the street like a Mexican. You're welcome to live in CA.
I kek'd.
I am aware of that blacked type jav porn, though I think you're overstating it. It's hard to find white male Japanese female JAV porn movies, more common are blacked type. That doesn't really translate to real life where black men with Asians is clearly more rare.

If she is, and you are married, then you can teach her how to fuck well. You have a lifetime to practice.

If you marry a chick and she fucks like a pornstar, then there is cause for worry. Dead fish is the better scenario, IMO.

People like you just don't get it, the average normie who goes for the asian gf aren't interested one iota in "muh future of the white race". They seek love, companionship and a family. Something white women no longer provide. I posted this observation in another thread, but white women want to "settle down" later and later in life. 25 should be the absolute latest, but most white women want to either slut around and/or focus on muh career into their 30s by which time they no longer are marriage or mother material, just irritating roasties that offer nothing. The asian gf trend is the response to this, white men who want families have gone looking elsewhere. It's like mgtow except instead of giving up on women universally, they go after asian women. Asian women go along with it because asian men are completely fucking autistic (japan: molestation on trains, japanese porn and lets not forget ANIME).

Maybe its good, maybe its bad, but to the average normie with yellow fever, its because he has the choice of roastie white women, eternal loneliness or a relatively conservative girlfriend thats going to give him what white women refuse to provide. Unless he gets incredibly lucky and gets with the 1 in a 100 that isn't, white women are trash.
The existence of our race and a future for white children.

Ez. Japanese women are ugly.

You would be my person of color, but you're an anarchist filth.
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I will try my best to learn anon
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If I google "random japanese people" it looks like the girls are pretty good on average. The obesity rate there is probably a factor.
I just don't think I can bring myself to do that.
Japan is not importing west Africans but Korea imports Nigerians to clear minefields on the DMZ, they're semi-common in the poorer urban areas of the North (meaning everything directly north of Seoul). I've had a few female friends tell me the Nigerians will follow them around sometimes, luckily most of the country is covered by CCTV. A few women I know have had their drinks drugged.

Porn is not popular here to begin with, but blacked porn is definitely not, even among those who watch it.
very well worth the risk
Poland is probably one of my favorite countries

I guess that's good for you guys
White wife to have children.
Asian gf.
No white men fall for this, at least on /pol/, and since it is not a natural phenomenon shills work extra hard to push the asian gf meme.
Kek, those are SE asians, not japponaise.
Didn't find it being popular but found an article where it sounds like there doing it as liberal propaganda. Asians that I've known are very racist towards blacks like calling them monkeys and shit.
I dunno, like the whole reason to support the existence of a future for white children is because white people made some good art and had some good ideas. But Asians are pretty competent when it comes to art so I don't fucking care that much.
>good at anything other than studying
Pick one
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Is it okay for me to not marry/have gf since everyone around me is breeding like bunnies?
Maybe it's because minority white countries are shitty and poor? Maybe it's because mongrels are incapable of doing anything good and are just useless zion slaves. I rather have white children than mongrel children, because the former would probably pass down my ideals.
so the question becomes: why are white women so disgustingly obese
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Anon, I've never kissed a man before.
I'm so nervous
One day I will aquire an H2R and kill myself
no women wears hanfu in china or taiwan AFAIK, you must be delusional.
I don't know why the do that kind of makeup which makes their nose bridge look so thin if they can't hide the huge wide nostrils. Looks fake and ugly imo.
These are the most subversively anti-white threads on /pol/.

All the blacked threads, hillary threads, pro-gay threads cannot add up to the yellow pill threads.

I myself now have a gook gf.
You gave me a lot to think about also check'd
If you live in the US, you should probably leave the country so you don't effect our country with your mongrel spawn.
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>found the jealous white girl
You will never be this stylish, you will never be this pretty
ur son is gonna grow up to bitch about you on /r/hapas
Activities you can do with your Asian girlfriend:
Going to cafes
Visiting garden centres
Travelling to historic cities
Watching patrician films

Activities you can do with your white girlfriend:
Drinking at dingy nightclubs
Smoking weed
Gossiping about her stupid friends
Watching chick-flicks
Discussing litigation matters when she accuses you of rape
I'm getting snipped anyway. Whites will never compete with nonwhite fertility rates, it's pointless.
Think about it, the last two bastions against degeneracy, the east asians (excluding China) and the white man. Two distinct groups, the jews want us to interbreed and get rid of both groups. White for whites and asians for Asians, unfortunately 90% of the world doesn't seem to look behind the veil to find (((them)))
Asian girls smoke weed you just have to go to California.
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I'm all for a traditional asian wife and all but holy fuck do they look shit without makeup.
This thread just isn't as fun anymore
I'm surprised 4chan mods want to spread /pol/ to other boards.
You'd think they would try to contain /pol/ as much as possible

Activities you can do with your asian girlfriend:
Try to be a cuter than everyone else even though you despise each other
Never go outside by yourself
Never display affection
Get plastic surgery so you can be more attractive than the boyfriend of some whore she's jealous of
Spend money
Never fuck

The grass is always greener, britbro. Asian women are neurotic.
You could add never fuck to both though.
Look at his posts, he's a shill spamming racemixing propaganda. In fact all this is thread is some kikes locked in a stinky room wanting whites males to racemix and disappear.
What future? Rejecting asian gf will mean an eternity of virginity and dishonor
You have no idea

The asian woman will lay there the entire time and only have vaginal sex once a month, unless she's americanized, in which case you don't want her. I have never fucked a white girl despite being white, but if the 10+ white female neighbors I've had are any indicator, they fuck vigorously 5 nights a week.
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Asian girls are better than white girls in my opinion, but he's being reductionist and I don't like sex so I wasn't going to reproduce anyway so my opinion doesn't matter.

Intellectually, whites are superior and that should be preserved.
>>2178200 said you can fix a dead fish but it will probably vary girl to girl on if they like sex or not. It's why you have to get it out of the way before marriage but you don't want a whore who gives it up either.
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welcome to /bant/, 4chan's idol board
Well judging by the chinese immigrants here they're both physically and psychologically disgusting, and I doubt it changes much when in Asia (maybe more plastic surgery but that doesn't change the genes).
Anyway notice the shills stoped once the thread was moved out of /pol/.
whats wrong with that
why are you such a pervert that you need sex outside of procreation
It's because you're in Korea. Koreans are as bad as Mainland Chinese but there's less of them.
HK, Taiwan, Japan, all have better looking girls.
No, Korea has the best looking by far, but other countries have better personalities. Koreans are definitely worse than mainland chinese but chinese women are ugly.
SEA monkeys are my favorite but only if they are Chinese Polynesian not Filipinos.
/bant/ is literally a dump to move /pol/ threads to.
but was planned to be /trashpol/ from start.
easy asian gf.
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