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Neuroscientist AMA

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I will answer your questions about neuroscience here. A bit tired so I wont stay for long, but here we go
How can we reverse reprogramming in the west?
People will only value paradigm shifts if the information that precludes them is received in the form of a revelation.

Best way to do that is one on one chronological storytelling. Why do you think Jesus was always telling a parable? We only value info when we dress it in human form.
What do you think of Our Brains as the only certain Quantum computers in existence?
With other words we need a new "religion"
There's a website called synt.us that claims it's a neural network a.i that pulls esoteric information from connected minds all over. Explain this shit please.
where do all the foreskins go?
Makeup. Idiot.
Can a ketogenic diet halt or slow the neurodegeneration caused by Alzheimers by allowing the brain to use ketones as it's primary energy source instead of glucose?
Whats your salary
Everything a person sees, is taking place within the persons mind (light reflects off things outside, enters the eyes, optic nerve, into the brain, the person sees imagery outside in their head):

Right now you are seeing your computer screen and other things and words, and you are seeing these in your head:

At the same time however, you can think of for instance a blue bike, or blue boat, or cat, or baloon, or house, while still seeing your visuals:

is it known conceptually how this multi visualization occurs?

In general the biggest mystery is attached to that question, of, how 'that which sees' (what is referred to as 'us', our awareness) sees. Generally, how is consciousness possible.
How many years will it be until psychology is phased out?
Okay here's a simpler one, what do you think of the Noetic sciences?
Well, im no physician, but any theory about the universe with our incomplete level of intel is bound to be wrong.

Yes, preferably one not based on dogma

Any programmer with a metadata analysis and facebook plugin can use principal component analysis and other cluster mapping techniques to seem like its getting 'esoteric' info.

Same thing that fortune tellers do, but on a computer level.

I dont know, I still have mine.

No, the problem in Azlheimers is the high ammount of beta amyloids clustering around the axons, changing what you plug into the receptors wont do much against that.

Atm im merely a PhD student, im not getting paid and its really hard to get income atm (im not in the USA). I have a grant to study for free tho. When this is over I expect to lecture in college.

Hard to know. It was never really supposed to exist tbqh. It should have been a biology specialization.
fuck off to /sci/
when I can expect full cyborgization of my body?
I speak robotic limbs, chips in cranium, the whole shabang?
Admitting you know what you don't know, impressive considering where we are, Thank you.
Are phycobilin, ketamin and lsd being suppressed in usage for treating depression etc?
No, we dont know yet, but we are getting some interesting clues. For instance, did you know that around 5% of people dont have the hability you describe to visualize things, but still are perfectly concious ?

Heres some interesting stuff

Awesome, I almost subscribed to the american parapsychological association but.. didnt want to pay and ... well .. I have better stuff to do than put time in something that will return me nothing in the short-medium term

Well, everything necessary is already in the prototype stage, maybe 20 years?

Making pol better, a post at a time

Well, I dont know for sure, but I think a greater question is, does big pharma willingly collude with MSM to produce the highest type 2 diabetes prevalence rate possible ? (It makes you retarded)
work faster, I want to live forever, either as AI conciousness in cyberspace or as an immortal cyborg
also, AI GFs when?
How can neuroscience fix gender dysphoria so we can stop this transgender nightmare we are all forced to deal with, and prevent people from mutilating their bodies? I'm so sick of having this mental illness shoved in my face everyday from news, to /pol/, to people at work, etc. Can they be "fixed" ?
Is there legitimate proof that brainstem scarification can actually give people photographic memories?
Are the frogs really turning gay?
Is Robert Sopolsky /ourguy/?
If you want an AI 'servant' that can also pretend to care for you and perform sexual acts, that should hit the markets in 15-20 years.

Now a sapient computer, for sale, that will be your perfect waifu? That wont happen anytime soon.

In fact, I believe we should adopt a pro human purity stance, and reject the encroachment of AI into our lives. Its as if we are telling the universe that moving stuff from point A to point B is so important that we cant leave it in the hands of a human.

What is "fixed"? Most people are retards, can that be fixed? If we can fix one kind of retardation we can fix them all.
The first step is aknowledging it. And in that sense we took a few steps backwards... Gender dysphoria is, as its core, a self identification with the other sex, and imho, it happens because the brain identifies more with a particular 'lifestyle'. So a lazy man will have a higher tendency to identify as a woman, as they have it easy in many of the challenges that happen in the formative years of teenagehood. If they had someone with a modicum of empathy and brains, they could be straightened out easily, you wouldnt even need shocks. Hehe

I have never heard of this in my life. But here is a story about brain damage giving people superpowers



And this is happening all over the place with many river animals becoming hermaphodites

Have you read this book? Finished 1/5 of it, pretty interesting desu
Yes I have read a few bits, even cited it I believe. I recommend william james books. Old but amazing
Why am I so aroused by and attracted to Anne Frank?
what is your understanding of autism as it relates to neuroscience?
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Thanks, I'll check them out
Would you recommend a book or a paper about both artificial intelligence and neuroscience?
Theres something about jewish woman that arouses me too, maybe its because they know they are whores, and man dont like deception?

Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD/ADD etc. should be rebranded to Dopamine Transfer Déficit Disorders.

All dopaminergic transmission expression is extremelly hereditary, and it reflects ancient strategies of energy management.

In the far past, it was extremelly usefull to have autists and people with ADHD in your tribe. The autists by obsessing over symbols and thinks become like beacons for the creation of language, essential for the development of higher intelligence.

The ADHD types are the scouts, the explorers, the warriors, the guys whose brain is only well regulated when they have to live in the now. Such as caveman hunting, migrating, etc.

After society basically eliminated all ecological uncertainty and removed the thrill of exploring/discovering something new on earth (other than by science), the people with the genetic patterns predisposed to these conditions started showing them in greater degree.

As it relates to ns, I think theres a huge fight going on to even aknowledge the existance of said facts.
https://www.amazon.com/Bright-Air-Brilliant-Fire-Matter/dp/0465007643 This one is good for begginer level info
Do you believe there is a distinct difference between those with what was previously know as 'Aspergers Syndrome' and other forms of autism? Personally, I cringe when I see those that are obviously autistic, as they display very obvious physical traits and movements that I hope other do not see in me

I came into this thread expecting disingenuousness, and you shattered that.

Thanks anon, gives me some hope.
I got a question for you. How is this thread even slightly relevant to /pol/?
What do neuroscientists think about toxoplasmosis and it's connection with left wing policies/mental illness?
Should cats be banned to not turn us all into mentally ill liberals?
Godspeed anon
Does ADHD have anything to do with bipolar disorder? I have a mild to moderate case of adhd, so is my father.
lol wtf.

Neuroscience =/= psychology, evo psychology, etc.

You study neurons and maybe some glia things. That doesn't qualify you to spout off about most of this shit.
Is it possible that consciousness is not in the body?
And that only connect to the brain via "wifi"?
Stupid brainlet
Tell me (if you are real scientist) What are the basic issues preventing us from making "Futurama" head cases?
I'll take it
>appealing to authority
americoward education
Of course there is. There is a huge spectrum of different ways one can be autistic, distracted, etc.
Its basically where the dopamine transmission is unbalanced that dictates it.

thanks, this place has been a pit of shit lately, wanted to contribute to making it a better board

You could ask about relations about race and IQ, public policy around neuroscience, microagressions, and a ton of stuff related to politics and neuroscience

Well it makes you less sensitive to danger, so ..

Theres, theres a high comorbidity between mood disorders and ADHD. In fact, only 10% of ADHD patients dont have an ADDITIONAL disorder.

Im actually a psychologist who specialized in genetics, evolution and herdability of mood disorders, but ok

Sure its possible

What kind of theory of memory do you subscribe to? Have you read invisible landscape by terence mckenna and if so what's your opinion?
How is taxoplasmosis not a big deal? How does someone who claims to be a neuroscientist just says ''well it makes you less sensitive to danger''?
If I was a neuroscientist I would dedicate my life to bring awareness to taxoplasmosis.
What the fuck are you doing to stop people from making their brains into maggot cheese?
>Im actually a psychologist who specialized in genetics, evolution and herdability of mood disorders, but ok

Then the problem is you described yourself as a neuroscientist instead of a psychologist.

Sure, you could say neuroscience could be stretched to include psychology and whatever, but that's quite a stretch.
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Two questions anon
>What does smoking any type of opiod causes to the neurocortex activity?
>If IQ and race are correlated, how can we prove it to people? Without using circumstantial data/
So how long before liberal eugenics comes along in regards to intelligence designer babies? Wont it take a while, only 5% of genes attributed to IQ has been found through GWAS

How do I get started? I have high school + college 101 level of chem/phy/math/stat and middle school level of bio knowldge.I tried mcb80x but that was too hipster for me, I have enough attention span to last 50 minutes.
Is modalert actually useful for cramming in large amounts of information in a short period of time

Fuck you, I'm a bio phd student.

Although I'm not in neuro.
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My sense of smell is poor, does that mean my sense of taste is weak too?

I have some theories, but might just be in denial. Help a brotha' out.

1.) I grew up lower-middle class and was bombarded with a constant array
of feces, piss, and puke from all the poorly trained pets we had. Just imagine
lord of the flies childhood to spare you the details. Anyway, do you think my
brain would have dulled my sense of smell intentionally the way it ignores
the feeling of clothes on us as a constant stimulus not worthy of being aware of?

