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>be women >move to virgin islands with bat shit neuro scientist

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Thread replies: 275
Thread images: 85

>be women
>move to virgin islands with bat shit neuro scientist
>live in GOVERMENT FUNDED "dolphinarium"
>basicaly a half house/half dolphin aquarium for reaserch
>drop masive amounts of lsd
>begin also give dolphins LSD too
>try to teach dolphins how to speak English
>fall in love with one of the dolphins
>jerk off said dolphin on the reg
>do this for a few years till funding is cut
>hailed as groundbreaking reseaech for years after
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Women flat out ruin so many experiments and studies with animals, read about how much they have fucked up the research in to gorilla intelligence.
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fucking kek. Also is it true that dophin pussy clamps on so tight it can rip your penis off? Where's that brit with his stories?
How does it feel that a dolphin gets laid more than you, pol?
The dolphin committed suicide after it was heartbroken when she left
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he just mimics for fish, has no idea why he is doing it, just knows it gets him fishys tenders
I saw two nigger flies fucking on hood of car when got in today, as sped off they finally fell off. I hope they died.

True but in fairness Jane Goodell actually did pretty good. Really objective.
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>Dolphin pussy clamps so tight it can rip off your-
I wish a dolphin would try to.
>Be diver in the Navy
>Use dolphins for harbour protection - they're trained to attack divers with nose pieces armed with shotgun shells. Can also attach mines to ship hulls.
>Marine biologists involved to look after welfare of dolphins and conduct (((research)))
>Research involves collecting sperm samples from dolphins on the reg
>Dolphins soon learn which car the biologists drive, and proceed to get themselves up on pier, flip on their backs and wait patiently for their hand jobs.

Smart cookies those dolphins.

Programme started to go to shit after the hand jobs became a regular thing. One of my colleagues was attacked by one of the more dominant dolphins that tried to rape him while he was in it's pen doing some maintenance work.
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what the fuck
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damn i guess im glad i didnt become a marine biologist
You'd think they'd have learned to use only female dolphin caretakers.
>one of my colleagues
bruh if you have a dolphin rape story, we n e e d details
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Dolphins are actually terrifying. Second Smartest animal on the planet. Only other animal that has a psuedo language with syntax and proper names for individuals.

The worst of it? The fucking dolphin rape caves. I thought it was a joke when I first heard about it.
>got free gibs from government without real explanation to waste on some bullshit excuse and live in luxury on the backs of others

so i'm guessing it's a jew. amirite?
what the actual fuck
It was only an attempted rape. Smart as they are, the dolphin couldn't get it's dick through the wetsuit. Result was some pretty violent "dry" humping and the diver almost drowning.

He deliberately swam to the bottom of the tank and refused to surface till he sufficated. What would you do if some took your waifu from you?
I posted this in /htg/ yesterday. Is that how you learned about it?

How does one process an attempted rape by dolphin? I don't think id be ok for a few days or weeks after.
can somebody post the clip of a dolphin fucking a dead fish? for the lulz
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>Margaret Howe Lovatt stayed on the island, marrying the photographer who'd captured pictures of the experiment. Together they moved back into Dolphin House, eventually converting it into a family home where they brought up three daughters.

Nah Ive know about if for a while. Actually posted about here it a few years ago.
She was Jewish and her husband was one of those cultural marxist counterculture people. His last name was Lilly and he looks like a yid to me.
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Classic meme is classic
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>dolphin rape cave

This sounds straight from some chinese sex comic.
>tfw being cucked by the big cetacean dick
Dolphin Research Institute of (((Boca Raton))). Dolphin rape caves sounds as believable as pedal powered brain bashing machines.
What the fuck kind of thread is this?
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I got you fampai
idk man
Top kek
When I was little I used to save up my money to sponser dolphins through some long-since-forgotten charity. My money better not of been going to help jackoff drugged-out degenerate dolphins. Goddamn hippies. Having dolphins in your house sounds pretty tits however.
>implying dolphins are smarter than orca whales
t. Dolphin
>Having dolphins in your house sounds pretty tits however.

Those dolphins will inevitably become buttstalkers
Bump for best thread
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>dolphins have a prehensile penis, it is full of powerful muscles and they can wrap it around objects, such as a human limb
Bruh, giant prehensile penis that wraps around your limbs to drag you to an underwater tomb where you're raped to death? Not implying animals don't rape each other, but that sounds precisely like the sort of tall tale a (((certain ethnicity))) has a propensity for spreading.
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dolphin dick > human dick
dolphin pussy > human pussy

Dolphin genitali are pre-fucking-hensile. PREHENSILE! The males can cum buckets multiple times in a row and the females actually enjoy cotius.

