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I'm slowly reaching the breaking point /pol/. Every time

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I'm slowly reaching the breaking point /pol/.
Every time I go out all I see is whores, faggots, cuckolds and any kind of degenerates. I don't see human beings, I see degenerates. Degenerates who have no right and place in this beautiful land. Degenerates that deserve to be swept away because they're a disgrace. Degenerates, degenerates, degenerates.

I used to be a cheerful man, I used to laugh and smile a lot. Now I only smile during happenings or when watching anime.

What is happening to me?
stop being extremist faggot nazi
The Red pills are slowly taking over, just let it happen anon.
This. Get some refugees and let your country die, OP. You don't want to be on the wrong side of history, do you?
Facebook causes that... attention whores are like crack heads
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Join the club
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>and let your country die
>yfw germany is richest country in EU
Any boys from brazil in El Salvador?
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>watching anime
YOU are the degeneracy.
It has moulded you.
>Actually believing that money means your country is going to survive the century

All it means is its a riper target for Ahmed and Jamal
it will survive, don't worry.
Clean your room, anon.

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Youre seeing the bigger picture of how this world is and its making you depressed, just keep eating those red pills until you inevitably kill yourself like the rest of us. Leave a decent suicide note so at least the people closest to you can realise the world is owned by kikes, women and niggers.
Im not.
I just want to live a traditional and dignified life. But that's hard to achieve when sluts and faggots are 24/7 lobbying for sex education at kindergarten and free abortion for everybody.
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there's alwais a solution
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Calm down anon. Try to show them the way.

That's how I cope with being surrounded by degenerates. Instead of daydreaming about physically removing them from society I try to reform them. I succeeded with a couple of friends, while the rest is too deep in their phones and social media.

Anyway, don't let it isolate you. I noticed that even degenerates can appreciate a man with a strong sense of morality.
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You don't have a breaking point because you're too much of a pussy to do anything.
Take the Christpill. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
>Get some refugees

He's from El Salvador; he exports refugees, doesn't do imports.
Hold onto the iron rod.
We must buy an island and turn it in an etnostate. We'll conquer the world after subhumans destroy countries.
I feel your pain. I kicked my girlfriend, and all of my friends to the curb after being redpilled. I just couldnt handle the degenerate cuckery any longer. Society needs to get its shit together. In the meantime, im bailing out to the countryside. Fuck all these urban retard, herd mentality fuckwits.
>who cares about your people being replaced aslong as the rich are getting richer while the middle class is dying and pensioners can barely survive
Atleast you still get your Hartz 4, right?
The bread pill
I don't want to kill myself and I'll never do it. I'm a Christian man.
I just hate to see the way society is slowly accepting things that were unthinkable just a few years ago. I hate to think of the way the world is gonna be in a few decades. All while sluts and faggots celebrate victory after victory. I hate this so much and is destroying my nerves.
It will only get worse. Until..
It will survive but not be the same, it'll be less safe, less clean, the administration and the people'll be less reliable, worker's will be less efficient on average and it will definitely not be the Germany you grew up in, and that's the problem and that's what you can observe right here if you cross the Rhine
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>mfw I'm part of the rich dudes and don't give a shit if poorfag retards have to live in nigger infested ghettos

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There is
A solution
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>el salvador
>(((beautiful))) land
It's called being an adult. Those types of degenerate people have always existed in large numbers. Why do you think humans in general have complained about society for thousands of years. Because you're young you are only just starting to see the world and how it's always been through adult eyes... There's still some good people out there though, but not many.
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I'd rather have my country die than barely survive. After Germany "survives" it will look nothing like Germany. It won't be Germany anymore. It will be a fucking trainwreck. There's nothing to be happy about.

Why would you do that? If you want the society to "get its shit together", help it. They won't fucking change if you let them be brainwashed by jewish propaganda everyday. I talked my girlfriend out of supporting Hillary and being an SJW, turned one of my best friends from a democratic socialist to a hoppean anarcho-capitalist and currently I'm working on fixing another friend's love for Stirner, moral relativism and post-modernist ideas in general.