2.) I saw something on NPR about an author who had a stroke and couldn't read.
But he could still write since a different set of nerves were wired to his hand and concepts
of letters. Is it possible that I have less or weaker nerves that are designated just for smell.
But the ones that connect with my sense of taste are stronger/more abundant?

3.) I'm not sure if all the diagrams are just oversimplified to get the notion across or if the
olfactory bulb and its attached nerves are situated only in the roof of your nasal cavity. How
far do the nerve endings reach? I'm wondering if I may have been born with
less nerve endings towards the front of my nose or perhaps damaged some. I have a scar
on the inside of my nose from picking my nose to hard as a kid I think (haha). And I also
have snorted a couple party supplies back in the day... I doubt it, but let's say hypothetically
someone were to damage a part of their nasal cavity, is it guaranteed that sense of taste
would be affected as well?
Well, same thing will full head transplants and cyborg bodies. There is something about spinal injuries that feedbacks into the brain in a deadly way and we dont know how to prevent that yet.

The funny part is that I know a fuckton more about evolution and psychology than how specific neurobiological mechanisms function

No I havent read it, but heard about it.
And I dont really subscribe to a specific theory, I try seeing what works and following the latest articles. The one im most familiar with is Baddley's, but I always try seeing it from a factual standpoint so things like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebbian_theory are more important to me than abstract theories about metaphysical constructs

Im working on a cure for diabetes

But im a neuroscientist, I have worked in experimental psychology on neuroscience labs all my life. My grant is for a Ph.D Neuroscience spot in an experimental psychology lab, dont be pedantic.
As a person with aspergers, it feels very much to me like a sub-species, not only distinct from the other autists but also from normies. Similar to a gaydar, I can seemingly detect whether or not another person is a fellow autist, and of which variety. I also think the understanding of 'symptoms' as expressed in the media and in basic 'what is autism' type articles is completely wrong, almost to the point of that the 'effects' is are opposite to how I would describe them. Particularly when it comes to empathy, social skills and such... Would you like to hear more about this?
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4.) It's all subjective and it's untestable (I think), but I'm just worried I'm missing out on all
the epic tastes my friends are. I mean, I'm circumcised and never fret over the more
sensitive sex my European friends are having. For some reason. Maybe it's 'cuz I'm a
"2 pump chump" and can't imagine being any more sensitive than I already am. :P
But in the debated studies where they measure foreskin sensitivity, they do it with heat
and pressure. These seem subjective and faulty as well. Is it not possible for a person
to be more sensitive and feel pleasure much stronger than they do heat? Is there a test
for how amazing an orgasm was?

5.) So it's been proven that deaf and blind people rewire their nervous system. If this is
true with a complete lack of a sense, and with stroke victims, then logically it's true
(to a lesser degree) for weaker senses as well, right?

6.) Maybe I'm just in denial and have some sort of Freudian nasal/foreskin envy. If that's
the case I'd rather take the red pill. What kind of an atheist would I be otherwise?
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Hello, I'm interested in Biomedical Engineering, more specifically Neural Engineering. Any thoughts on that?

Please message me @Extropian on Telegram, or follow this link: t.me/extropian
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I barely "graduated" high school and i have like a 3.5 GPA in community college. Am I too retarded to become a neurologist?
what best experimental treatment for panic attacks /anxiety/ brain fog
>mfw I smoked impure hash for 6 year, 5/6 joints a day on avg
How fucked am I? and is there anyway I could detoxify and maintain the healthy brain I still have got?
>But im a neuroscientist, I have worked in experimental psychology on neuroscience labs all my life. My grant is for a Ph.D Neuroscience spot in an experimental psychology lab, dont be pedantic.

All your work and expertise is on psychology.

It is misleading to introduce yourself as a neuroscientist, even if you can technically say psychology falls under neuro.
What a broad and difficult question to answer. The short version is that you will activate brain reward regions, connect to opioid receptors, release a ton of things like dopamine and serotonine and potentiate addiction pathways.

And about IQ, well, thinking in evolutionary terms, theres always a spectrum of intensity, you will have smart niggers and retarded whites. You just need to show the bell curves, and if that doesnt work the other side isnt listening.

I dont know, but I think its gonna backfire, we will see niggers eugenizing themselves out of their own volition.

Well, I started at med school but dropped out and went to psychology precisely because of problems paying attention. Id say you should make a plan, study a few hours per day almost everyday, and you will get where you want.
I was asking because an old friend from high school started doing weed on college, we used to play chess a lot (muh addiction), I recently played him and... it's literally like playing a fucking retard, we were almost in the grand master level, I've won several tournaments, but now he is just fucking idiotic.
When I have a mental disorder, such as bipolarism, are my thoughts mine? How much different would I think if I didn't have these thoughts? I want to know where my thinking ends and the disorder begins, I've become so confused as to what I should actually be like and who I actually am and I'm not sure of anything any more.
Disregard the contact info, I didn't know you were still active
i second this
I suddenly lost my sense of smell and taste and at the same time I developed facial paralysis on the right side of my face. I went to a neurologist. He diagnosed Bell's Palsy. Do you concur?

