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What started the current tattoo fad?

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Nobody used to look like that, even just 20 years ago.
What caused this amount of tattooing on people?
One or two small ones, ok; but your neck your face your arms all smothered in them.
David Beckham made tattoos mainstream and acceptable, clearly as part of the Jewish plot to normalise degeneracy, thus destabilising the West or something.
Back in the early 90s only crims, servicemen and junkies had Tatts where I was living. Then it became trendy. Aka counter culture became mainstream. I made a decision to stay a cleanskin because it became obvious that Tatts were counter culture larp.
There was a sudden urge in degenerates to mark themselves, so they can be distinguished from non-degenerates. The sudden urge was triggered by (((them))) through their msm brainwash machinery.
Now (((they))) can tell apart those who are already good goys and those who need some more guidance.
shame... who punched her in the mouth??
Tsar Nicholas II
> her
Beckham yes and that Jolie woman as well.
The fad has come and gone since the 80s with different genres of music either embracing it or not, wait a while and the current people with tats will be embarrassed like the metalheads who rushed to get them in the 80s.
People rarely took it to such extremes before though? & those who did were on the margin of society like outlaw bikers.
>One or two small ones, ok
no, any amount of tattoos and the person is a complete moron
It's a good thing. Let the fools mark themselves.
getting a permanent mark on your body based on a brief trend seems to be a good decision.
Yes sure is a smart move.
>noboby used to look like that, even just 20 years ago
Yes they did, you fucking mong.
Heavy metal has been a thing since the late 60's.
its the ones that preparing the clowns to accept the mark of the beast in a form of digital tattoos
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Better question would be who has SHE punched in the mouth

Jemma Lucy is an absolute nutter


fucking mutants
As I said a moment ago,some people on the margins of respectable society looked like that before.
Years ago a shop would not employ a person with tattoos below a polo shirt arm cuff height.
I am served in shops now by people with full arm tattoos.
Didn't Victorian richfags get tattoos all the time, sailors did anyway
Kids born in the late late 80's and early 90's saw eminem with them and thought he was cool.
The "less clothing each year" trend. Tatoos and a lot of uncovered skin goes along pretty well.
It's horrible. This is worse than gore posting.

What the fuck are you talking about you retard, not even punks in the hardcore scene were tatted up to their eyeballs like the average degenerate today.
I'd say counter culture but I wouldn't go as far to say all crims.

Now even cops have tattoos.
Ot's normie culture now and lots of tattoo artists get pisses off that they always have to do lame normie tattoos that say shit like "just breath".
Jolie popularised the lame normie tattoos.
You are too young to know what you are talking about.
I'm talking almost 30 years ago bro. Only cops who had Tatts back then were ex mil, and we didn't see as many go into the force then, they just fizzled and died cos they were fucked up nam vets
It's just retard normans following their negro and celebrity idols. When i see a tatted up twig libmed hipster or "i'm not like the other girls" solipsist i just know i can safely disregard them. In 2017 overemphasized tattoos just scream "This person is an NPC"
Looks like someone necklaced her with charcoal briquettes
Sailors were poor working class people.
>One or two small ones, ok
fags like you caused it with your pathetic weak tolerance for 'one or two'.
Do you like cosmetic surgery though?
tattoo removal is going to be a good business soon.
I'm sleeved up from hands to pecs but cant stand tatts on girls. Don't give a fuck what you think.
I'm still not exactly sure it's true.

Tattoos used to be for the kind of people that build harleys and lowrider impalas.

Now even normies that complain about nosiy harleys have them.

>I'm sleeved up from hands to pecs

Faggot. You can "not give a fuck what you think" all you want, but everyone who's not a retard has you pegged for a massive attention whoring faggot.
Already is.
Geordie Shore, Only Way is Essex, etc. are unironically some of the whitest shows on television. I;ve only ever seen clips of them, but all the guys seem to be white Chads. Arguably they are too effeminate, some of them, to be Chad, but still.
NPC? Never Put Cock (in)?
Normal people are boring though so you shouldn't care.

I don't even have tattoos btw.
All good. bitches love it.
I'm not judging you, its just a fashion I suppose.
girls with thigh tats are the trashiest
It wouldn't be so bad, but people put the most retarded shit on themselves.

>Everyone who's not a retard

That's a direct opposite to "normal" people.
Nothing to do with fashion. My left arm is dedicated to HP Lovecraft the right is dedicated to the Waffen SS. It lets people know what you're about before you open you're mouth.
I think eminem popularised tattoos btw.