Why have you not traded up and gotten a dolphin love partner yet, /pol/?
Best thread I've seen all year.
Dolphins gang raping humans is a meme
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This thread is full of communists.
tendies, m8, fishy tendies
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>damn i guess im glad i didnt become a marine biologist
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Jesus fuck what
At least she sounds interesting. Unlike 99% of women.
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I only meet the nerdy ones.
I'm going to open a dolphin brothel just outside the USA territorial waters. How much would you pay to have dolphin sex?
Single white women over 30 may just be the most deranged creatures in this world.
How so?
This is some next level coal burning.
How has this /b tier thread lasted this long?
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>that one thread where the marine biology student talked about how he fucked a female dolphin

The Japs are right to treat marine animals with contempt. They're vermin.
Does that dolphin have autism?
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Beware of the ones with an Avatar dildo.

mocking goverment funded "research" is politically incorrect
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TFW The Japanese were right to kill dolphins all along
That isn't evidence for rape gangs

dolphins are the pmrapefugees of the sea and Japan hates foreigners. it all makes sense now.
back on /b/ in like 2008 I remember seeing dolphin bestiality gifs. I'm 100% certain some of you faggots are holding onto them.

Fucking SeaNiggers! Even tries to rape the dude.
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Yeah I just wanted to see retards rant about north Korea and Jews....
Let's archive that

>http://businessinsider com/dolphin-assisted-birth-is-dangerous-2013-5
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Dont worry, we're slowly winning them over. Jap women love BDC just as much as white women.
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Are there seriously dolphin rape apologists? Holyshit that's making them seem like the dindu niggers of the sea they literally go muh dick and you have the audacity to defend them?
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>dolphin rape caves
This is by far the funniest thread I've seen in a while!
Put me in the cap. This needs to live on.
Sharks are awesome, I'd love to see some shark rape. That would be so hot.
Can also be found if you search for extreme deep throat
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Sharks dont like sex though.
Alright. I'm staying the fuck away from the ocean from now on.
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Stay mad, human bois.
And any website that talks about dolphins raping humans are the same librag websites that say whites being turned into minorities in their own countries is a good thing
I believe she actually fucked the thing. Women are really fucked in the head.
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Common names aside, Orcas (aka Killer Whales, Orca Whales) are actually the largest species of dolphin.
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>tfw dolphins have better game than me
Why even live?
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kek, nice file name anon
>In most cases involving male dolphins using aggressive strategies to mate with females, the correct term issexual coercion,which isNOT synonymous withrape.Unlike rape, sexual coercion might involve consent on the part of the female, and involves many indirect coercive behaviors (e.g., herding, infanticide), and not just forced copulation. In any event, forced copulation as a sexual coercion technique has never been observed in dolphins.

Oh excuse me the Dolphins sexualy coerce other dolphins and human not "rape" them because thats much better.
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>its real
Grow thumbs faggot.
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Not a very good argument. And your rape caves have been btfo as well.

fine we agree to disagree. At the end of the day im not the one thats going to be butt raped by flipper
Delet this
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I'm more upset she got paid to live in the VI and drop LSD.
Quads of truth, let it be written and capped.
fucking dolphiniggers
>females actually enjoy coitus
virgin faggot detected
Dolphins may be "smart" but all it amounts to is nigger IQ. Be very careful.
I am unironically saddened that I've never been able to download the mythical folder of dolphin porn.
>I'm curious if they get wet
Not really, but they smell like fish
Not only that, dolphins ejaculate with such force it can perforate the uterus.
what did he mean by this?
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i hope this is your OC, cause
The dolphin killed itself after she stopped jerking him
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>they're always wet.
The man tries to help the woman get away from the dolphin and it responds by going straight for his dick. If it can't get the pussy it'll take anything it can get.
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brb going to ocean
Nuke the ocean when
Based..... ..... Democrat?

That's all news outlets these days. Business Insider is only marginally cucked.
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>involves many indirect coercive behaviors (e.g., herding, infanticide), and not just forced copulation
>indirect coercion
>also rape
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>Notice, in the first instance, I didn’t use the term “rape.” That is because an animal cannot commit rape, which is a crime that involves moral turpitude. The same would apply to the term “murder.”

>The dolphins forcing themselves onto unwilling females, and killing the young, isn’t wrong. It is merely dolphins being dolphins.

What's to finish? Dolphin's got unruly after getting hand jobs from marine biologists, and there were an "incident" with dolphins trying to fuck a diver.

I transferred out soon after that - as far as I know they still use dolphins for harbour protection.
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My first encounter with bestiality as a literary concept was a young pubescent lad, was a short story in what I believe to have been an old Galaxy Science Fiction magazine I had picked up at a yard-sale, in which a young woman scuba diver began a ....
romantic entanglement with a local dolphin.

It's no big surprise I eventually wound up here.
Where is this thread? I need it for my research.
this is why dolphins need MGTOW
Literal fucking niggers
Dolphin genocide when?