>are my thoughts mine?

The thoughts are yours.

It's the moods that are not.

Honestly though, I can pass on this stupid disagreement.

The issue was I thought your expertise lay very much elsewhere, with how I traditionally think of neuro -- as purely about neurons really. But if you're on the psychology side of neuro, then it's fine.

I retract my objection.
Have you tried DMT? Any neurological insights concerning that?
Last questions
>Since you said you knew a lot about psychology, is virtual signalling converting into a community syndrome?
>Is there a way we can increase the gray and white matter of our brains, artificially? If we could it could change the world, help inferior races to catch up, etc.
>Why the more you read, learn, and research when you talk to people you sound the craziest?(personal experience)
Thanks for the answers.
Fuck off you gook cunt.
not a neuro scientist, but have been a heavy daily smoker, now am occasional/once a week small amount toker. I never formally made a decision to cut down, just in the pursuit of efficiency i began to use smaller amounts and gradually less often. The brain fog is very much temporary and will pass after some time away from smoking, probably a few days in my experience. I am skeptical of those that claim permanent long-term mental issues and addiction, as I found the craving, whilst definitely noticeable, was no where as persistent and difficult as a nicotine craving (something I can't quit). It was mental thing, rather than a physical ie shaking, nausea. Sleep can be hard for the first few days taking a break from heavy use, this passes in time too. I believe cannabis has some neuro-protective qualities. Look at Willie Nelson, he's old as shit and still has that twinkle in his eyes and a rather sharp mind. I'm sure you could find examples of the exact opposite being true though
is it good idea to mix the neurogenesis stimulating L-Theanine which is contained in green tea, and magnesium malate which supports the cardiovascular system ?
what future do you see for neuro implants?
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Why is psychology such bullshit?

I hope neuroscience completely eradicates the psychologist vermin. They are basically impressionable idiots who can't into chemistry/biology and end up morphing into stuck-up moralising imbeciles after university. They are easily one of the biggest problems with humanities. Psychologists bloat up the systems everywhere while adding nothing to society other than being convenient tools for regimes.
Also, rampant muh "stress" misdiagnosing. It's their go-to solution for everything from muscle pain to eye weakness.

What's your relationship with psychology? How do you think an entrenched "science" like psychology would react to being phased out to an actual working science?
Never heard of it

Cool, what area? I wish I have gone into Bio

Do you smoke? I would visit a neurologist honestly, maybe the sensors in your nose are lesioned but your mouth is still fine.

This is actually an interesting phenomenae, it seems it also happens with those with ADHD, in which is easier to identify and counsel someone with the condition if you yourself have it as well.

I believe its because we use our own internal processes to judge others, and thus can understand those that are broken like us much better.

Its hard, but rewarding, I mean look at the things optogenetics is enabling!

Most certainly not. You would be shocked but there are many people unfit for this in the area atm. Almost all of them SJWs.

Brainfog could be many things, even pre-diabetes, exercise is said to improve that a lot. And for panic attacks, breathe 10 times per minute until it goes away.

We have yet to find a GOOD treatment for anxiety, atm everything is weed level intervention

Most of the damage caused by weed is recoverable, but the longer you use it the harder it is to recover. Maybe you lost a few IQ points.

>All your work and expertise is on psychology.
It wouldnt be right to say that, and I have worked on other areas of neuroscience. Atm im working with neuroimaging data analysis. But im not gonna dox my self proving to you that saying im a neuroscientist is adequate.

Well, that happens..

That is an interesting question, are in truth some ideal version of ourselves or are we simply the crappy current version of ourselves, which is more true? I believe in the end, you are what you choose to be.

it does fit the symptoms


Never tried it, no insights about it

Ok after this gonna take one or two last batches of questions
>>Why the more you read, learn, and research when you talk to people you sound the craziest?(personal experience)

