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Why do I have to have the jew genetics, and my sister have qt aryan goddess genetics when we have the same parents?! Its not fair.
Open bob
>same parents

This is when you begin to question that assumption.
bump a lump
Good to see some new info creeping in, haven't seen this before.
also, buuuump it up
post a better pic of your hot sis.
She's ugly
Let me culturally enrich you
Fuck your sister
Problem fixed
nah friendo, we both look somewhat similar to our parents in different ways.
what are the eye colors of your parents?
Are you a girl?
mums is brown, dads is green with brown spots (his dad is an irish ginger).
Sir, do you have a feminine benis?
Boobs same size? Pics?
show titties
Holy shit!
Is this real?
Where did you get this?!
I'll need to see your soles and tits
arent you sleepy anon? this is nothing anyways, lets go to sleep
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>hello, femanon here
Your mother is a cheating whore
You have jewish eyes
>falling for the r9k meme
I was there too at one point.
Wonderful. You have just doxxed yourself dumb bitch HAHAHhahahahhaha
tits or gtfo
As a decently feminine looking 22 year old college student with extremely high grooming standards:

Would you like to get married and have androgynous children?

I'm good with kids and I adore pets.
Left seems much better looking to me
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think so anon? sunken in, or beady? Because I dont really think I have either
id let you suck my cock and im not even gaye
already married, m8.
Your sister is ugly. You are actually hotter, babe. Want some fuck?
i think i am in love with you. post ass.
>one is blonde and blue eyed
>one has brown hair and brown eyes
>one got all the good genes, the other got none
I look forward to your fistfight on top of an exploded giant nuke-launching mech
You and your sis look like you could be anywhere ranging from Slovakia to Macedonia.
Your father got cucked
I actually cant really pin down what my roots are by my face and Id really like to know. I enjoy being able to tell where someone is from by their face, like slav vs nord.
You could be from here, walk down the streets and nobody would bat an eye.
And your sis too, then again, you might be LARPing with no timestamp.
could very well be, but even then, I still think its a biological injustice.
pol has made me autistic about aryan-ness and racial purity even tho jew girls are qt.
Side profile of your nose I'll get to the bottom of this fem-anon
The ugliest part of your face is how there is 0 space between your brows and eyes. Its like your eyes are crammed under your bony forehead
git rekt ?
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What a charmer.
ur both fucking ugly
i want to shoot my load in you
I don't get the point of this thread, so fuck it.
uwotm8 girl on left is qt as fug with nice skull shape

girl on right looking like a stealth-aryan jew with a big brow ridge and a wide nose. hair and eye color is lost on her when she looks like she doesn't even brush her hair.

just marry some blonde guy and dye your hair already
don't worry I personally cant stand the blonde/blue eyes combo, looks super basic
Your sister looks like David Bowie.
You should come here and abandon the nigger shithole of Amexica.
We're poorer but at least no one will rape you because you're white.
What would you know, Sven? Niggers treat your women with half as much respect and they steal cuck you, lmao.
Your eyes protrude from your head. Lmao
You look like a fucking fly.
I take back what I said.

just be a cat lady
me neither, just wanted to see peoples thoughts on it, maybe makes some memes. I dont know why Im expecting some sort of camaraderie in this place, I guess because I browse here every day for hours.
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Probably because you two have two different dads, even if you haven't figured it out yet.
>I guess because I browse here every day for hours.
Quick test

What should a woman not do before marriage?
dont worry ill still love you
>Niggers treat your women
Why the racism?
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>when a Roma tries to act white.
Hey I found your selfie
>why the racism
What board are you on, faggot?
Same thing happened to me, feels bad man.
Wow I'm sorry to say but you and your sis have different parents
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con of having some phat eyes
>canadian tries to be witty
>meanwhile, all his immigrants are indian, pakis and chinks
Canada will be a chinkdian country by 2030.
>What board are you on, faggot?
Homophobia too?

Unfaithful mother.
How many shekel for you to suck my schmeckle?
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The pushed out eyes, the nose. Case closed, A Turk.
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im a russian jewess and i love being a euro jew
Umm sweetie, how old are you both?

Pretty straight if you have Jew ancestry I'd say it's less than 1/8th

You have nice white skin
At least we were white to begin with, Roma.

You want to hit me up?
picture of my brother and while kids

Why did he turn into a Mediterranean and why did I get the easten euro genes
forgot pic
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ru a cute white boy
what's your snap ho?

What does your sister look like?
sc scavv? time stampd or fuck off.
This happens all the time and it's so fucking annoying. Theres always one sister with brown eyes and hair and a fucked up nose while the other's aryan
>how can I get attention for being a girl while making it related to /pol/
fuck off roastie, I bet you dyed your hair just for this post
has my full name so uh idk. add me on steam

Those eyes, blue as the sky, and those locks, like golden rays, you must know that I have coveted them since we were young? You were always the favorite, weren't you? NO LONGER SHALL I LIVE UNDER YOUR SHADOW, SISTER! YOUR ARYAN SOUL WILL BE MINE AT LAST
Your sis looks like pepe, just be happy.
Yeah, pure white. Only second generation, so I don't have any native in me like most Americans do.
Oh my god that's true
ooo nice. where ur senpai from
plz be my jewish gf
why you makin it about gender? Im not making it about gender, I never even said I was female. as to why Im posting on here in particular, I like unfiltered autism.
you've shown your colors 14 yo boy larping. Go play CS:GO
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>add me on steam
>doesn't tell anyone the steam name
I'm sorry, I won't fall for this again. I need a timestamp.
I don't wish to state any personal info here, so unless you got some DMs like Discord or email.
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better late than never.jpg
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Both pretty seaworthy if you ask me.