Fuckin Chad Dolphin piece of shit

> Virgin Fish
> Chad Dolphin
Also, this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2GaNMeWbrXg
>friendzoned again
>read about sharks right before bed last night
>dream about sharks all night
>find this thread

I feel as if I've made a serious mistake.
I can't even be mad that money went to something like this. It's just too entertaining.
Now, Imagine if it was a human dude and a female dolphin
The double standard is real
Don't go getting any ideas Stavros

The saddest get of 2017

: (

I guess September is just around the corner.

Ehh, there are plenty of dolphin virgins, I'm sure.
Sounds like Margaret Mead fucking around on Tahiti, then writing it up (with a lot of BS and fantasy thrown in) and becoming a famous academic anthropologist.
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Every time this comes up I have to go dig up this old website again
Fun read
Did she actually fuck around on Samoa ? I thought she had been misled by young women basically having fun telling her crazy stories.
Check'd and puke'd
All flies are niggers and must die. I don't care if they help decompose shit. Mold can do that too.
best copy i've read in a while.
what is it with yank research bodies and LSD

watcha doin Flipper?
How will bipeds ever recover
Liberals also cry when Japs kill them. Literally rapefugees
Fuck off DIDF
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Jesus christ, that is, just, wow
>see this
>search 'dolphin rape cave'
>find https://www.change.org/p/school-of-visual-arts-photo-department-remove-dolphin-rape-cave-from-the-hallway-on-the-6th-floor-of-the-photo-building

this day has taken an unprecedented turn for the better
(((Echo))) the Dolphin
I aint clickin that shit, nigha
What is so strange about her marrying the photographer
The dolphin was the one who got cucked. He killed himself too. Kek
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>Seaworld isn't an actual amusement park
>sure, it seems like it but it's actually a government run testing ground to make better dolphin soldiers or making half human half dolphin hybrids
>the reason they're getting rid of the Orca breeding program isn't because of any animal rights issues, it's because Orcas weren't working with the experiments.
It's literally a web archive, click it and read it, you won't regret reading it
That's a retracted dolphin penis, retard
Based anti zog Orcas
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Requesting R34 of Dolphon Rape Caves.
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My fucking sides are obliterated.
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is that dolphin using a rebreather?
Is he aware of the capabilities?
shit the way they say tragically wrong i thought it had killed her..... not that things got weird and kinky i wouldn't really say thats tragic just bizarre
What the hell am I doing with my life?!
t. internet urban myths

dolphins aren't made out of titanium. that shit would kill them too
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Would you let your daughter swim with a dolphin?
Best thread in /pol/
best thread in weeks
Needs chad meme
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I heard she also fucked her test subjects.

If only we could find a pattern.
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>tfw that's my fetish
Where can I find a woman doing research on dogs?
I accent laughed this hard in a while, well played
I got you, ole timer
Chad's hair looks like dorsal fin of a dolphin.
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I think people confuse the huge ejaculation power factoid with the sperm whale, which is 10x larger than any dolphin by mass.

>implying there's a woman alive who could take a whale dick
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Where the truth is utterly hilarious and terrifying.
The Simpsons were right about those Dolphins
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>Inner Japanese Dolphin Rape Cave Sanctum
>South African Dolphin Rape Hot Zone
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I'm still too basic a bitch to make this a good edit,

Change the word "Chicken" to "Nigger," and put in a dolphin in the mermaids arms
Makes all the sit worth it.
>candy factory

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>Bloody putting me in future capping the thread. Bloody showing the future poster the hilarious thread dolphin doing the raping. Bloody fix them.

The Japanese do nothing wrong.
How does a dolphin kill itself?
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bumping epic thred
Unlike humans, Dolphins can kill themselves by holding their breath.
there's probably some roastie out there that could take a tree, degeneracy has no limits.
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Miami Dolphin Rape Cave
>mfw NK nukes can't reach my home state yet
All left wing protests have to involve naked chicks or barely clothed chicks. Never figured out why.
>the sticky note that says TAKE THIS DOWN
because they're attention seeking whores who know that no one gives a shit about their shitty ideology, so they slap cuck porn or barely clothed women on their shit to garner (you)s in a similar manner to a retard bashing a kids skull in to get attention
Can someone please do the BLACKED meme with a flipper instead of a nigger paw?
corked his blowhole
Ignoring the fact that it probably belongs to river dolphins I just find it hilarious that even they have a rape cave in Brazil.
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In my research for this I found this


Which as far as I can tell only refutes that dolphins can 'rape' at all. They instead are 'forcing copulation' because consent isn't a concept they can grasp.
>bruh if you have a dolphin rape story, we n e e d details

>dude working on cage
>dolphin come in ready to fuck
>dude say no
>dolphin say no say no
>dolphin proceed to fuck
>dude literally almost humped to death
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>implying there's a woman alive who could take a whale dick
Depends on the whale; depends on the woman.
>japs love shit like tentacle rape
>but they can't get into dolphins