you need to be able to assess a persons intellect and filter what you say accordingly so as not to sound bat shit. You either learn to do this, or learn to not give a shit and deal with the consequences, but you already know this
hi christina
So recently scientists were able to fit a .GIF in a cell. Can this later be done with cell of the brain in the future? Would this result in people becoming a computer virus bomb or get hacked even if they're not cyborgs?
There's way too many old people who live in northern Morocco(where they grow cannabis) that smoked hash since they were teens, they are as healthy and sane as the normal person
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This stuff
Thanks for the encouraging reply. I'd like to follow in a late friend's footsteps to perhaps someday impact another's life the way he did mine.
My friend smoked weed, marijuana, however you want to call it, it's been 5 years now of heavy smoking, not tobacco and I've seen permanent effects, from playing chess, to the way she walks, even when sober, also as individuals all brains are different. I've known her for quite a while and she knows the full extent of my power, so she knows I blame her problems due to her degeneracy, but blame won't help her, so is there a way she can recover her IQ?
dont know about you but id start implanting running dickbutts in every makedonian brain cell
...or cheese pizza?
*gets insta vanned*
>Maybe you lost a few IQ points.
My hypothetical IQ varies between 12x-13x, last time I checked, doubt I lost any. In fact hash has always helped me see things/think outside the box, but that's just me.
>Cool, what area? I wish I have gone into Bio


I'm just a first year doing my rotations so I don't have much interesting to say.

Some immunologists I've talked to are getting into neuro inflammatory stuff. Basically saying that all neuro disorders like Alzheimer's and autism are due to misregulation of inflammation in the brain.

How valid do you think this might be. It seems somewhat contradictory to how I normally hear neuro disorders explained. But maybe stuff like amyloid plaques are only a problem if you also have inflammatory disorders? I have no idea. Too unfamiliar with neuro really.
>is virtual signalling converting into a community syndrome?
Well, I dont know what you mean by community syndrome, but I would agree that is becoming pathological and pandemic.

>Is there a way we can increase the gray and white matter of our brains, artificially? If we could it could change the world, help inferior races to catch up, etc.
Well, you can always exercise your brain by learning languages, music, etc. But brain volume is not the end all by all of quality thinking. Its the functional connectivity that is important. And as of this moment we dont have a treatment to increase the brain. At best you have brainforce and other vitamins.

>Why the more you read, learn, and research when you talk to people you sound the craziest?(personal experience)
This also jives with my personal experience, I think it might be because reality is really way too different, its like living in a whole other overton window.

I would fuck off, but im neither a gook nor a cunt.

If we could sell people a cannabis that is 99% cannabinoids it would be more good than bad

I have no fucking idea bro! Hehe, what I would do to investigate your question is searching in scholar.google and pubmed about these substances and their impacting effects to make an informed guess.

I think they will be the defining feature of the future class system, those who have them will be so superior in their memory, cognition, etc. that it will create a social divide between haves and have nots bigger than we ever envisioned.
I'll start a research on it, sounds like a great idea.
Why do I hallucinate on LSD?
how do i stop masturbating?
Thanks for the answers, much appreciated.
>Don't know what you mean by community syndrome.
I'm an mechatronics engineer(sex robot builder) that's why I really don't know shit about biology, but you got the idea.
regarding the social impairment of autism, from my perspective as a certified Assburger, the description makes me cringe honestly. Rather than a lower self-awareness, impaired social skills and empathy, I feel almost the exact opposite. I am extremely self aware, to the point that it can cause crippling anxiety. I am acutely aware of the sensations in my body, my emotional state and train of thought. I recognize the difference in thought process and reasoning to other people and all the peculiarities that make me 'odd'. This creates a negative feedback loop and leads to me second guessing my every move in unfamiliar/uncomfortable situations. I am very polite, label to hold lengthy conversation (If/when that ever happens), most people would describe me as friendly, enthusiastic and polite to the point of over-formality. There is a kind of natural tendency toward black-and-white thinking that I possess, this leads me to naturally assume people are as 'polite' as myself; that they will follow the social convention (that I understand quite well, in a way) as strictly as i do. Of course, this is not the case. People bend the rules, there is no static, unchanging social rule set ultimately, and thought I know this, the flexibility and unpredictability of others is what cause me to be BTFO constantly. People are manipulative and snakey at times, fluidly transitioning like social chameleons. This is what I can't do, this is what causes the social alienation and anxiety. I hope that makes sense. People often assume if I am sitting quietly that I'm 'in my own little world' and talk as though I can't hear them. I hear you motherfucker, I'm listening to every conversation in the room and picking up a shitload more than you are. On top of that I'm reading all the vibes and sussing out whether I might actually go and join in one of these conversations. Do you know where i'm coming from?
This, planning to start using them in near future
Its BS because its filled with SJWs. I think its an issue similar to what happens with journalists. Both jobs are sold as an attention whoring SJWs dream, as they give them capacity and authority to babbler about subjects such as meaning of life, sex, etc. And at the end of the day, all they want is to be in a position of power telling you what is right. These motherfuckers effectively ruined at least 2 generations of people, and its about time we do something about it. Your hope is shared

I dont about the stress diagnosis tho. I just think we look far too much into symptoms instead of actual causes. Thisis mostly the fault of people not knowing genetics enough

>What's your relationship with psychology? How do you think an entrenched "science" like psychology would react to being phased out to an actual working science?
Well, I hate the fact that psychology is weak on the biology and statistics side of things, and thats the first thing I would go about fixing. Secondly, id purge all subjectivity from the field, and finally I would mandate that any new theory be grounded in info obtained from hard data, not some german neckbeard's mind.

