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Press F to pay respects

the CIA niggers finally got to him
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>God says...
carcasses remarkable grower's steering's Jermaine's heirlooms collateral
dissension's fussbudget deregulate thriftiness Mohorovicic Pruitt's Slav
pederast Brenda widgeon's offset's unreservedly jingles bedspreads form
notary separation's ukulele's fantasy's suggesting McLuhan's starlet
ice's enquiry's Nassau's

What the fuck

Did he get MK ULTRA'd?
does God not talk to you? what a freak

>Fuck you, Elon Musk yew atheist faggot.
>My Dad had 8 kids.

>I ain't got any, but fuck you anyway.

God has obliterated my sides
That's the text his "Oracle" generates. It's always been like that. Pretty cool stuff desu.
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Obviously it is funny with God watching.
Who know what she does in real life.
Terry just masterbaits.
Pretty-much fantsastic fake wife.

Have fun with yer nigger, Dianna.
I party with God.
You would have to pay big dollars for some terry tadpoles.
Is this what happens to us all when we swallow the final red pill? We will be like Terry? I'm scared.
this is just what happens when someone from g gets linked to pol.
hes mental illness + red pills
but some of us might be crazy nazi/communists when we are old with dementia
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so what the hell is this? give me a rundown
The Bogdanofs bow to Terry Davis
schizo /g/ lurker who wrote his own operating system to talk to god, streams and makes vlogs to document his life.
Fucking CIA niggers
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Well that's that, Terry is now CIA Nigger.
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>tfw the glow was too strong
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How will we ever recover from this BTFO...

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Top kek
jesus fucking christ. this is what we all sound and look like to regular basic bitches isnt it
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Holy fuck dude
I love you Terry
inb4 Terry is sent to the rubber room
Dude wtf I come here to have a laf not feel
you flew too close to the sun, icarus.
God damn it.. He stopped taking his medication 3 months back,.. I guess it finally got to him.
He made this video yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7xPTZ-dGPE
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Isn't that the guy who keeps ranting about nigger dicks?
The xenoestrogens have clouded his thoughts
What happens to TempleOS when Terry dies?
Jesus takes the wheel
Shrine exists.
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watching this made me feel awful inside
You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.
Poor father
He made a video about sucking off niggers. That can't be worse than imagining some white girl getting plowed by a black guy. Well, at least it's on pair I guess
Large/black dicks have a primal quality that appeals to our base urges. I wish it wasnt that way, and lots of people here are in denial about it/ would never admit it.

White men are the proverbial subs to black men, as asian men are the subs to white men. Thus white men may fantasize or have desire to submit, or to witness the submission of white women to black men. It almost intensifies the magnitude of sexuality.

terry is just being honest.
is this a meme
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Oi ya wanker. Have ye heard from us cunts down in stralia that one guys jib about God at a party... You been out late with satan ye have. What do ya think your playin at mate?
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What the fuck is going to happen to this guy when his parents die? There's no way he can live on his own, and I doubt even a live-in caretaker could deal with his shit.
no it's just reality.

i, however, am vowing never to look at BBC porn again or to think that way sexually. I find it abhorrent. Masturbation is often abhorrent in itself.

I'm gonna try to control my base urges and sexual hedonism. I feel like God would prefer things that way. Or at least I would prefer things that way. Gonna try to only masturbate every so often and only do it to my imagination/ maybe pictures of white women.
I know. the fucking jews fucked up my head with this BBC shit.
You sound like Terry desu. Is he from straya?
Dianna is old news. He has a new waifu now.
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i mean, blacks have big dicks but we are still clearly superior overall. trouble is, sex is so darn physical and base in nature that these thoughts can arise nontheless
i thought he died at first

this is worse
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Terry is one of us.

>my dick wants to get hard
>but my dick don't get hard normally
Pretty sure the color turns a lot of people off though. Humans have an innate tribalistic attraction to people who look similar. There is only so much race mixing right now because it is has been given value as ((( progressive ))).
The only problem I can see is you're a beta manlet/dicklet
colour may turn people off and I kinda hope it does, but the whole "black dick looks like a log of shit" thing seems manufactured and born from denial to me.

anyway, we're not bound to our primal urges. or at least we can dampen the extent of our sexual hedonism. Intentionally masturbate only to white people or something. I personally am uncomfortable with this BBC shit in my head.
I'm neither of those things. are you afraid of the truth?
Just kill yourself and stop projecting your perversions on to the rest of humanity.
>fucking the nigger
It's okay guys, he didn't say "fucked by", he said "fucking". Terry fantasized about fucking a nigger bull into submission, not about getting cucked.
and yeah there is so much race mixing because of culture, but the black sexual dominance thing is not an unfounded perception.
im just speaking for myself and I think a lot of other people. if you don't fit the bill then personally im happy for you.
Reading comprehension problems? He said "her fucking the nigger". He is a cuck.
W-what happened? They didn't get Terry, did they?
>im just speaking for myself
Stop watching porn then. You are probably like the tranny fappers who ended up down the rabbit hole because normal porn stopped getting them off.
Oh no. Is there a video of him talking about this? This is either a shop or he must have been hacked. Terry nooooo
yeah im going to try to stop.