It's much more fulfilling than just isolating yourself.
>lying on the internet
Sad af.
So explain why adults these days are just as degenerate or more than the kiddies? It has nothing to do with being an adult. Society is just turning to shit. There are no more values.
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You're gonna care when the niggers gonna come through your neighborhood and take your wife a daughter for a spin
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Your country has one of the highest murder rates in the world so faggots and whores are probably the least of your problems.
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>What is happening to me?
That nigger in the middle has his rape face on and his pants already unzipped.

Seems about right.
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>believing into fearmongering nazi bullshit

nah nothing is gonna happen

I don't believe in fearmongering so you don't have to bother and try to scare me.

its true tho
my business is going extremely well these days.

Beautiful land? Negro, you're in Salvador
le ebin troll
Changing people doesn't work with everyone. I tried to change my ex girlfriend and now she just thinks I'm a racist with no compassion.

What you'll notice about a cesspool is that the more diseased they are the more FLAMMABLE they become.

Just light a match.

Fire converts it all into clean ashes. It purifies.
All the shit adults are doing today is no different than what adults were getting up to 60 years ago. There was no internet and phone cameras to easily document everything back then. You really think your grandma is going to tell you about all the BBC gang bangs and orgies she and her friends were have back in the 60s? You really think your grandpa is going to tell you about all the gay orgies and dick sucking contests he was having in the 70s when he was in collage and taking LSD?
Spot on, i know the feel mate. If you think we have it tough imagine how hard it will be for our kids. My generation will never own their own house and will take half their life just to pay off debt. Do we care? Nope. Too busy clubbing and sleeping around.

>im a christian man
Please tell me how you do it, i consider myself a cultural christian in the sense i have all the values of a christian but without the faith in god. As much as i'd like to i have a hard time believing god would allow our world to turn out the way it has.
nope, just honest viewing the situation.
You need to do it very carefully and slowly, sometimes through jokes. After some time you can redpill anyone.
You're thinking of the lord as our baby sitter, he's not. If you let god into your heart you will have peace and the strength to suppress the evil.
I try to live my life in the way as a Christian gentleman. I respect the law, pay my taxes, educate and improve myself the best way I can, help others and try to love my neighbor. This last one is the part I've been struggling to accomplish. I just can't bring myself to respect and love a fucking whore or a flaming faggot.
I am ready to die fighting for a good cause, for good people, even for 1 good person. But I wouldn't sacrifice myself to save 1000 whores or faggots. They're simply worthless to me.
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You guys need to learn the art of reveling in chaos.
Nope you're just retarded germany is on a faster track to demographic destruction than the US 40% of your youth are non germans you guys are fucked bigly not that i expect you give a shit you poz'd liberal degenerate
Well, I accepted my hatred for degenerates. Honestly, hate is my favorite emotion, it energizes me and motivates me to do stuff. And I don't mean it in an edgy way, I'm just more angry than sad about stuff.

But I can understand why you want to avoid that if you're Christian.
You're pathetic, OP.
A genuinely pathetic, sad person.
Quit bitching and grow a pair.
money will always buy me a comfy place somewhere.
don't worry.
Was like that for years. I don't go out any longer because of just that. I rather smoke weed in the comfort of my own apt instead.
>what is happening to me?

You're a boring person and you spend too much time on /pol/ circle-jerking with other faggots like you.
holy shit RARE
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Same here lad
>Implying it's something bad
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The night is for hunting anon
You sound like a decent man
Germans got a tiny bit of taste of immigrants and they're getting raped quite literally.

Immigration any European countries receive is a JOKE compared to the amount of unskilled mexican immigrants have been receiving.. for DECADES now.
Even a hard working person is unproductive if only has entry level job skills ... and it's not like all mexicans are productive, they are quite prone to crime and rape in comparison to developed countries.