Not cristina, but hi

Brain hacking is a big fear of mine, I believe its fully possible with the right tools.

Yw, things never get easy, so just prepare yourself for a life of feeling like you never know enough.

The more I study dementia, the more I hit the "inflamation" part of the equation, its truly fascinating. Im not an expert, but it seems to me that genetic vulnerability to inflamation is behind the ontogenesis of several dementia types, and might even be related to addiction, diabetes, etc. And you know what, sugar is the biggest cause of brain inflamation we know...
just smoke less, and less often. I don't know about recovering IQ, though the brain-fog definitely clears after a few days. I'm 26 now, definitely not as sharp as I was when I was about 18, but that happens as we age anyway. I think neurosciencebro can confirm this?
I've read that the best thing would actually using a VR videogame type thing to change peoples minds on things.
Not clear, as not everyone who takes LSD hallucinates, but most hallucinations have been associated with excessive dopaminergic transmission.

The only tip I can give you that will actually help is the following: stop masturbating in front of a computer, stop masturbating sitting down. This way you might be able to uncondition yourself from fapping whenver you are bored in front of the PC alone. And might make you cum better when actually having sex.


ok next one is prolly last one
Psychology isn't neuroscience, retard.

Using a spreadsheet doesn't make you a scientist either, retard.

Link to published papers or fuck off.
>Brain hacking is a big fear of mine, I believe its fully possible with the right tools.
what about becoming wetwork CPUs?
I imagine those orphans that go missing around the world lose their brains in order to be integrated in some Skynet/BigBrother mainframe and we don't even know it.
What I mean that it's possible brain harvesting to be a thing among organ traffic criminals because scientists pay for them in order to blur the line between machine(man) and machine(computer).
>People often assume if I am sitting quietly that I'm 'in my own little world' and talk as though I can't hear them. I hear you motherfucker, I'm listening to every conversation in the room and picking up a shitload more than you are.

I recognize that feel
>And you know what, sugar is the biggest cause of brain inflamation we know...
What kind of sugar? There's a huge difference between sucrose and fructose, for example.
>If we could sell people a cannabis that is 99% cannabinoids it would be more good than bad

That would be great, but I believe there is some benefit to the THC as well. I'm not in favor of high THC abomination strains, as this is fucking with the balance too far in one direction. I think another issue is that people smoke a LOT in a session. I used to consume perhaps 5-25 bong hits in an average session, or perhaps a large trumpet joint. I now smoke the equivalent of ~2-3 match-head sized pieces, an amount most 'stoners' would laugh at. This hits me pretty hard, any more and I can be a bit too much, especially if Its been a while
People assume I am stupid because I don't tend to say a lot (especially if I don't know them too well, down at the sports club). Sometimes, you have to choose not to reveal your power level and cast pearls before the swine.
At 26 your brain should be more sharp than it was at 18. It's the weed that has dulled your cognitive capability. Same story here.
Well, the way I see it, this whole black and white vs chameleon thing starts at school. Its the first place where we see one being said and another being done. The daily struggle with the lack of basic order and therefore justice is what really breaks people who just want to follow the rules and play to win. After being a misfit in sick system that doesnt makes sense, people become sick themselves, as their brains cant cope with a reality that is trolling them nonstop. SO WE TROLL IT BACK.

Living is the best way to change a mind, VR is just a narrow band of experience.

Why dont you link your published papers?

Well maybe if it was a really infant brain, but if I was building a computer with brains I wouldnt use anything but a pristine never used brain.

I believe sucrose, thats the industrialized one, right?

The thing is that THC sticks into fat, and neurons are surrounded by fat, and so THC can act to block transmission the same way beta amyloids do in alzheimer in large ammounts, and if you smoke frequently, you will accumulate them enough to start showing similar effects. Luckly, they go away naturally if you stop smoking.

Cannabinoids OTOH are pretty much a net positive
I doubt that. At 18 I was studying, doing exams, practicing guitar 10 hours a day, exercising my brain a lot. Now that I am a certified NEET, I have become lazier and therefore mentally out of shape. I am grateful for this, I was a bundle of stress in those days. Now its breddy comfy.
I get that but in terms of the alt right and stuff the best way to change someones mind on living in a multicultural area wouldn't to try to get them to live in south side Chicago but to use a VR game to show them why they wouldn't want to live around a large amount of nonwhites.
>The thing is that THC sticks into fat, and neurons are surrounded by fat, and so THC can act to block transmission the same way beta amyloids do in alzheimer in large ammounts, and if you smoke frequently, you will accumulate them enough to start showing similar effects. Luckly, they go away naturally if you stop smoking.