I remember in primary school when his music first came out a lot of the boys that likes him started talking about getting tattoos.
I saw a hipster guy with sweet wrappers tattooed all up his arms.
seems pretty pointless to me, but has some meaning for him idk?
That's gonna be a pain to get removed.
It was the obvious step up from the media telling males it's cool to be "gangsta" and encouraging women to be sluts. Tattoos have always been historically associated with male criminals and female prostitutes.
fair enough.
I don't go near girls with visible tats
Like I said, 20-30 years ago Tatts were degenerate. I can only assume you were around then to have formed your opinion. Desu they continue to be degenerate.
That i agree with.

No, people just think that doing random shit makes them quirly and interesting, but they're fucking retarded boring normies that don't realize you can't force randomness and fluidity.

Tattoos have become the trademark of the white lower-middle working class
Thank you brother.
I wouldn't mind getting a pair of titties tattooed on my feet, this way I can still achieve a moderate fap if I am desperate and without tech
Born in 1990.
The use of a tattoo, self-chosen, is to basically act as a constant reminder to yourself and others. In a historical sense, tattoos represent slavery, imprisonment or military service, with military service being a slavery and imprisonment of its own kind. They work as a quick identifier to other people (often of a similar background) as to what your background is.

What I am saying is that all tattoos are degenerate, but in a modern sense military tattoo are probably the least degenerate. They signal a bond, history, or reliability to other soldiers/former soldiers.
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I kinda of wanted to get tattoos and perhaps be a tattoos artist when I grow up but it became full of normies getting normie tattoos.

I have clean skin and work in graphic design now and also sell art sometimes.
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I know a 58 yo guy with this, or similar

your 27. what the fuck do you know about anything?
Born 74. You're just watching reruns mate. It's all been done before.
They work as a quick identifier to other people (often of a similar background) as to what your background

Not anymore... middle class white girls with shit like "just breath" tattood on their wrists.. BAKA.
As a Calvinist Christian I despise any tattoos.

It's clearly a tramp stamp to try and look unique and try to get your "unique mark" for instagram likes and followers.

In the 90's I thought they were le edgy kewl, now fucking everybody has multiple stupid tattoos, i can't see myself ever getting any now
A middle class white girl with a "just breathe" tattoo signals that she is a middle class white girl with poor taste to other people.
*you're you fucking quasi fool
Yeah, it's shit like this that I don't like. What kind of moron pays a couple hundred dollars for that? But at least that tattoo can be covered, which is really the only acceptable kind of tattoo regardless of what someone gets.
Tattoos are fucking degenerate, I refuse to mark my body
You'll figure it out one day anon

thanks bro. really helped me relay my point more effectively
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We used to have a middle class you could climb into with hard work, and you were required to keep a respectable appearance to stay there.
Now you're either (((1%))) or a prole.
Proles who aren't chickenshit get tattoos, because who cares about keeping up with appearances if you are a prole?
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>have someone draw a picture on you
>hurts like hell
>never washes off
>pay the person for it

It's because people are fucking stupid.
thanks mum!
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The start of my Lovecraft sleeve which has since been finished.
I'm glad.
If someone has a tattoo on their neck or head area I know that they are impulsive degenerates and I can avoid association.
Of course when you deny them a job or 'discriminate' against them they kick up a stink.
Unlike other discriminations, they weren't born that way. They willfully chose to hamstring their employment prospects and general respectability.

There was a yob in my country that got a full face tattoo while drunk in prison.
He was in for assault and theft for scamming a tourist into buying an undersized tinny of weed.
The tourist objected and this guy wallops him.
He gets a sob story in the news, how he's had such a hard life and he just wants to provide for his young family with a job.
He got 'DEVAST8' tattooed across half his face.
He got job offers out from all over the place and offers to get the tattoo removed. He rejected the offers.
He had an odd sense of pride with his disfigurement.
They employers must have been virtue signalling, but why.
Why is there sympathy for people who disfigure themselves and then can't get a job?
The male criminal one comes from the time Romans used to tattoo slaves and criminals. Ancient Egyptian prostitutes used tattoos as protective charms against STDs. Over time and cultures, it kinda stuck. For example, in Japan tattoos used to be exclusively for yakuza and the "pillow world", which was why anyone with a tattoo was banned from the public baths, so they would not bring any illegal activity into a place full of naked people.
Lovecraft would be disgusted at that.
Non-playable character. Means a normalfag in this context.
I bet you look lovingly into those eyes when you fap. On acid. Fucking degenerate.
How many people know who he is in your day to day life?
I can imagine only few do?
I mean I Am an artist and I hate the whole "I did this to my body" because I live art bullshit people try and pull...

Prople who say that often don't even know who picasso was...

They love art but can't even remember the artist who did it's name... yeah some appreciation there...