USA alone receives 25% of the world's yearly immigration, and it's mostly people without job skills going to the land of opportunity, leeching from their resources ... that's why socialism would never work in USA, and much much less in Latin America, as it is being proved systematically all over our continent.
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There's a special "gym equipmen" for her kegel muscle.
And by "grow a pair" I mean grow up and stop giving a fuck about what other people do with their life
>Not everyone in the word ascribes to my "obviously superior" way of life
You're only just learning this? Are you 14?
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Thats a good way of putting it, never thought of it like that. My families really close and my grandma, who knows im depressed, has invited me to church a few times. I'll take her offer up and go on sunday. Probably learn a lot more talking one on one with a priest than an internet forum.
Thanks mate


Move here anon.
Memes aside El Salvador has always been a great country. Yes, we've been having some terrible time since the 80's with the Soviet-financed terrorism, and since the 90's with the American sponsored gangs, but this year alone homicides have been reduced by 50%, the market isn't saturated by big brands and it's still relatively easily to start a business with low investment. You can buy a decent house for $120k and use it as a front shop or office, or buy a coffee plantation in the countryside (1-2 hours away from caputal) for around the same price.

The problems that alarm me the most is how fast girls are copying the crap they see on those kardashians and other American tv shows. They are starting to openly pride on promiscuity and loudly embrace and support feminism, homosexuality, divorce, etc.

It's still relatively small and new, but this alarms me because once it starts it can't be stopped.
>Every time I go out all I see is whores, faggots, cuckolds
>posts whores, faggots, cuckolds
Nothing to see here, another troll



You can do that all by yourself senpai


What we need is to move to 1 small country (like El Salvador), buy property, acquire citizenship and start a political movement.




its hopefully a trend
We are all the degenerate of someone.
You, for example, are a degenerate to me because you watch anime
No thanks, I would prefer a real man putting his hands on me and doing it for me.
There's nothing wrong with anime. It encourages the pursue of virtue and love for owns country and culture.

>Every time I go out all I see is whores, faggots, cuckolds and any kind of degenerates.

el salvador must be hard
/pol/tards are SJW-tier inexperienced, naive cowards who blame literally everything and everyone else - from entire races to the government to global conspiracies - on their inability to find happiness or what has been considered a noble life in the Western world for a very long time (profession, wife, family).

They idealize bygone eras without realizing they would be even less attractive and successful if competing with traditional macho males. It isn't the world's fault they are pudgy, sedentary, prematurely embittered, miserable, under-socialized losers. If you have an ounce of personality, confidence, and social skills you can exceed beyond your flaws. Unfortunately, social skills are like a muscle group, if you don't exercise them they atrophy. No one wants to be around quiet angry weird young men who can't connect beyond ranting about politics; unfortunately for them, their delusions of grandeur and rampantly erroneous self-perception mean they see themselves as mysterious, hyper-intelligent, superior wolves in a world of sheep. Too bad no one around them shares this opinion.

Comments such as "Honey, when are you going to get a girlfriend" from mothers and perplexed, disappointed fathers must be quite common in the lives of /pol/tards.
Anon you know there is a reason why Amish people live by themselves and why it's taboo in Amish society to preach to others.
Because if you live your life worrying about others and the fate of the world you will drive yourself quite literally insane.
If you truly are a Christian and believe the word then you would know this life is only temporary. Live your life humbly and do what you can to help your neighbor and get rewarded in the afterlife. There's no extra reward for screaming about degenerates and blowing a blood vessel.
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This is a problem for more than a few people here. You are disturbed by what you see IRL and you come here for comfort and find leftists Nazi LARPers screaming about Jewish conspiracies and hatred for non-whites, magnifying the degeneracy with their own projections. And yes, they are extreme leftists by definition. They want to destroy your world and rebuild it same as the leftists who promote the degeneracy that brought you here. Keep your wits about you and draw from your inner strength, your good friends, family, traditions- all the things the extremists hate. There is no final solution only the change you make in yourself and in the world, it needs to be positive or else you will suffer. Good mornin frens
>things money cant buy
an asian husband?
Imagine being a materialist lmao
this guy is surrounded by non whites, hence why he is depressed. lool.
Can't you just overthrow the government? It's el salvador. Just make a group of peeps and machete away.
Your view is too polarized now. Even nazi Germany would appear cucked to you. Just wait it out until apathy sets in. I went through the same thing as you did. Now I don't care anymore.
Wertvoller als Gold
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this is 100% bullshit.