"nigger dicks are fucking up the fabric of socitity" ~terry

actually this is a bit scary. he might kill someone again
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>this is what /pol/acks look like irl
This video disturbed me, but I think Terry may just be in a bad mood. He's been getting very angry recently, maybe it's time to get him some help.
God says...
alternator's geeks olives manicurist's oratorical alphabet's envoy's
urchins quarterback Episcopalian's crutch's heels borderland's cauliflower
pheromones gigolo scimitar Almach architecturally Thracian joyride's
laurels beguiles tombstones nitpicks dingy precipices satires wimpiest
keyhole thermometers phisher
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"Base Urges"
CIA niggers aren't people
Laughed uncontrollably while taking a shit before work. Thanks anon.
What is so disturbing? This is my inner dialog on a good day.
Weak bait anon. Apply yourself.
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That man should have had more self control and fucked a woman.
So you shift between being a cuck who loves bbc to someone who thinks niggers must be physically removed? Strange.
Terryis a complete lunatic.
Theres no help for him
his parents look basically dead already. i wonder whose caretaker will die first, cwc or terry? both are fucked when it happens.
is he kill?
He's officially a cuckold
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So he was banned?
>Dianna I said was my wife.
>After 6 months I got branve and sent porn of me masturbating.

He has been getting really unhinged of late, more than before. I think it's just a matter of time at this rate before they section him again.
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stop, turn back now and forget that you ever knew about Terry.
if you overexpose yourself to his writing and videos, it will activate pathways in your mind that you didn't even know existed.
you think you are just laughing at him right now, but his way of thinking is subconsciously rubbing off on you, and you won't realize you're losing your mind too until it's too late.
this is how cults begin. you have already elevated him to a cult leader status without realizing it.
turn away now and never look back, it's the only way to protect yourself.
save yourself while you still can.
>to be honest, it's probably too late for most of you.
I can't stop watching his videos. Everything about him is really interesting and I can't help but be curious of the CIA niggers.
i'll never figure out how Marshall was able to get all those people to follow him. seems hard not to see he's a nut
Now that takes me back. Used to dabble with a bit of baremetal development 10 or so years ago.
Just like Alexander Jahans, huh?
Oh - what was that, you don't know who he is?
Because some people are weak minded or going through rough patches and can be easily convinced to believe in something insane if the person brainwashing them is persuasive enough like how people believe the Trump Russia collusion shit without questioning anything

If your not programming in HolyC your a retard monkey nigger.
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RIP in pieces sweet prince ;_;7

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>a forced meme fat fuck who pretended to be crazy and false flagged as his own enemy to manufacture fake controversy about himself, and shitted up this board through all of 2016 by spamming his own videos in an attempt to earn YouTube ad revenue, and was probably colluding with a mod to split the ad revenue because I would get banned any time I reported his threads
>somehow that guy is similar to Terry Davis
try again
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Fucking hell. I was late to this and just found King Terry the other day.

And he's already sold out!

>my mom is talking
this is what they say about /pol/ too. I think you are right.
Doesn't surprise me that someone who looks like that would fantasize about niggers when jacking off, just look at his cucked body.
Someone needs to fund a reality TV show where CWC and Terry live as roommates in a Beverly Hills mansion.
Dude, he's a schizo. He fell into madness and spent like 10 years creating an operating system dedicated to god.
(it's a really good OS)
New video: Terrys wanks his wanker to Dianna

Did he ever explain why God told him to keep the FPS to half the refresh rate? That makes animations all jumpy instead of glass smooth.

Is it a covenant like circumcision?
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Not that I'm aware of. I've no idea what it's like inside the mind of a schizophrenic. Probably had some random thoughts that manifested into a voice inside his head telling him to do it.
It's a real shame too, his entire situation. He's such a talented programmer.
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/pol/ and /b/ faggots send him emails pretending to be diana the physics girl saying she loves big black dicks and he started drinking

congratulations you faggots
fuck man this crazy motherfucker wrote a x86 compiler

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>When you take too many redpills and mum cuts off your supply
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>you fucking tilted the pinball machine

Jesus this guy is /pol/ personified.
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>moving this to /bant/
dear lord what have you done mods
terry wanks his wanker to diana
MODS = CIA niggers
glad I'm not a CIA nigger nor a white male O_O...
Tanks for moving this pile of trash to /bant/ again you fucking nigger mods
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