Also people act like their poorly drawn dragon tattoo is the mona lisa.
He certainly would have been. But I still love the old cunt.
If i got mine in jail then does it mean i am not a larping degenrate?
It's a fucking epidemic here in london. Try to find yourself a girl NOT covered in tattoos and piercings. Fuckin joke
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One good thing about tattoos is it makes degenerates a lot easier to identify
It means you're just a degenerate, but at least you're hardcore.
No one, they think he's my grandfather
What gets me is the normies who get the Illuminati/kike related tats, such as a generic looking goat head, tattooed right across their chest. Like WTF? The Suicide Girls definitely need help in this department.
Kek but i went in jail for self defence and i was the only one in my whole cell blockthat refused to do heroin,Well i was still drinking and smoking otherwise they would've marked me as a faggot.
No, that means you're a degenerates degenerate. not a judgement, just a second sentence.
I think it's a status symbol thing like smoking once was, if you have many tattoos it means you have money.
>hemorrhoid anus lips
>What started the fad?
I'm trying to find pics of my Joachim Piper tattoo
Why don't you get a swastika on your head
My grandad was a lovecraft fan, hardly anyone these days has even heard the name.
Like I said, still a degenerate, but you're pretty hardcore.
Because faggots head probably looks like a cross between Katy perry and a prolapsed anus

>captcha manning
Acid scares the shit out me. I stick to booze and weed.
>hardly anyone these days has even heard the name.

Wrong, champ. Left wing degenerates adore Lovecraft and there's a project to expand his canon and make it more inclusive, or so I read some time ago. Seriously, university-liberals LOVE Lovecraft because he's so, like, creepy and spooky or something dude.
They looks trashy, also green and blue in hair makes them looks skanky and trashy.
No tattoos or hair dye just was your filthy ass and stop popping countless dicks in your holes you fucking slags.
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>hurr look here this is a skull on my shoulder
>it meant to represent how cool and dangerous i am
>and this is a dragon on my knee
>i love dragons and turtles
>look at this deep and meaningful phrase i stole from citation compilation, it's on my face now and it makes me 20% smarter
>hurr mario on muh back, member murio the electrician or whatever, makes bitches know how much NERD i am
There is something deeply childish in this. It's like people expirience a second teen phase in their mid 20s which makes them do this.
I have the black sun behind piper on my right arm with a tiger tank...good enough???
Also these faggots that go around posting things like

>"tattoos don't mean I am a bad person why should I have to wear long sleeved shirts i a restauraunt"...

Those are the new wave normies...

I know plenty of tattoo artists who get annoyed at people saying that shit themselves.

These tattoo people say
>well if you want to avoid being judged don't get tattoos.

>It's not discrimination it's a choice.. you weren't born with tattoos.

> just wear a long sleeved shirt and stop being a sooky bitch.

I really want to fuck that girl. Not for the semi-loli experience but to hear the shamefully whispered backstory afterwards. I want to know how dark this world is. The crazy girl sex would be a nice bonus.
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circus freaks
Why does the painter matter to the appreciation of the painting? I've forgotten a lot of "basic" knowledge about art history because those eras bore me to tears

You can appreciate modern "aesthetic" and other internet art and still be appreciative of art
The greatest writer of eldritch tales ever.
>human beings have been tattooing themselves for as long as humans have existed
pick one, aspie. you "Muh degeneracy" faggots need to just kys. your ignorance is repulsive.
*cough* lame *cough, cough*

probably stems from what the bible says about marking your body. this is a white christian board you know
I'm a bit past it to know what uni libs are into.
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small tattoos are finw
mods are cunts
Wait, what?
Small tattoos are normie tier.

Just don't get a tattoo at all if you want some shit like that.
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Fuck shit cunt asshole mods faggots mods niggers
mods? lol anime posters are gonna be mad
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>come back and refresh /bant/
>suddenly in 900s
I knew something was up.
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Are you triggered now, bant kids?
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shut up gOY
you are so shit as this kiwi
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Oh shit, I'm sorry :^)
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Oh fuck this shit
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Fukken kiwi is going down as the worst getter in the history of 4chins
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Mods are niggers
Yeah, tatoos are all bad
The rise in popularity of shit like Metalcore and other forms of media related. All the former scene kids turning 20 and saying "See mom? It really wasn't a phase!"
>Aka counter culture became mainstream.

I think this annoys me more than any tattoo; the commodification of dissent.

I don't think there's any real counter culture thing left, everything is about the almighty dollar.
Not any of those.

What really made the difference was the advancement of technology of taking tattoos. Taking a tattoo at a modern tattoo parlor doesn't physically hurt anyone any more. Numbed skins, quick needling, easy inks.

Now any pussyass fuck can take a tattoo of any size anywhere. It only hurts your wallet and nothing else. Only fucking pussies take tattoos nowadays.
Apparently the tribal tattoo fad is on the wane and now the new in thing is the Greek gods
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