i constantly btfo my sjw "friends" in everything. wether it be looks, stamina, penis, grades, sociabillity, motivation.

you couldnt be more wrong.

i look back on a time when whites had their own home, and i seeth with rage that the kikes decided we didnt deserve it.

it has nothing to do with my current situation in life.

i could easily drop all white pride and turn into a kike, but i love my race and i will never betray them for a kike. YOU FUCKING KIKE
b-but I'm white
kek this really made me think. To beat the nigger you have to become the nigger.
White only no go zones when friendo? I think they'd rather start a WW than let that happen though.
Stop projecting, my social skills are just fine. It's society that going to shit all around me, and simply being a talkative and emphatetic person won't help.
Dedicate yourself to a greater cause. If degeneracy bothers, what are you doing to fix it? Also, Lift.
I know how you feel. Every bar I go to I get kicked out because I get into debates with Homosexual Communist. I got kicked out last week because some gay Commie was bashing God and he won't respect a higher being that's bigoted. I told him God doesn't like fags because he's the bringer of life and Man and Women are necessary in his Life passage and they spread the gift of life that God bestowed upon them. You can't reproduce if you're the same sex so its sinful.
wow thats solid. guess its why gays need to use the gov to censor dissent.
you are 100% Jew, aren't you?
You're getting bitter because you can't get a girlfriend. I'll give you a tip: you're the problem.
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ethnozones when???
>it has nothing to do with my current situation in life.
lol sure buddy. Face it, this is all you have. Happy people do not spend hours ranting online all day, combing the internet for data that supports their views, etc.

And no, this behavior is not "red pilled" or the hallmarks of intelligence and awareness. There is a reason so many people on /pol/ take anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and ritalin, and these are not red pills, friend-o.

>I'm right, everyone else is wrong
Sure showed me.

Do any of you manchildren have good relationships with your fathers? Or do you all have peculiar relationships with your mothers, who pity and try to understand you, while your fathers stand by silently disappointed and not understanding why you've never acted on your basic sexual impulses or showed a shred of pragmatic ambition?
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>every time I go out

You never go you. Stop lying, man, stop lying.
ever think that whites would be happier in countries where they can be themselves?

i grew up on nigger culture. i am one with it. i do not fear or hate them. i want my own land though and nothing will change this fundamental right.

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Take the blackpill anons
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I'm sure some people on here are angry and lashing out. Those are the people that want full extinction of all non whites and jews. There's a large amount of people on here, who are good looking, have social lifes, and generally have a good life, but are still grounded in reality maybe just due to being a narcisisstic asshole. I'm happy with my life, I just don't like most people in this world. I've got plenty of mates, dated plenty of girls. Can't find one I'd actually want to stay with. Being narcisisstic is hard, but once you see the world for what it is there's no going back. This is why it's called red pill. Sure some people are using these facts to lash out, but a lot of us just like to be grounded in reality, because we're realists.
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An empire gains momentum that you need to destroy also. They are doing it silently so germany had after ww2 2 generations left who cozld live in freedom. The end is near, let me guess about30 years. Our finance is fucked our politicians cucked and just longer arms of lobbyists and the german people wont wake up and see that they are getting exploited due to social engineering.
Germany is only rich on paper because you cucks don't spend enough. Your country's infrastructure and military are a fucking joke.
this has been massively whitepilling for me.

well a greypill at least. i know i can get my dick wet before the shoah
Yeah, youre supposed to hate what society is degenerating into.
What youre feeling literally means you arent brain dead, its a good sign.
Youre not alone, stand strong, lead by example, and never forget this
Were going to win it all, step by step, you wont notice it til we're there but one day youll look up and notice, we're there.
Society will be greater than it ever has been and generations will look back to us like we do the greeks or the romans when they feel lost to be inspired to keep fighting for a glorious society.
if a hot girl said to you " wanna fuck?" then chance are you would say yes... its the same here they see hot dude they wanna fuck nothing wrong here
Who the fuck is moving these threads
yeah keeps happening. guess the mods are fag jews as usual
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