Ok this is interesting... Would a person of low body fat % (less than 12) experience this effect to a greater degree, as they have less body fat to absorb some of the THC?
Well, I see the merit in that, but as I said before, nothing is as redpilling as hearing a story that gets the point across.

Unlikely, brain fat does not work the same way as body fat reserves. But it might be easier for a skinny guy to get rid of his body THC than it is for a fatguy
I once took a blood drug test 16 hours after smoking and both samples came back clear... I feel this is some kind of record, or did i just get lucky?
If I gave you a disembodied brain, what could you tell me about? Could you tell me its gender, age and race? How about its intelligence?
Do transgender individuals have neurologically intersexual brains? Are studies indicating they have structural similarities to women's brains correct?
Is it okay to take Adderall at regular amounts and what kind of effects will it have on me.
I disagree if you watch the local news every single thing about a crime is about some non whites doing some horrible thing all day every single day there is a new one and it doesn't seem to be red pilling anyone on it's own.
Though an exception to this would be trials where a black person is killed then there is a riot and things like that those seem to red pill people.
thx bro
Prolly got lucky hehe

Well, if I have the brain and endless money, I might be able to tell you a lot about it, and if the DNA is good I could even tell you its haplo groups, but wont be able to tell you its gender, ethnicity or IQ

Nan thats BS, if that was the case all objective smart woman would be lesbians. The thing with transgenderism and brain is that it enables the individual to embrace his mood disorders and mental retardation with a cultural dressing that makes him a priviledged class in the olimpics of suffering. This is extremelly appealing for obvious reasons.

Its ok as long as you have a disorder it treats, but id recommend venvanse.

Yeah but look at the facial expressions of the reporters, the tone in which the news are commented, its almost as if hidden behind every black crime there is a subtle implict white man's guilt. They are being desensitized to the truth in a way.

Yw, now ill smoke a joint and relax
Yeah they are being desensitized but not red pilled
Fuck off you dumb science bitch.
Well, when a story is told you not only convey its hard data by the one telling it also conveys his emotional reaction to the story, and we are failing to train the young ones into seeing the forest from the trees.

But you could say its not just redpilling that works by the way of chronological storytelling. Any color of pill will work.
>Yw, now ill smoke a joint and relax

so you, as a neurosciencebro, partake occasionally?
Care to elaborate on lsd and 5ht2a partial agonist a as a whole. What is the best theory for mechanism of action right now it doesn't make much sense that a ssris which have low affinity for other affecting transport of dopamine and norepinephrine can kill a trip while rolling on mdma doesn't I was trying to find but have not read someone who abuses mdma having a problem with lsd tripping how could this make sense it has to cause some kind of down regulations at these receptors of serotonin even though lsd supposedly affects more than just serotonin receptors. Also there has to be some downside every reaction has an opposite reaction what are the negatives something has to be changing in the brain I don't see how you could go through something that does this and not have an actual physical change in brain structure although I read all psychoactive substances cause changes.

Also is it safe to vape weed before 25. Currently 19 and don't want to mess with brain development
Yes, that is correct. In fact I smoked weed almost everyday several times a day for around 10 years. Only now im cutting it off because I feel like its preventing me from understanding random field equations and other stuff that I have to learn, but I always have used it as a way to reduce anxiety and stress.
So it can't be that bad, right?
Have a comfy day, you deserve it
>I dont about the stress diagnosis tho.
I don't doubt there are a bunch of shitty psychologists around the rural area I live. They overwhelmingly diagnose stress when they have no clue what the cause of your issues might be and just give you some antidepressants or things that make you feel "blunt".
I had a severe & mysterious motor nerve issue and have a long rage story about the incompetence of psychologists, but bottom line, the neuro guy seemed the most sensible, but at the end a random sport doc I went on my own volition was the one who made me feel better by giving neurovitamins. I still have no clue what the issue was but if it were to psychos I would be a cripple or outright dead by now.

>Well, I hate the fact that psychology is weak on the biology and statistics side of things, and thats the first thing I would go about fixing.
Sooo much this. Sociology had been kind of a similar joke for long, but its inherent base and reliance on statistics helped it immensely to be taken seriously and to prove itself useful. It still has its plagues, but is in a better shape than it was decades ago.
On the other hand psychology is based on anecdotal and individual cases a lot. Can't really get anywhere with that.