- Take better care of your eyebrows. Don't reshape them, just give them some definition.

- Take better care of your skin. I'm not talking about blemishes, I mean the fact that I can see through it. You probably aren't getting enough protein or enough sun. Fuck if I know. See a dermatologist and don't waste time talking about blemishes. Every woman gets those and men don't really care about them.

- Get more sleep. Get a LOT more sleep. This is probably the most important thing anyone can do for their health apart from not smoking. I'm a fat fuck who drinks like a fish and I have better skin than you at 45 because I sleep well and I don't smoke.

Post more pictures in better light, though.
what's your steam name then ho?
Only a virgin would assume that no hot girls have Steam accounts, lmao.


>Only a virgin would assume that no hot girls have Steam accounts, lmao.
stop embarrassing canada.
such is the fate of a mongrel people. Mr. 50% it is amazing that you even look alike.

t. snownigger
Made me giggle
mom was probably fucking the mailman
Alright, add me then.
ur exactly the same as me and my sister. i got blond hair and green eyes and she has black hair and brown eyes. our parents are cuban so i think maybe there is some indio blood in there somewhere that she got.
I just wanted your snap so I could perv on you. I'm in a committed relationship already with a 10/10.

Will you still give me your snap on steam?
makeup is a waste of time, women look better without it.
i dont go out into the sun because i dont want to tan
and I indeed lack sleep and have for many years.
I would, but s/o doesnt want me to dox myself (which I agree, Im just a faggot who wants anonymous thread-friends)
uhh I don't like cheaters
girl on right is ugly as fuck gas her
Ignore me, he's the guy who is hooked and will be seeing your penis out of your boxers as a surprise
if you are cuban, it is not indio blood, it is negro blood. all the indians were exterminated. marco rubio is perfect example, he is an octoroon
It's probably just subconscious in your brain at this point
Everyone else here makes threads about topics, either supporting them, mocking them, or wanting to create discussion about them
Then you come here and make a thread entirely about you
And you can't just describe your hair / eye colour, you have to post a picture of yourself so everyone knows you're a relatively attractive female

Just an observation
Just to make it clear, there are phenotypes and there are genotypes. Look it up my fellow racist nigger cucks
I'm not cheating, just get bored at work. She's way hotter than you are, so you don't have to worry.
You sound unfaithful as hell
in addition, drugs/alcohol is degenerate, and I havent done either except 2-3 times as a teen.
skin is particularly shit rn because im sweating and fuck with my face a lot (rubbing, scratching, etc)
Would never cheat on her. You're crazy.
>i dont go out into the sun because i dont want to tan
sure dont tan but everyone needs some sun. This year that was only 23 summer days in Denmark and even that little can cover your need for sunlight. So get some sun just do not overdo it.
You look cuter imhotbqh
I wonder how many people got killed throughout history because people didn't know.

different flavors of the ice cream white people

you're obviously not that jewish looking. Obvious jews look greasy and have that "SURPERIOR ISRAELI" skin.

both are cute desu, calm the fuck down
good god threads really turn to fucking shit around this time of night
What does he mean by this?

what reaction do you expect from incels and virgins and shitskins that larp as whites
well if i dont post a picture of exactly the situation then it could be misinterpreted. Sure I couldve made a thread saying 'explain why this is' but then you wouldnt have a first hand experience of the situation and it could just be fake/misrepresented. then again I could be lying and larping about everything in this thread, but the implication is that Im not.
In conclusion, I think I would appreciate a thread like this, and fuck it, I thought I was the only one with this feel, so maybe some other people can not feel alone or a freak with this feel. makes me feel better to see other people in the same situation at least.

they look pt swarthy most of the time

alot of them can look white tho
what situation? Not looking exactly like your sibling? Or not winning the genetic lottery?
In any case you are an American and clearly fit into the box they have called "white people" along with your sister. What more do you want?
I'd still fuck the shit out of you OP you've got that natural beauty, look, though I am a nigger and we all what that means https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GCc4NfAkbY
So they don't get sunburned that easily?
Sounds superior indeed

t. jew
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Sure thing, Kevin.
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I should be learning math instead, but Im on here because its enjoyable, funny, a stress relief, etc. which is basically what this thread is. the majority of 4chan is just a stress relief and sometimes philosophical with new ideas, but many threads, like this one, is just for casual banter and memes. I would prefer to not get praise/hate for my appearance, just stick with the original idea, but thats the beauty of 4chan and why I think people come here: people say whatever the fuck they want.

What does your sister look like?

are you actually jewish tho
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