Why kill these wonderful sexual creatures.
When modern women finally reach peak degeneracy, the dolphins will be our outlet until eventual sex robots
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I think the best part about this thread is that the shills have left it alone so far. nothing subversive here.
Are we the degenerates?
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Japs have moved past dolphins.
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> Mating: This is harder. Obviously, being human, it is awkward, but not impossible to mate in open water. It is easier to have the dolphin in a shallow area (like the shallows just off the beach) around 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. This is usually comfortable enough for both the dolphin and you. Gently, you should roll the dolphin on her side, so she is lying belly-towards you. You can prop yourself up on an elbow, and lie belly to belly against her. You may want to use the other arm to gently hold her close, and place the tip of your member against her genital slit. She will, if interested, arch her body up against you, taking you inside her body. There is usually a fair bit of wriggling and shifting, usually to get comfortable, both outside and inside. Once comfortable, though, females initiate a series of muscular vaginal contractions that rub the entire length of your member. They may also thrust rhythmically against you, so enjoy the experience while you can, since you will rarely last longer that a minute or two. Just prior to her climaxing, she will up the speed of her contractions and thrusts. It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, they have timed their orgasm to mine. Whether they do this consciously or not, I do not know, but it is a great feeling to have two bodies shuddering against each other at the one time.

> One thing to note. Whether you masturbate or mate a fin, male or female, always spend time with them afterwards. Cuddle them, rub them, talk to them and most importantly, show them you love them. This is essential, as it helps to strengthen the bond between you. The dolphins appreciate it, and they will want your company more the next time you visit them.

> Q4) What diseases can I get from dolphins? Can I give them any?

> A4) I have had no experiences with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) with dolphins, so I couldn't rightfully say.
>t. internet urban myths

Tell me about your dolphin sexual encounters anon.
Dolphins are not involuntary breathers like us. Every breath is a conscious decision.

They simply go to the bottom of their tank, and don't come back up.
Yeah she jerked off the dolphin and the dolphin wanted to fuck it.Crazy stuff lads
so a dolphin on lsd is smarter than an average black is what you're saying?
"Forced copulation" was John Wayne Gacy's explanation too.
Immigrants call it "Sexually Emergencies".

...but Ducks still Rape...
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So I guess it's just Niggers being niggers
bicammericall mind tavistock connection god damn dolphin fuckers
Now that's an old fucking meme. Wasn't this part of the goatse site
super underrated post, kek
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The fuck?
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>tfw you'll never be the filler in a dolphin sandwich
That is hot
Tfw you will never be a dolphin being jerked off by a human
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What in the shit did I just read
how do you not have your own grant yet?

i just expanded my male kennal with the credit from maple lager fest
as a child, I once went to the equivalent of seaworld here in my local town and was able to touch a dolphin, now I see this thread, /pol/ can ruin anything.
I once found this site that talked about how to realistically fuck dolphins?
I just want to know it still exists, and it wasn't just some fever dream I had.
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it's linked earlier in the thread through archive.

don't worry, we've all read it too
>my blowhole
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A friend of mine spent some time in the Amazon being a degenerate, apparently the pink dolphins are enthusiastically fuckable. He even met a shaman who claimed to have fucked a few pink girl dolphins, afterwards they would follow the boats and generally hang out with them.
does this mean the dolphin knows shes a female? he doesnt seem interested in the guy. maybe we could use dolphins on trans people to find out what their real sex is
I don't know the magazine but you can search the story:
cringiest narration i've ever heard

She said the dolphin sexually harassed her and put all the blame on the animal.

This thread is proof that only nukes can save humanity

How can man ever compete..
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hahah what the fuck. to be fair dudes fuck anything with a hole, but they dont get a free house and government gibs to do it
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Dolphins have been known to save people from sharks, and then rape them in gangs.
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rip Tilikum
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some women choose to be fucked by dolphin. and it is not rape nor wrong since it is women who do it
ooh! fuck of! you really still her?
Well supposing that it's said that Dolphin ejaculate can decapitate a man.
But only those crazy zoo sluts that end up fucking the things will know the truth, sadly they never take any videos.

dolphins are very smart. are you telling me you wouldn't have sex with one if you were alone and you were both in the mood?
wtf did I just read
what am I doing with my life..
Literal left wing dolphin apologists. It's not even a meme.
No but it can "milk" you using the muscles that control it.
Wanna bet the dolphins are muslim and attack the filthy infidel humans because of that?
>John Lilly
iirc he invented the isolation tank. He was always high on k too, like reaally high
I saw that episode of the venture bros, too. Vine juice is one hell of a drug.
jesus fucking christ.
But on second thought
4 wasted trips
>wasted trips?
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