>Secondly, id purge all subjectivity from the field, and finally I would mandate that any new theory be grounded in info obtained from hard data, not some german neckbeard's mind.
To be honest, the whole humanities suffer from this. Since there is no exact solution to an issue due to the possibly innumerable variables involved, all you get are a dozen different viewpoints and schools of thoughts that all have some right ideas, but ultimately led to nowhere. Getting useful empirical data is near impossible in soft sciences, but creating new theories based on half-assed data is encouraged.
I applaud your efforts to the fullest, however psychology will have no right to exist on its own as a humanities subject when you bring medical science into it.
Most people are retards? Do you mean that in a colloquial sense like people are just stupid assholes, or do you mean that we are mostly retarded in our growth at some point!
Serotonin binds to receptors in dopaminergic neurons and inhibits their action. The dopaminergic neurons are responsible for the craving, the motivation, the salience, valuation, importance, excitation component of the psychodelic experience. While serotonin is responsible mainly for satiation and, well, reduction of all the above.

So if you affect the serotonin receptors you release them, and they start cutting all dopamine transmission. Interestingly, serotonin also regulates insulin transmission by beta cells, thro some intermediaries and also directly.

So increasing the ammount of serotonin with SRI's, SSRI's and etc. directly kills several dopaminergic transmissions.

When people snort cocaine for instance, they have huge ammounts of both of these, and opoids, in many regions, like a storm.

These 3 substances in huge ammounts and the trace memory it builds is mostly what constitutes the high.

The transmission blockade caused by acids and whatnots causes other paths to be pursuited by the brain causing the 'different thoughts you would never have sober' part of the high
You're in it right now
Take a closer look at those cells, and tell me, what do you see?
So nothing on modafinil anon? Oh well thanks for replying.
Well, I started at med school but dropped out and went to psychology precisely because of problems paying attention. Id say you should make a plan, study a few hours per day almost everyday, and you will get where you want.

Study what exactly? that is the question. I want to understand all the hormones and testosterone and serotonin and stuff
>however psychology will have no right to exist on its own as a humanities subject when you bring medical science into it.
Just to finish it off, it's because they attract a whole different audience. Determined people and those who want to save others go to meds and hard science, SJWs and people who want to help others and feel better about themselves but are too stupid for math go to humanities. Psychology will keep trying to justify and "redefine" itself like gender "sciences" to keep itself alive and relevant, while in reality it will just add another festering wound to the academia and another nail to the corpse of humanities.
Forgot to greentext:
>Well, I started at med school but dropped out and went to psychology precisely because of problems paying attention. Id say you should make a plan, study a few hours per day almost everyday, and you will get where you want.

Study what exactly? that is the question. I want to understand all the hormones and testosterone and serotonin and stuff
>Also is it safe to vape weed before 25. Currently 19 and don't want to mess with brain development

Honestly ? Its never safe to do anything. The risks are always there, but for me te best age to start would be 28. Because then you know your cortex is fully formed even if you have autism or ADHD

Yes and no. I definitely feel dumber, slower, less motivated than without it. I feel like i has greatly helped me manage anxiety, and it was essential in helping me learn how to enjoy being alone. But sometimes one can get to comfy, you feel me? Some of the shit im studying is too damn hard and im starting to be increasingly aware of the gap between sobriety and weed. In fact I honestly feel I could have been NASA material had I not spent so many years as a neet pothead. But yeah, its not that bad, if you are midly smart and are in an area that is well suited to you, you could get away with being a stoner.

The second option. Mostly because we are surrounded by so much stuff that causes brain damage
You nu-pol redditors sure love these larping AMA threads.
Sorry totally missed it
I have no opinion or data on it, sry anon, should have answered sooner
how is this politics related?
There is a future for psychology as an extension of biology
When and how this happens remains to be seen
But its basically the science of identifying and adressing individual differences in learning, mood etc. for teaching/training purposes and also doing data triage to identify patterns that allow for better disease detection and workforce allocation

Then be a psychiatrist, neurologist or maybe a molecular biologist specialized in neural stuff

They are putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs gay
>In fact, I believe we should adopt a pro human purity stance, and reject the encroachment of AI into our lives. Its as if we are telling the universe that moving stuff from point A to point B is so important that we cant leave it in the hands of a human.
you are absolutely retarded, please keep to your own field and try not to go full retard on things that you do not understand.
One day I shall return, cya bros
>Im actually a psychologist who specialized in genetics, evolution and herdability of mood disorders, but ok

So not only did you lie about being a neuroscientist, but you claim to be specialized in a field of pseudo-science, while claiming to have further specialized in areas that, only half of them could even be argued to be related to your field, mood disorders and herdability, and the other two would only be related via things like epigenetics
christ m8, you haven't even given one bit of actual proof on anything you say. Tell me, why should any of us believe you or consider you anything other then a shitty larp?
>what are animal models of anxiety disorder
>what is someone changing fields because old one was going nowhere
Prove you're a scientist:
You are approached by a frenzied scientist, who yells, "I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber!" What's your response?
"Cool, Im also a fallout fan, but since im not a woman, no thanks"
fuck off retard
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